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High School Department

PAASCU Accredited
Academic Year 2015-2016

DATE : March 1, 2020


High School Principal


Dear Mr. Florentino,

Pax et Bonum!

The High School Student Government would like to present to you, for your approval,
the Graduation Ball Project for the Senior Lourdesians, chosen teachers, and visitors on April
18, 2020 at Dusit Thani Manila.


As a culminating activity to uplift the spirit of Gospel Brotherhood among students of the
Senior Batch, the Senior High School Student Government will hold the Graduation Ball. This
event serves as an opportunity to celebrate the fruits of their hard work and passion throughout
the years of studying in Lourdes School. The Graduation Ball also serves as a chance to show
how Lourdesians relate to one another through showcasing the values they’ve learned in order
to become Christian gentlemen, and another chance for Lourdesians to interact with the
opposite sex.
The Graduation Ball serves as a breakthrough for the students before they step into
college and face the significance of reality. It provides the students a chance to get together and
manifest camaraderie as a batch. It is an event to show appreciation to LSM on what they
have accomplish for the past years.


The project aims to:

1. Provide an opportunity for the seniors to celebrate the fruits of their hard work and
passion through enjoying a night commemorated for the said batch.

2. Promote camaraderie and social relationships;


The High School Student Government will submit the project proposal to the Office of the
Principal on March 2, 2020

1. General Guidelines
1.1. Since this is school activity, all rules and regulations of LSM shall apply.
1.2. Lourdesians are expected to relay the guidelines to their guest and they shall
assume the responsibility should these guidelines be violated.
1.3. Students who have unsettled accounts before the said event are not allowed to
1.4. A letter will be given to the parents of the Grade 11-12 Students regarding the
details and expenses of the Graduation Ball.

2. On Payment
1.1. Students who will bring a date shall pay an amount of Php. 6,000
1.2. Students who will not bring a date shall pay an amount of Php. 4,000.
1.3. Student who will not attend the Graduation Ball are not required to pay.
1.4. Deadline of payment to the student government office is on or before April 10, 2020

3. On Dress Code
3.1. All women should wear cocktail dresses/gown for this event. The dress should be
knee length or below the knee.
3.2. Strictly no tube top dresses, shell top dresses, plunging necklines, sheer see-
through clothing, beyond the bra line, and skirts above the knee.
3.3. The gentlemen are to wear their formal attire, preferably coat and tie or anything
appropriate with the theme, with closed leather shoes.
3.4. For both genders: Strictly no sneakers/rubber shoes, sandals, cap/bonnet and
cross- dressing.

4. On Admission and Exit

4.1. Invitation card is required upon entry.
4.2. Guests may enter the venue starting at 6:00 p.m. and may leave the venue before
11:00 p.m.
4.2.1 If students will be leaving the venue earlier than expected, they should present
a letter regarding their permission and reason on why they are leaving the venue
earlier than expected from their parents/ guardian to their respective class adviser
and the letter must be given at least a week before the graduation ball.

4.3. Security procedures will be conducted like frisking and checking of bags to prevent
bringing of prohibited items.
4.4. Once admitted to the venue, no one is allowed to leave and enter again, including
going to the car.
4.4.1. The only students allowed to leave before the said time are the ones who have
informed their advisers a week before the ball.
4.5. Parents may bring and/or pick up their son/daughter up to the entrance only.
4.6. It is understood that the parents are the ones responsible for the transportation to and
from the venue of the ball.

5. On Proper Decorum
5.1. Public display of affection like kissing and other suggestive acts is strictly prohibited.
5.2. Taking pictures is allowed as long as it will not disturb the conduct of the program.

6. On Parking
6.1. Complementary parking for 10% of the total attendees will be provided by the
Shangrila Hotel. It is a first come first serve basis.
6.2. Guests may also park in Shangrila mall with a fixed parking rate provided.
6.3. Guests may also park in Lourdes School of Mandaluyong on the said date. A letter
for permission will be sent to Mr. Ines.
7. Theme of the Event

7.1. The theme of the Graduation ball is inspired by Glorified house parties mixed with a
touch of a magazine show. Glorified house parties are one way to showcase and
manifest the millennial culture or today`s youth through the showcase of fun
activities, stylish clothing and aesthetics.
7.2. The attire and venue set-up will be based on the theme of the Graduation Ball.
8. Title of the Event
8.1. The title of the Graduation Ball is “”Gioventù: You can be you tonight, you can be
you forever.”
8.2. “Gioventù” is the Italian term for the word “Youth” and this refers to the millennials.

