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Maxwell found an inconsistency in the Ampere’s law and suggested the existence of an additional
current, called displacement current, to remove this inconsistency. This displacement current is due
to time-varying electric field and is given by

iD = ε O E
and acts as a source of magnetic field in exactly the same way as conduction current.
"The electromagnetic waves are those waves in which there are sinusoidal variations of electric
and magnetic field vectors to right angles to each other as well as at right angles to the direction
of wave propagation." (i.e., electric and magnetic fields vary with space and time).

An accelerating charge produces electromagnetic waves. An electric charge oscillating

harmonically with frequency ν, produces electromagnetic waves of the same frequency ν. An
electric dipole is a basic source of electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves carry energy as they travel through space and this energy is shared equally
by the electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic waves transport momentum as well. When
these waves strike a surface, a pressure is exerted on the surface. If total energy transferred to a
surface in time t is U, total momentum delivered to this surface is p = U/c.
Electric and magnetic fields oscillate sinusoidally in space and time in an electromagnetic wave.
The oscillating electric and magnetic fields, E and B are perpendicular to each other, and to the
direction of propagation of the electromagnetic wave. For a wave of frequency ν, wavelength λ,
propagating along x-direction, we have
E = E x ( t ) = E O sin (k x − ω t )
  x    x t 
= E O sin  2π  − v t   = E O sin  2π  − 
 λ   λ T 
B = B y (t ) = BO sin (k x − ω t )
 x    x t 
= BO sin 2π  − v t  = BO sin 2π  − 
 λ    λ T 
They are related by O = c

139 Electromagnetic Waves

The speed c of electromagnetic wave in vacuum is related to µ0 and ε0 (the free space permeability
and permittivity constants) c = . The value of c equals the speed of light obtained from
µ oε o
optical measurements. Light is an electromagnetic wave; c is, therefore, also the speed of light.
Electromagnetic waves other than light also have the same velocity c in free space. The speed of
light or of electromagnetic waves in a material medium is given by ν = where µ is the
permeability of the medium and ε its permittivity.
We know that, in free space energy density of em waves have energy density of electric field and
magnetic field.i.e.
u = uE + uB
1 2
Br2m s
u = ε o Er m s +
2 2µ o
But Brms = rms
1 2
E r2m s 1
u = ε o Er m s + But c =
2 2µ o c 2 µ oε o
1 E µ oε o 1 1
u = ε o E r2m s + Or u = ε o E r2m s + ε o E rms
r ms

2 2µ o 2 2
Br2m s
u = εoE rms Similarly u =
1. The electromagnetic waves travel in free space with the speed of light (3 X 108 m/s)
irrespective of their wavelength.
2. The electromagnetic waves are neutral. (They are not deflected by electric and magnetic
3. The electromagnetic waves show properties of reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction
and polarization.
4. The ratio of magnitudes of electric and magnetic field vectors in free space is constant equal
to c i.e. 3 X 108 m/s
5. The speed of electromagnetic waves in a material medium is v = (µ ε ) -1/2
6. In an electromagnetic wave, the energy is propagated by means of electric and magnetic
field vectors in the direction of propagation of wave and electric energy density is equal to
the magnetic energy density.
7. They are transverse in nature .i.e. in an electromagnetic wave; the field vectors are
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave.
Direction of Electromagnetic Waves: -
The direction of electromagnetic waves ( k̂ ) is perpendicular to the plane containing the direction of
electric and magnetic vector.
→ →
k̂ = E × B

140 Electromagnetic Waves

The classification of electromagnetic waves according to their wavelength or frequency is called the
electromagnetic spectrum.

We now describe the various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum in the order of
increasing frequency.

141 Electromagnetic Waves

1. Radio waves. These are the e.m. waves of longest wavelength and minimum frequency.
Wavelength range- 600 m to 0.1 m
Frequency range- 500 KHz to 1000 MHz
source- Accelerated motion of charges in conducting wires or
oscillating circuits.
Properties Reflection, diffraction.
Uses of radio waves:
1. In radio and television communication systems.
2. In radio astronomy.
Table- Some important wireless communication bands

