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Site Selection and Design for LNG Ports and Jetties Information Paper No. 14 Site Selection and Design for LNG Ports and Jetties with views on [RISK LIMITATION during PORT NAVIGATION ‘and CARGO OPERATIONS Information Paper No. 14 {© Soclety of International Ges Tanker and Terminal Operators ‘SBN 12-078 180600 1299 ‘Society of Itenatonl Ga Tanar end Terminal Operators iiss inary Cataloguing nPubcaten Dt Ste selection and design for LNG ports and jeties 4. Rsk entation 2 Pert navigation and cargo operations 1SBN-13: 9781856091209 ‘The Society of International Gat Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO) is 2 fon prot moking eganeston dedesed to rte! ard poms the atl erste ta members nate rite othe sale an resale operation of on ore anc terivale warn e sound ervecrmert. The Soay was tured in 1979 and wos anied consulate sas at NO = NoverorTaBS, The Soy hae vor 10 cortoanies hm mambership Atha oun or perteover 8% ete wags LNG lanier ane tras ad Oe 65% oe ores CP ‘Alrighis reserve. No arto s pubteaton may be rerodues, sored in a ties sytem, 6 ranenited many hem or by any mea, elecons, mecheisa potcopyrg,rcating or Oerws, \itout ne prior pomiso he pubes mowers rag Notice of Terms of Us White internation ang aves vn nhs guide (ule) hss been developed wing the bes, Inormstincurentyavalabl, Rs llrded prey 2s guance tobe used ato users own AK. No ‘Warantos representations ae given not ayy ofeareoreponsity aap byte Society ‘inmatinal Gas Tiara Yrminal Operators SGT) the memaersorerioyess.ct SIGTTO by any prec, i, comgany ogareaton who or whcihas been any way conceriod wih Pe fimhna of omaton oral the compton any Vanslaon, pastoung scopy ore the Cul, hacen fy airmatan or aces fe Gude oreny omsun fr he Guge oer Sy consequence whalaowveresuliny Srey erro om cemBlance vi adoption oor ‘elbrenongudonce contained int use even Feusatby fore exer eeronae cre, Puts and Pte by 3296 Asbury Sues! London EOI DEF, Engin Tne vstogo fos aser Fax er s4()20 72511290, Contents Nomenclature 4 Summary 2. Principal Recommendations 21 Pon Design 22. Thodety 3 Acknowledgments 5 Development at LNG Standards 61 General 52 daty Locaion 7 Design Chiterie for dete 171 ook Cetra for Hazardous Liquid Cargoes 72 Specie Cite for LNG © sk Management in the Port Approach 81 Por Contos The Human Element 10 Grouncing and Collison Risk 10.1 Hut Damago a Historical Reviow 102 Piso Suucturel Damage 0 LNG Carters 103 Examples 11 Reterencs Appendix Page No. 13 1s 6 7 7 n aa Principal Recommendations slotT0 PRINCIPAL RECOMMENDATIONS: PORT DESIGN ‘Approach Channels. Harbour channels should be of unorm cross-sectional depth and have a ‘minum wich, equal ve tmas the Beam ofthe lrpest sip. ‘Turing Circles. Tuning crces should have a minum dmater of wie tha over lngth ofthe largest tip, where current effocte minimal. Where turing les are located In eeas of curert, dameters shouldbe increased by he anticipated ct. ug Power, Avsinbl tog power, exprected intra of factve bold pul, should be efiiont fo ‘overcome the maximum wind force ganerated onthe letgest ship using tho terminal, under te ‘maximum wind speed ported or harbour mangauvres and with the LNG carers engines out ot ‘ton, Trafic Control. A Vessel Trae Service (VTS) System should be a pr requirement and this should be able to monitor and dect the movertent of al ships coming within the operating area of LNG canis Operating Limits. Oparatng eter, fr maximum wind speed, wave height and curren, should be ‘ostabished foreach terminal and port approach. "Suoh limits should match LNG cair size, ‘manoaiving constant, and ug power ‘Spoed Limits. Spoos ims shoud ba eet for areas in th port approach proseting lho colision or (rounding isk. These limits should apply not oly o LNG ears but al ony surrounding tai. THe JETTY Exclusion of Ignition Sources. No uncontalladignitoneoures should be within & predetermined sal aon contrac onthe LNG cari’ cargo manfot Mooring Layout. The terminal should provide mooring pens ofa svengih an in an array which parmitsalLNG carers using fhe termina to be hel elorgiée al onciions of wh ad cuter. uick Relense Hooks. Al mocsing pants should bo eulpped with quick release hooks. Mulla hook assembles shoud be provided a hose pons where muffle mooiings lines aro deployed 0 ‘hat not more than one mooring nats tached to a slnglohook Emergency Release System. Ai each hard arm tho taerinal should tan EAS aystm, able tobe Intriked fo the ship's ESD system. This syatom must