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What to Provide when Requesting Letters of Recommendation

Do you need a letter (or letters) of recommendation from me? I am asked by many people to write
letters. I ask that you give me the following information to make the process easier for me, and to
help me write the best letter possible for you.

Where you are applying …

Let me know the details of your future professional goals and aspirations…

Tell me about any academic accomplishments or experiences that I might not know about. In addition,
tell me about any nonacademic experiences (e.g., community service, jobs, and internships) that you
think may be relevant…

Why did you choose me to write your letter…

Attach a copy your college admissions essay or give me a summary of what you plan on writing about.
That way I can better tailor my letter to complement your application, and I can try to support and
reinforce the points you make in your statements.

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