Soft Copy of License-E-Mail - FLRS - OO - 20042018

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J File No. 15(18)2010/state/eSign/RCD/FSSAL Food Safety and Standards Awthoriy of dia SSA ion Cotas ia ene mete Dated, the LE Apri, 2018 ‘onDER Sub: Generation of Online FSSAI License and Registration: reg, [AX presen, apo the practice followed, the printed copy of License/Rogistration Cortiate santed 5 sont by the Liensing/Regisration Authorities to Food Business Operators (FB0s) Through post at their corespondence address excep incase of Delhi, Jammu & Kashmir and Madhya Pradesh where Sive License/Regisation Certificates beating seanned signatures of concerned Ligensin/Repisttion Authorities are sont by enti to FBO, 2, The practice of sending License Registration by post has certain disadvantages ike postal ‘delay in delivery, non-receipt of License/Registraion certificate and it alo leads to inconvenience and harassment of FBOs who have to visit the office of Licensing Repstering Authority incase of non-receipt of License/Regiration Centicat. 3. _FSSAI hasbeen seized ofthe matter fr sometime. It as hoon decide that in case of Cente License, State License and Registration, aller the Liceasing/Regisvation Authority approves gant of License/Registation, «copy of LieenseRegiation Certfiate willbe set to email IDIFLRS Bin of FBO. The License/Rcgistraton Ceti will contain the following sentence a the en "This ts a computer generted Liceme/Regiration Cerifcate and des not require signature ofthe License/Regisraton Authorities.” ‘The FSSAI Livense/Registation Cetfente shall alo bear & Quick Response (QR) code as a security feature to verity the License/Registation Cerificate. Based on the computer generated LicensefRegistation Certfate, the FBO will be in position to str his food business immediatly ‘This decison will come into force We 1 May 2018. 4, Tecomputs gente coy of Liens RepisrationCetf wlb sexo (rier ‘of FBO, (i) emuil-d ofthe person nominated fr complying condition of License by the BO and (ip FLRS Bin c PHO. An SMS Ae in ti par wl aa be Sen fo the entre FO for information athe tne of generation of LiceasfRepisation Cerificate PO 5. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority ia accordance withthe powers vested jn PSSAI under Section 16 (2 and Setion BY of Fert Sultan Standards Act, 2008 (Gavima Sigh) Director (RCD) To 1. Commissioners of Pood Safety of all State/UTs 2 AllCentrl Licesing Authorities 3. CITO- fer uploading on FLRS homepage 4 FSAI Helping, Jaipur

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