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HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Can you draw, Harry? 你会画画吗,哈利?

Harry: Who is he? 哈利:他是谁?
Jimmy: He's my brother. 吉米:他是我的弟弟。
Harry: What's his name? 哈利:他叫什么名字?
Jimmy: His name's James. 吉米:他的名字是詹姆斯。
Harry: Hello, James. My name's 哈利:您好,詹姆斯。我的名字
Harry. How are you? 叫哈利。你怎么样?
James: Hello, Harry! I'm fine, thanks. 詹姆斯:你好,哈利!我很好,
Harry: What is this? 谢谢。
James: It's a pencil. It's blue. Can 哈里:这是什么?
you draw, Harry? 詹姆斯:这是一支铅笔。它是蓝
Harry: Yes, I can. Let's draw! 色的。你会画画吗,哈利?
James: Very good! 哈利:是的,我会。让我们一起
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

You need an alarm clock 你需要一个闹钟

Mimi: Buba, what did you do in the 咪咪:布巴,你早上做什么?
morning? 布巴:我很早就起床。
Buba: I wake up early. 布巴:我吃早餐。
Buba: I eat breakfast. 布巴:我穿好衣服。
Buba: I get dressed. 布巴:然后。我去上学。
Buba: Then. I do to school. 咪咪:你什么时间起床?
Mimi: What time do you woke up? 布巴:哦,我很早就起床了。
Buba: Oh, I wake up very early. 晨晨:布巴,放学后,你会做什
ChinChin: Buba, what will you do 么?
after school? 布巴:我会和我的朋友玩,
Buba: I will play with my friends, 布巴:我会吃晚饭,我会去洗
Buba: I will eat dinner, I will take a 澡,然后我会上床睡觉。
bath,and then I will do to bed. 晨晨:你上学总是迟到。
ChinChin: You are always late for 晨晨:你应该早点上床睡觉,或
school. 者你需要一个闹钟。
ChinChin: You should go to bed early, 咪咪:闹钟吗?
or you need an alarm clock. 咪咪:啊哈!这是一个非常好的
Mimi: Alarm clock? 主意。
Mimi: Aha! That is a very good idea. 咪咪:布巴,明天,你会很早起
Mimi: Buba, tomorrow, you will wake 床的。
up early.
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

I am happy with who I am 我很高兴我是这样

Mimi: I am happy with who I am. 咪咪:我很高兴我是这样。
Mimi: I have two hands. 咪咪:我有两只手。
Mimi: I can touch anything I want. 咪咪:我可以碰任何东西。
Buba: I am happy with who I am. 布巴:我很高兴我是这样
Buba: I have ten fingers. 布巴:我有十个手指。
Buba: I can pick up anything I want. 布巴:我可以拿起任何我想要的
ChinChin: I am happy with who I am. 东西。
ChinChin: I have two eyes. 晨晨:我很高兴我是这样
ChinChin: I can see anything I want. 晨晨:我有两只眼睛。
Costa: I am happy with who I am. 晨晨:我可以看到任何我想要看
Costa: I have strong arms. 的东西。
Costa: I can beat up anything I want. 科斯达:我很高兴我是这样。
Coco: I am happy with who I am. 科斯达:我有强壮的手臂。
Coco: I have a big mouth. 科斯达:我能打败任何我想要打
Coco: I can eat anything I want. 败的。
Cosmi: I am happy with who I am. 可可:我很高兴我是这样。
Cosmi: I have a pretty face. 可可:我有一个大嘴巴。
Cosmi: So everyone loves me! 可可:我可以吃到我想吃的任何

HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Take a look at this 看看这个

Mimi: Hi, guys! Wow, what is going 咪咪:嗨,伙计们!哇,你们在
on? 干什么?
ChinChin and Buba : Hi, Mimi. 晨晨和布巴:嗨,咪咪。
ChinChin: I am so excited. 晨晨:我太激动了。
Buba: I am so happy. 布巴:我太高兴了。
Mimi: Why? 咪咪:为什么?
ChinChin and Buba: Take a look at 晨晨和布巴:看看这个。
this. 咪咪:嗨,科斯米。你在干什
Mimi: Hi, Cosmi. How are you doing? 么?
Cosmi: Not well. I am angry. 科斯米:不好。我生气了。
Cosmi: I am so angry with Costa. 科斯米:我生科斯达的气。
Mimi: Why? 咪咪:为什么?
Cosmi: Take a look at this! 科斯米:看看这个!
Cosmi: Costa showed me his 科斯米:科斯达把他的答案给我
answers, and I got this score! 看了,我得到了这个分数!
Cosmi: Hmmm. Where is Coco? 科斯米:嗯。可可在哪里?
Coco: I am here. 可可:我在这里。
Mimi: What are you doing here? 咪咪:你在这里做什么?
Coco: I am hiding. I am so ashamed. 可可:我躲了起来。我很惭愧。
Mimi: Why? 咪咪:为什么?
Coco: Take a look at this! 可可:看看这个!
Coco: I cheated on the test. 可可:我在测试中作弊。
Coco:I copied Cosmi's answers, and I 可可:我抄了科斯米的答案,我
got this. 得到了这个分数。
Coco: I can't even cheat! 可可:我再也不作弊了!
Mimi: Cheating is bad. 咪咪:作弊是不好的。
Mimi: You should do your own work. 咪咪:你应该自己做。
Mimi: Next time, do your best. 咪咪:下一次,尽你最大的努
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

What is your favourite animal? 你

Coco: What is your favourite animal? 最喜欢的动物是什么?
Costa: I like big animals. 可可:你最喜欢的动物是什么?
Costa: I like elephants. 科斯达:我喜欢大的动物。
Coco: I like fast animals. 科斯达:我喜欢大象。
Coco: I like horses. 可可:我喜欢跑得快的动物。
Costa: What is your favourite animal? 可可:我喜欢马。
Mimi: I like turtles. 科斯达:你最喜欢的动物是什
Mimi: Turtles are not big. 么?
Mimi: They are not fast. 咪咪:我喜欢乌龟。
Mimi: But they run and run until they 咪咪:乌龟并不大。
reach the goal!! 咪咪:它的速度也不快。
Coco: Really? 咪咪:但是它会一直跑,直到它
Coco: Then I like turtles, too. 达到目标!
Costa: Yeah, Me too. 可可:真的吗?
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

What is your favourite color? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?

