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Langmuir 2005, 21, 11053-11060 11053

Analysis of Droplet Evaporation on a Superhydrophobic

G. McHale,*,† S. Aqil,† N. J. Shirtcliffe,† M. I. Newton,† and H. Y. Erbil‡
School of Biomedical and Natural Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, Clifton Lane,
Nottingham NG11 8NS, U.K., and Gebze Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Cayırova, Gebze 41400, Kocaeli, Turkey

Received July 11, 2005. In Final Form: September 10, 2005

The evaporation process for small, 1-2-mm-diameter droplets of water from patterned polymer surfaces
is followed and characterized. The surfaces consist of circular pillars (5-15 µm diameter) of SU-8 photoresist
arranged in square lattice patterns such that the center-to-center separation between pillars is 20-30 µm.
These types of surface provide superhydrophobic systems with theoretical initial Cassie-Baxter contact
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angles for water droplets of up to 140-167°, which are significantly larger than can be achieved by smooth
hydrophobic surfaces. Experiments show that on these SU-8 textured surfaces water droplets initially
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evaporate in a pinned contact line mode, before the contact line recedes in a stepwise fashion jumping from
pillar to pillar. Provided the droplets of water are deposited without too much pressure from the needle,
the initial state appears to correspond to a Cassie-Baxter one with the droplet sitting upon the tops of
the pillars. In some cases, but not all, a collapse of the droplet into the pillar structure occurs abruptly.
For these collapsed droplets, further evaporation occurs with a completely pinned contact area consistent
with a Wenzel-type state. It is shown that a simple quantitative analysis based on the diffusion of water
vapor into the surrounding atmosphere can be performed, and estimates of the product of the diffusion
coefficient and the concentration difference (saturation minus ambient) are obtained.

I. Introduction Picknett and Bexon1 investigated the mass and profile

Free evaporation of completely spherical droplets of evolution of a slowly evaporating liquid (methyl acetoac-
water is an apparently simple problem with widespread etate) droplet on a poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (Teflon)
relevance to drying problems such as ink-jet printing, surface in still air. They reported three modes of evapora-
spraying of pesticides, and the spotting of DNA microarray tion: mode 1, corresponding to a constant solid-liquid
data. These types of applications involve small droplets, contact area; mode 2, corresponding to a constant contact
dominated by surface tension rather than gravity, de- angle, and mode 3, corresponding to changes in both the
posited on solid substrates. The involvement of the contact angle and contact area. They also developed a
substrate complicates the evaporation process in obvious diffusion-based theory to predict the evaporation rate.
ways, such as altering the droplet shape to a spherical Since then, various authors have considered the evapora-
cap with a contact angle determined by various interfacial tion of small droplets of liquid in constant contact area
surface tensions. Less obviously, when the droplet evapo- mode,5-9 constant contact angle mode,8-12 and mixed
ration is governed by the diffusion of the liquid into the mode.8,9 In each case, models were developed to enable
surrounding atmosphere, the presence of a substrate data on the product D∆c, where D is the diffusion constant
restricts the space into which vapor may diffuse and so and ∆c ) cS - c∞ is the difference in concentration of vapor
reduces the evaporation rate. Thus, it has been theoreti- at the droplet surface (assumed to equal the saturated
cally predicted that a small droplet resting on a flat solid vapor concentration) and that far removed from the droplet
surface but possessing a 180° contact angle so that it is surface, to be estimated. We emphasize that these
completely spherical will have a rate of mass loss reduced estimates were not intended to be accurate measurements
by loge 2 compared to an identical, completely spherical but were used to demonstrate the consistency of theory
droplet far removed from any solid surface.1 Investigating with experiment. In a sequence of papers, Erbil and co-
the free evaporation of almost spherical droplets from solid workers investigated how deviations from a spherical cap
substrates has not previously been attempted because of droplet shape might influence the evaporation rate13,14
the obvious difficulty of obtaining a model physical system and how the rate of evaporation might be used to determine
with an initial contact angle higher than that of the water- (5) Birdi, K. S.; Vu, D. T.; Winter, A. J. Phys. Chem. 1989, 93, 3702-
Teflon system of 110-120°. As has become clear over 3703.
recent years from work on superhydrophobic surfaces, (6) Rowan, S. M.; Newton, M. I.; McHale, G. J. Phys. Chem. 1995,
99, 13268-13271.
nature has not refrained from creating leaves on which (7) Rowan, S. M.; McHale, G.; Newton, M. I.; Toorneman, M. J. Phys.
contact angles approaching 180° are observed.2-4 Chem. 1997, 101, 1265-1267.
(8) Shanahan, M. E. R.; Bourgès, C. Int. J. Adhes. Adhes. 1994, 14,
* Corresponding author. E-mail: Tel: (9) Bourgès-Monnier, C.; Shanahan, M. E. R. Langmuir 1995, 11,
+44 (0)115 8483383. 2820-2829.
† Nottingham Trent University.
(10) Birdi, K. S.; Vu, D. T. J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 1993, 7, 485-493.
‡ Gebze Institute of Technology.
(11) McHale, G.; Rowan, S. M.; Newton, M. I.; Banerjee, M. K. J.
(1) Picknett, R. G.; Bexon, R. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1977, 61, 336- Phys. Chem. B 1998, 102, 1964-1967.
350. (12) Erbil, H. Y.; McHale, G.; Newton, M. I. Langmuir 2002, 18,
(2) Neinhuis, C.; Barthlott, W. Ann. Bot. 1997, 79, 667-677. 2636-2641.
(3) Blossey, R. Nat. Mater. 2003, 2, 301-306. (13) Erbil, H. Y.; Meric, R. A. J. Phys. Chem. B 1997, 101, 6867-
(4) Quéré, D.; Lafuma, A.; Bico, J. Nanotechnology 2003, 14, 1109- 6873.
1112. (14) Meric, R. A.; Erbil, H. Y. Langmuir 1998, 14, 1915-1920.

