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Open a document.
d Command-cl
C lick (PC: Coontrol-Click)) here to opeen a sample picture in a new
tab. You can use to follow
f along with this tuttorial. Drag the photo too the desktopp, then open up
that imag
ge in Photoshhop.

• When
W you're done, your screen
s should look someething like thhis:
Select th
he Marquee tool (M). You Y can do th his by clickinng on the icoon, or by typping the letteer M.
(For the remainder
r off this tutoriaal, the key sh
hortcut will bbe shown aftter the tool nname.) The
Marquee tool is the most
m basic off all tools. Itt's somethingg you're already familiarr with: virtuaally
every appplication andd operating system
s seleccts things thee same way: click and drrag to select a
region off the screen. Photoshop is i no differen nt.

• Clicking
C and holding on the
t Marqueee icon will giive you a sm mall popup m menu where yyou
caan select thee variations: Rectangularr marquee (thhe default); Elliptical maarquee, for
seelecting circles and ovals; and a singgle-pixel marrquee for booth horizontaal and verticaal.
• For now, seleect the Rectaangular marq quee, place yyour cursor ssomewhere iin the upper left
of the image, then click and
a drag the mouse. Youu will see thee selection exxpand, with the
pixel values tot the right of
o the selectioon. Drag tow wards the cennter, until thhe values aree
oughly W: 300 H: 200, then t release the
t mouse bbutton.
• Click
C and holld in the midddle of the seelection, andd move the ccursor—noticce how the
seelection mov ves with youu. Drag the selection so tthat it surrouunds the tan hhouse on thee hill,
ass shown:
• From here, yo
ou can copy the selection
n, move it, aapply filters to it—prettyy much anythhing
you can do in
n Photoshop starts with a selection.
he Lasso Too
Select th ol (L). Closeely related too the Marqueee tool is thee Lasso tool.. Like the
Marquee tool, the Laasso is used to t make a seelection. Howwever, with tthe Lasso toool, you can mmake
a freeform
m selectionss. Its variantss include thee Polygonal L
Lasso tool, aand the Maggnetic Lasso tool.
Select thee basic Lasso tool, and try
t it out.

• Click
C and holld the mousee button, then n draw a seleection arounnd the small white sailbooat
hat's left of center
c in the window. When you get to the bottom m, release thhe mouse
buutton—the selection
s willl auto-comp plete. Now prress Commaand-D (Conttrol-D on a P PC).
T will deacctivate the seelection. Note that this w works for alll selections.
• Press Shift-L. This will ch hange the cuursor to the P
Polygonal L Lasso Tool. ((Shift plus thhe
ool shortcut will
w cycle th hrough the otther related ttools). Noticce the black arrow on thee top
leeft of the Pollygonal Lassso cursor: that's where thhe click poinnt is.
• Click
C once, annywhere on the image. Notice
N as youu move yourr mouse, thee starting poiint
reemains pinneed, and a dasshed line exttends towardds the cursorr. Click againn, and that nnext
point becomees pinned. Yo ou can contiinue clickingg until your sselection is ccomplete: ass
siimple as a trriangle, or ass complex ass you like. WWhen you reaach your lastt click point,,
double click instead
i of sinngle click, and
a the polyggon will autoomatically cllose.
• Press the Escape key at an ny time to caancel the sellection in proogress.
• Press Shift-L again. This selects the Magnetic
M Laasso. Like thhe lasso toolls, the click ppoint
iss the black pointer in thee upper left of
o the cursor.
• Try
T this: click k and hold thhe mouse bu utton with thee cursor poinnting at the wwater line off the
bow (front) of the boat, an nd drag arouund the boat slowly. Nottice as you ddrag, the
seelection actu
ually snaps to o the boat ass you move!
• At
A the top of the Photosho op window, you'll see soome tool moodifiers: Featther, Anti-allias,
W Contrast, and Freq quency. As you
y advancee, try each off these and see what effeect
hey have on your selectio ons. Hover over
o any inteerface elemeent to see toool tips for thaat
particular toool or setting.
he Quick Sellection tool (W). This iss the advanceed version oof the Magic Wand tool
Select th
(which iss still availab
ble as an alteernate tool).

