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Be warned; speed will kill you.

I am a biker. Amongst the many sporting activities that I have ever participated in, bike

racing remains to be my most favorite hobby. I started it since I was a kid, so it's something I

have always known and developed a passion for since my tender age. I owned my first bike at

the age of eight, which was a present from my dad owing to the improved performance at school.

During the racing days, I wasn't alone but with my friends. We could ride all day over long

distances away from home along the main road and sometimes along the forest road where there

is no much traffic.

During the last summer, I and some few friends planned to ride along the forest road to

the farthest distance we could. We all did the necessary repairs to the bikes, ensured all

freewheels were wheel lubricated. Then came the material day, it was a Saturday I can recall, we

all set out towards the forest as we had planned. The road was quite gentle that the bike would

accelerate on its own. Sooner than later, we were at these crazy speeds. I tried all manner of

tactics to keep up with my friends who were now way ahead before me; I grew afraid of the

speed, though. This's what we all enjoyed and was most exciting. We only stopped after

exhaustion upon cycling up the mountain. I reflected on a similar day during the winter season

when we rode on the same road, an adventure that almost killed one of my friends. The road was

so slippery that he could not control his bike anymore; he only stopped after thunderously

skidding and falling into a ditch. He only sustained some minor injuries and bruises. This time

we were quite lucky; our bikes had a good grip on the roads, thanks to the summertime!

Thinking about speeds, I engaged my friends in a talk, and we all resolved to be more

cautious on roads to avoid accidents. Sporting with bikes can be the sweetest thing at the

moment, but it can turn into sorrow and grief due to extreme speeds that aren't beneficial after

all. Having resolved on the matter, we decided to turn back and head home with everyone

knowing they are responsible for their own riding experience and safety. Truth to the matter,

many years have passed and not in any single event have one of my friends or I been involved in

any form of accident.

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