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Healing Cancer Naturally With Food, Nutrition And Diet

Article · August 2014


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7 authors, including:

Faiza Naseer Saba Irshad

shifa tameer e millat university Government College University Faisalabad


Iram Irshad
The University of Sydney


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International Journal of Pharmacy and Integrated Life Sciences
“Where improvisation meets innovation”
REVIEW ARTICLE ISSN: 2320 - 0782 V2-(I3) PG(1-13)

Healing Cancer Naturally With Food, Nutrition And Diet



1- College of Pharmacy, GC University Faisalabad, Pakistan

Cancer is one of the most overwhelming diseases those cause death in a large number of
population. So, there is an intense need to find out such biological weapons those have
potential to eradicate this horrible catastrophe. Medicines from botanical origin are enriched
with diversity of active principles which are used for the treatment of various diseases
including cancer. Natural food, nutrition and diet for cancer treatment is now capturing full
attention due to their most promising results with least adverse effects to healthy tissues and
also powerful effects on immune system and purification of the body. Food should be
organic, unprocessed, high fiber, low animal protein, rich in enzyme, acid/alkaline ratio 1:4
and low fatty. In this review we have complied the documented proves and importance of
nutrition and diet in cancer treatment as compare to synthetic medicine.

KEYWORDS : phytonutrients, natural remedies, cancer, raw food.

Article received on : 07/01/2014 Article accepted on : 29/08/2014

Corresponding Author: Faiza Naseer

Address : College of Pharmacy, GC University Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Email :

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

INTRODUCTION So efforts are being made in explore and
expansion on anticancer resources now-a-
Cancer is a destructive disease affecting
days. The aim of anti-cancer drugs is to
millions of people per year and ultimately
execute cancerous cells with as little harm
leads to mortality. Till the 19th century it
as possible to normal cells Among all
was considered as an untreatable
prescribed medicine 25% are derived from
syndrome. For treatment till 1950, surgery [4]
botanical origin and it is strongly
was used and in 1960 radiotherapy was
evident that various herbs are edible as
started for the control of local ailments. It
fruit, vegetables and spices, having strong
was reported that after 1960, neither [5]
tumor destructive properties and
surgery nor radiation or combination of
noticeable interest in emerging
both could effectively power over the
precautionary measures those persuade the
metastatic cancer. Evidences indicate [6]
cancer threat in humans. It is recently
that between 2000 and 2020, there is 73%
documented via studies that after surgery,
and 29 % increase in cancer patients in
radiation and chemotherapy alone and in
developing and developed countries
combination with each other, cancerous
respectively [2] and mortality rate of cancer [7]
cell have 0.1% chance to re-survive
from all over the world is continue to rise
because cure is only depend upon immune
above 11 million in 2030 according to
system of a body and all anti-cancer
World health statistics in 2011. When
therapies have great potential to badly
healthy cell convert into cancerous cells
destroy the immune system so there is a
upon DNA damage or oxidative stress,
large probability of reoccurrence.
they do not coordinate with each other but
generate large progeny of cells by
presence of oncogenes. These cancerous
Many natural products obtained from the
cells have various properties like ability to
botanical origin mainly composed of
dodge the immunity, angiogenesis,
phenolic constituents e.g. phytoestrogens.
metastasis and dedifferentiation, ultimately
The constituents having anti-cancer
leads to tumor. The low oxygen level and
potential include alkaloids, polyphenols,
low pH value due to assorted flow of
flavonoids, isoflavones, phenylpropanoids,
blood in tumor cause drug resistance in the [8]
carotenoid, terpenoids and lignin and
body and decrease uptake of drugs
these are present in high concentration in
seeds, vegetables, fruits, grains, beans and
legumes etc. These dietary compounds are