Mimi: Cosmi, what is your favourite 咪咪:科斯米,你最喜欢的颜色
color? 是什么?
Cosmi: My favourite colour is pink. 科斯米:我最喜欢的颜色是粉红
Mimi: My favourite colour is white. 色。
Cosmi: But I only have red and white. 咪咪:我最喜欢的颜色是白色。
Cosmi: But I want pink. 科斯米:但是我只有红色和白
Mimi: You can make pink. 色。
Cosmi: Make? How? 科斯米:可是我想要粉红色。
Mimi: See? 咪咪:你可以画出粉红色。
Mimi: Mix red and white. 科斯米:能画出?怎么做?
Mimi: Then you can have pink. 咪咪:看到了吗?
Cosmi: Mimi, you are very smart! 咪咪:将红色和白色混合。
Cosmi: Look! It's a pink bunny!!!! 咪咪:然后你就得到粉红色了。
Cosmi: Ha ha ha ...... 科斯米:咪咪,你真聪明!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Are you okay? 你还好吗?

Chinchin: Costa, are you okay? 晨晨:科斯达,你没事吧?
Costa: No. I can't smell anything. 科斯达:不好,我闻不到东西。
Costa: I can't eat anything. 科斯达:我吃不下东西。
Chinchin: Why? 晨晨:为什么?
Costa: Because I am sick! 科斯达:因为我病了!
Costa: I have a cold. 科斯达:我感冒了。
Chinchin: Don't worry, Costa. 晨晨:不要担心,科斯达。
Chinchin: Okay! 晨晨:好了!
Chinchin: Now smell it and eat it. 晨晨:现在闻闻它,并吃了它。
Costa: Wow. I can smell! 科斯达:哇。我能闻到了!
Costa: It smells really good! 科斯达:它的味道真的很不错!
Costa: I can eat too! 科斯达:我吃得下了!
Costa: Thank you Chinchin. 科斯达:谢谢你,晨晨。
Chinchin: You are welcome. 晨晨:不客气。
Chinchin: Oh my god!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

I love my family 我爱我家人

Mimi: I love my family. 咪咪:我爱我的家人。
Mimi: I love mommy and daddy. 咪咪:我爱妈妈和爸爸。
Mimi: I love my sister. 咪咪:我爱我的妹妹。
ChinChin: I love grandma and 晨晨:我爱爷爷和奶奶。
grandpa. 布巴:嗨。
Buba: Hi. 布巴:我爱我的弟弟。
Buba: I love my brother. 布巴:我喜欢和我的弟弟一起
Buba: I like to play with my brother. 玩。
Costa: I have a sister. 科斯达:我有一个妹妹。
Costa: I don't like her. 科斯达:我不喜欢她。
Costa: I want a brother. 科斯达:我想要一个弟弟。
Costa: I want to play with a brother! 科斯达:我想和弟弟一起玩!
Coco: I have a brother. 可可:我有一个哥哥。
Coco: I don't like him. 可可:我不喜欢他。
Coco: I want a sister. 可可:我想要一个妹妹。
Coco: I want to play with a sister! 可可:我想和妹妹一起玩!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Morning and Afternoon 上午和下午

Costa: Hi, Mimi. 科斯达:嗨,咪咪。
Mimi: Hello, Costa. 咪咪:你好,科斯达。
Costa: Good morning. How are you? 科斯达:早上好。你怎么样?
Mimi: I am fine. 咪咪:我很好。
Mimi: But good morning? 咪咪:早上好?
Mimi: It is afternoon, Costa. 咪咪:现在是下午了,哥斯达。
Mimi: We say good afternoon. 咪咪:我们应该说下午好。
Costa: Afternoon? It's not morning? 科斯达:下午?现在不是早上
Costa: Oh, I just woke up. 吗?
Mimi: It is already afternoon. 科斯达:哦,我刚睡醒。
Mimi: Good afternoon. You lazy boy... 咪咪:现在已经是下午了。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

How many books? 多少本书?

Bobby: How many books? 鲍比:有多少本书?
Judy: One book. 朱迪:一本书。
Bobby: How many pencils? 鲍比:有多少支铅笔?
Judy: One pencil. 朱迪:一支铅笔。
Teacher: How many notebooks? 老师:有多少本笔记本?
Jane: Three notebooks. 简:三本笔记本。
Teacher: How many books? 老师:有多少本书?
Jane: Five books. 简:五本书。
Teacher: How many books are there? 老师:这里有多少本书?
Tommy: There is one book. 汤米:这里有一本书。
Mike: How many books do you have? 迈克:你有多少本书?
Jane: I have four books. 简:我有 4 本书。
Mike: How many pencils do you 迈克:你有多少支铅笔?
have? 简:我有 5 支铅笔。
Jane: I have five pencils.
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

We are going to a farm today 我们今天去农场

Mimi: We are going to a farm today. 咪咪:我们今天去一个农场。
ChinChin: We can see all the animals 晨晨:我们可以看到谷仓里的所
in the barn. 有的动物。
ChinChin: What kinds of animals are 晨晨:农场里都有些什么动物
on a farm? 呢?
Buba: There are cows, chickens, pigs, 布巴:有牛,鸡,猪,羊,还有
sheep and many more! 其他很多动物!
Mimi: I don't see any chickens. 咪咪:我看不到有鸡。
Buba: Sh! They're sleeping in the 布巴:嘘!他们在谷仓里睡觉。
barn. 咪咪:牛的叫声是什么样子的?
Mimi: What sound do cows make? 布巴:牛的叫声,“哞,哞”。
Buba: Cows say, "moo, moo". 晨晨:鸡的叫声是什么样子的?
ChinChin: What sound do chickens 布巴:鸡的叫声,“咕咕,咕
make? 咕”。
Buba: Chickens say," cluck, cluck ". 科斯米:鸡的叫声是什么样子
Cosmi: What sound do chickens 的?
make? 科斯达:鸡的叫声,“咕咕,咕
Costa: Chickens say, "cluck, cluck ". 咕”。
Cosmi: What sound do sheep make? 科斯米:羊的叫声是什么样子
Costa: Sheep say, "baa, baa". 的?
Cosmi: What sound does Coco make? 科斯达:羊的叫声,“咩,
Costa: Coco says,"oink, oink". 咩”。
Hahaha. 科斯米:可可的叫声是什么样子
Costa: She eats like a pig, so he says 的?
"oink, oink". Hahaha. 科斯达:可可的叫声,“哼,
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

