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Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137

The sliding window correlation procedure for detecting hidden

correlations: existence of behavioral subgroups illustrated
with aged rats
Daniela Schulz, Joseph P. Huston 
Institute of Physiological Psychology, Center for Biological and Medical Research, University of Düsseldorf, Universitätstr. 1, D-40225 Düsseldorf,

Received 29 May 2002; received in revised form 22 July 2002; accepted 23 July 2002


We developed the sliding window correlation procedure in order to examine populations for possible heterogeneity in the ways
two variables are related with each other. This procedure involves computing correlation coefficients (R ) for overlapping successive
segments of the covariate scores. The distribution of resulting R s reveals fluctuations in the degree and direction of R over the
sample of ranked scores. This procedure is applied to behavioral data of aged rats, which were rank-ordered according to water
maze performance, and correlated with open field exploration and conflict behavior in a light/dark chamber. Results revealed
correlation coefficients of varying magnitudes and opposing directions for different segments of the population, which were
obscured by overall correlation analysis. E.g. for the superior learners, the R s were highest between maze learning ability, increased
open field exploration and reduced anxiety in the conflict test, whereas for the intermediate learners the R s were highest for maze
learning ability related with reduced exploration and increased anxiety. Thus, the sliding window correlation distribution can be
applied in conjunction with overall correlation analysis to provide information about the potential presence and locations of
subgroups within a population, especially if overall correlation analysis does not yield significant results.
# 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Individual differences; Aging; Correlation analysis; Learning and memory; Water maze; Open field exploration; Conflict behavior; Light/
dark chamber

1. Introduction represent distinct subgroups of animals (Baxter and

Gallagher, 1996). Such groups might be expected to
In performing correlation analysis, one generally tests differ from each other on the basis of other behavioral
for the presence of a relationship between whole sets of characteristics and biological substrates than learning
scores. Sometimes, however, a significant relationship and memory performance itself or the neural equivalent,
exists only for a portion of the sample points under respectively. Importantly, such subgroups can also differ
consideration, which may be masked by the overall in terms of their relationships with other behavioral and
correlation coefficient. For example, aged animals biological variables, such that the correlation coeffi-
exhibit large individual differences in measures of cients (R ) would differ in terms of magnitude (weak/
learning and memory (Rapp and Amaral, 1992; Hase- strong) and/or direction (positive /negative). For exam-
nöhrl et al., 1997; Sykova et al., 2002). This has raised ple, aged superior and inferior learners have been shown
the question of whether the ends of the distribution of to differ from each other in terms of reactivity to novelty
behavioral scores, e.g. the superior and inferior learners, (Rowe et al., 1998), pattern of water consumption
during the light/dark cycle (Gallagher and Burwell,
1989), degree of thigmotaxis displayed in a water maze
 Corresponding author. Tel.: /49-211-81142; fax: /49-211-
(Schulz et al., 2002), and negative feedback regulation of
8112024 the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical axis (Issa et
E-mail address: (J.P. Huston). al., 1990). Moreover, we have recently shown that
0165-0270/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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130 D. Schulz, J.P. Huston / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137