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

Faiza et. Al. , Volume 2 – Issue 3

termed as phytochemicals. Along with it, and breast. [9] Carrot juice contains vitamin
these are chemo preventive agents as well. A and its deficiency increases the risk of
It has been observed that 30 - 40 % of the cancer. [11]
cancer can be avoided by only changing
Apple Juice: Apple contains polyphenols
the life style and way of taking diet. [9]
and various phytochemicals such as
Food should be used: The Gerson therapy quercetin glycosides including
is a best treatment that enhances the dihydrochalcones and flavonols, catechins,
process of metabolism and immunity of oligomeric procyanidins, triterpenoids and
the body to heal the cancer. This therapy anthocyanins in its major components. Its
advices diet which is rich in vitamins, Juice also contains vitamin A and C that
micronutrients, enzymes, minerals and decrease the risk of cancer. [12]
fluids but consist of trace amount of fats.
Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits like grape
fruits, lemon, oranges etc contain high
Components of Cancer Preventive Diet: levels of two flavanoids including
Cancer experts recommended 50% nobiletin and ascorbic acid which have
chemical elements in tumor avoiding diet ability to inhibit the development and
consist of folic acid, Vitamin D, spread of cancer. These fruits have mono
chlorophyll, Vitamin B–12, selenium 20, terpenes and limonene in their components
and antioxidants like carotenoids as well which stimulate cancer killing
(lycopene, α-carotene, crytoxanthin, β- cells, break down the cancer causing
carotene, lutein), Ascorbic acid. However, substance and reduce the risk of lung and
Ascorbic acid shows partial benefits when colorectal cancer. [13]
administered orally, but it could be very
Consumption of Nuts: Nuts provide
beneficial when administered through
vegetable proteins and fibers, unsaturated
intravenous injection. Intake of digestive
fatty acids, folic acid, vitamin E,
enzymes through oral cavity has also
phytosterols, selenium and phenols
shown an important role to prevent cancer.
including antioxidant quercetin and
[5, 6]
campherol as their major components.
Carrot juice: Carrots contain a lot of beta These have a role in regulation of immune
carotene which helps to reduce a wide system, cell differentiation and
range of cancer including lung, mouth, proliferation, reduction of tumor
throat, stomach, intestine, bladder, prostate promotion, repairing in hereditary

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

Faiza et. Al. , Volume 2 – Issue 3

material, adjusting the metabolic enzymes bioactive phytochemical compounds, such

and hormones and thus suppress the as, isothiocyanates which cause the body
growth of various cancers. [14] to break down the impending carcinogenic
Tomatoes: Tomatoes mainly consist of a cells as well as prevent the conversion of
bioactive carotenoid called as lycopene. normal cells into tumor cells, Indole-3-
This antioxidant lycopene decreases the carbinol which decreases the risk of breast
30–40% chances of pancreas, colon, cancer by either preventing an over
rectum, esophagus, oral cavity, breast, and production of estrogen or by promoting the
cervical cancer. [15] conversion of estrogen i.e responsible for
Garlic: Garlic acts as anticarcinogenic and cancer to a less harmful type and
antitumorigenic agent. Several studies sulforaphane which inhibit the cell
have shown that when the consumption of apoptosis. Cruciferous vegetables also
fresh garlic extracts, aged garlic, or garlic have a special ability of neutralization of
oil decrease the risk of several types of cancer causing agents before they can start
cancer like colon, breast, esophagus, tumor production. Thus have inhibitory
stomach and pancrease by altering cell activity in pancreatic cancer cells. [19]
cycle regulation, apoptosis and
Broccoli: Broccoli is considered to have a
angiogenesis. Cooked or raw garlic
great cancer resisting potential than any
large quantity consumption may also
other cruciferous vegetables, because of
decrease the chances of colorectal cancer.
presence of a specific anticancer
Garlic contains arginine, oligosaccharides,
compound called as sulforaphane,
flavonoides and selenium; these
carotenoids like beta-carotene,
components help to fight cancer.
anthocyanins, polyphenols, such as
Flavonoids components of garlic exhibit
hydroxycinnamic acids, kaempferol and
strong activities of killing cancerous cells
quercetin. It is also a rich source of folate,
due to the presence of hydrogen donating
viramin B, potassium and magnesium.
free radical. It also has Allyl Sulphar
Broccoli acts as anticancer agent by
and diallyl sulfides in its components
switching ON the tumor suppressant gene
which stop the nitrosamine formation,
and switching OFF the oncogenes. [20]
reduce the carcinogen bioactivation and
Green Tea: Green tea Camellia sinensis,
prevent the cancer. [18]
consists of some active components known
Cruciferous vegetable: Cruciferous
as, monomeric polyphenol such as,
vegetables have excellent cancer fighting
catechins. These are strong antioxidant,
ability, is mainly due to presence of