10.1021/la0518795 CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 10/14/2005
11054 Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 24, 2005 McHale et al.

the initial contact angle.15,16 However, in all of these studies resting on a solid plane boundary
the contact angles involved have been lower than 110°
and so have not tested the higher contact angle regime. dVC
In their work on the influence of evaporation on contact
FL ) -4πRSD∆cf(θ) (2)
angle measurements, Bourgès and Shanahan9 noted that
various physical factors, particularly surface roughness, where f(θ) is a function of the contact angle θ. Picknett
had still not been incorporated into the understanding of and Bexon’s solution involves a complex function (Snow’s
evaporation. At that time, relatively little had been solution), but to aid calculations, they gave two useful
published on superhydrophobic surfaces. From the work polynomial fits covering the angular ranges of 0-10° and
of numerous authors, we now know that rough or textured 10-180°
hydrophobic surfaces providing contact angles of 150-

180° are common in nature and can be produced artificially 2fPB(θ) )
in a wide variety of ways. (See the review by Blossey.3)
Moreover, these surfaces can be divided into two distinctive 0.6366θ + 0.09591θ2 - 0.06144θ3
0° < θ < 10°
types, Wenzel17 and Cassie-Baxter,18,19 depending on 0.00008957 + 0.6333θ + 0.116θ2 - 10° < θ < 180°
whether the liquid fully penetrates the surface features 0.08878θ3 + 0.01033θ4
or whether the liquid bridges across the surface features.
Thus, the development of techniques for producing high
contact angle surfaces and our understanding of the where the contact angle θ is in radians. For a completely
equilibrium and metastable states of droplets on these spherical droplet with a vanishingly small contact area
surfaces provide new regimes for the study of droplet with respect to the solid, this approximation gives 2fPB(π)
evaporation. It is therefore the purpose of the present ) 1.387 compared to an exact solution of 2 loge 2 ) 1.386.
study to report qualitative features of the evaporation of For a hemispherical droplet having a contact angle of 90°
sessile droplets of water from solid surfaces with initial with respect to the solid substrate, the Picknett and Bexon
contact angles for water greater than 120° and to value of 2fPB(π/2) ) 0.999 compares well to the exact
quantitatively relate the rate of mass loss to diffusion solution of eq 1.
models for the evaporation of sessile droplets. For comparison to previous studies of the evaporation
of sessile droplets on solid surfaces, it is useful to review
II. Theoretical Development some approximate models and relate them to eq 2. (See
also ref 12.) Equation 2 recovers the evaporation of a
II.a. Models of Evaporation from Solid Surfaces. completely spherical droplet neglecting any boundary, eq
The rate of change of mass of an evaporating droplet can 1, by taking fBV(θ) ) 1, where fBV(θ) is the function from
be modeled on the basis of the diffusion of water molecules the work of Birdi and Vu5,10 used in their study of the
from the droplet surface into the surrounding atmosphere. evaporation of sessile water droplets from glass surfaces.
For a completely spherical droplet of liquid of density FL, The limitation of Birdi and Vu’s model for contact angles
spherical radius RS, and volume VC, the rate of mass loss close to 90° was addressed in the work of Rowan et al.,6
depends on the liquid-vapor surface area, ALV ) 4πRS2, who also studied the evaporation of water droplets from
the diffusion coefficient, D, and the difference, ∆c ) (cS - solid (PMMA and Teflon) substrates by taking into account
c∞), between the vapor concentration at the droplet surface the reduced liquid-vapor interfacial area of the spherical
(assumed to be equal to the saturation concentration cS) cap droplet for diffusion through a factor fR(θ) ) (1 - cos
and the ambient value far removed from the droplet θ)/2. Although this formula provides the correct numerical
surface (c∞). Assuming a spherical droplet far removed result at 90°, it overestimates the evaporation rate at 180°
from any boundaries and solving the diffusion equation, through its neglect of the effect of the solid substrate on
the concentration of vapor is found to be inversely reducing the space for the diffusion of water vapor.
proportional to the radial distance from the droplet. The Bourgès-Monnier and Shanahan addressed this neglect
rate of mass loss is then given by in their self-consistent model of the concentration gradient
occurring during evaporation.9 Assuming a radial diffusion
dVC of vapor into the surrounding atmosphere and a spherical
FL ) -4πRSD∆c (1) cap droplet supported by a plane solid substrate, they
When the completely spherical droplet is just in contact -cos θ
(i.e., contact angle of 180°) with a plane boundary, it is fBMS(θ) ) (4)
predicted that the evaporation rate will decrease because 2 loge(1 - cos θ)
of the reduction in space into which vapor can diffuse.1
The reduction can be calculated theoretically and is given The Bourgès-Monnier and Shanahan result is 0.5 at 90°,
by eq 1, but with an extra factor of loge 2 on the right-hand in agreement with the exact solution, and gives 2fBMS(π)
side of the equation. By using the analogy between the ) 1/loge 2 ) 1.4427 compared to 2 loge 2 ) 1.386 at 180°.
diffusive flux and the electrostatic potential, Picknett and II.b. Constant Contact Radius Mode. In the present
Bexon1 obtained an exact equation for the rate of mass study, our patterned substrates enable contact angles
loss that is valid for all droplets of a spherical cap shape greater than the range of 30-100° studied by Bourgès-
Monnier and Shanahan to be obtained while possessing
the simplifications of a spherical cap droplet and a pinned
(15) Erbil, H. Y. J. Phys. Chem. B 1998, 102, 9234-9238.
(16) Erbil, H. Y. J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 1999, 13, 1405-1413. contact area; this corresponds to the stage II evaporation
(17) Wenzel, R. N. Ind. Eng. Chem. 1936, 28, 988-994. that they identified. Our analysis broadly follows that of
(18) Cassie, A. B. D.; Baxter, S. Trans. Faraday Soc. 1944, 40, 546- Bourgès-Monnier and Shanahan9 but uses the more
551. accurate Picknett and Bexon1 formula, eq 3, rather than
(19) Johnson, R. E.; Dettre, R. H. Contact Angle, Wettability and
Adhesion; Advances in Chemistry Series 43; American Chemical eq 4. This allows us to give an analytical form for a function
Society: Washington, DC, 1964; p 112. of the contact angle that is linear with time rather than
Droplet Evaporation on a Superhydrophobic Surface Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 24, 2005 11055