operate In two sages: the tet stage stops LG pumping and closes block valves inthe pipelines; the second sage ena automat actvaton ot the dy-break coupling atthe PERC toguher wih ts uck-acing flanking valves. The ERS Systom should confor to an accopted incu standard. ‘Howoroa tmergency Release Couplers (PERC). The terminal should ft a PERC ln each har arm {ogetor wit qulce acing fankng valves so tata dry bleak release can be actleved in emergency stations, Terminal Security. An oct security regime shoud ein place oenfore the designated ignition excision zone and prevent unautherised erty no the taminl and ety area, whether by land o by Operating Limits. Operating cto, exyessed in tonne of wind speed, wave helghit, and cucrent sould be ostalched for each oty. Sch mie shoulé bo veloped according to ship aze, mooring Festaint, and hard arm lint. Separato eats of bis should be etablshed for (a) bering. @) ‘stoping cargo rane, 2) had arm caconnacton and (8 dapatire from the Berth siarro Acknouledgmonts! ntoduction ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: ‘Tha contot ofthis paper is based on reports fom a company having SIGTTO membership an a this respect reloreoes "and @! were most valuable. ‘The navigational aspects, as dead in Chapters 8 and 10, came aboit as personel n that company asvessed marina operational risks for ‘new LNG terminal. In one oa, the new projet was In Europe where the project analysis was Carles out n assodance wih a European Counal Dctive for assessing rske an environmental Impacts, The a rocese whieh, wha being even by rate! aw, also of aroct concer io he cormpanies ivatvec “Those requirements ld he projet laders to consid how the kof some classes of acide might De bottr stablahad and, partour, what the consequences of & large LNG release might be, ‘iter inthe pot aeproach-— dus fo grounding or clio: or longsie due to acre of he hard ‘The company conduded that such a lage release of LNG had nover happened. Nevertess, ‘Sone shuntone euch an event was found to be feasbl. From 8 matine wewpolt the scenarios ‘nich coud lead fea major release wer Ienigd nd recommendations were prepaed 1 fathat reduce the chance 3 any such happening, “Tis paper aso draws on var publications frm SIGTTO and similar socoteswrich ve relevant to ‘the management pot iss INTRODUCTION [A the time of te seaction, the level of marine Hak is determined by the poston choson fo the ‘ors in operation th sks conic ring planing sould be contol by sutabl equipment and ro-aranged procedures. This should include the on-going need to keep ether industry oF Populatone rote tom tho plant on tem much is earior work, SIGTTO urge acceptance ofa wide range of equipment fand procedures forthe raduction of operational risk. To supplement pact werk, this paper Fecommends tat bnew sites te LNG torial and its po ares, shoud be examined as a unique tisk ayetam, This paper focuses, therefore, on accident exposure and sk managamont not oly ftngeargo operations alongede, Bala ug tho pot aris of LNG carr, Implicit inate seicton ie the recognition of risk. Aa desorbed elsewhere M, sk consists of Combination of event frequency and concequance. Thus, pon designers are often Taced with @ umber of choices when eslacng a ste, and hoes choioes can ase fom a vail of competing pressures. As destin n sk assessment teory, operatonlsokdone ae founa by accep, of hon-acooplace, 0 come categorie of isk. Howover, whatever remote frequencies may be tolerated fora smal ease, eres no acceptable equency fora large lease. In essence, the ieee being addrssod is how best o minimise port sks by design factors atthe start ota project. As can be soon inthe paper there are twee components inthe equation, italy ‘queetions on salifactory ety position and design are covered Operational procedures aro thon ‘reseed. Three, having queetoned tho rebustness of hese procecures vith respect fo human ‘Semen, the coniequences of clisont and groundings are studied and methods of Imitng the ‘fect of such sostents are cinerea. Gy the mene, any hgh Pak scenario Is ianifed during Sesion and Ps then requloe spec handling to rest acurtnce, From a navigational stndpolat and as aude to in tho above paragraph, the paper suggests tht wie the human canto called upon during ship manoeuwrng deserve high ranking, of themsete thay can nove be considered one-hunered percent secure: ns is because question of hnan ror ‘can preva, However, backup ls achlovod Mit is known hat, ne grouncng or clio, an (NG Derehipnt of LNG Stanceras