Quiz in CSS

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Quiz in ICT-CSS

I. Shade the letter of the correct answer in the answer sheet. No erasures allowed.

1. Characteristic of materials that is the most important factor when

choosing materials to buy. Products with good quality are long-lasting
and safe to use because you know that it follows certain standards
before being commercialized.
a. Quality b. Reliability c. Good Products d. durability
2. It means that you can be sure that it will perform its function well,
will operate safely and will give the best it could give.
a. Durability b. Reliability c. good functionality d.
3. Characteristic of a material which states you can afford to buy the
materials without hurting your pocket and assure of better quality.
a. Cost b. money making c. buying from supplier d.
4. What department is responsible for making a purchase order that
will be sent to the Supplier?
a. Requesting department b. Goods Dept c. checker d.
Purchase Dept
5. Who will receive the Goods / Materials delivered by the supplier?
a. Checkerb. Goods receiving Dept. c. Receiverd. Accounting
6. What other department will the purchase order be forwarded?
a. English Dept b. Goods receiving dept c.
7. What kind of note will the Storekeeping sign after quantities
received and is based on the copy of purchase order?
a. Goods receive note b. Delivery note c. Account
8. Who will make the delivery of items ordered?
a. Supplier b. owner c. manager d. Storekeeper
9. When you choose only the necessary materials for the finishing of
the project, what word does this statement connotes?
a. Durability b. availability c. suitability d. capability
10.The flow and proper records must be kept of the physical procedures for
ordering and receiving a consignment of materials to ensure that:
i. enough inventory is held ii. quality is maintained
a. i only b. ii only c. both
11.A form that records the transfer of material from one accounting code to
a. Goods received note b. Transfer note c. Materials transfer
12.A document that accompanies a goods shipment and lists details about the
goods delivered
a. Delivery note b. goods note c. Quotation d. Document
13.A person or entity that is the source for goods or services
a. Checker b. Storekeeper c. Supplier d. Delivery boy
14.A written, drawn, presented or recorded representation of thoughts
a. Document b. Paper with information c. Recorded thoughts
15.A detailed, itemized list, report, or record of things in one's possession,
especially a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock
a. Inventory form b. goods form c. Stocks list
16.A record any unused materials which are returned to stores
a. Materials return note b. unused materials record c. returnable
materials record
17.A lists of the items to be picked from inventory and used in the production
process or in the provision of a service to a customer, usually for a specific job
a. Materials goods b. Materials requisition note c. specific note
18. A record of the cost of materials acquired, the cost of materials issued and the
cost of the inventory.
a. Quotation b. materials and inventory list c. price list
19.A receipt given to the supplier to confirm delivery or acceptance of goods by
the customer
a. Document b. goods receive note c. Supplier / receiver form
20.A commercial document and first official offer issued by a buyer to a seller,
indicating types, quantities, and agreed prices for products or services.
a. Purchase order b. purchase requestc. invoice d. quotation

II. Directions: Sequence the steps in receiving materials. Choose Letter a as the first, b as second and so
on. Shade the correct answer
1. _______ Match the packing slip to the items received and ensures that the
materials are destined on tour department.
2. _______That you are receiving the materials indicated on the purchase order with
regard to quantity and discount.
3. _______That the materials are in acceptable condition.
4. _______That terms regarding installation and/ or set-up of equipment are met.

III. Directions: Sequence the steps in ordering materials. Choose Letter a as the first, b as second and so
on. Shade the correct answer.

5. ________ Goods receiving department will now forward the goods receiving note to the
purchasing department.
6. ________ Accounts Department will forward to Supplier.
7. ________ Department requires new materials.
8. ________ Purchasing department will give 3 copies of purchase order to Accounting, supplier
and goods receiving department.
IV. Directions: Write the letter of the Correct answer.
9. What document will the Department gives to the purchasing department if they have orders.
a. Goods required b. Purchasing requisition c. purchase orders
10. What document will the supplier give to the Goods receiving department aside from the materials
a. Delivery note b. Materials list c. Goods note
V. Choose the letter of the correct answer (yes or no)
11.In receiving materials it is better to match the packing slip to the items
received and ensures that the materials are destined on tour department
a. True b. false
12.The person receiving the goods will not always document, using the
administrative software, that all goods were received for each requisition
before any payment can be made to the vendor.
a. True b. false
13.When merchandise is received which is incomplete or defective, the
supervisor will return the materials to the supplier or to the store where it was
bought and make arrangements with the vendor for replacement.
c. true d. false
14.All materials received is not required to be listed and be reported to monitor
how many materials are already on hand, purchased or damaged.
a. True b. false
15.Effective management checks are not an important means of providing
assurance of the integrity and security of the benefit processes.

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