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1..Sharma, S., & Taneja, M. (2018).

The effect of training on employee

performance. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 7(4), 6–13.

2.Employees are the life blood of an organization, who are believed to have a
significant im pact on a firm's long-term profitability and growth. Increasing
emphasis has been laid by the corporate sector on proper training of employees
to equip them with the necessary skills, both technical and soft skills, for
enhancing their performance and productivity.Kaur, D., & Batra, R. (2018).
Effectiveness of training and soft skills for enhancing the performance of banking
employees. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 11(9), 38–49.

3.Studies related to benefits of cross - training were mainly done either in the
context of qualitative research or as comprehension of desk research. The
literature scarcely covered the measurement issues, and thus, it became vital to
quantify and develop a scale to measure the benefits of cross - training (BCT).
Cross -training means training that covers multiple tasks within a department
This training technique keeps employees prepared to handle more than a single
Job for which they have been Initially hired. This concept Is also called 'worker
multlfunctlonallty'. Ninan, N., Roy, J. C., & Thomas, M. R. (2019). Benefits of cross·
training: Scale development and validity. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 12(6),

4.With the wide competitive environment, greater demand for providing better
product and services, constantly varying in information technology and the
business environment in commercial banking sector demanding more than ever
in the past the importance give on the trained employees in order to meet the
necessities of the customers and the business survival. Khan, S. A., Ali, M., Hussain,
H. F., & Safdar, B. (2015). Impact of Employee Training and Motivation on Business
Development in Banking Sector : Study Conducted in Pakistan. American Journall of
Business, Economics and Management, 3(5), 241–249.

5. The results show that training and development programs have positive impact
on motivation of employees in banking sector. Results of the study conclude that
banks having good training and development programs for employees can
enhance the motivation of employees. Güllü, T. (2016). Impact of Training and
Development Programs on Motivation of Employees in Banking Sector. International Journal
of Economics, Commerce and Management United Kingdom, IV(6), 90–99. Retrieved from

6. Human Resources Management literature regards training as the blood stream

of any organization because the success of an organisation to achieve its
objectives and goals heavily highly depends on its workforce. For this reason,
organizations should invest in employees’ training in an effort to enhance their
performance and that of an organisation. Motlokoa, M. E., Sekantsi, L. P., & Monyolo,
R. P. (2018). The Impact of Training on Employees’ Performance: The Case of Banking
Sector in Lesotho. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 8(2), 16.
7.Employee performance is always considered as one of the important factors of
employee management that determines the success of an organization.The
higher education sector of any country is considered one as important sectors
which need toconcentrate on achieving their goals successfully. Alshery, W. B. R.,
& Ahmad, F. B. (2016). The impact of job satisfaction, training and leadership on
performance of employees while taking role ambiguity as a moderating variable: Empirical
study on public universities of Ksa. International Business Management, 10(12), 2460–2473.

8.  It was also found that training and development was highly relevant and
effective in improving the staff member's knowledge, skills, behaviour and
attitudes. training did not have any impact over innovation, absenteeism, job
turnover rate and job satisfaction. Nevertheless, training increased the
employee's job performance and productivity. Abogsesa, A. S., & Kaushik, G. (2018).
Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance. International Journal of
Civic Engagement and Social Change, 4(3), 53–68.

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