providing a form requiring a numerical integration. To do expression involving polylogarithm functions. When this
so, consider a spherical cap droplet with a volume result is expanded about u ) -1, an expression similar
to eq 9 is obtained, but with only the first two terms in
πrb3(1 - cos θ)2(2 + cos θ) HPB(θ) and with the coefficients eo and e1 replaced by the
VC(rb, θ) ) (5) numerical values loge 2 ) 0.693 and (loge 2 - 1/2) )
3 sin3 θ 0.193147; this approximate expression is an accurate
approximation to HPB(θ) to around 10.5% over the range
where rb is the contact (or base) radius of the droplet. of 90-180°. If the solid boundary is completely ignored
Assuming the contact radius is constant, the rate of change for the diffusion and the Birdi and Vu approximation fBV-
of the volume can be written in terms of the rate of change (θ) ) 1 is used in eq 7, then the equivalent result to eq 9
of the cosine of the contact angle is
dVC -πrb3 du -1 -2D∆ct
(1 - u2)1/2(1 + u)2 dt
( ) (6) HBV(θ) ≡
2(1 + u)
+ HBV(θo) (11)

where u ) cos θ. Because rb ) RS sin θ and sin θ ) (1 - Similarly, using the Rowan et al. approximation fR(θ) )
u2)1/2, substituting eq 6 into eq 2 gives (1 - cos θ)/2 gives
1 du 2D∆c
( )
2f(θ)(1 + u)2 dt
(7) HR(θ) ≡
2(1 + u)
- loge
u +(1
+ HR(θo)
which cannot be integrated exactly in its present form.
However, terms of the form un/(1 + u)2 are integrable, so The exact result for a completely spherical droplet just in
we can develop a polynomial fit to 1/2fPB(θ), accurate to contact with a solid surface is similar to eq 11 modified
0.04% at all angles, for our range of interest of 90-180°, by an extra factor of 1/loge 2 in the H(θ) function. The
numerical factor multiplying the term -1/(1 + u) is then
1 3 1
/2 loge 2 ) 0.7213 compared to eo ) 0.721171.
≈ ∑
dnun ) 0.999766 + 0.481517u + II.c. Surface Texture and Initial Contact Angle.
On a flat, smooth surface, the highest contact angles for
0.292040u2 + 0.089118u3 (8) droplets of water that are achievable are determined by
the surface chemistry and are around θes ) 110-120° for
Substituting eq 8 into eq 7 and integrating gives poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE). To achieve higher con-
tact angles, superhydrophobic surfaces can be created by
-e0 roughening or texturing the surfaces.3 For a textured
HPB(θ) ≡ + e1 loge(1 + u) + e2u + e3u2 ) surface, the liquid may either bridge across surface
-2D∆ct protrusions (Cassie-Baxter case18,19) or fully penetrate
+ HPB(θo) (9) into the surface features (Wenzel case17). In the first case,
FLrb2 the droplet sits on a composite solid-air interface, and
the contact angle is given by the Cassie-Baxter equation
where u(t) ) cos θ(t) and the constants en are given by
cos θeCB ) φs cos θes - (1 - φs) (13)
eo ) d0 - d1 + d2 - d3 ) 0.721171
where φs is defined as the solid fraction upon which the
e1 ) d1 - 2d2 + 3d3 ) 0.164791 droplet rests. In the second case, the droplet is in contact
e2 ) d2 - 2d3 ) 0.113804 with the whole solid surface, and the contact angle is given
by the Wenzel equation
e3 ) ) 0.044559 (10) cos θeW ) r cos θes (14)
and are valid over the contact angle range of 90-180°. where r is the surface roughness defined as the ratio of
The constant HPB(θo) is a constant of integration and the true surface area to the horizontal projection of the
represents the function evaluated at the contact angle for surface area. In these approaches to modeling the contact
the initial time t ) 0. Thus, the evaporation of spherical angles for the macroscopic droplet, the effect of the
cap droplets with constant contact radii and contact angles substrate heterogeneities are taken into account in an
greater than 90° can be analyzed by plotting the function overall manner. Clearly, at a more local level, each element
HPB(θ) against time, t. On such a graph, the data for any of the triple line must lie on either the vapor or the solid
given droplet should lie on a straight line, and the slope, component beneath the droplet.
multiplied by -FLrb2/2, will provide an estimate of the In principle, the lower of the two contact angles predicted
diffusion constant-vapor concentration difference product by eqs 13 and 14 is the equilibrium value, but in practice,
(i.e., D∆c). Although the specific results in eqs 8-10 are edges in surface features can lead to a metastable Cassie-
based on a polynomial expansion valid in the range of Baxter state even when the Wenzel state is energetically
90-180°, a similar approach can be adopted for other preferred; pressure is then needed to cause a conversion
contact angle ranges. from the Cassie-Baxter to the Wenzel state.4 In addition,
For completeness in comparing different approaches to the Cassie-Baxter state reduces the true contact area
analyzing data on evaporation with pinned contact lines, between the liquid droplet and the solid and so tends to
we have evaluated the effect of different approximations reduce any intrinsic contact angle hysteresis arising from
to f(θ) in eq 7. Using the Bourgès-Monnier and Shanahan the substrate material and leads to a “slippy” state. In
function fBMS(θ) in eq 7 and integrating gives a complex contrast, the Wenzel state increases the true contact area
11056 Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 24, 2005 McHale et al.

