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"(149b.) Ad levand' debita dni Will'mi de Grenburgh nuper
Archidiaconi Stafford defuncti.

"Commissary to collect all debts, due to deceased "ratione

dignitatis su~e, ut ad animre su;:e salutem debita COllvertantur," and
to administer the intestate's estate, and also to carry 011 the correc-
tional part of the office, out of which some of the profits accrued.
On a Fly-leaf
A list of Impropriations made by Bishop Roger, under the
authority of the Holy See-24 in No., all contained in the Register
On another Fly-leaf the following notes.


(1332.) The Prebend of Eccleshall is certified (apparently to an

Italian collector) to be divided into 3 portions, i.e. Slymdon, Offeley
and High EccleshalL
, Return' to the King, of defaulters, cited for not paying the
King's Tenth for two years.
, lleturn' to the Barons of the Exchequer, of names of Collectors IN THE
of the King's tenth for 3 years. Great difficlllty in collecting.






In 1165-6 Ranulph de Behneis held three knight's fees under
the Baron of Stafford. These fees were apparently of old feoffment,
NTY OF STAFFORD. that is, had been bestowed on Ranulph's ancestors before the death
of Henry L His under tenant in two of them was John Bigod
Blymhill, or Blmllenhltll is ~ [Bagod or Bagot] and in the third Hervey de Wilbrichtone.' The
w:111Ch the history has neve~ been " those St~ffordshire manors of latter will have been identical '?lith the manor of WiIbrighton and
hIstorian. wlltten by eIther county or local the two former 'w'ith those of Blymhill and Brinetoll.
D'IVI'd ed, at <111 early period i n t . . At this period, then, we have Ranulph de Belmeis as mesne Lord
centuries possessed an}' IT t' °d se,'eral portIOns, it has not for of Blymhill and Brineton under the Baron of Stafford, and J ORN
orea reSl cnt 1a dl d h
tunes might have afforded matter for n Or s. w ase varied for~ BAGOD as the tenant in fee.
Wl10S muniment rooms 'h '. pers~llal blOgTaphy, or from For an account of the family of de Belmeis, who were also Lords
rived to shew how it aut ..:IentIle mformatwll might have been de. of the neighbouring manor of Tong in Shropshire and persons of
. passeu t ITOHO'h the 11 d f'
propl'letors. Erdeswick t h , bOI an s 0 Its successive great note from the reign of Henry L, and for a history of their
Ia t er edItor have passed · , e venera e county h" .
t. lStonan, and his successors, the Zouches, Harcourts, and Pembruges, I must refer
- ' lOver WIth very littl t·
IS calculated to mislead. n01' d .' . e. no 108, and that little my readers to Mr. Eyton's Antiquities of Shropshire.'"' These mesne
treated of by Mr. Sha .'. hi oes It fall wlthm the area which Was Lords, however, appear to have retained no substantial interest at
\\ In S uniimshed H" t · d . ',-
of Staffordshire. The t· I f ' IS 01Y an AntIqUItles Blymhill, though we find them for a while occasionally alluded to
th IDa ena s or Its histo h
ga ered from various unp bI" h d ry m\lst, t erefore, be in connection with it. Their tenure was accordingly soon lost sight
r~sult of my Own enquiriesUI l;ee~ Sources; and In recording the of, and in the inquisitions taken with respect to these lands. the
pIoneer for the futUre hist· f h I am merely acting as a heirs of John Bagot are invariably reported to have held this manor
it lies. onan 0 t at part of the COlmty in which of the Baron of Stafford.
, The Parish of Blymhill ancient! . These Bagots were doubtless a branch of the knightly family of
III the Hundred of Quttl ' t y wntten Billmenhull, is situated that name now repl'esented by Lord Bagot, of Blithfield; but I am
the townships or manor: ~fll :~County of Stafford. It contains unable to trace their exact connection.
held under the Barony of Stai£ Y hiH and Bnneton, which were Mr. Eyton preserves the following deed of William son of John
Stafford Duke of B ki b Ord until the attainder of Edward Ba"aut (of Blymhill), being a grant to the Abbey 01 Buildwas in
' lie nO' am ill 1591' hi
b een held of the Kin . 0 . > ... ,Slice w eh time they have Shropshire. '
- g ~n cap2te These
In the Domesday Sur . R' manOrs are thus mentioned " I William, son of John Bagoth, have conceded to the Abbot and
vey._ OBERT de ST h I
TONE ij bides, and W A1liN of hi . ATFORD 0 ds in BRUNI- Convent of Buldewas the whole convention which was made
times] and were free ill Tmh' Fl~e thanes held it [i.e., in Saxon between them and my father about the land which is beyond the
earos. There are three en. ill' ere IS land sU ffi' Clen t 1or three ox- Rivulet,from the boundaries of w~estune [Weston under Lizard] to the
There are eicrht acres Of v aIDs and two boors with two oxteams. boundaTies of Broctune [Brocton], and to observe all these things
0 d
~meaowWoodt .
andh t e same in breadth It.' wo quarantmes in lenoth firmly for the (specified) term we have made affidavit in the County
~OBERT holds in BRli'MH~LLE t~l;:'~h ten shi~lings. The sa~e Couxt of Staifort, viz., I, my mother and my brothers, Roger, J ohu, and
him. Five brothers held it d ill] one hide, and WAR!" of Thomas. And of all these things are witnesses, Hervey de Stratton,
sufficient for four oxteams I and were ~ree men. There is land sheriff,4 Geoffrey Salvage, Adam de Wrotesleg, Nicholas de Mutton,
serf and seven villains and' f n b emesn~ IS one (oxteam) with Olle Ralph de Belcher, Adam de Bildewas, William Orasset. This last
t wo acres · OUr oars Wlth s· t
of meadow wood 0 I . IX ox earns. There are convention was made in the year from the Lord's incarnation 1176."
. . ne eaoue m I rrth
m breadth. In RUSCOTE is on h·a. ~n~ and one quarantine
The Whole value is twenty shi~in~se pertallll.Dg to the same manOT. 1. Lib. Niger I. 136. ~ Antiquities of Shropshire, voL ii. p. 208. ~ Ibid. vol. ii
o . p. 264 note, quoted from Blakeway's MES., from Mytton's collections. ~ Hervey
de Stratton was Sheriff of Staffordshire from 1166 to 1184.


"\Villiam was succeeded by his sun John Bagot, who, with his
ncigllLonr, Hamo de \Veston, IVas indited at tIle Forest Assizes of
1Iarch, 1209, for receiving marksmen [BcTSatores] and hounds at
Elymhill n.nd '-Veston.! The result of this indictment does not
appeal'. Theil' immediate propinquity to the Royal Forest of Bre-
wood will la ve brought them under close supervision insuch matteI's.
This last John Bagat liarried lfargery, daughter of Warin
Fitz 'Varin (othenvise called Ie StTallge) of Burwardesley, or
Broseley, in the County of Salop; which nfal'gery, in 1244, had
livery of one-third of the Manor of AShley, co. Stafford, as the
youngest of three sisters and co-heirs of Roger de Burwardesley.
She had been sometime wife of John Bagot, but had then long
been a widow. I suppose John Bagot to have been deceased as
early as the year 1223-4, for in that year Margaret Bagot gives
half a mark for summoning Roger Martel before the Justices at
Westminster to acquit her of the service which Milisent de Stafford
demands of her for her freehold in Blumenhul and Brunton,
a.nd the Sheriff, &c.' In 1225 Hervey Bagot is summoned
to answer to Rogel' la Soueh why he distrained Upon the fee of the
said Roger in Blimhill and Brinton, whe~ Roger had performed all
0 .S
H ~
servic"es due for it; whereby Margaret Bagot, who holds the fee of 0
Roger, is damaged to the extent of 10 marks. Hervey appeared
and admitted the distress, and stated it had been levied for the I

;:Q >--'
reliefs which Roger owed to him after tbe deaths of his father aU,d
brother. Roger denied that he owed anything, and stated that hIS I '"0 ~
father had been dead forty years, and after his death his brother
had performed homage and paid his relief to the father of Hervey, II R
and, after the death of his brother, Roger had done homage to the ~

father of Hervey, and he had afterwards done homage to M. the

,\ '"§

mother of Hervey, and afterwards to Hervey himself. As Hervey p.,
could not deny the above facts a verdict is returned for Rogev
I suppose the defendant in tills suit 'to have been Hervey Bagot I Pi
Baron of Stafford, the Son and successor of Hervey Bagot and his,
wife Melisent de Stafford, the daughter and heiress of Robert de
I ""0

Stafford, and therefore chief lora of the fee. In this case the 0
Chief Lord appeal·s to have unduly distrained upon the lands of
Margaret Bagot, the tenant in fee, who thereupon called the mesne
Lord, Roger la Zouche, to warranty.
I .,

This Roger was the son of .Alan la Zouche and Alice, the sister '""
]. Ant. Shrop. vol ll. p. 186. 2 Fines and Amerciaments, 8 Hen. III. 3 Coram ,..,
Rege Rolls, Mich. Term, 9 Hen, III.


and heiress of Ranulph de Belmeis, wIDch Roger succeeded to the

inheritance on the death of his elder brother William in 1199. In
1229 we tind 11argery Bagot suing the same Eager 1a. Zouche under
writ of novel disseizin for her free tenement in Blymhill.l This is
the last I hear of tl1e rights of these mesne Lords in B1ymhill.
In a record, which must bear date about 1240,2 the heirs of John
Bagot are said to hold two fees in Blimenhull and Brineton wnder
the Barons of Staff01·d.
These heirs of John Bagot seem to have been four daughters, of
whom one married vVilliam de Ipstones, a second, Margery, married
first Ralph de Coven, and secondly William de Drayton, a third
married . de Pitchford, and a fourth, Phelippa, married
Geoffrey de Bromley.
The following deed, .which is unfortunately without date, will
give us the name of one of the two anonymous daughters, probably
the wife of de Pitchford.
" Be it known, &c., that I, Elizabeth, daughter of John Bagot of
Blumen'hul, and I, Phelippa, uaughter of the same John de Blumen-
hul, being in full age and in our maidenhood, and being in full
seizin of our land, have given, &c.., to Ralph de Coven and his heirs
all our right in Dlakemor, to which are witnesses Sir ·Hugh de
\\Teston,lmight, James de Morton, John Bagot of Brunton, William
Warde or Bruuton, and Richard Bagot of the same vilI."s
In 1255 William de Ypstans, Ralph de Covene, Geoffrey de
Bromley, and Richarcl de Pychford appear as joint Lords of
Blymhill,'" which gives an approximate idea as to the co-heirs of
John Eagot and his wife Margery.
The latter, however, was still living, and appears to have survived
until 1259. The inq nisition taken on her death, as a tenant in
capite, bears date 10th May, 43 Hen. III. (1259), and reports as
follows,-Margeria de Blumenhull held one-third of Aschley by
payment to the King of half a IDerk whenever a seutage was levied.
She also paid 7s. per annum to Sir Fulk Fitz Warin. The wife of
Geoffrey de Bromley, whose name was Phelipe, was Margery's heir

1 Rot. Pat. 14 Hen. IlL, dorso.

~ Testa. de Nevill fo. 210; being a copy of enrolments of inquisitions touching
hnds held of the Crow.D. in capite or by knight's sen·ice, so fa.r as relates to th::::
County of Stafford, from :t curious and ancient record in the King's remembrancer
office in the Court of Exchequer, compiled by John Nevill, a Justice Itinerant, 1
and 24 Hen_ IlL, and kno;vn by the name of Testa de Nevill.
3 Newport evidonces ; i.t., Bbkcway's M.S. extracts of tlceJ!< of the New!l

b.mily in the Bodleian Library at Oxford. .. Rot. hund. II. 144.



in respect of three parts of Ashley, aud John, son 01 William
de Ipston, Was heir of the other quarter, Phelipe was 30 years of i . until the
d whole advowson
adheredntt:~KY lB:l:d~:d·endeavourto
th ir co-heirs or aSSIgns
age and ,Tohn 26.' On the 12th of Jnne following, "the Kingre,
ceive,i the homage ,,[ Uc~i-cy
de Bromie, who married Phelip ,
II was1Teve st now
a:quired by the Earl of
" Ieave
. the Manor as aWl ,
daughter and one (alteram) of the heirs of Margery de Blymenhull, pa i
,\, e mu ' b equent divlSlOns. d . accord-
aud of J ohu de Ipstolles, gran,lsou (nepotis) and other heir of the !, its history through \he above decision was IDa e ::e wile of
said ~falgcry,for all laUds and tenements which the said Margery If we may assume heirs we shall suppose
ance with the seniority of the c~een ~he eldest sister, Marger? e
had held of the King in capite," Philip de Legh was to take i
security from the said Geffl'ey, Phelippa, and J ohu for their reliel, WilliamtIlede 2nd, [Ehzat~ etl~lv~e Pychford the 3rd, and Phelippa
and give thern seizin, "And because the said Margery had long
befol'e her death enleoffed Phelippa and John in the said lands,
i, Coven,
de Bromley the 4th,
and they asserted themselves to have been already ten years in
Possession, Philip de Legh, if he fiuds this to be the case, shall re- l whom I take to have b.e~n
The wife of William de Ipstone:, r BaO";::t, was probably livmg In
store to thern all receipts which he IJad had off the said land since
they had been seized into the King's llands."2 senior co-heiress of John and Ma::joh,t Lord 01 Blymhill, and ~ad

The same Margery had also grauted, some ten Or nfteenyears before
1233, when her husban~ ~~ul: Ipstones is represented as c~ ~~
Marg:~y~ust or(~9; ~u)
in 1930, when her SOli, 0 Ie Blumenhull, and 26 years 0 bag t
her death, to Ralph de Covene, and Margery his wife (another 01 her
to his gTandmother,
T therefore have been Ib 4
daughteTs), and the heirs of their bodies, her intel'eSt, or most of it, in his John de Ipstoues, w b dead in 3 Edw. . " '. 'h
Broseley, as will be shewn mOTe fully hereafter; so that she must 1 ')'~3 we may suppose to have een . e, WhlC
. ted to take the aSSlZ
have disposed 01 nearJy all her inheritance before her death, "j') , certain Justiciars were appo.m d acramst Hugh de Weston-
In the year 1284 Will. de Ipstones, Rob. de Bromley, Bog. de Wlen h I stones arralgne 1::> II •
William, son of Jo n p. ' . 001 in Blumenhu ._

~ ed~to
Baron a'Od Tho.
of Stafford. de Hyde, are said to hold Blimeuhull of Nic
:I r Brewode coucermng a certam P ones (fives half a mark to
unde Edw 1.' (1277,8 William de Ipst d take hissecurity.'

ha~: a~Oas~~!;, a~, ~o;::mU:~e

In the yeaI' 19 Edw. I (1291), the church of Blymhill being In .' d the Sheriff 01 Staff. IS or er , leads Wm. de
vacant by reason of the death 01 Walter de Lega, late Rector thereof, (1281,2) Richard:: custody of the
a dispute arose between William de Hippestans, Thomas de la Hyde, Ippestones, and ten oth@:l,rJs, fhn°r ~~e~~ which belongs to him byrteasomu

;~~~::: sa:~ hel~:e hi~l~;:a~~~~:;~:arhimse~ ~:~

P.alph Streche, Henry de W yverston, Roger de PichfoI'd, and Robert d . h ritance 0 0 , • two caruca es
de BrOmley, heirs and coparceners of the Manor of Blymhill and of
the advowson of the churCh, as to the right of presentation; which ;ohn t!;
f Cilstarne by mllitary se. . h ' h Id them in soccage an
Was thus determined; William de Hippestans was to present for rest avers t h at John '~
h,S fat" eJ, e d
this tum alone; Thomas de la HYde, Ralph Streche, and Henry de
WyveTstOn, for the next turn; Roger de Pichford for the third turn; I 1 service. Icleo venJurWilliam de Ipstones, is retumde d
military ~s
984 as we have seen,.
and Robert de BrOmley for the fourth turn.' And this order n " , 'n', And ill L....91 h had the rightawar e 0
e rnhill'
appears, from the Diocesau Registers, to have been afterwards strictly J'oint Lord 01 Blymhl
. I the first turn, to the Church of Bly
him 01 presentIng, or d and.
, Inqui'. 43 H'n. IlL, No. 12. b. Though no m'ntion i, mad, h", of mo", . the County of Staffer ,
than two daught'" of M"gery Bagot d, Blum,nhul!, it will b, 'h,WD h""ft" mat as LOTd of Ipstones, m th Manor of Ipstone~.
' WilliAm d, Ir,ton" w 0 f d, Vacdon, of whom h' hald 'ot of D,ula",,, and
th, daught,,, and co-h'ir, of M"g,'Y d, COV,n, anoth" of h" daught,,", inh"it,d cadet of the baronial Y ·tanes fTranted to Stephen, Abb near _ to which aTa
"m, ,ight in Ashl,y, whi,h Waa ,ub"quently hought up hy th, Bmml,y" Tire
age of Phelippa de Brom.ley is probably understated in this inquiSition.
In 28 Henry III. Wilham e
-:~l ~asture
his f~r:"'erve;end,BE:Dediet
of Ipstayn d
his men of Leik, free commou b rt Beo.:k, ·William Mevere ' 'do and Henry his son
. 1 d Lan ....eford, ~'o t: H 'y de la. or, !S )
' Rot. Fin. 43 H,n, III, m'mh. b. , Teata d, H'rill, Staff. XXV. I imagin,
witllesses Nlge e ., WUl"am de CheteltoD, en 29 dorso. (Salt's:h .
B1ymhill. (p@~
th, ,tat,m,nt to b, imp"f"t aa "."d, th, "P"'"ntation of Oovan', ,h.,., of
• Huntba,h, MS., Vol. If. L"d W""oal,y). (Sleigh's Historyo~Leei'!' 'tSalt's
and Rici>acd d, Cond"y:
5 MS). 'Rot. P~t. >\1~uo';ol
, Rot. Pat. 3 Edw. 1. m. t d f<om SI,igh', Hi..
~ Rot. Fin. 6 E W·S·TestadeN"evill. •6 Huntbac
tory of Leek, p. 207. I J
e~ .
I! '

He W d
. HILL }
w"', as cad before the .ttl T • J THE MANOR AND PARISH OF BLYMHTLL, 297
ll[IO~r<1lctllil!8(leH" ~l of .November 1')9') i
uald (k~ Vcr I l~ ,(dey, the Kiwr's esch t' oJ~, .tbe date of a !
I tUn ns shew t I ,.., ea 01', recltlUO'th t T of 12s. 2d. yearly and suit at his Court of Kynggesley every three

.rpe.stancs IT''cl • I !l 0 t 18 l\.lllIT "-hQ.j. h _ 0 a heo-
la:ll Ls and 'tel~en~e~l e~c:l..:;ed, held, On the c1~1: ~7 ~reas William de
O weeks, and they aTe worth in all issues 60s. Also the same William
llnlitalT 8e''''1'C ].ts In IIJIJl~st<111es of tIle' f lu~ death, certain held the moiety of Casterne of Jolm, Lord of Ockover, by homage
~. C· 'v Ie' f a oresar 1 TI and service of 78. yearly and suit of Court at Ockover every three
mcut.<:, nntj] the'] . .f 18 ore the custody of the 'd Ie leobald by
.- ,n'.; nl aITe f I " sm ands a d weeks, and it is worth yea.rly in all issues 4-08. And the same
'1Ylth the m::lITi'we 0 ~ ':::> 0 t le hC'il' of the said v '. n teue_
saicll'henhlIl'o t the same lleil' Leil}'" u] V1lliam, together 1 'Villiam held the fourth part of the ManaI' of Blumenhull with
" { , and thilt J '~O lle er "_0'8 pe ,. ' appurtenances of the heir of the Baron of Stafford (who is within
other 1'1ncls 1 'JeCrHlsC the afores 'd Wo."" .' rl<c1.1DS to the
nn( tencm ~ 8.l 11liam 1 ld age and in the King's Cl1.StOc.1y) for the fourth part of one knight's
ce;l,sed '1vh) held 01 '] ent.s of the heir of Nich 1 d Ie certain
.' tleKllll'. o[tseStaf:tidd fee and suit at his Comt of Stafford every tInee weeks, and it is
age, IS in the Kina' h ~n cajJ?'fe, which said . . or, e- worth yearly in all issues £6 6s. Sd. Also they say that John,
th_e Xing's llands s l~ustody, the Sheriff did tl hell', bemg ~der
th son of 'Villiam de Ipstanes, is the heir of the said William,
srud 'l'heobald e <-l.nds and tenemen-'-s 1. lereupon take mto
together with tl;:s ;f01'8S<1i<1, and the h~irw ~~c~hwere holden of the
and he was eight years old at Eastel' in the 20th year of the
King's reign. Also they say that the marriage of the said heir
said William ot ~er lands and tenement . e same William,
and pertains to the Lord the King, by reason of the custody of Blumen-
the great e]am unjustly detains them fr s whtllCh belonged to the
'" 'age and] om le s 'd Th hun and not to the saiel Theobald de Verclun, The total yearly
fore deSires the saie] Sl ossffo f the said Theobald ThaI .".,_ eobald to value in all issues is £1S 6s. Sd.. 1
to eert 1'fy to 11' tl le1'l to t a l - ·
' ... e an mquisit' . e -fi..UJ.11' the re-
On the 20th of January, 1293, the King's escheator is ordered to
be done in t~m Ie trutll in the premises . IOn on the ~ubject and
accept security from Agnes, the widow of William de Ippestanes
Upon-Tweed 4:h ~atter, to the saiel Theob'~~ or~r that Justice may
TI ' .' '. • ov., 20 Edw I ,ated at Berwick. that she will not marry without the King's licence, and to assign to
1e lnq1.Usltlon was . . her reasonable dower out of the lands and ~tenements in his baili-
the feast of St taken at Stafford on
of King Edw;".~homas the Apostle, in the 2i~ursday next before
wick which her late husband held of the heir of the Baron of Staf-
I: ford, who is under age and in tb.e King's custody. The precept
John de C t (December 18, 129 2 ) b year of the reign II recites that the King had ascertained by his said escheator that
W illi'am at asB]al;: erne, Roaer d Il
I b e agenholt Il "
", y Henry de C I
0 ton, ,
William de Ippestane8, d.eceased, held the 4th part of the Manor
Ro bert de Stanl e egh, Thomas de BaddUe . enru'dlCt de Ilorcidene, :f
de B owe, Adam de r J e, chard de Rud d of Blumenhull of the heir of the Baron of Stafford by the sJrvice of a
W'lli~genholt, and Thomas d T )..yngh, Robelt de Reton ~illy:r , 4th part of a knight's fee, and doing suit at the court of Stafford every
1 am de Ypp t e ene who s ,lam three weeks; wt,erefore the custody of the said. 4th part of the said
and Foxwyst of ~han~s, lately decea~ed hel:rhu~~n their oath that
the service of te he~ ~ld de Verdun' ~iz F e 1 anal's of Ipstanes
. n s lllincrS d ' " oxwyst for h
Ii manor pertains to the King. The escheator, however, is commanded
not to intrude into the said 4th part nor into any other of the lands
VIce of twopence and . 0 ,an Ippestanes f 11 omage and in his bailiwick which the said William helel of other lords on the
he ought to :find SUIt of court at Alvet or omage and the ser-
f one man in th on every thre k day of his death, and which the escheator seizl?-d into the King's
Or forty days for all . e Castle of Alvet . , e Wee ~,':;, and hands, saving to the King the marriage of the said William's heir.
Manor (sic) of I t serVIces, and not by mili On In the time of War
Also the sameps;;r:-e~ and Foxwyst is Worth tary s.ervice; and the Dated at Alvreton, 20 J anual]. '
~ones, the widow of William de Ipstones, afterwards married a
and Le Whiteh la llliam held Sharpecliff y;arl y lU all issues 40s,
certain "''"illifl.m Wycher i and in 26 Edw. I (1297,S) Justices were
service of one :u~ of the LOl"d of Chetelton adewyk Le Gnypp
appointed to take the assize of novel disseizin which Richard de
worth yearly i! all d. of pepper yeru:ly for all ,fa: homage and the
Lord of K ISSues 100s. Th serVIces, and they al' Brunton arraigned against William Wycher and Agnes his wife
. yncrcresley Ank . e same Willi e concerning common of pasture in BlumenhulV Again in 33 Edw. 1
twelve acres ~f I d' . etil de la Ward twO b am held of the
an WIth one water mill f, h Ovates of land, and
or omage and the service l Inq 21. Edw. 1., No. 134. :. Rot. Claus. 21 Edwd. I., m. 10 (Salt's M8.)
~ Rot. Pat. 26 Edw 1. m. 2.0 in (lorso (SuIt'S :M'..S.).