hippocampal long-term potentiation, open field explora- purposes at the outset, so that any differences in their
tory behavior, and levels of water maze learning protocols were intended. The animals were group-
correlated significantly with each other in aged animals housed with two to three rats per cage unless cage-
which exhibited superior water maze performance, but mates had died during upbringing. They had free access
not in those with inferior performance (Schulz et al., to food and water.
2002). Subgroups of superior and inferior learners also
showed differences in correlation with levels of corti- 2.2. Morris water maze
costerone and adrenocorticotropin hormone measured
after restraint stress (Topic et al., unpublished). 2.2.1. Apparatus
Although performing separate correlation analyses The maze was a circular 185 cm diam swimming pool
for restricted segments of a distribution of scores (e.g. made of black polyethylene and filled 30 cm deep with
superior and inferior learners) may pinpoint possible 209/1 8C water. A 18 cm diam black polyethylene
fluctuations in the magnitude and/or direction of R platform was submerged 1.5 cm under the water surface
across the score dimension, this approach is not level. It was randomly located in the center of one of
sufficiently systematic. If there is variation in R , we four equally large imaginary quadrants (target quad-
would like to know the exact locations of variation rant) for all rats, but was maintained in a constant
along the ranked score distribution. In this article, we position throughout training for each rat. A sequence of
will propose a simple procedure, namely the ‘sliding four equidistant starting points was randomly varied for
window correlation’, to systematically uncover such each test day, but was the same for all animals during a
variation if it exists. This procedure involves carrying given test day. Cues located near the maze, such as
out correlation analyses for partly overlapping succes- posters, a blackboard and cupboard, were available for
sive segments of rank-ordered scores and to plot the spatial orientation and highlighted by four 75 W bulb
resulting R s. Such a procedure was shown below to lights. Diffuse ceiling lighting provided additional
reveal not only the presence and the degree of hetero- illumination (ca. 6.5 lx at the surface of the pool).
geneity in co-variation but also the course of develop- Computer-based systems for behavioral analysis were
ment of such interactions across samples of ranked placed behind a barrier remote from the maze. A camera
scores. To illustrate such results, we rank-ordered the (SONY, CCD-IRIS) was mounted 2 m above the maze
performance of aged rats in a spatial water maze and all trials were videotaped.
learning task and correlated this performance with
exploratory behavior in an open field. We also corre- 2.2.2. Procedure
lated water maze learning with performance in a light/ The rats were brought to a waiting room at least 30
dark choice chamber, a test for anxiety and exploration. min before the experiments and were kept in holding
cages shortly before testing. At the beginning of each
trial, they were individually placed into the pool facing
2. Materials and methods the wall. One adaptation trial of 2 min was run without
a platform present and was followed by 9 days of
2.1. Subjects training with a platform hidden. A training trial was
terminated when the animal escaped onto the platform
Our experiments were carried out in accordance with or after a maximum of 2 min, after which the rat was
the German Law on the Protection of Animals and were guided to the platform by an experimenter. Once on the
approved by the state authority (Bezirksregierung platform, it was left there for 30 s. Between the trials the
Düsseldorf). In the first experiment, 31 male 28 /30 animals were kept in holding cages for 60 s. After four
months old Wistar rats (531.77 g9/12.01 S.E.M.) trials in experiment 1 and after two trials in experiment
(animal facilities, University of Düsseldorf) were ranked 2, the rats were dried with paper towels and heated by
in terms of their performance in the water maze as two 75 W light bulbs. In experiment 2, two training
defined by the mean time required to learn the task. In a trials were run in the morning and two in the afternoon
second experiment, 27 male 26 months old Wistar rats every third day. All swimming trials were recorded on
(553.70 g9/14.03 S.E.M.) were ranked the same way. video and analyzed via Ethovision (Noldus, Wagenin-
Only those animals were included that did not show gen, Netherlands). Testing took place between 9:00 and
obvious signs of physical weakness or illness. The 31 17:00 h.
animals of the first experiment were maintained on a 12
h light:12 h dark cycle (lights on at 07:00 h), whereas the 2.2.3. Behavioral analysis
27 animals of the second experiment were exposed to a Time to escape onto the hidden platform and distance
reversed cycle (lights on at 19:00 h) such that all traversed before reaching the platform in the water maze
observations were made during the animals’ active night were measured for each acquisition trial. Daily mean
cycle. Experiment 1 and 2 were conducted for different times and distances were found to correlate highly (P -
D. Schulz, J.P. Huston / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137 131

values ranged between 0.000006 and 0.000001 in both white compartment (24.5/35/29 cm) was illuminated
experiments). Therefore, only the times required to by a 25 W light bulb positioned circa 50 cm above the
locate the platform over the course of 9 training days floor. A video camera (SONY, DCR-TRV20E) was
was taken as an index of learning. Higher as compared mounted 1 m above the apparatus; all sessions were
with lower mean escape times averaged over all days of videotaped. A broad spectrum noise generator emitting
training (total mean latencies) were used to rank the 60 dB provided masking noise.
overall level of performance.