been described in detail by Shirtcliffe et al.20 In this paper, it was

shown experimentally that droplets of water on SU-8 textured
surfaces with a pillar separation twice that of the pillar diameter
and pillar diameters in the range 5-40 µm arranged in a square
lattice obey the Cassie-Baxter equation, provided the pillar
height is sufficiently high. Importantly, the observed contact
angle hysteresis was around 50°, thus providing a system with
both a superhydrophobic Cassie-Baxter-type contact angle and
conditions for a pinned contact line during free evaporation; the
contact angle hysteresis is reduced by the Cassie-Baxter effect
but not sufficiently to give a truly slippy state. The pinning of
the contact line corresponds to our analysis in section II.b, which
is equivalent to the Picknett and Bexon mode 1 evaporation mode
and so simplifies the quantitative analysis of the evaporation.
We constructed surfaces with pillar diameters in the range of
5-15 µm arranged in a square lattice and with spacings between
the centers of pillars in the range of 20-30 µm in each in-plane
direction; the heights of the pillars ranged from 12 to 35 µm
(Figure 1a and b). The surfaces used had a Cassie-Baxter solid
fraction area parameter φs of between 0.064 and 0.135 predicting
Cassie-Baxter angles of between 157 and 147°, respectively.
Ideally, the pillars have vertical sides, but in practice, on some
of the samples with the highest pillars a slight outward taper
Figure 1. (a) Schematic of the surface pattern, (b) scanning occurred, leading to a marginally larger diameter at the top of
electron micrograph of a textured SU-8 surface (dp ) 11.5 µm, the pillar as evident in Figure 1b. This effect resulted in a larger
Lp ) 18.5 µm, hp ) 25 µm), (c) side profile of a droplet of water solid fraction area parameter φs than in the design and hence
on a flat SU-8 surface, and (d) side profile of a droplet of water a lower Cassie-Baxter angle, but it did not prevent a super-
on a textured SU-8 surface. hydrophobic surface from being created. All experiments were
carried out at room temperature (23-26 °C) and relative humidity
between the liquid droplet and the solid and so tends to (45-58%) in an enclosure to shield from drafts.
increase contact angle hysteresis leading to a “sticky” Contact angles, contact base diameters, heights, liquid-vapor
state.4,21 surface areas, and volumes were obtained from side profile images
The patterns for the present study consist of circular of a droplet and its reflection in the substrate using a Krüss
cross-sectional pillars of diameter dp and height hp DSA10 contact angle meter (video profilometry with drop shape
arranged in a square lattice of period Lp in each of the two analysis software). The drop shape analysis provides volume
in-plane directions (Figure 1a). The solid fraction φs and surface area data using the measured profile and by assuming
required for the Cassie-Baxter equation is then axial symmetry; it does not assume any particular droplet shape.
In our case, top view observation suggested that the droplets we
studied did possess axial symmetry during the evaporation
πdp2 process. It is conceivable that such symmetry could be lost for
φs ) (15) droplets of sizes more comparable to the period of the substrate
4Lp2 pattern or in the later stages of evaporation when droplets became
smaller and entered the substrate pattern; we did not pursue
and the roughness factor for the Wenzel equation is these aspects of small droplet evaporation or late stage evapora-
πdphp There are several subtleties in the measurement of the contact
r)1+ (16)
Lp2 diameter in the superhydrophobic droplet on a patterned
substrate system that need to be understood when analyzing
and interpreting the data and forming conclusions. The first is
When θes < 90°, the Wenzel formula always predicts a that the accuracy of contact diameter measurements for a droplet
decrease in contact angle whereas the Cassie-Baxter with a high contact angle of say 160° is more limited than one
equation can still predict an increase in contact angle. for which the contact angle is low, say 60°, if the optical
In the specific case when the separation between pillars magnification is chosen to keep the full droplet in the image. In
is equal to their diameter (i.e., Lp ) 2dp), eq 15 gives φs the latter case, the initial contact diameter can be the full field
) π/16 ) 0.1963 and r ) 1 + πhp/4dp. Thus, using eq 13 and of view and so provide optimal accuracy in the measurement of
θes ) 80°, typical of an SU-8 polymer surface, would give the contact diameter from the digital image. In the former case,
a Cassie-Baxter angle of 140°. The equivalent Wenzel the initial contact diameter is necessarily only a fraction of the
field of view (rapidly becoming less so as the droplet becomes
contact angle is dependent on the aspect ratio of pillar
more superhydrophobic), and the accuracy of contact diameter
height to diameter and for a ratio of unity (i.e., hp/dp ) 1) measurements from the digital images is therefore reduced. The
is 72°. Increasing the aspect ratio to 2 gives a Wenzel second subtlety is that accurate measurements of contact
angle of 63°. diameter depend on accurate identification of the vertical position
of the solid-liquid interface (i.e., substrate surface) in the image,
III. Experimental Development and as the droplet becomes superhydrophobic, this becomes a
SU-8 is a negative photoresist that can be deposited in a thick more significant problem. For contact angles approaching 180°,
layer and patterned using photolithography; the vertical sides small changes in the vertical position of the identified baseline
of the features in those patterns can be smooth. SU-8 is epoxy- can provide large changes in the apparent contact diameter.
based and becomes strong, stiff, and chemically resistant after Similarly, if the baseline is misidentified by, say, one vertical
processing with the typical contact angle to water of θes ≈ 80° pixel, then an evaporating superhydrophobic droplet with a
on a smooth, flat surface and large contact angle hysteresis. The decreasing contact angle will give an apparent (rather than real)
photolithographic technique for producing these substrates has decrease in contact diameter. The baseline issue has a particularly
strong effect on the ability to make accurate measurements of
(20) Shirtcliffe, N. J.; Aqil, S.; Evans, C.; McHale, G.; Newton, M. I.;
contact diameters once the droplet enters the substrate pattern.
Perry, C. C.; Roach, P. J. Micromech. Microeng. 2004, 14, 1384-1389. In our case, the substrates have periods of 20-30 µm, and the
(21) McHale, G.; Shirtcliffe, N. J.; Newton, M. I. Langmuir 2004, 20, heights of the pillars range from 12 to 35 µm. This means the
10146-10149. placements of baselines are more difficult, and we strongly
Droplet Evaporation on a Superhydrophobic Surface Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 24, 2005 11057