• Try
T this: click k and hold on the tan hou middle of the picture. Whhile holding tthe
use in the m
m drag to
t the left or the right, "sscrubbing" thhe house witth the cursorr. Notice how w the
seelection grow
ws as you doo this. Make sure you sellect the rooff, balcony, annd all the resst of
he house is selected.
s Wh hen done, you u may noticee that some oof the shrubbbery is seleccted,

• There
T are twoo ways to eliiminate the shrubbery
s wiith the Quickk Selection ttool. The firsst is
o select the Subtract
S verssion of the to
• The
T other way y to subtractt from the seelection is too simply presss and hold tthe Option (A
key, which teemporarily sw witched the tool
t to the suubtracting version (you can see the ttool
witch modifi
fiers at the to
op of the screeen as you ddo this.)
• Either
E way, click and drag g slightly onn the offendiing shrubberry, and it willl be deselectted:

• You
Y can adju ust the sensitiivity of the selection
s by adjusting thhe size. The llarger the sizze,
he more willl be selected.. Try it out: click
c the stanndard Quickk Selection toool, set the ssize
o 100, then trry selecting the house aggain.

Select th
he Crop Too ol (C). Accorrding to Ado obe, this is thhe most usedd tool in Phootoshop. It's one
of the too
ols that absennt anything else, can draamatically immprove the ccomposition of your
photograaphs. When youy select th he Crop tool, you will nootice small haandles on thhe corners, annd on
the edgess in the centeer of the imaage:

• To
T crop an im mage, either drag the han ndles to surroound the parrt of the imagge you wish to
keep, or clickk and drag innside the imaage to draw tthe area to crrop.Howeveer you do it, the
reesult will be the area youu're keeping will be norm mal, and the area to be cuut will be
dimmed. Mak ke a selection
n similar to this, then prress Enter:

• Notice
N how thhat's changed the entire focus
f of the picture. Beffore you do aanything else,
cllick Undo (CCommand-Z Z, Mac, or Co ontrol-Z, PCC) to restore tthe image too its original
dimensions. IfI did make further
f chang ges, you cann step back thhrough yourr editing histtory
using Commaand-Option-Z Z (Control-A Alt-Z).
• Perspective crop. Rather thant just a plain
p rectanggle crop, Persspective Croop lets you addjust
he relative peerspective off the image asa you crop. While an innteresting annd powerful ttool,
w worth ex xperimenting g with, it's a more advannced feature tthat will be ccovered in m more
dvanced tuto orials.
• The
T Slice tools, also part of the Crop menu, are ddesigned to ccarve up an iimage for
placement intto web pagess. Like the Perspective
P ccrop, this is aan advancedd feature to bbe
ddressed in more
ad m suitablle tutorials.

Select th
he Text Tooll (T). They say
s a picturee is worth a tthousand woords, but som
metimes a piccture
is not eno
ough: you want
w words, too!t Photosh
hop's text toool gives you a few optionns.

• With
W the Textt tool selecteed, click neaar the bottom m left of the ppicture. Youu'll see a blinnking
teext insertion cursor. Type "Boats in the
t Bay." Deepending onn your settinggs, it might bbe
oo large, or too
t small, orr a hard to reead color. Thhe editor for the text attriibutes is at thhe
op of the Pho otoshop window:
• Font
F family. This menu, like all font menus, lets you select tthe desired fo font. You cann
seelect from thhe list, or typpe in the fontt name. It wiill autofill ass you type. FFor the purpooses
of this tutoriaal, select Hellvetica.
• Font
F style. Iff there are reelated font sty
yles for the font family ((e.g., Bold, IItalic, Light,,
M etc.), they will beb available in this popuup menu. If tthe menu is ggrayed, that
m a no variations on the current
there are c font family. For our purposees, select
• Font
F size. Thhis adjusts thhe size of thee font. You hhave the optiion of enterinng in a speciific
ont size, or choosing
c a siize from a sm
mall list. Forr fast, flexiblle, and easy font size
chhanges, click k and hold ono the T icon n to the left oof the field, aand drag to tthe left or rigght:
he size shoulld change drramatically.
• Antialiasing.
A . This will deetermine thee strength off the edge bleending. "Nonne" turns offf
an a text is reendered like it was rendeered in 1984: like blockyy stair steps.
ntialiasing, and
H a comp parison of th he different antialiasing
a ssettings:

• Justification. The icons say s it all: thiis justifies alll text in the selected layyer to the leftt,
ceenter, or righht.
• Color.
C This color
c chip deefaults to thee foregroundd color when you first chhoose the Texxt
ool. To change the color, select the teext layer itseelf, or with tthe Text curssor, any partt of
he text in a field.
f Click on
o the chip, select
s a colorr, and any seelected text, plus all futuure
teext will be th
hat new colo or. Note: If you
y select a ttext field witth multiple ccolors, the coolor
chhip will dispplay a questio on mark (?).. All other teext attributess will show aas blanks.
• Warp.
W This bends,
b or "warps" the tex xt on the horrizontal or veertical axis. To use it, sim mply
seelect the textt layer, click
k on the Warrp button, annd work the S Style and sliders to find the
riight look . Foor this, we'lll use the Flagg style, and set the bendd to 100%.
• Panels.
P The Panels
P button
n opens up two
t more pallettes: Charaacter and Parragraph. Usee
hese to fine-ttune the look
k of your tex
Create a sized text field.
f To do this, click an
nd drag from
m the top leftt corner of w
where you waant
your textt box to appeear, to the bo
ottom right corner
c of the box. You'll see a rectanngle on the
screen, with
w handles on the corneers and sidess.

• Type
T some a couple senteences into thhe box. Don'tt worry if thhe text is too big or too sm mall.
W you're done enterin
ng text, presss the Enter kkey. If your ttext is too sm
mall, use the Font
Size control (at
( the top) too make it larrger. Converrsely, if yourr text is too llarge, use the
Font Size conntrol to makee the text sm
• You
Y can also adjust the siize of the tex xt field: hoveer over one oof the handles for a coupple
seeconds, and your cursor will change to a double arrow. Clickk and drag too resize the ttext
box: the text will
w flow wiithin the bou undaries of thhe box.
Close thee window. Save
S the file if you like, or discard chhanges. Eithher way, youu can always get
an untoucched version
n here.
Paintiing Tools


C a new
w document. In the Neww dialog, set Width to 10024 pixels, thhe Height to 768
pixels, and th
he backgroun
nd contents to
t white.

Select the Brrush Tool (BB). This has been

b part off Photoshop since beforee version 1.00, and
prretty much every
e paint application
a ever
e created!

o The Brush
B menu isi also homee to the Penc il tool, the CColor Replacce tool, and tthe
Mixerr Brush.
ƒ The Pencill tool draws lines of vary ying thickneesses, and whhile you cann use
different brushes,
b the Pencil
P tool ffeatures no aantialiasing: everything iis
very bitmaapped.
ƒ The Colorr Replacemen nt tool can bbe very usefuul for replaciing one coloor (or
range of co olors) with another
a colorr.
ƒ The Mixerr Brush. Thiss mixes togeether differen nt colors, muuch the samee
way that ana artists mixxes colors onn a palette.
o Pick a color for th he brush. Click on the Fooreground Color chip at the bottom oof
the toool list. A collor picker dialog will apppear. Pick anny color thatt suits you. F
utorial, we'll choose red. When you'vve got a coloor you like, cclick OK to cclose
this tu
the wiindow.
o Pick a bru
ush. The easiiest way to pick
p a brush is with the bbrush pickerr at the top leeft of
the Photooshop windo ow. Pick any y brush. Notiice the Size aand Hardnesss parameterrs. Size sets tthe
diameter of the brush h, and Hardn ness refers to
o the edges: a 100% brussh has a crispp edge, whille a
0% brush h is featheredd for a soft edge.
e Set thee brush size tto 30 and thee Hardness tto 50%. Youu can
use the slliders or enteer the numbeer directly.
o Scribbble a bit with
h your choseen color. Gett a feel for how the brushh works. Yoou
can allso adjust thee Opacity an
nd Flow, at thhe top. Opaccity sets the transparencyy of
the co
olor. Flow ad djusts how much
m color iss placed on tthe canvas wwith each strooke.

