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Fears Euro 2020 could be suspended


Burnham: Make Fast fashion is a Big The Annies of Manny

misogyny hate crime Deal
page 6 page 9 page 11

Coronavirus pandemic hits

PHE told Mancunion Matters
that there are currently no planned
closures of schools or GP surger-
By Claudia McInerney
The World Health Organisation has ies in Greater Manchester.
declared Covid-19 a global pan- The number of people infected
demic, as the number of cases in with coronavirus in Greater Man-
Greater Manchester reached 24 chester has more than doubled in
today. the past week.
Director-General of the WHO Dr Coronavirus cases have been
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said: confirmed in Bolton, Bury,
“In the past two weeks, the number of Oldham, Wythenshawe, Trafford,
cases of Covid-19 outside China has Tameside, the city of Manchester
increased 13-fold, and the number of and, most recently, Rochdale.
affected countries has tripled. Director of public health at
“Pandemic is not a word to use light- Rochdale Borough Council,
ly or carelessly.” Andrea Fallon, said: “We have
However, Dr Tedros said that received confirmation of the first
labelling the outbreak as a pandemic FALSE ALARM: Panic was
Covid-19 case in the borough of
does not change the previous advice Rochdale.
issued to countries by the WHO. caused at the University after a “The case is a resident who
There are currently 590 people in hazmat-suited person was seen became infected after coming into
the UK who have contracted the virus, entering Oak House halls. contact with another positive case
one of whom is Health Minister outside our borough.
Nadine Dorries, who met with hun- the UK in the past week, the gov- “I’d like to reassure people that
dreds of MPs and attended a ernment has advised people not Public Health England have con-
reception hosted by Boris Johnson at to panic. firmed today that the risk to the
No. 10 before showing any symp- A spokesperson for Public general public remains low and
toms. Health England said: “Most Rochdale Borough Council is
The Prime Minister held a COBRA people can continue to go to working with health colleagues to
meeting earlier this afternoon and it work, school and other public do everything we can to stop the
has been announced that the UK has places. You only need to stay virus spreading and ensure the
been pushed into the “delay” phase of away from public places (self-iso- people of our borough are protect-
the strategy to combat coronavirus. late) if advised to by the NHS 111 ed.”
Despite the rapid increase in the online coronavirus service or a

Budget promises £30bn to fight Covid Trafford Centre

number of coronavirus cases across medical professional.” Read more on page 2... DELAY: PM Boris Johnson announced new measures on aiming to tackle the speread of Coronavirus

By Nadine Batchelor-Hunt owners lose £2bn

to “do whatever it takes to get
our nation through it”.
However, while coronavirus
the country braces itself to
meet the challenge of coron-
avirus - with Sunak describing
coronavirus, and “likely eco-
nomic disruption”, does not
become permanent.
CHANCELLOR RISHI took up a significant propor- it as “the key challenge facing The Chancellor subse- shopping centre sites by
SUNAK has announced the tion of the speech, it was clear our country today”. quently spoke of a “Three By Ethan Davies
nearly £2bn.
government Spring Budget that the government were not Addressing the forecasts, Point Plan” that outlines the THE owners of the Trafford The property company
today, announcing over £600b going to allow the crisis to limit he warned the house to government’s response to the
Centre shopping centre, Intu, saw its revenues fall by
of spending and pledging to spending elsewhere. expect: up to a fifth of the pop- crisis.
Sunak said this budget ulation unable to work at one has said there are doubts £38.8mn during last year
give the NHS “what it needs”
as COVID-19 spreads across delivers £100b higher in cash time; work and businesses that it can survive unless it as it was hit by a number
the UK. terms than the UK has today, unable to access goods, raises extra funds. of retail firms going out of

The Conservatives declaring that “we are at the shrinking the UK’s productive Intu has today revealed business.
described their plan as the beginning of a new era in this capacity; and a reduction in that it made a £2bn loss in Chief Executive Matthew
country”. spending by the public.
the budget on
“most comprehensive 2019, which they have at- Roberts said: “In the short
approach than anywhere in The Chancellor pledged to Sunak insisted that he term, fixing the balance
tributed to the fact they
“put aside party politics” and wanted to ensure the tempo-
pages 4 and 5...
the world, and any other gov- wrote down the value of its sheet is our top priority.”
ernment to date” - promising “act in the national interest” as rary negative impacts of
PM announces
MARCH 2020

‘delay’ phase in UK
have fought against bigger adver- ously disrupting the daily lives of local
By Claudia McInerney saries.” people.
Some panic was caused when a When asked if they would stop using
from page one... video of a person wearing a hazmat suit public transport in Manchester, resident
Dr Neil Robinson, Travel and tourism entering University of Manchester stu- Melis Royer, said: “No. I always carry
expert from the University of Salford dent halls was posted on social media, hand sanitiser and wash my hands fre-
Business School, said: “We have been but this turned out to be a false alarm. quently, don’t sit on my bed in my ‘street
here before with Ebola and Sars and it is A spokesperson said: “Paramedics clothes’ and don’t put my bag on the
important to remain positive, in the UK attended the scene following a 111 call. floor or bed, virus or no virus.”
we have lots of resources to fight Having examined the resident they are Current advice from Manchester Uni-
against this outbreak. content that the person in question is versity NHS Foundation Trust is as
“The worst-case scenario is that not at risk of coronavirus. Ambulance follows: “If you are feeling unwell and
CORONA CRAZY: A man at San Francisco takes his own measures to protect himself flights are cancelled, borders closed, staff have now left the site.” have any concerns about your symp-
against Covid-19. Photo: Flickr and there is impact on the free move- Despite the increase in cases, the toms, please contact the NHS 111

Regional worries: As Coronavirus cases continue to rise,

ment of workers but the UK is strong, we outbreak does not yet seem to be seri- service.”

which parts of Greater Manchester have been affected?

24 cases have been con-

firmed in the region as of
today, as the WHO declared
the outbreak a pandemic.
mARCH 2020


U S T V Sh o w s G o
B e h in d C lo se d D o o r s
The banning of live audiences
at tapings has swept US chat
shows amidst growing COVID-
19 fears.
John Oliver, Ellen DeGeneres,
Dr Phil and others will now only
film their programmes in an
empty sound stage to prevent
further spreading of the virus.
No British television shows
have yet announced a similar
MARCH 2020

Chancellor declares a Budget for “new era”

Here’s everything you need to know
By Nadine Batchelor-Hunt
ONE: Whether it is “millions or billions”, the Chancellor said simply:
“whatever it costs, we stand behind our NHS” - from research to recruit-
ing thousands of staff.
TWO: Statutory sick pay will now be paid from day one, not fay four - and
will be available for all those who are advised to self-isolate.
And instead of going to the doctors, the public will be able to obtain doc-
tors notes by the non-emergency health number 111.
The government plan to make “it quicker and easier” to access ben-
efits for those on contribution based ESA - who will also be able to
claim from day one, not day eight.
The requirement to attend Job Centres for benefits will be removed,
and the minimum income flaw will be removed from Universal Credit.
The Chancellor explained that these measures will provide a boot of
almost half a billion pounds for the UK’s welfare system.
A £500m hardship fund for local authorities will be available to direct-
ly support vulnerable people in the local area.
In total, Sunak said this amounts to a total £1bn commitment to “sup-
port the security of our people”.
THREE: Sunak insisted that “the best way to protect people is to protect
their jobs”, and addressed his earlier comments of the expectation that
20% of the UK’s workforce may be unable to work at one time.
He addressed that this scenario would hit small and medium sized
businesses “hard”.
As a result, the government intend to cover two weeks of coron- TAXES: Corporation Tax will remain at 19% and will not be cut, and the gov- INFRASTRUCTURE: Sunak once again spoke about levelling up and
avirus statutory sick pay for any business with fewer than 250 ernment also intend to clamp down on tax evasion, suggesting that this to “get Britain building”, discussing how he is tripling investment over
employees for fourteen days which provides £2bn for businesses. would bring in an extra £4.4bn of additional revenue. the last 40 years.
He announced that there would be a helpline with 2000 staff “ready to He announced cuts to national insurance, increasing the threshold from He insisted we must change the mindset of the government to make
help”. £8632 to £9,500 - saving the average employee £104. sure economic decision making reflects the economic geography of the
Banks will also offer loans of up to £2m for businesses, as the Chan- He is also increasing the Employment Allowance by a third to £4,000 - a country.
cellor said he intended to “protect businesses through the worst of the tax cut this April for nearly half a million small businesses. In the aftermath of the floods, the government are to invest £5.2bn over
crisis”. The “Tampon Tax”, also known as VAT on women’s sanitary products will the next six years to protect over 300,000 properties.
The government have pledged to “abolishing businesses rates all be removed. He explained that there will be Treasury offices opening in Scotland,
together”, but also highlighted that not all businesses would benefit The Chancellor outlined the importance of Scottish whisky to the UK, Wales, and Northern Ireland with 750 “moving north”- some 22,000 civil
from these in sectors like the hospitality sector. describing it as “our largest food and drink export”. servances moving outside of London.
Therefore, Sunak said he had decided to extend the 100% retail dis- He insisted the government would continue to lobby the US against its An extra £640m, £360m, and £210m will be made available for Scot-
count to these industries as well, which means they will “pay no taxes harmful tariffs on the beverage, and pledged a £1m investment to support land, Wales, and Northern Ireland respectively - and a new position for a
whatsoever” which amounts to “a £1bil tax cut”. them through this time - he also announced a £10m investment to help West Yorkshire mayor has been announced - all of which will receive fund-
Sunak also pledged a small business relief of a £3,000 small business whisky industries “go green”. ing settles of £2.4bn for local transport to match Transport For London.
relief grant per businesses, describing it as “a £2bn cash injection” Planned increases on the duty on spirits, beers, cider, and wine have been £5bn will be spent to get gigabit-cable broadband, with 95% 4G cov-
directly into small businesses. dropped and fuel duty will also remain frozen.
He said there would also be a review of long-term business rates in erage with a £510m investment.
£130m was pledged to extend startup loans, and with up to 10,000 more
Autumn. for entrepreneurs by 2021-2022. As well as HS2, and the commitment to the Manchester-Leeds leg of
£1m investment to support them through this time the railway, the Chancellor announced the “biggest ever investment” in
Planned increases on the duty on spirits, beers, cider, and wine have CLIMATE: Sunak described addressing climate change as the roads and motorways which will connect ports, airpots, junctions, and
been dropped – and fuel duty will also remain frozen. fourth part of his budget, and pledged to help “level up” areas 4,000 miles of road - and a £2.5bn pothole fund was also announced, with
£130m was pledged to extend startup loans, and with up to 10,000 across the UK when it comes to pollution. 500m per year to fill every pothole in the UK - with a pledge to also finish
more for entrepreneurs by 2021-2022. From April 2022, gas - not electric - will be taxed at a higher the A303.

“Whatever it costs, we will stand

rate as it is a cleaner form of energy.
The government intend to introduce a “Plastic Packaging

behind our NHS.”