sigtTo cartier cargo containment system is most una to be beached. To echove this ond, a detaed sty of each por approach is needed and 0 ge this subject goster cary, examples are ven at Seaton 103, To cover the main sk (es identi}, ho poss of uid epllage during cargo operations at the {sty is also discussed. Here, a twee sage eoldionisofered. Fret, well deployed moorings, Second, wall engineered and Intornked ESD systems, Third, the fing of PERC, wih queteacting valves Tread on ehor sige al cantoted by an ERS syatom. Having aderessod al risks — big and small — alongside and inthe part approach, an outcome tom ‘he risk analysis which makes an accent vitualy impossible i clearly the mest satislactoy. however, the outcome shows consequences af a seus nature than, Sealy, ils necessary 10 craw Up deta contngoncy plane. But. some croumetanoes, such ara larg LNG release cose fo & ‘populated area, may be impossible to davis a realsc contngoncy lan becauso of te naire of {he problem. Hersin tesa conundrum which may only be reealvod by rhe reducing he chance ofa ‘maj release by designing-ot the proba. ‘The procautons, as recommended by SIGTTO in ths paper, do not oller a singe package that ‘reduces operstionsl risk to some quartifble and acceptable vel indeed iis suapocted tat the pattor of eperatonal skis to compix to be easly handle inthis way. Howover, hs cautionary "ote aside, he industry's eboctve must be to further reduc isk whenever possi, (couse, he safety of ile is vital, and so alo ls corsiulng publ consonce inthe tad, However, {he enormous snail exposures ol LNG projects alo must be safeguarded. In some cfcumstances it's found that the protocton gion to save ile also potas tho commercial exposure. In other cae howaver, personal safety can be sesured wile unacceptable business eke remain - oo saagesing ‘he improved standards, as recommended inti reper, are necessary not only due to personnel azar but lo to protoct the business rk, Important factors such as personnal traning, contingency planning or mattors ofa genoralealety nature are not covered inthis paper; the aim has been to fooue more on matters of equipment and Issues of navigational intrest. Nevertheless, nese exta factors ar tndarmontal to future safe) the LNG sector and, a a matter of core, should alway be taken into account. DEVELOPMENT OF LNG STANDARDS: ‘Th history of dovelopments In he LNG industy has been marked by two separate but interwoven ands. Fist there was a continuous efor to deson systems to reduce the probability of large ‘escapes of 985. On te other hand entra Standarce — oon ol industry based — wore re-epectiad light of experiance and technological improvement. Indeed, asthe LNG industry moves ino the 21st century itremains tu thet fair improvements shoud not ba atgather separa trom propose ‘he ol wold and, where possible, LNG trminaling standards should cone to grow in paral mith ot operations general [An example ofan LNG standard having developed along tachrelogial nos stat covering on-shore storage tanks. For period, earthan embankenents were used Tor suppot against the forca of sudden ‘alesse from the inner tank. Subsequent, tough adoption of improved innr tank material, the probably of eatastophic crack prpagaton was much resuead. Now, earthen bunds are no longer needed. ‘Simiar changes cecuted Inthe design of LNG carers, where sophisticated methods fo ‘ssessing crack propagation now alow te secondary bate tobe omit in two tee-taning cargo Containment ystoms - he Moss Rosenberg sphaia design and the I priemate design, ‘To dete, he creates investment to reduce por ssa le tha mia of gus escape atthe shiplshore interface and on the jty. Hore tho application of Industyrecommenctone for jty design and mooting eystams (provides a secure base fot NG Wanstor. Furtwrmora, the references mentioned in chapter 6 dec port designers to construc jties handing hazardous cargoesn remote areas 6 62 sistTo ‘Sito Saecton where thor ships do not pose a(colision) risk and where ary gas escape cannot affect lcel Populators. When this aden combined with thas rm SIGTTO Gas tines in ecto 7.22— Fsks athe jot are vas reared t.can be seen, therefore, that progress dtng LNG standards have taken a sep-y-stap pata whieh an be summarised as flows: + asta was mad with he existing Fameworc of stansards foro + ese were then adapted forthe charactors of (NG + changes in shipping and trminaling stander wore thon aderssod, and + nay te engineering challenges for eyegene systoms were anewered resort day