2.3. Open field

2.4.2. Procedure
The animals in experiment 1 were run between 20:00
2.3.1. Apparatus and 01:00 h approximately 2 days after open field
The open field was a dimly lit (ca. 0.30 lx at the center testing. Exposure time was 10 min. An animal was
of the field) 60 /60 cm dark gray PVC arena with 39 cm placed from a holding cage into the white compartment
high walls. A video camera (SONY, DCR-TRV20E)
facing the wall opposite to the doorway. Total time
was mounted 1 m above the center square; all sessions
spent in the black compartment was measured among
were videotaped. A broad spectrum noise generator
other variables and will be considered for correlation
emitted 60 dB.
analyses here.
2.3.2. Procedure
Open field testing began approximately 4 days after
water maze exposure in experiment 1 and preceded 2.5. Sliding window correlation
water maze exposure in experiment 2. The animals were
individually placed into the center of the open field All 31 animals of experiment 1 and 27 animals of
facing one of the walls. They were allowed to explore the experiment 2 were ranked according to learning ability
arena for 10 min on the first testing day in experiment 1 (from shortest to longest total mean latencies, reflecting
and for 20 min in experiment 2. On a 2nd testing day, superior to inferior learning ability, respectively). Spear-
the animals were allowed 10 min. In experiment 2, the man rank-order correlation analyses were then carried
animals were exposed to an object exploration paradigm out between learning ability and the corresponding
on a 3rd day of testing. The number of rearings values of a given covariate, for always ten animals at a
displayed during the first 10 min on day 1 of testing time, starting from the first ten, and then proceeding
will be used for correlation analyses here. In experiment down the learning level rank order, always including the
1 testing took place between 20:00 and 01:00 h and in next worst rank and excluding the first rank of the
experiment 2 between 08:00 and 18:00 h. previous interval (see Table 1).
The sliding window correlation procedure was carried
2.4. Light/dark (L/D) choice chamber out between learning ability and open field exploration
(number of rearings) separately for experiment 1 and 2.
2.4.1. Apparatus For experiment 1, the procedure was also applied to
A two-compartment chamber (49 /70/58 cm) was water maze learning ability and L/D choice chamber
constructed of either black or white PVC with an open behavior (time spent in the black compartment) as the
doorway between the compartments (9.5 /9.5 cm). The covariate.

Table 1
Sliding correlation applied to ranked water maze performance correlated with variable X
132 D. Schulz, J.P. Huston / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137

2.6. Overall correlation analysis

In order to determine the degree of relationship

between the above mentioned variables for all animals
of the sample, overall correlation analyses using the
Spearman rank-order correlation procedure were also
carried out. The Shapiro /Wilk test was used to check
for normality of the score distributions of the given
variables and yielded P -values larger than 0.05 (the
significance level) for water maze performance and L/D
chamber behavior in experiment 1, and water maze and
open field behavior in experiment 2. For these variables,
respectively, regression analyses for linear and curvi-
linear functions, including logarithmic, inverse, quad-
ratic, cubic, and exponential functions, were also

3. Results

The distribution of scores reflecting levels of learning

in the water maze (low total mean latencies indicate
Fig. 2. Overall correlations between water maze and open field
better learning) and amount of exploration in the open
performance. Total mean latencies (s) to platform in a water maze
field for the animals of both experiments are shown in and number of rearings in an open field were correlated for the animals
Fig. 1. The means (9/S.E.M.) of the respective distribu- of Experiment 1 (n/31) (A) and Experiment 2 (n/27) (B). For
tions are also shown. purposes of presentation, raw values were plotted and linear regression
Overall correlation analyses were then carried out: in lines fitted to the data. Spearman rank-order correlation procedures
yielded P -values /0.05 for both experiments.
experiment 1 (Fig. 2A), the correlation between water
maze learning (total mean latencies) and open field
exploration (number of rearings) was not significant exploration was explained by variability in water maze
(r//0.09; P /0.6). In experiment 2 (Fig. 2B), the r performance (see Fig. 2B).
was equal to 0.3 but not significant (P /0.1). The sliding correlation procedure yielded 22 correla-
Since the scores of the variables in experiment 2 were tion coefficients for experiment 1 (Fig. 3A) and 18 for
normally distributed, regression analyses were also experiment 2 (Fig. 3B) for water maze learning ability
performed. Among all the functions tested (linear and and open field exploration as the covariate. These were
curvilinear), the linear, logarithmic, quadratic, and cubic plotted on the Y -axis for each interval of ten animals,
functions provided the best approximations to our data: the intervals shifting towards the lower (inferior) end of
however only about 12% of the variance in open field the rank order on the X -axis.
The results show complex distributions of correlation
coefficients for the rank-order populations of aged rats
in both experiments. In both experiments, the R s ranged
from strong positive values (representing better learning
related with more exploration) to strong negative values
(representing better learning related with less explora-
tion). In experiment 1, for the superior range of learners,
the highest R s were positive such that learning ability
was related with more exploratory activity. For the
intermediate range, the highest R s were negative such
that better learning was related with less exploratory
activity. For the most inferior learners of the popula-
tion, the coefficients were mainly in the positive range.
Fig. 1. Score distributions and means (9/S.E.M.) of water maze and In experiment 2, for the intermediate learners, the
open field performance in aged animals. Total mean latencies (s) were highest R s were also negative such that better learning
computed from mean times to platform during 9 days of training in the
water maze. Number of rearings were measured in a novel field. The
was related to less exploration. For the inferior range of
data were collected in two separate experiments (Experiment 1, n/31 learners, the coefficients were both positive and nega-
and Experiment 2, n/27). tive. Thus, both experiments point to the potential
D. Schulz, J.P. Huston / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137 133