Tax”, which will charge £200 per tongue of plastic on plastic
which is less than 30% recycled; the Chancellor said this is the
equivalent of 200,000 tons in carbon savings.
When it comes to red diesel, Sunak said he would be abolish-
ing the £2.4bn tax break, but that it would not take place for at
least two years so businesses are able to prepare. NHS: The government have announced £6bn of new funding in this
He acknowledged concerns on this measure from the Na- Parliament to support the NHS - facilitating 50,000 more nurses, 50m
tional Farmer’s Union, and said that agriculture will retain the re- new GP appointments, and would commence the construction of 40
lief - as will rail, domestic heating, and fishing. planned new hospital- and the cost formigrants to us the NHS has
To help with cleaner alternatives to red diesel, RND invest- increased to £624.
ment will be doubled to £1bn. EDUCATION: Sunak addressed his predecessors ambition to level
up FE, pledging a three year settlement worth over £7bn by 2022, with
£25,000 each for schools to invest in arts - and an extra £1.5bn of new
capital to improve our FE college estate.
The Treasury have also announced that they are abolishing the
reading tax - which includes books, newspapers, and magazines, and
the government will increase investment in Research and Development

What does the budget mean for Manchester?

to a “record” £22bn a year.

er a new station at Cottam Parkway on the Preston-Blackpool line; £66

By Nadine Batchelor-Hunt million extra funding for for local road maintenance in 2020-21 and pothole
THE government have announced their “ambitious plans to power up the repairs; Accessibility improvements at Walkden Railway Station as part
North West”, pledging spending in areas from transport to housing. of a wider £50 million investment in station accessibility; A five-year
Chancellor Rishi Sunak said: “This Budget delivers on our promises to the transport settlement for Greater Manchester and Liverpool City Region
British people, and lays the foundation for a decade of growth across all parts Combined Authorities starting in 2022-23 which could fund a range of local
of the UK. public transport, cycling, and road upgrades; £700 million for strategic road
“We will level up the North West with better transport connections and a schemes over the next five years, including starting to dual the A66
cash-boost to unlock thousands of homes across Manchester and South Lan- across the Penninies and improving the M60 Sinister Island; and A
caster.” promise to develop plans to relive congestion around South East Man-
The Treasury say they will provide “International Trade advisers” which will chester.
focus on building the “Northern Powerhouse” - which was pledged by the The Conservatives had also pledged a “national bus strategy” and a
2010-2015 coalition government in the last decade. long-term funding settlement for buses in the 2020 Spending Review.
The primary areas the government seem to be focusing on for the North However, the new budget does not seem to address these issues -
West are the NHS, transport, and housing and infrastructure. which leaves questions about the future of the transport infrastructure in
Transport measures include: £40 million for Preston City Region to deliv- Manchester between now and the Autumn Statement.
MARCH 2020

Must try harder: Manchester

Mayor gives budget“6 out of 10”
by Nadine Batchelor-Hunt
GIVING the budget a “six out of ten”, Andy Burnham expressed con- He went on to say, “A lot of those jobs are people that come into a lot of describing the government’s announcements as “frustrating” because it
cerns that the budget was “a little high on rhetoric and a little bit low on contact with the public if you think about a taxi driver, or someone that was unclear “what it means for us”.
delivery”. makes food deliveries.” He explained that Manchester was already running it’s “Bed Every
Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced record levels of spending on When it comes to “unclogging” Manchester’s “arteries” - a term the gov- Night Scheme”, stating he liked the “sound” of Sunak’s pledges on home-
Wednesday, stating he was to spend over £600bn on a variety of areas - ernment used to describe pollution issues - he described the Castlefield lessness but wished “they’d have been a bit more direct” on what it means
from coronavirus response, to transport and infrastructure. specifically for Manchester.
But what this means for Manchester - and more broadly the Midlands He conceded that it was “good to hear the Chancellor talk about rough
and the north - is a hot-topic. sleeping, describing it as “a step-forward”.
The Conservatives spent large amounts of time in the run up to the Lisa Nandy, Labour leadership candidate, also had a lot to say about
December General Election focused on claiming traditionally Labour what the budget means for the Midlands and the North on BBC’s News-
seats in the North and Midlands - which led to a string of promises on night on Wednesday.
investment in the areas. “I love what I’ve heard, £600bn in infrastructure investment.
In the wake of his statement yesterday, the Chancellor pledged that his
budget will “level up the North West, with better transport connections and
a cash-boost to unlock thousands of homes across Manchester”.
Burnham, Manchester mayor, has been critical of Sunak’s announce-
ments, describing the budget as a “modest” start.
Focusing mainly on transport, Burnham reiterated his support of HS2 but
expressed concern elsewhere.
“[They] promised the tram to Stockport, to Bolton, promising us a full tram
train. That’s a lot of promises, and I don’t think what we got today fully deliv-
ers the funding to create all those things”.
He added “I don’t think [the budget] gets you to the London style trans-
port system that I’ve called for, and indeed the Chancellor wanted today”.
Burnham also described the budget being “delivered in the shadow of coro-
navirus”, stating he believed that “it would have been a different budget for
the North had we not been in this situation”. corridor as a prime example of the issue. RESPONSE: Lisa Nandy on Newsnight on Wednesday
Despite this, he said “there was no reason why the government could- “That’s an artery that is clogged. “And yet we’ve been campaigning for
n’t have followed through on some of the commitment that it’s been platforms 15 and 16.” “The problem is that - as the budget statement went on and the docu-
making to us [such as] funding to reform buses. “We made a big submission to this budget - it’s infrastructure that ments were produced - what materialised was nothing of the sort”.
“[This would mean] money we could use to bring down fares and make would have benefitted the whole of North of England”. She said the budget announcements included funding that had already
public transport more affordable”. He added, “I like the rhetoric, but where is the actual delivery here?… been announced, which meant that the government's new budget was less
Burnham outlined concerns about what coronavirus would mean eco- [they] really need to stop dragging [their] feet on these investments”. than £100bn.
nomically for Manchester, and he said he knew “businesses are getting by Despite this, the mayor said he did not want to be “overly negative” - but Nandy highlighted that the Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a lot of
increasingly without cash flow and surviving. insisted the Chancellor “need to show a lot more ambition in the Autumn promises to ‘red-wall’ communities ahead of the election, many of which
“Already in tourism, night economy space, and hospitality space it has if we’re going to get much more meaning behind the ‘levelling up’ phase”. they now represent.
already been quite badly hit”. On affordable housing, the government announced £12bn for the UK, She accused the government of “piling money into areas that are
With respect to the government providing contribution-based Employ- which Burnham welcomed - hoping it would go towards the Northern already doing well and getting further ahead”, namely areas in London and
ment and Support Allowance from day one not day four, and Universal Gateway Project. the south, and “neglecting other areas of the country”.
Credit available from day one not day eight, Burnham said, “I worry that it “There’s money for brownfield clean up, so it will help me reduce the “Those red wall communities that the Tories won in December, prom-
won’t be enough, because some people are living day to day -I think that greenbelt take. ising to invest, but today they’ve done absolutely nothing of the sort - in fact,
is a real risk.” “We have a plan to build 30,000 homes in greater Manchester for they’ve taken us backwards”.
“I heard a story recently that a taxi driver who had been in contact with social rent - I really want those to be zero-carbon homes, we want to get With respect to business, Nandy said she wanted to abolish Local
a person that tested positive, he said ‘I just can’t stop working - the minute on quickly with this”. Enterprise Partnerships and make sure that money is given to councils.
I stop working is when I’m in trouble”. However, he critiqued the government’s announcement in this area She went on to say “we need to not just level up in terms of moving
The mayor shared that this is not the first time he’d dealt with a virus out- again: “It’s a very headline announcement - I hope they will very quickly Treasury jobs to the North, but we are actually investing in people and skills,
break, referring to the Swine Flu in 2009. break it down and tell us what we’re going to get because Manchester’s education, and child poverty - so people can get those opportunities”.
“The difference between and swine flu and now is that there are so many ready to go”. She described the budget as a “real betrayal of those red-wall com-
more people working in that insecure, self-employed space.” On the homelessness epidemic in Manchester, Burhnam was frank - munities that voted Tory in December”.
Three killed in
MARCH 2020

Iraq base strike

By Rona McCann
A British soldier and two ducted it will face justice. The attack occurred in the
American citizens have died Prime Minister Boris John- wake of US forces’ assassina-
after a rocket attack struck an son has announced a promise tion of senior Iranian army
Iraq military base. to collaborate with “interna- general Qasem Soleimani.
Eighteen small rockets tional partners to fully Soleimani was killed in a
rained down on Iraq’s Camp understand the details of this drone strike over Baghdad Air-
Taji at 7:35pm local time abhorrent attack”. port on 3 January, increasing
Wednesday. A joint investigation into the tension between the US and
The camp, located north of rocket attack has begun. Iran.
Baghdad, had been hosting The Iraqi government has Iraq was brought into US-
British and American troops. Iran relations when Baghdad
The British soldier remains The people that residents protested outside
unidentified but the Ministry of did this are not the US embassy after Presi-
Defence has confirmed that friends of Iraq dent Trump said that Iran
they served as a member of would “pay a very big price”
the Royal Army Medical - Defence Secretary, for their previous rocket attack
Corps. Ben Wallace killing of a US contractor in
Their family has been December.
informed. The Americans announced that the rockets The US had retaliated to
killed were a soldier and a were launched from a truck. December’s rocket strike by
contractor, US military Responsibility for the launch launching airstrikes in West-
sources have stated. has not been claimed, and the ern Iraq, killing 25 Kataib
A further twelve people US and the UK have yet to Hezbollah militia fighters.
have been left injured from the attribute blame. Wednesday’s attack comes
rockets’ impact. The British soldier’s death is as a surprise to spectators, fol-
Defence Secretary Ben Wal- the first stemming from enemy lowing a general assumption
lace has dubbed the attack a fire since the UK initiated its that the US and Iran shared a
By Lance Cpl. Brian L. Wickliffe, U.S. Marine Corps “cowardly and retrograde act”, operation against Islamic desire to draw a line under

promising that those who con- State in 2014. matters.

Greater Manchester mayor faces
Overhaul calls to add misogyny to election
for Citizens manifesto
By Emma Morgan By Ethan Davies
MANCHESTER City Council ANDY BURNHAM should ity” of recording misogyny in Manchester in six months.
has pledged £1.8million to the pledge to make misogyny a as a hate crime. The difference in
first stages of a Piccadilly Gar- hate crime, according to However, MIH founder timescales is due to the
campaigning group Misogy- Sylvie Pope and leader Jess number of staff GMP employ
dens development, involving ny Is Hate (MIH). Bostock have said that this and the area in which they
the partial demolition of the In an interview with Man- response is not nearly strong police.
unpopular “Berlin Wall”. cunian Matters, MIH said the enough. That would form a key part
Greater Manchester mayor Pope and Bostock have of the group’s target of get-
This Brutalist “pavilion” is should follow the lead of his called on Beverley Hughes to ting their policy implemented
hated by many residents, who London counterpart, Sadiq publicly support classifying by early 2021.
have called repeatedly for it to
Khan, who last week publicly misogyny as a hate crime at a MIH say the process from
stated he will include the Greater Manchester Citizens’ spring 2020 to early 2021
be pulled down. measure in his May election mayoral assembly in April. would include a deeper con-
The Council hope to transform manifesto. That event will see several sultation on exactly what the
Misogyny is currently not ‘asks’ being put to mayoral definitions of what misogyny
the area into a “welcoming treated as a hate crime, candidates, with misogyny hate crime would be, in order
space,” and will be giving the whereas incidents of racism hate crime being on the to “ensure women’s voices
public a chance to comment on or homophobia are. agenda along with clean air are heard from across differ-
The news comes as Man- policy, mental health care, ent communities”.
the proposed improvements cunian authorities release and child poverty, among Pope added: “By making
later in the spring, a results of a consultation with others. misogyny a hate crime, we’re
spokesperson said. locals, from which MIH claim MIH was founded in July taking away this burden that
their policy demands have 2018 to convince GMP to has been placed on women
Almost £2m will be made avail- received “overwhelming sup- begin recording misogynis- for centuries to prove our
able for the demolition of the port” in a survey of over 800 tic incidents as hate crimes, humanity to people who
unpopular monument.
respondents. something Nottinghamshire make misogyny jokes or
Based on the results of the Police began doing in 2016. comments or harassment or
Sir Richard Leese, leader of report, Greater Manchester It took the midlands force more serious crimes.”
the city council, said they were Deputy Mayor for Policing three months to train front- The Labour Party were
and Crime Beverley Hughes, line officers and call handlers contacted for comment, but
“determined to do something and Greater Manchester on how to recognise misogy- had not responded by the
about it” and revitalise a key Police (GMP) Chief Consta- ny as a hate crime, leading time of publication.
area of the city centre. ble Ian Hopkins are due to Pope and Bostock to believe
meet to discuss the “feasibil- the same thing could happen
MARCH 2020

Manchester making environmental progress

By Billy Brooks
MANCHESTER City Council yester- "This new fleet of electric buses is
day pledged to halve carbon the latest example of what can be
emissions by 2025, as part of their achieved by working together.
carbon-neutral target of 2038. “We will continue to build on the
The Council declared a climate major progress we've already made
emergency in June 2019, but have with more customer improvements
since attracted criticism from envi- such as next stop announcements,
ronmental advocacy groups on board Wi-Fi, contactless ticket-
Extinction Rebellion and Green- ing and live journey information.”
peace for being unambitious, and Making moves towards electric
lethargic. buses and eco-friendly modes of
This policy also aims to bring public transport will result in signifi-
Manchester Airport emissions down, cant climate benefits, but locally,
in line with the Paris Agreement in having cleaner air in the city centre
accordance with UK policy. will aid public health and well-being.
As the policy was signed off, Sir Additional infrastructure develop-
Richard Leese, leader of the Council, ments are projected to benefit the
said “we need to do much, much Manchester City taxpayers up to
better” to respond to the climate £25m per year.
emergency. Reducing traffic congestion and
In aid of these efforts, Stagecoach air pollution in the city centre is key
Manchester were proud to unveil a to achieving net-zero carbon emis-
fleet of electric double-decker sions within 18 years.
The 32 zero-emissions buses will
operate on the very popular 111 and
43 routes. A significant milestone in
A double-decker bus already
serves the equivalent of 70 cars, so the history of transport in
being able to use eco-friendly buses Greater Manchester
will save the city environment thou-
sands of tonnes of carbon emissions
each year. -Elizabeth Tasker, MD,
Elizabeth Tasker, managing direc-
tor of Stagecoach Manchester Manchester Stagecoah
Manchester Town Hall, Albert Square. praised this impressive step.
Former news chief
Eamonn becomes
Manchester’s High Sheriff
By Emma Morgan
EAMONN O’Neal, former Managing Editor of the
Manchester Evening News, has today been named
as the next High Sheriff of Greater Manchester.
O’Neal’s appointment was formally announced by
Buckingham Palace this morning, but he will not be
installed until April 17th, at an official ceremony at
The Monastery, Manchester.
O’Neal, who is currently the Chief Executive of
St. Ann’s Hospice, described his new role as, “a
huge honour and quite humbling.”

