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Automatic Waste Segregating and Recycling Smart Trashbin


A Research Proposal

Presented to the Scientific Review Committee (SRC) of

Quezon Science High School

Isabang, Tayabas City



Aron Vemdale Gaña

Danielle Andrea Palines

Julious Evhan Panuelos


Ms. Rio Celeste Reyes

Technical Writing Teacher


Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.

Technology, the application of science to the practical aims of human life or, as it is

sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the human environment. it

helped with the easy access of informations, communicating easily, improving

promotion strategies, assisting people with disabilities, and improving the state of the

environment. Building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society is a long-term

strategic task, and environmental technology or green technologies innovation is the

fundamental way to achieve this goal (Chuang, 2012). Green technology, also known as

sustainable technology, takes into account the long- and short-term impact something

has on the environment. Green products are by definition, environmentally friendly.

Energy efficiency, recycling, health and safety concerns, renewable resources, and

more all go into the making of a green product or technology (Bellis,2019). Machines

had helped and advanced our green technology and innovations nowadays. A lot of

machines help to improve and sustain the state of our environment. Some inventions

are like seabin that helps collecting trashes from the sea, SaltWatery Brewery helps

reducing the number of plastics and saving sealife.

Starting from the year 1992, various surveys have shown that consumers have a

growing concern about the environment and climate change and demand products

which are environment friendly. The process by which the product has been

manufactured is also a concern to the consumers as well (Polonsky, 1994).In recent

years, the importance of technology innovation has been repeatedly discussed, and

scholars have studied factors influencing the technology innovation in order to find
better ways to enhance the technology and to help the environment. Among all those

factors, the enterprises’ external environment, especially the institutional environment is

a priority research area. Nowadays, with more automated and “smarter” factories come

numerous environmental benefits like manufacturers using analytics to adjust energy

loads on machines, lower heating requirements, minimal material waste through robots

streamlining operations, lower cycle times and increased production, leading to less

energy output, combining/streamlining processes and the compactness of some

robotics, which can reduce the need for factory floor space. A large number of industries

are implementing environmentally friendly automation systems (Tomas,2018).

Something that's automated is controlled by a machine or robot rather than a

person. An automatic machine has the capability of starting, operating, moving and

more. A smart machine is a device embedded with machine-to-machine (M2M) and/or

cognitive computing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning or

deep learning, all of which it uses to reason, problem-solve, make decisions and even,

ultimately, take action. It includes robots, self-driving cars and other cognitive computing

systems that are designed to work through tasks without human intervention Smart

machines are digital disruptors because of the positive and negative impact they have,

and will continue to have, on society. In business, the competitive advantages these

technologies are capable of providing are expected to bring higher profit margins and

lead to more efficient manufacturing processes. However, smart machines are also

expected to displace workers and dramatically change the nature of work and other

societal norms. Today's smart machines might seem revolutionary, like something out of

science fiction, with capabilities on par with the iconic robots of space-age movies, like
C-3PO in Star Wars.However, smart machines are the next step in a long history of

incremental advancements in machines and computing. Indeed, smart machines could

trace their roots back to early mechanization and the first Industrial Revolution, when, in

the 18th century, rudimentary machines were used to automate some human tasks.The

advent of computers in the 20th century laid the modern groundwork for smart

machines. Related technological advancements such as the internet, data storage

systems and sensors, gave computer developers the ability to collect and analyze an

unprecedented volume of data toward the turn of the century, further speeding the rise

of smart machines (Rouse, 2016).