. e r.1 ortnomari a d R
take the ass' f . n ~. de BellafaO'Q W .
Nuns of B ,lze 0 nore1 d'l.s-sr,i:"in which the pO .• ere appOInted to in the intermediate year, namely, in the octaves of St. Michael,
?0l~llll0n ~f ~):7t~~~.: i~~'l~:~~l:~~ll~~~;i~lst ':"illinm r~~~~l~e~f :::c:~~: S Edw. III. (Oct. 6, 1331), was a final concord at Westminster be-
111g to then' freehold in p. _j , WhlCh they claimed as pt. 0 tween William de Shares hull, by William de Morton, his attOTney,
If the arr .>leWOl e, co. Salop. ~ er alU- complainants, and John de. ipstones, che1Jale1', and Elizabeth his w~te,
. . ; : , 8 ,of ,John, son of \Vill"
~~~~le Inquisition he will have a:~~u d~ ~p.stone~, is rightly stated and John son oj the said John, deforciants, concerning the l\1anor of
v b. < ec lIS maJOl'itv about A .1 Blythewode and twenty-four shillings rent in Tene, whereof was
01 " pn plea. Deforciants acknowledge the said manor and rents to belong
11 t Ie Sunday next before the F
7 Ec1w. II. (July 15 131'.,) of St. Margaret the V· . to complainants, to hold to complainants of the chief lords of the fee
de P' I ... ' alt aO"reerne t lTglu by the accustomed services, and for this acknowledgment complain-
Ie lefard. on the Due part a~c1 J 1n Was ,made between Richard

other, ?y whICh the said Richard o' 0111, LOId of Ipstones, on the ants gave to deforciants £100.
te~est m a certain vivary in Birthoave to th~ said John all his in- The next of the family I llleet with in connection -with Blymhill
W]lt?hthe third part thereof which e~:shalesl In Blumenhull, together is Philip, son of William de Ipstones, who, by deed dated on Sun-
w llc are witnesses Ad. de Bri IS mot leI' held in dower. To day next before the Feast of St. Gregory the Pope, 23 Edw. III.
Weston, Rob. de K'ley, Will de wmpton, Rad.le Boteler, John de (1349,50), conceded to Roger his son a messuage in Blemenhull,
In 9 Ec1w. II. (131~ 16) olseleys, &c.' situate between the land of John de Bromley and that of J Ohll, son
a. d d D, John de I t of the Lord J olm de Weston i to wllich are -witnesses Roger, son of
ee of Thomas de la H de i . ps ones OCCurs as a witness to
(1317-18) to a deed of John B n~limenhUl!<; as also in 11 Edw II John de Pichford, John, son of the Lord John de Weston, John de
In 17 Edw II 0 d ago, of Breynton r, • • Bruynton, and others.~
. ·a nll"'4Jh .
of Ith: knights in the coun~; of ~t ~led:pstones is returned as one I am unable to assign a position in the pedigree to this Philip,
n 3 Edw. III. (13 0 9) J, a Or '. son of William de Ipstones, who seems to have had lands in Blymhill
Stretton deed 7 • as a~1s . ohn de Ipstones Occurs as m't and in Chetelton; which i~ in the neighbourhood of Ipstones. But
, 0, m 6 Edw. III ness to a in the following year, 24 Edw. III. (1350), the name of John de Ip-
~ Ibid. 33 Edw r 7. ., to a Weston deed g • and
~ Ibid. m. 3 .' .!ll. 1 In dorso. ' stones occurs again as witness to a deed of Stephen de Bromley~
3 Ed I In dorso. On the M d Rector of Blymhill' ; as also, in 32 Edw. III. (1358), to a deed of
held~y I~h~;!;) -: i~qUisition ~ ~~~~o,~fter
\vas :enld the Feast of St. Oswald AnelJilla, daughter of Mat. de Chetelton. ~
"ftC er
Mathefeld; wherein w ~nd Agnes his wif~ cOllj~~C:rni?g lands and tenemen~
I suppose this last John to have been the father of another SU'
of King Edward II. at vv~s; ~wn th~t, by virtue a certainYfi xu ?al~on ~nd Quenlas
W ycher and Asrnes his w';'; minster In tbe 17 rb year of h' 0: eVled In tbe Court John Ipstones, Knight, who mal1'ied Elizabeth, daughter and heir
said Thomas a:'d A l e , complainants, and W.Z/'
--..gnes acqui d
IS reign, between Thomas
t tam de Ip" d
of Thomas Corbet, eldest ·son and hell' apparent of Sir Robert COl'bet
Th omas begotten on the b re to themselves and th h' ones, efendant, the of Moretun Corbet, co. Salop, Knight; which Elizabeth was born
Ipstones, one messu ody of the same A<rnes f e ell'S male of the same
rent. of ten mark ~e, :W? carucatc'l of land .', rOm the aforesaid William de about 1;j57,~ and from the age of her son as stated at the inquest
S SIX shllhno-s d' , SlXteen aCres f
an d Quemas .Mathef ld h 0 an eIghtpence with th' 0 meadow, and a taken after the death of his father she must have been married to
Salt's MS) CaIto t:. ' w ereof was plea "f e apPUl·te[lanCes in Calt, Sir John Ipstones in or before 1372. This Sir John was Knight of
. . . n IS nea t I v cOllV"ntio (4 E on
WIlliam de Ipstone'" W L r 0 pstones, but tbe~, . n , ' dw III },To, 33
b ., as ord of I ' IS notblno- t
een a younger brother of S' J pstones and Blymhill H <> 0 S ew that thb
h . the Shire, for the County of Stafford, at the time of his decease, and
lands assigned to him in C l~r ohn de Ipstones and SOn ~f .A e may, perhaps, have he appears to have met with a violent death whilst discharging his
so, anu his mother' t a on and Quemas llathefeld gnes Wycher, and had parliamentary duties; for, in 17 Ric. 11., the King and his Oouncil,
husband being here ~ll ~ ~~rty to the above deed iMaYfield); but if ills be at the request of the House of Commons, grant that one Roger
mention of this William ~ I omas Wycher. I do 'n t cnnnot aCCOunt for her
~ Huntbll-Ch:MS e.,pstones. 0 meet with any furth
N' e . , vol. lL .. Ibid. ~ er ~ Huntbache MS. voL ii. In 6 Edw. III. (1332) H. de Hanbury, R Hillary, and
Omma militum 17 Ed I ' Original deed
r & S Huntbache}IS w' LI,.?weninHuntbacheMS v"IPe!:e3 Earl of Bradford R. de A1;ton are appointed to take an :tSsize of novel disseisin, wbich Philip de Ip-
v 11.
,,0 ., v.lL stones has arraigned against William de Chetelton, cbivaler, and others, concerning
lands in Chetelton (Rot. Pat. 6 Edw. III. No. . . pt. 2 lll. 33 in dorso).
2 & ~ Huutbache MS. Vol II. .. Eyton'sAnt. of Shropshire, VoL X. 189,


Sv--ynerton, charged with the death of John de Ipstones, one of their

number and Knight of the Shire of Stafford, slain on his way up to
the House, shall not be releasee] from prison, loy bailor mainprise,
but only by the due Course of b,v.
The King's writ of diem ci"'ont was issued on March 10,1394;
and the inquest Wil.S held at Stafford on tlle Monday before Palm
Sunday 17 Ric, II. (Apl'iI6th 1394). He held, inte?' alia, the Manor
of BhllnllUil, with the appmtenances, for the 4th part of a knight's
fee, and its anrlllo..l value Was 100s. The date of his death is illegible,
but the Shropshire inquest, taken at Salop on the Monday Dext
after the Feast of the Annunciation, 17 Ric. II., states that he died
all the Monday next ufter the Feast of St. Peter in Cathedra, last
past (i,e. Feb. 23, 1394), William was his Son and heir and 21
years of age on Tuesday next after the Feast of the Purification. ~
The said John de Ipstones held, in right of his wife, Elizabeth, the
Manors of Besseforc! and Ballesley, in the County of Salop, and
lands in Shrewsbury of Fulk Fitz Waryn. Elizabeth, his wife, sur-
vived him, and had full seisiu therein at the date of the inquest.
Sir William de Ipstones, Knight, the Son of Sir John, did not
survive his father mallY years. According to the inquest post mor- I~--
tem, held at Northampton, on the Monday next after the Feast of :aO'A
a ..
St, Gregol'J the Pope, he died at London, October 17, 1 Hen, IV,
(1399). He held of the King in capite by knight's service, three P5~
messuages, &c., in Weston-sLlper_ \Veland. The Staffordshire inque;;;t, 'c;::
taken on Saturday, the Feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 'B~
states that he died on Wednesday next before St, Luke the Evan- ~-l ~"

gelist, 1 Henxy IV. He held tIle Manor of Cressewalle jointly with .~

';::" 00
his wife Matilda, ~ who survived him, by virtue of a certain gift, to

Rot. ParI. Vol. III. p. 317. ';0

<1 1
'I ~ luq. p.m. 17 Ric. II., No. 33 (Salt's MS.); and Rot. Clans. 17 Ric.
'i II. m. 11 ('US. Abbreviatio at the Record Office). Sir Johu de Ipstones held
also the Manors of Tene, Hopton, Ipstones and Cresswell, in the County of
Sta.fford. In Sleigh'.;; History of Leek (p.208) it is stated that he was living
at Cresswell, temp_ Ed,v. III., his father having marl'i.ed the daughttr and heiress of
Henry de Cresswell. S In a pedigree of Swinncrton in the Harleian MS. (No. 6128),
Mawde, the daughter and heiress of Sir Robert Swinnerton, Knight, by his wife,
Elizabeth, daughter and heiress of 8ir Nicholas Beck, is stated to have married, first
Sir John Sayage, of Clifton, Rnt; sflcondly, Sir Piers Leigh; tllirdly, Sir "iVilliam
Ipstones, Rnt.; and fourthly, Richard Peshale. According to the Cheshire Visita_
tion (HarI. MS., No. 55 9) Sir John Savage is given as her fust husband, and Sir
William de Ipstones asherseconJ, by whom she is said to h:};ve had a daughter Alice,
wife of Rn!lulph Brereton. But this is altogether wrong. The widow of Sir
J oLn SJ.vo.g", who aftcrwarJs married Piers Legh was Marga'ret, the daughter and
. I';


the said William and Matilda and their heirs begotten 'between them,
by Robert de More and William C. Chaplains, which Manor he held
of Thomas de Eyton. He held nothing else in the County of Staf-
ford at the time of his death.' So that he must have settled all his
esbt.cs in trust before his death. His ci'mghters, Ohristiana and
Alice, were his nearest heirs, of whom Christiana was stated at the
inquests to be six years of age and Alice two (according to thp.
Northampton, and three according to the Stafford, inquest).
I suppose that Christiana died in her infancy, for the whole
patrimony certainly came to the Breretons by the marriage of this
Alice de Ipstones with Randle Brereton Esq., younger son of Sir
William Brereton, of Brereton" in the County of Chester, knight,
being his elder son by a second marriage with Margaret, daughter
of Henry Done, of Utkinton, co. Cest.
Two receipts of this Randle (or P.alph) Brereton to his bailiff
Roger Turner, of the Padwick (near Ipstones), are dated 1450 and
'. 1454 respectively. ~ The children of the marriage between Randle
Brereton and Alice Ipstones were Randle, William Brereton, of
Bun'Os, and a daughter, who married Spurstow.
The eldest son, Randle Brereton (II.), of Ipstones, was living in
1468'. He married first Joanna, daughter of William Holford, by
whom he had no issue, and secondly Katherine, daughter of William
Bulkeley, of Eaton, by whom he had three sons.
The eldest son, Randle Brereton (111.), of Ipstones, Esq., died in
Burgundy. He married Emma, daughter and heiress of John Oar-
ington of Carington, sister to Hamlet and Thomas; and theil' SOll.
Sir Randle Brereton (TV.), of Ipstones, Shocklaeh, and Malpas,
Knight, was Chamberlain 0"1 Chester from 21 Hen. VII. (1505) to
23 Hen. Hen. VIII. (1531), and Knight of the Body to King Henry
VII., who made him a knight banneret as a reward for his conduct
at Terouenne and Tournay40. He built the Brereton chapel in the

heiress of Sir Thomas Daniers or Daniel, of Br:l.d.ley in Appleton. She married nrst
John Ratc:liffe, 42 Rdw IlL, who died without issue by h~r not long Mterwards;
sec:ondly, Sir John Savage, of Clifton, who died in 1386; and thirdly, in Nov. 1388,
Piers Legh, of Maxfield (ancestor of the Leghs of Lime), whom she also survived,
a.nd died in 1427. It was her son, Sir John Savage, of Clifton, who married Mawd.e,
the da.ughter and heiress of Sir Robert Swinnerton, whose wife she was in 10 Hen. IV.
This sec:ond Sir John Savage died Aug. 1, 1450 (Ormerod's Cheshire, Vol. I. p. 526);
so that if she married Sir William' Ipstones at all, he must have been her first
1 In.q. p.m. 1 Hen. IV. No. 53.

:I & ~ Sleigh's History of Leek, p, 208. 'Ormerod's Cheshire, vol. ii p. 377.


THE :'IU.:XOR _,\.):D PARIS=

church at ::II 1 THE MAKOR AN:D PARISH OF BLYM}IILt. 303
"1 ,~ a.pas, "Where he ""as b . d
~ 1e daughter of Pie!"s Dutton ". H nne ; and by Eleanor his wife
and three tlml,rli[c"c;: , at ahcm, Esq., left issue run'e ' It will have been this same Ranulph Brereton, the sou, after-
0' - ;-, .... Sons
f, these Uille Sons S· .. r" wards Sir Randle Brereton (Vr.), Kut., who in May 1555, presented
daugHter cf "\V";ll", " L ueIlaI'd, the 2nd lna" d J to the same church by the name of Ralph Brereton, of Malpas, in
'~' ' ],Ull Stan1ey Eo:: b.. .
C:rcoffrey.f.Ias.'3c,:: of T' '.. ~ J
.~ , rIle
~q'J } hIs \Vue Jane daucrht
f' the county of Chester, Esq.l By his wife Mary, daughter of Sir
I 11 ., clt~Oll 'mel d' 1 t I ' 0 er 0
ane ary), leaving issue "\,,11: _, < .

J:~oger, the 6th son m

J .)I(
' , an-led Ra.!. heri
l~C a slington (3 & 4: Phili
Thomas and l)cte;' the :,.j leh. 111 hented property at Tatton J haP
n 4th and -t' "
, ' . D II Sons were priests S·
d h . IT
. 0 I 'William Griffith, Knight, he had issue Randle, vVilliam, Richard
and Thomas.
The eldest son Sir Randle Brereton (VII.), Knight, the seventh
rCl'eton, of 13rcl'eton, knirrht '~'d .ne, aug ter of Sir vVilliam and last of that name in lineal succession, and the last direct heir

Crewe. Sir I,Villiulll tl ;::.,. . I' WI ow of Edward Fulleshurst of male, died on May 8, 1611, and was buried at Malpas. He married
eh b I' " Ie (t 1 son Who d ' Temperance, daughter of Sir Robert Throgmorton, of Coghton, co.
am er <Un of Chester .):) H ' Succee ed his father as
to. Henry the Eighth, ~l;d) b ~11~. VIII., 'Was groom of the chamber , Warv.", Knight, by whom he left au only child, Mary, ·wife of
Sir Richard Egerton, of Ridley, Knight, who WfI,S married, and up¥
WjlthSAhune Boleyn, was brol~(]'h~I~~ t~,CeUbulsedk MOf criminal intercourse wards of 30 years of age at the time of her father's death.
t 1e t son
, Was I'lYing in ;::.1666 '. oc¥, a}' r( 1;::;')6
T _... U0.
R(J bert,
Sir Randle Brereton is stated, by a vulgar tradition, in this case
descendants eventually s d· Su D nan, the 9th son whose
male of the Brel'etons ill u~~ee eel to the Blymhill estate ~s heirs nearly confirmed by the inquisitions, to have been able to ride
of W'lli from Malpas to Chester without once passing over the lands of any
I am Hondford, 'of amed
Hondf. 1st ~.'1argare, t d
aughter and heiress other proprietor."
seco.ndly, Alice, daughter of S .. ~~' 111 the county of Ohestel~ and By sundry indentures he so settled his estates as entirely to disin-
~ll' Randle Brereton (V 11 (round Trafford, Knightl.
herit his daughter and her descendants.
Knight, the eldest son .), dOf Shocklach, Malpas, and Blymhill
Eo-ert f E ' marne 1st Eleanor, daug1lter of Sir Philip In the year 1597 they were entailed upon his brothers William,
'=> on, a o-ertGn and 0 I Richard, and Thomas, and the heirs male of their bodies, with re-
daughter An-::e, wife of ;a~~~/~)night, by whom he had an only mainder to Richard Brereton," of Worsley, co. Lancaster, Esq. ; W m.
Isabel, daughter of Sir Thomas B ad of Edge. He married 2ndly
he had a SOll Ra dl utler, of Bewsey Killaht b h Breretoll,4. of Handforth, co. Chester, Esq.; Roger Brereton, of Halton,
ke f D n e, and a dauo>hter Eli b ' t:>, Y w om co. Flint, Esq.; Thomas Gille, alias Brereton, of London, gentleman ;
y, a. arley. This Sir R d l '
the WInter 25 Hen. VIn a; za eth, wife of James Star-
e dIed au the vigil of St. Ma>tin i ll
shIre the Manor of C . (. ov. 10, 1533). He held in Sta~' d

Lichfield Diocesan Register.
Ormerod's Cheshire.
· I ressewell a '* liar -
cert am ands with the a ,messuage, &c., at Ipstones and 3 Richard Brereton, of Worsley, Esq., was the grandson and bst surviving heir

which last Were held tPur~e~ances in Blymhill and Brm.'eton

male of Sir Richard Brereton, Rnt., 2nd son of Sir Randle Brereton (IV.), of Ipstones
and Shocklach; which Sir Richard Breret0n married Jilne, daughter and htir of
reason of the atta;"d fY knIght's service of the Ki b ' William Stanley, of Tatton and Worsley, Esq., by his wife Jane, daughter and heir of
Ran ulph, or RandleLJ....:.ero
is h'
Ed d
war, late Duke of Buc1.iuo-ha "
ng v
Sir Geoffrey Massey, of Tatton and Worsley, Knight. The said Sir Richard, who died
aO"e~ t th , I S son and hei d. t:> m. 3 and 4 Philip and Mary, had issue, by the heiress of Worsley, an elder son Richard
;::.? a e date of the ingu' ·t. ~,an ill the 16th year of his Brereton, who married Dorothy, daughter of Thurstan de Tildesley, but died without
1507. lSI lon, which was taken on M h 98 issue about 4, Edw. V1., a second son Geoffrey, and a daughter }.. nn, wife of John
I~ arc .. ,
n ~ ugust, 1538 the R· Booth, of Burton. Geoffrey Brereton married Ann, daughter of Piers Leycester, of
by reason of the nr.ino rity ~grrresented to the church of Blymbill Tabley, by whom he had a son: Richard Brereton, of Worsley, Esq., who married
Lord ~anulph Brereton, ~ni()'I:~Ulph Brereton, ~On and heir of th~
Dorothy, daughter of Sir Richard Egerton, of TattoD, but died Dec.. 17, 1598, with-
out surviving issue, his only son Richard having died an infant in. 1575. He left
and rIghtful patron for that t:r; 3 ~eceased, being the King's ward the Worsley estate to his wife's half-brother, the Lord Chancellor, Sir Thomas Egerton,
l Ormerod's Cheshire - - - - -_ _ _~_ _ __
Lord Ellesmere, natural son of Sir Richard Egerton. (Baines's Lancashire, vol. iii.,
. ~ Inq. 28 Hen. VIII.· N , p.l43) .
LIbrary, Safford. 3 L1
o. 2~. From Field's Extrac
Id DIocesan Register. ts of Inq. p. m. in the Salt 1
'William Brereton, of Handforth, "Esq., was son of Sir Urian, 9th son of Sir
Randle Brereton (IV.), of IpstoDes and Shocklach, and father of Sir 'W¥illiam
I· Brereton, of -Hondforth, Knight and Baronet, who eventually succeeded. to the
Blymhil1 property as heir male of tho Brcretons.


,John Brereton, of Barrow, co. Chester, gentlem"tu; and William

Bretetoll,gentleman, brother of the said John Brereton, and to the
heb;: male of bodies respectively, \vith eventual remainder to
the right heirs of the s[l.itl Sit' Randle Brereton for ever.
This disposition of his estates Was disputed by the Egertons and
became the subject of Ulany act-ions at hnv; but though there appears
to have been SOllie cOmpromiseetiecteu bet\veen the contending parties,
the bulk of the iuheritance rClll<1iuccl to the male heirs. William
Dre etol1, whom I believe to have been the next brother of Sir
Randle, preueceaseJ him without leaVing issue and before the
final settlement of the estates. Richard and Thomas, the two
YOullger brothers died without issue male, and the reversionary
interest of William Brereton, then described as of Barrow,
gent., was purchased by the Egertons, so that the whole
would have eventually devolved upon the right heirs. 1 But
Richard Egerton, the eldest son of Sir Richard Egerton and Mary
Brereton his wife, though bOIn, according to Leycester, to estates of
£5,000 per annu1n, dissipated his princely fortune by gaming; and
on the death of his Son Richard, without issue, the remnant of the
unsold property passed to his brother, Thomas Egerton, of Allerton,
in Yorkshire, 2 in whose descendants, if any exist, we must now
look for the direct representatives of the Ipstones and Breretons
Lords of Blymhill. In the meantime, by indenture bearing date
the 15th of February 5, Car. I, (1630) between Sir Thomas Brereton
of Mallpasse, co. Cest, Knight, of the one part and Richard Egerton,
of Rydley, co. Cest, Esq., of the other part, the said Sir Thomas
Brereton, fol' and in consideration of a sum of £100 to him paid,
grants baIgains and sells to the said Richard Egerton, his heirs and
assigns, all that manor or part of the manor or lordship of Blymhill,
alias Blimenhull and Brynton with the appurtenances in the county
of Staftord with all and singular the messuages, &c., advowsons, &c.,
' there situate, which heretofore were the inheritance of Sir Randle
Brereton, Knight, deceased, late brother of the said Sir Thomas
Brereton, wherein the said Sir Thomas Brereton now hath any
estate of ~ inheritance or freehold in possession, reversion or re-
It would seem that the Brereton's share of the Manor of Blym-
hill, which was thus temporarily recovered by Richard Egerton, the
heir-at-law, was afterwards offered by him for sale to the Oradocks,
1. Sir Orlando Bridgeman's MS. Leger penes Earl of Bradford. ~ Ormerod'
Cheshire. ~ Original deed, penes Earl of Bradford. ,
....~.... -~"-~ ...,.-...""''"'.,;_.. :-,._._ ;,;;-,~-~::,?-c:"';-" ',' '- ~
--- ,~
-" -.. ~.~~:e----,_ ,_~_~_~,_ ~~_~~_~_.'

::----"'~'"'~ :::;'~-'::-'

Raudle Brereton, Esq.! younger son of Sir William Brereton, Kut., of Brereton, co. Cest.
by hi~ 20(1 wife, Uargat'ct, llaughter of Heury Dou(), of l'"tkillgtoll, co, Cest., l'-~sq.
I --. .------- --.--..--------.---
I = Alice, dauglJtcr and heiress of Sir 'Villimn de Tp.
stones, Kut., ~ord of Ipstones, co. Slaff., and a 4th
part of Blymlnll.
Randle Breretou, of Ipstones, Esq., iu HOS, mar. 1st Joanna, d. of WilHam Holford, Esq., but by her had no issue. =RatiJcl'inc, dan. or William Bul-
l keley, of gatoll, Esq., 2nd wifo.
1 - - 1 1
Randle Brereton, of Ipstones, Esq. =Emma, dan. and heires3 of John
died in Burgundy. Caringtoll:.~~f Oarington, Esq. I Ralph ilrereton of
lscoecl, 2nd ~I
Bal'tllOlolllew Brereton, =
of Gl'IIfton, 3nl son. J

1 1 1 I 1 --------------~
SirRandlaBrercton EleA.!lor, dan. Hllmfrey ElleT~' wife E!CflllOJ', :r.~al'gftret, Bm·tllOlo. Jol~Jl I-I1I\nrrey
ofIpslollCs,Shoek. of Piers Dut· Breretan oflheholns Wlfe of wlfcofJolm mew 1st 2nd Breretoll of
lac~ and Uftipas, tOll, ofU?I~oll ofllfnlpas Brny,n, of Pllilip do Holford,22 son. ' Son. Malpas,3nt
Klllght Oanneret, Esq., hVlllg 'ralvlll. EO'erton, II. VII. son
Chamberlain of 1522; Bur: at l<~~q. . .
Ohestel', Knt. of llfalplls. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
the Body to Khlg I
HemyYII., d. 23 Ann dan d
HOll. YIII., 1531. heir~ss ~::r
Robt. Fitton;
.• £au. and 1---· 1 I
hciress,wife Emlllfl,wifcof Ann, wifa of Catherine, wifo
of Oarden. of .. Lecho John Docl, of John Strillger of Hnwlin War.
of Grafton.
Edge. of Crowe. IllU'loll,OrEdge.

Ellen, d.=Sir Rnn-=Isnbel, Sir Richard

r r
John Bl'e-
-·----P-~.-- _. ____ ~_~, ____ •__ ~ __
1 I
" ___ .__ ~ ____ . __ "__ ~ -
1 1 I I 1 1
'6fSirPh. dlo Bre· dan. of Brereton, reton, Rec. 'l'holllUS Peter Sir Hoger SiI'IVm. Brcre- Robert SirUritl.ll Allll,wifv Rllcll, w. ,Jant',
Egerton, I-etOll, of SirTh. lit., d, at torofboth Brercton Brcl'C· Brereton, tOll, Rnt.Cllam_ Brlll·e· Bl'el'Ctoll of John of Riuhd. wifo of
af Eger- Shock. Butler, Islington, moieties of Rector of ton, a Kilt. mar. Im'lain of Ches. tonliy_ of Hond. Hal'court 01lDI. Sir'i'h.
ton and Illeh and ofBew· 3 & 4 Phil. Malpas, of the high- priest. Catherine, tel' all{lgroolllof illg ford, Rnt umluftel'_ mondelcy II It I l .
Oulton, Malpas, seY,Kt alld Mal'y; Astbury, ermoiety £lau. of Sir the Cl;amber to 1566. who 00.1'- wanIs 01' and2ndly mel', of
lint., 1st Knt., d. 2nd w. roar.Janed. B~billgtOll, of Mal pas Wm. Brel"e_ Hon. VIII. mal'. ricd all Johnl'ol'_ of Hun die II an.
wife. Nov, 11, ofW. Stan_ and St. d.1511. ton, of Bre. Elizabeth, d. to the mille shall, of Mllillwa- 1lI er,
1533. ley Esq., Ly Mary'.'! in rotoll,Knt., Charles, Earl of liue. Hordos- ring, of KIlt.
hisw. Jane, Chester. widow of "'OJ'cestcr, IInrl ley. Peovel'.
d. of Geof. Edward widow of Sir J.
fi'oy :Massoy Full('shurst Savaga j behead_
of TnttOll. ell May 17, 1536.

Ann, wifo or --\,-1 ,
Ranrlal Dod,
of Edge_
Sh.. IRandle BreretOll,
of Shookll1ch lind
:r.rnlpfla. l{ut.
Uary, dnn. of Sir \YillinUl Griffith,
Kut., l"cIUn'~
doloy. I("t.
to Sir lillgh OhDimon-
E lzaboth, w,fll of
Jn1l"'" Stn.-l<oy. of
n".-}oy. -1- ",~,
>,~. _ _ c-:-~",., --',I~-C
7"'" -

f ---. I -1--------------1
to Sil' Robert
of Co light Oil, co,
Temperance, d. = Sir Handle Brereton, of
Shoeklach, Malpas and
Blymhill, Knight, died
May 11, 1611. Buried
= Frances, dau.
to .
2nd wife, liv-
iug 1602.
2. William Bre-
retoll liviug,
1597, but ap-
pllrently dead
3. Richa1'(l Bm_
roton, marrie(l
in 1623.
Mary, dan. of Walter
IIeveningham, of Aston;
re'marl'le(l to Sylvester
Plunket, ESfL.
.1. Sit 'l'homRs
Brereton, Kut.
ob. s.p. ro.
Wonviek,lstw. at Malplls. baforo May 3,
1602 s. p.

K-~t. ~-lI-lnry, o~lly daughter and heir of Sir DOlJ~~y,

Sir Richard Egerton, of Ridley,
Buried at Buubury, l!'eb. 24, It127. IJan.
Randle Brereton, Bapt. at Malpas,
9, 1576.
dan. and heir; lllal'. Oliver Fib; Williams,
of co. 'l'ireonnel, in Ireland, but died S.p.

1 1 1 I I -- I I I ·-r---~~· I --I
1. Ralph 2. Richard Egol'-= 3. Tho!;. EgCl'ton,=Katherille, d. 4, John Eger- 5. Robert Barbam.. J,[al'ybaptizc{1 Fl'anees, bapt. Jane, w.
Egerton, ton, Esq., event- of Allerton, co. of Col. Dod- tOll,boruNov. Egerton, Alice, bul'. at at Shocklach, at Shoeklach, of Georgo
oli. info \1111 son Rnd Ileil'. York, Esq., 1665, son, of . . . 19, & baptized baptillod Shocklaeh, May 28, 1611, Oct. 30, 1603, Booth, of
Bftp.atShoeklaeh, age£l 58 years; in· in the Isle of at Shocklneh, at Shock- Oct. 9, 1618. 'vife of Sir W. died May 24, Allerton,
Fob. 16, 1603-4, lWl'ited the unsold Wight; widow Dec. 19, 1609, laoh,Nov B1akistoll, of 164S; buricd eo. York.
livil1g1651. Sold estates. ofMiehaalBar- ob.s.p. 3,1612. Newton, co. atAston,lJeal'
the Ridley Estate. bour, citizen Dmham. Sntton.
of London.

[-- Ralph Egerton, aged 4 years, Aug. 29, 1665
j living 1690.
Eleanor, bol'll at Peter Egerton, eldest son Richard Egol'ton, Esq.,
Shoeklaeh, J uty and heil' Rpparent; bOl'1l 2nd SOil and heir j bapt. •
14 ; hapt. thoI'e Sept. 14; bapt. lit Shock- at Shocklneh, Dot. 31,
Aug. 11, 1622. Inch, Oct. 2, 1624; died 1625, 1 i v i 11 g 1665,
nn infant. ob. s.p.


who became the purchasers of Ipstones and certain other Stafford-

shire estates of the Breretons; for by indenture bearing date the
23rd of November, 15 Car. I., 1639, between Richard Egerton of
Shocklach, co. Cest., Esq., and George Cradocke, of Caverswall, co.
Stafford, Esq., of the one part, and Clement Spilhnan, of Graie's
Inn in Holborne, co. Middlesex, Esq., of the other part, the said
Egerton and Crac1ocke, as well for and in consideration of the sum
of 5s. to them paid by Spillman as also for divers other good causes,
&c., grant, bargain, and sell to the said Clement Spillman (in tnlst
I suppose) "all that their manor Or part purparte or porean of the
manor or lordship of Blymhull alias, Blymenhull and Brynton," with
the appurtenances in the county of Stafford, together with all and
singular messuages, tofts, &c., advowson, patronage, &c., there
situate, which heretofore were of the inheritance of Sir Randle
Bre,eton, Knight, deceased, brother of Sir Thomas Brereton, to have
and to bold the said manor, &c., from the Feast of St. Michael last
past for one whole year.
It appears, however, that this last mentioned deed, which was
executed m counteTpart by Cradocke and duly witnessed, was never
signed or executed by Egerton the vendol', so that the unsigned
deed and the counterpart both remained in Cradocke's possession,
:lnd were filed with the previous deed of sale by Sir Thomas Brere-
ton to Richard Egerton, which file is endorsed-" writings concern-
ing Mr. Egerton and conveyance of Blimhill to Sil' William Brereton,
Earonet." J. From which I infer that, not'Withstanding the sale by
Bir Thomas Brereton, the estate at Blymhill, with certain other
estates, were again passed. OYer, through default of payment or
otherwise, to the Breretons as heirs in tail male under the will of
Sir Randle Brereton. To return to the intermediate succession of
the property-I presume that, on the death of Sir Randle, in i611,
the inheritance devolved upon his next surviving brother, Richard
Brereton, who died before 1623, leaving, by his wife, Mary, daughter
of Walter Heveningham, 2 an only daughter and herress, 3 Dorothy,
who married Oliver Fitzwilliams of the county of Tirconnell in
Ireland, but died without issue." Richard Brereton's widowa£ter-
\vnrds married Sylvester Phmket, Esq., and lived many years at
Ipstones Hall, which she held in jointure. ~
1 Oricinal deeds llt Weston, which will hllve come into the Earl of Bradford's
po~sesSio~ as heir, 1 think; of the Crndoeks and not in connection with this portion
of Blymhill, which has subsequently passed into his hands., ~ Sir Orlando Bridge-
man's MS. Legf'T. 3 & 4 Sleigh's History of Leek, p. 209. ~ Ipstones Pedigree
in Salt Library. .

Sir Thoma:'> Brerctc n tl 1 . -
~. l' 1 - l, 1(' .[?st S1ll'\'l.nna brother of S' R
Cller III G4:i, with01It male i~~u' U o. IT andle, Living at Hondford, or Handforth Hall, he became the friend and
was t?en the next. heir of en~~il~'l an a certaIll l,Villiam Brereton
associate of Henry Bradshaw, of Marple, the brother of the Lord
ThIs 1Villiam Brereton who ~ I President Bradshaw, as al'3o of Colonel Dukinfield, of Dukinfield
estate at Bl'\"mhil1 \'"a' tl' L lU~ I sllc,ceeded to the Brereton
~ , .~ Ie sallIe WIt 1 S l,.Y'l1' Hall, and by his first marriage he became intimate with Sir George
Handford, Bart. the O"reat' I" ' lr 1 lam Brereton, of
t d ' ;: :" par lamelltar;: creneral He h Booth, of Dunham Massey, 'yho was at that time the leader of the
grea gran son and representative of S.; . . -:- .? . Was t e Presbyterian party in Cheshire, TI1Bse friendships will have tended
and Margaret his wife the da ' 1"11 t . ~~ l :lan, Knight, to shape the course he subsequently took in his country'R affairs,
ford, of Handford Esq' wI "I\\SCo. , ~l~ ~n heltess of WIlham Hond-
In 3 Charles L (1627-8) he was elected one of the members of
R...ttlldle Brereton 'of"Mal
} lW 1 1I vnall was the . th
K' run son of Sir
Sir Randle and S'· TI- pas, mght, gl'eat ,grandfather to the last Parliament for Cheshire, and in the Parliaments which assembled
lr lOm8..,<: For a full f S· in 1631 and 1640 he was again elected as one of the members for the
ton and his descendants I - Id "f a 11' Urian Brere- same county, Sir "Villiam Brereton warmly espoused the cause
· .
H lStory Wall re ey ill}' readers to Ea k'
of East Che~hire ~ rwa -ey s of the Parliament, and so early as January, 1642-3, the Honse of
The William Brereton· -h u Commons dl'ew up a long series of "instructions," and ,addl'essed
was born in 1604 an ,.'W c.nOlY ecame joint Lord of Blymhill,
time of his father'~ de~t~~as ~ttle lliore thaI: £.\"e J~ears old at the
them to him as one of the deputy lieutenants of the county. For
his subsequent history as a general of the Parliamelltary forces I
which he was created a B" e came ?f age In 162o, shortly after
1626,7. alonet by Klllg Charles 1., on March 10, mnst again refer my readers to it Earwaker's History of East
Cheshire." Sir \Villiarn Breretoll died at Croydon, April 7, 166!.
Of his early years little is k The following abst:.raf',t of bis will is given in Eanvaker's Oheshire :
through a large p;rtion of ,'n.o~n, In 1634,5 he travelled Will of Sir Bn:reton, of Handforth, co, Chestcl', Bart." dated 6 April,
land and the Un't d p ,GreA.t Bntam aod crossed over into Hol- 1661. "Whereas by deed heretofore made to Trustees for securing the portion of
. 1 e rOVlllces He l-ept d' f 1
vlsited &c which was bl' 1 . .. a lary a t Ie places he my daughter SlI,sanna, now wife of Edmund Lenthall, Esq., I hu,ve ellgaged my
from the ~rit'Tinal st
pll led by t~le Chethanl Society in 1844
Grey Et'Terto~-" Ea 'tUOWF ill t ~e posseSSlOll of Sir l'hilip ue Malpas
manor of Ashton Super 11ersey, co, Chester, &c" r now confirm the said settlement."
"Whereas also I have secul'(~d the payment of £1,000 to each of my t1fJO younger
I::> , r , rom It he app t I (hmghters, Mary Brcreton and Ciccly Brereton, for their portions out of my Manor
and religious turn. of mind fa . ears 0 lave been of a sober of Eaton, alias Yaiton, co, Chester, and a further sum out of my Manor of Hand-
to his native connty of Ch' t nd of field Sports, and much attached forth, in the said county, I now confirm the same." "To my friends Sir Thomns
vantat'Teously with tJ e~ er, which he frequently compared ad- Wilbraham, of Woodhey, co. Chester, Bart., the said Edmund Lenthall, Esq"
1:;>. )e vanous pIa I " . Thomas Case, of London, clerk, RobeTt Blayney, of London, gent., :lIld my selvant,
course of his travels Tb ces 1e passed tlnouah in the Thomas Edwards, gent., I leave all my l:1nds and tenements in the Forest of
Jave for military ffi' ' ere are no indo t'. , tl
lea IOns III the Glary of any )laeclesfi"ld., co, Chestel', amI in or near Nantwich, in the parishes of Acton,
hi mself a aIrs, or that he would h 1 B.~Jdiley, and BunbIlIY, in trust for the pUrpOSes of my will." "To 'my daughter,
to the position of di' . sort y be able to raise J[rs, Frances Ward, wife of Edward [Ward] Esq" all my ready money in g-old; to
so stmgUlshed a military commander,
Uly said 'laughter LenthaU, the wrought bed, &c., that was her mother's; to my said
1 By deed, dated March 31 1609 s. dall.ghter Mary, my best blld; to m.y said daughter Cicely, all O1y plate in a chest
r jJstone.: on his brothers Richard and Th ll" Randle. Brereton settled the Manor of witll m)' cousin Eliza-beth Lenthall, widow." "To my brother, Richard Brereton,
I:1~le, wIth remain.der to William Brere oma~ fOr hfe, and on their htirs ill tail £15pera)tm~m for his life." "To Mr. JOhlt Brereton, minister of the Gospel,
Rlchard Egerton dled in 1627 and h' :On, "of Barrow, and his heirs male. Sir certu,in uivinity books out of my study at Handforth."
Egerton, by deed dated Nov, 25,163;8 :~[e ~l'edeceaS,ed him, Their son, Richard
Sir William BreTeton's body was brought from London to be in-
t~ Matthew Craddock, of Caverswall C tled hIS re'\"ersJ.On of the Manor of Ipstones
S~ Th~mas and v,.-illiam Brereton shou~ d" an~ Joan Craddock, his mother, in case terred in the HandfoTth chapel in Cheadle Ohurch. There was a
;'l;:e a recovery to bar the contino-ent ~: Wl:h~ut ruale issue, and .':1.1bsequclltly tr,ldition in the parish in the last century that in crossing a river
1 :am B rereton, in 1627 and 1646 r:s e ,matn ers. Sir 'rhor:cas Brereton and t.he ooffin was swept away by a flood, and could not be recovered.
th~relD to Wm. Fowler, of Harna<>e Gra; Ctl;ely , made over their own life interests
hell" of Matthew CraddOCk, ES!l'o(" Slei g::s ~~" as Trustee for George, the son and
There is no entry of cWY burial in the Cheadle registers; the uate
sold by Egerton to Sir Orlando B 'd g 1story of Leek p 209) " I of ueath only is given. "1661, Sir "Villialll Brereton, Baronet, died
~ Vol, I, p. 251. n geman, " , .:I'J.a pas was
at Croydon, y' 7th of April."
Sir William married 1st Susanna, daughter of Sir George Booth,
308 OF BLYMHILL. 309
TH,. .
1 . the common Ii eIds of t11e . said h town,
of Dunham ),hssey, Knight and Bart., by whom he had an only lands lying rromis~ll::!e l~uch advantage thereolf a~o~~t~e~, s~l~e
~on, Sir Thomas Hrercwll, of Handforth, Bart., and three daughters,

' so that they canno 1 nd of each persall a) to

viz.-l. Fl'ances, 'wife of Edward, 10th Baron Dudley, and 2nd l. fi Ids were enclosed a~d the da S· Thomas Wilbraham, Thomas
Baron Ward, by whom she left issue; 2. Susanna, born 1627, Wife ~ e lands 5ho uld b e 1nelose.
said t
aminate two peIsons, an d Thomas t
of Edmund Lenthall, Esq. (a younger Son of Sir John Lenthall), by l Jobber and John Levett are on sle and Thomas Jam~s ~re a
whom she had a daughter ilfary, wife of John Levett, Esq., and
aftenvards of lvIr. John Manning i 3. Catherine, born in 1635, who
Lane, W"lter Skrymsher, I.:~sa~ dikerences that may aTlSe;:, ~~
nominate 011e person, toha J bear a proportionate share of t e
. t , and eac t
died unmarried. Sir William married, 2ndly, Cicely, daughter of Sir apportlOllmen . . 0 T1le following mea dows were seem-
0' to hIS ratmg.
\Villiam Skeffington, of Fisherwick, co. Stafford, Bart., 1 and widow pense accor d'ill;:,. d but to be used in common, namely Enmore
indy not to be mclose Letchmore. 1
M~ac1ow, Mutty Meadow, and dead in 1706, when Mary Levett:
of Edward Mitton, of Weston-under-Liziard, Esq., by whom he had
Cicely, wife of Edward, 4th Earl of Meath, and ./,fary. Sir William ! J hn Levett Wlll have teen BI hill for that turn only,
Was succeeded at his death by his son, Sir Thomas Brereton, Bart., t • 0 d to the Church of ym
who was the last heir male of the Breretons that had any interest
in Blymhill.
!I widow, presente ' . Brereton's tnrn.2
and this was in Ipstones ~r have afterwards roamed. Mr. {o!n

Sir Thomas, who was born in 1632, married Theodosia, daughter ~ Mrs. Levett appears 0 h
f B' . (Tham w a was
possessed in her nght 0 e
of Humble, Lord Ward, of Birmingham, but died without issue On ~, Manning, a 111llin" Bi hill' and I suppose er 0
"Hinh Hall" estate 1n ym
h t have
,c. " whose name 003CurS ill
the ; as "Madam Mary Ma~n~~en buried there on May 25,
January 9, 1673-4, and Was buried at Cheadle on January 17,
when such of his estates as had not been settled by him on his Blymhill Parish Register as havmg
cOllsin, Nathaniel Booth (his mother's nephew) who succeeded, on
,:. the death of Dame Theodosia, to most of his property, were claimed 1717. . but to have bequeathed her
She appears to have ~eft no :suihereon II) to her husband ~r.
,J. t;'

'j! i" )::; ''ji;' by his heirs-at-law, namely vVilliam, eldest Son of Frances Lady
'l: estates (suhject to certalU. cbaroes and shortly afterwards mamed
',!i J' 'I Ward, his elder sister, and Mary, wife of J olm Levett, the daughter ,
T H '!!," John Manning, who survIved h~, whom he had issne, a son and
l' of Sllsanna Lenthal!, his younger sister of the whole blood, which I another wife, also called Mary, y ,
.;!; ,:,1 :p ?l.1rs. Mary Levett appears to have inherited, in her purparty, the
·r1''' :':1 Brereton share of Blymhill. two daughte:s. hurchwarden of the parish of Blymhill
lj1 J')
Mr. Maurung occurs as C .
"j The first mention I meet with of the Levetts in connection with '
.,! .
BlymlUll is on November 30, 1682 (30 Car. II), the date of an f in 1715. "hter of Mr. John Manmng,
On February 22, 1718-9, Mary ,.da6'n June 5, 1721, their son
,1, agr'eement between Sir Thomas vVilbraham, of vV'eston-ullder-
~I ; and Mary, his ",ife, was baptlzed · 3 1722-3, their daughter

Liziard, Bart., Thomas Lane, of :Bentley, co. Stafford, Esq., Thomas · d G., and on Feb ruary >
John was b ap t lZe
,- .J obber, of Aston, co. Salop, Esq., John Levett, of the Inner Temple,
London, Esq., Walter Skrymsher, or Orslow, co. Stafford, gent., Elizabeth. C •• 17 9 3 s eaks of the patronage
M Willis who wTites ill P
" , E I f Bradford for two

IIi' J unas Asley, of Wood Eaton, co. Stafford, gent., and Thomas James, r. , b . 0' III the ar a .
f BI mhill Church as emo This statement, however, IS
of Market Drayton, co. Salop, gent" whereby it was agreed between oturns y and Mr. 11.11'"'
for one.

;i; the said parties that, whereas. they are, in their own right or in

, . Registry at Lichfield.
" ~ right of their wives, seized of several parcels of land lying within Earl of Bradford. ' DIocesan th school at Blymhill,
i': 1 Copy of a","'Teement, penes t har"'e of £2 per annum to e . (Charity Com-
the township of Brynton, co. Stafford, and whereas they have their M ;T1cr"gavearen c . ,
:I " Mrs. aUIl:-o state, but a.t what'P~o . d' not state
charged au the Hlgh Hall e 4 ~ e Blymbill Parochial :ReglS~ . the chancel by the
18 • r It is stated ill .an
~ i
jil "
t: J. There is II. monument:in Weston ChurCh to the memory of this lady and her
l missioners' :Report, 54~1l ererc~~ ~adY
<Tlebe that :five seats were Bradford, another _
. I,',
~I '~
If,;, "
first. husband, erected by her daughter Elizabeth, danghter and heiress of Edward lr old Terrier of the Blym
rector's couseDt , ill
. 1719 , one
0 r hlch was for the use 0
0 third
W for the use o f:Mr
. Adams, a
r G:reat Chatwel1,

~I ; Mitton, and wife of Sir Thomas Wilbraham, Bart., but it is remarkable that nomen-
tiou whataver is made in the inscription of her 2nd mattiage to' Sir William Bre-
reton, nor is .the 'date of her death given. She died Oct. 8, 1649.
for the use of Mrs•. =n~:n~ to the Rector.'
and the fourth an

~I :
~I !, :"
incomplete. Mr. Manning was, in fact, entitled to present q11(lrtd
vice only_
lvIr. Shaw, the Historian of Staffordshire, in his ]\tIS. records a
memorial slab in Blymhill Church to Mr. J ohn ~..fanllil1g, \vho died
Nov. 3D, 1724, aged 65 years. I He \vas buried at Blymhill, Dec. ~,
of that year. ~ As John Manning, of High Hall, in the parish of
Blymhill, gent., he made his will on May 29, 1723, wherein he
alludes to certain legacies chargeu. 011 the property l)y Mary, hifi
late wife; he also refers to certain property, devised to him by his
late wife, Mary, in the county of Tipperary, Ireland, and in the
Forest of Macclesfield, in the county of Chester, or elsewhere in
England or Volales, which she claimed" as one of the coheirs of Sir
William Brereton." = He bequeaths to :iYIary, then his wife, who
survived him, a yearly rent charge of £30 out of lands in Blymhill,
and les-ves his 4th part of the ).IIanor of Blyml1ill and a right of 11-'--'
presentation of a clerk to the Rectory of the Parish Church of
Blymhill every 4th turn, and his lands, &c., at BI ymhill to Trustees
-to raise portions for his tVlO daughters, Mary and. Elizabeth, o
with remainder to his son John, with remainder to his own right
heirs .•
JolIn Manning (II.), who in April, 1744, is described as of Dray-
ton in Hales, gent., then mortgages his manor, lands, and advowson
of the church in Blymhill to 1tlessrs. Fox and James. He men-
tions his sister Elizabeth l\lanning, of Church Eaton, spinster, and
his eldest sister, Mary, who manied Joshua Naylor. ~ c
In February, 1746, being then described as of Hunger's Heath,
in the parish of Ashley, co. Stafford, he was already married to
Mary, sister of William Grosvenor of Dravton in Hales. :Yfr. 8

Shaw records a monUllieut in BIY~hill Ch~rch also to this M1'.

John Manning, who died July 26, 1759, ageu 38. 7 He was buried
at Blymhill July 29, and is described in the Register as Mr. John
Manning, of Birmingham. 8
I suppose it to have been his infant SOll, who predeceased him
and was buried at Blymhill Dec. 9, 1753, as John, yc son of John
and Mary Manning of the Parish of Birmingham. ~
Under the limitations of a settlement by the second. John

1 Shaw's :MS., in the Wm. Salt Library at Stafford. This monument was no
longer in existence when the writer became Rector of Blymhill in 1853. ~ Blymbill
Parochial Register. 3 . . . & 6 Title Deeds, penes Earl of Bradford. 7 Salt's MS.
This monument was no longer in existelice in 1853. g & 0 Blymhill Paxochial

THE ~IA~OR A:-,'D PAltI:'3H OF BLY~1HILL. :311

'Manning, dated 5th April, 1744, the fee simple of the Blymhill
estate passed to his sister, Elizabeth Manning, who, in October,
1760, as Elizabeth )lFl.nning, of Church Aston, co. Salop, spinster,
recites that she is seized to her and her heirs for ever of the said
estate from and immediately after the decease of Mary Manning,
\viclo\v, relict of her brother, John Manning. She was then about
to he married to Edward Lunn, of BiTmingham, painter and
jaranller. 1 They were already manied in March, 1761, and in
pUl'SUallCe of a po\ver reserved to her by her marriage settlement
she made a will, dated 16th March, 1762, whereby she bequeathed
the advowson or 4th turn to present to the Church of Blymhill to
her mother, lVIary Manning, ber heir and assigns, and gave her lands
in trust for the use of her husband, Edward Lunn, for life, with
remainder to the 1.1Se of her nephew, William Naylor (son of Joshua