M6 at a standstill due to
vehicle fires
By Max Blakeley
THE M6 southbound and the M62 near Hud-
dersfield were both subject to long delays
due to vehicle fires.
Emergency services and traffic officers
converged on the M6 between junction 22 for
Newton Le Willows and junction 21 for Croft
Interchange in response to a lorry fire at
around 1pm.
Whilst plumes of smoke billowed from the
vehicle, emergency responders closed the
carriageway until 1:30pm, before reopening
one lane.
The cause of the fire is unclear yet clear.
A car is ablaze on the M62 westbound, be-
tween junction 23 for Huddersfield and junc-
tion 22 for Rishworth Moor, it is said to be
Authorities closed two lanes on that stretch
of motorway in response, causing delays of
up to 90 minutes.
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue and High-
ways England Traffic Officers are currently
working to clear the closed lanes.
Authorities advise allowing extra time to
travel, and seeking alternative routes wher-
ever possible.

Stagecoach’s neweco-friendly, electric double decker will save the taxpayer millions.
MARCH 2020

Shoul d pat ients

al ways c ome fi rst ?
N urses say “No”
By Imogen Clyde-Smith announced plans to pull former nurses out of retirement to assist
In the wake of Stevens’ comments nurses have raised safety
THE reality of the increasing strain NHS nurses are under was concerns and requested more details from official bodies.
revealed at a controversial national debate held in Manchester RCN student activist Stuart McKenzie Tweeted: “I’m confident that
earlier this month. every other profession’s training programmes won’t have been
Organised by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) student considered as sacrificially as nursing. It’s at times like these that we
committee, the debate was attended by students, health care should protect the future workforce, not throw them into the frontline.”
professionals and members of the public, amid fears the NHS is ill- Andrea Sutcliffe, chief executive and registrar of the Nursing and
prepared for the coronavirus outbreak. Midwifery Council (NMC), confirmed that the regulator was working
The motion, “This House Believes That Patients Should Not with the government on legislation.
Always Come First,” won a landslide victory. An RCN spokesperson commented: “While we await more detail
The vast majority of audience members and online participants, on the government’s plans for student nurses, we are clear that
watching via a live stream, voted in favour of nurses protecting their essential health and care needs of patients must always be
wellbeing. undertaken by appropriately paid and qualified staff."
The first speaker to back the RCN motion was Occupational Alongside staffing issues NHS hospitals have seen a rise in ‘bed-
Psychologist Dr Philip Bardzil, who said that NHS nurses were blocking’ –a facility’s inability to discharge patients due to a lack of
exploited by a system that is “Driven top down” and takes a social care. Recent data from NHS digital shows that critical care beds
“Tokenistic” approach to their wellbeing. run at between 70 and 80 percent capacity most months.
Bardzil, who has completed 15 years of psychological research Speaking last night on BBC Newsnight, Professor John Ashton,
over his career, called for a drastic change to the workplace culture President Faculty of Public Health 2013-16, said: “If this now spreads
and for the recognition that nurses have to “Put their own oxygen the way it looks as though it's likely to spread, there will not be enough
masks on before helping others.” hospital beds and people will have to be nursed at home.”
Florence Bishop, an RCN student member in support of the An RCN poll has revealed that three quarters of A&E nurses have
motion, expressed concern that nursing was critically behind other had to provide care to patients in a non-designated area – so-called
industries in its approach towards employee mental health. ‘corridor nursing’ – due to bed cuts.
Citing data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS), Bishop Latest figures show the NHS has the second-fewest hospital beds,
revealed that more than 300 nurses in England and Wales took their per capita, in Europe according to statistics by the European Union.
own lives between 2011 and 2017; previous research showed the Italian hospitals have seen a high number of intensive care patients
suicide rate to be 23% higher than the national average. admitted for severe lung failure due to the virus, needing ventilators to
Bishop’s views were met with an outpouring of tweets from nurses help them breath. The virus also affects -blood pressure, the heart,
sharing similar concerns. kidneys and liver.
Many stated that staffing shortages had led to long hours, a lack Yesterday, Rishi Sunak pledged the NHS will get "Whatever it
of breaks – even for a glass of water – and consequent symptoms of needs, whatever it costs," to cope with COVID-19, effectively
fatigue, burn-out syndrome, and poor mental health. extending a blank cheque.
It is with this backdrop that NHS nurse vacancies in England have “We promised to back the NHS and this budget gets it done,” he
now risen to more than 43,000. added.
The RCN has reported that the current staffing crisis has led to The Editor of the Nursing Times, Steve Ford, has responded:
“Punitive sickness and absence policies,” which has steered toward “Let’s hope that for once this is not rhetoric but a genuine pledge of
nurses feeling compelled to work through physical and mental ill health additional funding, rather than money recycled from other areas of the
which “Exacerbates presentism, attendance levels and ultimately the service – and with no strings attached.”
retention of nurses.” The Chancellor’s ambitious 2020 budget is set to include at least
This begs the question: How do the Conservatives plan to £5bn for the NHS. Could this mean an end to nurses being overlooked
increase the number of nurses by 50,000? and a start to them receiving the support they so desperately need?
Sir Simon Stevens, chief executive of NHS England, has said that Or as in the words of the Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn is it "Too
up to 18,000 third year undergraduate nurses may be asked to help little, too late."
“On the front line,” and have been offered registration six months early Only time will tell.
to help deal with the Covid-19 outbreak. It’s unclear whether or not this
will be on a temporary basis. His comments have come after
MARCH 2020

Fast fashion is big deal as we go green

By Hana Kelly
FAST fashion is a big deal in day on Instagram and at the Meanwhile, Harvey, a florist Ethical shopping has be-
the media. end of a story filled with floral from Salford, said how he was- come a double-edged sword.
Many people are waging war patterns and vintage chic, she n’t that bothered about ethical Something suggested by
against it, and whilst this move had a real talk with her follow- clothing shopping. Instead, he Moira, a ticketing manager
against mass production is bet- ers. Crabbe said that as a size just bought what he liked; re- from Manchester. She said:
ter for the environment, it isn’t 16 woman, for every 100 gardless of where it came “I’m super eco-conscious but
necessarily better for people’s pieces of clothing she saw, from. fashion isn’t accessible.”
bank accounts. roughly five were in her size. Of course, there are alterna- People want to be supportive
However, charity shops are For the friend she was shop- tives: dress swaps, kilo sales of local businesses, the envi-
a wonderful place to find ping with, a size 18/20 woman, and the high street. Being ethi- ronment and charities but it
clothes and household goods. it was 1/100. cal can be more on the pricey isn’t always accessible. Per-
They aren’t reliable to find ex- The idea of shopping vintage side, but it is also arguably bet- haps a compromise is what’s
actly what you’re looking for. promotes ideas of sustainabil- ter for our economy. Local needed: buying a beautiful,
Vintage shops are the other ity and environmentally friendly business owner Hamble Rose, handcrafted cushion from Sor-
big boomer as of late. The shopping. But it just isn’t a re- of Sorrel Designs, is of this rel Designs, but matching it
clothing is often stylish and ality for many plus-sized peo- opinion. with a £4 blanket from Primark.
there’s a lot of options. But ple, or those with lower She said: “Shopping local Although we all hope to live
this is reflected in the price, incomes. leads to a stronger economy, in a society where we can af-
with pieces often being twice Many people are for fast local businesses hire local ford the lifestyle that helps all
the price of something from the fashion, finding it quick, easy workers. and saves the planet, it isn’t
high street. You can often get and convenient. Laura, a “As a small business owner I necessarily an option for the
a twist of something fun from a dance teacher in Manchester, make it my aim to sustainably vast majority of the British pub-
vintage shop, but the availabil- said “I absolutely love fast source near enough all of the lic. We need to think about
ity of sizing often leaves some- fashion, it’s so handy!” But also shops materials and produce making trends that are sustain-
thing to be desired. suggested that the conversa- beautiful handcrafted items able, but also affordable, ac-
Body positive influencer, tion was more complicated, that stand the test of time. cessible, and inclusive. We’re
Megan Crabbe, who uses the adding that in this day and age “However, there is a pres- facing crisis after crisis and,
handle Bodyposipanda, re- where people want things fast sure for local businesses to whilst this is a political matter,
Thrift Shop, Manchester
cently tried to find a cute vin- and cheap, the rise of fast compete with highstreet prices. it is also a matter of availability.

Donna Rotunno’s special brand of feminism

tage look for an awards show. fashion and unethical shopping Customers have come to ex-
She decided to document the is inevitable. pect everything for nothing.”

By Emma Morgan
DONNA Rotunno is an interesting feminist paradox. She was the But then, as Rotunno ploughs through this ever-lengthening list of
lawyer who defended the infamous Harvey Weinstein – sentenced feminist dos and don’ts, you might start to wonder: “where do men
on Wednesday to 23 years in prison - against multiple allegations of feature in all of this?”. It was men’s actions that sparked #MeToo in
rape and sexual misconduct. the first place, and yet she seems to have forgotten all about them.
She also describes herself as the “ultimate feminist. This creeping sense of one-sided-ness suddenly surges into plain
Our knee-jerk reaction may be to scoff at this claim, as we con- view towards the end of the interview, when Twohey asks, “have
flate her professional dealings with her personal beliefs. However, you ever been sexually assaulted?”. Rotunno concedes that she
in reality, it’s not Rotunno’s association with Weinstein, nor her his- hasn’t, but then adds, “because I would never put myself in that
tory of representing men accused of similar crimes, that makes her position […] I never drank too much, I never went home with some-
pretensions to feminism seem so odd. Rather, it is the strangely one, I just never put myself in any vulnerable circumstance.”
convincing logic she uses to veil a thoroughly un-feminist stance It is at this moment that, through our open-mouthed disbelief, we
with what appears to be…well, feminism. watch any semblance of her feminist credibility crumble. Sure, if
In a recent interview conducted by Megan Twohey for The New women behave in a certain way towards men, they would unfortu-
York Times’ “The Daily” podcast, Rotunno did her utmost to prove nately be naïve not to ready themselves for some sort of come-on.
the credibility of her point of view. She argues that, rather than But to suggest that having too much to drink, or that flirting a little
expecting predatory men to change their behaviour, feminism somehow sanctions harassment or assault is, frankly, nauseating.
should be about rising above and so putting an end to it. By saying this, Rotunno reveals her allegiance to the same cul-
Rotunno states emphatically that if every woman stopped enter- ture of blame which has seen women vilified for the clothes they
taining the offers of free drinks, the suggestive invitations, the wear, berated for their supposed lack of vigilance, called ‘frigid’ if
unsolicited touching and all the other well-known precursors to a they refuse sex and ‘slut’ if they don’t, abused for having an opinion,
sexual advance, then men would be unable to act inappropriately labelled as witches for living a life independent of men, held Weinstein was sentenced to 23 years behind bars for a number
towards them. accountable for stillbirths and miscarriages, and indeed condemned of sex offences
Superficially, this argument kind of makes sense. If we as women for having plucked that apple off that tree right back at the very
refuse any complicity with the familiar patterns that can precede dawn of time. blame. In her attempts at justification, she cites equality of “respon-
instances of sexual assault, those men might eventually realise that And in this blinkered way of seeing things, men have sailed and sibility” or “risk”, arguing that in this type of situation women should
they can’t get away with it. She concludes her argument with the do sail through, unchecked. In her book of essays, Men Explain remember that they too have agency.
words, “If women take the power and women say, “none of us are Things to Me, Rebecca Solnit examines this persistently biased dis- But here, she forgets that one very important thing: the only
going to [do this]” then that culture must change” as if urging us to tribution of responsibility. She cites an instance at an American person toblame for rape is the rapist. No one else.
see that we are bigger and stronger than the role of victim which is university when, to prevent campus rapes, female students were The Cambridge Dictionary describes feminism as: “the be-
so often assigned to us. discouraged from going out after dark. When a hoax poster then lief that women should be allowed the same rights, power,
Rotunno also states that, as a feminist, she is opposed to the appeared forbidding male students from visiting the campus at and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way.”
effects of the #MeToo movement, which feeds into “a society of night, there was uproar. And it’s at this idea of “being treated in the same way” that
celebrity victimhood status,” perpetuating the stereotype of feminine They were, quite rightly, unused to being censured for someone Rotunno’s version of feminism shows itself to be outdated,
weakness. She adds that the emotive nature of #MeToo “strips your else’s crimes. Solnit writes, “men were shocked at being asked to dangerous and highly misogynistic.
right to due process,” suggesting that the accused are condemned disappear, […] all because of the violence of one man.” But what No matter what they wear or how they speak, no matter
in public consciousness long before they ever go to trial. Again, she they fail to realise here, is that this is precisely the millstone that has how much they drink or who they mix with, women should
probably has a point: to allow the outrage surrounding #MeToo to hung around women’s necks for centuries. be able to live without fear of sexual violence, just as most
boil over into a type of man-hating witch-hunt would be irresponsi- By implying that our choices somehow make it inevitable or men do.
ble, and the movement should do its utmost to enable objective acceptable for a man to invade our personhood and try to control It’s as simple as that.
judgements to emerge, even from all the anger and hurt that fuels it. our bodies, Rotunno simply contributes to this age-old burdening of
MARCH 2020