Nowadays, we are suffering environmental dilemmas such as global warming,

flash floods, and etc. One of the causes of these problem is the misbehavior of the

people towards waste management. Some people are reckless in throwing their

garbage. They do not think of the possible results of their actions on the environmental

as well as on health.Waste disposal can be defined as any method used to discard

unwanted substances or materials. Poor waste disposal activities engender severe

environmental problems on a location.Improper waste disposal is the disposal of waste

in a way that has negative consequences for the environment. Examples include

littering,hazardous waste that is dumped into the ground,and not recycling items that

should be recycled (Pugot, 2017). Despite this law, however, poor solid waste

management in the Philippines is still prevalent since open and controlled dumps are

being used in the country but the gravest problem now in the country is the scarcity of

new landfill sites for the growing number of garbage generated by the Filipinos (Jstage,

2018). The Philippines generates an estimated 43,684 tons of garbage daily, including
4,609 tons of plastic waste, according to government data, and proper disposal facilities

are lacking for much of it. The trash is piling up on land, clogging coastlines, spilling into

the sea, and travelling to remote corners of the globe as the country fails to meet targets

for improved waste management that it signed into law 18 years ago (Sarmiento, 2018).

Waste management in Quezon is also poor according to the National Solid Waste

Management Commission. The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) in

Quezon province calls on local government executives to strictly implement proper solid

waste management system (Pelajo, 2018).

The researchers are aiming on creating a smart trashbin to help the poor waste

management in our community and to help reduce the plastic and land pollution. In

other words, a smart trashbin that would automatically segregate waste and recycle

plastics and biodegradable materials to make an organic fertilizer or compost. The

researchers also aim to reduce the number of wasted garbages in a way that can

lessen human efforts.

General Objective

The main objective of this study is to encourage proper waste management and the

gradual pollution reduction

Specific Objectives

1. To help people segregate waste with less effort and time used

2. To help the recycling process for paper to be faster

3. To help Garbage collectors easily segregate the collected waste

4. To help Garbage collectors easily collect the waste

5. To know the capabilities and limits of the Arduino Mega


H0: There is no significant difference in using Arduino Uno than using Arduino Mega in

the project

H0: There is no significant difference by using Capactive Sensors than Infared Sensors

in terms of reaction speed

H0: There is no significant difference by adding Motion detector sensors in terms of

Reaction speed

H0: There is no significant difference in using solar energy than normal 9v batteries in

terms of Battery lifespan

H0: There is no significant difference by adding Ultrasonic sensors in terms of reaction

speed and waste identification

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Arduino Mega

The Arduino MEGA 2560 is usually used for projects that require more I/O

llines than the standard Arduino Uno, more sketch memory and more RAM.

With 54 digital I/O pins, 16 analog inputs and a larger space for your sketch, It is

a microcontroller board based on Atmega 2560 microcontroller. Arduino Boards have

revitalized the automation industry with their easy to use platform where everyone with

little or no technical background can get started with learning some basic skills to

program and run the board. (Arduino, 2019)

Capactive Sensor

A capacitive sensor is a proximity sensor that detects nearby objects by their

effect on the electrical field created by the sensor.   Simple capacitive sensors have

been commercially available for many years, and have found a niche in nonmetallic

object detection, but are limited to short ranges, typically less than 1 cm. (Capsense,

2017) Capacitive proximity sensors are non-contact devices that can detect the

presence or absence of virtually any object regardless of material.  They utilize the

electrical property of capacitance and the change of capacitance based on a change in

the electrical field around the active face of the sensor. (Automation Insights, 2019)

Infrared Sensor

A infrared sensor ( IR Sensor ) is an electronic sensor that measures light

radiating from objects in its field of view. They are most often used in IR-based motion
detectors. IR sensors are commonly used in security alarms and automatic lighting

applications. IR sensors detect general movement, but do not give information on who

or what moved. For that purpose, an active IR sensor is required, When an object, such

as a person, passes in front of the background, such as a wall, the temperature at that

point in the sensor's field of view will rise from room temperature to body

temperature, and then back again. An IR sensor can be active or passive. An active IR

sensor keeps emitting IR rays and when it doesn’t get back the amount of rays it has

reflected, it detects an object. A passive IR sensor is the one that detects the objects

without emitting the IR rays directly sensing the object from the temperature.

(Azosensors, 2018)

Ultrasonic Sensor

Is a device that measures distance by sending out a sound wave at a specific

frequency and listening for that sound wave to bounce back, By recording the elapsed

time between the sound wave being generated and the sound wave bouncing back, it is

possible to calculate the distance between the sonar sensor and the object. Ultrasonic

sensors work by emitting sound waves at a frequency too high for humans to hear.