Naylor, of Windsor, co. Berks, and Mary his wife) with remainder
to his three sisters, Jane, Ann, and Frances Naylor as tenants in
common in fee. ~
Mrs. Elizabeth Lunn died in the following year, and was buried
at Blymhill on August 29, 1762 ~ ; leaving her husband,her mother,
and her brother's widow surviving. Her mother, Mrs. Mary
Manning, widow, of the Parish of Church Aston, wa.<:; buried at
Blymhill on June 4, 1769.'
In the meantime, by deed dated 11th of February, 1746, executed
by ,John Manning (II.), his 'Widow, Mary Manning, became entitled
in effect to a life interest in the property, which last Mary Manning
did not die till July 31, 1790; so that Mrs. Lunn was never in
actual possession of the estate.
The actual possession of the estate appears to have been as
follows ,-From 30th Nov. 1724 (the date of the death of John
Manning, the elder) to 26th July, 1759 (the date of his own death),
in John Manning the younger. From 26th July, 1759, to 31st
July, 1790 (the date of her own death), in Mary Manning, mdow
of J olm Manning the younger. From 31st July, 1790, to shortly
before 7th 0f February, 1804, in Edward Lunn. From shortly be-
fore 7th February, 1804, to 8th June, 1804, in William Naylor.
In May, 1785, Mr. William Naylor, apothecary, the only son
and heir of Mr. Joshua Naylor, architect, by his wife, Mary
Manning, sells to Sir Henry Bridgeman, Bart., his share of the ad-
vowson or 4th turn to present to thp. Church Qf Blymhill; and by

1. & ~ Title deeds, pe'1tt8 Earl of Bradford. -S·& '" Blymhill Parochial Register.

contract, dated March], 1790, the same Mr. V,:rilliam Naylor agreed To secure this grant a fine was levied at Salop, on Nov. 8, 12-:1:8,
to sell his remainder in the Blymhill estate, expectant on the death ill f(Jl'll following: "This is the final concoru between Ralph ue
'Jf Mary Manning and Edward Lunn, to the said Edward Lunn. Cove and )'fargel'Y, his wife, plaintiffs (querentes), and Margery de
The sale, however, was not completed until after the death of Mr. Blomenhull, defendant (impedientem), of half a carucate and two
Lunll, which occurred before February 7, 1804, when letters of ad- rncrks of rent in Burewarde.sley, whereof Was a plea of warranty
ministration were granted to IVfary Walhouse. of Charter. Margery de Dlomenhull acknowledges the right of the
Mr. Edward Lunn left John Stubbs, his cousin and heir-at-law, plaintiffs, as of the gift of herself; to have and to hold to Ralph
and by conveyance, dated 8th June, 1804, William Naylor can. alld Margery (his wife), and the heirs of the latter." 1
veyed the property, by the direction of the same ,John Stubbs, to Ralph de Cove accounted twomerks for his fine for licensetcaccord. 2
the said John Stubbs and Joseph Stubbs in moieties. In the following year he was appointed Justice for the gaol
]; One of the said moieties was purchased by the late Earl of Brad- delivery, at Bnlg.
.,jl ford, in 1841, from the trustees of the v.-ill of Mr. George John In 1255 he appears as joint Lord of TIlymhill, as also Lord of
,', Stubbs, who was son and heir of the above-named John StUbbs. Covell, and seneschal of the King's Forests in Staffordshire.'
, The other moiety was left by Mr. Joseph Stubbs, who died in 1829, In Augnst 1826 he is holding the same office in the lloyal Forest
l' to his son 11r. George Bradnock Stubbs. A contract for the pur- .' of Feckenham in vVorcestershire. £;

"!, chase of this second moiety by the present Earl of Bradford from At the forest assizes of 1262 he was amerced in 12 merks, for
,i': Mr. G. B. Stubbs was entered into in 1869, anu the conveyance having hounds witllin the limits of the Forest "Without warranty. n
"" was executed in 1872, whereby the Earl of Bradford became OWner Previously to this he cOl.lCurred with his. wife Margery ill
~i of the whole estate, which includes the High Hall, the Bent Farm, demising theil' joint interests in Broseley to Geoftb3Y de richford
:1 and certain other lands and houses. 1 for a term of years, and before that term expired Ralph de Coven
,! himself was dead. He left Margery, his ",idow, surviving, who was
COVEN'S SHAR.E. soon afterwards remarried to William de Drayton. He also left three
i (1st Portion). daughters, his coheirs, of whom Alice was marriea. to Robert de
l. v\,Te have seen that 11argery, one of the daughters and coheirs of Pendeford, Margery to Henry del Parco, and Philippa. to Henry de
John Bagot and Margery, his \. .ife, married Ralph de Coven, who Wyvereston. Alice, the eldest daughter, who was already married
had his name from Coven, a manor and t.ownship in the neighbouring to Robert de Pendeford at the time of her father's death, seems to
!'" Parish of Brewood, which he held under the Barons of Stafford. have entered at once upon her father's lands; and from this Robert
i! It is in connection 'With Broseley, as described by Mr. Eyton iu and Alice, Geoffrey de Pichford obtained a grant in fee of the
j: his Antiquities of Shropshire, rather than with Blymllill, that 1
whole of what had been Ralph de Coven's interest in Broseley.
shall chiefly be able to speak of her; but the transfer of her estate Dut whereas Margery, Ralph's widow, w~s survivjng, and Ali~e
1:,I" at Broseley ""ill help to throw some light upon that of her inheri- moreoyer was only one of three co-hens to her father, this
tance at Blymbill. Her mother, Margery, had succeeded to her feoffment and. the 40s. annual rent which it reserved t,o the Feoffees
ji share of her brother's lands in Broseley and Ashley, in 1243 or 1244. were obviously more than they could grant or receive with any
~l Soon after this, and calling herself by her maiden name of Maro-ery
fitz Warin, she granted to Ralph de Coven and Margery,::' her
shew of justice. These particulars are taken from the pleadings
in a subsequent law suit. Shortly after this transaction Robert de
Ii daughter, and the heirs of their bodies, the chief part, if llot all, Pendeford died, when his widow, Alice, renewed the"'bargam with
/ of her interest in Broseley. Geoffrey de Pichford in forID following: "Know all men that I,

1 Mr. G: B. Stubbs died on Dec. 13, 1873. leaving three daughters his coheirs; 1 Pedes Finium 33 Hen. III. Salop (Eyton's Ant. Sbl"op. vol. II., p. 26). ~ Rot.
of whom the eldest married the Rev. Robert Gordon Rector of Hammerwich near Pip. 38 Hen. III. Salop. 3 Ant. Shrop. as before. oj, Rot. Hund. II., 114, 115.
Lichfield; the 2nd married the Rev. MF. Newbolt: Vicar of St. Mary's, Bllston; ~ Rot. Fin. 40 Hen. II!., memb. 7. 0 Forest pleas memb. 5, recto (Ant. ShIop.
aDd the youngest married Mr. A. T. Harrison, surgeon, of Walsall. vol II., p. 28).
Alice, eldest daughter of Sir Ralph de Covene, in my liege widow- The cause was adjourned to the morrow of the Ascension, but
hood, of my C81'tain l<llOwleclge, and by the advice of my ·fl'iends diet not come on for actual trial till the County Assizes in Septelll~
and not under constraint, have givell, &c., to Geoffrey de Fichefard her, and then in a different form: for" Thomas and Alice sued
and his heirs all my Iftnc1 of BorewaTCleslee which my Lord RabBIt "\Villiam de Drayton and Margery for 20s. rel1t ill Burwardsle,
de Pendeford and I formerly made over to him, with the third part which Alice used to receive from Geoffrey LIe l'icheford, ,vith other
of the ael VOWSOll of the chuT(:h, and the third of the DOI,'tel' of the :lOs. from one-third of a caru(;ate of laud there." l vVilliam and
Lady (Emma the wiclmv of Philip de Bnnvarclesley, her great J.1argery replied that /. they llall the said 20s. as of the du\"','er of
uncle), \\'11en she shall chance to die. Rendering to me and to my .:\Iargery, and by gift of Halph ,le Covene, her fl)rmer Ims]Jand, OIle
heirs 408. annually under the same distraint as is more fully of whose heirs Alice is." The Plaintiffs here availed themselves
contained in the charter which passed between my lord Robert de of this Illis~application of the term ([oweT, saying that" Ralph de
Pendeford and me and the same Geoffrey Oll the sllbject. Covene never was tenant (sale), because the tenement was once
Witnesses Hugh de Bo1ingale, ,\Villiam de Perton, Philip de Margery Fitz Warin's, who ill her willoivhood g~l\'e it to Ralph de
Beckebur, J Oh11 ue Grel1ehl.11, 'rlilliam de l,-;"mfreston, Ralph de (;oven0, his wife Margery (Margery fitz "Varin's daughter), and their
Kachylee, Philip de Sv.ryneye, John de Bispeston, clerk, &c." heirs of their Douies, by a charter," which they the Plaintifts 110\...·
The next event in this somewhat complex story was the produced, ., whereby," said the Plaintiffs," Margery, vVilliam's wife,
remarriage of Alice, widow of Robert de Penclefon1, to Thomas was joint tenant with her fonner husband Ralph, and Ralph C~t11d
Sany; and now the question seems fiTst to have arisen whether not give her dower of such tenement." The defendants acknow~
Alice had any right to deal exdusively with a third of this Manor ledgeJ. all this, and in reply recited the previous proceediugs, \"iz.,
or Broseley eluring the lifetime of her mother 11argery. Accordingly the term granted by Ralph de Uovene and Margery, his wife, to
vYillialll de Drayton and the said Margery sued Geoffrey de Geoffrey de Picheford, the death of the said Hulph, the feoffment
Picheford, the tenant, under a writ of Dower in the county court. granted by Hobert de Pencleford and Alice, the suit of William J~
Geoffrey called to warranty his feoffer Alice and her husband Drayton and lVlargery, in the County Comt, and the concord ill
Thomas Sany. They not venturing to vouch such warranty which that suit had ended, and which now the Flaintifis sought to
(timentes u'c~1'rcmtiarn), treated at once with William de Drayton set aside. Here the proceedings of September, 1272, suddenly
and Margery, and came to all aijrreement whereby the latter \Vel'e terminate, with a note purporting that the Plaintiffs withdrew their
to withdraw their writ against Geoffrey de richford and receive prosecution.
20s. out of the said 40s. rent during the life of Margery, Geoffrey Soon after this Geoffrey de Pichford compounded his ubligation
ue PichfOTd being authorised so to pay the same. But this concord. to pay 40s. rent to ThoDlas Sany and Alice, his ",ife; indeed \ve
did not endure; for in Hilary Term, 1272, at Westminster, Thomas llW-}' say that he bought up their \vhole interest in the Manor of
Sany (Sayne) and Alice his wife are found suing Geoffrey de Broseley. A fine was levied at 'Vl estminster in Michaehnas Term,
Pichford and Mary, his wife, for performance of customs, rents and 1274, between Geoffrey de Pycheford, Plaintiff (querentem), and
services due in Burwardele. ~ Thomas l'ain (so writtell) and Alice, his wife, impedients, of 406.
rent, one-third of a carucate of land, and one~third of the advowson
I Charter at Willey. This deed will have passed between 1262, when Ralph de
Coven was still living, and 1270, when Alice's widowhood appears to have come to
of the church of Burwardesley, whereby Thomas and Alice sur-
all end; for by w.Jit tested by the King at St. Alban's, on June 12, 1270, Halph de rendered the whole, as the right of Geoffrey, by their own gift, to
HeDgham is ordered to take an assize of novel ilisseisin, at Stafford, which William hold to Geoffr:ey and his heirs of Thomas and Alice, and the heirs
de Drayton and Margery his wife arraigned again"t Thomas PaDY anu others of Alice, for ever, rendering therefore to the vendors one clove
concerning a tenement in Coven (Rot. Pat. 54, Hen. III., m. 10, dorso); so that
we mlL)' <1ssnme that Alice was now married to her second husl1and, and probably
yearly, and performing in their stead all services due to the
attempting to eject her mother froli the lands she held at Coven ill dower. From Lords of the fee. For this Geofll·ey paid 30 merks.' It would thus whidl follows in the text it would seem that Margery's daughters took possession
of all or most of her lands during her own lifetime. :. Pla.cita. apud Westul. Hilary 1 Salop Assizes, 56 Hen. IlL, m~mb. 5 recto. 2 Pedes Finium, 2 Edw. 1., Salop,
Term, 56 Hen. III., mambo 27, recto. No.4.
appeal' that Alice succeeded in 0btainillg the purchase money for
the whole of her parents' interest in Draseley_ But there Wt:it:
inheritance, not only during her own lifetime, but also during the
others who prouaLly had as good a right as she herself to the said lifetime of. her mother Margery, the widow of Ralph de Coven (who
lands; and with one, at least, of these the purchaser had to,deal for \vas certainly alive in 1283, if she was not living nearly 20 years
t11e acquirement of heT rights. later); and on the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist, 4 Ec1w. I. (1276),
Accordingly the above fine is followed by anotber, levied at was a final concord at Westminster, between Thomas de la Hyde and
Westminster, on ,July 1, 1275, whereby" Henry de Parco and Alice, his wife, complainants, and Thomas Pany and Alice, his
Margel'Y, his wife, impedients, surrendered to Geoffrey de Pycheford wife, impedient5, concerning one messuage, half a carucate of land
and Mary, his \',ife, Plaintiffs (querentes), a ninth share of the and the sixth part of the advO"'ivson of the church of Blemenhull
manor and advowson of Burwardesle, whereof was plea of warranty; in Blemenhull, which impedients acknowledged to belong to
to hold to Geoffrey and Mary, his wife, and the heirs of Geoffrey, complainants by gift of impcdients, to hold of impeclients, rendering
of Henry and Margery, and the heirs of Margery for ever j ren- yearly 405. and performing, for impedients, to the Lords of the fee
dering a rose yearly, and performing all capital services. For this the services appertaining to the premises; amI after the decease ut
the Plaintiffs paid 60 merks." 1 Alice, ""ife of Thomas P,my, complainant shall be released from
It has been stated that the heirs of Ralph de Coven and Margery, the payment of the said 40s., and shall hold the said p~elllises of
his wife, were three daughters, '\vllo shared their father's lands in the lwirs of the said Alice, wife of Thomas Pany, remlermg a rose
Coven, and between whom their mother's fuurth part of Blymhill re.:1.rly ana performing to the Loras of the fee, for the heirs of the
was divided into three portions. They seem to have also made said Alice, the accustomed services, and fo1' this acknowledgment
good their title to S0111e share of the Ashley estate, for a fine was complainant gave to ill1pedients one sore sparrow hawk. I
levied at Stafford on the l\lUl"l"OW of St. l\1atthew, the Apostle, I snppose this WftS equivalent to a sale of all her interest nt
56 Hen. III. (Sept. 22, 1272), between Thomas Pain and Alice, his Blymhill, in which she retained only a rent for the term, of her
wife, Henry de Park alld Margery, his-wife, and Henry de Wyver- life. I fiud no fmther mention of her or her descendants lIt C011-
ston and Phelippa, his wife, complainants, and Geoffrey de Bromley, nectioll 'i'lith Blymllill; and Thomas de la Hyde is described a fe'i\"
tenant, of one messuage and twenty acres of land in Assheleye; years afterwards as joint Lorcl of Blymhill. But before I go on to
whereupon an assize of rnoTt ancestoT was summoned between them. speak of the Hydes, I will first conclude what I have to say of
Thomas and . .L\,
. Henry and Margery, and Henry and Phelippa, Alice de Co\ren, Pen deford, or Sany, and her heirs.
remitted and quit claimed, for themselves and the heirs of the said In the octave of St. :Michae1, 6 Ed\v. 1. (1278) was a final concord
Alice, Mal-gery, and Phelippa, to the aforesaid Geoffrey and his between Ralph, son of Robert de Pendeford, complainant, and
heirs, all their right and clailil in the aforesaid tenement for· ever, Thomas Pal1V and A1ice, his wife, impedients, concerning one
and for this acknowledgment, quit claim, fine and concord. the messua0"e and half a carucate of land in Covene, which impedients
same Geoffrey gave the aforesaid Thomas and }.lice, Henry and ackno\\1eclged to belong to complainant by the gift of impedients,
ii, Margaret, and Hem-y and Phelippa, 6 merks of silver.1! to hold of impedients during the life of Alice, rendering 2~ mer};::s
A few days before this, namely on the quinzaine of St. John tI!e yearly and performing to the Lords of the fee, for. impedient:, the
I"I' ', Baptist, 56 Hen. III., by final concord at Lichfield, Thomas Pany services appertainiug; and after the decease of Ahce, complam~nt
i! and _tUice, his wife, gave to Amabilia, Prioress of Brewode, and her shall be released from the said payment and shall hold of the herrs
church the moiety of one virgate of land, and a Teut of 16d. in of the said Alice for ever, rendering a rose yearly and performing
Brewode, to hold of the said Thomas and Alice and the heirs of to the Lords of the fee the services appertaining, and if complainant
Alice for ever. a ' shall die without issue the said premises shall revert to impedjents.~
The said Alice seems to have made away with most of her This will have been a deed of gift to her second son, who eventually
succeeded to her interest at Coven, and as.'5umed the name of Coven.
. ~ Pedes Finium, 2 Edw. 1., Salop, No.5 (Ant. Shrop., vol. II. p. 30). ~ Pr.des
Fi¢um, 56 Ben. III., No. 233. "" Ibid, No. 240.
I t<:t,ke her first husband, Robert de Pendeford, to have been the
l Pedes. Finium, 4 Edw. 1., No. 17. ~ Pedes Finium, 6 Edw_ 1.
AX $

same with Robert, son of Robert de Penueford, to whom Alan Edw. I. 1293), sought and recovered against the Prior of St.
de Erdington, by deed without date, remitted 15s. of a 20s. rent, Thomas, the Martyr, extra Stafford, the 3rd part of two parts of
which he was accustomed to pay for the Vill of Pendeford (in the the manor of Pendefard, which she claimed as her dower.l From
Parish of BrewooJ) j to which are \Vitllesses Robert de Esenington, this we may infer that her mother-in-law Alice, the widow of Ralph
Ralph Purcell, Ralph de Coven, Peter Giffard, Richard de Grendon, de Coven, was still living and holding a :3rd part of the manor of
William Wymer, \Villiam de Benteley, Robert de Whiston, John Pelldeford in dower.
de Perton, Hugh de l,.Vrottesley, John de Engletoll, Ralph de Brom- Ralph, the brother of John de Pendeford, succeeded to the right of
hale, Hobert de Hyde, Peter de Brewode, who wrote the deed, and inheritance, and assumed the name of Coven.
others.l At the assizes above mentioned, \\Tilliam, the son of William
The sons of Robert de Pendeforcl and Alice de Coven, his wife, Paynel, sought and recovered against Margery, who had been the
were .JaIm and Ralph; which J olm de Pen deford, by deed without wife of Ralph de Coven, a messuage with the appurtenances in
(late, grants to V.,rilli~1n ue Helpillgham, chaplain, his lands in Coven of which the same Margery had unjustly disseised William
Paynei, the father of the said Willi~m, whose heir he is. ~nd in
Pendefol'd, and if Alice, 11is mot1ler, should her dower therein,
then, &c. ,\Vitnesses, John Giffard, I.ord of C11ilinton, Robert de 31 Edw. 1. (1302-3), Margery, relict of Ralph de Coven, ill her
Snmerforcl, .T ohn de Engleton, &c. ~ widowhood, gave to Silvester Fowks, of Brunnesford, a place of
In 6 Ec1w. 1. (1277-8), by the name of John, Lord of Pen(leford, land called the Wiche Syche, in the fee of Coven, near the acfur-
son of Robert ue Pendeford, he grants to Nicholas, Prior of St. long to hold, &c., of the chief lords of the fee by . the accusto~ec1
Thomas, the?; Martyr, near Stafford, and the convent there, all his services, reserving to herself for the term of her life a rent of ..,d.
manor of Penderord ''''Tithout any return except the prayers of the to which are witnesses Ralph de Buschebury, Rob. Ie Flemyng,
aforesaid 1wetlucn for ever. \Vitnesses, the Lords "\Villiam de Ralph de Coven, John fil. Margerie, Ralph de W yv'ston, and othel~ ;
,, Cayerswall, Philip (Ie Chetwynd, Hngh de ,Vest-on, Knights, Ralph dated at Coven in the 31st year of the reJgn of Klllg Edward.
de Bnrgo, &c.~ Whether these transactions have reference to Margery Bagot, the
Such a deed of gift relluired the confirmation of the Seigneural widow of the first Ralph de Coven, 01· to the 'Widow of her gl'aIld-
Lord; and it is accol'dinglyfolloweu by a deed, without date, of Roger son Ralph de Coven (or Pendeford) it is not ea~y to deter~nine. Tl~e
de Somel'y, t)on of the Lord Roger de Somery, who concedes to the former was certainly living in 1283, and holdmg lands III C~ven ~n
c;~id Priol' and convent free ingress into the said manor of Pendeford, dower, and may possibly have been alive in 1302-3, 'hough, if still
which they had of the gift of John de Pendeforcl; to which are livinG she must have been of a great age at that tlIDe.
\\·itnesses ~icholas Seggrave, I,.Villiam Bagot, ,\Villiam de Caverswall, Ral~h de Coven, or Pendeford, son of Robert and ..Alice de
Bertram de Burgo, Knights, Persevallo de Somery (brother to the Pendeford, was father of Ralph fitz Ralph de Coven, as also of
Grantor), John de Eton, Ralph de Bissobesbury, John Russell, another son William.
Walter de Elmedon, and others. ~ A Ralph de Coven (probably the son of Ralph) OCC1llS in 27
And this deed was further confirmed by deed, without date, of Edw. I. (1298-9), as witness to a deed of John, son of Ralph de
(the original Grantol"s brother) Ralph de Coven, son of Robert de Brombale to Thomas de la Hyde:
IJendefol'cl, ,vhl') remits to tIle said Prior and his Convent all his right Ralph de Coven held Coven of the Lord Stafford in 28 Edward I.'
(lnd claim to the manor aforesaid. Witnesses, J olm Giffard, Knight, And from this time forward Ralph, Lord of Coven, occurs as a
l{obert rle Sumerford, &c." frequent witness throughout the remainder of that reign and the
I find no further mention of John de Pendeford, who probably reign of Edward II. until the 3rd year of Edward III.
died soon after this alienation of his paternal inheritance, leaving
l PITta de Jur. Assiz: Staff., being Pleas before .John ~e BereWf"k, Thos. de Nor-
Agnes, his widow, who at the Stafford Epiphany Assizes, in 21 vil! W·lr de Bereford and others Justi(!es Itinerant ill the County of
man e,. 1 laIn. E. h ?l Edw I' ~ ~ & .. Huntbo.we MS., Vol. II.
Stafford, In Crastino Pl}'.,.. ..
1 ... ~. ~ & ... Huntbache MS., vol. II. " Huntbache MS. (Salt's MS.) part 1, p. 398.

It was probably this last Ralph, who, as Ralph, Lord of Coven, LJ"
deed. without date, concedes to William, son of William Paynel, of
Coven, for a certain sum of money paid to him, five butts of land
in the croft which Geoffrey Ie Bercher held of Margery de Coven
l)et\Ycen the land of the grantor on one side and the land which the
sHiel William before had of his gift on the other, together with a
certain inclosure and a certain right of way thereto. He further
O'rants to the said William, his heirs and assigns, the right of b0"ettinbrr
turf (blestura tnrbarum)' on his moss (brueria) every year for ever,
together with one ID8n for half a day before dinner whenever he
will. The reserved rent is one silver halfpenny (obolmn argenti),
payable at Michaelmas. Witnesses, Robert Ie ChampiuD, William
Ie Champiun, Robert Ie Fleming, J CJhn fil. Margerie, Ralph de
Wyv'stou and others.~ This deed must have passed before 16
': . Edw. 11, when Robert Ie Champiun was dead.

Ralph, son of Ralph, Lord of Coven, was father of .J ohn and

Ralph de Coven.
John de Coven, Lord of Coven, OCCllrs from 6 to 28 Edward III.
He maTTied Julian, the daughter of William Hewett, which Julian
was living in 18 Ric. II. (1394-5). By her he had a son John, and
a younger son, Richard, brother of John, living in 4 Hen. V.
In 18 Ric. II., John, Lord of Coven, grants his manor in Coven,
with all lands, &c., to John Bradley, of Penkrich, and William de
Hyde, of Brewood, chaplain, for which they are to pay to him a ""H
rose at Midsummer j witnesses, William de Shareshul1, Knight,
John Giffard, Egidio de Hyde, Rob. de Bydulph, Tho. de Brugsford, ~-
&c.... And in. 10 Hen. V. (1422) there is a release from William ~



Hyde to John de Coven and his heirs of all the lands which he ,,0-> 11--
and John Bradley had of the feoffment of John de Coven, father 0 ~] 0

of the said John, in Coven. 5

II -e
" <--. "
But none of these Lords of Coven appear to have had any
interest:in Blymhill. I shall therefore pass on from them to the
Hydes, who acquired their inheritance therein.
"0 ""' ".3 H

Thomas de la Hyde, who purchased, to himself and Alice his ~~
"Wife, from Thomas Pany and Alice, his wife, ~he 1st (or Pendefod)
portion of Coven's share of Blymhill, was doubtless the son of
Thomas Gypwich and Petronilla de la Hyde.
~ ~
" .",'"

"o "d-
;:::., ....
o QD

"d~ Q.",

The Hyde from which the family derived their name was situate "0 00 -

in the parish of Brewood. ~-

"Q""~ """
Q ~-

1Peat for burning, I suppose. 2 & ~ Huntbache, MS., vol. II. 4 & ~ Hunt- ~~ ..,
-" 0_
0 ~8
bache, MS. (Salt's Lib.)
By deed, without date, but which must have passed in the reign
of Henry III., Roger de la Hyde, son of William de Hyda, gives to
Petronilla, his daughter all his lands and tenements in Hyda.. He
gives also to the same Petronilla and her heirs all the services, rents,
anJ. customs of all the untler vrritten persons and their heirs for
eyer, viz., Ii-obert de Ochte, John de Hyda, Richard Rotarii, Richard
son of Richard, ,,\Tilliam de Wlvenet, Richard Ie Buker and others
with all profits, reliefs, &c., to be held of the grantor ;lld his heil'~
for eyer. The reserved Tent is a pair of shoes of the value of four-
pence at Christmas. For this donatioD, Petronilla gi\'es 8 mer1.::s on
entry (in gersumam). "Vitnesses, Ralph de Lacock and :Kicbo1as
de Lega, then seneschals to the LorLl Bishop or Coventry and
Lichficld, Ralph de Coyen, Peter Giffard, Umfrey de Umfriston, John
de Ellgleton, Robert de Pendeford, Robert de Sumelford, Peter de
Brewode, Ralph de Broomhall, John Dispensario, Ralph, son of
\Valter, the clerk, &c. 1 By deed, also without date, the same lady,
describing herself as "Petronilla, relict of Tho. de Gyperico " and
" daughter of Roger de la Hyde," grants to Thomas, her eldest son,
all her lands, &c., in the vill of Hyda; witnesses, \Villiam Giffard,
Master Thomas de Cobham, Robert de PendefoId, &c.~_
This grant was afterwards confirmed, in the following terms, by
vValter, the son and heir of Roger de la Hyde; who, being a priest,
'vas una11e to many and can}' on the line. "To all the world, &c.,
Walter de 1a Hyde, son of Roger de Hyda, Rector of the Church of
Broatton, greeting; whereas the said Roger, my father, gaye to
Petronilla, my sister, all the lands, &0., which he had in Ie Hyde
juxta Brewood, to have &c., by military service, and the same
Petronilla gave to her son Thomas, my nephe\y, all the aforesaid
lands, &0., to have and to hold of the heirs of the said Roger de la
Hyde by the same military service; I, the said Volalter, as next
heir to the said Roger, my father, do confirm the same grants, &c. :
moreover I will and concede that the said Thomas, my nephe\v.
should have and hold for the future all the aforesaid lands, &c., in
Ie Hyde in free and pUl'e socage, rendering therefore one pair of
white gloves (cirotecarum); witn~ss, the Lord Halph de Sapcot;
dated on the morrow or S~. Fidis, the Virgin, ill. the 23rd year of
King Edward, son of King Henry" (Oct. 7,1295).
In 4, Edw. I. (1275,6), the year in which they purchased their
lands at Blymhill, Thomas de 180 Hyde, and Alice, his wife, give half
a merk to have a writ of ad te1';n'inU1n, and the Sheriff of Stafford is
:. & ~ Hllntba.che MS., vol. II.
ordered to take security.' In 6 Edw. I. (1277,8), Thomas de la Thomas de la Hyde and Margal'et his wife all his right &c., in
Hyde oaives half a merk to have an assize. e In 1284,. 'with vVilliam. Overmore Rudding, &c., in Bromhale, which said moor devolved
de Ipstones, Robert de Bromley, and Roger de PlChford, he is
described D,S joint lord of Blymhill.: And it was probably the same
Thomas de la Hyde, who in 1291, had awarded to him the second,
Qut of four turns, to present to the Ohurch of Blymhill in conjuuc~
tion with Ralph Streche and Henry de vv~yverston (who will have
tllen represented the other two portions of Coven's share).'
I upon the grantor by right of inheritance after the death of his
brother Peter; to which are witnesses Ralph, Lord of Coven,
Tho mas, Lord of Engleton, and others. 1
According to the \vriter of the History of Brewood this Thomas
de la Hyde (II.) had issue another Thomas de la Hyde (III), who
had issue r.alph, Nicholas, and J olm. ~ There was also another son
In 25 Edw. I. Tho. de I. Hyde is 2nd 'Witness to a deed of Giles, who is described as brother to Ralph and ~ieholas and son of
Richard, son of Hervey de Stretton, together with Sir J oln Giffard, Thomas de la Hyde, and \vas living in 16 and 27 Ed,,;-. III. 3
Thomas de Engletol1, l~obert de Somerford and Robert de Wystone." In 6 Ec1w. III. (13:32) is l lease from Thomas the SOll of Thomas
In 27 Eclw. 1. Jo1m tIle son of Ralph de Bromhale grants to de la Hyde to ,\Villiam de Donyngton of Leicester, of his manor
Thomas de la Hyde and 11argaret, his wife, all his lands, tenements, of Dromhale near Brew-ode, to hold from the Feast of St. Dionisins,
&c., \vhich he had within the vill or Bromhale, or without, in the 1332, for the term of nine years, paying a year1y reut of 28:5. and
parish of Brewooc1, with the Royalty of the said vill, as freely as it to tl:e chief light of the cat11edral chUl'eh of lichfield for the said
was granted to any of his ancestors-rent, &c., as accustomec1; Thomas at 11ieh2.elmas 45.; witnesses the Lord John Giffard,
wLtnesscs, Sir Robert de Pipe and William Trumwrn, Knights, Knight, Hugh de Engle ton, Roger son of Roger Tinetoris de
Ralph de Coven, Thomas de Engle.ton, Robert Ie 11eyne, Peter de la Brewode, Peter de vVolfveley, Jordan Ie Boteler, .Tolm de Strangle-
Seche, Rogerle Hevester, John de NOTthale and Robert Trnmwyn." tford, John son of John Henry, &c. ~
As there were t\yO or three of the same name in succession, it is In 10 Eclw. III. (1:3:36) Thomas de la Hyde is 2nd witness,
difficult to distinguish between them, but since this Thomas de laHyde \vith John, Lord of ,)\Teston, Rol)el't de Sancto Petro, and Richanl
has a different wife to the Thomas who purchased Blymhil1, it is Ie Bedelle ele ChililltoD, to a deed of William at Nore de Chilinton
probable that he was the son of Thomas and Alice, and the second of to Sir Jo1m Giffard, Knight.' And in 16 Edw. III. (1342) is a
that name -who was joint Lord of Blywhill. lease from Thomas de la. Hyde to Nicholas his son, auu the heirs of
In 34 Edw. I. (1305,6), Sir JOIlll Giffard, Knight, Lord of Chil- his body lawfully begotten, of all his lands, &c., in Bromhale, and if
1ington, grants to Thomas de la Hyde, and his heirs, all and singular the said Nicholas should die without heirs of his body then to Giles,
his estovers in his wooel of Chillington; \vitness, Sir 'William brother of Nicholas fOl' term of life, and after his decease to the
Trum'wyn, Knight. l'io'ht heirs of the said Thomas for ever; to '.yhich are witnesses
In 9 Edw. II. (1315,6), Thomas de la Hyde grants to J ohn,son of .T ~hll, Lord of Somerford, J Oh11 Ie Marchal, Richard son of Richard
Richard de Blimenhull, and Hervey, brother of John, for term of Jordan de Singleton, "Villiam son of William J de Somerford,
life, two places of land in Blimenhull; to which are witnesses John Rorrer son of Nicholas Ie Hevster de Engleton, &c. e
de Ipstones and Richard de Pichforcl.~ In 27 Edw. III. (1353) Giles son of Thomas sometime of the
It incidentally appears from an inquisition taken at Cameleford H vde releaseth to Ralph his brother all his lands, &c., in Bromhale,
in the County of Cornwall, in 10 Edw. II. that Thomas de la Hyde wllich he had by the gift of his father for the tenn of his life; ''I'it~e~ses
held the manor of La Hyde, in t1'ie County of Stafford, of the King John Gifiard, Richard de Engleton, Edmund de la Lee, ....Vllham
in capite, by knight's service, which was \vorth £20 PC1' annurn.~ Oliver and others. 7 And in the following year Ralph de la Hyde
In 20 Edw. II. (1326) John Giffard, Lord of Cbilinton, grants to 1 Huntbache MS. vol. II. ~ History of Brewood, prillted by Willia.m Parke,
Wolvcrl'lampton, 1850, p. 74. The Pedigree given i~ th.e Huntbache US. does not
I Rot. Fin. 4 Edw. 1. m. 16. ~ Ibid. 6 Edw. 1., m. 11. ~ & .. see p. 294. ~ Hunt· Tecorrnise the second Thomas in the descent, but I thlDk It more proba.ble that there
b::lche, MS. vol. II. 6 Huntbache :MS. (Salt's MS.) vol. 1. p. 352 compured with was Osuch a person. 3 Huntbache 1lS. (Salt's M8.) vol. 1, p. 352. ~ HUDtba:~e
Parke's History of Brewood, p. 74. G Huntbache, MS. vol. II. 7 Inq. ad quod )[8. vol. 1, p. 352. ~ Huntbac1e MS. vol. II. e Huntbache MS. vol. L p. 3DM'
d:J.lllllUID. 11. Edw. II. No. 33. 'i Ibid.

grants to Joan his wife and Thomas his SOn all his lands, &c., in Elizabeth, \"ife of Richard Lone de la Hyde, of all her estate, &c.,
Bromhale with all the appurtenances; witnesses John Giffard in the manors of Hyde and Gunston, and in the estovers which
Lord of Chilinton, John de Spere, &c.' In 29 Ec1w. III. (1355) formerly belonged to Ralph Hyde, father of the said Elizabeth, in
the same Ralph de la Hyde gives to Thomas his eldest son his the woods of Chilinton; to which are witnesses \Villiam leveson
messuages in Bromhale, &c.; witnesses John de Perton, Knight, Richard Heth, William Newport, William Lone and Willian::
John Giffard, Lord of Chilinton, John de Swineforton de Hulton Fowke. l
:' William Ie Champion, J Oh11 Lord of Coven, &c. 2 '
In 6 Henry VI. Richard Lone de Hyde has a grant from William,
I suppose that Ralph de la Hyde was dead in 20 Ric. II, (1396-7), Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, of the manor of Halton, in the
when Agnes Somerford, formerly the wife of Robert Fowleshurst County of Stafford, to him and the heirs of his body. The annual
remits to Joan at Huyde all her right in all the lands beloncina
the manor of Bromhale in divers places \vhich were formerly ill
o 0
t~ , rent reserved to the Bishop and his successors being 7 merks of
lawful English money, to be paid at Michaelmas and Lady Day
possession of Thomas atte Huyde.~ Joan widow of Ralph de 1a and making two appearances at the two great courts of the Bishop
Hyde appears to llave afterwanls mn.l'l'ied Robert Burg-ulan; and at Brewode; dated at Heywood on the Monday next after the feast
at Michaelmas 2 Hen. V. (1414) before Richard Norton and his of the invention of the Holy Cross, 6 Henry VI. (May 10, 1428).'
associates, Justices of the King's Bench, at '\Vestminster, Richard Richard Lone appears to have become possessed of Bentley about
Lone and Elizabeth his v;ife sueel Johana who had been the wife of this time by purchase, as I snppose, from ThoIDP.s Griffith, Esq..
Ralph de Ja Hyde concerning a toft, 30 acres of land, 6 acres of who in 8 Henry VI. concedes to Richard Lone de la Hyde and
meadow and 12s. rent with the appurt.enances, in Bromhale, which .rohn his son, and to the heirs of RiChard, all the lands, tenements,
Thomas de la Hyde, grandfather of the said Elizabeth, whose heir meadows, wood'S, rents, and services which he has in Bentley, in
she is, gave to Nicholas son of Thomas de la Hyde and the heirs the Connty of Stafford, together with the reversion of one
of his body, with remainder to Giles brother of Nicholas for the messuage, one mill, one carucate and a half of land, 12 acres of
term of his life, and ~hich after the death of the said Nicholas meadow, 16 acres of wood, and 7s. rent in Bentley, then held by
and Giles should revert to the aforesaid Richard and Elizabeth by Richard HarecoUlt and Alianor his wife for term of life, and
reason of the aforesaid grant: Nicholas was seized thereof in the also the reversion of aU th02e lands and tenements which Richard
time of the late King Edward'I:>areat '"O'ralldfather of the KinrrI:> that Pety and Margaret his wife then held for term of life of the said
now is, and died Yiithout issue; after vlhose death the aforesaid Margaret.:
Giles entered into possession and was seized thereof ill the time of The above transactions show the connection between the Hydes
King Richard II, \vhich same Giles afterwards died' after the and the Lones or Lanes, who thus became joint Lords of Blymhill.
death of \vhom the rigllt, &c., reverted to the aforesnid iThomas as This Richard Lone, who married the heiress of the Hydes,
the gr~ntor. From Thom!ls the right descelluecl to Ralph as son descended from a familv which took their name from the Lane of
and helr, and from Ralph to Elizabeth, who now sues as-daughter vVolverhampton. The Pedigree begins v.-ith Adam de Lana de
and h2ir. Joan appears by her attorney and cannot controvert Wolverhampton, whose grandson, Rir,hard de la Lone de Hampton,
the statement of Richard and Elizabeth, who recover their seisin son of J OM de la Lone, occurs in 3 Edw. III. by the Uc· of
by the consent of Joan.':' Richard in Ie Lone de Wolverl1amlJton.... It was, according to the
III 6 Henry V. (1418-9) Joan, who had been the wife of P",bert family evidences, his great grandson, Richard, son of John, son of
lJurgulon conceded to Richard Lone and Elizabeth his wife her Andrew, son of the aforesaid Richard, that married the heiress of
~anor ill Bromhale with all her lands, tenements, and rents, &c., Hyde. He survived his first wife, and had another wife, Catherine,
ill Bl'omhale, and in Horsebroke and Codeshale, to have and to who was livin~ in 13 Ric. II. Poichard Lone died in 1438 (16
holll to the said Richard and Eiizabeth and the heirs of Elizab~th. 5 Hen. VL),5 and was succeeded by his son and heir, John Lane, of
In the following year is a similar release from the same Joan to 1 & 2 Huntbache MS. vol. II. 3 Shaw's Staffordshire. under Bentley. . . Hunt·
~ 2 ~ ~ .$: ~ Huntbache MS. voL II. ba.che MS. voL II. ~ Lane Evidences.


Bentley and Hyde, Esq., who married rvrargery, the daughter of

Randle Egerton, of Wrinehill, by whom he left issue Richard, his
son and heir, 1 In 33 Hen. VI. (1455) Thomas Corbyn concedes
to Hugh Egerton, John Lane, and lVlargery his \-vife, and the heirs
and assigns of the said J olm, three parcels of land \\'ithin the
lordship of Chillillgton; dated at the Hyde 011 Monday next before
the Feast of St. Hillary 33 Hell. VI.'
Richard, the son of J aIm and 1fnrgery Lane, was father of
Ralph Lane, who married J oyee, daughter of Robert Cresset, and,
dying in 1474, left issue by her a son and heir, Richard, who I
proved his age in the same year. ~
This last Richard Lane, Esq., had the mallors of Bentley and
Hyde released to him by Hugh Egerton in 16 Hen. VII. He

man-ied Ann, daughter of J aIm HarecoUli;, of Ranton, Esq., (who

in 11 Hen. VIII. had for her second husband Thomas Partrich, of
King's Bromley), and died February 1, 1517, 8 Henry VIII.,
leaving John, his son and heir, aged 5 years. He held the manor
of Bentley of the King in capite by the service of a 3rd part of a
knight's fee; the manor of Le Hyde, alias Le Lee, of Sir JOM
Giffard, Knight, by the service of the 4th part of a knight's fee.
In April, 1544, Mr. John ap Harry is admitted to the Rectory of
Blymhill, on the presentation of v,rilliam Stamford, Esq., and
Thomas Shedulton, clerk, by the concession of Edward Mytton, of
Weston-l.lllder-Liziard, John Lane, of Hyde, John HarecQurt, of
Rantoll, and James 1tIoreton, of Turnehill, Esquires, rightful patrons
for this turn.5
,John Lane married Catherine, daughter of Thomas Partrich, of
King's Bromley, by whom he left issue three sons, Thomas, Richard
and John/ and died in 1576. The writ of diem clausit ex/;?'e1nUrn
was issued ou Feb. 4, 19 Eliz. (1577), and the inquest taken at
!I Wolverhampton, on April 1, of the same year, before J aIm Giffard and
"~i ": .- Francis Congreve, Esquires. The deceased was seized of and in the
,II ..'
manOT of Bentley, &c., the manor of Coven, with all its members and
appurtenances; also one messuage, one cottage, 100 acres of land,
40 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pastUl'e,40 acres of brushwood
and waste, alld 100s. of rent, with the appurtenances in Coven
aforesaid; lands in Stretton and ffeatherston in the Cauntv of
Stafford; the manor of Bramhall, with the ap;urtenances, and 40
1 Shaw's Staffordshire. ~ Huntbache MS. vol. II. 3 Cal. Inq. 11, Hen. "VII.,
No. 98. j; Inq. p.m. 19, Hen. VIII., No. 38. 5 Lichfield Dioe. Register. a Shaw's
'fhontns Gypwich dl.11n Hyde, jlll'c 1I.rol'is,7,"'Pctrollilln, and heiress of Hoger do In. Hyde.
___t_o~JJ~_!!~2l;:...g~~_ .. __ !
Thomas de In Hyde, son amI heir, Deems itS joillt I,QI'd of Blymhill, 128.J-.=Alico ,1275, 1277.

Thomns do In Hyde, 1298-9, 1326. =:MlI.l'gnl'et , 1298·9, 1326,

rrhom1ns do ~f\-~rYdO,-:;~;42. o-~-.

1---" 1 ·-r----I
Riliph do In Hydo, DC. 1353,,,,,JoRn rei. 1396-7., I'lllUlU'. Nicholas de III Hyde, John de 1ft Hydo. Giles de Itt. Hyde, l>robably
1355 j dlllHl ill 1396-7,
L~o_~~_~ b('l'~_ ~\~l_'~~'lon, living 1419. OC, 1312, ob, s.p. a priest, oc. 1342, 1353;

r-··----- ·····_-1
dead ill 1414, s. p.

ThOnlRS do In Hyde, livillg 1354, Richard Lane, of the Hyde, Biymhill, &0., jllr~ 11;C01-is, 1414 ;,,--,-mb:abeth, daughter and heiress of Ralph
ob. s. p.
acquired the Bentley estat~_~i.:_~~l143~_:~~~~~.___ ~ _. _ J
de la Hyde, 1414, 1419.

John Laue, of Bautloy, Hyde an(1 Blymhill, F,sC)., c--,,~rargery, dnughLtl' of Rall(lie Egerton, of Wrillehill, 1455.

. 1--- I
Ihchard I,ane, Esq., of Bentley. "'-'
_~_~_~_~_7JoycC, daughter of H. Crcsset; rel. 1477 ; afterwards mal'l'iod to Ed. Bunter.
Ra\~h Lane, F.sil" of Bentley;

Ricl!nnl Lane, Esq., of Bentley, proved his age in 1474 job. Feb, 1, 1517. _=Allll, daughter of ,John IIareeond, of HantoH, Esq., remarried to 'I'has.

.- -- '_"_'-'---'-' ......... - .."---.-.. --~-.-.---.

Jo~~-~~ne, Esq~~--o;-'~:n-tle;-; ob. 1576.=1.!argaret, daughter and 11Oil' of 'rhomas Pal'trich, of King's Bromley, Esq.
- - - - - _.. _ _ _ 1
ThJrnas Lane, Esq" of Bentley; ob. 1589.=Cnthel'ine, (laughter of Richard 'frentham, Esq.; Db. 1582.
~----~. ~
JoJn Lane, of Bentley, Esq. ; ob. 1605·6. =Jalle, daughter of Sir Edward Littleton, Knight.
-------~.--.. - j
Thimas Lane, of Bentley, Esq. ; ob. 1660. =Anll, danghter of Walter Bagot, of BlithfieId, Esq.
~_. ______ .____ .__ .___J ~
Jol~n, Esq.,
of Bentley, Col. ill H.M. Army j born, .April. 1609; ob. Aug, 31, 1677.=Athalie Anson.
~ _____ . __ .. _ .. _ .... _... . .......... __ . - .. ........ 1

Sir Thokas Lano, of Bentley, Knight; ob, Jan. 25, 17Hi,=Abigail, dnughter of Samuel Wightwiok, Es(!., and widow of Sir Henry
Williams, of Gwcl'uivct.

Jol~n L(\llo, of Bentley, Esq., sold the Blymhilt estat:~~;;;-; ob. Oct. 25, 1748. = Mary, dnughtel' aml co-hoir of IInmphreyWyrloy, of Ramp'
stead, co. Staff., Esq.
[ ..- ..- .. _- ..-
Ann Austen, 1st wife; ob. 1124.. =TllOillaa Lano, Esq., son and hoir; ob. 1775. =Allli SlIyor, 2nd wiflJ.
1 .1. 1 . .....- . - - - - ...- - -
JOh~L'no,l',q., "~'nd hoi' ;."b: Jnoe 28, 1782. ~I~
18",h, dought" .m\ ,,·heb· of 11. Fowl,,', 1'''1.