discontinuity has been observed during the detachment

of droplets from the syringe shortly after deposition
(several seconds) and a long time (minutes) after deposition
as shown in Figure 3. Prior to the discontinuity, the
evaporation proceeds in a manner similar to that shown
in Figure 2, but afterward the contact angle continues to
decrease smoothly and no obvious stepwise changes occur
in the contact diameter. The discontinuity appears rapidly.
In these data, the time between recorded frames was 2 s
for the first 2 min and subsequently 10 s, but visually the
collapse occurred in less than 1 s. As in Figure 2, the
droplet becomes too small for accurate measurements of
Figure 2. Evolution of the contact angle with time ()) and contact diameter after around 1000 s. All superhydro-
height (solid curve) and contact diameter (+) during the phobic droplet evaporation sequences observed on these
evaporation of a droplet of water where no obvious collapse
occurs during the initial evaporation period. SU-8 pillar surfaces corresponded to one of the behaviors
in Figure 2 or 3.
Figure 4 shows a sequence of four images (panels a-d)
illustrating the behavior in Figure 2 and four images
(panels e-h) illustrating the behavior in Figure 3. For
both cases, the pattern of light visible beneath the droplets
indicate the initial droplets sit upon the pillars and bridge
the gaps between the pillars, so that the droplets are in
the Cassie-Baxter state. As the evaporation proceeds,
the volumes decrease with either no change or a small
change in contact area (Figure 4b and f). In the first case
(Figure 4c and e), the contact diameter eventually
decreases in a stepwise manner; this is visually obvious
when viewing the video of the evaporation. We anticipate
Figure 3. Evolution with time of the contact angle ()) and that the period of the steps should correlate with the period
height (solid curve) and contact diameter (+) during the of the lattice of pillars consistent with work reported on
evaporation of a droplet of water where an obvious collapse
occurs during the initial evaporation period. the spreading of silicone oils on this type of surface.22 In
the second case (Figure 4g and h), a discontinuity occurs
emphasize that small changes in measurements of contact in the evaporation sequence; this is a rapid process as
diameters, particularly of less than a substrate lattice period, illustrated by Figure 4g and h, which are successive images
and late stage evaporation measurements once the droplet has in the recording. A close examination of the image before
penetrated the substrate pattern should be interpreted cautiously the discontinuity (Figure 4g) appears to show a shadow
and the data should not be overinterpreted. beneath the droplet at the center of the contact area. The
Figure 1c shows a typical side profile image of a droplet of pattern of light below the droplet in the image immediately
water on a flat SU-8 substrate (θs ≈ 80°), and Figure 1d shows
an equivalent image on a textured substrate (dp ) 11.5 µm, Lp
after the discontinuity (Figure 4h) appears to show that
) 18.5 µm, hp ) 25 µm, θs ≈ 146°). Provided the droplet was the droplet is no longer suspended upon the pillars but
deposited without too much pressing to detach it, the droplet has penetrated into the substrate pattern. The contact
tended to deposit in a Cassie-Baxter-type state bridging the angle immediately after the discontinuity remains higher
gaps between pillars; the Cassie-Baxter state is visually than observed on the flat surface. We therefore conclude
apparent from the pattern of light penetrating between the pillars that the discontinuity represents a collapse of the droplet
below the droplet. from the Cassie-Baxter state to a Wenzel-type state.
Visual examination of the video sequences shows that
IV. Results and Discussion subsequent evaporation appears to have a pinned nature
Figures 2 and 3 show the contact angle, base diameter, (for around 2.5 min in the case of Figure 3) until the droplet
and droplet height during a typical evaporation sequence becomes small and accurate measurement difficult. Care
for droplets on a surface with a pillar center-to-center is needed in interpreting the contact diameter data in