POPULAR: Cheer on

By Gianna King acrobatics, gymnastics, dance and, This shift in recognition over recent years
arguably, weightlifting. Despite this, cheer- could be pinned on Team England’s gold in
COMPETITIVE cheerleading has become leading remains to be viewed by most as the World Championships back in 2017, or
hugely popular in England in recent years, due to the release of Netflix’s “Cheer”
unworthy of being a “real sport”. Most uni-
especially with university students. docuseries. These caused a twist in percep-
But this is far from the pom-pom flailing, versities class cheerleading as a social
tion for many who took to twitter to declare their
chanting on the side-lines display that club, including The University of Manches-
admiration for these athletes.
most have seen in films. ter (UoM);meaning cheer teams are not The series follows the Navarro University
Every February, Manchester is flooded granted any funding or help with facilities cheer team on their journey preparing for Uni-
with bows as thousands of student cheer- and coaching like football would. versity nationals at Daytona Beach, Florida.
leaders migrate here to participate in the “Cheer” showcases the brutality and physi-
National University competition, held by cal prowess needed to succeed in this sport.
Future Cheer at Manchester Central. The The blood, sweat and tears The show has left viewers in awe of these
students perform routines, each hoping to that go into competing, rather athletes, as they bend, flip, toss and catch
impress the judges with perfectly coordi- than just girls in short skirts each other in mid-air, all while smiling and
nated jumps, stunts, tumbles and dance. chanting on the side-lines of looking pristine. It follows the team through the
Most UK university teams perform other sports. turmoil and rigorous training that it takes to
between levels 1-4, with the World cham- - Bec Oakes reach an elite level, showcasing not only the
pionship team competing at level 6. That physical but mental toll this intense sport has
being said, even level 1 cheerleading on its athletes.
requires a level of skill and agility, with They aren’t alone. Even Sport England This paired with the International Olympic
each manoeuvre being stringently scruti- Committee’s (IOC) announcement in 2016
do not currently recognise cheer as an offi-
nised for deductions and rule adherence. It that cheer had been granted provisional
cial sport. Their dismissal of the sport can
is safe to say that anyone who watches a recognition as an Olympic sport has taken
be attributed to films such as Bring It On, strides towards being fully recognised. How-
competitive cheer routine can appreciate
the physical standards needed to com- which colour cheer as chanting U.G.L.Y. ever, this may take up to seven years to come

pete. while throwing in the odd cartwheel. to fruition.
Competitive cheerleading embodies a Despite this, the physically demanding While the UK University cheerleading
dynamic mix of disciplines, pulled from reality of the sport is becoming realised. scene is miles behind its sub-Atlantic cousin,

where teams such as Navarro compete around level 5-6. Lower

level competitions still demand a high level of skill that most
people couldn’t reach without rigorous training.
One athlete who hopes this movement will shift the global per-
spective on the sport is UoM cheerleader, Bec Oakes. Bec has
been cheering for four years and has praised Netflix’s “Cheer” for
showing “the blood, sweat and tears that go into competing,


rather than just girls in short skirts chanting on the side-lines of
other sports.”
She explained that as UoM doesn't classify cheer as a sport,
the club receives no funding and therefore relies on constant
fundraising efforts to try and subsidise the cost placed on ath-


Cheer is a surprisingly expensive sport to take up, with
custom uniforms alone costing around £120. On top of this,
there are costs for mix tapes, insurance, coaching, as well as
competition entry and travel. None of this is funded by the SU.
If anything, this further displays each athlete’s dedication, not to
mention the hours of training and huge risks that come with
taking part in such a dangerous sport.
Bec also added that “International governing bodies are also
in a position to really affect matters.” Recently, the Internation-
al Cheer Union, as well as IOC have been issuing restraints on
the pageantry of the sport to focus on the athletes’ abilities.
Much like gymnastics, cheer is a performance based sport,
with a whole judging category for creativity and synchronicity. The
athletes take on this risk while looking pristine in uniforms,
By Armani Syed
bows, show makeup and rehearsed “cheer faces” that make their WHEN making retirement plans, you would be forgiven for This can be due to cultural differences where sexuality visual stories pair faces with personal experiences, human-
performances look effortless. It can be said that the hair, not factoring in time to complete an undergraduate degree. and intimate health is a conversational taboo, and a lack of ising them. Smith champions the medium of photography for
makeup and smiles are arguably one of the aspects that trivialise However, that’s precisely what Ian Smith, the photogra- knowledge amongst health professionals about how best to relaying such emotion, he feels that “in terms of feeling
the sport and earned its misrepresentation. However these pher behind ‘The Prostate Gap’ exhibition, set out to do advise gay or transgender patients on their treatment. and emotion, a photograph says a lot more than what a three
aspects only add to the difficulty of the sport, as athletes are put after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. With gay men, medical professionals often fail to under-
minute video could […] a photograph freezes something at
through their paces and taken to their physical limits, all the In 2018 Smith, now aged 72, graduated with a first class stand “the ramifications on sexual gratification from taking
Photography degree from The University of Bolton. His the guy’s prostate out” and they don’t explain how this may that moment in time”.
while straining through smiles and looking as immaculate as pos-
sible. final project “Prostate Cancer: Every Picture Tells a Story” affect their relationships. Another key aim of the exhibition is to encourage affect-
Over the years, cheer has accumulated a dedicated com- was inspired by his illness and has been on display in hos- Conversely, at a trans women’s meeting approximately ed individuals to have difficult conversations and whilst
munity, saturated with support and appreciation for one another. pitals across England ever since, which has led to two years ago in Manchester, Smith encountered 10 prostate cancer comes with its own unique stigma, men’s
This hugely team based sport demands ultimate trust and increased uptake of medical pamphlets on the subject. women who thought “because I’ve transitioned and I’ve health is generally spoken about less. Additionally, the
accountability for one another, just one person missing could Alongside the positive feedback the photographs had hormone treatment, I can’t get prostate cancer.” This majority of staff working at specialist healthcare charities,
break a routine. The trust between teammates is second to received, Smith said that after a presentation he gave in Lan- absence of knowledge is what Smith has termed ‘The such as Macmillan are female. This creates an extra layer
none, risking life and limb to ensure the safety of each other. So caster, an individual approached him to say that he had ‘nice Prostate Gap’ and is often twofold between the medical of difficulty when encouraging male patients to discuss
this only begs the question, what more can these athletes do to photographs, nice narratives, a nice message’ but there was professionals giving diagnoses, and the patients them-
their prostate health. In fact, a large proportion of men are
gain recognition from their Student Unions? one thing that could be improved on: “the lack of diversity.” selves. This shared misinformation means that patients
Smith took this advice on board and formed the idea behind don’t always get medical advice that caters to their lifestyle. reported to only seek medical treatment as a result of
‘The Prostate Gap: A Photographic Exhibition Exploring Smith is dedicated to tackling societal stigmas and edu- prompts from female partners.
Under-represented People with Prostate Cancer.’ cating people about prostate cancer, that he says “all his Smith also feels that men are less likely to discuss health


According to NHS figures, black men are two to three projects have been self-funded” and he has involved a lot of issues with their friends; “You wouldn’t get a guy stood up at
times more likely to develop prostate cancer than their research into these under-represented communities. He the bar saying I haven’t had an erection for three weeks. You
white counterparts, and the death rate is twice as high. said, “I knew nobody, I started with a blank piece of paper”. wouldn’t because of masculinity”. Smith wishes to break
Winston Carrington, one of the men photographed in Adding that finding subjects involved a lot of cold calling, down this culture of toxic masculinity with his portrait series.
THE NBA declared a COVID-19 lockout for the re- the exhibition, highlighted that despite being more suscep- telling people “I’m Ian Smith, I’m doing this, can I come He also hopes the exhibition will help to “Change public atti-
mainder of the season after a Utah Jazz tible to this cancer “85% [of African-Caribbean men] are not and see you, I want to learn about this, I want to understand
tudes towards underrepresented people in our society.”” His
player tested positive for the virus before tipoff aware of this fact.” more”.
against Oklahoma City Thunder. It remains unclear Lorraine Grover, a Psychosexual Nurse Specialist at The six-part photo series features two black men, two gay subjects “Feel there is someone fighting their corner for
whether or not the playoffs will go ahead in April, but The London Clinic and the Prostate Centre, London said that men, and two trans women. It delves into either their per- them.”
postponement seems the most likely outcome. “We can easily forget that within minority communities’ sonal experiences with prostate cancer, or how they are The Prostate Gap will be on display at Manchester Cen-
struggles can occur in addition to a cancer diagnosis.” mindful of the risk to their community. These powerful, tral Library between April 1 - 30, 2020.
MARCH 2020

It’s A Hard Knock

Life: The Annies of

Amy Bush takes a look at some of Greater Manchester’s most

incredible women in history
Greater Manchester has been home to some boost it desperately needed.
incredible women, and because March is
Women’s History Month, it seems only right to In total Annie was imprisoned thirteen times,
remind ourselves of a few of them. often enduring forced-feeding; a degrading and
painful procedure.
Famously home of the Pankhursts and the suf-
fragette movement, Manchester is proud of its Her passion and dedication to equality for
historical female figures. women was selfless and often hard on Annie.
She risked her health, her job, and her freedom
A statue of Emmeline Pankhurst – named Our for something so easily taken for granted today:
Emmeline – now stands defiantly on her chair in the right to vote. She bought The Gaiety theatre with family money was extremely vocal in meetings and was often
St. Peter’s square, thanks to the WoManchester and set about staging high-quality theatre pro- told to be quiet and sit down.
campaign which fought against the lack of statues Often overshadowed by her contemporaries, the ductions, and crucially made them accessible to
representing women in the city. Pankhursts, Annie Kenney has now been given working-class people, who before now couldn’t She was unrelenting in her work to help society’s
the recognition she deserves. afford to attend such events. underdogs, and became known as a defender of
Along with the Pankhursts there have been many the poor.
influential women in Greater Manchester with fas- A statue was unveiled in Oldham in 2018 and a She formed a repertory theatre, the first in Man-
cinating histories. blue plaque is displayed on Lees Brook Mill chester; rotating runs of classics with She fought for women to retain their jobs after
where she once worked, before her life took such contemporary plays and works by local play- marrying and for men and women to earn equal
Here, we’ll look at three, all called Annie, who a dramatic turn. wrights. wages for the same work.
added their own chapters to Manchester’s story.
Often referred to as stubborn and interfering, Unfortunately, these ideas were too ahead of
Annie Kenney Annie Horniman Annie Horniman was not universally liked in their time and Lee did not see them implemented
show business. in her lifetime.
Annie Kenney was a pivotal figure in the Votes for An honorary Mancunian, Annie Horniman trans-
Women campaign. A working-class suffragette formed the arts and cultural scene of Manchester However, this didn’t stop her doing what she However, she firmly planted these ideas in Man-
in a mostly middle-class movement, Annie when she bought The Gaiety Theatre in 1908. loved and making a name for herself. She was cunian politics and showed people that these
believed in direct action and sacrificed a great awarded an honorary Master’s degree from the were things worth fighting for.
deal in her fight for equality. A member of the wealthy tea-merchant family, University of Manchester in 1910.
the Hornimans, Annie never suited the tradition- One of her most forward-thinking achievements
Born in Springhead, Oldham, she was a mill- al role of an aristocratic lady. According to Helen Annie Lee during her time in local government was her
worker from the age of 10. It is believed she met Antrobus and Andrew Simcock – who ran the appointment of a woman police surgeon to deal
Christabel Pankhurst at an Oldham Trades and WoManchester Statue Campaign – Annie Our final Annie was Manchester’s first female with sexual assaults on women and children.
Labour Council meeting. The rest, as they say, is dressed lavishly, smoked heavily, and rode Alderman, and fierce campaigner for equal pay
‘herstory’. around Europe on a male-framed bicycle. and women’s rights. As Herbert explains, this was the first such
appointment in the whole country and had to be
Christabel and Annie were the first women to be Annie discovered her love of the arts after trips to A powerful figure in local government, Annie Lee vigorously defended by Annie when doubts were
imprisoned in the name of women’s suffrage the theatre as a child and decided to make this her began her political life as secretary of the Open- raised over its necessity.
after refusing to pay fines for disrupting a Liberal life’s work. After spending some time in Ireland, shaw Socialist Society, before being elected as
she came to Manchester, a place full of liberal- councillor for Gorton South in 1919. She was (and still is) a great role model and
party meeting in Manchester. Both were sent to minded folk whom Annie believed would proved woman could be successful in a man’s
Strangeways Prison, which resulted in huge embrace her progressive style of theatre. According to Michael Herbert in his book For the world without having to sacrifice your principles
press coverage and gave the movement the sake of the women who are to come after, Annie or alter your personality.
MARCH 2020