9. Program
9.1. Students may enter the venue at 6:00 p.m. The event shall start at 7:00 p.m. and
shall end at exactly 11:00 p.m.
9.2. There will be 2 Gradball Activities:
9.2.1. Couple`s Runway All Lourdesian attendees with dates will play. The game begins by the
host will choose 5 couples. The Chosen couple will be required to walk around the runway and
strike 3 poses, 2 poses at each corner of the stage and 1 pose on the
end of the Runway. After the last pose of each couple, the host will give one question to the
couple and at least one of them must answer the questions. The couple who made a huge impact to the crowd and who will be
chosen by the judges will be proclaimed as the winners.
9.2.2. 2 Stag Runway The participants will be chosen from the Graduation Ball attendees who
have no dates. The host will choose 5 stags at most. And the chosen stags will have to
do the same things done in the first activity. The stag who made a huge impact to the crowd and who will be chosen
by the judges will be proclaimed as the winner.
9.2.3. These will be the following Criteria to be used in judging the winner and the
judges will be the advisers of each class from Gr. 11-12. Appropriateness of the attire to the theme (Chosen attire is directly
related to the event's theme) Stage Presence (Makes full use of their personality and attire to stand
out over the rest) Audience Impact (Catches the attention of the audience throughout
their performance) Relation of answer (Answer captures the listener's attention. Content is
relevant and well-developed.) Organization (Appropriate organizational pattern is observed.
Transitions are smooth.)
9.3. There will be a video presentation that will be handled by the Documentation
9.4. The Advisers are going to be called out one at a time to give a message to their
handled batch then to their respective class.
9.5. There will be an awarding ceremony for the students who have exemplified traits
and characteristics in line with the certain award.
9.6. The Emcees for the Graduation Ball 2017 will be Mr. Michael Franks Pammit and (a
girl *TBA).
10. Awards – The invited teachers will serve as judges for the following awards:
10.1. Graduation Ball King and Queen
10.2. Stag of the Night
10.3. Girl of the Night
10.4. Couple of the night
10.5. Best Dressed – 1 per each class.
10.6. Table of the Night - 1 Certificate

1. High School Student Government

I. Makes the Project Proposal for the Graduation Ball
II. In-charge of the Different Committees in Preparation and Conducting the
Graduation Ball
III. Search for the best possible venue for the event
IV. Conduct a survey to know the preference of the seniors for the event
V. Serves as the over-all facilitators of the event
2. Senior Batch and Invited Guests
I. Attends the Graduation Ball
II. Exhibits Gospel Brotherhood and Minority
3. The PTA of the Gr. 11-12
I. Assists the Senior High School SG find possible venues and packages
II. Consults the other parents about the price set by the Senior High School SG
4. Staff of the Chosen Venue
I. Coordinate with the High School Student Government the needs and concerns in
preparing and conducting the Graduation Ball
II. Assist the Student Government Officers in conducting the said event


Expenses Price

Shangrila Manila Grand package for 200

Php. 506, 712.00
pax. including 5-10% Buffer

Php. 2,000.00 (estimated)

6 Awards including 2 trophies, 12 sashes,

Php. 4000 (estimated)
2 Crowns and

Souvenir Php. 30,000 (estimated)

Php. 10,000.00 (estimated)

Photographers Php. 5,000 (estimated)

Table Flowers (For Teachers) Php. 600.00

Bands (1 hour) Php.12,000.00

Event Designer Php. 50,000 (estimated)

Finger Food Php. 2500

Bouquet of Flowers for each adviser Php 300 x 5= Php 1500

*Contingency Fund Php. 10,000

Accounts Receivable (Based on the Survey Form) ------------------ Php. 653,500.00

Expense (With Contingency Fund) --------------------------------------- Php. 632,312.00

Income (With Contingency Fund) ----------------------------------------- Php. 21,168.00
Expense (Without Contingency Fund) ----------------------------------- Php. 622,312.00
Income (Without Contingency Fund) ------------------------------------- Php. 31,188.00

 Survey Form
 Program of the Graduation Ball
 Different Grad Ball Committees with Heads and Members
 Outcome of the Survey
 Sample Invitation and Poster
 Letter to Parents *To Follow*
 Letter to Mr. Ines *To Follow*
 Criteria for the Awards
 Grand Package Inclusion

Prepared by:


Project Head
President, SHS Student Government


Secretary. SHS Student Government Auditor, SHS Student Government


Grade 11-12 Batch Representative



Adviser, SHS Student Government Office of Student Activities Coordinator
Approved by:


High School Principal
Graduation Ball Heads and Committees with their corresponding function:

Management Committee
- They are the ones who will be in-charge of the layout of the venue including the stage
set-up, table set-up and arrangement and the set-up of the over-all layout.
Logistics Committee:
- They are the ones who are responsible in buying said materials needed for the ball
including the awards, sashes, and certificates.
Documentation Committee:
- They are the ones responsible in creating the Audio Visual Presentation that will be
showed in the ball.
- They are the ones responsible in gathering the pictures of the ball from the hired
Finance Committee:
- They are the ones responsible for the budgeting and expenses of the whole ball.
- They will also be the ones responsible in collecting the payment of each student and
they will be the ones to manage the money collected through payment of expenses.
Program Committee:
- They are the ones responsible creating the program for the whole event
- They will be the ones responsible in keeping the program in flow for the whole night.
- They will be helped by the ushers.
Invitation Committee:
- They will create the layout of the invitation and tarpaulin for the Graduation Ball.
Technical Committees:
- They are the ones responsible in managing the AVP, music, pictures and other media
related things that will be necessary for the night.

