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Establishment of the Quatro Millennials Enterprise

Manufacturer of Soya De Mangga

#627 Miguel Aranda St., Santiago Malvar Batangas

A Business Plan Presented to the

Faculty of Faith Catholic School


Dimaunahan, Paula Jane P.

Evangelio, Cayladette Richie A.

Laja, Lex Lowell E.

Mendoza, Franchezka L.

November 2017
Executive Summary

Name of the Company: Quatro Millennials Enterprise

Name of the Product: Soya De Mangga

Location: #627 Miguel Aranda St., Santiago Malvar Batangas

Initial Investment/s: MONEY

Chapter I


Vision Statement

The Quatro Millennials Enterprise envisions itself to establish a name in

the food industry and to be one of the leading producer of goods while giving

the highest level of customer value.

Mission Statement

The Quatro Millennials Enterprise aims to:

 To gain profit through providing nutritious and unique products that can

influence food industry

 Help consumer to improve their shape and condition with healthy benefits

from the product produced

 Sell high quality food products that have fair and just price

 Have a positive emotional appeal to the customer using an effective

marketing strategy

 Continually produce and develop new products that can have an impact

both to the company and consumers

Company Objectives

Marketing. To use an effective marketing strategy with the use of technology

and word-of-mouth advertisement in order to promote healthy food products

that can give benefits and nutrients to the consumers.

Sales and Promotion. To sell at least 50 units per day, to lessen expense in

5% per month and to have a 3% increase in sales per week. The company will

achieve this through various promotions such as digital advertisement and

appealing packaging of the product

Price. To sell products that have competitive and reasonable price.

Materials. To enclose deals with reliable suppliers that can provide high

quality materials and ingredients.

Customer Satisfaction. To achieve customer’s satisfaction through improving

the product based on their comments and feedbacks.

Employees and Processes. To guarantee that the company workers are doing

their responsibilities in an effective and efficient manner.

Environment. To ensure a sanitized working area to protect the safety and

health of individuals, both producers and consumers, from possible hazards.

Communication. To promote a two-way communication that encourages

integral transparency with the customers, employees, and suppliers.

Description of Product/ Service

The young entrepreneurs gathered various data related in creating a

healthy product in line in the food industry, specifically dessert, and in doing

so, they come across three healthy aliments that can be combined: soya or soy

milk, mangoes, and gelatin. This product has a jelly like form with gelatin as its

base and soya or soy milk together with mango as its flavoring.
Unlike the normal gelatin and other desserts, Soya de Mangga is

healthier since its main three ingredients can provide healthy nutrients. Soya or

soy milk is a good source of energy, protein, sugar, dietary fiber and fat.

( Mango is a good source of dietary fiber and vitamin

B6, vitamin A and vitamin C ( Gelatin is 98-99%

protein and it is good for weight loss and bone-strengthening. It contains

glycine, proline, valine, hydroxyproline and glutamic acid that are amino acids


Chapter II

Marketing Plan



Political Factor

The political situation of the country can influence the business due to various

aspects of government policies and requirements that needs to be followed.

 Taxes and Licenses. The young entrepreneurs will be accountable in dealing

with the taxes and licenses and other government requirements for the
company. They are asserting to be just and integral in their financial reports
and that they will pay the corresponding taxes and fees.

Economic Factor

The economic situation of the country will greatly influence the business due to its

domination in the pricing of goods and consumer behavior.

 Inflation. Inflation rates varies directly with the amount of money needed to
sustain a certain level of living. Having an increase of inflation rates will have
an increase in the prices of goods and services affecting the behavior of the
consumers. Though there is a gradual increase of inflation rates, the inflation
remains manageable. Having that said, there are no present threats of having a
vast increase in the inflation rates so it is now currently stable. This clears out
the possibility of having a weak consumer power therefore leading the young
entrepreneurs to constantly produce and sell their products in a reasonable
price in order to increase their projected sales.
 Interest Rates. High interest rates makes it harder for the young entrepreneurs
to borrow money to fund their economic activities such as purchases to
suppliers, operations and payroll to their personnel. With that fact given, the
enterprise will be very deliberate on deciding whether to borrow cash from the
bank for future purposes like business expansion, and other opportunities that
will be beneficial even with the weight of the interest from borrowing money.