spacing of 30 µm and pillar diameter and height of 8 and Figure 3 in this later stage of evaporation because a 30
15 µm, respectively. In Figure 2, the initial contact angle µm change in contact diameter corresponds to the period
is greater than 150°, and after the brief initial period (100 of the pattern and with the lower contact angle and volume
s in this specific case) it steadily decreases (up to t ) 600 there is more sensitivity in the measurement accuracy of
s in this specific case), during which time the contact the diameter, which depends on the placement of the
diameter remains approximately constant. Between 100 baseline in the video profile. Qualitatively, we believe that
and 500 s, the change with respect to contact diameter is a droplet collapse also probably always occurs in droplets
within one period of the substrate pattern. The contact showing the evaporation sequence in Figure 2 but that it
radius then clearly depins as evidenced by the beginning occurs for a such a small volume that accurate measure-
of a stepwise retreat shown in the contact diameter data. ments to confirm it are difficult.
During this period, the contact angle shows a net decrease, Figure 5 shows the stepwise retreat in the later stages
but with increases and decreases accompanying each step of evaporation for a larger initial volume droplet. The
change in contact diameter. For this particular example, surface had a pillar center-to-center spacing of 30 µm and
the droplet becomes too small for accurate measurements a pillar diameter and height of 8 and 14 µm, respectively,
after 1100 s. Figure 3 shows a second type of sequence which resulted in an initial contact angle of 145.6°. The
that is qualitatively different from Figure 2 in that a very time period from 2500 to 3100 s clearly shows eight
obvious discontinuity occurs in the data during the period
corresponding to the pinned contact diameter evaporation (22) McHale, G.; Shirtcliffe, N. J.; Aqil, S.; Perry, C. C.; Newton, M.
(in this particular example just after 800 s). Such a I. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004, 93, article 036102.
11058 Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 24, 2005 McHale et al.

Figure 4. Images of droplet evaporation. Panels a-d show a droplet where the collapse from the Cassie-Baxter state occurs late
in the evaporation. Panels e-h show a droplet where the collapse from the Cassie-Baxter to the Wenzel state occurs at a middle
stage during the evaporation.

Figure 5. Evolution with time of the contact angle ()) and Figure 6. Contact angle data ()) reproduced with the measured
contact diameter (+) during the stepwise retreat of a droplet liquid-vapor surface area (divided by 3; ‚‚‚, in mm2), volume
evaporation sequence. (×, in mm3), and height (+, in mm) for droplet data shown in
Figure 3. The solid curves are the estimates calculated for a
stepwise decreases reducing the base diameter from 857 spherical cap using the measured contact angle and base
to 600 µm, and this gives an average step of 32 µm diameter.
compared to the lattice center-to-center spacing of 30 µm.
In fact, the period from 1950 to 3060 s is consistent with and Shanahan has previously considered such an analysis
16 steps each of 30 µm. Each stepwise retreat event is also for stick-slip on a flat surface.23 He derived a minimum
accompanied by a temporary increase in the contact angle. step size necessary to overcome an intrinsic energy barrier
Because the stepwise retreat event occurs at a given causing contact angle hysteresis on a flat surface. Applying
volume, we would expect a temporary increase in the this interpretation to our substrates, an intrinsic energy
contact angle as observed. Quantitatively, this idea can barrier would exist for the substrate material, but the
be formalized by requiring the volume given by the pattern coupled with the Cassie-Baxter effect of a reduced
spherical cap approximation in eq 5 to remain constant solid-liquid interfacial area would then reduce this energy
when rb changes by an amount ∆rb and the contact angle barrier and impose a stepwise retreat distance.21
changes by an amount ∆θ (in radians), Figure 6 reproduces the contact angle data from Figure