distribution of open field scores and carried out the

sliding window correlation procedure as before. Results
(Fig. 3C) show the distribution of sliding R s between
rank-ordered water maze performance and the rando-
mized covariate which may be expected to occur due to
chance. The overall correlation coefficient for this
condition was /0.04 (P /0.82).
For experiment 1, we also correlated water maze
learning with behavior displayed in an L/D choice
chamber, i.e. time spent in the black compartment. An
overall analysis yielded a coefficient of /0.3 (P /0.1).

Fig. 3. Sliding correlations between water maze and open field

performance. The sliding correlation procedure yielded 22 rank order
correlation coefficients between water maze learning and open field
exploration in Experiment 1 (A) and 18 in Experiment 2 (B), one for
each interval of ten animals that were ranked from superior to inferior.
Fig. 4. Overall and sliding correlations between water maze and L/D
The correlation coefficients (R s) were plotted on the Y -axis. In both
choice chamber behavior. (A) Using the Spearman correlation
experiments, positive R s indicate that water maze learning proficiency
procedure, an overall correlation analysis between total mean latencies
(derived from total mean latencies to platform) was related with more
(s) to platform in a water maze and time spent in the black
exploratory activity (number of rearings in the open field) and,
compartment (s) of an L/D choice chamber for the animals of
conversely, negative R s indicate that water maze learning proficiency
Experiment 1 (n/30) yielded a P -value /0.05. For purposes of
was related with less exploration of a novel field. A sliding correlation
presentation, raw values were plotted and a cubic regression line drawn
‘control’ was also performed (C), such that open field performance was
through the data. (B) The sliding correlation procedure yielded 21
randomized and correlated with water maze behavior for each window
rank-order correlation coefficients between water maze learning
as before. The resulting correlation coefficients were randomly
(derived from total mean latencies) and time spent in the black
scattered within the XY -plane to a degree which may be expected to
compartment of an L/D chamber, one for each interval of ten animals.
occur due to chance.
A positive coefficient indicates that water maze learning proficiency
was related with more time spent in the black compartment whereas a
presence of distinct subgroups of aged animals, for negative coefficient indicates that water maze learning proficiency was
which degree of learning was either related with more or related with less time spent in the black compartment. The circles (k)
less exploratory behavior. In order to determine whether indicate the topography the correlation distribution would have, if the
frequency that each animal contributed to the analyses was reduced by
the heterogeneity within the distributions of R s obtained sliding down the rank order by four animals at a time, instead of by
could be due to chance, we established a random one.
134 D. Schulz, J.P. Huston / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137

Regression analysis for these variables showed that the

cubic prediction line provided the best fit to our data:
18% of the variability in L/D chamber behavior was
accounted for by variability in water maze performance
(as compared with 6% of explained variance using the
straight line) (Fig. 4A).
Then, the sliding correlation procedure was applied
and the results are shown in Fig. 4B. As before, the
correlation coefficients ranged between strong negative
and strong positive values. For the superior range of
learners, the highest R s were between better learning
related to less time spent in the black compartment of
the L/D chamber, whereas for the intermediate learners,
the highest R s were between learning ability related with
increased time spent in the black compartment. Low R s
between the variables were obtained for extremely
inferior learners. A sliding correlation control is shown
by the large circles drawn around every fourth dot of the
correlation distribution (Fig. 4B); the inclusion of only
the marked R s in the distribution would minimize the
frequency that each animal is used for correlation
analysis, holding the size of the interval constant (n /
10). In this way, the general topography of the distribu-
tion was retained, but information regarding the width
of peaks was lost.