Frequency band Service

540-1600 KHz Medium wave AM band
3-30 MHz Shortwave AM band
88-108 MHz FM broadcast
54-890 MHz TV Waves
840-935 MHz Celluar Mobile radio
2. Microwaves. They are the e.m. waves having wavelengths next smaller to radio waves.
Wavelength range: 0.3 m to 10-3 m
Frequency range : 109 Hz to 1012 Hz
Source : Oscillating currents in special vacuum tubes like klystrons,
magnetrons and Gunn diodes.
Properties- : Reflection, refraction, diffraction and polarization. Due to
their shorter wavelengths, they can travel as a beam in a signal.
Use of Microwaves:
1. in radar systems for aircraft navigation.
2. in long distance communication systems via geostationary satellites.
3. in microwave ovens.
3. Infrared waves- These radiations lie close to the low frequency or long wavelength of
the visible spectrum. Infrared waves produce heating effect, so they are also known as
heat waves or thermal radiation. The water molecules (and also CO2, NH3 molecules)
present in different materials readily absorb infrared waves, increase the thermal motions
and hence heat up the materials and their surroundings.
Wavelength range – 5 x 10-3 m to 10-6 m
Frequency range- 1011 Hz to 5 x 1014 Hz
Source- Hot bodies and molecules.
Properties- Heating effect, reflection, refraction, diffraction and propagation through
Uses of Infrared waves:
1. In the remote control of a TV or VCR, the keypad of which contains a small infrared
2. In green houses to keep the plants warm.
3. In haze photography because infrared waves are less scattered than visible light by
atmospheric particles.
4. Infrared lamps in the treatment of muscular complaints.
5. In reading the secret writings on the ancient walls.
6. In knowing the molecular structure.]

142 Electromagnetic Waves

4. Visible light- It is a very small part of the e.m. spectrum towards which the human
retina is sensitive. The visible light emitted or reflected from bodies around us gives
information about the world.
Wavelength range- 8 x 10-7 m to 4 x 10-7 m
Frequency range- 4 x 1014 Hz to 7 x 1014 Hz
Source- Radiated by excited atoms in ionized gas and incandescent bodies.
Properties – Reflection, refraction, interference, diffraction, polarization, photoelectric
effect, photographic action, sensation of sight.
Uses of visible light:
1. It provides us the information of the world around us.
2. It can cause chemical reactions.
The approximate wavelength ranges for lights of different colours are as follows.
Table: - Visible Spectrum
Color Wavelength range Color Wavelength range
Violet, indigo 4000-4500 Å Yellow 5700-5900 Å
Blue 4500-5000 Å Orange 5900-6200 Å
Green 5000-5700 Å Red 6200-7500 Å
5. Ultraviolet light- This region of the e.m. spectrum has wavelengths just shorter than
visible light and can be detected just beyond the violet end of the solar spectrum.
Wavelength range – 3.5 x 10-7 m to 1.5 x 10-7 m.
Frequency range- 1016 Hz to 1017 Hz.
Source- High voltage gas discharge tubes, arcs of iron and mercury, the sun
Properties- Effect on photographic plate, fluorescence, ionization, highly energetic,
tanning of the human skin.
Uses of ultraviolet light:
1. In food preservation.
2. In the study of invisible writings, forged documents and finger prints.
3. In the study of molecular structure.
The ultraviolet light in large quantities has harmful effects on human beings. But
fortunately, most of the ultraviolet light coming from the sun is absorbed by the ozone
layer in the atmosphere at an altitude of about 40-50 km.
6. X-ray : These e.m. waves have wavelengths just shorter than ultraviolet light. As X-rays
can pass through many forms of matter, so they have many useful medical and industrial
Wavelength range. 100 Å to 0.1 Å
Frequency range. 1018 Hz to 1020 Hz.
Source. Sudden deceleration of fast moving electrons by a metal targdt.
Properties. Effect on photographic plate, ionization of gases, photoelectric effect,
fluorescence, more energetic than UV rays.
Uses of X-rays
1. In medical diagnosis because X-rays can pass through flesh but not through bones.
2. In the study of crystals structure because X-rays can be reflected and diffracted by
3. In engineering for detecting faults, cracks, flaws and holes in the finished metal
4. In detective departments to detect explosives, diamond, gold, etc. in the possessions
of smugglers.
5. In radiotherapy to cure untraceable skin diseases and malignant growths.
143 Electromagnetic Waves
7. Gamma rays: These are e.m. radiations of highest frequency range and lowest
wavelength range. These are most penetrating e.m. waves.
Wavelength range 10-14 m to 10-10
Frequency range. 1018 Hz to 1022 Hz
Source: Radioactive nuclei and nuclear reactions. Co-60 is a pure γ-ray source.
Properties- Effect on photographic plate, fluorescence, ionization, diffraction, high
penetrating power.
Uses of γ-ray:
1. In radiotherapy for the treatment of malignant tumous.
2. In the manufacture of polyethylene from ethylene.
3. To initiate some nuclear reactions.
4. To preserve food stuffs for a long time because soft γ-ray can kill microorganisms.
5. To study the structure of atomic nuclei.