It is really hot today 今天真热

Costa: It is very hot. 科斯达:天气非常炎热。
Coco: How is it outside? 可可:外面怎么热了?
Costa: It is very hot outside. 科斯达:外面非常热。
Samsik: Wow, you surprised me. 桑姆斯克:哇,你让我吃了一
Samsik: What, what? Is it hot today? 惊。
Costa: It is really hot today. 桑姆斯克:什么,什么?今天很
Costa:I will have some ice cream. 热吗?
Mimi: How is it? Is it cold? 科斯达:今天真热。
Mimi: Well, yeah a little cold. 科斯达:我要吃些冰淇淋。
Mimi: But look at the snow! 咪咪:怎么回事?它是冷的吗?
Mimi: It is like Christmas! 咪咪:嗯,是有点冷。
Costa: Aren't you guys hot? 咪咪:但看着像雪!
No,we are cold. 咪咪:这看起来像圣诞节!
Coco: Cold? Are you cold? 科斯达:我们的朋友们是不是也
Let me tell you. 热?
Costa: So, it is windy. 不,我们是冷的。
Costa: And it is cold in Mimi's place. 可可:冷?你们冷吗?
Costa: And Mimi is wearing a long 让我来告诉你们吧。
sleeve shirt? 科斯达:那么,那里有风。
Costa: Samsik, Do something! 科斯达:而咪咪的那里很凉快。
Samsik: Okay wait. 科斯达:而咪咪正穿着长袖衬衫
Costa: What is this? 吗?
Samsik: Oh bad! 科斯达:桑姆斯克,做些什么!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

I love apple pie 我喜欢苹果馅饼

Mimi: Try this ice cream. 咪咪:尝尝这个冰淇淋。
Mimi: It melts in my mouth. 咪咪:它融化在我嘴里。
Mimi: It is so sweet and yummy. 咪咪:味道是如此甜蜜和美味。
Mimi: I'm happy with my cake. 布巴:我很喜欢我的蛋糕。
Buba: Mmmm. Sweet and yummy! 布巴:嗯。又甜又好吃!
ChinChin: I love apple pie. 晨晨:我喜欢苹果馅饼。
ChinChin: No wait. 晨晨:不,等等。
ChinChin: I love all of them! 晨晨:我喜欢它们所有这些!
Mimi: Yeah. 咪咪:是的。
Mimi: I love dessert! 咪咪:我喜欢甜点!
Mimi: Do you want another piece? 咪咪:你是否要来一块?
Cosmi:It looks like you guys having 科斯米:你的伙伴们在这里似乎
fun here. 很有趣。
Cosmi:Can I join you? 科斯米:我可以加入你们吗?
Mimi: Come on over Cosmi. 咪咪:过来吧,科斯米。
Mimi: Sit over here. 咪咪:坐在这里。
Cosmi: Thanks! 科斯米:谢谢!
Cosmi: Okay I'm done. 科斯米:好吧,我吃完了。
Cosmi: Thanks guys. 科斯米:谢谢你们。
Mimi: Oh my goodness. 咪咪:哦,我的天啊。
Next day, on the street... 第二天,在街上...
Mimi: Hello Cosmi, oh my, you look 咪咪:您好,科斯米,噢,我
very fat today. 的,你今天看起来很肥。
Cosmi: I know. 科斯米:我知道。
Cosmi:I'm always fat! 科斯米:我总是很胖!
Cosmi: But this morning, I look 科斯米:但是今天早上,我看起
bigger. 来更大了。
Cosmi: I don't know why. 科斯米:我不知道为什么。
Mimi: You know why? 咪咪:你不知道为什么吗?
Mimi: If you eat too much desserts, 咪咪:如果你吃太多的甜点,你
you'll get fat. 就会发胖。
Mimi: Be care next time! Okay? 咪咪:下一次小心点!好吗?
Cosmi: Okay. I will be careful. 科斯米:好的。我会小心的。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Cannot wait to eat them 等不及吃了

Costa: So you're saying that if we eat 科斯达:所以你的意思是说,如
vegetables, we'll be healthy? 果我们常吃蔬菜,我们将会很健
Coco: Yup! Can't wait to eat them. 康吗?
Mimi: Here. If you're hungry, have 可可:是啊!等不及吃它们了。
some oranges. 咪咪:这里。如果你们饿了,吃
Costa: oranges? 一些橙子。
Costa: They're not vegetables. 科斯达:橙子?
Costa: I will only eat vegetables. 科斯达:他们不是蔬菜。
Mimi: Fruits are very good, too. 科斯达:我只会吃蔬菜。
Costa: Have some oranges. 咪咪:水果也非常好。
Coco: Are you still cooking? 咪咪:吃一些橙子。
Coco: I'm hungry. I'll eat this. 可可:你还要继续做饭吗?
Mimi: You shouldn't eat raw onions. 可可:我饿了。我先吃这个。
Mimi: You should cook that first. 咪咪:你不应该生吃洋葱。
Coco: I don't care. 咪咪:你应该先煮熟。
Coco: I'm so hungry right now! 可可:我不在乎。
Mimi: See? 可可:我太饿了!
Mimi: I told you that you should cook 咪咪:看到了吗?
it first! 咪咪:我告诉你,你应该先煮熟
Coco: Ahhh! Help me!! 了!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