1 Laue, ES{h son and heir; ob. Dea. 21, 1824.=SlIrah, daughtor of Thomas Lloyd, l~sq., of Shrowsbury, and widow of Thoa. ArnIeI';
. __ ~____ . __ ~ ob. 1855.

JoJn Newton Lane, of King's Bromloy, ]~sq., son 1\11(1 heir; ob. Oct. 13, 186{1. =lIonble. Agnes, daughter of William, Lord Bllgot.

Jol~n Henry Bllgot Lane, now (IS80) of Kiug's Bromley, Esq.

LAk p


acres of laud, 2 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture, and 5 acres

of wood belonging to the said manol', together with an annual
chief rent of 15d. issuing out of certain lands in Bramhall; one
messuage, oue ""vater mill, and 40 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow
and 100 of pasture in Ie Hyde, and 16 acres of bnd, IG acres of
merrdow, 30 acres of pastm'e, with the appurtenances, in Chillington,
and certain rights of estover in the woods of Chillington; the
manor of Gunston, and lands, &c., in GUllston, Wodhall and Bil-
broke; O'ite ?Jwssu(~[je, 60 acres oj land, 8 aCl'es of nwadow, 30 aC1'CS
of past'ttTc with the apPz{'1'tenances in Bly'm?nell and B1'ynton; he
was cds:) seized, as oj fee and by 1'ight,oj cmd in a moiety of the advfYwson,
fl'CB disposal and 1-ight of J?Tesenting a Rector to the parish Ch~wch of
Bly·nunell, viz., as often as eVC'7Y 5th 'l:acancy should OCC1W / and of
and in lands, &c., in "VVullv'hampton an(l vVeduesfield, and ;:;
messuages, 6 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, and 16 acres of
pastnre with the appurtenances in Brewood; and being so seized
by deed indented, bearing date January 12,1 Eliz. (1559) the sllid
John Lane enfeoffed J oh11 v'hottesley, Thomas Trentham, Roger
Partriche, Esqnires, and vVilliam Astyn, gent., in all the aforesaid
manors and lands, &c. (the manor of Bentley, with all its appm~
tenances, only excepted) to the use of the said John Lane for life,
and after his decease to the use of Thomas Lane, his son and heir
apparent, and the heirs of the said Thomas Lane lawfully begotten
of the body of Katherine Trentham, with remainder to the right
heirs of the said John L'me for ever. By another deed bearing
date Feb. 3,18 Eliz. (1576) the said John Lane and Thomas Lane
demised and delivered to ferm to John Lane, the younger SOn of the
said John Lane, and Cassandra, one of the daughters of a certain Ann
Fowke, widow, the aforesaid lands and tenement in Wolverhamptoll
for term of life of the longer survivor of them, for which they were
to pay an annual rent of £6. The saiel John and Cassandra were
living at the date of the illquest. The said messuage, &c., in
BlJJ1nmell and B?'Ynton were held by the Queen as of her Barony
of Stafford, but by what service the Jurors were ignorant. Their
annual value was £3 las. John Lane died Nov. 16 last past (1576),
and Thomas is his son and heir and 45 years of age and more. ~
1 The ve.dict was not strictly accm·ate in describing Lane's share of the advow£on
of Blvmhill Church, This share was originally sold to the Hydes as a sixtk part.
It is here called a fifth. It was afterwards sold to the Dickensons as a fourth, and
purchased as such from the Dickensons by the Ea.rl of Bradford; whereas this
was iu reality but a third of a fourth, or one-twelfth tnrn_ ~ Inq_ p.m. 19 Eliz.
No. 69.


This Thomas Lane is mentioned in the second list of .t;nbsiclles paid
in the 18th of Elizabeth, his lands being then rated at £15, for
which he found two light horse. He married Catherine Trentham
(who died in 1582, as the monument in Vvroherhampton Church
II whom he had an elder son, J ahn Lane. Esq., a colonel in the King's
army, through whose means His Majesty was introduced to his
father's house.
The King was not unmindful of the eminent services which were
sheweth), by whom he had issue John, Thomas ftnd Michael, and rendel'ed to him by the family, as is shewn by the following extract
one daughter Cassandra \Yife of Thomas Litteltan. ~ Thomas Lane from the Journal of the House of Commons, of December 19, 1660,
died in 1589, seized of the manors of Hyde, Lee, Bentley, Bramhall after his restoration to the throne.
and Gunston, with the appurtenances, the manors of Coven with one "Resolved, that as a mark of respect to Mrs. Lane, and in
messuage, one cottage, and 250 acres of land, &c. held of the BarODY testimony of the high resentment and value of her service, in 'f>eing
of Stafford, also of 60 aeres of land, 20 acres of meadow, and 30 instrumental to the preservation and security of the person of his
acres of pastwr'e with the app1.wtencbnces in BlY111.hill and Brynton in royal majec;ty, there be conferred on the said :Mrs. Lane the sum of
the County of Staffo1'd, and a 11wietJj 0/ the advowson of the parish £1,000 to buy her a jewel; and that the same be, and hereby
cl~1.wch of Blyrnhill afo1w;aid, namciy as often as it shall chance to stands, charged on the arrears of the grand excise, and paid to her
be vacant for the 5th time. By deed bearing date ......... between or her assigns, in course, after the other sums are satisfied which
Thomas Lane of the one part and Alice Littleton, willow, late wife are charged on the grand exciRe by former orders of this Parlia-
of Edward Littleton, of the other part, a marriage being to be had ment. And the commissioners of the excise, for the time being, are
between ,John Lane, gent., Son and heir apparent of the said hereby empowered and required to satisfy and pay the same
Thomas Lane, and Jane Littelton one of the daughters of the accordingly. And this oruer, together with the acquittance of the
aforesaid Edward Littelton, Knight, and Alice, the saiJ Thomas said Mrs. Lane or her assigns, testifying the receipt thereof, shall be
Lane gives to Thomas Trentham, Edward Littleton, Thomas to the commissioners of excise a sufficient warrant and discharge."1
Littleton and Riehm'd Ley, and their heirs, certain lands and She appears to have had a pension of £1,000 pe?' annum settled
manors to the use of the said John Lane and Jane Littelton for upon her for life. Z
term of life with remainder to the heirs of their bodies lawfully
. .
between them, with remainder to the rio'ht heirs of the
saId Thomas Lane. J oln Lane was his son and heir and 24 years
Her brother, Colonel John Lane, of Bentley, also had a pension
of £500 settled upon him for life, and a grant of augmentation of
arms to him and his descendants, given under the royal sign
of age.~
manual of 12 Julv,1677.' The King would also have had him to
. The said John Lane, Esq., the son, died in 3 James 1, leaving be buried in We;tminster Abbey, but this he modestly declined;
Issue, by his wife, Jane Littleton, a son Thomas Lane who succeeded and he lies buried under a handsome tomb in the Coll€ocriate Church
him. This worthy gentleman, of whom Lord Clare~don aives such of Wolverhampton, the family burial place. The royalist colonel
an estimable character, had the honour of receivinO' Kinba Charles died on the 1st kalends of September (Aug. 31), 1677. By his wife
II. in his house at Bentley, after the battle of Wor;ester band thus Athalie Anson he had a son Sir Thomas Lane, of Bentley, Knight,
concealing him from his enemies i and it was from her~ that his who married Abicrail, widow of Sir Henry Williams, of Gwernevet,
royal guest e~caped to the neighbourhood of Bristol in the disguise of and daucrhter of °Samuel Whiahtwick, Prothonotary of the King's
s~rvant to his daughter, Mistress Jane Lane, afterwards the wife of Bench, by whom he had a son John. On April 1, 1702, by inden-
SIr Cl~me~t Fi~her, of ~ackington. This Thomas Lane, of Bentley, ture quadripartite between ThoIDas Lane, Esq., of the 1st part, John
Esq.,. died In 1660, hav:mg married Ann, daughter of Walter Bagot, Lane, gent., son and heir apparent of the same Thomas Lane, of the
of Blithfield, Es'l., and sister of Sir Hervey Bagot, the first baronet, by 2nd part, Humphrey Wyrley, Esq., and Mary Wyrley, one of the
11 & ~ Shaw's Staffordshire.:I Inq. 31 Eliz. No. 71. The portion relating to ~ & : Shaw's Staffordshire, vol. 1. Gen. His. p 82, 3. S Ibid.. This grant entitled
~ ymhlll a.nd the se~ement upon the marriage of Joh:o Lane and Jane Littleton him to marshal a canton of England with his patema.l coat, namely, party per fesse
IS taken from the on.:,"UlaL The authorities for the rest are Shaw's Staffordshire or and azure a chevron gules between 3 mullets cOUllterchanged of the field •. The
.and the Lane evidences. pensions were discontinued by King William III., and afterwards only pa1d for.
about three years in the latter part of Queen Anne's reign.
At. $

cia1.1ghters and coheirs apparent of the same Humphrey, of the 3rd of patronage of in and to the Rectory or Parish Chmch of Dlyrnhill
part, and Sir Charles Holt and Sir Edward V\i'"illiams, baronets, of aforesaid. ~
the 4th p<"LTt, in consequence of a marriage intended to be had The said John Lane died October 25,1748, and was succeeded
between the said John Lane and Mary Wyrley, and of £2,000. the by his son Thomas Lane; of Bentley, Esq., by whom most of the
marriage portion of the said l\!Iary \Vyrley, and for settling and remaining family estates were sold. He died in 1775 leaving
assuring the manors or lordships, tenements, &c., thereinafter men- issne by his first wife, Ann Austen, a son John Lane, Esq., whose
tioned, the saiLl Thomas Lane and John Lane did grant, &c., to the eldest son ,John Lane, of King's Bromley, Esq., was fatller of the Sir Charles Holt and Sir Edward \Villiams (together v..ith late Johu Newton Lane, of King's Bromley, Esq., who died Oct. 13,
many otherlallds and tenements) all those the messnage, tenement 1869, having married Agnes, daughter of \Villiam Lord Bagot, Ly
or farm and lauds with the appurtenances then or late of him the said whom he had, with other issue, an elder SOll ,John Henry Bagot
Thomas Lane, in the parish of Blymhill, in the County of Stafford, Lane, now or King's Bromley, Esq.
then in the occupation of Thomas Adams, or of his undertenant The Rev. J olm Dickenson, who purchased the 4th part of tIle
and all and every the messuages, tenements, or farms and land~ manor of Blvmhill and advowson of the clmrch from John and
then or late of him the said Thomas in the same parish, in trust, to Thomas Lan~ in August 1733, was presented to the Rectory and
the use of the said J aIm Lane for life, ;,vith remainder to the heirs Parish Church of B1ymhill on January 5, 1337-8, by Samuel
male of his body, with remainder to the said Thomas Lane and his Dickenson, of Newport in the County of Salop, gentleman, true
heirs for ever.~ The said Sir Thomas Lane died January 25, 1715, and undoubted patron for this turn only, the church being vacant
and was succeeded by his only surviving son, the said John L'1ne, by the death of Thomas Pinches, clerk, the last Rector. 2
of Bentley, Esq., who was born Dec. 12, 1669. On Jan. 10, 1732, In the year 1766 the 4th part of the mallor and advo'Wsoll of
there ,\Y.1S a fresh settlement between this J aIm Lane and Thomas, the cburch were sold by the said J Oh11 Dickenson and others to Sir
his son and heir apparent by Mary late his wife, whel·ebY the 4th Henry Bridgeman, Balt. And in the year 1767 a fresh settleme~t
part of the manOr or lordship of Blymhill with all rights and was made by the said John Did:enson and Grisel his wife, wherem
appurtenances, were settled in trust, to the use of the said John a former settlement of 1733 is recited by which they had settled all
Lane for life, with remainder to the said Thomas Lane and his the manor, lands, &c., which had been purchased :ITOID the Lanes all
heirs and assigns for ever~; and by illdenture of Auo-ust' 2 and 3 the said John Dickenson for life with remainder to Grise1 for life,
1 "0" I sal'd J ohn and Thomas Lane sell, for £1800,
t,....;, t18 0 ,
to John with remainder to their chilili'en as they shall appoint, and in
Dickenson, clerk, all that the 4th part of the manor or Lordship of default of such appointment then to be e'lually di,~ded
Blym]~ill, with all the rights, members and appurtenances thereto between them.
belongmg, and also 0..11 that tenement or farm house in Brineton, At the date of the fresh settlement the said John Dickenson has
and also all the several .closes., inclosures, pieces or parcels of land, two children and no more by his said wife Grisel, namely the Rev.
meadow, .&c., to the sald messuage belonging, namely, Harecroft, Samuel Dickenson and Elizabeth wife of John Fowler, of Burton-
Scales bl'ltch, the Marsh croft, the Ryefield, &c., &0., and also all all-Trent; and whereas the said 4th part of and ill the said manor
those other :pieces or parcels of land, meadow, or pasture lying near of Blyrnhill and of and in the advowson of the church have been
to Brockhurst, called the Two ducks heyes, the Duck co:pies, the sold and conveyed to Sir Henry Bridgeman, Bart., by the said John
Twent~ lands and.the Three crofts, all which messuage, tenementorfarm Dickenson and Grisel his wife, Samuel Dickenson and ,Joln Fowler
l:ouse, III the pansh of Blymhill are, or lately were, in the occupa- and Elizabeth his wife. the other lands and tenements are now
tIon of Sampson Tooth, as tenant to John Lane, and all other the settled on the said John Dickenson and Grisel his wife for llie, and
lands and tenements of them the said John and Thomas Laue in after their decease the piece or parcel of land called Down Corner,
the parish of Blymhill aforesaid, and also all one 4th part or '4th containino-o 2 acres and 2 roods on Elizabeth Fowler and all the
turn~ of all tha.t the advowson, nomination, presentation, and right
1 &' Deeds, pt'1!~ Earl of Bradford. 1 Original deed, penes Earl of Bradford. 2 Lich:field Diocesan Register.


rest on Samuel Dickenson. 1 These lands were afte-rwards purchased

from the children of the said Rev. Samuel Dickenson by the Earl
of Bradford in 1824, and were thus re-united to the manor.
The Rev. John Dickenson died Oct. 9, and was buried at BlVIll-
hill Oct. 12, 1776; and Mrs. Grisell Dickenson Was buried at
Blvmhill on May 18, 1769. By the said Mrs. Grise!! he had an
elder SOn tT aIm Dickenson, who was buried at Blymhill on March
26, 1762, a daughter Elizabeth, wife of John Fowler of Burton-on_
Trent, and the Rev. Samuel Dickenson, who succeeded him.
The Rev. Samuel Dickellson, Bachelor of Laws, was presented to
the Rectory of BlymhiU, on January 9, 1777, by John Heaton of
the parish of St. Ancb:ew, Holborn, co. Middlesex, gent., and John
Fowler, of Burton-up on-Trent, co. Stafford, gent. (by the concession of
Sir Henry Bridgeman, Bart.). He was a great Botanist, and con-
tributed to Shaw's County History the list of plants indigenous to
Staffordshire, as did his son John Horatio the zoological portion.
The Rev. Samuel Dickenson married Miss Catherine Y Ol'k, of Sheriff
HalES, by whom he had one daughter, Elizabeth Catherine, who
died in her infancy, and five sons, namely, Samuel Oyrus, the Re,,".
John Horatio (Rector of Blymhill from 1840 to 1853), the Rev.
HenrY,Samuel Lewis, and William Henry, who all died without issue.
Mrs. Oatherine Dickenson died May 17, 1812, aged 70; and her
husband the Rev. Samuel Dickenson on May 15, 1823, aged 90.
(2nd Portion.)
Margery, the second daughter and co-heir of Ralph de Coven
and Margery his wife, became the wife of Henry del Parco. They
were already manied in 1272, and had given a certain rent to the
convent at Brewood j to secure which a fine was levied at Lichfield
in one month from the day of the Holy Trinity 56 Hen. III.
(May 22, 1272) before Ralph de Hengham and others, between
AmRhilia, Prioress of Brewocle, complainan t, and Henry Park and
NIargery his wife, defendants, concerning a rent of IHd. in Horse-
brok, which Henry and Margery acknowledge to be the right of
the Prioress and her church, as that which she had of their gift, to
have and to hold of the said Henry and Margery and the heirs of

In 15 days from the day of St. John the Baptist, of the same
year (September 13th, 1272), a fine was levied at Lichfield between
1 Evidences. 2 Ped.. Fin. !is Hen. III., No. 227.
Henry del Park and Margery his wife, complainants, and Adam,
Ab bot of Buldewas, by brother Rogerde W ylinton, his monk, defendant.
The said Abbot acknowledged the right of the same Henry and
Margery to common of pasture in 18 acres, and one acre of
meadow, in Blumenhull, namely, in the enclosure called Caldenhull,
(tnd that meadow lyiDg neal' Mesebrock; and the said Henry and
Margery did remit and quitclaim, for themselves and the heirs of
Margery, to the aforesaid Abbot and bis successors and his Church
of St. Mary, at BuldewJs, all their right and claim in the aforesaid
common of paf3tnre for ever j and moreoYer the same Henry and
Margery did remit and. quitclaim, for themselves and the heirs of

the same ~fargel'Y, to the aforesaLd Abbot anu his Sllccessors, and
his church [1,fo1'es:1i(l, all their right and claim in the afores:lid laud
<'LillI meadow, alHl likewise 111 that Heath in the same vill called
Bl'adenheth for e\'81', so tllitt the same Henr.Y and Margery, and
the heirs of the same ]vlargery shall henceforth claim notbing nor
exact anything in the aforesaid land and meado~r, or beath, either
in demesne or service; and the same Abbot will remember the
same Henry and l\iargery, and the heirs of the same 1fargery, in

I all benedictions and prayers which henceforth shall be made in

their aforesaid church for ever. 1
A few days later, namely, on September 22, 1272, we find the same
Henry and :Margery joining ,yith Thomas Pany, and Alice his wife,
and Henry de W yverston, and Phelippa his wife, in claiming an in-
terestin the manorof Ashley, for which they compounded with Geoffrey
de Bromley for a small sum of money. ~ After this I hear no more of
Henry and Mal'gery del Park. They are not mentioned as joint
lords of Blymhill in 1284, though they were probably in possession
of their 12th of the manor at that time. In 1291, when the dispute
arose as to the right of presentation to Blymhill Church, 1fargery
was apparently represented by Ralph Streche~, who ma.y possibly
have been her second husband. But their 12th share of the manor
and advowson of the Church of Blymhill, seems to have passed
soon afterwards, I stlppose by purchase, to the family of de We<>ton,

1 Ped. Fin. 56 Hen. III. No. 239. ~ PeutlS Finiutn 56 Hen. Ill. No. 233.
~ A certaiu Ralph Streche, who died about 29 Edw. I. (1300,1), is describeu as
holJing 3 virgates of land in Astewode, eo. Worcester, by the services of 20s. per
an1wm, and other lanuR in the same county. Robert Streche was his son and
hdr (InC).. 29 Edw. I. No. 13). No meution is made of Blymhill in the inquisition;
supposing him to have been the 2nd hu,;b:md of Margery del Park, if ~he had

! predeceased him without having ha-l issue by him he would haVe retained no
interest in her esta.tes.


of" Weston under Liziard. The first time I meet with a Lord of church of Blemenhull, to which were "itnesses r.1r. Stephen de
vvestoll m actual possessIOn of land at Blymhill is in 2 Edw. III Rromley, Thomas de Weston, son of the said Sir J 01111, ana others.l .
(1328) when Sir John de Vleston gives to his (younO'er) Son Joh' From this time forward the Lords of Weston presented to the church
de Weston, the 3rd part of the 4th part of the mall~r of Bl;men~ in Pichford's turn, while they also held their third portion of
hull. l This gift was confirmed by charter, dated at Bleumenhull Coven's turn, but the Pichfords retainecl their share of the manor,
on the Monday next after the feast of St. Valentine the trart, ; of which I shall speak hereafter.
Edw. III. (Feb. 17,1331). The grantor reserves to himsell~'h::J . This Sir John de Weston was twice married, first to Isabella de
messuage and land which he had of the feoffment of Thomas de 1: Bromley,sister tanh. Stephen de Bromley, afterwards Rector of Blym-
Hyde and the advowson of the Church of Bleumellhull. By the hill, which Isabella died in 1317," having bequeathed her body to
terms of this grant, the said estate was to be held by J aIm de be buried in the CIll.1Tch of St. Anchew at \Veston. By her he had
'VestoD (the younger) and the heits of his boely li'twfnlly begotten, an elder son, Thomn.'; de \VestoD, and several c1mlghtel"s, who event-
for ever,?f 8:1' John de ~Vest~n ~the father) anel his heirs, paying u~lh' became co-heirs to the Vol eston estate. Sir John married
to the Sald 811' .Jo11n dnTll1g Ins life an anllual rent of 20s. at the 211dlY IsolJ.a, daughter of his cousin \Villiam de Newton, by
feast'3 of St. Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of St. whom he had three sons, John, Robert, and \, and two
~Iary, bt eq1.U'll. portions, and after his decease, a rose yearly to the daughters, Aliee amI Agnes. Sir John de l,Veston was living
rIght hen's of SIr .T aIm de \Veston for ever; and if John de 'vVeston in 20 Edw. IlL," but J.eceasecl before May 1:)49, when his SOD,
(the younger) slloulu. die without lawful issue, the said 3rd part of Thomas de v.i"estoll, was in possession of the J\fanor of l,Veston
the 4th part of the manor, except the before excepted, should under Lizial'cl.
remain to Bo bert, another son of the grantor and the heirs of his Thomas de \Veston, Lord of Weston under Lusyerd (as it was tIlel)
body laYdnlly begotten, with similar remainder to vVilliam, another \'n.'jtten), as patron of the Church of Blynlhill for that turn, presented
SOll afthe gTantOl', with remainder to the right heirs of the said Sir tir. Stephen de Bromley, chaplain, who was admitted and institute(l in
Jolm de \Veston for ever; to \vllich are witnesses, 1\1a5ter Stephe.n Angust,134B,4 In thefollo\vingmollthhepresenteclRogerde \Veston,
ue Bromeley, Roger de Pycheforc1, John, Lonl of Rodbaldeston, chaplain, to the Church of ,\Teston, then vacant by the resignation
EJivard de l\imton, Robert de BO\YOOll [mel othe1'8. 2 O[ "Dominus Stephen,"~ the late rector, who had accepted prefer-
John, son of Sir John de Westall, is in possession of lanel at ment elsewhere." Thomas de \Veston mllst hayc died SOOl1 after-
Blymhill ill :23 Rdw. III. (1349), the date of a OTant from Philip \yards, leaving an only son, llobert, who died in the follo"'iYing year,
son of "VVillialll de Ipstones to Hoger bis son at
a messuage lying when the said Robert's aUllts, the sisters of the whole blood to
bctw~en the laud of John de Bromley ana John, son of Sir John Thomas de vVeston, succeeded to the inheritance. Thec:;e ladies
de \\ :st011. ~ I ~o not find that this J oln de \Veston (the younger) were Elizabeth, who first married Sir John de \Vhyston, and
left ISsue. HIS Lrother, Robert de Weston the next in --------_.
ren:-ai.ndel', left heirs ~f his body behind him, b~lt I suspect that 1 Huntbache MS., voL II. 2 The chul'ch of Weston was probably built by

th.err mterest a~ Blymhi~l reverted, by purchase, e.xchange, or other- Sir John de ""Teston, Rnt., who succeeded to his propertyil"J. 1305. The only remains
of the old church at Wcston, which was almost entirely rebuilt by Dame Elizabeth
w~se, to the ~eus of th.ell' elder brother, Thoma's de \7iiTest-on, Lord of Wilbraham in or about the year 1700, ate the tower and the east window of the
"\ estoll. Theufather Su' .John de \Veston, Knight, the Lorelof \Veston chancel, in which the chief portion of the old glass remains to this day, with the kneel-
rtlsopurchased., in 1:3 Edw. III (1332), from Roger de Pichford a croft ing figures of Sir John dB 'Veston and Isabella de Bromley, his first wife. Some shields
and all the saId Roger de Pichford's share of the advowson of the of arms of the Peshalls aud their co-heirs will have been introduced at a somewhat
later date. 3 HarL MS. 5816. 4 Licbfielu Dioces.'ln Register. 6 This will doubtless
have been Mr. Stephen de Bromley. Th(l ehurclt of'Yestou became voiu. again within a
l ~untbac~c 11S. vol. IL I: would. seem, bowe,er, that Sir Hugh de ,"Yes ton, few months by the death of "t.1.e last Rector j and in March 1349-50 John de Cokeston
t~~_fat.!ler of SIr John,. had acqtUl" in Blymhill as early as 3 Edw. I. was admitted and instituted on the presentation of Thomas ffoljaumb, true patron
(L/:,5), for:Lt that tIme I find hllU m htlgation with William de Ipstones con.
for that turn, who had the presentation conceded to him by thc Earl of Arundel (the
cermng a cert:in p~ol in Blumellhull (see }Jage 295). 2 Huntbache MS. vol. IT. and
chief lord of the fee). This will have been during the 3hort minority of Robert de
more fully gIven In HarL MS. 5816. Pluto liv. E apud Brit. Mus. 3 Huntbal:he
MS" vol. II. W eston. ~ Liehfield Diocesan Register.


2ndly' Sir Adam de Peshale, by both of whom she had issue;

Helen, wife of William de Trumwyn; and Isolda, wife of Thomas
Ie Champion. Erdeswick speaks of two others, namely, Joan, wife
of William de Burgh and Ann. The Manor of Weston was eer.
tainly divided into five equal parts, so that the natural inference is
that tbere were five such sisters and co-heirs j but I find no mention
of either Joan Z or Ann ill the several settlements of lands which
were made by Sir John de Weston on his younger children, nor do
I meet with any evidence whatever of their having held any portion
of the Weston inheritance; and I am disposed to think that there
were but three such sisters only ,yho snrvi\'ed their nephew Robert,
or whose issue had any share of his lands.
Although the manors of Weston and N e,yc.on near Blithfield, the
ancient inheritalice of the de Westons, ,yere divided into five equal
parts, I cannot assert so much of their share of the manor of
Blymhill; but the history of vVeston will serve in some measure
to illustrate the transmission of their estate at Blymhill.
I shall be able to s1!O\V that three of these five parts of Weston "Z-<
were respectively held by Elizabeth de i,.Vhyston, or de Peshale,
Isold. Ie Champion, and William son of William and Helen de
Trumv',yn. Another fifth part was known as il1argery ffowlehurst's
part: though \V}lO she was I am unable to determine. However

I Ertleswick and Huntbaehe have given her an intermediate husbantl, Henry de

:Monimer, who was in fact the first husband of Sir Adam de Peshale's 2nd wife, also
called Elizabeth, the daughter and co-he-ir of Sir Philip ap Rys, Knight. ~ By deed
dated at Boul'gh on Saturd~y next after the feast of Saint Philip and 8t-. James,
23 Edw. III. (May 8, 1349) John, son of Sir John de Weston juxta Brewode,
Knight, and Osbert de Tamworth, chaplain, gave and conceded to Joan the widow
of William de Bourgh, for the term of her lifc, all the lands, &c., which mey held
in tbe lOl'd~hip of Ronton, t0gether with the homage rents and services of Hillaria
de Bourgh awl John de Onne for lands in Ronton, so that after her decease they
should remn.iu to William, son of William de Bourgh, and Elizabeth his wife and
the h(:it's of the body of the said William, a.lI.d if the William and Elizabeth
should die withllut issue, then after tbe death of the i>aid Elizabeth all the lands,
&c., should remain to the right heirs of the said William de Bourgb for ever (Harl.
MS. (5816). To this deed Thomas Lord of Weston is the :fir!;t witness.
~ This portion ll:ay possibly have formed the dower of the wife of Thomas de
Weston under some special settlement. On one of the monuments in Weston Church
the wife of Thomas de Weston is stated to have been Catherine daughter of Thomas
Foulhurst, Esq. It must be borne in mind, hOivevet', that these monuments were
erected many years afterwards by Dame Elizabeth Wilbrabam, the restorer and
almost rebuilder of the chul'ch A.D. 1700. In the Weston pedigree given in. Harl.
?tIS. 5816 the wife of Thomas de Weston is called Katherine daughter and co.hei,"r of
Thomas, son of ?fatthew Fowleshurst: and in the Huntbache MS. (inter Salt's
MS8.) she is called Catherine daughter and co.beir of Mattlu;w Fowleshurst.


as early as 23 Edw. III. (1349), and therefore during the lifetime

of Rohert, son of Tl10mas de Weston, Matthew de ffowlehurst and
Margaret hjs wife" recognoverunt," David de Calveleyand Ralph
del Hull in a 5th part of the manors of Weston under Brewood
and >rewton near Dlithfield, and of the advowson of the Church
of "Weston, and the advowson of a fifth part (that is, I suppose, a
fifth part of de Weston'$ share) of the Church of Bliimhall.
Of the remaining fifth part I am altogether unable to speak.
From the fact that Elizabeth de Weston seems to have had the
site of the Manor House of vVeston in her purparty, I suppose her
to bave been the elder daughter, but I shaU speak first of the
other sisters.
Helen, the wife of Sir William Trumwyn, Knight, of Cannock,
appears to have been dead before July 1, 1350, the date of a settle-
ment made upon her sister, Elizabeth, l)y Stephen de Bromley,
wherein the said Elizabeth's lands are settled on herself and her
husband, and failing them, on her sister, Isolda, "With remainder to
Wil1iam, son of Sir William Trumwyn, Knight. The said Sir
'Nilliam Tl'um~vyn, Helen's husband, had died on Sept. 27, of the
preceding year, leaving issue by her a son, William, and a daughter,
Isabel, who became successively the wife of ,Villiam Reynald, John
Saleway, and Nidlolas Rnggeley.
The son, vVilliam Trumwyn, succeeded to his mother's share of
the \Veston inheritance. The inquest taken on the death of his
father, on June 28, 1350,1 states that he was 19 years of age on the
Feast of St. Michael last past, so that he should haye attained his
majority at Michaehnas, 1351. I find, however, that on November
28,1351, by deed dated at Westminster, Richard de Tissynton,
clerk, has the King's letters of presentation to the Church of
Weston under Loseyerd, in the King's gift by reason of the
minority of William Trumvvyn, who is in the King's custody.
These letters are directed to R. Bishop, of Coventry and Lichfield.'
I suppose that William de Trumwyn had not yet had an oppor-
tunity of proving his age. He died on Tuesday, the Feast of St.
Edmund the Confessor (Nov. 16, 1361). By inquisition taken at
1 Inq. 24 EJ.w. III. (1st. Nrs.) No. 52. The constant recurrence of the same
Christian name and tbe unusually rarid succession and early deaths of the heads of
this family make it difficult to identify them, and evidently misled the great Stafford·
shire antiquaries, Erdeswick and Huntbache, who have omitted a generation in the
descent; And they have been followed by Shaw, who gives & very erroneous account
of the Trumwyns in a printed, but unpublished page of his History of Staffordshire.
! ~ Pat. 25 Edw. III., pt. 3, m. 7.
I y


Penkridge on March 15, 1362, it was found that he held, inter near Blythefelde, in the County of Stafford, according to the
alict, 60s. of yearly rent at Weston, and 408. of yearly rent at partition of the said manors made into five equal parts, of the Earl
Newton, of the Earl of Arundell. vV"illiam, the Son of the said of .Arundell by knight's service, \yhereof every part of the
William deceased, is his next heil', and aged 18 weeks and sftid three parts of the manor of Weston is worth per
more. l anmw~ in all issnes 40 shillings i and every part of the said
At the inquisition taken, at the same place, a few days earlier, three parts of the said manor of Newton is worth per
namely on March 3, 1362, on the death of (his kinsman) Roger an?tmn in all issues 20 shillings. Also she had in manner afore-
TrumWYl1; of Canned:, it was found that the said Roger, who said the arlvQ"\yson of the church of Weston, to present 'in turn for
died on Dec. 5, 13tH, leaving his sister Katherine, wife of J(,}m three times when it shall happen (to be vacant). Also the same
Musard, his next heir, held in demesne as of fee certmn lands of Elizaheth held on the day of her death a messuage and a virgate of
William, son and heir nf William Tr'U1n'lcyn. who held of the land v..ith the appurtenances, in Dunstone in the same county in
King, in wpite, being under age, and in the King's custocly.2 the manor aforesaid, of Simon de Pikstoke, by what sen'ice the
After this we hear nothing more of the infant \Villi2lm Trl1IDwyn. jurors were ignorant, which are worth pe1' annu?/l. 10 shillings; and
He probably died soon afterwards, and '\vas succeeded by his brother the (o1U,th pcwt of Ct I'(tnwate of land 'with the app1(rtenances in
John, son of William de Trumwyn, who must have been a twin with B!?f';nenlwl1,- in the same county, of the Earl of Stafford by knight's
\A,'illiam, and who also died in his minority in October, 1.%9. He held service, \vllich is worth pe?' annum 12 shillings. Also the same
three fifths of ¥leston-1.mder-Lusyerd, and three fifths of Newton Elizabeth beld on the day of her death ten shillings of annual rent
near Blithefeld, and 20s. rent in Blymenhull, in the County of with the nppnrtenances in Stretton in the same county in the
Stafford. His next heir was his sister, Elizabet11, '\yho is described manner aforesaid, of Geoffrey de Congl'eve, by the service of
in one inquisition as 15 years of <:lge and more on Dec. 8,1369,' paying to the same Geoffrey twopence rent pe1' annnm for all
and in a later inquisition as 18 years of age :mel 1110re on June 12, sen,.ice. Also she held on the day of her death the advowson of the
1371, when she was already married to Roger Lanfant, bnt had no th1.m·h of Blymenlwll in the same county to present to the same
issue by him." church when vacant at the twelfth turn 1
Elizabeth Lanfant did not survive her brothers many years. She 011 the c10rse of the in(luisition is the following lllemoranJum:-
died on July 20,1375, without issue; when Isabel, wife of William " And be it remembered that "\Villiam Reynald and Isabel his wife
Reynald, aunt of the said Elizabeth, was found to be her next heir in appeared before the King in his Court of Chancery, in the quindene
blood, who was 30 years of age allcl mOTe on AUgl!st 28, 1375 (the of St. Michael, in the year below wl'itten, and acknowledged and
date of the inquisition), and bad then no issue by the aforesaid asserted t11at they 11ad no right in two parts of the manors of
William Reynalcl The inquisitioll on her death, 'Wl~ich was taken Weston under LuseYOl'de and Ne\veton near Blythefelde, in fi,,"e
at Cannock and describes her as Elizabeth, daughter cmel heir of parts divided, but that the said two parts ought to remain to Adam
'William Trumwyn, of ·Caullokbnr-I', is a full one. She held of the de Peshale and Elizabeth his wife now after the death of Eliza-
king in capite a messunge and virg~ate of land in CanDo};;:bnry by the beth, d::tughter of ,Villiam Tnunwyn, by virtue of a certain fine
service of keeping the King's hay of Thistelyn in the forest of levied1Jefol'e vVilliaro de ffinc.hedeue and his associates, late Jus-
Kannok, and of keepinrr<::> the bailiwick of Hevo·he
~ "='
Cank, whic11 is tices of the Kino"s Bench, in the 47th year of the reign of the same
called Trumwyne's baillie, &c. She held also in demesne as of fee KinO" as by a ;ertain part of the same tine shewn in the King's
0' "
three parts of the manors of Weston under Luseyorde and Newton Court of Chancery fully appears." . .
The following fine is given on a separate membrane. :-" ThIS 15
1 &. 2 Inq. p.m. 36 E<lw. III. part 2 (1st. )Trs.) No. 59. The lands so held by the final concord, made in the Oourt of the Lord Kmg at W ~st­
Roger de Trumwyn were a place of land called the Moss at Hustoden and anotber
place of land at Hednesford called the Plashe. They were lleld by the service of minster, on the morrow of All Souls, in the 47th year of the relgn
13s.. 4<1., payahle at the feasts of St. Michael and St. John the Baptist by equal of Edward Kina of Enoland the third from the Conquest, and the
portl.ODS, and a greyhound's collar. 3 Inq. p.m. 43 Edw. III. No. 35. 'Inq.. , 0 __-=0-c~::~::~~-----­
p.m. 45 Rdw. III. No. 52. • J. Inq. p.m. 49 Edw. III. part 2 (l-Nrs), No.~49.


34th of his reign as King of France (Nov, 3, 13'(3), before William

de ffinchdene, William de "\VickYl1gham, and Roger de Kirketon,
Justices, and others of the Lord King's lieges t1len present there,
between Adam de Pesba1e ::lnd Elizabeth his ,\..,..ife, complainants,
and Stephen de Bromley, clerk, deforciant, of 20 aCl'es of land and
50 shillings of rent, with the appurtenances, in Blymenbull and
Stretton, and of two parts of the manOTS of Weston ulHler Leseyerde
and Newton near Blithefelcle into five parts divided, with the
appurtenances, which Roger Lansant (Lanfant) and Elizabeth his wife
held for term of life of thesaidElizabeth,whencewaspleaof convention
sllmmoned between them in the same Court, that is to say, the
aforesaid Str-phen conceded for himself and his heirs that the afore-
said tenements and two pal'ts, with the appurtenances, which the
aforesaid Rogel' and Elizabeth his wife heM, for the tel'm of life of
the said Elizabeth, of the inheritance of the aforesaid Stephen, in
the said vills on the day on which this concord was made, and
which, after the death of the same Elizabeth, wife of Roger, ought
to revert to the aforesaid Stephen and his 1\ei1's, should, after the
death of the same Elizabeth, wife of Roger, whony remain- to the
aforesaid Adam and Elizabeth his wife and the heirs of·the body
begotten of the saIDe Adam, to be held of the chief lords of the fee
by the services which pertain to the said tenements and two prlrts
for ever, and if it should happen tlw.t the same Adam should die
without an heir of his body begotten, then, after the decease of the
same Adam and Elizabeth his wife, the aforesaid tenements and two
parts, with the appurtenances, shall -wholly remain to Isalx~J, sister
of the same Adam, and the heirs of her body begotten, to hold of
the chief lords of the fee by the services which pertain to the said
tenements and two parts for ever, and if it should happen that the
same Isabel should die without an heir of her body begotten, then,
after the decease of the same Isabel, the aforesaid tenements and
two parts, with the appurtenallces, shall wholly remain to the right
heirs of the aforesaid Adam, to be held of the chief lords of the fee
by the accustomed services for ever. And the aforesaid Stephen and
his heirs will warrant to the aforesaid Adam and Elizabeth his wife,
and the heirs of the same Adam, and to the heirs of the same Isabel,
if the aforesaid Adam should die without an heir of his body be-
gotten, and also to the right heirs of the same Adam, if the same
Isabel should die without an heir of her body begotten, the afore-
said tenements and two parts, with the appurtenances, as is afore-
said, against all men for ever; and for this concession~ warranty,

Alditha, dau. nnd heir of Warin VcrnOll=Sir William 'l'rulllwyll, of Cnulloek, Kut., 5 Hen. 1I1.=Emlna re!.

~:lllll1a 11 Edw. I. =Sil' William 'l'rlllllwyn, Kilt., ForesterofCallnock, oc. 4Edw. =Alice, widow of Stephen Jon: (Hot. Ifllnd. p. 237) ;
(Huntbnehe 1118.) !1. (Rot. lIund. 237); illl}. p.m. 24 Ellw. I. (No. 22.) reI. 24 Ed\\,. 1. (inq. 24 Edw. 1. No. 22.)
1--····_-_· ·-1
Sir "\Villialll 'l'l'umwyn, son and lteir of Wi Ilia Ill, of=Joan, {hHi. nnd heir SirUoger']'11I1l1wync, =-= Joan, d. of Sir Robcli
full age 2'1 ]~tiw. I. lrorestcl' of Cannock, 281 of . . . ' ICnt.,Sheriff of Snlop1 Corbct,wdw.ofOwcll
Euw. I., "Lc Hider." inq. p.m., 11 Ellw, II. (Hulltbachc). Ulul Staff. 1 ]l-::dw. II.; ap Gl'ifJill do III Pole;
(No. 40.) inq. p.m., 36 Edw. reI. 36 Edw. III.
Ill .

William 'l'rulllwyn, Forester of Call1loek, d. abont=Isabel .1LlIl'1'1'I11llWyn,
l"eb. 13·10. (inq. p.m. 14 Edw. III. 1st Nrs. No. D.) 1 (I-Iuntbache) 00. 16 l~dlV. III.

Sir "\Villill.llI 'l'l'lllllwyn, Forester of CftllllOek, s. :md 11., ;ut. 24 at l\1iohaeim[ls,=llcJen, dan. and coho of Sir John uc
1339; Ilied Sept. 27, 13·19 (inf}. p.m. 24 g(lw Ill. lilt Nt's. No. 52). ! Weston, dead before Juiy 1,1350.
r---------·--- . ----- 1

William 'l'nullwyn, Forester of Cmmock, S. and h., '-"- Will. Heynald, lst=Isabel, mmt and llOir to E\i.mbeth, =JOhll Salcwey,
.nt. lD, Sept. 2D, IMD ; tlied Nov. 16, 1361 (iUli'l husband; Nicolas llau. [lilt! heir of Will. 'l'nllllwyll, 12]]d
p.m. 36 R(lw. [11., part 2, 1st Nl's. No. 5fl). Hllggeley,3nlhns· Aug. 28, 1376 ; I\. Oct. 28, 13DD.
1- - - - -1------··--1 1----·---··-
iI \Villinm 'l'rlllllwyn, .101m, SOli and eventual Eliza\J(lth, sister ami heir of .101m 'l'rull\. John Sakwey, son amI hcil
S. Ollli 11., ret. 18 heir of -Will. 'l'rlllllwyn j wyn, ,~t.. 15 l\ml moro Juuo 12, 1371, of Isabella, wifo of Nicolas
weeks and lU()!'e, dicl\ Oct., 13lH:l, inC «·t. :1ll\1 then the wife of Roger f,anfnnt, d. Rngge1cy, rut. 20 yeurs IIllll
.March 15, 1362; ob. s. 11. .Iuly 20> 1375, s. p. Ilioro, Nov. 17, 13D9.

AS -~:..:~=~- - - -- ----------


3,g::< ;- fine, and concord the s{tlIle Adam and Elizabeth his wife gave to
. ~9,..~ the aforesaid Stephen two hundred marks of silver."
This inq'l.usition and final concord \vill in some measure explain
~~~ the holding of three parts of Weston and N ev.---ton by the Trumwyns,
~~o~]· two parts of which belonged to the Peshales, and will have reverted
I- - -e I=i" to them on the death of Elizabeth, daughter of l,Villiam Tl'umwyn,
!:7g- while the other third part will have remained in the bands of Isabel,
~S-: wife of \Villialll Reynald, as representing the Trumwyns. In the
sarue year Roger de la Lee, the King's escheator for the county of
Stafford, is ordered, after taking their security, to give full seisin to
';Villiam Reynald and Isabel his \vife, the a' and heir of Elizabeth,
daughter and heir of William Trumwyn, of KalluoklJUry, deceased,
of oue messuage and one virgate of land, with the appUl'tenances,
in Kannokbury, which are held of the King in capite by the service
of keeping the King's hay of Thistelyn, in the King's forest of
Kalllluk, and keeping the bailivvick of Heyghe Cank, called Trum-
wyne's Baillie, and the payment of a yearly rent of 20 pence to the
King, and the payment of 13 shillings and 4 pence to John Swyn-
nerton, keeper of the said forest, to the use of the King, for the afore-
said hay; and of one watermill, one caTucate of land, one acre of
meadow, with the appurtenances in the same vill, and one messuage,
one virgate of land, and 10 shillings of rent, with the appurtenances
in Dunston aed Stretton; also a jou1'th part oj one cW'ucate a/land,
with the appu1·tenances, in Blymenhull, and a fifth part of the manors
of Weston under Luseyerd and Newton near Blythefeld, with the
appurtenances, according to the partition of the said manors into
five e'lual parts divided, together with the advowsons of the Church
of Weston, to present alternately, f"· tM" turns, aDd of the Church
of Blymenhull, to present for the 12th turn, which are held of
others. 1
Isabella (or Isabel), the daughter of William Trumwyn, who thus
succeeued to the Trumwyn inheritance, had no issue by William
Reynald, her first husband. She was afterwards married, however,
to (Johu) Salewey, of Leacroft, by whom she had a sou and heir;
and thirdly to Nicolas Ruggeley. At the inquisition taken after
her death, on the Monday next after the feast of St. Martin, 1 Hen.
rv. (Nov. 17, 1399), no mention is made of her holding any lands
at Blymhill or Weston. She died on the feast of the Apostles

