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Social Action Script

Talk about the beautiful scenery around us – show the fish tank full of life

What is climate change and how does it affect us? – Park footage / beautiful mixed with
some bad e.g the waste in the park

What can we do to stop climate change? – Show footage of the strikes and other things

Talk about the future and what climate change will do to the scenery around us. What
happens if we don’t start making a change? – show the fish tank filled with water and dead

The world is beautiful.

From the tips of the mountains, all the way down to the bottom of the rivers and lakes.

There is beauty all around us; so much so that we often forget to appreciate it.

However, maybe we should start.

After all, with the way things are going – maybe we won’t be able to appreciate it for much


This isn’t a problem that is miles and miles away, something we’ll never see.

In fact, it is happening right under our noses as we speak.

Inch Island, a place that is very close to our own city, is suffering from this problem.

Sea levels are rising to an extreme amount, enough that it is becoming destructive for the
land around it.


Climate change is a serious issue; one that we can’t avoid anymore.

As much as we try to push it into the back of our thoughts it’s never going to disappear in
the way that it vanishes within our minds.

Climate change will continue to happen no matter what way we decide to put it.

Though, all hope isn’t lost. We still have time to fix our mistakes. The effects of climate
change aren’t irreversible . . . YET.


Every day, people are campaigning for their cities to make a change and our own city is no


No single person can solve climate change. It just doesn’t work like that.
However, if we all band together, something CAN be done. Reducing your carbon footprint
with the emissions you PERSONALLY put into the environment is a good way to start.

A lot of waste that goes into waste dumps are actually recyclable products! We as people
need to start doing our own part.

Though, as much as we can contribute, it will be the massive corporations that will truly
decide the fate of the planet we call home.

They do most of the polluting; so they will also have to do the most cutting back, too.


But what happens if we don’t make a change?

What happens if we keep heading down the path we’re already on?

What happens if we continue to ignore the problem?


This is what the world will look like in thirty years.

In that time, the sea levels will rise and many of the streets and even countries we love will
be underwater.

For example; the bogside area of our city will be exactly as it once was; a bog, nothing but
water in sight.

The same can be said for countries like Belgium.

Though, that’s not all. The heat of the planet will be far more extreme; making the weather
even more extreme, too.

We will be subjected to far more intense storms and even droughts in some areas.

Everything combined will make it so that crops won’t be anywhere near as accessible right

This is a warning to everyone; we need to do our part.

This is a problem for our generation; for us.

Not the future. We can’t think about the future – we must think about now.

This is our problem, not anyone else’s.

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