Computer Games

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Advantages & Disadvantages of Computer Games

In the 21st century, technology has made a clear impact to the world and computer games
have become a crucial part of our daily life. The number of people play computer games has been
increasing rapidly for the past years, due to the availability and the accessibility of computers at
home or at internet cafes. Playing computer games brings about positive effects such as; thinking
critically and relaxing for our minds. However, they also bring about negative effective; playing
overtime results physical problems to the players.

Firstly, playing computer games possess from the players to think critically, in order to win
matches or proceed to the next stages of the game. Some of the games are very tough and no
one can win easily, unless he/she thinks for a while, which I believe it is good for the players,
because they learn how to think, plan ahead strategically and solve their problems. One of the
most popular games that are played in most of the countries is mission game. The players are
required to rescue a person from a jail without seen anyone. So, the one who is controlling the
game has to think and plan every move from the first step up to the last step, until he wins or loses
the game.

Secondly, we can relax for our mind by playing computer games. After working a long time,
surely our mind needs to have some kind of relaxation, and playing such games can be a good
way to have a relaxation. Moreover, by the time we play, we can do many other activities such as;
we can listen to music, because we don't use our ears to play instead we use our hands. Gamers
can listen to their favourite music and still manage to play. In addition, players can chat with their
friends directly or through social networks websites. Computer games create a friendship and have
become a socializing tool to build and strength strong relationship between friends.

However, playing computer games overtime brings about health problems. Most of the
players, who spend much time in front of the computer, usually end up with sigh problems,
because of the light from the screen of the computer. Due to that sight problem, they can't see
from a distance which may affect their personal activities such; studies. Studies discovered playing
games overtime could entail health risks such as obesity, eye damage, and exposure to radiation.
On the other hand, sitting on a chair for a long time with-out exercising brings obesity or
overweight. Most game players don't exercise; instead they eat junk food, which is not good for our
health. The combination of eating junk food and not exercising can easily result obesity in a short
period of time.

In conclusion, as the technological development is taking place and making an impact day
after day, computer games have become a part of our daily life. Playing computer games results in
positive effects such as; it demands from the players to think strategically and it gives the players
an opportunity to relax their minds. Nevertheless, it also brings about negative results; playing
them overtime often results in physical health problems such as; sight problems and overweight.

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