1 Orig. 49 Edw. III. Ro. 9. From this it would seem that the whole three
shares of the advowson of the Church of Weston still remained in her bands, but I
think that two of these must have been subsequently released to the Peshal6!i.
Simon and Jude last past (Oct. 28, l:J99), and John Salewey is her of (TIe messuage and one virgate of land, held of the King in capite
son and next heir, of the age of 20 years and more. 1 I do not eVel" for his homage, and the service of keeping the King's wood within

meet with the Saleweys in connection with Blymhill, nor can I the. fee of Cannoc, called Trimwyn bayley, which is valued at lOs.
trace Trumwyn's share of this manor after it 'ivas delivered over by There is no mention of Weston or Blymhill. His co-heirs were
the King's escheator, ill 1375, to William Reynald and Isabel hi's Humphrey Coningsby, son and heir of his daughter Cecilia, and his
wife. As to the manor of 'vVe>;tol1, I think it probable that the said other two daughters, Joyce, wife of V;rilliam Ashby, and Ma.rgaret,
Isabel made over her whole interest therein to Adam de Peshale. wife of Richard Biddulph.
and two years before her death I find what. I take to be a quit clai~ Thomas, the 2nd son of Humphrey Salewey, succeeded to Stan-
fr~m either h~r h:lsband or her son of his O'\V11 interest tbel'eiu. By
this deed, whlCh 1S dated at tbe town of Le Kaneko (Canl1ock), on
tbe day 0; St. George the ::\IIartyr, 20 Ric. II. (April 23, 1397), John
Saleweyof Kancke gives, concedes, and 1y his charter COnfu1l1S, to
Sir Adam de Peshale, Knight, his heirs and assiglls, a certain place
of land in the fields or "Weston under Brewoocl, &c., to \vhich are
witnesses Michael de Morton, James his bruther, Riehm'd de
fonl, and canied on the male line, which is still extant in the person
of Alfred Salway, Esq., of the Lodge, near Ludlow, though Stanford
has long since passed away through heirs female.
I will now speak of !solda Ie Champion's share.
In June, 1350, the said Isolda, calling herself daughter of Sir
John de Westoll, Knight, gives to Stephen de Bromley, parson of
the church of Blumellhull, all her purparty of the manors of
Haughton, John U mfreston, J olm de Westoll, 'AT illiam de 1a vVeston, Newton, and Ble11lenh1..lll, together with all her purparty
Walle, and many others.' of all lands, tenements, &c., in Stretton, Admundeston, Great and
John Salewey, the son of John Salewey and Isabel Trulliwvn Little Heywood, &c., which purparties had descended to her by
married Isolda, the daughter and heiress'of John Washborne: of hereditary succession after the death of Robert, son of Thomas,
St~nford, co'. Worcester, by his first wife Jane, the daughter aId her brother one of whose heirs she is.l In July of the same year
heIress of SIr John Musard, by his wife Katherine, daughter and the said S~ephen de Bromley gives to Thomas Ie Champion and
event~al heiress of Sir Roger Trumwyn, Knight, and Joan his wife, Isolda, daughter of John de Westall, his wife, the fifth part of the
the wIdow of Owen de 1a Pole, Lord of Powis, and dying in :::; Hen V. manors of Westoll and Newton, and all his part of the manor of
(1420-1) was succeeded by his SOl1, Humphrey Saleway, Esq., of Blumenhull, and of all his lands and tenements, &c., in St:etton,
Cannock and .Sta~ford, who Was the King's escheator for the county Admendestoll, Magna Haywode, and Parva Heywood, whICh ~e
of 'N orcester III 22 :a:en. VI. and Knight Mareschal of that prince's had of the gift of the said Isolda, to have and to hold to the saId
court, as a~pea~'s by Ius monument in Stanforu Church. o Humphrey Thomas and Isolda, and the heirs of their bodies, and for de!ault
Saleway died ill March 1491. The inql.llsition, which was taken in of such heirs, to the heirs of !solda, with remai~der to her .sl~ter,
8 Hen. VII, makes no mention of Weston or Blymhill. His sons Elizaheth, and the 11eirs of heT body, with Temamder. to Wllli~m,
were Thomas, Edmund, and Walter. Thomas is his son and heir SOIl of William Trumwyn, Knight, and the heirs of hIS body, wlth
a~d 21 years of age. It is remarkable that no mention is made of remainder to the said Stephen and his heirs for ever. Dated at
~. eldest son, Sir John Salewey, Knight, who is said to have been Blumenhull on the Wedesday next before the Feast of St. Margaret
disinherited by his father, and is in one pedigree called" Lunaticus." the Virgin, 24 Edw. III. (July 18, 1350)'. .
He appears to ht'we taken a different side to that of his father in the Thomas Ie Champion wa::s living, and had some 1.nterest~t Weston m
wars of the Roses, and is described as being of the immediate retinue 1358. ~ According to a Pedigree of the ChamplOlls, wntten ~n the
of George, Duke of Clarence. He, nevertheless, succeeded to the first page of Huntbache's MS., vol. II., this Thomas Ie C~amp~on, of
!rumwy~e lands, which were held in capite, and could not, there- Little Sardon, and Isolda de Weston, his wife, both died Wlth~ut
tore, be disposed 0; by tbe will of his father. Sir John Salewev died issue, and his sisten, Matilda, wife of [Henry1 Bentley, Catherme,
on May 10, 10 Hen. VIII. (1518), seised, amongst other tene~ents,
~ Hnntbache MS., vol. II. BarL MS., 5816, and Hunt-
rn~., p.~.~~ 1 ~ Harl. MS.
1 HarL MS., 5116.
.' l :reno IV" part. 1, No. 66. 5816 (inter Weston
endences). _ Nash s Woreestershlre, vol. IL, pp. 366, 369. bache, MS., voL II.