Eat guilt-free: Manchester’s

barynz at Flickr

What to do,
what to do,
vegan dining go-tos for you
what to do? By Rona McCann topped burgers, the fun, funky eatery is somewhere you just can’t afford
to miss out on your veganism endeavours.
By Rona McCann Mediterranean cuisine is on the takeaway menu at Go Falafel, Deans-
gate. Along with your build-your-own wrap, lunch box or salad, walk
WITH spring now fully in its first step, you may be wondering what to get away with an energising fruit juice. Orange, apple, and mango are of
up to now that you can get away with going out in just one jacket course a-go but mix up your dinner and try a ‘fusion juice’, made-to-order
instead of three. instore.
It’s time to let loose and check out these tip-top events coming up in The Allotment, on Lloyd Street, will see you ride a plant-based taste
Manchester that we have got for you. rollercoaster from starter to dessert. Vegetables lead the way, whether
Spanning the weekend of 14-15 March, the Manchester Sausage and in the form of panéed mushrooms, roasted squash, or bestseller cauli-
Cider Festival will take place at Victoria Warehouse. Teamed with the flower wings. Moving onto mains, choose between tacos, ramen,
namesake dynamic duo, the festival will host live bands and DJs, craft bolognese, and more, teamed with homemade vegan recreations of
beers galore, a gin bar and – not for the faint-hearted – a cut-throat eating classically not-so-vegan sauces. Flavours are aplenty for dessert;
contest. Tickets are on sale now for just £10. choose from a platter of raspberry and custard-topped tart, a cheesecake-
Global biking talent will come to Manchester in April, with the 2020 UCI of-the-day and a chocolately hazelnut slice.
BMX Supercross World Cup speeding into the National Cycling Centre.
Competitors will go head to head for a
place at the world’s biggest
sporting event, the
Olympic Games. The
World Cup is part of
a series of British Emma’s Ditto at YouTube
Cycling events
happening in Man- IF ever you needed proof that the vegan revolution is in full-force, you only
chester this spring, need to look to chicken giant KFC launching their own meat-free burger
and will include earlier this year.
qualifying rounds, Veganism is considered to be one of the biggest lifestyle choices
finals and knockout individuals can make to help reduce their climate change contribution, and
races. Manchester has not been left behind in the effort.
Dippy: Prehistoric times are Noticeably, in Mancunian restaurants vegans are no longer strug-
Dave ahead, with the Natural His- gling to find a satisfying meal, with plant-based servings taking up more
Souza at Wiki- tory Museum’s famous gentle giant and more of the menu.
media Commons Dippy starring in an exhibition at Number One But things are getting even easier. Over the past few years, a pletho-
Riverside in Rochdale until June. Dippy, now spending his existence as ra of vegan restaurants have emerged in the city. Here are Mancunian
diplodocus bones, is a hit with people of all ages – now that he lacks the Matters’ top picks.
muscles to eat them. The exhibit is completely free and is travelling While you may find the occasional supermarket own-brand frozen
across eight UK cities with the aim of inspiring the next generation of sci- apple pie that is ‘accidentally vegan’, no more do you have to root
entists. around the bottom of shelves to treat yourself to a plant-based dessert.
Was a New Year’s resolution to read more? Haven’t yet delved into Ice Shack in Withington is dubbed the first all-vegan dessert bar in the
the literature classics? Well, your chance to catch up has arrived, with the North.
erection of Spinningfields' Little Library. The new installation on Hardman Plating up sundaes and homemade brownies and freakshakes and
Square is a booklover’s paradise and a thrilling find for every passer-by. traybakes all at affordable prices, there is more than enough for every-
At the Little Library, you are free to pick up a copy of a bestseller, a new one’s tastes – as long as you’re not on a diet. All drinks can be concocted
release or a legendary novels and take it away with you – as long as you with your choice of dairy-free milk alternatives.
replace it with one of your own. Having only opened its first store next to HOME arts centre early last
You may pass them every day, but there is more than meets the eye year, vegan hangout Vertigo has already expanded. Now also delivering
when it comes to Manchester’s street art. In a walking tour through the goods on Cross Street, Vertigo serves delectable breakfasts, along
Ancoats, you can hear about public pieces with extensively-researched with demonstrating the power of plants in its curries, stews and smooth-
guidance. You will learn how art and architecture combines to form the ie bowls. Ula Zarosa at Wikimedia Commons
decorated living spaces we see today. Tours run fortnightly on Saturdays Northern Quarter favourite V Rev is the American diner of your
and Sundays, led by Skyliner Tours. dreams. Offering hotdogs on hotdogs on burgers on mac-and-cheese-
MARCH 2020



You can still get on your getaway this summer

Playa de las Malvas, Lanzarote. Paul Stephenson on Wikimedia Commons
By Rona McCann
AS the frost ebbs away and the year’s first sneak
peeks of blue sky make themselves known, you may A bit of splurge it may be, still safe to hop to is
find yourself already thinking about summer. Cuba. The country has only recently opened its doors
But the same big question lingers on everyone’s to tourism – just two decades ago, interaction
vitamin D-deprived lips: where can I still book for a between outside visitors and ordinary Cubans was ille-
sunny getaway now that COVID-19 has been gal. Now, however, Cuba sees millions of tourists
wreaked havoc across the globe? each year come to explore its exquisite architecture
and, famously, the vintage cars that line its streets.
Flying from Manchester, some great deals are still
to be had. Return flights from Manchester Airport: from £800
in July.
Sri Lanka has no current active coronavirus cases,
but it’s a shame that it takes resisting a worldwide Roll up, roll up to the ‘green cape’, because
epidemic for it to come to mind as a travel destination. COVID-19 certainly hasn’t done so yet. Whilst a
Colombo, Sri Lanka’s largest city, is bursting with his- beautiful place to just relax, Cape Verde, located in the
tory, culture and diversity. Along with its coastal Atlantic Ocean, is also a hidden hotspot for thrill-
location, the city offers temples built with the archi- seekers. Dive into a scuba excursion (or a half-day
tecture expertise of eclectic cultural origins, beautiful shark experience if you’re feeling brave), ride gallop-
public parks and numerous annual celebratory festi- ing horses along vast beaches or zoom across the
vals. desert in an off-road buggy.

Return flights from Manchester Airport: from £450 Return flights from Manchester Airport: from £500 Check out vintage vehicles and colourful architecture in Havana. Pedro Szekely at Flickr
in July. in July.


Whilst holidaymakers in neighbouring Tenerife COVID-19 guidelines urge people to avoid being in
recently found themselves in a two-week lockdown, densely populated areas. Needless to say, there are
the volcanic isle of Lanzarote has so far escaped any fewer densely populated areas than inside Pacha
virus concerns. Timanfaya National Park is home to nightclub. Despite the close quarters, the party island
natural marvels. Take a bus trip to the top and watch of Ibiza has yet to see a virus case upon its shores.
as some friendly locals cook dinner for you using the Whether it’s a booze cruise, the beaches or a delve
heat from the volcanoes. If you’re scared of heights, into history in the old town of Dalt Vila, no one will be
then closer to sea level you can explore black sand short of adventures to get up to.
beaches, cactus gardens, and vineyards. Don’t miss
out on exploring hundreds of underwater sculptures at Return flights from Manchester Airport from £150 in
Atlantico Museum. July.

Return flights from Manchester Airport: from £170 Before holidaying, check official travel advice for Ibiza coastline. timtimmermann at Flickr
in July. your destination. Colombo, Sri Lanka. Rehman Abubakr at Flickr
MARCH 2020


Bland’s latest exhibition on bi-racial identity.

New Manchester exhibition sheds light on

Britain’s lost bi-racial history
IT’S a common misconception that Black-British history began with the
arrival of HMT Empire Windrush in 1948, but a new exhibition in Man-
chester Central Library aims to change that.
Britain’s ‘Brown Babies’ is bringing human stories that predate the Win-
drush generation into focus. The pop-up exhibition is based on the 45
interviews featured in Lucy Bland’s book – Britain's ‘Brown Babies’:
The Stories of Children Born to Black GIs and White Women in the
Around Greater Manchester in
Second World War.
Much of the exhibition features stories and photographs which tell vis-
itors the experiences of the bi-racial children born to African-American
GI soldiers, who were stationed in the UK during World War II, and
white British women.
Five Literary Events
Roughly eight percent of the 3 million GIs who passed through the UK Long before Manchester was named a UNESCO City of Literature, it
were African-American, and were stationed across the country, includ- was a famous book city on its own merits. Maybe because Anthony
ing many in the north west. Burgess grew up here or because W.G. Sebald set large parts of The
These relationships were formed when British women would visit black Emigrants here. Maybe thanks to Shelagh Delaney’s work in A Taste of
GIs in segregated pubs, and even dance with them at so-called ‘Black Honey (OK fine, technically Greater Manchester, since it’s set in Salford),
Dances’. Those events were segregated by the US Army themselves. or because Gwendoline Riley immortalised virtually every major street in
This resulted in the birth of roughly 2,000 bi-racial children in the 1940s the centre of town in her perfect booze-soaked first novel, Cold Water.
– many of these children grew up in and around Manchester and Lan- But enough about the past. If you’ve spent time here, you’ll know that
cashire; some were kept by their mothers, others were raised by Manchester’s worst trait is – hands down – the city’s tendency to be nos-
grandparents, but approximately half of them ended up in the care talgic. So what about the present day literary scene? We rounded up our

highlights of literary Manchester.
According to Professor Bland “very few were adopted because the