I am hungry 我饿了
Buba: Mimi, I am hungry. 布巴:咪咪,我饿了。
Buba: What's for dinner? 布巴:晚饭吃什么?
Mimi: I'm making pasta. 咪咪:我正在做意大利面。
Mimi: If you want, I can make steaks. 咪咪:如果你想要,我还可以做些牛
Mimi: Okay here. Dinner is ready! 排。
Buba: Wow it looks delicious. 咪咪:好了,到这里来。晚餐准备好
Buba: I love bread with butter. 了!
Buba: Did you bake this bread too? 布巴:哇,看起来很美味。
Mimi: Yes I did. 布巴:我爱吃面包与黄油。
Mimi: Wash your hands first. 布巴:你还了这些烤面包吗?
ChinChin: Don't worry. 咪咪:是的,我烤了。
ChinChin: I already washed my 咪咪:首先先去洗手。
hands. 晨晨:不要担心。
Coco: I'm so hungry. 晨晨:我已经洗了我的手。
Coco: Nobody cooks for me. 可可:我太饿了。
Coco: I know! 可可:没人给我做饭。
Coco: I'm going to make Mimi cook 可可:我知道了!
for me every day. 可可:我可以让咪咪给我每天做饭。
Coco: Ha ha ha! 可可:哈哈哈!
Coco: Okay! 可可:好!
Coco: Great! This is so good. 可可:太好吃了,这个太好吃了。
Coco: Mimi, now I'd like some steak 可可:咪咪,我现在想一些牛排和一
and some bread. 些面包。
Costa: Me too! 科斯达:我也是!
Mimi: Yes, master. 咪咪:好的,主人。
Suri: Okay! 苏瑞:好吧!
Mimi: We'll see how you like this 咪咪:你看你们怎么喜欢这喜欢牛
steak. 排。
Coco: Mmm... It looks yummy. 可可:嗯...看起来很好吃。
Coco: What is this? It's too hot. 可可:这是什么?太热了。
Costa: Yuck!! 科斯达:呸!
Mimi: I thought you would like it! 咪咪:我想你会喜欢它的!
Mimi: Ha ha ha! 咪咪:哈哈哈!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

He likes me more 他更喜欢我

Bread: Is it morning? 面包:早上了?
Bread: Is it time to eat breakfast? 面包:吃早餐的时间到了吗?
Milk: Costa is going to eat me this 牛奶:科斯达今天早上会吃我
morning! 的!
Bread: No, Costa is going to eat me! 面包:不,科斯达将会吃我!
Bread: He likes me more! 面包:他更喜欢我!
Milk: No, Costa is going to eat me! 牛奶:不,科斯达将会吃我!
Milk: He likes me more! 牛奶:他更喜欢我!
Bread: Eat me! Eat me! 面包:吃我!吃我!
Bread: Look here! 面包:看这儿!
Milk: Look here! 牛奶:看这儿!
Milk: Eat me! Eat me! 牛奶:吃我!吃我!
Bread: Sorry. 面包:对不起。
Milk: Oops!! 牛奶:哎呀!
Milk: Look here! 牛奶:看这儿!
Costa: Hum. I am hungry. 科斯达:嗯。我饿了。
Costa: Sorry guys. 科斯达:对不起,伙计们。
Costa: I want some sandwiches and 科斯达:我想要一些三明治和牛
milk. 奶。
Costa: I like them more. 科斯达:我更喜欢它们。
Costa: You didn't know? 科斯达:你们不知道吗?
Costa: Oh well, too bad. 科斯达:哦,嗯,太糟糕了。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

My birthday is coming 我的生日快到了

Costa: My birthday is coming. 科斯达:我的生日快到了。
Costa: I want to have a birthday 科斯达:我想要开个生日聚会。
party. 科斯达:我想要邀请我的朋友。
Costa: I want to invite my friends. 科斯达:我想吹灭蜡烛。
Costa: I want to blow out the 科斯达:我想要礼物!
candles. 科斯达:我想要一个大蛋糕。
Costa: And I want presents! 伙计们:生日快乐,科斯达!
Costa: I want a big cake, too. 科斯达:谢谢你们,伙计们!
Guys: Happy Birthday Costa! 科斯达:现在,吃点东西。
Costa: Thank you, guys! 科斯达:好了,现在,我的蛋糕
Costa: Now, have some food. 在哪里?
Costa: Okay, now, where is my cake? 科斯达:这真的很有趣。
Costa:It was a lot of fun. 科斯达:谢谢你们的到来,伙计
Costa: Thanks for coming guys. 们。
Costa: Bye bye. 科斯达:再见。
ChinChin: Okay, guys. I have a good 晨晨:好吧,伙计们。我有一个
idea. 好主意。
ChinChin: Suri Suri! 晨晨:苏瑞苏瑞!
Suri: Ok! 苏瑞:好的!
Costa: Ah. What is it? 科斯达:啊。这是什么?
Costa: Hmm. It looks yummy!! 科斯达:嗯。看起来很好吃!
Costa: Oh my teeth! 科斯达:哦,我的牙齿!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Give me some food 请给我一些食物

Costa: Hello, Buba. 科斯达:您好,布巴。
Costa: Oh, is it a dog? 科斯达:哦,这是一只狗吗?
Buba: Yes it is. I have two dogs. 布巴:是的。我有两条狗。
Costa: Hey Buba. Can I keep him? 科斯达:嘿,布巴。我可以照顾
Buba: Umm. Okay. 它吗?
Buba: But it is not easy taking care of 布巴:嗯。好吧。
him. 布巴:但它不容易照顾。
Buba: You have to walk him every 布巴:你必须每天要带它去散
day. 步。
Buba: You have to feed him every 布巴:你必须每天给他喂食。
day. 布巴:你必须每天为它洗澡。
Buba: You have to wash him every 科斯达:不要担心!
day. 布巴:科斯达!
Costa: Don't worry! 布巴:我要求你必须照顾好他
Buba: Costa! 的!
Buba: I said you have to take care of 科斯达:哈,不管怎么说!一点
him! 也不好玩!
Costa: Ha, whatever! It is not fun! 科斯达:咦?这是什么味?
Costa: Huh? What is this smell? 科斯达:哦,我饿了!
Costa: Oh I am so hungry too! 晨晨:现在你知道它是什么样的
ChinChin: Now you will know what it 感受了吧。
is like. 科斯达:给我一点吃的!
Costa: Give me some food!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

What are you wearing? 你穿的是什么?

