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COM Issue 68

17 Shabaan Syedna Burhanuddin Waaz Excerpt Featured updates:

‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬ This belief is anchored in the Quran-e-

Majeed. Addressing Rasulullah SA,
the ayat quoted above states, “you are
ٍ‫ل قَو ْ ٍم هَاد‬
ِ ُ ‫ِإن َمَا أَ نتَ م ُنذِر ٌ ۖ وَلِك‬ truly one who forewarns, and for every
people there is a guide” (Surat al-Ra’d:
(Surat al-Ra’d: 7)
In Da’aimul-Islam (Part-1), Syedna
Qadi al-Nu’maan narrates a statement
You are truly one who forewarns, and
by the 5th Imam, Imam Mohammedul
for every people there is a guide Baqir SA, commenting on SIJILL ARTICLE:
the ayat above. The Imam states that, A Guide for Every People & Every Age
SYEDNA TUS MESSAGE OF “the one who forewarns (munzir) is
CONDOLENCE TO THE ALAVI Rasulullah SA, and in every age there is
BOHRA COMMUNITY an Imam who guides people to the
Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS offers message that Rasulullah SA brought
ta’ziyat and condolences to the high forth. The first of these guides is
dignitaries and members of the Alavi Maulana Ali b. Abi Talib SA, then his
Bohra Community on the sad demise successors, one after the other.”
of the Alavi Dai al-Sayyid al-Anbal al- Just as Rasulullah SA was Allah Ta’ala’s
Akram Taiyeb Ziyauddin Saheb. messenger and guided those who were
present in his time, it is Allah Ta’ala’s
SIJILL ARTICLE: A Guide for Every wisdom and justice that in every day
People & Every Age and age, a successor to Rasulullah SA be ANNOUNCEMENT & AMAL
Our belief is that in every day and age a present. Syedna al-Mu’ayyad RA argues
living Imam must be present to guide
that there have been more pious and Shabbaraat – Thum Washeq
mumineen to Siraat-e-Mustaqeem. In more noble people in the years after
the time of seclusion, his Dai must be SA
Rasulullah , so how is it just that
known and present to guide mumineen SA
those in Rasulullah’s time received
to the Imam and the Straight Path.
direct guidance and intercession while