Different Graduation Ball Officers-in-Charge


Physical Arrangement  Chairman: Master Xandro Miguel S. Guyjoco

 Vice Chairman: Master Joseph Garay

Logistics  Chairman: Master Kobe Brian F. Katipunan

 Vice-Chairman: Master Paolo P. Dones

Usher  Master Geronimo Baldazo

 Master Miguel Yamamoto
(The SG officers from Gr. 11)  Master Luis Labao
 Master Daniel Mandangan

 Chairman: Master Joshua Jared C. Joven

Documentation  Vice Chairman: Master Kidd Alonzo Juwan T.

Finance  Chairman: Master John Dailo Luis C. Candelaria

 Vice Chairman: Master Joshua De Lara

 Chairman: Master Czar Vladimir V. Marasigan

Program  Vice Chairman: Master Christian Mark A. Dacer
 Chairman: Master Robert Kyle A. Mejia
Invitation  Vice Chairman: Master Joshua Rei R. Maximo

Technical Aspect  Chairman: Master Daniel Mandangan

 Vice Chairman: Master Luis Labao

Registration in-charge  Mr. Jonathan Quines

 Mr. Gabriel Aganon

April 1, 2017, Saturday
Time Activity People-in-Charge Remarks

5:00 pm - Doors Open/ Security  Start with the Setting

6:00 pm Entrance up Early

6:00 pm Start of the Program Emcee: Mr. Mike

Pammit and one
Female Host
6:00 pm – Opening Prayer Master Kobe Brian F.
6:05pm Katipunan
Opening Remarks
Master Paolo Vincent
P. Dones
6:05 pm – Ball Activities Emcee  Couple`s Runway
7:00 pm - 2 Php 500
Worth GC
 Stag`s Runway
- 1 Php 500
Worth GC
7:00 pm – Dinner c/o with the Band
8:00 pm

8:00 pm – Video Presentation Master Jared Joven  Video during the

8:20 pm and Master Kidd HS days
8:20 pm – Adviser`s Message c/o Emcee  Bouquet of Flowers
8:50 pm and the Class for each Adviser
8:50 pm- Awarding c/o Emcee  18 sashes
9:15 pm and Kobe Katipunan  2 crowns and 2
Php 500 worth GC
for the Ball King anf
9:15 pm- Dance Party Students  Slow dance
10:00 pm  Dance party

10:00 pm- Departure  Everyone must

10:30 pm leave before 10:30
Grand Package (With negotiation)

- Reservation for 200 guests, i.e., Studetns, partners/dates, invited teachers and
LSM admin Staff
- Package inclusions
o Complete disco mobile system with lights upgrade
o Photo booth
o International buffet set-up (Salad, soup, 5 main courses, deserts)
o Floral Set-up per table (Color of our choice)
o Food tasting for four (4) to be scheduled in February
o Iced tea/ Lemonade for all guests
o Bottle of champagne for toasting
o Overnight stay at a deluxe room (which will be used by the secretariat/
committee/ student government) on April 1st
o 2 Chi Spa Gift Certificate (To be used as Prizes)
o 2 Buffet Breakfast at The HEAT Edsa Shangrila on 02 April 2017 (To be
used as prize)
o Roving Security
o Guest Book
o Pre set-up and Rehearsal (Subject to availability of the venue)
o Complementary parking slots available (Number of slots to be discussed)
- Set-up on April 1, 2017
o Ingress -12 noon
o Event Proper- 5:00pm to 10:00pm
- Grand Package cost (nett)
o Php 506,712.00 @ 200 pax (Guaranteed guests)
o Php. 2,533.56 per guest/pax
Criteria for the Awards with corresponding prizes

Ball King and Queen

1. The personality of each was shown in a very confident manner

2. They have carried their own style
3. They must stand out
4. They must mingle with other guests
Stag of the Night

1. This person can carry himself alone

2. This person was very confident alone
Girl of the night

1. This girl stood out through showing confidence and creativity through her outfit
and followed the dress code.
2. This girl have mingled with the other guests naturally
Couple of the Night

1. The couple complements each other`s outfit and attitude

2. They have shown chemistry through conversations and shows that the couple
are very comfortable with each other
Best Dressed

1. 1 student per class will be awarded

2. The chosen winner must have looked outstanding throughout the whole night
3. Shows democracy and creativity through his outfit
Table of the night

1. They must be active in a good manner

2. They have exhibited Gospel Brotherhood with one another
Awards for the Following

1. King and Queen- 2 Crowns ,2 Sashes, 2 Gift certificate for Buffet at the HEAT
2. Stag of the Night- Sash, Trophy
3. Girl of the night- Sash, Trophy
4. Couple of the night- 2 Sashes and 2 Gift certificate for chi
5. Best Dressed- 5 Sashes
6. Table of the night- 1 Certificate

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