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Statement of Purpose

The use of technology is hidden in almost every aspect of our daily life from when we
wake up until we go to bed. Some of us use the technology without realizing it because we
are familiar with it and it became our habits. Not only does technology increases convenience
for consumers’ online shopping experience, but businesses also can reduce their cost of
production including opening up a store, and hire staffs. My family owns a small business
and work in a home office, which I have a chance to help my family during my semester
break since I was young. I have been keen to learn more on business, and investment since
middle school, and in high school I had opportunities to take business related electives such
as economics, marketing, accounting, and finance. With that opportunity, I have learned
about some fundamental concepts, selling food items in student market, writing business
plan, and create product with marketing strategies. After I have explored business subjects in
high school I enjoy learning more of these subjects realized that my skill fit with these
subjects well.
I decided to apply for Tokyo International University because the digital business and
innovation major is a new and different major from any other international universities in
Japan. Moreover, the students in TIU are very diverse from 68 countries. Having an
opportunity to study with people from different countries will broaden my perspective about
different cultures. Along having the right environment for learning, studying, and graduation
from a Japanese university would support career path both within Japan and internationally
because I will have a chance to elevate my English skill and an attempt to study Japanese. As
mentioned above I am interested in digital business and innovation in TIU because studying
this major provide a widen curriculum on both business relating subject and technology,
which is an essential to start, manage, and develop a business in 2019. I noticed that the
course is flexible, and gives an individual student freedom choosing to study subjects they are
interested in, and fascinate them with having concentration modules as guidance for students.
Fintech finance and artificial intelligent are the two most interesting subjects for me
personally because money plays an important role in our society for a long time, and in 2019
artificial intelligent becomes another significant technology that could helps businesses to
grow, and prosper from now on.
Having an opportunity to study at TIU would contribute to my future goal which is
working in business, or technology field internationally. In preparation to work with people
with different background, TIU would give me an opportunity to learn Japanese and elevate
my English skill, which will open the door of job opportunities within Japan, and
international companies that associate with Japan after graduation. During studying for
undergraduate degree in Japan, there are numerous internship opportunities and exchange
programs that TIU provides for students in Japan and overseas, which contribute to me as an
individual because this chance is helpful as a guidance to my future career path. Having a
work experience overseas, while I study for undergraduate degree would help me decide what
field of work I prefer, or which skills match me the best. Other than that, internship will be
beneficial when I decide in what country, or region I want to work at after I finish my
undergraduate degree. I have fundamental skills, and knowledge related to business, and I am
keen to explore more on computer science field; thus, TIU would be the perfect place for me
to develop myself and to decide my future plans.

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