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those who are perhaps more deserving knowledge that it has the potential to 17 SHABAAN 1385H – SYEDNA
in later ages do not. Just as acquire. It would be unwise that a BURHANUDDIN RA BAYAN AUDIO
SA Wise Creator who has created humans
Rasulullah would answer the EXCERPT: The Appointment of
questions posed to him, his successors with such potential would leave them Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS
would be present to answer the unenlightened. It is then necessary, as 50 years ago on the 17th of Shabaan
questions that arise with the changing part of the Creator’s wisdom and 1385H (10 December 1965), Syedna
SA justice, that the human soul that is
times. Just as Rasulullah would Mohammed Burhanuddin RA took the
intercede, bear witness, and pray for most prepared to receive knowledge is first Misaaq as Dai-l-Mutlaq in Saifee
forgiveness for those in his time, his enlightened by the unseen Creator. Masjid, Mumbai. In thebayaan before
successors would do so until the day of That human soul in turn is then in the the Misaaq, Syedna Burhanuddin
the Judgment. place of the Creator who has appointed his brother, Syedna
RA enlightened him with respect to Khuzaima Qutbuddin, as his Mazoon.
Syedna Hamiduddin al-Kirmani , the
teaching and guidance of other Earlier Syedna Burhanuddin appointed
Babul Abwaab of Imam Hakim
SA humans. The enlightening by the Syedna Qutbuddin as his Mansoos in
Biamrillah , composed a kitaab to
Creator is the sending of Messengers, private and gave him the ruby ring that
establish the necessity of the Imamate
the one enlightened is the Prophet, Syedna Taher Saifuddin had given him
in every day and age. The kitaab is
and therefore Prophethood is when he appointed him….
entitled ‘al-Masabeeh fi ithbaat al-
necessary. …Earlier in the day, Syedna gifted
Imamah’. Syedna Hamiduddin RA
begins by setting forth the proofs Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin a ruby
(barahin) for the existence of our ring which he placed on Syedna
The philosophy of having a living guide
Creator and then goes on to Qutbuddin’s finger, saying : “Syedna
amongst us is a cornerstone of our
establishing the necessity of Prophets, Taher Saifuddin used to wear this ring
belief system. If it was sufficient to
before coming to the necessity of an nd RA and he gifted it to me when he
believe in the 52 Dai after his
Imam in every age. Establishing the appointed me, and I used to wear it and
wafaat, then it would logically be
necessity of the Prophets, this is one of now I gift it to you as I appoint you.” As
sufficient to believe in
the arguments that Syedna SA SA Syedna Taher Saifuddin has stated in
Rasulullah and not in Maulana Ali .
RA his risalat recounting the Nass by the
Hamiduddin presents (a paraphrase SA
For if the acceptance of Rasulullah 35th Dai on his successor the 36th Dai,
of the text):
was sufficient without the acceptance the gifting of the Dai’s ring in such a
of Maulana Ali , then the acceptance manner is a clear indication that he is
When Allah Ta’ala created the of Allah Ta’ala would be sufficient assigning the rutba of Dai al-Mutlaq
universe, He created humans without the acceptance of his Prophet (read the compete narration of the
differently, specifically in their Mohammed Rasulullah . The day’s events as published last
acquiring of knowledge. The birds and declaration of Rasulullah’s year,WHAT DID SYEDNA
animals instinctively know the skill Prophethood is inextricably connected BURHANUDDIN WANT? 17 SHABAAN
required for their survival. A duck with the declaration of the Oneness of 1385H – First Misaaq Bayaan by the
knows how to swim, chicks know how Allah Ta’ala. 52nd Dai al-Mutlaq Syedna Mohammed
to pierce the wood or peck with their We offer thanks to Allah Ta’ala that we Burhanuddin RA).
beaks, a certain bird (Khuttaf) knows believe in the Prophethood of the
to collect yarqaan stones (black and munzir Rasulullah SA and every guide
red stones that have a curing effect) if (haad - Imam) in his progeny and every
they see their chicks are yellow and Dai in the Imam’s seclusion. We offer
jaundiced. Unlike these birds and thanks to Allah Ta’ala that we believe
animals, humans must be taught. If a and receive guidance from the
human baby was not taught by his nd rd
successor to the 52 Dai, the 53 Dai
parents and teachers he would not al-Mutlaq, Syedna Khuzaima
know anything and would be no better Qutbuddin
than the animals. His soul would be
idle and useless without the