o To
T see the diffference betw ween Opacitty and Flow,, set the Opaacity to 50%,, then scribbble
over an area
a repeated dly, without stopping or clicking. If yyou're usingg red, you'll nnotice a nicee pink
blob. If you
y lift up yo our cursor, and
a then startt scribbling again, noticee that wheree the new scrribble
overlaps the old, it's darker. Wheere the scribb
ble is new, iss lighter. Oppacity adds w
with every
stroke—b but not durin
ng a single stroke. Returrn the Opacitty to 100%.
o Set the Flow to 25 5%, the Opaccity to 100%%, and scribbble again. Noote now thatt as
you go o over your stroke, the color
c builds uuntil it's com
mpletely red.. The opacityy is
quicklly build up to
t 100%. Wiith a Flow raate of 100%, all the colorr is put on thhe
canvaas immediateely.
o When n you're donee experimentting, clear thhe canvas byy pressing Coommand-Deelete
(Contrrol-Delete). Your canvas will fill wiith the backgground colorr. Option-Deelete
(Alt-DDelete) will fill
f with the foreground ccolor.

Select the Shhape Tool (U

U). By defau ult, it will sellect the Recttangle Tool. Click on thee
acctual Shape menu, and select
s the Pollygon Tool. This allows you to speccify any num mber
of sides, and automaticallly draw the desired
d shappe.

o Note the
t settings across
a the to
op. The Shappe menu (shoown open) leets you chooose
Shapee, Path, or Piixels. Choosiing Shape w will give you a filled pathh (what you
createed with the Pen
P tool). Th he fill color i s chosen usiing the Fill ppopup menu;; the
ne color (if anny) is chosen n using the SStroke popupp menu; the stroke widthh is
set wiith the strokee width menu u; and the sttroke optionss—dashed oor solid lines and
more— —are set from m the Strokee Options m menu.
o One other
o option to
t be aware of for the Poolygon tool iis the Sides ffield. This leets
you sppecify the nu
umber of sid
des of the pollygon—from m 3 to 100. Y You can eithher
enter the
t number directly,
d or click
c and holld on the woord Sides, annd drag left oor
right to
t incrementt or decremeent the numbber.

o To creeate a polygoon, click andd drag anywhhere on the ccanvas. Youur polygon wwill
open out
o from thee center of th he click poinnt. Before you release yoour mouse, itt will
look something
s lik
ke this: br>

o Whenn you releasee the mouse button,

b the ppolygon willl be filled wiith the fill coolor
you'vee selected, an
nd the bordeer will have tthe stroke atttributes youu set.
o Altern
nately, for quuick-and-eassy polygon ccreation, singgle-click anyywhere on thhe
canvaas. A dialog will
w appear on o your scre en that lets yyou set the pparameters aall at
once. Here's whatt it looks likee, with the reesult shown beside it:
Select the Pa
aint Bucket Tool (G). Because
B this iis the secondd tool in thiss menu, you will
w to actuaally click on the tool paleette icon, as shown, thenn select the P Paint Bucket
T as show

o You are
a probably familiar witth this tool: iit's in virtuallly every paiint applicatioon on
the plaanet. It will fill any givee area with thhe color of yyour choice. While most
appliccations requiire the filled area to be a solid color, Photoshop llets you adjuust
the tollerance so thhat any pixell that falls w
within the rannge of the original click
locatioon will get filled.
f xample, the rright side of this image w
For ex was filled wiith
blue, using
u the Ovverlay mode, and a Tolerrance of 1655:

o Press D to select the

t default Foreground
F aand Backgroound colors, tthen press
Comm mand (Contro ol)-Delete to
o clear the caanvas and filll with whitee.