standards fr iting problems are thus the rest of sensible evlurion rather than a wo focused set of isk related measures. Indeed, experience shows that he process was, emp, one of proresswve improvement, the metivaion being a deal to make operations aafr. However, Ils at the timo of sto selection inat to foundatons of hgh quality rk managoront can be lid and where Coverall eosvbeneft judgements are best formed anditisin these areas where tis paper recommends ‘the introducton of rak management echnques ‘Altwough th etal forse solction may difer between LNG terminal, the mao ae common to al. Some, suchas the proximity of th plant to cones of population, lo beyond te pure maine intrest and outside the main scope of ts paper. Bul oes, including the harbour movements of LNG eaters, the dansty of marin ra Covering to rata sks to LNG cari) are the tain igo, mush infiuence th overall wich ovenualy has to be contoled and tse concept Aro ‘covered in more det inthe folowing chapters. SITE SELECTION (GENERAL {tits most lomenary lve, se selection for LNG locing terminals is precited bythe locaton of production areas and, at receiving tminals, the stuatn 6 dependant upon to locaton of markets "Thereafter. ine turing witin the selecton process is inluanced by the opumisaton ct nrasructre costs such as gas vansmisson systoms, aceoes fo Vunidnas and eter dstibuson networks Hance, ste selacton i ven largely by factors sod at minimising vansporation and storage cost With ths In ming, ican bo apprecated thal marine ceria are ony @ part of tho overall process Thorelot, at tho sage of st selection lap om marine experts cansits mainly in apmising fet capaciy (aumbers and sizs of ships) and checking cv engineering matiors athe ship/enore Interface the terminal andi the terminal approach This ator aspec achieved by obtaining the required dep of shelled water, proving good aocess 1 the eee and actionng immediate adjacency tthe LNG termina, From a marin viewpoint ther site prospect to escape tom these basic factors. Pies and hance, 1 @ large extent demand, remain Inked fo the costs of allematve energies and, LNG's unique environmental benefits rotwithstanding, te product must retain market compettvencss. Thus, as the future unflis, continuing forts o ecoremige on hanaing costs and eight aos are ay. Inthe sto selection procoes he challenge, therfore, sont marin sks while positoring the jetty win reais mis. Already there are generally acceptd ctrl and regulatory raquiements 10 {uid pot designers in achieving tis sytoss and mast are covered inthis pape. JETTY LOCATION ‘The recommended site selection process removes as many risks as possibie by placing LNG terminals in shateredlocaons remota fom oer port users. ferences, and # al dec por designers fo construc jties handing hazardous cargeos In rite areas wher oer ships Go et ose a (colton) risk and where any gas escape cannot aft local populations 7 Design Crteria for Jtios sigrto Furthermore, chooslng at positon wihina steed osaton lms the dynamic forces acing ona sip from seaaves which nu, coud break asap mooring nes. Consdonrg be sandaré LNG cart ‘bout 195,000 capac, re waves Bay thave such ees ae those approaching tam deck mat ‘casio, having signin! heighis exceeding 1.5 metes and perocs reser than 9 sooonds. Seas ‘spprcacting the bated chip Fer an nadanao ange 90° fo the bow) have much ower oto poi. Is threo, recommended tat harbour protec bo povided agunt low Fequenoy waves, thar by Cece of lcaton or by consucten ofan efectv reaat. Amat a orhaned meaing astm may be designed, sud o dynamic tects tao taking no account the sutaby of gangway accoss fer te moving ship). Wither buch assurance the mooning ssion, which ste col defence agaist ep breakout, coulbe puta sk Jet location shuld also be choson to reduce the rk of passing sips ting a behed LNG carr bt “subjective ugement coms io asoesing eaoy rom fe star. The scoala of auch postions ‘shoul be determined oly afer denied consication of ool ereurstaoes. However, a aa pot Design Ciera or Jtiog siatTo in rear years, oven grater assurance I provided. Yel expen shows that specific erteia should be lacopied to adequately cont risks ove! the whol spectrum of pot and terminaling operation and {hse should nd a place in th design. In ths respect, to guard againa the consequences o had farm fale, specie criteria should lit the possbaty of sgnicant LNG spils. Ths question is ‘dressed in oerence | were the folowing equment is recommended to be ited at hard arms + lnericking of ship and shore