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Different Factors Affecting Consumer’s Online Shopping Behavior as Perceived by Faith Catholic School Students under

Accountancy Business and Management Strand

1. How do the students perceive the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) This study will use quantitative approach,
different factors affecting Technological Acceptance Model (TAM) was specifically descriptive method.
consumers’ online behavior in introduced by Fred Davis in 1986 and Ritchie (2013) opined that by using the
terms of: specifically tailored for modelling user descriptive research design, the researcher
1.1 Perceived Benefits acceptance of information systems. TAM is will be able to observe a large mass of
1.2 Perceived Risks an adaptation of the Theory of Reasoned target population and make required
1.3Psychological Factors Action (TRA) by Davis in 1989 (Davis, conclusions about the variables. The
1.4 Website Design Bagozzi, & Warshaw, 1989). It is one of the researcher by using descriptive research
2. Which factor is considered the most successful measurements for computer can effectively design a pre-structured
most by the respondents? usage effectively among practitioners and questionnaire with both open ended and
academics. TAM attempts not only to predict closed ended questions. The information
3. What is the possible but also provide an explanation to help collected from the responses of can be
recommendation that can be researchers and practitioners identify why a statistically presented in this type of
obtained by the study? particular system may be unacceptable and research method for the easy interpretation
pursue appropriate steps. An important factor of the report users.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE in TAM is to trace the impact of external According to Matthews & Ross (2010)
The core purpose of this study is to factors on internal beliefs, attitudes and quantitative research methods are basically
identify different factors Affecting intentions whose purpose is to assess the user applied to the collection of data that is
Consumer’s Online Shopping Behavior acceptance of emerging information structured and which could be represented
as Perceived by Faith Catholic School technology. Two particular beliefs are numerically. Generally quantitative data is
students under Accountancy Business addressed through TAM i.e. Perceived collected when researcher has adopted the
and Management Strand. usefulness (PU) and Perceived ease of use positivist epistemological approach and
(PEOU). Perceived usefulness (PU) is the data is collected that can be scientifically
RESEARCH OBJECTIVES prospective user’s subjective probability that analyzed.
1. To know how students perceived using a specific application system will
on the different factors affecting increase his or her job performance within an RESPONDENTS OF THE STUDY
consumer’s online buying organizational context. Perceived ease of use The qualified respondents for this study
behavior such as Perceived (PEOU) is the degree to which the will be the FCS – Accountancy Business
Benefits, Perceived Risks, prospective user expects the target system to and Management Strand students from
Psychological Factors and be free of effort. The above beliefs influence First Asia Institute of Technology and
Website Design. the behavioural intentions of accepting and Humanities.
adopting a technology system. Between these RESEARCH LOCALE
2. To know which of the factors is two, perceived ease of use has a direct effect The total populations of FCS – ABM
considered the most by the on both perceived 13 usefulness and students is 62; 26 students are from Grade
respondents. technology usage. Davis (1989) also found 11 and the remaining 36 students are from
that there is a relationship between the beliefs Grade 12.
3. To know students’ possible that users have about a technology’s After applying the Slovin’s Formula, the
recommendation that can be usefulness, the attitude and the intention to researchers determined that they will need
obtained from the study. use the technology. New technologies such as a total of 54 respondents.
personal computers are complex and an SAMPLING DESIGN
element of uncertainty exists in the minds of The researchers will use snowball random
decision makers with respect to the successful sampling as their sampling design.
adoption of them, people form attitudes and According to Dudovskiy (2017), snowball
intentions toward trying to learn to use the sampling method involves primary data
new technology prior to initiating efforts sources nominating another potential
directed at using. Attitudes towards usage and primary data sources to be used in the
intentions to use may be ill-formed or lacking research. In other words, it is based on
in conviction or else may occur only after referrals from initial subjects to generate
preliminary strivings to learn to use the additional subjects. Therefore, when
technology evolve (Davis et al., 1989). Thus, applying this sampling method members of
actual usage may not be a direct or immediate the sample group are recruited via chain
consequence of such attitudes and intentions. referral.
Theory of Planned Behaviour DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENT
Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) explains In order to complete this quantitative study,
behaviors over which individuals have the researchers will use questionnaires or
incomplete voluntary control (Ajzen, 1991). survey form. In the survey form, there are
Intentions to perform behaviors of different statements which are divided on four
kinds can be predicted with high accuracy categories namely Perceived Benefits,
from attitudes toward the behaviour, Perceived Risks, Psychological Factor and
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral Website Design. A Likert format with a
control; and these intentions, together with four point scales such as Strongly Agree,
perceptions of behavioral control, account for Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree
considerable variance in actual behaviour will be used in this quantitative research.
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). Attitude towards a This instrument will help the researchers to
behaviour and subjective norm about meet their research objectives and answer
engaging in a behaviour are supposed to their specific problems.
influence intention. Attitude depicts an STATISTICAL TREATMENT
individual’s feelings, inclination or The following statistical treatment will be
disinclination towards performing a used in this study:
behaviour. A prospective technology user’s Weighted Mean
overall attitudes toward using a given According to Manikandan (2011),
technology based system (i.e., Internet) or weighted mean is calculated when certain
procedure represents major determinants as to values in a data set are more important than
whether or not he/she will ultimately use the the others.
system. Subjective norms reveal the In this quantitative research, the
individual’s perceptions of the influence of researchers will use Weighted Mean in
significant others (e.g., family, friends, peers, order to know how respondents agree or
etc.). Others’ opinions about online shopping disagree on each and every statement in a
as well as online reviews will influence online category.
shopping behaviour. TPB additionally Formula:
includes perceived behaviour control over x̄ = Σfx / n
engaging in behaviours, suggesting that
human behavioural decision-making is Where:
affected by the consumer’s ability to perform x̄ = computed mean
the behaviour (Ajzen, 1991). f = frequency
x = values in the scale
Cultural Theory N = total number of respondents
Cultural Theory (sometimes known as 'the
cultural theory of risk') was developed by Composite Mean
Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky. It According to George, D. & Mallery, P.
suggests that people tend to perceive danger (2016), composite means involves
and respond to risk in different ways and that combining the items that represent a
these different ways tend to encourage the variable to create a score, or data point, for
development of different social structures. It that variable.
goes on to suggest that these social structures The researchers will use Composite Mean
can be viewed in terms of 'group' and 'grid' - in order to determine the overall value of
how cooperative they are and how much each category such as Perceived Risk,
control from above is exercised. Perceived Benefits, Psychological Factor
and Website Design
Composite Mean =∑wi Zi
Zi = Z-scores of the measures used to
compute the summary score.
wi = weights applied to each Z-score.
∑ = add up all the Z-scores multiplied by
their weights.
Reminder: Always compute composite
scores separately by state.

According to Jackson (2018), ranking is
the relationship between two mathematical
values where each value can be less than,
greater than, or equal to the second value.

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