wife of Geoffrey Congreve, and Isolda, Vvife of Roger Congreve, Elizabeth de Weston, the other daughter of Sir John, and coheir of
became his co-heirs, which last Isolda also died without issue. Thomas, de Weston, was married first to J olm de 'iV11ystOll, Lord of
If it had not been for this assertion from so hin'h an authority
and the unanimous consent of all the PedigTees of
the Champion~
Whyston, by whom she had a SOIl, Nicholas de Whystol1, and a
dauO'hter, Agnes, VIIife of Edmund Giffard, of Chillington, by ,vhom she
, :

and Congl'eves that I have seen, I should have supposed, from the had::::> a son, John fitz Edmund Giffard, of ChillingtOll. The said j'l
fact of some of these ladies having an interest at vVestoll, that Elizabeth was married secondly to Sir Adam de Peshale, Knight, by I
they were the daughteTs of Thomas Ie Champion, by Isolda de i.!
whom she had a son Adam de Peshale, who eventually became Lord
Weston, rather than his sisters. It is possible that they may have of West·on.
acquired this interest by settlement. But, h6weyer this may be, Soon after succeeding to her inheritance, by deed dated at Weston
r find that in 40 Edw. IIL (1366) Henry de Jus,' and Maude his on Wednesday after the feast of St. Barnabas, 24 Edw. III. (June 13,
wife, (who was probably identical with Matilda de Bentley,) and I 1350), as Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John de Weston, Knight, she gives
Geoffrey de Congreve, and Catherine bis \'lif8, concede to Adam de
Peshall all their lands and tenement$, with all their appurtenances,
which they have in the fee of Wesron-under-Luzeyerd, to have and
I to Mr. Stephen de Bromley, parson of the church of Blymhill, all her
purparty of the manors of Weston and Newton, "'lith all their alJ-
purtenances, which fell to her by the death of her nephew Robert,
to hold to the said Adam, for the term of his life, the Teserved rent son of her brother, Thom,\s de vVeston; to which she 'TItnesses, John
being 6s. of gold or silver.e de Ipstones, John Lord of vVhyston, Roger de Pychford, Richard
In 51 Edward III (1377) Geoffrey de OongTeve, and Cathel"ine Leveson of Wolverhampton, William Broun of 'VestoD, and others.':'
his wife, coucede. to Ada'JT& de Peshall and Elizabeth, his 'Wife, all This is followed by a deed of July 1, 1350, whereby Stephen de
their lands and tenements, with the appurtenances, in v~leston- Bromley settles on J oIlD. ae Whyston, and Elizabeth his 'Wife,
under-Loseyert and Blumenhull, which were formerly Thomas Ie daughter of Sir John de vVeston, Knight, the fifth part of the
Champion's, to have and to hold to tbe said Adam and Elizabeth, manors of Weston and Newton, and all his part of the manor of
and if they should die without heirs of their bodies, then all the Blumenhnll, and all his lands and tenements, &c., in Admondeston
aforesaid lands, &c' l should remain to Hugh Ie Mortimer, son of and Great and Little Haywode, and also his whole part, &c., (i.e.,
the said Elizabeth. ~ the reversion of the part) which Isolda, daughter of Sir Johu de
It is bigbly probable that Maude de Jus, as well as her sister, Weston holds of him for term of life in Vveston, &c., which tene-
Isolda, had now deceased without issue; and I suspect that by virtue ments he has of the gift and feoffment of the said Elizabeth, to have
of this grant the Peshales became the owners in fee of the whole and to hold, &c., and if the said John and Elizabeth should die
of Ie Champion's share of Weston and Blymhill. without heirs of their bodies begotten between them, all the afore-
said tenements, with all his part, &c., should l'elllain to !solda,
~ From ~ deed of 1 Ric. II., given in the 2nd vol. of the Huntbache MSS., in sister of the said Elizabeth, and the heirs of her body, and if she
WhICh certalll lands are setiled upon William de Bentlev nnd Alianore his wife and should die without heirs of her body, the aforesaid tenements,
the heirs of th~ir bodies, with rem.2inder to the heir~ of the said \Yilliam 'with
re~ai.nder to Nicholas de Ruggeley, brother of the sai<l ,Villiam de Bentley a~d the toaether with the whole part of the reversion of the aforesaid
heIrs of his body, ,'>'ith ren!:lindcr to John Jus, brother of the said .I.,icholas de te~ements should remain to ""'"illiam, son of Sir Vv'"illiam Trumwyn,
Rugg:le:lJ? an.d :he heirs of his body, I should infer that thc names of Bentley and Jus Knight, a~d the heirs of his body, with remainder to the aforesaid
were mdiscnmlOately used by the family.
Stephen and his heirs for ever. ~
1I Harl. MS., 5816. The deed of conveyance has three seals attached to it one
apparently for Geoffrey and Catherine, and two for Henry and l1aude, plac~d' ODe Sir John de Whyston, the first husband of Elizabeth de Westoll
below t.he other, and the lower one has the impression of the Weston Eagle. I sup. died in 1358 or 1359;~ and in the next year we find his widow
pOSe this p~rc~ase to .have been made by Adam de Pesbale immediately after tile
death of 1L9 mfe, Eliz.a.beth de Weston, who is said to have died in 1366' but before 1 & 2 Hart MS. 5816. I suspect that the wording of this settlement formed the
the date of the deed which follows in the text he had heen married to ~other wife ground of a s~bsequent dispute as to the succession of Elizabeth de Weston's lands.
Elizabeth np Rys, whose SOD. by a former marriage is placed in remainder to th~ 1 By deed, dated at Parva Sardon on the Sunday next afte:: the oct~ve of ~e Hol!