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Today, 51 years after he was appointed assisted by the inspiration received (laqab) Qutbuddin. [Disturbance and
Mansoos and Mazoon by Syedna from the Imam (mu’ayyad), the Imam’s break in audio recording]
Mohammed Burhnauddin RA, Syedna inspiration and aid (ta’yeed) is [flowing]
Khuzaima Qutbuddin continues to towards me, [the Imam’s] blessings are
So I the servant of the Progeny of
serve the Dawat of Imam-uz-zaman SA, Mohammed, advise my most beloved
as per the advice of his predecessor, in son (al-waladul ahabb) Khuzaima
the most difficult of times. Qutbuddin: [you must] continue to
We are pleased to present (once again) serve the Dawat with sincerity, just as
the audio of Syedna Mohammed Maulana Taher Saifuddin has taught
BurhanuddinRA publicly appointing you, in that manner until the end of
Syedna QutbuddinTUS as his Mazoon, [your] life continue to serve.
and indicating to men of learning that
he was also his Mansoos, on 17th of Similarly, I also advise all the
Shabaan 1385. dignitaries (hudood) and all the
This three minute audio excerpt from community members, that they should
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin's RA continue to serve the Dawat with
bayaan on 17 Shabaan 1385H sincerity.
(December 1965) appears to have been
edited before it has been entered into Now in the rutba of Mukasir, in the
evidence by Shehzada Mufaddal rutba of Mukasir, Maulana Taher
bhaisaheb Saifuddin. The photo Saifuddin appointed my august uncle,
slideshow has been created by the one who has attained virtues, the
So, in the rutba of Mazoon – with the Presented below is one sincere in his belief in his pure
divine inspiration of Allah and the
a translated transcript of the bayaan masters (walayat), the pride of all
divine inspiration of the Imam – [I
excerpt. Mukasirs, Saleh bhaisaheb Safiuddin.
appoint my] radiant and noble brother,
We offer tehniyat in Hazrat Aaliya In that same manner, I the Servant of
and my most beloved son (al-waladul
Imamiyya on the occasion of the the Progeny of Mohammed maintain
ahabb) –[stressed by tone of voice in
52nd anniversary of his appointment by his appointment.
the audio], the one with manifest
Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin and virtue [or excellence], the one with
pray that Allah Ta’ala grant our Similarly, all the dignitaries of Dawat
sound advice [or opinion or judgment],
Aqamaula TUS longest life till qiyamat in Maulana Taher Saifuddin had
and one who is sincere in his obedience
the khidmat of Imam-uz-zamanSA. appointed, I, the Servant of the
for the Dai of his age [these words of
Progeny of Mohammed, by the divine
praise are said in Arabic]. The radiant
inspiration of Allah and the divine
and noble brother, who is my most
“It is also the tradition – how many inspiration of his Imam maintain.”
beloved son (al-waladul ahabb)
rutbas are there in Dawat in the time of [stressed by tone of voice in the audio], ANNOUNCEMENT & AMAL
the seclusion – the [acceptance] of that the one with manifest virtue, the one DETAILS: Shabbaraat – Thum
condition is always taken in the Oath. with sound advice [or judgment or Washeq
opinion], the one who practices Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS will
Three rutbas, the Dai al-Mutlaq and sincerity in the obedience of the Dai of lead Maghrib Isha and Thum Washeq
under his hand the Mazoon and the his age, the one whom ‘he’ loved very Namaaz on 15mi raat of Shabaan
Mukasir – [acceptance of] this much, who? Maulana Taher Saifuddin
condition is taken in every oath. The (Monday evening, 1st June) at Darus
loved this child (farzand) very much, so
Dai al-Mutlaq, he has absolute Sakina. Mumineen are invited for
the name of this child (farzand), the
authority (itlaaq), under his hand are Salawaat Jaman after namaaz.
name that was the most beloved to
the Mazoon and Mukasir. On the eve of the 15th of Shaban –
him that name he [Maulana Taher
(1stJune, Monday), Mumineen should
Saifuddin] gave him, he named him
So the Servant of the Progeny of pray thewasheq namaz as described in
Mohammed [i.e. the 52nd Dai], I am Khuzaima, and gave him the title
the Saheefa after Maghrib Isha