ESD ystems + establishing a common stndsrd of nage for shinshore ESD cont! + fing PERG and tr pile actng vals + linking ESD systems and PERC into a uniled conto ystam caled ERS. In action to other matters, reference [takes @ fresh look a tho operation of Emergency Release ‘Systems (ERSs) where it wil be found tha many events ean cause tggerng off system. For the Purposes of this paper shouldbe noted, however, thatthe ERS Is expected to function In two csi! “Te fist‘stop is earga pump stoppage and closure of fe ESD valves in ppains, bth ‘ars sip and onshore, The eecond step is Closure of ho quick acing valves (atthe PERG) aed the ‘eles ofthe PERC by autematic means, More deta may halp to expan ths twossago operon. Here, should be appreciated that win the ERS‘ electenc log for tho hard arm, sonore aro Instaled to detect ship movement. Some movements are wihin th prosebed limits thors are o! sgniicance; ad yet ethers are dangerous.” Ship movements to the outer edge of te sale area ay tigger an alarm.” However, movement into the fet ERS area ecivate valve closure and pump ‘stoppage (ESD) — tis at an ntamediate area but one n which ausomatialy tated conto ate Considered necessary. Fal, he chip moves bojond ths iommedate zone — nto tha danger area — automatic lease ofthe PEAC ie setuated ut Independent from human interveriion Tovtstat tis concop a diagram is provided below, = I | oe | 1 2S ie = 2! wm ot LE a vehoa ao a Py y merge Figure fs Intertinkage of E80 Systems and PERC Operation -The ERS. > rr srr Design Criteria or Jetios In developing those ceria, tho underying rationale is that the mooting lines must provide sooure tact between ship and shore alowing ver tle eave movement. This moane tho hard arms tc remain secure andthe tek ct arm rupture, caused by ship breakout, should not occur. However, {though this basic kamework underpins sally al the ship/shore Interface, i provides only a singe (eonce aqans ik of silage and he gaeraton of dangerous a2s cous. “heretee, a second defence comping an intarinked ESD aystom Is used, this being manually activated by tho [etly operator or automaticaly by ship movement beyond the Iite of @ Pedotorninad envelope. Automatic actvaton is triggered (amongst other alarms — see relerence wen sensors in the ERS system detect unacceptable ship movement so allowing the ESD contol o sop cargo tow and close pipeline valves — usualy within 30 seconds. The progres of {cation must bo fst fo stop the pump and thon to cles the valve nearest othe pump — his strc he magnitude of surge pressures so Ring any isk of hard am damage because of tigh ‘anciont over presures However, and as mentoned above, Is recommended tata thi defence be provided o ensure Potato forthe hard ms agaiel damage frm ship breakout ar furor reduce tho maim {uankty of LNG spl. This isthe inclusion of PERC (fitod within the arme) which alow hard ame {2 bo lol, quisky (about § seconds), and aulomatealy daconnectod if sn LNG carer shoulé Sreakcout fom i ety. Hence, ll si fala an an LNG cariar break away from a jty the "Paxirum sil ¢ ne more than about 15 ites of Ui forth standard 16 Inch ameter ar, Safety csues apa, the PERC (and its accompanying ERS system) isa highly desirable protection of singe intrete, Ot fs jets at LNG Installatons are but sings ents, and put out ol acon ‘otal supply can be several jeopardised. Mill be seen, tortor, that in LNG projects, where faschveineciments are Invlved and the Income ct many partes dopond on wninoruptd e390 iveres, any ok of damage to flies must be elinated as far as posable, For tha reason, SIGTTO belave that such equpment ean essential ek edict technique, Further measures to prevent gas release include suge pressure contol sysioms. Because surge Pessures can cause hard arm snd pipeline damage, the cargo handling syst must be designed by {eeping the posabty of sugein mind. This may tad to nereased seantings for iplines, te ing af bursting dso wih surge pressure runs, o qlck-acing ral ines reuring surge pressures 13 fe cargo tank Ignition Ris lho ovent ofan LNG spi the possible exten ofa gas clout must be concidered. Here it should be ‘ppreciated tat tho Fk of gion fom splled LNG can extend for some considerable tanoe and Feet, pon controls must ecard beyond the ined area anc tis may be btn inside and ‘tse th terminal Boundany Cleaty is important to remove al sks of gion aa far as tis pracicablo to do so. Procedures ‘akon fo It the ok of spl, and minimise tal scale, reduce the probably cf gas cous ignition. But even