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Conditional Test Case 30

Test Case 30/ Test Card 30

Test Case Number: 30

Test Case Name: No Issuer Authentication Data / Online PIN

Objective: To ensure the following:

a) Online approval of a card supporting Issuer Authorization, when Issuer
Authentication Data is not returned
b) Correct terminal processing of a card supporting Online Enciphered PIN for
Credit, when this is the preferred CVM
Test case is not applicable for Quick chip certification/implementation. Quick chip
merchants can use this test card/test case to test online pin acceptance for credit based
on merchant/acquirer support (pass criteria varies accordingly)

Business Justification: There are 2 primary areas being tested with this card that justifies its use:

 Return of the Authorization Response Cryptogram (ARPC) in the authorization

response message is optional to the Issuer. Some terminals have been known to
erroneously request a transaction reversal on the absence of Issuer Authentication
Data which carries the ARPC. This card is intended to test for such erroneous

 Enciphered Online PIN preference in its CVM List, ensuring correct CVM processing.

 Two applications are provided to test processing of CVN 10 & CVN 18

Applicable Terminal ☒POS ☒ATM ☒MPOS

Device Type:

Applicable Terminal ☒Contact ☐Contactless


Test Card: 30

Document Reference: Visa Integrated Circuit Card Specification (VIS), Version 1.5 – Section 13.7.2 – Approval
Requested After Online Authorization

Pass Criteria/User - For devices supporting Cardholder Selection/Confirmation, this test case requires that a
Validation separate transaction be performed for both Application 1 & Application 2. The overall
result of the test case is dependent on successfully completing the Pass Criteria for both
applications/cases 30a and 30b.
- Devices not supporting Cardholder Selection/Confirmation will self-select the
application with the higher priority (application # 2). Test case 30a is not applicable for
this scenario.

30 a) - Perform an online transaction by entering any value for the Transaction Amount.
 The transaction should be completed online (using application 1, A0 00 00 00 03 10
10 01) and be approved by VCMS/VMTS or a Visa-confirmed Host Simulator,
following successful performance of Online Card Authentication (Field 44.8 = 2)
 CVR, byte 2, bit 4 = 0 (Issuer Authentication performed and not failed)
 TVR Byte 3 bit 3 = 1 (Online PIN entered) based on merchant/acquirer support of
online Pin for credit (conditional)

March 2017 Visa Confidential

Conditional Test Case 30

A complete transaction shall be performed. This is defined as the performance of all

applicable VSDC functions from Application Selection through to Completion. Error
messages (such as Not Accepted or Card Error) are not acceptable and indicate failure of
the test.
Confirm there was no subsequent reversal message from the same transaction on this
test case. If a reversal message is present, this could be an erroneous indication that the
terminal is expecting Tag 91 in F55 (APRC) to be returned and as a result the test has

30 b) - Perform an online transaction by entering any value for the Transaction Amount.
 The transaction should be completed online (using application 2, A0 00 00 00 03 10
10 02) and be approved by VCMS/VMTS or a Visa-confirmed Host Simulator,
following successful performance of Online Card Authentication (Field 44.8 = 2)
 CVR, byte 2, bit 4 = 0 (Issuer Authentication performed and not failed)
 TVR Byte 3 bit 3 = 1 (Online PIN entered) based on merchant/acquirer support of
online Pin for credit (conditional)
A complete transaction shall be performed. This is defined as the performance of all
applicable VSDC functions from Application Selection through to Completion. Error
messages (such as Not Accepted or Card Error) are not acceptable and indicate failure of
the test.
Confirm there was no subsequent reversal message from the same transaction on this
test case. If a reversal message is present, this could be an erroneous indication that the
terminal is expecting Tag 91 in F55 (APRC) to be returned and as a result the test has

March 2017 Visa Confidential

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