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Bakit Masarap and Bawal?

A Research on the Relationship of Risk-taking and Academic

Performance on the Grade 10 Students of St. Mary’s College of Borongan.

Chapter I


Risk taking is a normal transitional behavior during adolescence. During the second

decade of life teenagers engage in a series of risky behaviors because they feel invulnerable to

the consequences of their actions. This experimentation with risk allows the adolescent to

develop the concept of cause and effect, a necessary step in the evolution to competent

adulthood (Baumrind, 1988; Irwin, 1989).

There are different kinds of risks a student may take during this stage. They can either

be good or bad and results vary depending on the situation. Types of Risks are Physical Risks

and Psychological Risks. Some examples of risks are playing a new sport, taking a new class,

getting rejected when asking someone on a date, cheating on tests, cramming the night before

an exam, joining a new circle of friends.

These actions may end up in failure or may develop someone to be a new and better

version of themselves.

Education plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development.

Sweden has a specific objective to improve access to quality education with a focus on learning

outcomes, strengthened national public education systems, equality and inclusive education.

The focus lies on strengthening capacity for quality education and promoting equal rights to

education and learning.

These learnings are measured by grading the students according to their performance.

Measurement experts such as Peter Airasian (1994) explain that educators use grades primarily

(1) for administrative purposes, (2) to give students feedback about their progress and

Bakit Masarap and Bawal? A Research on the Relationship of Risk-taking and Academic
Performance on the Grade 10 Students of St. Mary’s College of Borongan.

achievement, (3) to provide guidance to students about future course work, (4) to provide

guidance to teachers for instructional planning, and (5) to motivate students.

Education also comes at risk, some students may encounter events or persons that lead

them to take those risks like bullies or unintended results that come from their actions. These

variables lead students to take risks in order to improve their situations. This study is to assess

those risks and relate them to the educational performance of the grade 10 students of St.

Mary’s College of Borongan, S.Y. 2019-2020.

Statement of the Problem

Taking risk is gambling on something with an unpredictable result. There are many factors

that lead to this risk taking, one of them is from education or more specifically grades. This

study aims to identify the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of students in terms of

1.1 Sex;

1.2 Age;

1.3 Family Orientation;

1.4 Family’s Monthly Income.

2. What is the range of grades those students receive in school?

3. Is a significant relationship between risk taking and the grade 10 students’ grades?

Bakit Masarap and Bawal? A Research on the Relationship of Risk-taking and Academic
Performance on the Grade 10 Students of St. Mary’s College of Borongan.

Research Hypothesis

H0: There is no relationship between risk taking and the grades of the grade 10 students of St.

Mary’s College of Borongan, S.Y. 2019-2020.

H1: There is a relationship between risk taking and the grades of the grade 10 students of St.

Mary’s College of Borongan, S.Y. 2019-2020.

Objective of the Study

As a study on the relationship between risk taking and the grades of the Grade 10 students

of St. Mary’s College of Borongan, S.Y. 2019-2020. This study aims to:

1. Identify What is the demographic profile of students in terms of

1.1 Sex;

1.2 Age;

1.3 Family Orientation;

1.4 Family’s Monthly Income.

2. Identify the grades those students receive in school?

3. Identify the significant relationship between risk taking and the grade 10 students’


Bakit Masarap and Bawal? A Research on the Relationship of Risk-taking and Academic
Performance on the Grade 10 Students of St. Mary’s College of Borongan.

Significance of the study

This study provides information on the risks students take and how it affects their

grades. This information is useful to the students, their parents, teaching and non-teaching

personnel, and those that refer to this research.

To students, this will allow them to know what type of risk may help them in their

endeavours. And to know the different kinds of risks.

To teachers and non-teaching personnel, this will allow them to have a basis on what

the students can handle before taking bad risks.

To the parents, this will allow them to know on what their children can handle their

different risks.

To other researchers, this may serve as a reference to their future research and


Scope and delimitations

This study focuses on the relationship between risk taking and the grades of the grade

10 students of St. Mary’s College of Borongan, s.y. 2019-20

Bakit Masarap and Bawal? A Research on the Relationship of Risk-taking and Academic
Performance on the Grade 10 Students of St. Mary’s College of Borongan.

Definition of terms

The following are the operational definition of terms used in this study.

Risk refers to an action that has unexpected result. Students may be able to gain or lose

their intended results.

Physical risk refers to risk that affect a student physically.

Psychological risk refers to risk that affect a student psychologically.

Students refers to the Grade 10 students of St. Mary’s College of Borongan, S.Y. 2019-


Grades refers to the average score or rating a student receives in school.

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