Unit 4

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Unit IV

Part A

1. Definescheduling.
2. Stateobjectives and advantages of scheduling.
3. Defineproduction control.
4. Statethe purposeofscheduling
5. Explain the factors affectingscheduling.
6. Explain types of scheduling.
7. Explain in detailmasterschedule.
8. Drawand explain man machine chart.
9. Brieflyexplain Ganttchart.
10. ExplainJohnson’srule forscheduling.
11. Definecritical ratio.
12. Definelinebalancing.
13. What doyou mean byMRP?
14. StateobjectivesofMRP.
15. Explain MRPsystemcomponents.
16. Explain dispatchingrule.
Part B
1. Explain various methodsoflinebalancing.
2. Explain floor shop schedulingin detail.
3. Brieflyexplain batch scheduling.
4. How canyouapplyMRPas schedulingsystem?
5. Explain Kanban system in detail.
6. Brieflyexplain follow up process.
7. Thefollowing informationisprovidedabouttheleadtimeandthedemandpattern ofasystem.
(i)Annualrequirement24,500units,(ii)Leadtime10days,(iii)Ther are240workingdaysperyear,

highas 140 units perday.Calculatethe requiredsafetystockandreorderlevel.

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