3.1. Relationship between exploration and anxiety as a

function of water maze performance

Since behavior in the L/D choice chamber is con-

sidered to reflect conflict behavior between the natural
tendency of rats to explore the novel environment and
the preference to stay in the black compartment, i.e. a
reflection of anxiety, we hypothesized that exploratory
behavior in the open field would be related with
behavior displayed in the L/D chamber. An overall
correlation analysis between these variables yielded a
coefficient of /0.2 (P /0.3). The data are plotted in Fig. 5. (A) Overall correlation between number of rearings in an open
Fig. 5A. field and time spent in the black compartment of an L/D choice
A variation of the sliding correlation principle is to chamber for the animals of Experiment 1 (n/30) (P /0.05). Raw
plot the relationship between two variables in terms of values are shown and a linear regression line was drawn through the
data for illustrative purposes. (B) For the sliding correlation proce-
the R s calculated for windows of a third variable. Here dure, the animals were rank-ordered according to learning ability in
we assessed the extent to which exploratory behavior the water maze, from superior to inferior. Correlation analyses were
and anxiety correlate across the ranks of superior to carried out between number of rearings and time spent in the black
inferior water maze learners (Fig. 5B). For the superior compartment (s) and resulted in 21 correlation coefficients, one for
and intermediate learners, the R s were in the negative each rank order interval of ten animals. (C) The sliding correlation
distribution for the same variables as in B with an interval size of seven
range, suggesting more open field exploration to be animals each. In the sliding correlation distributions B and C, a
predictive of less time spent in the black compartment of positive coefficient indicates that more exploratory activity was related
the L/D chamber. For extremely inferior performers, the with more time spent in the black compartment whereas a negative
R s were in the positive range. coefficient indicates that more exploratory activity was related with
For the same variables as in Fig. 5B, the R s were also less time spent in the black compartment.
computed using seven instead of ten animals as an
interval size. A smaller interval was used to obtain a
more detailed correlation distribution. The results in coefficients, especially at intermediate and inferior
Fig. 5C show a similar distribution of R s to that learning levels, became larger. Some of the weaker
obtained with a larger interval size. Many of the coefficients at superior learning levels, became smaller.
D. Schulz, J.P. Huston / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137 135