Adoption Society wouldn’t take them on their books and said they were
too hard to place”, and a ‘same race’ policy was effectively in operation.
This resulted in some individuals spend-
ing their entire childhood in the care
system. This monthly spoken word night has received shout outs from the likes
This was of The Guardian and Manchester Evening News, and is presented by the
exacerbated when African- ever-entertaining Fat Roland and Joe Daly. A great place to discover the
American fathers who did new lyrical talent, in an enjoyably rowdy night out setting at Gulliver’s, in THE PEOPLE’S HISTORY
attempt to adopt their off- the Northern Quarter. To apply for a spoken word reading slot, email the
spring, were prevented by MUSEUM hosts a mopthly
organisers from 10 of each month onwards. Don’t worry, the Dutch
legislation which stipulated courage you’ll need is available at the bar. politicasl book club, and

that children could only be
you can sign up on
adopted by British subjects
or relatives where both par- Eventbrite. LEFT: Eliza-
ents were known.
Bland said many of the babies GASKELL’S HOUSE beth Gaskell’s house.
Photos: Wikimedia
“had real problems with identity Whether you’re a fan of Victorian writer Elizabeth Gaskell’s realist novels
and belonging”. Many of them were or her biographies, (she penned the world’s first Charlotte Bronte biog- Commons.
raised in predominantly white areas or raphy in The Life of Charlotte Bronte, 1857), you should absolutely
by white relatives, which made it difficult for them to engage with their replenish your bookshelf at this monthly secondhand book sale. Espe-
African heritage. cially since all money raised from book sales goes towards running
Bland added: “They hadn’t got any role models, and when they were
older and if they did meet African-Caribbeans, then they either weren’t
costs and ensuring the house stays open to the public, so you’re effec-
tively supporting the cultural sector twice over by buying books! It takes MUSEUM’S RADICAL BOOK
black enough or weren’t African-Caribbean. It didn’t feel that they
place on the second Sunday of the month in the Servants Hall inside Eliz-
abeth Gaskell’s House on Plymouth Grove, a hop skip and a jump from CLUB
However, it appears this project has had a positive impact, as many of the centre of town (AKA 26 minute walk from Piccadilly station). It’s A monthly free book club (though you’ll need to reserve your ticket on
the people featured in Bland’s book have found a sense of community

next on 12 April. Eventbrite) which does what it says on the tin: an in-group discussion of
and belonging in each other, through shared experiences – they even a politically-engaged book. An incredible added bonus that you don’t get
have “their own private Facebook group”. at your mate’s book club is that sometimes the authors of the book
Bland said that “within less than a generation [attitudes have] changed you’re reading give a talk afterwards.

enormously” but also recognised that Britain and the United States
have a long way to go in their discussions around racial identity. In par-
ticular the contrasting treatment of Kate Middleton compared to Meghan
Markle: “It’s just extraordinary that people can come out with this stuff
This May, wend your way to the end of the metro line for literary gold, cour-
tesy of the two-woman team behind the festival, Anna Earley and Yoko NO MATTER
against her.” Isami. Amongst the events confirmed so far, is a writing workshop on food
Britain’s ‘Brown Babies’ runs in collaboration with the AIU Race Relations in fiction from local superstar Lara Williams (Supper Club); an inde- No Matter self-describes as “a bi-monthly feminist poetry and performance
Resource Centre in the basement of Manchester Central Library until pendent publishers’ book fair; a talk from ‘King of Manc Noir’ David reading series,” which we understood to mean twice a month, but an
31st March. Nolan on his ‘difficult’ second novel author talks; a discussion of a col- archive of their events suggests it’s every two months. No matter: it’s elec-
lection of short stories devoted to the Buzzcocks and much, much more. trifying anyway. Held at the Castle in the Northern Quarter, it’s an
Buckle up: it’s going to be a fun ride. intimate spoken word event that largely boasts poetry over prose.
MARCH 2020

‘a celebration of the
early days of women’s
by Hana Kelly
ATLANTA Forever, the new play about the struggle for women’s
football, is set to kick-off at the National Football Museum in
The play, based on a true story, is set in 1920s Britain, when

Back To The Future

women were banned by the FA from playing on their grounds.
The play follows Atlanta FC, one of three women’s teams in
Huddersfield. Their matches brought huge crowds and raised

F l i e s o n S t a ge
huge sums of money for hospitals, war widows, and so much
The show is a comedy drama, and aimed at a family audience.
The director, Amanda Whittington, has said “you don’t have to
be a football fan to enjoy it but it does play homage to the game.
It’s a story of injustice which asks serious questions, but as a
By Hana Kelly play, it doesn’t take itself too seriously either.”
“As a small club, Atlanta was a footnote in the history of
women’s football but I’ve imagined the story of the FA ban from
VISUALLY, “Back to the Future the Musical” logue and staging of the film is so closely fol- their perspective.”
is spectacular. lowed that it can feel a little bloated. Whittington also drew on her own experiences as a young girl
The show arrived in Manchester bringing the You would normally expect a slight adaptation in the 1970s who knew she would not be able to continue in
hit film onto the stage and into the 21st century. to the story. But for “Back to the Future,” the football professionally. The director explained that “I could relate
The visual effects really need to be admired in show is the film, but with songs. to the ban and understand how our characters feel.”
this performance. The music and lyrics, by Alan Silvestri and Amanda Whittington, a life-long fan of Nottingham Forest
The mixture of video projections and staging Glen Ballard, feels like they were written for a Women FC, explained that she decided to focus on women’s
techniques has brought theatre into the future. film score. football post-World War I as she believes it is important to talk
Meanwhile, the design team — with illusions by After the interval, Doc Brown sings about 2020
Paul Kieve, known for his work in “Harry Potter whilst riding a hoverboard, not a film hover-
and the Prisoner of Azkaban” — have smashed board, but a 2013 self-balancing scooter-hover-
all expectations. board.
Projections are used to create a clever and Another saw George McFly singing about his
new theatre experience which left audience short-sightedness whilst he peers through Lor-
members in awe. raine’s bedroom window.
Colour and light creates speed for the De- However some songs, including “There’s
Lorean, whilst Roger Bart climbs up to the clock Something About That Boy,” “Gotta Start Some-
face, by only taking four steps. where”, and “Put Your Mind To It” add comedic
This mix of theatre and film is unique and sets nuance and really help the show feel at home in
the adaptation on stage in a futuristic way. its new theatrical setting.
Opening with Marty McFly blowing up Doc These songs add depth to characters who,
Brown’s speaker, you’re im-
mediately in the story. It fol-
lows the storyline from the
first film, but with a mixture
of 50s and 80s music and about the almost forgotten history of women’s football. She said
dance thrown in for good that “by the end of the war, the top teams in the women’s game
measure. were drawing crowds of up to 50,000 in FA grounds.
Casting is spot-on. It’s al- “When the men returned home and the Football League began
most as if they used the De- again, the women’s game was shut down by the ruling body. So-
Lorean to go back and bring cial attitudes were as much to blame as sport but it’s taken a
the stars into the future. century for the women’s game to fully recover.”
Marty McFly is perfectly Women’s football has seemed to recover, with the United
portrayed by Olly Dobson, States’ win at the World Cup last summer drawing in 1.12 billion
replicating Michael J. Fox’s viewers worldwide. The 2015 final brought in 764 million view-
iconic performance, both in ers.
dance and in style. When asked about the USA’s victory in the World Cup, Whit-
But perhaps even better tington joked that she wanted England to win, but added “the
is Hugh Coles’ portrayal of United States are an incredible team who are blazing a trail
George McFly as a across the world.”
teenager. perhaps, feel a little lost in the film. She went on to say that “the idea of a Women’s World Cup
His mannerisms make you believe you are Put Your Mind To It is sung as Marty teaches would have been a fantasy when I was a kid. It’s so wonderful to
watching Crispin Glover 35 years ago. his teenage dad how to be cool. see the respect and support for Megan Rapinoe and our fabu-
The film is not forgotten in the music with “The This not only gives George McFly character, lous England squad.
Power of Love”, “Back in Time”, and “Johnny B. but creates a bond between father and son. “I do believe you have to see it to be it and these kind of role
Goode” all included in the score. The DeLorean, the clock tower, and the blazes models are truly life-changing for young girls. All power to them.”
However, fresh songs, including the pre-inter- of fire create an exciting, twisting set which will Atlanta Forever is starting in Manchester on 18 April, and trav-
val track “There’s Something About That Boy,” capture your imagination and leave you wonder- elling across the country by any means necessary until October.
really root the performance in the theatre. ing - ‘but how did they do that?’ Catch it in Leeds on 22 April, and York on 2 June.
Despite the strong musical aspect, the dia-
MARCH 2020

Re v i e w :
M AN I FF 2 0 2 0

By Max Blakeley these people help because a lot of the time they seem perfectly One main point that can be taken from their conversation is the
rational, adding that her friend was “driving uber during his ‘break’”. differences in the female experience of working in ‘Hollywood’ (where
Manchester Film Festival had a cracking start this weekend with Lost Transmissions is a triumphant exercise in empathy for Cochran has some experience) and in the British indie-scene.
three very strong and very different films from outside the UK. schizophrenics, that draws the viewer in with a visceral performance Hogg, who described the struggles she faced as she was trying to get
The first films, and their creators, didn’t hold back on current issues from Juno Temple and Pegg, who together steal the film from the a feature film made, stated that they “weren’t necessarily about being a
currently affecting filmmaking and the wider population. rest of the cast. The director’s personal connection to the subject woman…I’ve never gone out of my own bubble because I’ve kept my
Mental health awareness, and the industry gender imbalance were matter can be felt in how she renders her characters. budget very low”.
the two main talking points, with key figures such as Simon Pegg and Her feature debut, the highly acclaimed The Souvenir was released in
Joanna Hogg making their voices heard. Director Stacey Cochran and fellow Indie-director Joanna August 2019, and is an autobiographical story based on Hogg’s
Hog share their views on women in the industry. experiences whilst studying at film school in London.
But first…on a lighter note: Stacey Cochran’s view was quite different, having started her career in
Prior to the screening of her new film – Write When You Get a different time and place.
The festival opened with a film that positively reaffirms some faith in Work – Stacey Cochran was joined, on Sunday, by Joanna Hogg in Cochran described a culture of “being told things that they decide you
the human spirit in times of adversity. conversation. can hear and not being told other things”. However, she also stressed the
Introducing the German romance Traumfatik on MANIFF’s opening When asked if they think that the situation for women in the film point that “it could be that men feel that way too – it’s not easy being a male
night, programming director Al Bailey described it as the “perfect tonic” industry is improving both Cochran and Hogg had different views on independent director”.
for a Saturday night at the movies in this era of “media frenzy and the matter. These viewpoints from two important voices in independent cinema
depressing news”. paint themselves as women who have strived forward in their artform
Directed by Martin Schreier, Traumfatik is a joyously cinematic without giving heed to the perceived gender imbalance. Hogg even added:
celebration of love, imagination and movie-magic itself, set in East Berlin “I haven’t got some great speech about that”.
during the summer of 1961 when the wall was constructed and the East The lack of concern that both Hogg and Cochran display calls into
vs West power struggle was kicking up a gear. question the practicalities of the gender
It follows the story of Emil (Dennis Mojen) and Milou (Emilia Schüle) debate that has been
- star-crossed lovers of their time - he is a German movie extra, and she gaining traction.
is the dance double to a domineering, French film star, played viciously
by Ellenie Gonzalez .
Boasting an ensemble of stock-characters, who are well played, with
‘good guys’ swimming with charm and likeability, and the ‘bad guys’ as Manchester KinoFilm Festival returns
detestable as any of 007’s or Doctor Jones’ adversaries. to Manchester this March.
At the post-screening Q+A audience members, many of whom were
German, commended director Martin Schreier for dealing with that This is not only the sixteenth edition of
historical period in a way that showed people “still laughed” during that the festival, but marks 25 years of
time. KinoFilm events in the region.
Despite its blatant use of clichés, the story is well paced and
structured, and the main cast are captivating enough that we become Some of the films will include famous
faces such as Jack Whitehall and
invested in their emotional journey.
It would be easy to dismiss Traumfatik as cheesy, on-the-nose
MANIFF Short Film Reviews Timothy Spall.
cheap-thrills romance, and that is certainly what it is at times, but it’s By Robson McCallister
The event takes place from
purposeful execution of this tone actually works to the film’s merit.
21st-29th March at multiple venues
Emil is the classic romantic archetype who loves to dream, and the
narrative is framed as his memory as he recalls it to his grandson. Touchscreen across Manchester.
Schreier, who said in the Q+A that a lot of the film is based on his and Kelly Miller stars in Touchscreen: a short focusing on a recluse
his fellow filmmakers’ real experiences – “we’re kind of romantic guys” – coming to grips with his own isolation in order to finally embrace a
is aligned with Emil, a storyteller relaying the message that you should physical relationship. As well as being the lead, Miller also wrote &
find time to dream, to love, and to stand-up to oppressors– a message produced this gripping film, loosely based on a true story. With only his
as old as the cinema itself, and unwavering in its relevance. computer screen being his light and life, Miller is surrounded by
darkness in this expertly crafted piece. As a dimly-lit movie that Semi Skimmed
Lost Transmissions – bringing the mental health conversation acknowledges the strain of online relationships: Touchscreen shines A relatable tale about the aftermath of a holiday romance, James
to MANIFF: from beginning to end. Soldan’s Semi Skimmed captures the blissful naivety of 21st century
Simon Pegg: “it wasn’t slacker zombie hunter, this was a very 4/5 love. With an excellent combination of Solden’s witty writing and Alex
specific condition that manifests itself in a very particular way”. Sharp’s timely delivery, the movie is a success in not taking itself too
Writer/director Katherine O’Brien’s feature debut is a heartfelt and Bike of a Boy seriously. Only eight minutes long, the time flies by as Sharp’s
unflinching depiction of someone with schizophrenia going through a Nicholas Ehret directs this film told from the perspective of a child hopeless romantic of a character tries to find his lost love. The ending
psychotic break, and the hardships that those around him must endure in a war zone. The film is dependent on long-shots, which work in its does an excellent job of encapsulating the attitude of the film; Semi
to see that he gets the care he needs. favour with the countryside setting being ideal to depict a lonesome Skimmed is certainly more than worth a watch.
O’Brien wrote the film based on her own experiences helping a friend boy on his bike. However, the narrative is disorganised and lacks the 4/5
who suffered from schizophrenia, who was also a music producer, as he intended punch, despite the film being directed and shot well. The film
went through what the director calls a “break”. requests a wide array of emotions from its audience but fails to land Chopper
Pegg’s performance is a refreshing change from his usual pace; any. Whilst visually stunning, a more coherent and cohesive story A bittersweet movie about a family having to deal with a former
authentic and heart-breaking when the film requires, but bringing his would have ensured the German short had received top marks. biker’s dementia, Chopper is a wild ride. Giorgos Kapsanakis
quirky charm from the outset. 3/5 successfully manages to blend reality with nostalgia as Eleanor Inglis
The actor carried out extensive research before tackling the role, portrays a granddaughter giving her grandfather one last ride through
saying at the Q+A: “This wasn’t one I felt I could just go in and guess, it Water Off a Duck’s Back memory lane before his journey to the nursing home. The producer
wasn’t slacker zombie hunter, this was a very specific condition that A short about a slaughterhouse deliveryman forming a bond with Simone Ceresato revealed that the concept came from personal family
manifests itself in a very particular way”. a duck should not be this good. That being said, Thomas Morelli’s short experiences with dementia and the short is executed in a respectfully
He goes on to describe meeting with people who have suffered the is that good. The animal co-star is paramount to the film’s success, wholesome way. A cleverly-written, smartly-directed, and well-shot
effects of schizophrenia, and even met the man who inspired his stealing every scene in this charming comedy. Morelli’s use of this duck short, Chopper shows what can be achieved on a smaller budget,
character in the film. makes every scene count and leaves the audience wanting more. incorporating British rock ‘n’ roll nostalgia blended with the realities of
Both director and star wanted to avoid the classic pitfall of “playing Shane Attwoll’s deadpan expressions, mixed in with his animal co- dementia.
crazy”, a tendency of many actors tasked with portraying mental health star’s presence, ensure plenty of laughs in a film that hits all the right 4/5
on-screen. notes.
O’Brien commented that it makes “people who suffer these 5/5
conditions seem violent and dangerous” and that it’s very hard to get
MARCH 2020