Socio-cultural Factor

The socio-cultural factor are people’s characteristics and lifestyles affects the
business and its decision for it should adapt to the constant change of the society and
its cultures.

 Consumers’ Behavior. The company will strive to develop products

considering the consumers’ behavior while maintaining its quality to

gain some loyal customers.

Technological Factor

The business is affected by the technological advancement in the current

generation today but it is a factor wherein the young entrepreneurs can prominently

use that will make the business more manageable.

 Automation. The young entrepreneurs uses a printer to produce the sticker for
the packaging of their products.
 Mobile and Internet Connection. The company will be using digital passing
of information and digital transactions.

Environmental Factor

The environmental situation of the country or any provinces of it may have an

impact on the business if the area where the company gets its supplies is affected by
the environmental factor.
 Environmental Disaster. The company will consider this factor when
deciding on where to get the supplies. If for example, a typhoon hit the
Philippines and the provinces that are mainly affected are the ones where the
company gets the supply of various materials and ingredients, the company
will have a conflict on finding an improvised supplier. Still, given the possible
conflict, the company will not wait for it to happen and will plan ahead a
solution for the said possible situation.

Legal Factor

The legal factor affects the business due to the different laws and regulations
that needs to be followed to be able to continue in operating the business.

 The company will assure to comply with the laws and regulations that are set
by various departments of the government to keep the business up and
o Business Requirements
o Safety Hazards
o Human Rights


The target market of the young entrepreneurs are individuals, specially

parents and students. In general, the entrepreneurs target establishments as well

as five years old and above customers within the area of Santiago Malvar,

Batangas and First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities.

Customer Segmentation

Primary Target Market

 Health Conscious Individuals – people who consume products that can

satisfy their appetite without compromising their healthy lifestyle

 Students – people who consumes the biggest portion of Faith’s



Country: Philippines

Region: Region IV – A (Calabarzon) – Focusing on Santiago Malvar

Batangas and First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities


Gender: Male and Female

Age: five years old and above


Lifestyle: Health Conscious

Interest: High quality, nutritious, affordable products


Secondary Target Market

 Parents – individuals who want to provide nutritious product for their


 Other food establishments – food stalls willing to re-sell the product



Competitive Advantage

SWOT Analysis


o Can sell high quality food products at an affordable cost

o The first and only producer of Soya De Mangga

o Successfully develops unconventional food products that are beneficial in

terms of the costumer’s health and well-being

o Produces products that are suitable for all ages

o The young entrepreneurs are hands-on

o Already has a reseller


o Novice in the food industry

o Have a dearth of experience in managing a business


o Strong consumer power of the market within the area

o Potentially open to have more resellers, investors, sponsors

o Can do various zero-cost product promotion in the market


o Rapid increase of inflation

o Substitutions

o Other establishments that sells sweets/desserts

o Other establishments that sells food that can lower the purchasing power

of consumers

o Practicality of consumers

Supplier : Overall na bibilhan

Competitive Analysis

Direct Competitors Indirect Competitors

 Other stalls that provide  Stalls that offer other types

products made from gelatin of desserts or sweets

like coffee jelly  Stalls that offer other types

of food besides dessert

 All food court stalls at


5 Porters Forces Model

1. Threats of new entrants

 There are many feasible threats of entry of other food establishments

within the area of the company’s target market. If those

establishments also produced a soya-mango flavored gelatin, the

threats of new entrants will be high for it can affect the flow of how

consumers behave towards the company due to the multiple producer

of similar products.

2. Bargaining Power of Supplier

 The bargaining power of the supplier will not be that high because

the raw materials and the ingredients for the production of the

product Soya De Mangga are easy to find but in the company’s case,

the bargaining power of their supplier for the soya or soy milk has a

bargaining power for they are a direct supplier and there are no

middlemen for their transactions.