Cosmi: Hi, Mimi. 科斯米:嗨,咪咪。
Mimi: Hi, Cosmi. What are you 咪咪:嗨,科斯米。你穿的是什
wearing? 么?
Cosmi: Are you wearing new clothes? 咪咪:你穿了新衣服?
Mimi: Yes, I am wearing new clothes. 科斯米:是的,我穿了新衣服。
Cosmi: How do I look? 科斯米:我看起来怎么样?
Mimi: What are you wearing? 咪咪:你穿的是什么?
Cosmi: I am wearing a skirt. 科斯米:我穿了一件裙子。
Cosmi: I am wearing a hat. 科斯米:我戴着一顶帽子。
Coco: I am wearing a jacket. 可可:我穿了一件夹克。
Coco: I am wearing pants. 可可:我穿了一条裤子。
Mimi: But Coco, isn't it really tight? 咪咪:但是可可,是不是真的有
Mimi: You look very fat. 点紧?
Coco: What are you talking about? 咪咪:你看起来很胖。
Coco: I am skinny. Look! 可可:你说什么?
Mimi: Oops, Coco. Button your pants. 可可:我很瘦。你看!
Cosmi: Poor Coco. 咪咪:哎呀,可可。你裤子的扣
Mimi: By the way, Cosmi. 子。
Mimi: I think you should wear more 科斯米:可怜的可可。
clothes. 咪咪:顺便说一下,科斯米。
Mimi: Aren't you cold? 咪咪:我觉得你应该多穿点衣
Cosmi: No, not at all. 服。
Cosmi: Huh? What happened? 咪咪:你不冷吗?
Mimi: Cosmi, that looks great on you 科斯米:不,一点也不冷。
too! 科斯米:咦?发生了什么事?

HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Where do you live? 你住哪里?

Sam: Where do you live? 山姆:你住哪里?
Amy: I live in Sindangdong. 艾米:我住在斯诺丹侗。
Where do you live? 你住哪里?
Sam: I live in Hanra Apartment. 山姆:我住在韩瑞公寓。
Tomas: Where does your uncle live? 托马斯:你的叔叔在哪里住?
Amy: He lives in New York. 艾米:他住在纽约。
Judy: Where are you from? 朱迪:你来自哪里?
Bobby: I'm from the USA. 鲍比:我来自美国。
Where are you from? 你来自哪里?
Judy: I'm from Korea. 朱迪:我来自韩国。
Silvia: Where are you from? 西尔维娅:你来自哪里?
Tomas: I'm from Japan. 托马斯:我来自日本。
Where are you from? 你来自哪里?
Silvia: I'm from China. 西尔维娅:我来自中国人。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

What's your name? 你叫什么名字?

Teacher: What's your name? 老师:你叫什么名字?
Tommy: My name is Tommy. 汤米:我的名字叫汤米。
Teacher: What's your name? 老师:你叫什么名字?
Jane: My name is Jane. 简:我的名字叫简。
Judy: How old are you? 朱迪:你多大了?
Mike: I'm 9. 迈克:我 9 岁。
Judy: How old are you? 朱迪:你多大了?
Bobby: I'm ten years old. 鲍比:我 10 岁。
Teacher: What's your phone number? 老师:你的电话号码时多少?
Tommy: My phone number is 汤米:我的电话号码是 495-
495-7713. 7713。
Teacher: What's your phone number? 老师:你的电话号码时多少?
Betty: My phone number is 625-3875.
贝蒂:我的电话号码是 625-
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Making a Phone Call 1 打电话 1

June: Hello. 简尼:你好。
Attendant: Yes, what can I do for 服务员:是的,我可以为你做什
you? 么吗?
June: I'd like to book a ticket for New 简尼:我想预订 9 月 7 日到纽约
York on September 7. 的机票。
Attendant: Sorry, sir. All tickets are 服务员:对不起,先生。 9 月 7
sold out on September 7. 日所有的票都卖完了。
But we still have some tickets on 但是,我们仍然有一些 9 月 9 日
September 9. 的票。
Would you like me to put you on the 你需要我把你留在候名单上,
waiting list 还是预定 9 月 9 日的票。
or book a ticket for you on September 简尼:我希望把我的名字留在候
9. 名单上。
June: I'd like to put my name on the 服务员:好的,我可以知道你的
waiting list. 名字吗?
Attendant: Yes, can I have your 简尼:我的名字叫简尼帕克,我
name? 的电话号码是 546-8342。
June: My name is June Park, and my 那么,航班是什么时间到达纽
telephone number is 546-8342. 约?
Well, what time does flight arrive in 服务员:这个航班将在周一上午
New York? 抵达纽约。
Attendant: The flight will arrive in 简尼:我需要再确认吗?
New York on Monday morning. 服务员:不,你不用那样做。
June: Do I have to reconfirm?
Attendant: No. You don't have to do 我明天会给你电话。
I'll call you tomorrow.
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Making a Phone Call 2 打电话 2

Attendant: Hello. 服务员:你好。
June: I'd like to change my 简尼:我想变更一下我预订的 9
reservation for flight on September 月 12 日的飞机票。
12. 服务员:你能告诉我您的姓名和
Attendant: Can you tell me your 航班吗?
name and flight number? 简尼:我的名字叫简尼帕克和我
June: My name is June Park and my 的航班是 322。
flight number is 322. 服务员:你想要哪天的飞机票和
Attendant: What date and flight 哪趟航班。
number would you prefer? 简尼:有比那早一些的吗?
June: Is there an earlier flight than 我想要 11 日那天的航班。
that? 服务员:嗯,我现在查查看。等
I'd like to fly on the 11th. 请稍。
Attendant: Well, I'll check it out now. 简尼:好的。
Hold on please. 服务员:您好,我们有一张 11
June: Okay. 日上午的飞机票。
Attendant: Hello, we have a ticket for 需要留给你吗?
a flight on the 11th morning. 简尼:是的,我想要预留这张机
Is this available for you? 票。
June: Yes, I'd like make that
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Making a Phone Call 3 打电话 3