Select the Grradient Too ol (G). If the Paint Buckeet Tool or 3DD Material DDrop Tool is
seelected, presss Shift-G un
ntil the Gradient tool is sselected. Thee Gradient T
Tool will let yyou
fiill an area wiith a smooth
h blending beetween 2 or more colors.

o At thee top of the window,

w clicck on the graadient palettee, and choosse the blue, rred,
and yeellow gradieent on the topp right row bby double-cllicking on it..
o Click and drag froom the top leeft corner to the bottom rright corner,, and your caanvas
will lo
ook like this:

o Like the
t Paint Buccket tool, yo ou can applyy a gradient tto an image w with differennt
overlaay styles. Exxperiment wiith those, to see how eacch one interaacts with the
gradieent blend.
o To eddit a gradientt, click on the gradient paalette. The GGradient Ediitor will appeear.
Click on the colorred tabs to ch hoose a coloor for each pooint, and moove the pointts to
set thee start and en
nd points forr each color.. Click on thhe black tabs at top to asssign
Close thee Gradient Editor.

hing Toolss
Return tot the samplle image. Op pen up the sample file SaSamplePic.jppg." If you'vee done the
previous tutorials, annd have saveed your workk in progresss, you may hhave a couplle text fields.
Under thhe Layers tab b on the righ
ht (or if not th
here, select L
Layers fromm the Window ws menu), cllick
on the eyyeball icon for
fo all layers but the actu ual image layyer. After thee text layers are deseleccted,
click on the
t image layyer so that it's
i active.
Select th
he Clone Sta
amp (S). Thee clone stam
mp lets you piick up part oof the image, and copy itt to
another part
p of the immage.

Select a brush. At thhe top of the window, to the right off the Clone S
Stamp icon, iis the brush
palette. Click
C on thatt, and select a brush as sh
o Usingg the Size slid
der, set the brush
b size too 50.
o Set th
he clone source. Before you can clonne the imagee, you need tto select whaat
you'ree actually cop
pying. We'ree going to hiide the whitee boat in thee middle withh
water. Holding do own the Optiion (Alt) keyy, and click oon the imagee about wherre
the waater changess texture, as shown
s by thhe red target::

o When n you to this, the cursor will

w be the im
mage of the source. Movve the cursorr next
to the white boat, and match the
t break in tthe water texxture as closse as you cann. It
won't be perfect, but
b it's close enough. Yoour cursor annd placemennt should look
sometthing like show here (enllarged):
o Click and hold thee mouse buttton, and painnt over the bboat as muchh as you can.. You
may start
s to see reepetitive pattterns, but wee'll show youu how to minnimize thosee,
next. Here's
H what your screen might look like after brrushing out thhe boat:

o Softenn the edges of

o the cloned d area. To doo this, click oon the brushh palette at thhe
top ag
gain, and thiss time set thee Hardness tto 0%. This w will fade outt the edges oof the
tool gradually. Select about th he same clonne source, then go over thhe outer edgges of
your cloned
c area. Click differeent parts of tthe water as you go, to m minimize
repeatted patterns. When you'rre done, it shhould look soomething likke this:
o If you
u want a real challenge, try
t and clonee out the mast. Use smalller brushes, and
clone sources very y near the mast
m itself.
o Also in
i the Clone Stamp menu u is the Patteern Stamp. L
Like the Clonne Stamp, thhis
paintss over your im
mage, but in
nstead of usinng part of thhe image, it uuses a patterrn.

o To creeate a pattern
n of your ow
wn, select parrt of the imaage using thee rectangularr
Marqu uee Tool, theen from the Edit menu, select Defin ne Pattern.... Name yourr new
n, select the Pattern Stam
mp tool, thenn click on thhe Pattern paalette (see abbove
imagee). Paint overr your picturre, and the ppattern will bbe "stamped"" onto it:
ƒ Checking the "Aligned d" checkboxx will result iin evenly-tiled patterns, like
a checkerbboard, even with
w multiplle passes witth the brush.
ƒ Uncheckin ng the "Alignned" checkbbox will restaart the tile w
with every cliick
of the mouuse, which can result in a more naturral looking ppattern.
ƒ Checking "Impression nist" will givve you random dots of coolor taken froom
n. The dot sizze is determiined by the bbrush size.
the pattern

