Using Cygwin To Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 On Windows (Doc ID 414992.1) PDF

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11/17/2019 Document 414992.

Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved. Oracle Confidential.

Using Cygwin to Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on Windows (Doc ID 414992.1)

Using Cygwin to Maintain Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 on

Microsoft Windows
Last updated September 12, 2017

This document describes how to use Cygwin in place of MKS toolkit to maintain Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Release 12 on
Microsoft Windows. It leads you through the process of installing and using Cygwin, whether you are performing a new
installation of Release 12 or migrating from MKS on an existing system.


Cygwin is a collection of tools/packages that provide a Linux-like environment for Microsoft Windows which may be used
in lieu of MKS Toolkit for the installation and maintenance of the Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS). Some versions of these
packages (outlined below) are the only versions known to work with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12. Due to the large
number of packages and their frequent updates, users may see unforeseen issues with later versions of these packages
as they are released. Please file a Service Request (SR) with Oracle Support outlining the details of the issue for Oracle
Development to be notified.

Note: Cygwin is free software and is not supported unless you purchase a support contract from a third party providing
Cygwin support.

Note: Cygwin does not work with Oracle Discoverer. MKS Toolkit is required if you are using Oracle Discoverer or
installing the End User Layer as discussed in My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 373634.1, " Using Discoverer 10.1.2
with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 " or My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1074326.1, " Using Discoverer
11.1.1 with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12" ).

Note: The use of software such as MKS Toolkit or Cygwin is needed only on the application tier running Microsoft
Windows in order to provide a Unix-like environment for the use of Oracle E-Business Suite on the platform. This software
is not required on the database tier if customers have the Rapid Clone patch July 2010 (9171651:R12.OAM.B 12.1) or
later installed.

In this Document

Section 1: Prerequisites
Section 2: Downloading and Installing Cygwin
Section 3: Using Cygwin for a New R12 Installation
Section 4: Migrating to Cygwin from MKS Toolkit
Section 5: Testing Cygwin with Release 12
Change Record

1. Prerequisites 1/6
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This section describes software component version requirements that must be met before using Cygwin to maintain Release
12 on Microsoft Windows. Make any necessary upgrades to an existing or newly installed R12 system before proceeding.

Package Location Details
For Release 12.0 and 12.1, apply the latest TXK patch.
See the My Oracle Support Knowledge Document
AutoConfig Latest Version Application tier
387859.1, " Using AutoConfig to Manage System
Configurations in Oracle Applications Release 12".

If you have not yet installed Oracle E-Business Suite R12, perform sections 2, 3 and 5. If you are using MKS Toolkit with an
existing Oracle E-Business Suite system, perform sections 2, 4 and 5

The following table shows the versions of particular tools known to work with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12:

Cygwin package Versions

cygwin 1.7.1-1 or higher, 2.8.0 or higher **
make 3.81*

* This version of make requires a separate download (see Section 2, Step 4 below). The latest available make (3.81) from
Cygwin is known to not work with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.

** Note: Additional AD fixes are required when Cygwin 2.8.0 or higher is used:

For Release R12.1: Patch 26493875:R12.AD.B

For Release R12.2: R12.AD.C.Delta.10 or above

2. Downloading and Installing Cygwin

Perform the following steps to download and install the Cygwin software.

1. Log in as the Admin User

Log in as a local administrative user (the user who runs the Rapid Install.).

2. Create a Cygwin directory

Create the directory where you plan to install Cygwin (called the Root Directory). This directory cannot be under
Program Files, or any other directory with blank spaces in its name. In addition, it cannot be under the APPL_TOP.