Suji: June, I'm sorry. I think I don't 苏吉:对不起。我觉得我不去机
be able to go to the airport to see 场给你送行了。
you off. 简尼:哦,不用担心。我一定会
June: Oh, don't worry about that. 没事的。
I'll definitely okay. 苏吉:嗯,我真的很想去,但我
Suji: Well, I really wanted to go, but I 得了重感冒。你什么时候离家?
have a terrible cold. 简尼:只要我的父亲一到家。无
What time will you leave home? 论如何,我理解你。要好好照顾
June: As soon as my father get 自己。现在,我们可以就在这里
home. Anyway, I understand you. 说再见了。
Just take care of yourself. 苏吉:好吧,简尼。旅途愉快。
We can say our goodbye right here 简尼:非常感谢。现在,我应该
and now. 说再见了。
Suji: Okay, June. Have a wonderful
June: Thank you very much. I should
say goodbye for now.
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Zoo 动物园
Costa: What are you going to do 科斯达:你今天要去哪里?
today? 布巴:我要去动物园。
Buba: I am going to the zoo. 布巴:我与咪咪和晨晨一起去。
Buba: I am going with Mimi and 科斯达:动物园?动物园里有什
Chinchin. 么动物?
Costa: Zoo? What kind of animals are 布巴:有海狮,海豹,袋鼠,猴
there at the zoo? 子,许多其他的。
Buba: There are lions, seals, 布巴:你看到了什么?你看到北
kangaroos, monkeys and many more. 极熊了吗?
Buba: What do you see? Do you see 咪咪:是的,我看到了。它们在
the polar bears? 游泳。
Mimi: Yes, I do. They are swimming. 布巴:你看到了什么?
Buba: What do you see? 晨晨:我看到了大象。他们正在
ChinChin: I see elephants. They are 洗澡。
taking a bath. 晨晨:并且我还看到了长颈鹿。
ChinChin: And I see giraffes. They 他们正在吃树叶。
are eating leaves. 布巴:什么?这一定是科斯达。
Buba: What? That must be Costa. 咪咪:这是怎么回事?
Mimi: What is going on? 布巴:猴子说...看!
Buba: The monkey said... look! 布巴:科斯达,停下来!
Buba: Costa, Stop it! 咪咪:嘿,看!你看到袋鼠了
Mimi: Hey, look! Do you see the 吗?
kangaroos? 晨晨:是的,我看到了。它们正
ChinChin: Yes, I do. They are 在跳着。
bouncing. 咪咪:不,科斯达在那里。
Mimi: No, Costa is there. 布巴:停下来!科斯达。
Buba: Stop that right now! Costa. 科斯达:哈哈哈!
Costa: Hahaha!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

You are late every time 你每次都迟到

Student: Are you upset to me? 学生:我若怒你了吗?
Teacher: Don't talk to me. 老师:不要跟我说话。
Student: I'm really sorry, please 学生:我真的很抱歉,请接受我
accept my apology. 的道歉。
Teacher: You are late every time. 老师:你每次都迟到。
Student: I'll never be late again. 学生:我以后不会再迟到了。
Teacher: Come on. You already said 老师:行了吧。你已经说饿了一
that about 100 times. 百多次了。
Student: This is the last time, please 学生:这是最后一次,请原谅
forgive me. 我。
Teacher: Ok. If you are late again, it 老师:好吧。如果你再迟到,它
will be over. 也就结束了。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

I'm in a hurry 我很赶时间

Tutti: Hey, Latty. 乌龟:嘿,拉蒂。
Latty: Tutti. 拉蒂:乌龟。
Tutti: Where are you going? 乌龟:你要去哪里?
Latty: Don't ask me anything. I'm in a 拉蒂:不要问我任何问题。我赶
hurry. 时间。
Tutti: Why are you in a hurry? 乌龟:为什么你那么急?
Latty: Do you happen to know where 拉蒂:你知不知道这附近哪里有
the bathroom is around here? 厕所?
Tutti: It's right behind the building, 乌龟:正好在这个建筑的后边,
Hurry up. 快点去吧。
Latty: Thank you. See you. 拉蒂:谢谢你。再见。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

What are you parents like? 你的父母是什么样的?

Boy: Hey, Kerry. Can I ask you 男孩:嘿,凯丽。我能问你一件
something? 事。
Kerry: Yes. What's that? 凯丽:好的。什么事?
Boy: You know, I ran into your 男孩:你知道,有一天我在街上
parents on the street the other day. 碰到了你的父母。
Boy: They made a good impression 男孩:他们给我留下了很好的印
on me. 象。
Boy: What are you parents like? 男孩:你的父母是什么样的?
Kerry: Well. How can I say? 凯丽:嗯。我该怎么说呢?
Kerry: My father is very kind-hearted 凯丽:我的父亲非常善良和体
and considerate. 贴。
Kerry: And my mother is always kind 凯丽:我的母亲总是对我很亲
to me and praises me a lot. 切,并经常称赞我。
Boy: They are very nice people as I 男孩:我认为他们都是非常好的
expected. 人。
Kerry: Thank you for saying so. 凯丽:谢谢你这么说。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Can I try it on? 我可以试穿一下吗?

Salesclerk: May I help you? 售货员:我有什么可以帮你吗?
Boy: Would you show me a shirt? 男孩:你能给我找一件衬衫看看
Salesclerk: Do you prefer any 吗?
particular pattern? 售货员:你有没有特别喜欢的风
Boy: No, I just want comfortable shirt 格?
to wear. 男孩:没有,我只想要一件穿得
Salesclerk: How about this one? 舒适的衬衫。
Probably you'd like this. 售货员:这个怎么样?也许你会
Boy: Can I try it on? 喜欢这个的。
Salesclerk: Sure, of course. Here is 男孩:我可以试穿一下吗?
the fitting room. 售货员:当然,当然可以。这里
Salesclerk: What size do you want? 是试衣间。
Boy: I'd like size 15. 售货员:你想要什么尺寸的?
Salesclerk: Wow, it looks good on 男孩:我想要 15 码的。
you. 售货员:哇,看起来很适合你。
Boy: I think this is a bit small for me. 男孩:我认为这一件对我来说有
Boy: Do you have it in a bigger size? 点小。
Salesclerk: Sorry, we don't have a 男孩:还有更大码的吗?
bigger one. 售货员:对不起,我们没有比这
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

What is she doing now? 她现在在做什么?

