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RM: Ladies and Gentlemen, our thanksgiving program is about to begin.

Please find your

most comfortable seats and be comfortably seated. Thank you.
Claire: We acknowledge the arrival of our guest speaker for today Rev. Levy M.
Baldonado. Thank you for gracing our occasion sir.
RM: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever. This is a
captivating verse from the book of Psalm chapter 107 verse 2. This verse is very true
today for we are celebrating the goodness and love of the Lord through this school, the
Maddela Marvelous Grace Christian School Inc.
Claire: Truly, today marks another year of our endeavor through academic excellence in
Christian Education.
Claire: Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to the MMGCSI’s 19 th Founding
Anniversary with the theme
RM: “PUSH Further: Pursuing Excellence in Christian Education”. I am Teacher Rogie
Mae D. Santos,
Claire: and I am Teacher Claire M. Valdez.
Both: And we are your masters of ceremony for today.
RM: To begin this auspicious occasion, may we all stand up for an opening prayer by
Pastor Jay H. Acosta to be followed by the scripture reading by Teacher Dayanara B.
RM: May we remain standing for the entrance of the colors to be followed by a history
tableau by the selected pupils and student and the singing of the National Anthem to be
led by Teacher Alma L. Umayam.
Claire: You may now have a seat. At this point in time, may we hear an opening and
welcome remarks from our Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Juanita O. Tolentino.
RM: Thank you Ma’am for that warm welcome. At this point in time, may we all stand up
as we will be singing songs of praise and thanksgiving for our Lord Jesus Christ through
Precious N. Toloy, a Grade 11 student.
Claire: Praise the Lord for these talents! At this juncture, may we call on our school
administrator, Bishop Monico A. Simon III for the declaration of the significance.
RM: Thank you Bishop! At this moment, may we all be mesmerize by the cuteness and
talents of the Nursery II and Kindergarten pupils c/o Teacher Vanessa M. Baynosa and by
yours truly.
Claire: Thank you kids for that entertaining intermission number. Without further ado,
may we now have the Senior High School Focal Person, Pastora Genelyn F. Branchcomb,
for the introduction of the guest speaker.


RM: Thank you Reverent for that overwhelming message for each and every one of us.
Once again, may we have Rev. Levy M. Baldonado here on stage to receive a certificate
of recognition and a simple token for rendering us your time and effort in today’s event.
Claire: Once again, thank you Reverent. God bless you more. To give us her greetings
may we have on stage our Public Schools District Supervisor of District II, Madam Liwliwa
B. Bareng.
Claire: Thank you Ma’am.
-- Jamina Anne O. Tolentino –
-- Wilfredo E. Rivera –
RM: And to close this significant event, may we have our school principal Sir Stihl Q.
Juanito for his closing remarks and prayer.
--- Closing Prayer ---
RM: Thank you for gracing our event for this morning. See you this afternoon for our
English and Bible Month Celebration. This has been Rogie Mae D. Santos,
Claire: And Claire M. Valdez
BOTH: your masters of ceremony, SIGNING OFF!

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