3. Download and Install the Cygwin Software

Perform the following to download the Cygwin software:

Navigate to and click on the setup program - - and download
to your machine
For 12.2 , choose setup-x86_64.exe (64-bit installation)
Run setup.exe and click 'Next' which will bring up the 'Choose A Download Source' screen
Choose Option 1, 'Install from Internet'
Click on Next and enter the directory name selected in 2.2 above
Click on Next and select a directory where Cygwin will store its installation files, called the "Local Package
Directory", then click on Next and select your connection type
Click on Next and select a download site**
From the 'Select Packages" screen, deselect the option 'Hide Obsolete Packages'
Under "Select Packages", click the circle next to All so it goes to Default.
Click the "Devel" category, scroll down and find binutils. Change Skip to the latest version (click it).
Click the "Archive" category, scroll down and find unzip and zip. Change Skip to the latest version (click it) for
both of them. Click Next.
Click Next again to conduct the installation

** Cygwin recommends using a source site closest to your location. There have been some reports that some 2/6
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sites don't have all the required packages at all times. If after following these instructions you experience errors
concerning missing files, you may want to reinstall Cygwin using a different source site. The site used for our
tests was

4. Download and install either the gnumake patch or MinGW make version 3.81
Customers should download and unzip the gnumake patch (5897842) from the My Oracle Support web site to a local
drive before copying gnumake.exe (located in make-3.81/WinRel/) to the bin subdirectory under the Cygwin Home.

Alternatively, customers can use the following instructions to obtain the MinGW make (3.81) utility:
Go to:
Download make-3.81-20090914-mingw32-bin.tar.gz and extract the files
Copy the file MINGW32-MAKE.EXE executable to the bin subdirectory under your Cygwin Home and rename it as

5. Verify Package Versions

Verify that the versions of packages such as cygwin and make are supported for use with Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12 . See the Prerequisite section of this document for supported versions.

To determine the package versions:

C:\> cd [cygwin directory]

C:\> uname -a
C:\> gnumake --version

Note: Depending on how the packages are installed, the Cygwin Installer may display the incorrect package
version information. Use the command-line interface to verify the correct package version.

6. Add Cygwin Bin Directory to Path

Add the cygwin bin directory to the system path. For instance:

C:\> set path = %path%;D:\cygwin\bin

Note: When using Cygwin with Oracle E-Business Suite, use the make utility installed with Cygwin. The system
path must contain only the gnumake.exe in the Cygwin bin directory.

3. Using Cygwin for a New R12 Installation

Follow these instructions if you are installing Oracle E-Business Suite R12 or the first time and do not have MKS Toolkit
installed on your system. Otherwise, go to the next section.

1. Review Release-specific Documentation

Review Oracle Applications Installation Guide: Using Rapid Install (12.0, 12.1, 12.2), Oracle Applications Release Notes
(12.0, 12.1, 12.2), and Oracle Applications Installation and Upgrade Notes (12.0, 12.1, 12.2) before beginning the

2. Rename Cygwin's rmdir executable

If installing EBS R12 with Cygwin 1.7 for the first time, users are required to rename the rmdir.exe to some other name
(like rmdir_cygwin_orig.exe) in the Cygwin bin directory before proceeding with running Rapid Install to ensure that the
Windows command shell RMDIR is used instead.

3. Rename Cygwin's link executable

If installing EBS R12 with Cygwin 1.7 for the first time, users are required to rename the link.exe to some other name
(like link_cygwin_orig.exe) in the Cygwin bin directory before proceeding with running Rapid Install to ensure that the 3/6
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linker from Microsoft Visual Studio is used instead.

4. Rename Cygwin's dir executable

For 12.2, users are required to rename the dir.exe to some other name (like dir_cygwin_orig.exe) in the Cygwin bin
directory before performing any adop tasks to ensure proper calculation of disk space usage.

5. Run the Rapid Install

Follow the instructions to invoke the Rapid Install wizard and install Oracle E-Business Suite R12. On one of the
configuration screens, where you are asked to specify the UNIX Toolkit directory, provide the pathname to the bin
directory under the Cygwin Root Directory instead (in this example, "D:\cygwin\bin").