L ew i s Ca p a l d i ,
M a n ch e s te r A p o l l o

By Rich Brown “I want you to think about all the things your partner did with your ex that they
now do with you”, Capaldi asked the audience, to fits of laughter, as couples
YOU can run. You can hide. But there is no escaping Lewis juddered and looked in opposite directions.
Capaldi. No matter how hard you might try. He even turned agony-aunt, providing relationship advice to an audience
Reports suggest that Martians are packing up and moving to member who had bought tickets to the gig for her and her boyfriend, only for him
the far-reaches of the Solar System just to make it less likely they’ll to break up with her. “Go away for a year,” he advised, “write an album and you
ever hear Someone You Loved again. might find it does really well.” He went on to suggest that her ex might even “go on
Capaldi has taken over from Ed Sheeran as the man to Love Island and win the f*cking thing”.
monopolise the airwaves. Even his little cousin Ava is apparently This truly was Live at the Apollo.
sick of hearing him on the radio. Even in the foot-stomping Hollywood, Capaldi reminded us that the song is
He often shows up where you don’t expect. Good Morning “actually f*cking sad”.
Britain recently displayed a photo of the Brit-Award winner’s face Alas, the beautiful and emotive Someone You Loved was saved for the
instead of Ant McPartlin. Because, you know, that’s an easy encore as audience members and Martians joined in on the biggest sing-song of
mistake to make. the night.
You might think it’s fine because you stream nothing but Wayne Rooney later described the event as “unbelievable” on social media.
South African Ska music. Doesn’t matter, he’ll still pop up in your As did Coleen, as she packed away her magnifying glass. Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds will
suggested artists. You’ll brush your teeth, get into bed and what They were right. The lovable Scot is at the helm of British music for a reason. be appearing at Manchester 02 Apollo
would you know - there he is. Tickling your chest and stretching Capaldi took to the stage like a jaunty student who had stumbled into the on Tuesday 24 March
too far into your half of the bed. But he was nominated for a wrong lecture. It’s as if even he can’t believe the speed of his rise to the pinnacle
Grammy and he’s loaded, so it’s cool. of British music. And he’s making the most of it, before he goes away to record the
It was no surprise then to see Lewis Capaldi at the difficult second album.
Manchester Apollo, given it was a ticketed event in his name. This, Only if Noel had been there, perhaps he’d have changed his mind on Capaldi.
day two of the tour and the second night in Manchester, was Definitely. Maybe.

The Orielles at The Ritz

another sell out.
Not even the impending obliteration of civilisation by COVID-
19 could keep fans away. Nor could it deter former Manchester
United star and Capaldi fan, Wayne Rooney, taking vantage from
the lower circle. His wife Coleen also joined him on detective duty.
Unsurprisingly, Manchester-legend Noel Gallagher was
nowhere to be seen. Him and Capaldi, let’s say, don’t quite see
eye to eye. “You might wanna try and find some joy in your tunes
you’re destroying the youth” Noel had tweeted back in 2019,
having also referred to him as ‘Chewbacca’. The feud shows no By Tom Preece
sign of slowing down.
Indeed, Manchester was positively joyless on Tuesday night,
as Capaldi worked his way through hits from the melancholic but "WITH my fate behind my back, is last Thursday ever real?" sings
critically acclaimed Divinely Uninspired To A Hellish Extent. But Esme, of The Orielles during their first song 'Come Down On Jupiter'.
that’s why fans were here. The more miserable the song, the The Orielles' homecoming show at the Ritz last Thursday didn't seem
louder the people sing. real - a journey with the band into outer-space as they traversed through
Opening with Grace, the crowd erupted into gregarious their new record that's full of inspiration from outside of our own galaxy.
It certainly took a few songs for the show to warm up, the band ushered
sorrow. The audience was a mix of generations, many clinging on
through the first three, admittedly to a semi-raucous crowd. After all, the
teary-eyed to every word. “I’m not ready to be just another one of
album had only been released the previous week.
your mistakes” sang Cindy, aged 11, as she grieved over the
The band swiftly moved into first album hit 'Let Your Dogtooth Grow'
messy end to her relationship with Aaron after an unfortunate simultaneously lifting the mood in the room. Guitarist Henry Carlyle-Wade
packed-lunch incident. thrashes across the stage with intent, the sea of flailing limbs is too fast for
From here, there was no turning back. The audience didn’t your eyes to keep up with.
miss a word of every morbid anthem. The noise was deafening as The performance improves song-by-song, as do the quirks inextricably
Capaldi introduced Forever, and after four songs, Capaldi, self- linked to the band's sound; chimes, whistles and cow bells in their droves.
aware as he has become known, promised that the happy songs The next song, 'Bobbi's Second World' started in laughter as Henry
were done, and the crowd should get ready for an hour of described the cat, after which the song is named, as an "a*****le now",
disappointment. declaring that fame had changed the once so adored studio feline.
The crowd were not left disappointed. The set came to a close with the band's biggest hit 'Sugar Tastes Like
Capaldi, as well as being a gifted vocalist, showcased his Salt', joined on-stage by support band, Seatbelts. The song builds in
eloquence and charm. “If I run off, it’s because I’ve sh*t myself”, he tension perfectly as the guitar riffs of Esme Dee Hand-Halford, combined
said. “I could burst at any minute”. He has a knack of getting away with sister Sidonie's drumming, bring the crowd close to the edge, before
with such quips in ways that others wouldn’t. Don’t ever expect reeling them back in with a change in tempo.
Emeli Sandé to take to the stage rattling a box of Imodium. It was a special occasion for the band, their biggest Manchester show to
The evening was a sour cocktail of top-quality entertainment. date, one shared with the crowd in a relationship-binding experience.
A base of brilliant ballads, a dash of heartbreak, and a touch of The Orielles firmly proved that they play in their own league, within the
stand-up comedy. Capaldi has a sharp wit stimulated by sadness indie scene. No one comes close, and they won't for some time.
that would be befitting of a Channel 4 panel show. 8 out of 10 Cats
Does Breakdowns, perhaps.
MARCH 2020

Rochdale A.F.C.
Predicted Grade: C-

Oldham Athletic
Bolton Wanderers
Predicted Grade: C--
Predicted Grade: D-

Wigan Athletic
Predicted Grade: A-

Salford City
Predicted Grade: A-

Manchester City
Predicted Grade: B-
Manchester United
Predicted Grade: B+

Original photo © WikiMedia Commons,

End of season report: Grading Greater Manchester’s football

Ordnance Survey Data

By Robson McCallister
THE business end of the football season is fast home, Wigan Athletic have certainly put themselves in good stead that the club’s downfall is finally over.
approaching and Mancunian Matters have handed out towards avoiding relegation from the SkyBet Championship. The
in-form Latics have picked up 10 points from their previous 4
Rochdale A.F.C
predicted report grades for our seven teams within the games, whilst fellow relegation rivals such as Middlesborough
Entering their sixth successive season in League One,
Greater Manchester region. and Charlton Athletic have floundered. Wigan have to carry on this
Rochdale Athletic have become accustomed to fighting for survival
in League One. Certainly, the disastrous performances of Bolton
Manchester City momentum towards the business end of the season but as it Wanderers, Southend United, and Tranmere Rovers have signif-
‘The Guardiola Era’ is in serious jeopardy after a woeful per- stands, Wigan have every chance to achieve their singular goal in icantly eased pressure on Rochdale, but that won’t make any
formance in this season’s Premier League. With Liverpool avoiding relegation. difference to the Dale faithful. Barring a disastrous late spell of form,
blues’ attention turns to the only trophy boss Pep Guardiola is Bolton Wanderers
all-but-certain to win their first league title in the modern era, the Rochdale look to have done enough to survive, barely.
missing as City’s manager: the UEFA Champions League. Having It seemed at one point that Bolton were destined to suffer the Salford City
won the League Cup earlier this month, the current champions can Salford’s debut season in the English Football League can only
still capture both the Champions League and the FA Cup. However, be described as a success. Relegation is almost mathematically
due to UEFA’s decision to ban the Citizens from European football impossible, despite months of the season remaining. Despite
for two years from this summer onwards, the pressure has never being unable to attain a consistent run of form throughout the
been harder on Guardiola and his team to salvage a major cup. season, the football league new-boys find themselves only nine
points off of the play-offs. Achieving a top-seven spot would certainly
Manchester United be overachieving, but if Salford pick up some momentum, their
United have remained undefeated since the signing of Bruno Fer- debut season could have another twist in the tale.
nandes in January, and their recent turn of form has kickstarted a
push for European qualification. The Portugese international has Oldham Athletic
been a revelation in midfield, scoring 3 goals in 6 games and In the 2018/2019 season, Oldham found themselves back in
looks to be the signing of the winter transfer window. Beating League Two for the first time since the seventies and thus far, it
Manchester City 2-0 earlier this month has further propelled a same fate as fellow neighbours Bury. At one point in the season, looks as if they will be remaining there. In their second season back
league expulsion was lingering amongst the historic club. A 12 point
remarkable turnaround for the Red Devils, and despite a forgettably in England’s fourth division, the main reason for Oldham’s stag-
deduction at the start of this season and a squad consisting of inex-
average start to the season, the in-form United can still make up for nation can be pointed due to their high record of draws, being
lost time with European glory in the UEFA Europa League. perienced academy players ensures that relegation to League second-most for stalemates in the entire division. Jonny Smith’s
Two is almost a certainty for the financially-troubled club. Howev- nine goals seem to have ensured survival in the division, but
Wigan Athletic er with a new chairman in Sharon Brittain, Bolton fans will be investment must be made next season to avoid another forgettable
Having beaten both the top two teams in their division away from hopeful that next season is is a fresh start and gain newfound hope season.
MARCH 2020