( )
3 but now includes the measured data for the liquid-
∆rb vapor surface area (‚‚‚ and in mm2), the volume (× and
∆θ ) -sin θ(2 + cos θ) (17)
rb in mm3), and the droplet height (+ and in mm; the liquid-
vapor surface area has been divided by a factor of 3 so
For a 3.5% decrease in contact radius occurring at a contact that it fits onto the same axis as the other two parameters).
angle of 131°, eq 17 predicts an increase in contact angle The solid lines are the spherical cap values for these
of around 2°, which is of the same order of magnitude as parameters calculated from the measured contact angle
the observed changes in the data. Such an increase would and base diameter and are clearly slight overestimates.
reduce the horizontal (inward) component of the liquid- Initially, the spherical cap calculation overestimates the
vapor surface tension force (the reduction in force can be surface area by 2-3%, but this decreases as time
estimated from eq 17), thus allowing the droplet to again progresses toward the droplet collapse at 850 s. Similar
become temporarily pinned. Further volume reduction by overestimates occur in data for drops not showing the
evaporation would reduce the contact angle and so increase collapse (e.g., Figure 2), and in these cases the overestimate
the horizontal (inward) component of the liquid-vapor decreases as the stepwise retreat regime is approached.
surface tension force until sufficient force occurs to cause From the full data set of observations, we conclude that
another stepwise retreat of the contact radius in a stick- the measured liquid-vapor surface area, ALV, is well
slip manner. approximated by a linear change with time up to the point
It is also possible to analyze the change in surface free
energy for a stepwise retreat event at constant volume, (23) Shanahan, M. E. R. Langmuir 1995, 11, 10411043.
Droplet Evaporation on a Superhydrophobic Surface Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 24, 2005 11059

than eq 21 for the diffusion constant-vapor concentration

difference product (i.e., D∆c).
To verify the quantitative agreement of the diffusion
constant-vapor concentration difference product (i.e.,
D∆c), a series of experiments on two surfaces with pillar
diameters of 10 µm and center-to-center separations of 20
and 30 µm were analyzed. The data range used in the
analysis was such that rb is constant to within 4% of its
initial value and the contact angle is greater than 90°; we
have also taken fav as the average of the initial and final
values. The fits of eqs 20 and 21 to the data were straight
lines with regression coefficient parameters of R2 ) 0.9999
Figure 7. Tests of eqs 20 and 21 for the data in Figure 2
(lowest pair of curves), Figure 3 (middle pair of curves), and or better. Data for four droplets, including temperature
Figure 5 (upper pair of curves); in each case, eq 21 is the lower and relative humidity, on each of these two surfaces are
one of the pair at t ) 0. The solid lines are fits over the range provided in Table 1. This Table also provides a comparison
to when the droplet collapses or a stepwise retreat begins. to values of the diffusion coefficient estimated by correcting
the CRC Handbook24 value of 2.39 × 10-5 m2 s-1 at 8 °C
of either droplet collapse or stepwise retreat of the base to the measured temperatures using a T3/2 temperature
diameter. Using the spherical cap approximation, we can dependence to provide reference values. The values of
understand why this may be the case. In this approxima- diffusion constants using both eqs 20 and 21 are to within
tion, the surface area is 8% of these reference values and within the uncertainty
arising from our estimates of concentration difference ∆c
2πrb2 from the temperature and relative humidity. These
ALV ) (18) quantitative estimates of diffusion coefficients are im-
1 + cos θ pressive and provide confidence in the theoretical inter-
pretation of the evaporation process from superhydro-
and assuming a constant contact radius, this can be used
phobic surfaces.
in eq 7 to obtain
The agreement in estimates of the diffusion coefficient

