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Aldrich Jozua E.


AB Political Science 1-B

Reflection Paper on : Dr. Jose Rizal: The Foremost Filipino Deist

In this literary piece Dr. Jose Rizal: The Foremost Filipino Deist the
author’s intent was to explain the untold part of Rizal’s life, the author said
that even though Jose Rizal was our national hero and we study his works
(Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo) in high school and his life and works
in college days, but still there are many details in Rizal’s life have not been
told because of neglection or if not concealed for some reason, that was the
author was trying to say. In this literary piece the author focused on the fact
that Rizal was actually a deist. The meaning of deist is “belief in the
existence of a supreme being, specifically of a creator who does not
intervene in the universe. The term is used chiefly of an intellectual
movement of the 17th and 18th centuries that accepted the existence of a
creator on the basis of reason but rejected belief in a supernatural deity who
interacts with humankind.” Rizal believed in God firmly but he rejected
revealed religion. When we say revealed religion, it refers to a religion that
bases its teachings on a supposed revelation from God contained in “holy
books” and/or traditions handed down from generations to generations. The
evidence or the proof that they have to claim that Rizal was actually a Deist,
was when he was exiled in Dapitan he had an exchange of letters with Jesuit
Priest, Father Pablo Pastells, father Pablo Pastells was actually his spiritual
director during his youthful years in Ateneo. There are some parts of the
letters that have been shown in this literary piece that tells exactly why Rizal
was actually a Deist, in some part of his letter to Father Pastells, Rizal told in
some part of the first paragraph that “We call him Dios but this only comes
from the Latin dues and ultimately from the Greek Zeus.” This phrase from
Rizal’s letter got my attention the most because of how realistic it is. We’ve
only adopted the way the Spanish people believed in God, but in the first
place we already had a God. I am a Roman Catholic person and I believe in
God and in the bible I am just basically reflecting based on the context that
this literary piece gave to me. For you? Do you support the claims of Rizal?
Are you a deist just like Rizal?

Aldrich Jozua E. Cantoria

AB Political Science 1-B

Reflection Paper on : UNDRESS BONIFACIO: The Supremo As Military


By Xiao Chua

In this literary piece Undress Bonifacio: The Supremo As Military

Leader. It focuses on undressing the truth behind the shrouded myths of the
Supremo of the Revolutionary army and the purpose of this literary piece is
to unveil the truth behind the Supremo being a Military leader or strategist.
Bonifacio’s strategy during the battle at Cavite were so dominant winning
battles to another battles, but there is an insinuation that Bonifacio was not
an able military leader. In fact, this was one of the main issue why he was
ousted in Cavite as leader of the revolution. According to the author many
Spanish soldiers were in Mindanao that’s why in the first months of the
revolution Cavite towns won against the colonizers but when the Spanish
troops were recalled and became reinforcements to Cavite one by one the
towns fell. According to the historian Zeus Salazar the only simple reason
why Cavite fell were the trenches that have been built for the revolutionary
army were a western kind that’s why the Spaniards were really familiar and
masters about it and later on, it has been used against Filipinos. Also
according to Salazar Bonifacio’s strategy came from the indigenous war
strategy were you go and retreat to the mountains. It was very effective
because of the fact that the Spaniards were not familiar about it and there so
many ways to retreat when they are attacked or fight if there’s an attack.
Even though camps of Bonifacio’s forces were defeated at some times the
Spaniards couldn’t not easily eradicate his forces totally because of this
strategy. Even Aguinaldo who really hated Bonifiacio so much (that’s my
opinion) sought refuge in the camps that Bonifacio established. Bonifacio
didn’t lost all of his battles, why? Because of this strategy according to a
historian, Spaniards didn’t really bothered to get Bonifacio and focused on
focused on Cavite, his belief was that Bonifacio’s strategy had really
something to do with it. Bonifiacio is a great war general and strategist,
that’s why he became the Supremo or the Revolutionary Leader. He was just
deprived of the rights that he deserved to get because of some greedy and
credit grabber persons ate the Tejeros Convetion.
Aldrich Jozua E. Cantoria

AB Political Science 1-B

Reflection Paper on : Rizal Poems

Jose Rizal wrote many poems in his life, including his first poem which

was entitled “Sa Aking Mga Kabata” which was all about the love for our

language that have been given to us by our creator, it serves as the identity

of a country or of a race. It shall not be forgotten or replaced by other

language such as in the time of Rizal was Spanish. Spanish was not ours, we

also have our own language, why use other language if we can’t use our own

language, right? Rizal’s sense of patriotism was already displayed during his

early age. He saw the truth behind the wrong doings of the Spanish

colonizers. But Rizal was not born strong, he was not born with physical

strength unlike Bonifacio or some other Filipino heroes we had. But also Rizal

had his way. He used his pen and paper to fight. He used creative portrayals

and writings to criticize Spanish people and also to give information to all the

people at the same time. Rizal poems was so pure and you can consider it

that Rizal really loved his country. And also for me as a student I can tell that

Rizal really believes that the children will shape the future of our country
that’s why his doctrines were taught in school, to let us know how to value

and love our country, to develop sense of patriotism. We should learn how to

be Rizal. We should set him as an example not only because he is our

national hero, but because he is Jose Rizal.

Aldrich Jozua E. Cantoria

AB Political Science 1-B

Reflection Paper on : Si Pepe at si Andres: Kailangan bang laging


“Pepe” and “Andres”, two of the biggest names in the history of

Philippines. They are both glorious heroes in their own way. One who fights

for freedom through a peaceful but impactful way, and one who is fighting

for freedom through a bloodbath way and stopped a 300 year slavery of the

Philippines from the Spain. They both had an impact to our country, they

both inspired many filipinos to rally fight for our freedom. But who really

deserves to have the title of being the “National Hero” of the Philippines? Is

it Rizal? or Bonifacio? They both have different traits in life the author and

the historians did a comparison between the characteristics of these two

heroes. They said that Rizal was soft (peaceful) and Bonifacio was hard
(violent). They both grew up having different foundations to build Rizal was a

child with siblings ahead of him and he always get the attention that he

needs in his family, while Bonifacio and his siblings were orphans because

their parents died. This types of characteristics can tell us that why and how

their traits differ and grown into. We can realize why Rizal was soft and

Bonifacio was hard. But at the end of the day we are all thankful to them

both. The respect that we have to these two heroes that gave their life for

our freedom. They can be an example of how life should be handled. In some

cases life like Rizal, how should you take it, even though you’re rich you

must still be lowered down to help the country or others, being rich is not an

excuse to evade the truth of what’s happening in our society right now. And

the other is being poor is not a hindrance to achieve your dream, you can be

the best you in your own way, you just got to learn more about life. Take on

what life throws on you. You’ll see the result when the time comes. And for

my conclusion on who deserves to be the national hero. For me they’re both

national hero, its just that Rizal had many writings than Bonificio that can

support claims and serve as an evidence.

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