Select the Hiistory Brush h (Y). The History

H Brushh takes you bback to prevvious versionns of
your image, but
b unlike sim mply saving g a copy alonng the way, tthen reopening it, the Hiistory
B lets you
u paint in prrior versions.

o Scrolll to the top of

o the History
y tab. If it's nnot showingg, select Histtory from thhe
Winddow menu. At A the top of the History window, you'll see a thuumbnail of thhe
imagee. Click the checkbox
c next to that: thhat's going too be what wee'll paint in.

o Remember that white

w sailboatt you Clone Stamped ouut of existencce? We're gooing
to brin
ng it back! With
W your Hiistory Brushh selected, usse the Brush palette and set
your brush
b size to
o 100, and th
he hardness tto 100%.
o Click and hold the e mouse wheere the whitee sailboat used to be, andd start paintiing.
Your boat is paintted back in!

o Use th
he History Brush
B to pain
nt the image bback to the ooriginal.

Select the Sp pot Healing Brush (J). Similar

S to thhe Clone Stam
mp, the Spott Healing Brrush
w paint oveer your imag ge with anothher part of thhe image. In this case, hoowever, it w
frrom the areaa around wheere you are painting.
p It can deliver am
mazingly naatural results.

o With the
t Spot Heaaling Brush selected, sett your brush to a round bbrush, 50 pixxels
roundd, and 50% Hardness.
o Locate the tan houuse on the hiill, in the mi ddle of the iimage. Startiing on the right
side of
o the house, make small strokes from m the trees innto the housse. You will start
to see the house disappear
d benneath the pinne trees!
o Contin
nue paintingg away the ho ouse, until itt's gone from
m view. Youu can work thhe
edges to make thee hillside loo
ok more natuural. When yyou're done, iit should loook
sometthing like thiis:
Select th
he Dodge To ool (O). Dod dging and bu urning have ttheir roots inn the days whhen
photograaphers develo oped their fillms in a dark
kroom. Maskking (dodginng) parts of tthe photograaph
blocked the
t light gettting to the ph hotograph, effectively
e liightening thee masked areea; burning, or
letting more
m light thrrough, darken ned the burn
ned area. Phootoshop's Doodge and Buurn tools do tthe
same thinng, only far more
m reliablly than a piecce of cardbooard with a hhole punchedd in it!

o With thet Dodge Tool

T selected
d, set your brrush size to 550 and Harddness to 50% %. To
the rigght of the bru
ush palette, set Range too "Highlightss," and Expoosure to 50% %.
o We'll add some lig ght to the sailboat on thee bottom righht. Paint the boat startingg
around the words "The Saint."" Notice how w it's much bbrighter now w. Also, noticce
that iff you slip and
d paint over the woodenn cabin, it dooesn't changee nearly as m much:
we've selectively lightening only the whitter tones. Thhat little bit oof sunlight too the
rear of the cabin will
w also ligh hten up consiiderably.
o Switch h to the Burnn Tool by prressing Shiftt-O. The bruush palette annd Exposuree
gs can stay the
t same, but change thee Range to Shhadows. Dodge the wateer
around the boats. Notice how the water beecomes mucch darker, buut the bright boats
are haardly affectedd at all. With
h judicious uuse of the Doodge and Buurn tools, youu can
really make an immage pop.

o Switch h to the Sponge Tool by y pressing Shhift-O. The S Sponge Tooll lets you
selectively desatu urate (removee color), or ssaturate (enrrich color) ann image. Witth
the Sp ponge Tool selected,
s set the Mode att the top to ""Desaturate."" Desaturate the
back ofo the boat until
u it's effecctively blackk and white. Then switchh the Mode m menu
to "Saaturate." Painnt the bow of the boat too saturate thee colors. At ffirst it just iss a
little richer,
r but will
w quickly become
b cartooony. Leave the middle oof the boat
untouched, for com mparison.
Advancced Tools