3. Bargaining Power of Buyer

 For a company to be successful, they need to consider their

consumers which are the ones who buy their products. Having that

said, the bargaining power of the buyers are high since the company
will always be depending their decisions and future developments on

their buyers.

4. Threat of Substitute Products

 The threats of substitute products remains in the middle of high and

low because although the consumers have the power to switch and

find substitutes, they still would not be able to exactly find

something as of high quality and unique as the company’s product,

Soya De Mangga.

5. Degree of Competitive Rivalry

 The degree of competitive rivalry is somewhat above the middle but

not entirely high because the young entrepreneurs are expecting

other entrepreneur to simultaneously launch different product in the

market, this results to the unequal distribution of consumers among

the companies.


Product – paano nabuo yung product niyo. Ingredients are included

Packaging -

Price – magkano ang presyo ng product niyo?

TABLE: Ingredients

Ingredients Units Quantit Unit Cost Amount Cost percentage

Soya Milk ml 6 000 PHP 2.4 PHP 150.000
Mangoes Kilo ½ PHP 1.4 PHP 100.00
Sugar Kilo ½ PHP 25.00
Gelatin Powder Pack 3 PHP 30.00

Place – the young entrepreneurs decided to sell Soya de Mangga at First Asia

Insitute of Technology and Humanities located at #2 President Laurel

Highway, Barangay Darasa, Tanauan City, Batangas. They chose this school

because it has several students, parents, faculty members and etc. that can be

the potential buyers of their product.

Promotion – how will you promote your product? Market proposition strategy

Chapter III

Operational Plan

Production Process


Inventory Policy

Raw materials Requirements

 yung mga ginamit for packaging and cooking tools

 utilities

Manpower Requirements

 The company will only need four personnel in total. Two persons will manage the

overall operation from production and quality control to actual selling. The

manpower needed for the production of the product Soya De Mangga requires

only two but does not limit it to the said number depending on the availability of

the other personnel. After production, the selling will be handed by all of the

personnel that will push the product into the market or customers.

 Ilang hours nagtrabaho (working hours)

 Employment policy
 Chapter IV (organizational chart)

Quality Control Requirements

Chapter IV

Management and Organizational Plan

A. Organization Chart

Franchezka L. Mendoza

Paula Jane P. Dimaunahan Cayladette Richie A.

Lex Lowell E. Laja
SALES MANAGER and Evangelio

B. Job Description


Franchezka L. Mendoza, the Officer-in-Charge (OIC), is the one

responsible for overall operation of the business. She will monitor if

company’s vision and mission are applied on day-to-day activity. Also, she

must ensure if every employee is doing his or her assigned task. If a head of

one department is not available, she is liable to cover and manage what is

happening on that particular department. Additionally, she will act as a

leader who will motivate and give directions to all heads and employees.
An officer-in-charge (OIC) is a person who is legally responsible for all

official operations in a department/office/unit whenever the immediate head

is not available (

Sales Manager

Paula Jane Dimaunahan, the Sales Manager, is the one who

established sales objectives. She is the one who will set the sales quota,

expected sales volume and profit for the existing and new products


Legal Forms of Ownership



 TO FOLLOW!!!!! 

Personnel Policies

 The entrepreneurs should comply with the proper dress code at all times when

making and selling the products.

o Should have an apron and disposable gloves and hairnet in making the


o Should be presentably neat and in uniform when selling the products.

 They should sell the product in an appropriate manner. Using of compliments to

the customer are highly recommended.

 They should huddle up before and after conducting the operations such as making

and selling the products for updates.

 Attend the short meeting every first Saturday of the month.

 The entrepreneurs should be accountable in handling the sales and monitoring the

cash flow.

 They should be responsible in the safekeeping of the money.

Chapter V

Financial Plan

Future Prospect

Breakeven Analysis

Projected Income Statement for Three Months

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