estate pllrchased. ~ Hari MS., 5816. Trinity, 32 Edw. III. (June 10, l35S), Sir John de Whiston, Knight, gtves his
already married to ber second husbflnc1 Sir Adam de Peshale widow Margaret, who was the daughter and heiress of Sir 'Villiam
Knight; for in that year (:·l4 Edw. III.) \vas a plea of conventio; Trussell, of Cubbleston, co. vVarwick, and Sheriff Hales, co. Salop,
between Adam de Peshall, Knight, anrl Elizabeth his wife, COlll~ Knight, '\yhich Margaret was probably an infant at the time of h'2r
plainants, and Stephen d~ ~rolUley, defol':-iant, cOllcernil1g twenty husband's decease, and who afterwards married Sir Fulke LIe
" r·
acres of land, and fifty shIllIngs of rent, iYlth the appurtenances, in Pembruge, of Tung, Knight, Lut died without issue more than
Ble1nenh1..~ll and Stretton and trtlJO pccrts of the manors of Weston thirty years afterwards, on the feast of St. Barnabas, :3 Hen. IV.
·1.-, under Leyseyerd and Newton near Blithfield, in five parts divided, (.June 11, 1402)'
with the appurt.enances. Adam de Peshall and Elizabeth, his wife, Sir V\'illiall1 Trussell, who was a person of considerable wealth
gave to the saicl Stephen two Inmche(l 111erks of silver. The and importance and who had probably purchased the mal'I'iage of
remainder is tied to IsaLel, sister of the said Eliz:luetll,l for 'vant of Nicholas de "YVhyston and the custody of his Irmds during his
issue male. It appears from this that Sir Adam de Peshale and minority, seems to have laid claim to the lands of Elizabeth de
Elizabeth (de vVeston) his wife haclno\v acquired another fifth part Peshale (as having devoh"eLl upon her son Nicholas), his title to
of the maD aI's of ,I\reston and Newtoll. The transcript of the which may possibly haye been strengthened by certain letten,
above-mentioned deed is incomplete, uut if the substance is con-ectly patent from the king, which he afterwards delivered up to the
given, I presume the intention will ha \·e been to rG~settle the 'IoYhole Baron of Stafford, and he seems to have made oyer the re-marriage
estate on Adanl and Elizl.Lbeth, his wife, for their lives with of his daughter :Yfargaret and the custody of ber lands to aIle
remainder tv the issue male of Elizabeth, and on failure of such Thomas ffoljambe, the same, I suppose, with him who had presented
issue with fluther remainder (to Isabel, the sister of Adam ?), to the to vVeston church in 1330 during the minority of Robert de Weston.
exclusion of Agnes, the daughter of the said Elizabeth by Sir J 01n The rival claims to the Weston lands will probably haye been
de VlhystOll, her fmmer husband. uased upon the two different settlements made by Elizabeth de
Elizabeth de Pesbale, the daughter of Sir John de vVeston,is said l·\~shale. If the right of immediate possession had come to
to have died about the year 1366' Nicholas de vVhyston by virtue of the earlier settlement on the
Under the last mentioned settlement, if not by the courtesy of death of his mother, the effect will h&.ve llot only been to give his
England, her share of the vVeston estate will have devolved upon widow a right of dower but also to place his sister's son John fitz
her husband fat life; and the reversio11, if not the immediate Edmund Ginard in the position of next heir, as heir of the whole
possession under the settlement of 1550 will have belonaed to her blood to Nicholas; but if the later settlement was i'alill, awl I have
eldest son Nicholas de V\Thyston.' 1:'"> rightly understood it, Sir Adam de Peshale will have had his own
If we suppose Elizabeth de Weston to have married bel' first life interest secured to him and the reversion will hai'e belonged to
husband John de Whyston in 1350, her son Nicholas could not his son Adam de Peshale, the younger, as his mother's heir male
have been more than 15 years of age at the time of her death in after the death of his half-brother Nicholas, her eldest son.
1366. He seems to have died not long afterwarus, leaving a In September, 1:369, Sir Adam de Peshale (L) was already
married to another wife, Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Sir
ruanor of Little 8aredon, with all the rents and services of his tenants, &c., in thg Philip ap Rys, Knig'ht, and widow of Sir Henry 1fortimer, of
same manor, to Sir William Shllreshtlll, Knight, and his heirs and assigns for ever
(Huntbache MS). This will have been one of the last acts of his life; for by deed, Chelmarsh, co. Salop, Knight, who was Lady of Idsale (or SWnal)
dated at Weston under Lusyord, on the Sunday next after the feast of St. James the in her own right. Z