1Select the
t Pen Too ol (P). The peen tool is excellent for m
making very precise, edittable selectioons.
It's a morre advanced tool that willl take some practice to uuse well, buut worth gettiing familiar with.
Select it by o the icon, or pressing P. Your curssor will lookk like the nibb of a fountaain
b clicking on
o Using g the white boat left of ceenter again, click on the bow where the hull meeets
the waater, and draag along the water line too the middle of the boat. You will seee
two haandles exten nd from the initial
i click ppoint—the aanchor point—
—in a straigght
line. When
W you reeach the middle of the huull, release thhe mouse buutton.

o Note that
t the hand dles remain. Now, click and hold onn the stern (back) of the bboat
at the water line, and
a drag upw ward to abouut halfway uup the backsiide of the boat.
Do noot release thee mouse buttton yet.
o You will
w see that the t initial haandles have ddisappearedd, and a new set shows
extendding from thhe second anchor point. N Notice also tthat there is an arced linee
extendding from thhe initial anchor point, innto the waterr, and up to tthe second
anchoor point.

o If you
u move the handle
h under your cursorr around the second anchhor point, yoou
will seee that line bending
b like a rubber bannd. Don't woorry if it's coonnected to tthe
boat for
f the momeent—we'll ad ddress that mmomentarilyy. Using the ppicture below w,
finish setting up thhe the anchoor points arouund the hulll of the boat,, finally clickking
on thee initial anch
hor point to close
c the looop:

b probably looks simiilar to the picc above, onlly loosely coonnected to tthe
The line around the boat
boat. Noww we fix thaat, with the Direct
D Selecttion tool.
Select th
he Direct Sellection tool (A). Make sure
s the curssor is white, nnot black. Iff it is black, ppress
Shift-A, or use the Seelection Too
ol menu to seelect the Dirrect Selectionn tool.

Click on the first ancchor point. The

T handles will
w appear aas before. Cllick on the riightmost hanndle,
and wigg he left and right handles move togethher around thhe anchor pooint. Now, press
gle it: note th
Comman nd-Option (C Control-Alt), click on thee rightmost hhandle, and ddrag it upwaards.
o Note that
t only thee right handle moves, andd that the linne between tthe top anchoor
point on the bow, and the poin nt you are edditing is noww at least starrting to be close
to the hull. Drag the
t handle ab bout halfwayy up the hulll, and leave iit there for nnow.
o Click on the botto om anchor po oint on the s tern of the bboat. When yyou see the
handlees, click on the
t right han ndle, and pulll it upwardss slowly. You should seee the
line sttart to match
h up with thee waterline. AAdjust that hhandle and thhe left handlle of
the firrst anchor po
oint until thee line matchees the waterlline as closelly as possiblle.
o You may
m have to adjust the an nchor pointss themselves— —this can bbe accomplisshed
by cliccking on theem and dragg ging, or clickking on them m and using the arrow
cursorrs to nudge them
t in any direction. W When you're ddone, the boottom line shhould
look like this:

o Work your way arround the bo oat, making tthe line as cllose to the boat as you can.
It's no
ot important to make a peerfect selectiion at this pooint—only tto get a feel oof
how th he anchors and
a handles work.
w Stop wwhen you geet to this poinnt:
o There will be timees when you u don't want a soft, roundded corner, sso we need too
turn off
o the handlees to make hard
h corners.. The front eedge of the cabin is one oof
those places. Locaate the ancho or point you placed theree, then hold down
Comm mand-Option n (Control-A
Alt), and clickk on that ancchor point, aand the one
beloww it. Note thaat the handles disappear, and the linee between the two pointss is
ht, not roundded.

o When n you're donee adjusting th

he handles, rright click onn the line, annd choose M
a Seleection from the
t menu. OK O the dialogg box that apppears. The bboat is now
selected. If you wish
w to edit yo our selectionn, you can ddo so in the P Paths window.
Press Command-D D (Control-DD) to clear thhe current seelection, clicck on the pathh
(Workk Path), makke sure the Direct
D Selectiion tool is acctive, and eddit away! Whhen
you'ree done, you can
c make a new n selectioon.
o Note: If you wish to save that path for lateer use, double click on thhe words Wo
me, and presss Enter. Thee path will noow be savedd with your
Path, give it a nam

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