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

Faiza et. Al. , Volume 2 – Issue 3

having ability to eliminate the over growth

of cancerous cells. By drinking 3–5
Medication: Medications which are
cups/day of green tea provide 250mg
administered in Gerson therapy are all
catechins. This concentration of catechins
biological compounds, obtained from
is considered to be safe. Risks of prostate
organic compounds. Examples of these
cancer become decreased by the use of
include compounds of potassium, Vitamin
antioxidant polyphenolic compounds. [22]
B-12, Lugol’s (iodine) solution and
Black Tea: Black tea also obtained from
thyroid hormone. Pancreatic enzymes,
Camellia sinensis, consists of some active
coffee enemas and Vitamin B-6 intake are
components known as, dimeric flavones
inversely associated with risk of prostate
and polymeric polyphenols known as
cancer. [10]
theaflavins and thearubigins. These
components not only reduce the ultraviolet
radiation alone and combined with
Raw Food: An uncooked and
psoralen mediated DNA damage but also
unprocessed food such as fresh fruit,
the genes expression and skin
vegetable, nuts, dried fruit etc are known
inflammation at its starting phase. [23]
as Raw Food. It provides important
Meal: Gerson Therapy advices a meal
enzymes which help to digest the food
which is rich in salad, cooked vegetables,
more properly than a cooked food.
and potatoes which are highly baked soup
Cooking affects vegetables and fruits and
and juices of vegetables. Increased intake
cause difficulty or delay in digestion of
of fruits reduce gastric cancer incidence.
food. It enhances the cancer risk because it
Hence to heal cancer there must be
alters the nutrients, destroy the digestive
availability of fresh fruits and fresh fruit
enzymes and cause changes in molecular
desserts for snacking in addition to regular
structure. Risk of epithelial cancers,
diet. Actually most of fruits and vegetables
especially upper GIT and breast cancer
contain important anti-carcinogens. Most
becomes more due to processed food. [26]
of chemists have extracted more than 100
such chemical species from plants. [25]

Fruits, vegetables and herbs for the treatment of Cancer [11]

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

Faiza et. Al. , Volume 2 – Issue 3


NAME and

Achras sapota Chiku (Sapodilla) Fruits Fresh fruits are given to the
Juice patient daily for a month or used
as a juice.

Agaricus campestris Kumbi (Mushroom) Whole part Whole fresh part is used as a
(Agaricaceae) food twice/day for a week.

Allium cepa Piaz (Onion) Root Prepare onion content and

(Liliaceae) taken along with food.

Allium sativum Thoom (Garlic) Whole One tea spoon paste of whole
(Liliaceae) plant plant takes along with food
twice a day for a month.

Brassica cabitata Bandgobi Flower Fresh flowers are given to the

(Cruciferae) (Cabbage) patient for two to three weeks.

Brassica oleracea Kale (Borecole) Flower Fresh flowers are given to the
(Cruciferae) patient twice a day for long
period of time

Carica papaya Papita (Pappya) Fruits Fresh fruits are given to the
(Caricaceae) patient twice/day for a long
period or used as a juice.

Camellia sinensis Tea Leaves Leaves are boiled with water+

(Theaccae) sugar, used two cups twice a
day for three months as a tea.

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

Faiza et. Al. , Volume 2 – Issue 3

Caralluma Marmoot Whole Whole plant is dried and

tuberculate plant powder is applied on wounds.

Citrullus vulgaris Hadwana (Water Fruits Fresh fruits are given to the
(Cucurbitaceae) melon) patient daily at night for long
period or used as a juice.

Cucurbita maxima Walaiti (kadoo) Fruits Fresh fruit is cooked as

(Cucurbitaceae) vegetable and used weekly.

Cucurbita pepo Giakadoo Fruits Fresh fruit is given to the

(Cucurbitaceae) patient weekly for long period.

Daucus carota Gajar (Carrot) Root , Fruits One cup of the juice is given
(Umbelleferas) to the patient daily for a
month or roots are taken daily.
Eugenia jambolana Jaman (Balac palm) Fruits Fresh fruits are given to the
(Myrtaceae) patient thrice a day for long
period of time.
Fiscus carica Anjeer (Fig) Fruits Fresh fruits are eaten daily in
(Moraceae) large quantity

Fragaria vesca Strawberry Fruits Fresh or dried plant boils in

(Rosaceae) water. Two cups of this
decoction taken orally at night
for one week.

Luffa acutangula Kali tori (Loofah) Fruits Made the soap of fruit and
(Cucurbitaceae) used twice a day for a month.

Lycopersicum Tamatar (Tomato) Fruits Fresh fruits are cooked as

esculentum vegetable and given twice a

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

Faiza et. Al. , Volume 2 – Issue 3

(Solanaceae) day for long period.