4. Discussion was expressed by a regular stepwise change in the

magnitude as well as in the direction (best seen in
The present experiments examined the relationships experiment 1) of the correlation coefficients. Explana-
between water maze learning, exploration of a novel tions for why water maze performance was related with
field and conflict behavior displayed in an L/D choice both, more and less, exploratory activity, have to be
chamber in order to illustrate the sliding window sought in interrelationships with other behaviors, e.g.
correlation procedure. This procedure which, in contrast conflict behavior (see below).
to overall correlation analysis, examines relationships Finally, the sliding correlation procedure indicated
between variables for successive segments of a distribu- low and high and positive and negative R s for the
tion of scores, was able to uncover hidden correlations inferior segments of learners in both experiments. From
of varying magnitudes and direction which were ob- this perspective, it is of no surprise that in a previous
scured by overall correlation analysis. Whereas correla- report, we did not find a significant correlation between
tion analysis for all sample points of the learning water maze performance and open field exploration for
distribution yielded low R s between the variables tested, the inferior group of water maze learners (Schulz et al.,
the sliding correlation procedure yielded high and low 2002).
and positive and negative R s for different segments of In summary, whereas overall correlation analyses
the learning distribution, indicative of the fact that the between water maze performance and open field ex-
aged animal population as examined here, was hetero- ploration yielded low R s between the variables, the
geneous with respect to the ways the above variables sliding correlation procedure provides a differentiated
were related to each other, and thus, may consist of picture: for different segments of the learning level rank
several subgroups with distinct behavioral characteris- order of animals, the R s were positive and negative, thus
tics. Furthermore, the sliding correlation procedure was canceling each other out in an overall analysis. The
able to demonstrate the exact locations and the devel- gradual development of positive and negative peaks
opment of the changes in magnitude and direction of the along the sliding correlation distribution indicates that
coefficients within the correlation distribution. the aged animals were heterogeneous with respect to the
relationships between sets of scores and that different
4.1. Behavioral outcomes of the sliding correlations segments of the rank order distribution likely reflect the
existence of distinct subgroups, expressing different
4.1.1. Water maze performance and open field behavioral phenotypes, within the aged animal popula-
exploration tion.
Upon examining the relationship between water maze
learning and open field exploration using the sliding 4.1.2. Water maze performance and conflict behavior in
window correlation procedure, we found that, for an L/D choice chamber
different segments of the learning distribution, water For experiment 1, we had the chance to examine the
maze performance was related with both more and less animals further in terms of the relationship between
exploratory behavior in a novel field in two separate water maze performance and conflict behavior as
experiments. This variability in the relationship con- displayed in an L/D choice chamber. The conflict in
firms previous results reported, where, for a superior but this behavioral paradigm consists of the motivation to
not an inferior group of learners, water maze learning explore a novel environment which is anxiety-inducing
proficiency was significantly correlated with more by nature of its being brightly lit, and to avoid the bright
exploratory activity (Schulz et al., 2002). Using the chamber, thereby reducing anxiety and increasing the
sliding correlation procedure, we obtained high positive time spent in the alternative dark chamber (Crawley and
R s between the same variables for the superior range of Goodwin, 1980). Anxiety can be reduced by the admin-
animals in experiment 1, but not in experiment 2. Any istration of anxiolytic drugs, and in this paradigm,
differences in the sliding R distributions between the reduced anxiety is expressed by proportionally de-
experiments, which were conducted for different pur- creased time spent in the black compartment (Costall
poses at the outset, could be due to variations in age as et al., 1989). In the present experiment, the sliding
well as experimental protocols. window correlation procedure applied to learning levels
To our surprise, however, the sliding correlation in the water maze and time spent in the dark compart-
distributions in both experiments also revealed segments ment of the L/D chamber yielded rather interesting
with high R s indicating a negative relationship between results: in the superior range of learners, high R s were
water maze performance and open field exploration, obtained in the direction that learning proficiency was
such that better performance in the water maze was related with lower levels of anxiety. Noticeably, in the L/
related to lower levels of exploratory activity. The D chamber paradigm, anxiety is inversely related with
change from a positive (at superior learning levels) to exploratory activity (Costall et al., 1989). Thus, our
a negative (at intermediate learning levels) relationship results may be interpreted such that better learning in
136 D. Schulz, J.P. Huston / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137