Mom: Where is your uncle? 妈妈:你叔叔在哪里?
Boy: He's in front of the house. 男孩:他在房子前面。
Mom: What is he doing now? 妈妈:他在做什么?
Boy: He's washing his car. 男孩:他正在洗车。
Mom: Tell him to have dinner. 妈妈:叫他吃晚饭。
Boy: Ok, mom. 男孩:好的,妈妈。

Man: Who are they? 男:他们是谁?
Woman: They are my brother and 女:他们是我的弟弟和妹妹。
sister. 男:他们在哪里?
Man: Where are they? 女:他们在我的生日派对上。
Woman: They're at my birthday 男:他们在做什么?
party. 女:他们在吃东西。
Man: What are they doing?
Woman: They're eating and drinking. C
C 么?
Man: Hi, Susan. What are you doing 苏珊:我在洗碗。
now? 男子:你平时经常洗碗吗?
Susan: I'm washing the dishes. 苏珊:不,我很少洗碗。
Man: Do you usually wash the 男:为什么你现在要洗呢?
dishes? 苏珊:因为我妈妈出城了。
Susan: No, I rarely wash the dishes.
Man: Why are you doing that?
Susan: Because my mother is out of
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Mom, I'm thinking of wearing 妈妈,我想穿这件条纹衬衫和短

this striped shirt and shorts 裤
Mom: What are you doing now? 妈妈:你在做什么?
Boy: I'm choosing my clothes for 男孩:我在选择穿什么衣服出
going out. 去。
Mom: Where are you going? 妈妈:你要去哪里?
Boy: I'm going to the birthday party 男孩:我要参加我朋友的生日派
of my friend. 对。
Boy: I need to dress up for the party. 男孩:我需要打扮一下去参加派
Mom: So did you choose the clothes? 对。
Boy: Well, I'm thinking of wearing 妈妈:所以你选择这些衣服吗?
this striped shirt and shorts. 男孩:嗯,我想穿这件条纹衬衫
Mom: Isn't it a little cold to wear 和短裤。
those shorts? 妈妈:穿那些短裤是不是有点
Boy: Kind of, but I'd love to wear 冷?
these today. 男孩:是的,但我今天想穿这
Mom: If you say so, I can't help it. 些。
Mom: But you should wear long socks 妈妈:如果你这么说,我也没有
instead. 办法。
Boy: Okay, I'll do that. 妈妈:可是你应该穿上长袜子。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Is there a post office nearby? 附近有邮局吗?

Woman: Excuse me. Do you know 女:对不起。你知道鞋店在哪里
where the shoe store is? 吗?
Man: Yes, I do. 男:是的,我知道。
Woman: Could you tell where it is? 女:你能告诉它在哪里吗?
Man: Sure. It's on Second Avenue, 男:当然可以。它在第二条大道
next to the bus station. 上,挨着公交车站。
Woman: Thanks a lot. 女:非常感谢。
Man: Not at all. 男:不客气。

Man: Excuse me. Is there a park 男:对不起。附近有公园吗?
nearby? 女:是的,附近有两个公园。
Woman: Yes, there are two parks 男:它们在哪里?
nearby. 女:一个在主大道上,另一个在
Man: Where are they? 第一大道上。
Woman: One is on Main Street, and 男:哪一个更好?
the other is on First Avenue. 女:我觉得主大道上的公园比较
Man: Which one is better? 好。
Woman: I think the park on Main
Street is better. C
C 男:你需要买一个蛋糕吗?
Woman: Today is my friend's 女:不,我还没有。我必须要买
birthday. 一个蛋糕。
Man: Did you buy a cake? 男:你知道面包店在哪里吗?
Woman: No, I didn't. I have to buy a 女:是的。它在第一大道,图书
cake. 馆的对面。
Man: Do you know where the bakery 男:好的。我们走吧!
Woman: Yes. It's on First Avenue,
across from the library.
Man: Ok. Let's go!
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Do you usually watch TV after 你通常吃完晚饭后看电视吗?

A 迈克尔:你平时吃完晚饭后看电
Michael: Do you usually watch TV 视吗?
after dinner? 苏珊:不,我不是。
Susan: No, I don't. 迈克尔:你通常什么时候看电
Michael: When do you usually watch 视?
TV? 苏珊:我经常在晚饭前看电视。
Susan: I usually watch TV before
dinner. B
B 女:她什么时候去购物?
Woman: Does your mother usually go 男:她每周周末去购物。
shopping every day?
Man: No, she doesn't. C
Woman: When does she go 男:你的爸爸星期天经常做什
shopping? 么?
Man: She goes shopping every 女:他洗他的车。
weekend. 男:他之后做什么?

Man: What does your father usually
do on Sunday?
Woman: He usually washes his car.
Man: What does he do after that?
Woman: He usually watches TV or
reads a newspaper.
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Are you busy now? 你现在忙吗?

Michael: Hi, Susan! 迈克尔:嗨,苏珊!
Susan: Hi, Michael. How are you 苏珊:嗨,迈克尔。你今天好
feeling today? 吗?
Michael: Very well. How are you? 迈克尔:很好。你怎么样?
Susan: So so. 苏珊:马马虎虎。
Michael: What's wrong? 迈克尔:出了什么事?
Susan: I have a sore throat. 苏珊:我喉咙痛。

Man: Where is Peter? 男:彼得在哪里?
Woman: He's in the kitchen. 女:他在厨房里。
Man: Is he busy now? 男:他现在在忙吗?
Woman: Yes, he is. 女:是的,他在忙。
Man: What's he doing? 男:他在做什么?
Woman: He's having lunch. 女:他正在吃午饭。

Man: Where are your uncle and aunt? 男:你叔叔和阿姨在哪里?
Woman: They're in the parking lot. 女:他们在停车场。
Man: Are they busy now? 男:他们现在很忙吗?
Woman: Yes, they are. 女:是的,他们在忙。
Man: What are they doing? 男:他们在做什么?
Woman: They're washing their car. 女:他们正在洗车。
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Wild ducks 野鸭子

Tori: No, no, no. Give me a pebble. 多利:不好,不好,不好。给我
Tori: Look. 一个鹅卵石。
Hootty: Oh, no. 多利:看。
Hootty: Come on, Tori! Do 赫媞:哦,不。
something! 赫媞:快点,多利!做些什么!
Tori: Okay. 多利:好吧。
Girl: What is your name? 女孩:你叫什么名字?
Dooggy: I don't know. I don't 都吉:我不知道。我不记得了。
remember. 女孩:你不记得了。
Girl: You don't remember. 都吉:不记得了。
Dooggy: No. 赫媞:嗯......你今年多大了?
Hootty: Well... How old are you? 都吉:我多大了?
Dooggy: How old am I? 都吉:我 3 岁了。
Dooggy: I am 3 years old. 都吉:不是,不是。我 6 岁。
Dooggy: No, no. I am 6 years old. 都吉:啊哈!我 5 岁。
Dooggy: Ah ha! I am 5 years old. 都吉:嗯...我不知道。我不记
Dooggy: Well... I don't know. I don't 得了。
remember. 都吉:你多大了?
Dooggy: How old are you? 赫媞:我 6 岁。
Hootty: I am 6 years old. 多利:我也 6 岁。
Tori: I am 6 years old, too. 女孩:我也是。
Girl: Me too. 多利:我很抱歉,鸭子。
Tori:I am so sorry, Duck. 都吉:没事。
Dooggy: It is okay. 女孩:你叫什么名字?
Girl: What is your name? 女孩:你是不是叫都吉?
Girl: Is your name Dooggy? 都吉:也许我是都吉。
Dooggy: Maybe I am Dooggy. 女孩:你多大了?
Girl: How old are you? 女孩:你是不是 4 岁了?
Girl: Are you 4 years old? 都吉:也许我 4 岁了。
Dooggy: Maybe I am 4 years old. 女孩:他的名字都吉,他 4 岁
Girl: His name is Dooggy and he is 4 了。
years old. 妈妈:您好。
Mommy: Hello. 妈妈:我的宝贝,我的宝贝...
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