the marginal sks remaiing can be unacceptable In a business where a frst rate safety record is wal to sustancondence. Further precautions ate therefore adopted to limit igniion ‘ures onthe jaty andi is enarons. Design Crtoriafor Jaton sigtro ‘As mentioned in secon 7.2.1, n some pots quar boats aro used to pata the offshore salty zones ‘wih view to excluding other wae. Otentheso crt ar also ited out for other emergency Purposes and featue in contingency plans, Figure 2 below shows the general arengement fer cre Soon eat Figure 2: A Guard Boat Outed for Emergency Response Deiat trom Tokyo Elec Power Ca. ne. (500 LNG 10, Conference ‘The area over which ignion-tes zones should extend ie determined by an analysis of tho formation and cieporion characteristics of gas clouds resuting from a range of sil scanerios under a varity ot ‘weather condons. The rest provides the Ikalnoad and possible extent of gas ous nthe nity ofthe jay ‘The range of fammabio gas cloud ganerated by a site pncpally dependant on spl rate and uration but inevitably some subjectivity must accompany the assessment of each spl scenario. (ther factors such as cimatic conclions wed diecion and speed are alsa of importance. tn aibon local topography such as harsour seuctres ane the presance of tha LNG carr so can have ay fect ‘sigTT0. Devin Siar for ation gimme Raion eres “Thus, otominatien of the minimum aoa from which al ignition sources must be exuded wil vary ‘Tom terminal to terminal and euch datermination should form part of the dsegn consideration. ‘Sometimes gata large 20n05, re fom igiion sources, are considered cesirabe especially when {enmina sail ystems sich 2 Bre pumps could be enguied within he gas cous. “specific Criteria =a Summary summary he essentials ora safe LNG borth areas follows: Essent design fora safe LNG ety + fda locaton suitably stant rom corres of population 1 provide a eal positon, removed tom other afi and wave acon 1 Fone mooing pont ina salietactory aay and of stable stength Gee ara ms or ergo tanser 1 Ineri ship and shore ESD systems, 1 Provide wn stngn ERS syst ning ESD protocol wth PERC operation 1 thars seme with PERCs,togoter wih quick scing valves {wind speed and cretion mentoring equipment {+ natalioad monitong equipment on rooting ine quick release nooks 1 Getermine maximum cred sil, gas doUd ange, and lone safety ones ‘Apart fom the essential design factors tod above, the following terminal procedures shoud be In place. TTaminal procedures forthe LNG carer alongside ‘eat iits on the mooring system for wind speed, wave height, and curent 1 Setwind limit for eargo stoppage, nara arm dlecamecton, end unberthing 1 reac the speedo lage shps passing coeo fo berthed LNG cartes 4 conto vistors an voices coring in ety safety zones ‘stalin gon 60 ofshore zones a stop ent by smal cat ‘Gealow simutanoous LNG operations and ship movement a adjacent ates havo avaiatie cal weather foecast wit sutable warning systems 7 have plot snd tgs ready st shor note or emorgency departure ort planning shout ais ensue hat advance procedures are avaliable to conto a shi's poten. Inthisregud its most important at each arrival is careful agreed between the ship and tena parte his should ncaa up-to-tnesrinte information on berth aval, especially times of Des-weathor forecasts, when lat minute changos In berth avallablity can be anticipated. To Saleguard ships n vans rom any last minute change In status on berth avalabity a contingency Blan should be avalabie to nclude dtl on sulable anchorages, ayy seas or tuning ces where {he ship can wat or tun round to precsed back 1 the por ontance. ‘Aa a port moves into the operational phase citcal rovsion of existing port procedures is ‘on a frequent bacis By ti meane, ship operators and terminal managers can be Connuay assured that argo planning procedures remain val, tugs rurbers (era power) remain ‘ulabe and hat matters of contingency planning remain up toate ea ena Fisk Management in Por Approaches sigtr0 RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE PORT APPROACH. National uthrtis and LNG. companies devote considorabe resources o reduce any sk that an LNG terminal may presen to the por enviens. Ths is most apparent duing design whan special emphasis on the securly of nearby population canes is ebaned by appving Enveormettal Impact [Assessments and applicabon of relrences 1 nd Al hs stage, the maks associated wah en LNG carer a It navigates through the por approach are algo addressed and, to Isat thosa mates, type stey routines