superior learners is related to reduced anxiety and to To employ smaller intervals may be useful to check for
higher levels of exploratory activity. For this segment of the influence of one or the other variant animal within
learners, we previously established a relationship in the the learning distribution, which one suspects to con-
same direction between water maze performance and tribute substantially to the magnitude of a given
open field exploratory activity (see Fig. 3A). coefficient. Also, the optimum interval size for the
Interestingly, between the superior and intermediate detection of peaks may vary and can be assessed, e.g.
segments of learning levels, a gradual shift in the by using smaller windows for correlation analyses. On
opposite direction of correlation coefficients occurred, the other hand, with smaller interval sizes, of say five
such that for intermediate learning levels, high R s were animals or less, a given R may also become less
observed between water maze learning ability and meaningful.
increased anxiety. Consistently, for this segment of By contrast, larger interval sizes may generally
learning levels, we previously obtained high R s, indicat- smooth out the distribution of sliding R s. Although
ing a relationship between maze learning ability and the general shape of this distribution is likely to be
reduced open field exploratory activity (Fig. 3A). retained with the use of larger intervals, smaller changes
Furthermore, in segments of the sliding correlation within this distribution may remain undetected. How-
distribution of the inferior learners, water maze perfor- ever, with huge sample sizes, larger intervals may be
mance was unrelated with anxious behavior, as it was recommended for ease of computation. In such cases,
inconsistently related with open field exploratory activ- certain segments of the rank-order population may be
ity (Fig. 3A). re-checked using smaller interval sizes.
Thus, once again it becomes clear as to why the
overall correlation analysis did not yield a significant 4.3. Frequency of an animal contributing to the sliding
relationship between the variables tested: for different correlation
segments of the correlation distribution the variables
were differentially related with each other, i.e. positively One of the potential limits appertaining to the sliding
and negatively; an overall correlation analysis which correlation procedure concerns the frequency that a
included all sample points of the learning distribution particular animal contributes to the value of a given
thus masked such differentiated relationships. correlation coefficient. Assuming an interval size of ten
animals, for instance, the first animal of the rank order
4.1.3. Open field exploration and conflict behavior in an will be used only once for correlation analysis, the
L/D choice chamber second animal will be used twice, the third animal three
We also applied a variation of the sliding correlation times and so on, up to the tenth animal, from which
procedure to open field exploratory activity and L/D point on all of the animals will be used ten times, again
choice chamber behavior, since the latter is based on a up to the last nine animals of the rank order which will
conflict between the motivation to explore and the be used, respectively, nine, eight, seven, etc. times. Thus,
anxiety-induced motivation to remain in the black potentially, the shape of the sliding R distribution may
compartment of the L/D chamber. Thus, we performed be affected by the frequency with which each animal’s
the sliding correlation procedure for these variables weight contributes to it. Assuming that, e.g. the first
basing the rank order on a third variable, i.e. water maze animal of the rank order, a relatively superior learner in
performance levels. Interestingly, for most intervals of the present study, adds strongly to a particular direction
the rank order distribution, the coefficients were in the and strength of a correlation coefficient, the exclusion of
negative range, such that less open field exploratory such an animal may shift the next R of the rank order to
activity was associated with higher levels of anxiety. By a large degree and induce a strong slope in the
contrast, for the inferior segment of learning levels, the correlation distribution. Had the animal been included
R s were mainly in the positive range. Thus, the sliding for correlation analysis more often, a given peak
correlation procedure was again able to detect hetero- (positive or negative) may have consisted of more R s
geneity in the relationship tested within the aged animal being similar to each other, thus building a wider peak.
population. Although the extent of such a peak cannot be corrected
for, one may nevertheless ensure that the general shape
4.2. Sliding correlations using variable interval sizes of the correlation distribution is not affected by this
shortcoming. Heretofore we propose to compute a
Initially we set our interval sizes to an arbitrary sliding correlation control by minimizing the frequency
number of ten animals to perform the sliding correlation that each animal is included for correlation analysis.
analyses, although, of course, other interval sizes could Thus, instead of sliding down the rank order by one
also be used. In general, the smaller the interval size, the animal at a time, one may choose to slide by five animals
more detailed the sliding correlation distribution will be at a time (holding the size of the interval constant), or by
(as an example see Fig. 5B as compared with Fig. 5C). the number of animals which constitute one interval. In
D. Schulz, J.P. Huston / Journal of Neuroscience Methods 121 (2002) 129 /137 137

the present study, this procedure was demonstrated (Fig. of the relationship between variables across a distribu-
4B) and yielded a similar topography of the correlation tion of ranked scores. We have shown that the degree as
distribution. well as direction of relationship between behavioral
measures can vary greatly over the range of ranked
4.4. The sliding correlation procedure as a descriptive scores providing a basis for hypotheses regarding the
tool existence of subgroups in terms of the relationship
between these variables. While we have demonstrated
The sliding correlation procedure represents a de- the utility of this procedure on behavioral data of aged
scriptive tool, which may be used in conjunction with rats in pointing to such subgroups, the method has
overall correlation analysis. Given the many coefficients potential application to any field of study involving the
which are being computed by the new procedure, it analysis of relationship between variables.
would be inappropriate without proper adjustment for
Type I error to talk about significance levels. In the
present article the magnitude of the R s can be con-
sidered to provide ‘measures of effect’. In conjunction Acknowledgements
with overall correlation analysis, the sliding correlation
procedure can provide additional information about the This work was supported by a grant from the German
heterogeneity within correlation distributions. Such National Science Foundation (Grant number: Hu306/
information may be especially useful when overall 11-3). We would like to thank Professor J. Krauth and
analyses do not yield significant results contrary to Jay-Shake Li for their advice.
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