Mommy: My baby, my baby... 妈妈:我是他的妈妈。

Mommy: I am his mommy. 都吉:妈妈。
Dooggy: Mommy. 妈妈:都吉。
Mommy: Dooggy. 妈妈:你没事吧,我的孩子?
Mommy: Are you okay, my baby? 妈妈:谢谢你们,孩子们。
Mommy: Thank you, kids. 妈妈:再见。
Mommy: Bye. 都吉:再见。
Dooggy: Bye. 孩子们:再见。
Kids: Bye.
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

I am falling 我失败了
Coco: What's this? Looks strange... 可可:这是什么?看起来很奇
Coco: Hey boss, do you know what 怪...
this is? 可可:嘿,老哥,你知道这是什
Costa: What? It just likes a long stick 么吗?
to me... 科斯达:什么?我看它就像一根
Costa: I have a great idea...he he 长棍子......
Mimi: Who is that? Costa! 科斯达:我有一个好想法......
Mimi: It's you! I'll get you for this! 呵呵
Costa: Hey! Stop it! It was just a 咪咪:是谁?科斯达!
joke. 咪咪:是你!我会从你这拿回来
Costa: I didn't mean it! 的!
Costa: Whoa! I'm falling! 科斯达:嘿!住手!这只是一个
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

I eat vegetables 我吃些蔬菜

Buba: Here we go! 布巴:我来了!
Buba: Goal! 布巴:进球了!
Referee: Guys! Let's take a break! 裁判:伙计们!我们休息一下
Referee: We'll finish playing after 吧!
lunch! 裁判:午饭后我们将继续比赛!
Hey, Cosmi. If you want, I'll beat him 嘿,科斯米。如果你想的话,我
up for you. 会帮你教训他。
Cosmi: Well, it's probably because he 科斯米:嗯,这很可能是因为他
eats lots of vegetables. 吃了大量的蔬菜。
Cosmi: Maybe that's why he's got a 科斯米:也许这就是为什么他有
lot of energy and is playing so well. 那么多的精力,并且打得这么
Buba: Yay! I won! 好。
Cosmi: are you so good? 布巴:耶!我赢了!
Buba: Because I don't eat junk food 科斯米:布巴...你怎么这么厉
like you do. 害?
Buba: Instead, I eat rice and 布巴:因为我不像你一样吃垃圾
vegetables. 食品。
Buba: That's why I played much 布巴:相反,我吃米饭和蔬菜。
better than you. 布巴:这就是为什么我打得比你
Cosmi: I should have eaten 更好。
vegetables too... 科斯米:我应该也吃些蔬菜...

I hate rice 我讨厌米饭

HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

ChinChin: I'm hungry. 晨晨:我饿了。

Mimi: What are you getting? 咪咪:你们想要吃什么?
Mimi: The usual bowl of rice? 咪咪:跟平时一样来碗米饭吧?
ChinChin: Of course. It's the best! 晨晨:当然。这是最好的!
Costa: Look at them. 科斯达:看看他们。
Costa: They're eating rice. Yuck! 科斯达:他们在吃饭饭。呸!
Coco and Cosmi: Yeah...they don't 可可和科斯米:是啊,他们不知
know what they're missing with this 道他们错过了这个好吃的比萨!
pizza! 科斯达:哈哈!我敢打赌你想要
Costa: Ha ha! I bet you want some of 这个!
this! 晨晨:咪咪,我会好好帮你报仇
ChinChin: Mimi, I'll take care of this. 的。
Costa: You know how much I hate 科斯达:你知道我有多么讨厌米
rice. 饭。
Mimi: If you think eating rice is 咪咪:如果你认为吃大米是酷。
uncool. 咪咪:让我们来比比看谁更强
Mimi: Let's find out which one of us is 壮! 

Picking all the dandelions 采摘蒲公英

Mimi: Hello, Costa. What are you 咪咪:嗨,科斯达。你在这里做
HaloKeyKey Tuition Class Miss Wong 黄老师

doing here? 什么?

Costa: Spring is here and they 科斯达:春天来了,而蒲公英的
dandelion seeds are flying 种子到处乱飞!
everywhere! 科斯达:我想摆脱他们,因为它
Costa: I want to get rid of them 们让我鼻子发痒的!
because they're tickling my nose! 咪咪:但是,科斯达,它们必须
Mimi: But Costa, they have to do that 那样,否则它们不能播种。
otherwise they can't bloom. 科斯达:那又怎么样。我不在
Costa: So what. I don't care. 乎。
ChinChin: Hey, what's going on Mimi? 晨晨:嘿,咪咪,这是怎么回
Mimi: ChinChin, Costa is picking all 事?
the dandelions. 咪咪:晨晨,科斯达采摘蒲公
Mimi: What should we do? 英。
ChinChin: Costa! Stop it! 咪咪:我们应该怎么办?
Costa: It's none of your business! 晨晨:科斯达!住手!
ChinChin: Oh yeah? We'll see about 科斯达:这不关你的事!
that... 晨晨:哦,是吗?我们走着瞧
ChinChin: Will you listen now? 吧......
Costa: Ok. You win. 晨晨:现在你听了吗?
Costa: I'm sorry. 科斯达:好的。你赢了。
Costa: I'll stop picking the other 科斯达:对不起。
dandelions. 科斯达:我会停止采摘其他蒲公

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