Mangifera indica Aam (Mango) Fruits Take juice or fruit daily for
(Anacardiaceae) long period which inhibits the
growth of cycle of cancer

Musa papadisiaca Kela (Banana) Fruits Fresh fruit or juice is given to

(Musaceae) the patient daily for a month.

Phoenix dactylifera Khajoor Fruit Fruit+ Milk mixed together

(Palmaceae) (Date/palm) and take early in the morning
daily before breakfast for two
months or more.

Prunusdo mestica Khurmani Fruit Fresh fruits are given to the

(Rosaceae) (Apricot) patient weekly or used the
extract of fruit daily.

Prunus persica Aru (Peach) Fruit One cup of the extract is given
(Rosaceae) to the patient twice a day for
two weeks.
Rhazya stricta Aizwarg Leaves Leaves are soaked in water
(Apocynaceae) and with the decoction washed
the cancer wounds.

Spinacea oleracea Palak (Spinach) Leaves Fresh leaves with garlic are
(Chenopodiaeae) taken weekly for long period
and used for lung and breast

Food that should be avoided:

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

Faiza et. Al. , Volume 2 – Issue 3

Oils and Saturated Fats: When saturated

and trans fat increase in diet, mostly fount
Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates have
in animal products, it enhance the risk for
direct and indirect effects on cancerous
a variety of cancers like colon, rectum, and
cell proliferation because these cells need
prostate because it cause production of
more energy from glucose inside the cell
some secondary compounds those act as
mitochondria for their rapid production
cancer causing agents in the body. So
and multiplication. Cell becomes unable to
cancer patient should consume essential
meet the energy demand due to less
omega-3 fatty acids abundantly found in
metabolism of sufficient amount of fatty
sea and herbal foods other than saturated
acids or ketone bodies these are mutagenic
fatty acids. [27]
as well. Another fact is that foods
containing starch and oligosaccharides
have high insulin and insulin-like growth
Highly Processed food and risk of
factors enhance the chances of rectal as
well as colon cancer by cancer cell
The substances produced due to proliferation via insulin/IGF1 signaling
overcooked foods are polycyclic aromatic pathway. [30]
hydrocarbon, Heterocyclic amines,
Dicarbonyls and Aminocarbonyl
responsible for cancer of colon, breast, Salted, pickled or smoked foods: It has
liver, skin, lung, prostate, and other organs been revealed that the chances of cancer
including GIT and blood leukemia as well. are greatly increased by the repeated
These are mutagens and cause alteration in intake of salted, smoked or pickled food.
genetic material of an individual. [28] These types of food mainly consist of
Meat: Increased intake of highly polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and
processed and red meat may increase the Nitrosamines. These mutagenic
risk of colorectal, esophagus, liver, lung compounds have a strong ability to create
and pancreas cancer. Also it has been the risk of breast, whole respiratory and
suggested that too much intake of seafood, gastrointestinal tract especially esophageal
white meat and dairy products should be cancer. During pregnancy risk of breast or
avoided. Dietary guidelines for cancer other cancer becomes lessen by limiting
patient recommend lean, low-fat or fat-free the consumption of salt or pickled food. [31]
meats. [29]

Vol: 2(3) February 2014

Faiza et. Al. , Volume 2 – Issue 3

Smoking and cancer: Tobacco smoke Alcohol has also been linked with chances
mainly consist of cancer causing agents of colon and rectal cancers. [35]
such as, Carbon monoxide, Ammonia, Tar,
Sulfuric acid, Arsenic, Acetone, Lead and
Nicotine etc. More than 4,000 chemical CONCLUSION
compounds are known to present in
It’s much better to take dietary measures to
tobacco smoke, out of which 43 chemical
prevent from the curse of cancer. Healing
compounds have been extracted are
cancer naturally with food, nutrition and
responsible for development of cancer.
diet is much more beneficial than using
Smoking has a strong role in development
synthetic medication treatment which have
of cancer of mouth, esophagus, larynx,
more adverse and side effects other than
lung, uterus, kidney, cervix, pancreas,
their expected pharmacological effects on
bladder and stomach. Among the smokers
healthy tissues along with cancerous ones.
the increased consumption of alcohol
We should avoid all those things which are
causes an increased risk of all types of
proved to be cancer causing and should
cancer. [32]
take a balanced diet, for a healthy and
peaceful life.

Intake of coffee: Drinking 2 cups of

coffee in a day has the ability to enhance
the chances of lung cancer up to 14%. REFERENCES
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Vol: 2(3) February 2014


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