forthe ofshere areas ere Isted in the folowing paragraphs. Reference may also be made to publoatons trom IAPH, PIANG, BSI and IALA on hi subjct and some of these andards ave van in chapter 1 PORT CONTROLS “ken global, tho requoncy of nau accidents, suc a stkngs, colsions and groundings, t any ‘ass of ship are grater in or approaches and ding bering when compared to frequency rates at 422, Fore whole ass of gas carers (LNG and LPG) such accidents account fr over hal be ttl Teported and, when tie factors are taken nto account the cons thet the opaning statement ello hold tro in th gas trade. However, tom historical records is good 0 report that serious eden tis type are extemal are for LNG carers noe, ony one such nice (a grounding) fe known tw have oooured ata reeling pat, rane at loading pot ard none tal anywhere nthe wo ince 1900, ‘hie sucsosstu| management of LNG port can be explained only by the santos unique to the LNG business which havea sigilicant ak reduction eet, At present face Gtinguehng features consist ot offectve VTS (rate management) andthe use of ascor erat adequate tug power cof LNG cares, even in ashp condone Stic operating constone regular ship each rade, and gh quality seagoing personnal ‘Som ofthese points are turer explained bein: Vessel Tatfic Systems (VTS) Establishing safe conetons fo the port ran of LNG cartirse always a matter of importance. This |s usualy a rect responsaly ofthe pot autor. However, operational sk management on a ay by day Basis isa task shares between pot author, terminal ouner and ip operator. In most cases ‘hore fs agrement aver the procacures requir to aesre low ek lavas bt, 26 @ minimum, a good \VIS eyo, a8 epectted bythe Intemational Maritime Organization (Resoiion A'S76-1) for maine tafe management is tecommende to prevent close encounters betwoen (NG carers and ther sips. ‘Subordinate specications concerning tafe management, such asthe sale stances for eter ships to pass LNG carvers, depand onthe risks Wenified in pariclr situations. For example, areas of high tae dens, the shro-basod VIS\may be supplamenied by an escot eat (or guar’ boat) to attend the LNG carrer; in other stations, the VTS may suspand aher tafe movements in the Channel dung the LNG carers approach, Whatever spac rrangemants are nado, they shoud fam te much tt olan rcs caueod by close ancoutee wih he ships. ner conditions for establishing ale operations in port av sia to hose routed forthe harbour Imovornerts of any large ship, suchas, adequate avigaon marks And igh, fing sip movements in poor vstlty, and ahigh standard of pltage sec al of hich contrbute to minimising the Hk ot srouneing ‘The quality of plotagesorvie is partcularty Important. As pat of terminal planning i va Yo secure not only consistent high quay in harbour pllctage operations but also to Tix pit boaring areas et 3 error’ ana sigtTo Fisk Management Port Approaches a sulable stance offshore, beyond wich ho LNG cara snot allowed to continue inwards without tho plot beng on bear. Many por authories use navigational simulators for traning tele arbour piols and, wen used wisely, smuator coureas can yd valuable resus Not last amang the ‘cvanlages of simulator ang are the benes which can be gained by leaning how to ullé good bbiggeteamwork and an appreciation of Passage and Voyage Planing routines. In another conten, (00 section 6.2) marine talc management can also be important when the positon ofthe jets Taken into account. large ships are allowed to pass close by, ineractve bilects can cause mooring line falure on the LNG carter. Although auch logaions are not Tecommended, depending onthe ste chosan for he tina it may be necessary li the epee of passing ships and this may be achieved by VTS conto, Tuge Following the same wester which detorines port design parameter, the operating ints for LNG cartes should also be spied rms of wind speed and cartert af. These parameters are then Used fo calouaie the maximum wind forces acing onthe largest LNG carer using the por, and thence the number and power of he tugs needed far bering mencouvres is spectiog There must wave be sullelen tg assistance to contol LNG carla in tha maximum permed operating andlions and ths shouldbe specited assuming te ships engines are not avaible. This method ‘ferent resute from one trminal to anther. Accordingly, misimu tu9 power fs not an Absolute valu. Nevertoles, it has Geen Jound thet Tor LNG earrore of 135,000 m* capacity. acceptable standards are usualy in the range of thee of four kgs having