Very Short Answer type Questions [1 mark each]

1. Name the electromagnetic radiations used for viewing objects through haze and fog.
Ans. Infrared rays
2. Write the frequency limit of visible range of electromagnetic spectrum in kHz.
Ans.4x1011kHz to 7x1011kHz
3. Write the following radiations in an ascending order in respect of their frequencies: X-rays,
microwaves, ultraviolet rays and radio waves.
Ans. RW, MW, UV, X-rays
4. Name the electromagnetic radiations used for studying crystal structure of solids.
Ans. X-rays
5. Why are microwaves used in RADAR?
Ans. Because microwave possesses greater energy and least angular speed.
6. Which part of electromagnetic spectrum has largest penetrating power?
Ans. γ − rays
7. Which part of electromagnetic spectrum has highest frequency?
Ans. γ − rays
8. Give a reason to show that microwaves are better carriers of signals for long range
transmission than radio waves.
9. What is the ratio of speed of infra-red rays and ultra-violet rays in vacuum?
Ans. 1:1
10. What is the ratio of speed of gamma rays and radio waves in vacuum?
Ans. 1:1
11. Arrange the given electromagnetic radiations in the descending order of their frequencies:
Infra-red, X-rays, Ultraviolet and Gamma rays.
Ans. Gamma rays, X-rays, Ultraviolet, Infra-red
12. When can a charge act as a source of electromagnetic waves ?
Answer charge is accelerated or decelerated.
13. A radio can tune in to any station in the 7.5 MHz to 12 MHz band. What is the
corresponding wavelength band?
Ans Wavelength band: 40 m – 25 m.
14. A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 109 Hz.
What is the frequency of the electromagnetic waves produced by the oscillator?

144 Electromagnetic Waves

Ans 109 Hz
15. Which part of electromagnetic spectrum does the wavelength 10 -10 m corresponds to?
Ans. X-rays
16. What do electromagnetic waves consist of? Explain on what factor does it velocity in
vacuum depend.
Ans. Electric and magnetic field vector .It is independent.
17. What is the phase difference between electric and magnetic field vectors?
Ans. Zero.
18. Give a reason to show that micro waves are batter carrier of signal for long range
transmission than radio waves.
Ans. Because of there small wavelength, they are not bent by normal obstacles, eg. Air
Short Answer type Questions [2 marks each]

19. find the wave length of electromagnetic waves of frequency 5x1019 Hz in free space. Give
its two applications.
Ans.Wavelegth, λ=c/v=3x10 m/sec/5x10 19 Hz
20. A plane electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along z-direction. What can you say about
the directions of its electric and magnetic field vectors? If the frequency of the wave is 30
MHz, what is its wavelength?
Ans E and B in x-y plane and are mutually perpendicular, 10 m.
21. .What are the direction of electric and magnetic field vectors, in an electro magnetic waves ,
related to each other and to the direction of propagation of the waves?
Ans.electric and magnetic field vector are mutually perpendicular and also
perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, such that electric field E, magnetic
field B and propagation vector (vector in the direction of propagation of wave) K from
a right handed orthogonal system
22. It is necessary to use satellites for long distance TV transmission. Why?
Ans Television signals are not properly reflected by the ionosphere Therefore,
reflection is effected by satellites.
23. Optical and radio telescopes are built on the ground but X-ray astronomy is possible only
from satellites orbiting the earth. Why?
Ans Atmosphere absorbs X-rays, while visible and radiowaves can penetrate it.
24. The small ozone layer on top of the stratosphere is crucial for human survival. Why?
Ans It absorbs ultraviolet radiations from the sun and prevents it from reaching the
earth’s surface and causing damage to life.
25. If the earth did not have an atmosphere, would its average surface temperature be higher or
lower than what it is now?
Ans The temperature of the earth would be lower because the Greenhouse effect of the
atmosphere would be absent.

Short Answer type Questions [3mark each]

26. which constituent radiation of electromagnetic spectrum is used:

1. in radar
2. to photograph internal parts human bod

145 Electromagnetic Waves

3. for taking photograph of the sky during light and foggy condition? Give one reason
for your answer in each case.
Ans.1. micro waves because they go straight and not absorbed by atmosphere.
2. X-rays, because they can penetrate light elements like flesh.
3. Infrared radiation because they penetrated fog and not absorbed by
27. Write the order of frequency ranges and one use of each of the following electromagnetic
radiation 1. Microwaves 2. Ultraviolet rays 3. gamma-rays
Ans.1. 3X1011-1010 Hz Use:-Radio and radar communication.
16 14
2. 10 -7.5 X10 Hz Use: - Sterilizing of surgical instruments.
3. 1021-1018 Hz Use:-Treatment of cancer
28. Given below are some famous numbers associated with electromagnetic radiations in
different contexts in physics. State the part of the electromagnetic spectrum to which each
(a) 21 cm (wavelength emitted by atomic hydrogen in interstellar space).
Ans Radio (short wavelength end)
(b) 1057 MHz (frequency of radiation arising from two close energy levels in hydrogen;
known as Lamb shift).
Ans Radio (short wavelength end)
(c) 2.7 K [temperature associated with the isotropic radiation filling all space-thought to be a
relic of the ‘big-bang’ origin of the universe].
Ans Microwave
(d) 5890 Å - 5896 Å [double lines of sodium]
Ans Visible (Yellow)
(e) 14.4 keV [energy of a particular transition in 57Fe nucleus associated with a famous high
resolution spectroscopic method (Mössbauer spectroscopy)].
Ans X-rays (or soft γ-rays) region


146 Electromagnetic Waves

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