( )
using droplets that start with almost completely spherical
dALV -8πD∆cf(θ)
) (19) shapes (i.e., contact angle approaching 180°) but with a
dt FL plane boundary in close proximity supports the prediction
that the evaporation rate will decrease compared to that
During the initial evaporation phase when the contact of a spherical droplet far removed from any surfaces. The
angle is slowly varying, f(θ) can be approximated to a physical mechanism is the reduction in space into which
constant. For example, in Figure 6 in the period before vapor can diffuse.1 There are other possible mechanisms
droplet collapse the contact angle changes from 149.7 to related to droplet evaporation from superhydrophobic
138.0°, and the corresponding values of fPB(θ) are 0.6723 surfaces that we have not examined in the current work.
and 0.6528 so that approximating f(θ) by 0.6626 gives a Examples include the precise triggers for the Cassie-
value accurate to (2% over this experimental angular Baxter to Wenzel transition, evaporation from slippy-type
range and eq 19 is expected to be a constant as observed Cassie-Baxter surfaces, and whether heat flow from the
in the experiments. substrate into a droplet influences evaporative cooling
To examine the theory in section II.b describing the and if so whether this differs from the Cassie-Baxter to
constant contact radius mode with diffusion-controlled Wenzel states as would be expected because of different
evaporation, we analyzed the data for the validity of eq microscopic contact areas. It is also conceivable that in
9 and consistency with eq 19. To compare these two some superhydrophobic situations a droplet would ef-
equations with data in the same Figure, we use the fectively sit upon a layer of vapor. This latter effect could
rearrangement of eq 9 into be analogous to the Leidenfrost effect in which a droplet
placed on a very hot surface creates a layer of vapor in an
FLrb2HPB(θ) initial rapid evaporation of the contact area. The layer of
) -D∆ct + k2 (20) vapor then prevents further heat being transmitted into
2 the droplet and hence reduces evaporation. Another
possibility is that condensing a layer of vapor that exists
and eq 19 into below a droplet into a liquid layer on the substrate features
below a droplet could trigger a Cassie-Baxter to Wenzel
FLALV transition. However, it is not clear whether any of these
) -D∆ct + k1 (21)
8πfav mechanisms occur. Because superhydrophobic surfaces
are common in nature and the conservation of water
where k1 and k2 are constants and it has been assumed droplets or vapor near the surface of the leaves of plants
that rb and f(θ) ≈ fav are approximately constant over the is of importance, further study of evaporation from
time period considered during a droplet evaporation; eq superhydrophobic surfaces could be relevant to biological
20 is valid only for contact angles of 90° or greater. Figure systems as much as physical systems involving heat and
7 shows eqs 20 and 21 calculated from the data for rb, θ, mass transfer.
and ALV presented in Figures 2, 3, and 5; the average of
the initial and final values has been used for fav. The solid V. Conclusions
curves are straight line fits over the range before either Free evaporation of small sessile droplets of water from
the droplet collapsed or a stepwise retreat of the contact textured surfaces composed of a lattice of tall pillars of
line began. The fits show excellent agreement with the
expected linearity having R2 parameters of better than (24) CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 62nd ed.; Weast, R.
0.999, although eq 20 gives a slightly higher estimate C., Astle, M. J., Eds.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, 1981-1982.
11060 Langmuir, Vol. 21, No. 24, 2005 McHale et al.

Table 1. Estimates of Diffusion Coefficients for Water into Air for Droplets on Two SU-8 Patterned Surfaces: Surface A
with 10-µm-Diameter Pillars with 20-µm Center-to-Center Spacing and Surface B with 10-µm-Diameter Pillars with
30-µm Center-to-Center Spacing
D∆c (× 10-7 kg m-1 s-1) D (× 10-5 m-2 s-1)
surface T (°C) RH (%) ∆c (g m-3) θi° θf° eq 20 eq 21 eq 20 eq 21 ref
A 23 58.0 8.62 133.3 106.3 2.396 2.358 2.780 2.735 2.584
A 24 57.0 9.34 136.6 103.1 2.559 2.481 2.740 2.657 2.597
A 26 57.0 10.45 140.0 94.8 2.961 2.588 2.833 2.476 2.623
A 26 47.5 12.76 136.2 92.3 3.258 3.189 2.553 2.499 2.623
B 23 51.0 10.06 125.9 90.6 2.664 2.588 2.648 2.572 2.584
B 23 51.0 10.06 141.3 129.5 2.714 2.399 2.698 2.385 2.584
B 25 48.3 11.88 125.0 90.3 3.194 3.153 2.688 2.654 2.610
B 26 46.0 13.12 138.9 118.4 3.318 3.068 2.529 2.339 2.623

polymer photoresist SU-8 has been studied. It has been corresponds to a Wenzel state. The initial pinned contact
shown that such surfaces allow a starting contact angle line phase of evaporation has been analyzed quantitatively
for water droplet evaporation exceeding 150° to be using a model depending of the diffusion of vapor into the
achieved. On our regularly textured surfaces, evaporation surrounding atmosphere. This model provides a linear
initially proceeds in a pinned contact area mode followed form analysis equation (eqs 9 and 20) that takes into
by a steplike contact line retreat, which mirrors the account a loge 2 correction factor due to the solid boundary
underlying lattice structure of the substrate. In some cases, restricting the space into which vapor may diffuse. The
a sharp steplike decrease in the contact angle with an
experiments are well described by the model, and this
accompanying steplike increase in the contact radius
allows a simple method for the estimation of the diffusion
occurs, and the contact area is then completely pinned for
the remainder of the evaporation period. This steplike constant-vapor concentration difference product (i.e.,
change may also be occurring late in the evaporation D∆c) and hence the coefficient of diffusion D.
process for all droplets, but this has not been possible to
determine because of the resolution of the experimental Acknowledgment. We acknowledge the financial
system. It has been suggested that the initial phase of
support of the UK EPSRC and MOD/Dstl (grant GR/
evaporation, consisting of pinned contact line followed by
steplike contact line retreat, corresponds to the droplet R02184/01) and of the EU-COST Chemistry Action D19,
evaporating while suspended across the tops of the pillars WG-007, and TUBITAK-MISAG-COST.D19 projects.
(i.e., a Cassie-Baxter state). The subsequent collapse and
apparent complete pinning of the contact line then LA0518795

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