Luck be the
Lady tonight
THE rally of women from Whitehall
during last Sunday’s
‘march4women’ seems to have
S T U N A NF IE L D made its way to the Cheltenham
racecourse, as Rachael Blackmore
aims to be the first female jockey to
top the Cheltenham Festival on
Friday. The reason for this is that
female jockeys are looking to
eclipse their record-breaking 2019
success, outperforming their male
counterparts for the first time.
Among those returning is Black-
more, who won twice in last year’s
event, riding to victory on 50/1 out-
sider Minella Indo in the Albert
Bartlett Novice Hurdle. Blackmore
was pipped at the post previously
as the top jockey by Paul Tow-
nend. Entering 11 races,
Blackmore is aiming to be the first
ever woman to claim the honour.
Speaking to the BBC, Blackmore
said: "I get that it would be mas-
sive [for a female jockey] to win a
Gold Cup or a Champion Hurdle,
but, for me, my initial feeling would-
n't be 'ah this is so big for women in
racing' - though I'm not oblivious to

LIVERPOOL 2-3 A.MADRID A(ggregate 2-4)

the fact that it would be a big deal.”
Bookmakers SkyBet have listed
Blackmore’s chances at 9/2.

way to extra time. The game ended regular unrelenting assault from start to finish. But Jan Celine Dion backing track
By Rich Brown time with Liverpool leading 1-0 from a Oblak showed exactly why he is coveted as one Atletico Madrid fans would have arrived that
IT was starting to feel so familiar. We had been Georginio Wijnaldum header in the 43rd of, if not the best goalkeeper in the world. At 27, day wondering if the trip had been worth the
here before, many times. With their backs minute following some nifty work down the he still has 10 years at the top and it would be risk. They had not been allowed to travel to
against the wall, Liverpool always conjure a right between Trent Alexander Arnold and Mo a surprise if Europe’s top teams don’t try to Getafe at the weekend, but oddly had been
way to win, as if inspired by divine interven- Salah, and a whipped in cross from Oxlade prise him away in the summer. allowed to board the plane to John Lennon
tion, or a romantic, mystical force – especially Chamberlain. Adrian on the other hand, in for the injured Airport.They will tell you it had all been worth it.
on big European nights under the lights at Within five minutes of the restart, Liverpool Allison, might have played his final Champi- There’s no taking away Liverpool’s Premier A BATTLE FOR SUPREMACY
were cruising into the next round as Roberto ons League match for the club. Before the League success this season. Their points haul
The Invincibles’
But Diego Simeone and his team, known Firminio increased their lead to 2-0, prodding game, Jurgen Klopp had been seen address- is unprecedented. But within a matter of

Legacy Lives On
for being masters of the dark arts, had some home a rebound off the post which fell kindly ing his team’s own fans who called for weeks, their treble and double hopes have
sorcery up their sleeves. into his path.It would have been easy to see the high-fives as players came out the tunnel. been dashed, and there’s a danger that that
For 90 minutes, there was no reason to think tie as dead. Time to brush your teeth, and belt Klopp told them to “put their hands away”. they will have to lift the Premier League trophy
this was going any way other than a Liverpool out several verses of happy birthday whilst, Perhaps Adrian had been nearby and inter- behind closed doors. DUE to their 3-0 loss to Watford
victory. Klopp’s men were back to their normal, thoroughly, washing your hands. preted this as an instruction. Liverpool fans have been in dreamland. at Vicarage Road on the 29th of
relentless best, playing with the intensity and But unlike the start of the night, suddenly It started with Adrian shanking a clearance They will wonder quite how this nightmare February, Liverpool failed to
guile that won them the tournament last year Liverpool had something to lose. straight into the path of João Felix. The Por- against Madrid happened. match Arsenal’s record of com-
and had been lacking over the past few weeks. Anybody returning to their TV sets ten min- tuguese fed Marcos Llorente who dispatched Elsewhere, there wasn’t a single spectator
pleting an entire Premier
Liverpool had their opponents under the utes later with glistening teeth and germ-free the ball low into the bottom corner. inside the Parc de Princes last night, as Paris St
League season without register-
cosh from the off, starting aggressively and fingertips would have been puzzled to see Before the end of the first half of extra time, Germain defeated a muted Borussia Dort-
Diego Simone running in frenzy down the Llorente was in again, driving the ball low into mund to reach the last eight of the Champion’s ing a single loss. Arsène
peppering Jan Oblak’s goal.Even fullback Wenger assembled his ‘invinci-
Andy Robertson could have had a hat-trick. touchline towards his team’s supporters - the same corner. Had the outstanding Oblak League 2-0. However, hundreds of fans who
Mourinho-esque, as Atletico fans screamed been tending the goal, you imagine he’d have had gathered outside the Paris stadium were bles’ team for the 03-04 sea-
You’d have well been in your right to consider son, and despite losing games
switching channels, having seen this narrative and jumped in the air in elation. The scoreline got his hands to it. treated to a solid comeback. Neymar’s header
read 2-2, the holder’s crashing out of the com- Álvaro Morata, on loan from Chelsea, fin- and Juan Bernat’s deflection provided the in other domestic and European
play out before. This was the champions elect,
and they had never lost a two-legged Euro- petition on away goals. ished the job - coolly slotting home in the final goals to over-turn the 2-1 deficit from the first leg competitions, the team ran
The tie was a tale of two goalkeepers. Liv- seconds to make it 2-3. A goal that will no against the German side, to produce an aggre- away with the league title,


pean tie under Klopp, winning all of the
previous 10.But somehow, the game found its erpool had 34 attempts on goal. It was an doubt be reproduced online by rival fans with a gate score of 3-2. recording 26 wins, 12 draws,
and zero losses. Although Liv-
erpool have taken an almighty
whack at this record, they have
found what every other team in
TOTTENHAM Hotspur fans will be hoping for a the German side in the 21st minute. Again, Lloris Tottenham’s abject night was concluded when history has also found: that Ar-
shock Gold Cup victory at Cheltenham to take their dived the right way, only for him to allow the ball to substitute Emil Forsberg sprung up in the 87th senal’s unbeaten season may
thoughts off their dismal exit from the UEFA Cham- slip past his fingers into the corner of the net. minute, to latch onto Angeliño’s loose cross, mak- always prove an insurmount-
pions League, having lost 4-0 on aggregate to Ger- It was clear that Spurs tried to change the tempo ing it three and easy for the red-hot Leipzig. able challenge. It is still possi-
many’s Red Bull Leipzig on Wednesday night. in the second half but José Mourinho’s tactic of In their first full season at their new stadium, ble, and seems fairly likely, that
Already trailing 0-1 from the first leg, the London Spurs fans have now suffered the misfortune of not Jurgen Klopp’s side will equal
side’s deficit was doubled after just ten minutes, being knocked out of one competition, but two in or better Manchester City’s
Marcel Sabitzer out-foxed Erik Lamela to finish Timo the space of a week. record for total Premier League
Werner’s pass, curling it in at the far-post as Hugo The Spurs faithful would have hoped the patchy points; in the 17-18 season,
Lloris could only get a glove to it. defensive performance from their loss to Norwich Guardiola’s side amassed an
Spurs have been a far cry this season, from the City in the FA Cup would not be repeated, but it ap- astonishing 100 points from a
side who reached the Champions League final last pears the Lilywhites took their bad form to Leipzig. possible 114, earning that side
year and their performance here continued this poor Angelino, who struggled to get in the team at the enviable nickname, ‘the
TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR STADIUM centurions’. Who needs the
run of form. Aside from Giovani Lo Celso’s half- league rivals Manchester City, made right back
nickname ‘the invincibles’? In
hearted shot straight at Peter Gulacsi, Tottenham pushing wingers up-field only worked to expose Serge Aurier look out of his depth, and it was often
order to equal the citizens’
never really looked like a team who could master- their own midfield. Two of their key players in Dele left to Eric Dier to cover his teammate’s tracks..
points record, Liverpool must
mind a memorable comeback.. Alli and Lucas Moura had only two shots on target Once again, Tottenham find themselves complet-
take at least 18 points from the
This was compounded by the tenacity of Sabitzer, for the whole 90 minutes, and looked hopelessly out ing a season without a trophy, and only time will tell 27 remaining available.
the Austrian international drove home a second for of place. if Spurs and Mourinho are indeed the perfect match.
Sport @MM_newsonline

Season in doubt? How Covid-19 is affecting football’s finances

By Tom Preece in 2011. Their manager Jurgen Klopp, already an outspoken critic on Football League club, Bury, faced when they went into administration ear-
THE disruption caused by the spread of deadly virus Covid-19 was felt involving non-qualified figures in the disease debate, said at his pre-match lier this season – something that Maguire was keen to point out.
by the football world this week, with matches across the continent being press conference: “There are things that are more important than football. “When you take into consideration the EFL have already charged
postponed amidst fears of the virus spreading further. I think we realise that again in this moment” . two clubs for non-payment of wages in Macclesfield and Southend. If this
It poses more questions over how the football season can finish His Premier League counterpart, Pep Guardiola, echoed the same sen- is replicated and the EFL are also losing out, we could definitely be
safely. timents. “You have to ask whether it is worth playing football without the looking at another situation like Bury,” he said.
Jurgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola both voiced concerns over playing spectators,” said the Manchester City manager. There have been calls for the Football Association and Football
to empty stadiums on the same day that Nottingham Forest and “It doesn’t make any sense to play professional football without the League to step in and help those clubs in dire need of some financial aid.
Olympiakos owner, Evangelos Marinakis, was revealed to have con- people, because they are the ones we do it for, but obviously we are going Maguire noted that the Premier League could even be called upon to sup-
tracted the disease. to follow the instructions we are given.” port smaller clubs, as the ‘father of the football pyramid’.
The Premier League has also felt the strain as Manchester City’s Meanwhile, there are growing fears that Nottingham Forest owner, “Clubs like Tranmere Rovers have said already that the postponement
home tie against Arsenal was called off, which the League called “a pre- Marinakis, may have spread the virus. He was spotted at the City of matches will leave them £200,000 worse off per league fixture – pen-
cautionary measure”. The game was scratched as a result of a number Ground last Friday, as his team fell to Millwall. It’s alleged on social nies to a Premier League club, but a massive amount of revenue for an
of Arsenal players coming into contact with the Olympiakos owner, fol- media that he met with his players following their loss and was pho- EFL club. I think the Premier League could prove itself by making a
lowing their away tie in February. Arsenal have confirmed that those tographed with Forest fans outside the ground. generous and beneficial offer,” Maguire said.
players have self-isolated, though many are expected to play at the Whilst the big English clubs have borne the brunt of the virus thus far, He added that given the current monetary funds available to both
weekend. there are more questions over how Covid-19 could affect teams in the the FA and Premier League, an offer could almost be expected by EFL
It was also announced that a number of European fixtures were to be lower ebbs of English Football. Here in the Greater Manchester region, clubs.
played to empty stadiums. Chelsea’s away match against Bayern there are no less than 23 lower and non-league clubs, who could all well “The FA has resources of £40million in their latest balance sheet.
Munich was the first to be named in a swathe of ties to be played behind have matches cancelled. The Premier League has £1.5bn spare in its accounts. The fact is that the
closed doors. Europa League games between Manchester United and The major question being asked is how can these football clubs stay footballing authorities do have the wealth to reach out and offer some form
LASK, Olympiakos and Wolves, as well as Rangers’ tie against Lev- afloat if a major source of their already limited revenue is taken away of support.”
erkusen were all victims of the Covid-19 postponement purge. through the postponement of matches? It’s not just the clubs who have to worry about the depth of their pock-
Then, just this morning, Real Madrid announced a quarantine for all of Football finance expert, Kieran Maguire, commented that the virus out- ets. Club supporters are also set to fall foul of the virus as match
their players. Whilst La Liga went one step further, postponing the next break could cause all number of financial problems for our lower-tier North cancellations and postponements means that ticket holders could quite
two match days. Spain wasn’t the only victim either; fears ramped up fur- West clubs. “Lower league clubs rely on matchday income to a much easily lose out financially. Maguire foresees several bumps in the road
ther in Italy following the positive diagnosis of Juventus midfielder greater proportion than Premier League. For instance, Premier League as a plan is thrashed by the footballing powers that be, to ensure that both
Daniele Rugani. clubs receive one pound from every seven spent on matchdays; in the the clubs and fans alike are happy with any agreement.
Despite the growing fears, Liverpool’s second-leg loss against Atleti- football league that figure is one from every three.” “These are complex issues, one being whether or not there is an obli-
co Madrid still went ahead last night, with the Reds faltering in extra-time These financial fears come at a time where clubs are already worry- gation for clubs to repay fans. It’s unresolved as yet and there may
to the side who beat them in the Europa League Semi-Finals, way back ing over their expenditure, especially given the struggles that former even have to be a test case for precedent to be set,” he said.

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