a combined bolara pl botwoon 120 6140 tonnes. Thase tgs shoud be abi fo oxatapproxatay hal ofthis lal power at each ond ofthe sip. Given that four ugs are prowded in tems of tug propson this sugges that each tug should have engines capable of minimum of 3,000 horsepower, although tis Ie epondant on propel eonigraon Operating Conditions ‘When port design is being considered the aim shouldbe to limit navigational eke invoing LNG carers witin te pot area. Tho exent fhe system developed dopencs on laces sch as ruber and ype of ships and other rat using ho ort om accent records avigatonal stancos and itil though the pect and jy approach ‘he masimom da of te shipe {ho ature of the sea-od rsk, sand or mu) ‘dal conten (al anges and ial curents) ester condos (ind, waves, sonics and sibily) Proximity of the terminal te populated areas and indi! aes [Aor studying Such facto, pot designers and pot auoriles can inteduoe LNG-eated provisions {appropiate tothe local port The operational procedures and equipments which fll from these Consieratons, and sready adopted’ many LNG ports, are eummariaed blow. ‘Summary of LNG Port Procedures ort procedural is for weathor + establh west Its fr port osure + draw up procedures to give advance weather wanings to ships ‘teste port mancauwrng of UNG carers in svong winds ‘reste port manoeuwng o LNG carers in reduced visibly ‘stabi sate anchorages atthe pot enance snd wit he arto! ‘The Human Element ___sicrro : or range navigaonl ais fr eppreach channels ‘Provide escape ovis in eases where a ship's unetle fo beh {establish pot sutablity for day and night vans, {Set safe manoeuvring lms for, vat, wine, cron, ad wave height ‘relate channel with otha beam ofthe largest hip {elas turing cco chametors tothe long of he argt ship ‘Sot sped mis for channels nit heavy groundings or penatratingclisons Port conto for tugs and escot rat + sot safe weathor ints for beting Provide tgs fare o seaward beyond th normal ‘assistance’ area Provide escort cra sued tothe creamslanens ‘+ Gstotah ug power as boing etlant fo ovsrome maximum eet wind condtons| ‘have pots ana ug avaliable at shert noice for emergency departures Procedures and systems regarding tae conta! + establish a VTS contolto coordinate the movement of sleet hin he port *Tmitotnec wate movements nt pot wn LNG cater aren rans {sata moving salty zone. approach channels ahead and aslecn of LNG carne ‘adopt Tre Separation Schemes (TSS) in appropiate approach channels In addition fo these points other operational factors shoul be adrossed, These oan include Instructing ships to cary appropiate charts and nautical publestions and to Implement Voyage Planning routnes. Port auhorles should alo ensure tat harbour pose te practon of Voyage Panning, However, being more he Yealnsof ship operation, these leaves fall beyond the scope ot ‘his paper. ‘Study ofthe torogeng tists shows that ont ratty are he criteria absolut, or condone unchanging. (Obviously water Soph I ileal, as are severe woathr cnctons, but many other cases ether 3s procedures, of to canons they aro seo conv have enble apoaonIndoed, is suggested in roferenco (4 thatthe pncipal value of ising te eter Ist cently tho hazards witha vow to seting operational procedures to corto them. Siar reasoning Is event in teleranca i, and is hook ist of Fak reduction options ls used as a basis forthe Append to his paper. Hence, win ‘many exsing navigatonal contol, i usual, a a consequonce of human facior, fr alo ove! of feskdval rok to main. ‘Under prsent industry guidelines, this is tue evon afer the optimisation proces for ste selocton ls complete. "Thus, In some exsing pots the risk remain 1 be conoid ‘ona day by day basis. ( cours, fr naw terminals, presen dy standards involving Environmental impact Aseossmonts, and ‘milan procedures, shoul bo even more efferive in seburng alow risk opereton However, win these sysioms, expert marine advice nacessary to ensure that, when large Gas relaaae fe ‘considered med onl by hunan elas, the consequences ae cortodod by hot methods sich as those eccussed in chap 9 and 10 ‘THE HUMAN ELEMENT ‘Accident reports show that efectve rk management, whether in part ora 2, is ofton frustrated by ‘an inabiy to complotelycbvate human srr or uncharacterieo human veneviou, indeed, the args majo of chipoing casuaine continue to occur a eau of te human elamant ct the rlalorshp ‘between operator error and rik ascasament remains obecro: sis because human responses are

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