Figure 1: UNIX Toolkit directory prompt within Rapid Install Wizard.

4. Migrating to Cygwin from MKS Toolkit
Follow these instructions if you have both MKS Toolkit and Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 installed on your system, and
wish to migrate to Cygwin.

1. Verify ADX version

Verify the minimum required ADX Minipack version and update the system, if necessary. Refer to the instructions in
"Section 1: Prerequisites."

2. Deinstall MKS Toolkit

Navigate to the Control Panel, choose Add or Remove Programs, highlight MKS Toolkit, and click Remove.

3. Modify Configuration Parameters

Use the Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) AutoConfig utility to edit the MKS Directory (s_mksdir) system
configuration parameter to point to the bin directory under the Cygwin Root Directory (see "Modify Configuration
Parameters" in Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures). For example, change the value of variable s_mksdir from
"D:\mksnt" to "D:\cygwin\bin"

4. Rename Cygwin's rmdir executable

Users are required to rename the rmdir.exe to some other name (like rmdir_cygwin_orig.exe) in the Cygwin bin
directory before proceeding with running Rapid Install to ensure that the Windows command shell RMDIR is used

5. Rename Cygwin's link executable

Users are required to rename the link.exe to some other name (like link_cygwin_orig.exe) in the Cygwin bin directory
before proceeding with running Rapid Install to ensure that the linker from Microsoft Visual Studio is used instead.

6. Run AutoConfig
Run AutoConfig on the application tier:

C:\> cd [COMMON_TOP]\admin\scripts\[CONTEXT_NAME]
C:\> adautocfg.cmd

5. Testing Cygwin with Release 12

Perform the following tests to insure that the Cygwin implementation is successful.

1. Relink FND Programs

Use AD Administration (adadmin) to relink FND programs, and review the log file for any errors.

Refer to Oracle Applications Maintenance Procedures and Oracle Applications Maintenance Utilities for more information on
using the AD Administration utility. 4/6
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Change Record

Date Description

23-Feb-2007 Initial publication

13-Mar-2007 Added attention for support of Make versions 3.79.1 and 3.80.1 from Cygwin

Updated supported Make versions to 3.79.1-7 and added supported Bash versions 3.0-11, 3.1-9, and

04-Oct-2007 Added Verify Packages step in Section 2 and support for Bash version 3.2.25-16.

31-Oct-2008 Added explicit statement for grep version 2.5.1 only; clarify support with latest Cygwin packages

Clarified cygwin definition, fixed Step 5 (added check for grep --version), clarified sub-categories
changing over time

Supplemented the archive website (which is currently down) with

alternatives that have the specific versions of the supported Cygwin packages.

14-Jan-2010 Added Cygwin non-support for Discoverer

Added missing bash version 3.2.25-16 back and fixed links to R12 documentation to include both 12.0
and 12.1

18-Jun-2010 Clarified language around certified/supported vs known to work, and other fixes

21-Jul-2010 Changes for Cygwin 1.7.1

08-Nov-2010 Changes for MinGW

14-Feb-2011 Clarified need for tool only on the application tier

24-Feb-2011 Added that the gnumake patch can also be used.

29-Jan-2013 Added step to rename link.exe to avoid conflict with Microsoft Visual Studio linker

Revise download and install section to provide minimal install required. Remove Generate Graphics Files
as way to test Cygwin install.

Add release-specific documentation links for 12.2. Add step (for 12.2) to rename dir.exe to avoid adop
7-Feb-2014 space usage calculation errors. Add steps to rename rmdir and link executables for users migrating to
Cygwin from MKS Toolkit.

25-Apr-2014 Add zip and unzip to list of packages to be installed.

12-Sep-2017 Add updates for Cygwin 2.8.0 5/6
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Note 414992.1 by Oracle Applications Development
Copyright 2007, 2017 Oracle Corporation
Last modified: Tuesday, September 12, 2017

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