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Namaaz (A PDF of the instructions is washeq without recognizing, believing Surat Qul a’uzu bi rabbin-naas 14
posted on and trusting the Hudood that its times). Finally these Hudood guide us
After washeq namaaz and praying the 14 rak’ats signify is indeed to the singular and unparalleled ilaahi-
doa (PDF with translation pointless. (read the full Sijill Article maqaam of Maulana Ali and it is for this
on Mumineen “SHABBARAAT- THUMM WASHEQ- reason we pray Ayatul-Kursi once. By
should listen to wasila recording of To stand firm as a pillar (thumm) in our praying this namaaz and recognizing
Syedna Qutbuddin 1406H in which he commitment to this Dawat”). the Hudood we are among the people
lead namaaz on this auspicious night in In the month of Shaban, the month of whom Allah Ta’ala has guided from
Masjid-e-Kufa, Najaf-e-Ashraf, Iraq. Rasulullah SA, the eve of the 15th of darkness to light. “Allahu Waliyyul-
Shaban – Shabbarat, is the night in lazeena aamanu yukhrijuhum minaz-
SHABBARAAT- THUMM WASHEQ- which RasulullahSA was divinely zuumaati ilan-nur” (read the full
The meaning and significance instructed to face the Ka’ba, Masjid-e- article about the significance and
(excerpts from Sijill 17) Haraam, while praying namaz. (Earlier meaning of Shabbarat).
the namaz was prayed facing Masjid-e-
Aqsa)…. This night, the mid point of SHABBARAAT- Doa in translation
the month of Rasulullah - signifies the (from Sijill 17)
marker between the two parts of This is a translation of the doa that is
Rasulullah’s Dawat: 1) Tanzeel – the prayed after the 15mi raat washeq
revelation received by Rasulullah and (translation by Dr. Bazat Tahera
presented in the Quran and Shariat and baisaheba):
2) Ta’weel – the meanings embedded
in the revelation, the elucidation of
which was delegated by
Rasulullah SA to Maulana Ali SA….
The 14 rak’ats of this washeq and the
14 times that we repeat the Surahs in
them signify our acknowledgment and
acceptance of the Hudood of the Imam:
‫جدِ الْحَرَا ِم‬
ِ ‫س‬
ْ َ ‫شطْر َ ال ْم‬
َ ‫ك‬
َ َ ‫ل و َجْ ه‬
ِ َ ‫ف َو‬ the Baab, 12 Hujjats – the last of which
is the Dai, and finally the Mazoon. It is Allah, bestower of favors (no one
(Surat al-Baqara: 149) through the guidance and intercession bestows favors on you!), full of majesty
of these hudood that we reach the and splendor, resplendent with kindness
Turn your face in the direction of Masjid- Imam. In this age of seclusion, we and generosity! There is no God but you.
e-Haram O support for seekers of sanctuary! O
recognize these Hudood and receive
It is indeed an effort and a task to pray the illumination of their knowledge and haven for seekers of refuge! O protector
the 15th raat washeq. To stand straight guidance through the Dai. We offer of those who scream for help! O He
and focus on ‘ibaadat for so long. praise and thanks that among the answerer of the prayer of the helpless! O
The washeq is a manifestation of the billions of people in this world, we are helper of the oppressed! O shelter for
effort required to stand firm in fortunate to be with the True Dai of the seekers of asylum! O most merciful of
the walaayat and taa’at of Imam, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin. the merciful!
Awliyaa’ullah and their Hudood. These Hudood guide us to Tahmeed -
Distractions in this world are many; but Praise and gratitude of Allah Ta’ala Allah, if you have written me down in
what is most important is that we face (Surat al-Hamd 14 times), they guide the Mother of the Book that is with you
the Masjid-e-Haraam, the Ka’ba with us to Tawheed- to the Oneness of Allah as a wretch and destitute, erase from me
our bodies and the Imam with our soul Ta’ala (Surat Qul huwa-allahu Ahad 14 the label of destitution and
– and stand firm in our commitment times), and they then teach us wretchedness. And write me down
and belief of the Imam’s Dai. He is our isti’aazat – to seek refuge in Allah from instead as blissful and wealthy. Allah, if
path to the Imam. He is our path to those with jealousy and ill-intent (Surat you have written me down in the Mother
salvation... The praying of the thum Qul-a’uzu birabbil falaq 14 times and of the Book that is with you as deprived,

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one whose sustenance is slashed, erase and his progeny—“Allah erases what he encompasses all things’ (modified from
my deprivation and the slashing of my wills, and writes down what he wills, for Quran, Aʿraf:156).
sustenance. the Mother of the Book is with him”
(Surat al-Raʿd: 39). Encompass me with your mercy, O most
For you have said in your Noble Book, merciful of the merciful!
that you revealed to your Prophet You have also said—and you are the
Muhammad, Allah’s blessings on him most truthful of speakers—‘My mercy

This Newsletter
This newsletter will inshaallah be published every Friday. It will include the latest news and instructions from Syedna Qutbuddin’s office and will be published in
Dawat-ni-zaban and Gujarati. It will also highlight the latest updates on
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Sijill is an Arabic word which literally means official letter. It was a term often used in the Fatimid chancery.The name is inspired by the most auspicious letter

Updates this week Upcoming updates

 SYEDNA MESSAGE OF CONDOLENCE TO THE  Cradle to the Grave – Part 6
ALAVI BOHRA COMMUNITY  Ikhwanus Safa Article Series – 4 Installment
 SIJILL ARTICLE: A Guide for Every People & Every Age  Quran recitation with commentary analysis (regular).
 17 SHABAAN 1385H – SYEDNA  Hikayaat: Morals & Fables from Dawat Kitaabs
BURHANUDDIN RABAYAN AUDIO EXCERPT: The  Article Series: Women in Islam
Appointment of Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS  Fatemi Madrasa Namaz Module – Part 2
 ANNOUNCEMENT & AMAL DETAILS: Shabbaraat –  Fatemi Dawat Architecture – Galleries and
Thum Washeq Presentations
 SHABBARAAT- THUMM WASHEQ- The meaning and  Fatimid Literature Article Series
significance (excerpts from Sijill 17)  Q&A series on pertinent issues: Shari’a compliant
 SHABBARAAT- Doa in translation (from Sijill 17) finance, qasar namaz.

If you have any suggestions for updates and content please email
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