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I know they as per there (NIHT) background Shift/Change from One Business
to>>>>>>>>as in NIHT office another New underneath banner Name “
“a Less Cost Computer Training Institute is operation Upstairs’ as Started from January
2010?????Where is LAW?????

With Reference to the Above News in TOI, Kolkata Page 3 Dt 12/12/2010..i again like to
bring the theme of Cops “WE CARE FOR YOU????”as how in these case Police used
His Power, Cyber Technology…etc & same Previously “Karmakar was again arrested
on October17, 2009, for sending an e-mail to Lalbazar police headquarters,
threatening to blow up Dakshineswar temple” as in these HOAX email no complain
was written on any Police station then why Police acted & Arrested…but in my Case
When I Requested of many Emails Do Send & acknowledgement do received from CP
Sir – No investigation on Cause as messaged from lalbazar/Bazaar?? No handwritten and
in Police Station (Underneath Zone/Area, incident occurred) as Like NIHT matter???
=the Cops Excuse & had given them (NIHT) time to hide many things=the Samay???? &
had Informed/Leaked of these complain to NIHT show that they hide all there
Lapses………………money POWER??

My Some Question to Authorithy’Cops’ + NIHT

Why Basic Electronics Course in 2007 took 9+* Month when it is 1.5* Month…….

Why My Saturday Two batch mate from Suri Fees taken for Laptop & Motherboard
Refunded and they too left the Course In July 2010….to hide the Uprising ‘what’……

Do on dt 03/07/2010 when Gopal my one among Saturday Class mate from Burdawan
supported me regarding attendance false/Before February 2010**….///”Ansuman Seth,
the Director frightens & Lurk him Politically to see his benefit and not support Me???
(Undercover investigation)

From July 2010 till dt no Class….Why CLR guys are Exploited of No Much Practical,
Ask present guys of using Blower “if” no background or working in same area????they
will frame rule’s of all & same do installment & if after dt fine but why we after they
didn’t finishes within given dt our course & if they sleeps for 11 Months etc & after then
at end they in Zigzag manner try to complete there Duty ..Why will we accept it???as No
1 Could Eat at same time With Both Hand & Same do Potty??/

Why from 4 yrs No Books & Why & How Books were Written & When…during our
Saturday ongoing Classes...Why we will bear all these…????

How & Where From these infrastructure changes - money Comes after 2010 January &
Show off Appointment excuse or Call & Spend Money Phone calls, Time on Waiting???
or Rule’s etc & Student will bear’ why’ Only if Absent but if from the Authority Side
then why they will not give anything in Written….Sir Absent on Cause=fever, dead,
family member fever, etc, Sir on meeting, Sir On Global* exam workout, Sir feeling
Sleepy on class due to over work or Personal Cause several time etc….etc but we were in
advance never informed……& Attendance made…. & thus Most Lost interest…..

It would be at once cleared How Much Strength Student of NIHT was in 2007/2008
till March 2008 Batch from 9:00am-11:00am & same do Genpact training Girl’s &
Where they were accommodated as till January*2008 2nd floor call centre portion
was Sealed and there was no way to get to??? & how & where & when all were
given training etc????

I Know as Sir had Said in July 2010 3rd & same repeated in November 3r 2010 as his
House is Full of Advocate , Cops , Politicians and we had never given you anything in
written….??? But you have given as per news rule’s given letters leave etc….and all
batch mates of 2007/2008/2010(Saturday) are gone & as Selfishness prevails you can’t
proof anything????

See here I just Request for Education + Right to Education with Live Practical &
Genuine but matter is being Twisted & Politics is Played under supervision of Mr
Sankar Chakrobarty…Which planning was notice from January 2010..As laptop Class
given when I told to complete it within and see if I complete laptop / Printer / Monitor
exam all in Same day 26th June 2010 was irritate but was 5-6 batch mate of
Saturday who too understand 7 Protested all & was Refunded & they left???

I Know a Great brain is involved and too Cops will do nothing but if any thing happens
or I do then these Cops too couldn’t be excused????For these I wrote & writing all these
as I have no trust On any1 especially cops from 06 till Nov 2009 of some report or
investigation twist under Corruption & political Akashs Umbrella underneath,
Guidance=Group Played with LAW???Justice Denied as Alone???

For 5 yrs For Cops injustice & Group=Mask we are Suffering/Depressed/Slow


Rest NIHT Details in Previous Posting & Emails Send to Cops officially …..


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