They then wait for the sound to be reflected back, calculating distance based on

the time required. This is similar to how radar measures the time it takes a radio

wave to return after hitting an object. While some sensors use a separate sound

emitter and receiver, it’s also possible to combine these into one package device,

having an ultrasonic element alternate between emitting and receiving signals.

This type of sensor can be manufactured in a smaller package than with separate

elements, which is convenient for applications where size is at a premium. While

radar and ultrasonic sensors can be used for some of the same purposes, On the

other hand, if an object is made out of a material that absorbs sound or is shaped

in such a way that it reflects the sound waves away from the receiver, readings will

be unreliable. (Keyence, 2019)

Electric Motor

Electric motor is the electro-mechanical machine which converts the electrical

energy into mechanical energy. Most electric motors operate through the interaction

between the motor's magnetic field and electric current in a wire winding to generate

force in the form of rotation of a shaft. Electric motors produce linear or rotary force

(torque) intended to propel some external mechanism, the devices which produce

rotational force is known as the motor, it is mainly classified into two types. They are the

AC motor and the DC motor. The AC takes alternating current as an input, whereas the

DC motor takes direct current. It is generally designed for continuous rotation or for

linear movement over a significant distance compared to its size. ( ,

2019) Magnetic solenoids produce significant mechanical force, but over an operating

distance comparable to their size. When compared with common internal combustion

engines (ICEs), electric motors are lightweight, physically smaller, provide more power

output are mechanically simpler and cheaper to build, while providing instant and

consistent torque at any speed, with more responsiveness, higher overall efficiency and

lower heat generation. However, electric motors are not as convenient or common as

ICEs in mobile applications as they require a large and expensive battery, while ICEs

require a relatively small fuel tank. ( ,2019)

Galvanized Aluminum sheet

Galvanized steel is a type of steel that has been galvanized by the application of

a zinc coating throughout its body so that it can be protected from corroding or rusting.

Galvanized steel has a longer life and durability compared to non-galvanized steel. The

application process of zinc on a steel structure is called "galvanization." This process

was first invented and developed in France and England in 1837, in which a sheet of

steel was dipped in a molten zinc bath (a method called "hot dip galvanization").It is

made when steel is brought into contact with molten zinc, a chemical reaction takes

place, which bonds zinc on the surface of steel. Thus, a zinc layer over steel acts as a

layer that protects it from being corroded. Aluminum sheet can be formed and welded

into simple shapes using technology similar to that for steel sheet-metal. Aluminum has

excellent thermal conductivity but is much softer and less stiff than stainless steel. As a

result, aluminum molds tend to have thicker walls than carbon or stainless steel molds.

Aluminum is easily machined and can be relatively easily textured with grit blasting and

chemical etching. Computer numerically controlled (CNC) lathes are cost-effective ways

of machining aluminum when many small molds are required.

Materials and Methods

The researchers will prepare the following Materials needed:

- 1x1 meter circumference trashbin

- Arduino Mega and other necessary items

- Galavanized Aluminum Sheets

- Miniature Paper Shredder

- Miniature Electrical Motor

- Solar Panel

- Sensors

o Capactive Sensor

o Infared Sensor

o Ultrasonic Sensor

o Motion Sensor

After collecting the following items, the researchers will then proceed to construct

three divisions for Paper, Bottles and biodegradable wastes inside the trashbin, the

researchers will then start programming the individual functions of the Arduino Mega

and its sensors, the miniature paper shredder will be installed inside the paper division,

the 2 motors will then be installed in the trashbin’s cover, the sensors and Arduino will

also be installed and connected to the miniature motors inside the cover with a power

supply coming from solar energy, after accomplishing the following instructions the

researchers will test the efficiency of the product.


Arduino Mega 2560

Capactive Sensors

Infared Sensors

Ultrasonic Sensors

Electric Motor

https://www.encyclopedia .com/science-and-technology/computers-and-electrical-



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