Apostle, 33 Edw. III. (July 27, 1359), Elizabeth who had been Uw wife of .sir Jo7m It is probable that at the time of this marriage some fresh settle-
de Whiston, Knight, quitclaims to Sir William Shareshull for herself and her heirs,
ment was made whereby the two-fifths of the manOl' of Weston, &c.•
all their right and tine to the said manor. (Huntbache 'IllS. vol. II.).
1 Huntbache MS. vol. IL I think this should be Isabel sister of Adam or which had been held by Adam de Peshale and his former wife
possibly Isolria, sister of Elizabeth. ~ Monumental inscriptio; in Weston Chu;cb. Elizabeth de Westo.q, were conveyed to John, son of ·William
a.My only grour:,d for t~ supposition is the wording of the former of two deeds
glven at p~e .?40, .~herelll she styles herself Elizabeth, daughter of SiJo John de .
de Trumwvn' of Cannock, who died in October, 1369, seized of
Weston, and to wInch John, Lord of Whyston is a witness. 1 Dugdale's Warwickshlre-,-p-,"7-:16-:.---:':c1;-n-q-.-:,,:-,-;E;;:d;:w=-. III., No.3.
three-fifths of the manors of Weston and Newton, with certa'
lands, &c. in Blymhill. Two of these three-fitths wtll have donbtle: including these two-fifths of the manors of Weston and Newton, anti
reverted to Adam de Peshale, or his Trustees, on the death of John the aforesaid tenements in Blymhill and Stretton, were taken int!")
de Trumwyn j and a few years later, Damely, 011 the Monday next the King's hands; whereupon the rival claimants found it expedient
...... the feast of St. James the Apostle (,July) 1373, by deed dated to come to some accord whereby they might sue for the redemption
at Weston, J Ohll de Cokestolle, parson of the church of Weston of the said lands out of the King's hands. A fine was accordingly
and Stephen de Bromley, parson of the church of Blemenhull' levied at Salop, on Tuesday, the feast of St. Dionise, 49 Edw. III.
concede to Adam de.Peshale the fifth part of the manor of Westo~ (Oct. 9, 1375), between Sir William Trussell of the one part, and
with the appurtenances, which is called J\1aljorie's part de ffoule- Sir Richard de Pesha]], Adam de Posha]], and Thomas Gech of the
hurst, to have and to hold to the same Adam for the term of his other part, in the presence of their chief lord, the Earl of Staf-
life. They also c~llceded to the same Adam another fifth piut of forc1,l Sir Nichol his son, John de la Pole, David de Calveley, Robert
the same manor, wIth the appurtenances, \vhioh had been Marrraret's Burgulon, and others, wherby it was agreed that, as to those two
the late ,yife of Nicholas, son of Sir J aIm de vVhyston, Kui~ht, to parts of the manors of Weston under Lizyard and Newton near
have and to hold to the same Adam and his. heirs and assi("lls Blithfield, with their appurtenances, into five parts divided, con~
during the life of the same 1vIargaret. ~ Ou October 20 of the sa~e cerning which two parts a fine was levied between the said Adam
year Adam de Peshale and Elizabeth his ,,,,ife give half a lllerk to and Stephen de Bromley, clerk, and the which two part, had been
have a 'writ of "de cOllventiol.le" ill the county of Stafford. 2 seized into the King's hands on the death of Elizabeth, daughter
On November :3 of the same year a fine was levied between and heir of William Trumwyn, the said Adam should purchase the
Adam de Pes hale and Elizabeth his wife, complainants, and livery thereof out of the King's hands without any hindrance from
Stephen de Bromley, deforciant, of 20 acres of land and 50 shillinos Sir William Trussell or any other on his part. Moreover, the said
rent, with the appurtenances, in Blymenhull and Stretton, and t';o Sir William, out of respect for the said Earl, delivered the patent
par.ts of the manors of Weston and Newton ,vith the appurtenances, which he had received from the King into the hands of the said
which Roger Lanfant and Elizabeth his lNife held for term of life Earl, and was willing that the said .Adam should receive all the
of the said E~zabeth,. of the inheritance of the said Stephen, profit he could out of the said two parts, which the said Adam
. without interfering -with the farm reserved in the
whereby t~e said premises w<:::re settled to remain, after the death
of the saId Elizabeth wife of Rorrel', to Adam, de Peshale and said patent, and the said Adam consented that it should be lawful
Blizabeth his. wife and the hei1's oji:;; the body begotten of the same for J obn Gifford, as cousin and heir of Sir John de Whiston to
.Adam, and If the same Adam should die without an heir of his enter into possession of the fifth part of the advowson of the Church
body be~otten, then, after the decease of the same Adam and of Weston, and of two places of land, that is to say, Medey ruding
Elizabeth his \Yife, to Isabel siste1' 0/ tke same Adam and the heirs below Merley, high William ffruding in the Parl.:, as his herit~e
of her body, with relllainder to the right heirs of the said .Adam descended to him by the death of the said Sir J aIm. Also the sard
for ever.J Sir William allowed that the said Adam possibly holds the fifth part
The said Elizab~th Lanfant, who was the daughter of William of the ManQr of Weston which lately belonged to Thomas ffoljambe
Trumwyn and herr of her· brother J aIm de Trumwyn died on for the life of Margaret who had been the wife of Nicholas de
July 20, 1375, when her interest in these tenements' and two Whiston and the said Adam consented that it ,should Qe lawful for
parts of the said manors will have aoain reverted to Adam the said John Gifford and l1is heirs to enter upon the aforesaid fifth
de Pes~ale and Elizabeth his wife. Bu~, owing perhaps to the part immediately after tbe decease of the said Mar?aret, withot~t
uncertaJ.n report of the jurors at the inquisition taken after the disturbance from the said Adam, or anyone else on hIS part; and If
death of Elizabeth Laniant, or to some other cause, her lands, it should seem to the s.aid John Gifford, when he comes to his full
~ It must bave been in reference-to tbe lands at Blymhill that the Earl of Stafford
1 Harl MS., 5816. 2 Rot. Fin. 47 Edw III m 16 :I Inq. 49 Edw. III., part is styled their chief lord, for the Earl of Arundel was the chief lord of the fees of
2 (1 Nrs.) No. 49. See page 340. ...•
Weston and Newton.
furlonge, Prior furlong, Rowmorfield, Blakmorudyg, Wolfhullcs
aGe that he has a ricrht to demand more in any petreel of the said
b' 0 furlong, Leecroft, Hirlderethbruke, ffyrthbruche, Wo(lelande, Stoke
manor of Weston, he shall proceed in such manner as the law will 1 juxta Ohorlegh, and all the common of pasture in the same manor,
allow, and in like manuel' the said Adam will defend. his right. And with the arpurtenances, which were late of Sir J aIm de vVhyston,
the said Sir vVilliam covenants that he will not interfere or give any uncle (grandfather?) of the aforesaid J ohu Giffard, whose heir be
aid 01' encouragement to the said J aIm Gifford eluring his minority to is the which site of the manor, gardens, lands, and tenements, the
trouble or implead the said Adam with respect to that fifth s~id J aIm Giffard conceded to the said Sir Adam and Elizabeth his
part of the manor of Weston, vyhich was lately that of Matthew de 'wife, to hold to them and the heirs of the body of the saiu Adam,
ffouleshurst and Margaret his wife. 1 ", remainder to the right heirs of the said Adam, in exchange
It seems to have been the aim of Adam de Peshale to reunite the for all the lands in Stretton, rendering therefor to the said John
divided parts of Weston iuto one, and the pertinacity with which he Gitfard and his heirs 16 pence per annum, payable in eqnnl portions
pursued his purpose appears to have been crowned at last with at the feasts of St. :ZvIichael and the Anuunciation. 1
complete success. His next step was to compotUlcl for tllC rights After the date of this exchange, which was probably follo\ved by
of Margaret (Trussell) by taking from her and her second husband, a more complete slll'l'enc1er, I meet with nothing to shew that J aIm
Fulke de Pembruge, a lease of her life interest in that fifth part of Giffard or his heirs retained any further interest in the manors of
the manor of Weston to which she preferred a claim. After which Vileston or Blyrnhill. I have merely to add with respect to these
he proceeded to deal with J o11n Gifford for the acquirement of his bvo-fifths of the manor of vVeston, that by deed dated at 'Weston
rights as heir of the whole bloou to Nicholas de Wbyston. ou the Thursday next after the feast of the conception of S~_ Mary,
On the Thursday after the feast of Easter, 3, Ric. II. (March 29,) 1 Hen. IV. (Dec. 11, 1399), Sir Fnlke de Pembl'uge, Kmght, for
1380, by deed, dated at Weston under Lllseyerd, John fitz Edmund himself and his heirs, quit claims to Sir Adam de Peshale, ~night,
Giffard de Chillillgton gTants and to ferm leases to Sir Adam de for the term of his life, the annual rent of 3:3s. and 4d. whICh he
Peshale, Knight, a place of land in Weston under Luseyerd, called has been accustomed to pay for the fifth pmt of the manor ~f
Mateigdy field, to have and to hold to the said Adam, his heirs "Veston under Leseyerel, which he held of him for the term of Jus
and assigns, for a term of 100 years, the reserved rent being an life bv his dimission, reserving to himself ,11H1 his lJeirs a free
annual payment of 2s.2d. ll On the same day, by a deed of indenture inQTes~ and egress to his wood in the said fifth part of the aforesaid
dated at the same place, and made between Sir Adam de Peshale, m~llOl' to fell and carry away timuer at their wilL~ In the mean-
Knight, and Elizabeth his 'wife, of the aile part, and John fitz time, namely, in 1:377, Sir Adam de Peshale, as:ve ~ave ~een,~ had
Esmonde Giffard de Chillillgton of the other part, the said acquired anoth(ol' share of the de vVe~ton estates III V\ eston a~d
and Elizabeth granted to the said John Giffard all their lands, rents, Blymhlll, llnmely' Champion's shar8, Wl11Ch was settled on the s~ld
tenements, and services, with the appurtenances, in Stretton juxta Aclam and Eliz~beth his then 'Bfe and the heirs of their bodIes,
Rorsebrook, to have and to hold to the said John, his heirs and and if they shonld die without heirs of theil' bodi~s, they were to
assigns, in exchange for the site of the manor of Westou under remain to Htwh Ie Mortimer, son of the same ElIzabeth. .
Luysyerd, with the gardens adjacent to the of the vVbile thllS :noa<red in acquiring the inheritance of his first mfe, he
/ Park of the same manor into five parts divided, which Sir John de was no less activ; i~ securing that of his living \\,-jfe Eliza?eth ap Rys.
Whyston • . had purchased, the fifth part of the meadow This lady was the daughter and col:eir~ss, ' her sl~ter Mabel
(pree) of the Same manor, and all the lands and tenements which
William Broun and John del Stanes held in the same manor on
wife of Sir Hugh' de Wrottesley, of Su' Plllhp ap .R) s, Lord 0:
Shifnal in the county of Salop and Talgarth Ellg~ees m t1:e count)
the day of making these indentures, also a certain toft in the said of Brecknock. She had been previously marned to 3tl, Henry
manor, which Hugh Ie Carter lately held, a certain stank in the ~1ortimer of Chelmarsh, co. Salop, Knight, by whom she had two
said manor, called Pikemore, divers parcels of lands in the same sons, '\vho both predeceased her without leaving issue, namely,
manor, lying in vVilliamsrudyngs, Marlegby, Sparkelse, Strete
1 &; ~ Harl MS. 5816. 3 See page $44.
l &. ~ Harl. MS., 5816.

William, an imbecile: who died Dec, 7, 1391, and Hugh de His answer is, that Sir Adam de Peshale had not kept his aQ'I"ee-
MO~~lmel~~ who, ~as kIlled at, the, battle of Shrewsbury, ,July 21, ment to levy a fine in bis favour conceruinO'o the manor of TalO'~rth
0 ,

140.), Su Pluhp ap Rys (hed III 1369, when a dispute arose

between his sons-in-law with respect to the partition of his Ia d
In these turbulent days they seem to have found it easier to de~i;~
Ii notwithstanding that he had pledged himself to do so before Sir
Ralph Ferers, Sir Philip de Catesby, Sir Nicholas de Stafford
Sir Thomas Harecourt and others, by which neglect the said Si;
their controyersies by hard blows than by the (l'entler but m
, "
tedIOUS 'pr.oces~ of the law; and though each party appealed to the
m l Hugh had been put to great cost and injury, because the said
manor is held of the King in capite, and he had purchased
the King's licence for a great sum of money. Since which time,
ol:own, It IS, eVIdent, from the complaints which they laid before the
kmg and Ins councIl that they had already taken the law into their ,I in consequence of the enmity between the said Adam and himself,
OWIl han~s; nor were tl:ere many perhaps who were better able to the said Adam's men had beat the men and servants of the said
fight theIr own battles III these warlike times than these two st t I Hugh, on the day of St. Thomas last past, at the fair at Alhrygh-
Staffordshire knights. 'Sir Hugh de \fi,i"rottesley "vas an able sold~~r ton, and then sent off immediately to the said Adam at Idesale
who had served with honom" in the king's wars in France and (Shiffnal), complaining of the men of the said Hugh whom they had
Spain, and was in such I11gh esteem with King Edward III. that he beaten. Whereupon Haminet, the brother of the said Adam
had made him one of the original Knights uf the Garter. Sir Adam armed and arrayed for war, and others of his household and
was also a man of valour and activity, who held a scarcely~ IeM tenants, to the number of sixty armed men, went to Albrighton
. '" and pursued the said Hugh's men, whom they bad thus beaten,
promment posltlOn m his own county.
In the fjr~~ year of K~ng Richard II. Sir Adam de Peshale pre- out of the county of Salop, as far as Wrottesley in the county of
fen"eel a pet1tlon to the kmg and his council, in which he complains Stafford, beating, wounding, assaulting, and ill-treating them so
that, as he was returning home to his own countrv, after attenrlinO' that they were in fear of their lives, and all the while hooting at
the king's coronation, Sir Hugh de Wrottesley, de~si~1na his death them and crying out, "Kill the Wrottesley robbers," and swearing
11ad placed a c{)1l1pany of armed men in ambush on dle king's hiO"h~ that they wished the said Hugh had been there that they might
\vay, between London and his own country, and brought them t~ a have killed him,-to the alarm of the whole country and in breach
place called F~x~1Unte Ledegate/ in the county of1,V"areester, for the of the King's peace, as well as to the great hurt and annoyance of
purpose of killing him and his men, as is known to the whule the said Hugh. And, nevertheless, the said Adam and his brothers,
Haminet and Sir Richard, went to the King's Court and laid a ,"
country; he had also so threatened with assault and batterv from d
t 1 ,tl
o (!.a}, 'd 'd
18 sal --'.I.. am an
d h"1S retmue, and lIkewise
, "ay
his tenants the complaint against the said Hugh, to his slander and prejudice, and
merc~l8.nts of Slmffenhale (Shiffnal),which is a market tOWIl, that they took out writs of attachment of his body without cause. Since
which time, on another occasion, Sir Richard, Adam, Haminet, and
darGa. ~ot to the fair to buy and sell. 1\1oreover he took fro~
a certam \\ IlJ.1aDl Barker, the said Adam's teLiant, 24 co,,"'s and others, assembled 300 armed men, and at another time a still
bro~ght them to -:Vrottesley, all the king's highway, and kept them greater number, in the manner of war, so that the said Hugh did
untll he h(td recelved a. fine of -')4 shillino-s to tI"e gl'en t OtS
Id not dare to remain at his hostel or go out of his house without a
. " '0 , an an-
noyance of th.e saId Adam and his tenants. FUlther the said HuO'h great retinue, because of their malice. On another occasion
had brought III his retinue from the counties of Chester and La~­ Thomas Gech,l. brother-in-law of the said Adam, ordered William
ca~tel" men who were outlaws and malefactors: for all of which the Godyngton to go with him against the said Hugh, and because he
Sind Adam prays for a remedy for himself and his tenants.~ would not do this, the sons of the said llichard went to the house
In cons~quence of this complaint Sir HUl.'h de Wrottesley is of the said William and shamefully ill-treated him and his
summoned ."to a":pear
before tl1 e k'mg an d IlIS ~
' council, on the morrow
1 This Thomas Geeh de Newport, who married I~abel, sister of Sir Adam de
of St. 3.hrtlll 111 tIle same year under penalty of a fine of £300 Peshale, was Lord of High Ercall and dired ancestor of the N ewports, afterwards
l. Fox Lydiate, near ltedditch, bctwE'cn .•'I CE'st~r nnd Ea:rIs of Bradford; his widow Isabel (as I believe) was afterwards married to Sir
Brom~!!I"ove. ~ Petition~
II.d regem et concilium ejus. W. N.o. 29. ---." Robert Franceys, Knight.
daughter, against the peace of the Crown and dignity of our Lord Arundel.' On the Thursday next, before the feast of the Purifi-
the King, and in despite, it is submitted, of the said Hugh. 1 cation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 7 Hen. IV. (Feb. 1, 1406), by
The immediate result of these proceedings does not appear; but deed dated at Weston, Sir Adam de Peshale, Knight, gives (in trust
the contending parties seem to so far settlecl their differences I suppose) to Roger de Aston, parson of the church of Weston,
that each of them peaceably enjoyed a portion of the lands of Sir William Lee and Thomas de Walton, his manor of Weston under
Philip ap Rys. Sir Adam de Peshale had the manor of Shiffnal, Luzehord, and the advowson of the church of the same manor, with
'l,od Sir Hugh de Wrottesley had Talgarth for his share, all its appurtenances, except those lands and tenements with the
they retained, by the courtesy of England, for the term of their appurtenances which he held in that vill, for the term of his life,
own lives. 2 of Sir Fulke de Pembruge, Knight. ~
By inquisition taken at Weston, ou the Tuesday next before the In that year it was stated by inquisition that his wife Elizabeth,
feast of All Saints, 7 Ric. II. (Oct. 29, 1383), it was found that it the daughter of Sir Philip ap Rys, was dead, and that Sir Adam de
vlonld. not be to the King's hurt, or to that of anyone else, if he Peshale, late her husband, held the manor of Shiffnal by the
should concede to Adam de Peshale a view of frank pledge, with courtesy of England. ~ This is the last I hear of Sir Adam de
all the rights thereto belonging, in his towns of Weston-under- Peshale (I.) of Weston. It is probable that he did not live long
Loseyerd, Blemhull, and Breynton, in the county of Stafford, to him after this, for he must have been an old man at this time.' I
and his heirs for ever, and this view of frank pledge would Le of suppose it will have been this Adam de Peshale who served the
the annual value of two shillings. ~ office of Sheriff of Shropshire and Staffordshire, in 21 and 22
By deed dated at Weston on Sunday next after the feast of the Ric. II. He was succeeded at Weston and Blymhill by his son
Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 10 Ric. II. (June 27,1386), Sir Sir Adam de Peshale (II.) who seems, from what follows, to have
Adam de Peshale, Knight, constitutes John de Weston his attorney been already in possession of some portioD. of these estates.
to deliver to Sir Roger de Aston, parson of the church of Weston In 16 Ric. II. (or thereaboutsy a marriage had been' arranged
under Loseyort, and William ffarnecote seisin of the whole manOl' between Sir Adam de Peshale, Knight, and Joice the daughter and
of Weston, with all other appurtenances which he had acquired coheir of Sir John de Bottetort, Knight, of Weoley; and an
there and elsewhere in the county of Stafford, according to the form indenture was then made between Sir John de Clynton, Knight,
and effect of a charter which he had made to the said Roger and Lord of Maxtoke, and Sir Ralph d.e Bracebrugge, Knight, of the one
William." In the year 1397, as we have seen, G Sir Adam de part, and Sir Adam de Peshale, Knight, of the other palt, whereby
Peshale acquired another, namely Trumwyn's, share (or the greater it is aQTeed
that the said Sir Adam will marry the Lady Joice, late
part of it) of the de Weston estates; so that I suppose he now
practically held fOU1'-fifths of the manor of Weston, and probably a ~ Ex info Mr. J. Morris of Shrewsbury. ~ Harl. MS. 5,816. It is difficult to
account satisfactorily for the continued interest which Sir Fulke de Pembruge retained
like proportion of de Weston's share of Blymhill; and in the in the manor of Weston after the death of his wife, Margaret Trussell, bnt from the
following year (21 Ric. II.) he was certified to hold one knight's inquisition taken after the death of the second Sir Ada.m de. Peshale, th~t
fee in Weston under Loseyarc1 and N emon, under Richard, Earl of Sir Fulke de Pembruge had acquired to himself and h15 heIrS the fee slmple of t~s
fifth part of the manor. The whole history,. howev,er, of these. five p.uts a:d therr
final transmission to the Peshales and the Mlttons 15 full of drfficulties. Pat.
1 Petitiones ad. regem et concilium ejus. W. No. 41. ~ Thc descendants of Sir Hen. IV. part I, m. 2. 4 Sir Adam must have attained a great age at the time.of
Hugh de Wrottesley and Sir Adam de Peshale are now the Lords T.ieutenants of his death if it were he who served the office of Sheriff of Shropshire and Staffords.hue
Staffordshire and Shropshire. It is remarkable that in the family pedigree of each of in 1341 but of this I am doubtful G In the transcript of the Weston deeds, g1v~n
them a descent is claimed from one of these co-heiresses j whereas they are neither in the 'Harleian MS., 5816, this indenture is given as being of the ~a.te.of 20 Ric.
of them descended from such a marriage. I find that both these ladies died without II but in Huntbache's transcript (in the Salt library) the date lS gJ.ven as 16
surviving issue, though each had a son who died in infancy, :md this would have Ri~. II. Sir Baldwin Fl'evill the lady's first husband, died in. 11 Ric. II. ; and the
given to their husbands a right to hold their lands for term of life. (lnq. 43, marriage could not have take~ p1a.ce lab:r than 16 Ric. II., for the age .of h::t.wo
Ed. III .. No.4. Iuq. 44, Edw. IlL, No.3. Inq. 4. Ric. II., No. 61; and dau..,.hters by Sir .Adam de Peshale is given, on Dec. 20, 1419, at the mqUlSltion
Pat. 7. Hen. IV. part 1, m. 2). "Inq. 7 Ric. II. No. 92. 4 Harl. MS. 5816. tak:n after the death' of their father, as 28 years and more, and 26 years and more,
• See page 342. respectively, and at such inquisitions the ages were very rarely over-stated•

wife of Sir Baldwin Frevill, Knight, and that within a month after certaiu fine levied in the King's Court at Westminster, on the
their espousals the said Sir Adam will enfeoff certain persons in a fifteenth day from the day of the Holy Trinity, 4 Hen. IV. (June,
hundred marks of land, that is to say, ill all his lands and tenements, 25, 1403), and afterwards recorded there in the octave of St.
rents and services, which he has in the towns of Weston Michael, 5 Hen. IV. (Oct. 7,1404), acknowledged the same premises
Blumenh1tll, Meiston and )j" ewton, in the county of Stafford. ' to be the right of William Masse, parson of the church of Langporde,
On November 28, 13 Hen.IV. (1411), Sir Hugh de Burnell, Knight; and conceded, for himself and his heirs, that the aforesaid tenements
Lord of Holgate and of Bealey, and Robert Bykedon deliver up to and fifth part of the manor with the appurtenances, and the fifth
Rorrer Aston parson of the church of Weston, Vi.Tilliam Pertone part of the advowson of the s~id d:urches which th~ aforesaid .Adam
pal;on of th; church of Blymenhull, and William Lashefer, parso~ held for term of life of the mherltance of the sald Fulke, m the
of the church of Hardeburgh, their manor of Babyngton, in the said vilis, on the day on which the concord in the said fine was
county of Stafford i 1 and on Monday next after the feast of the made, and which, after the death of the said Adam, should revert to
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 3 Hen. V. (Aug. 17, 1415), the said Fulke and his heirs, should wholly remain after the death of
the said trustees concede the same to Sir Adam de Peshale, the said Adam, to the aforesaid William, to Robert Say, parson of
Knight, and Joice his wife, the daughter of Sir John de Bottetort, the church of Eton Hastyng, and Walter Swan, parson of the
Knight, late Lord of Weoley, to hold for the term of their lives, church of Ayleston, and the heirs of the same William. The
and after their decease to Richard, son of Reginald Mutton, of aforesaid Robert afterwards died, and the aforesaid William Masse
Salop, and Margaret his wife, the daughter of the said Adam and and Walter Swan levied another fine in the King's Court, at West-
Joice, and to the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to William minster, on the' morrow of the A.scension, in. the 5th year of Henry V.
de Burmingham and Joan his wife, the other daughter of the (May 20, 1417), recorded in the octave of St. Michael, 7 Hen. V.
aforesaid Adam and Joice, and t'he heirs of their bodies, with (Oct. 7, 1419), by which they recognised the aforesaid tenements,
remainder to the right heirs of the said Adam de Peshale. ~ fifth part of the manor with the appurtenances, and fifth part of the
Sir Adam de Peshale served the office of Sheriff of Shropshire aforesaid advowsons to be the right of Richard Brond, and conceded
and Staffordshire in 6 Hen. V., and died in the following year. for them:::;elves and for the heirs of William, that the aforesaid
The inquisition was held at Penkridge, on Dec. 20, 1419. It tenements, &c., which AdalU held for term of life, of the inherit-
states that he held no lands or tenements of the King, in capite, ance of the said William Masse on the day in which the concord in
either in demesne or service, in the county of Stafford, on the day the said :fine was made, and which after the decease of the same
of his death. But he held, conjointly with his wife Joice, who is yet Adanl should revert to the said William, Walter and the heirs of
surviving, the manor of Bobyngton, with its appurtenances in the William, should wholly remain, after the death of the said Adam,
aforesaid county, for term of life, the reversion of which belonged to the said Richard, John Bentley, clerk, John Aston, clerk, WIlliam
to Hichard, son of Reginald Mutton, of Salop, and Margaret his Galley, chaplain, and William Fitzherberde and the heirs of the
wife, the daughter of the said Ad:1m and Joice, and to the heirs of same Richard. And so the reversion of the same tenements, fifth
their bodies. It was held of Humphrey, son and heir of Edmund, part, &c., after the death of the aforesaid Adam, belong to the said
late Earl of Stafford, by Knight's service, and is of the annual value Richard, John Bentley, &c. Six aCl'es of land and two acres ?f
of £10. The said Adam also held on the day of his death, for term meadow with the aupmtenauces in Blumenhull, parcel of the sardo
of life, twenty acres of land and four acres of meadow, with the twenty ~cres of land and four acres of meadow, and the fifth part
appurtenances, in Westall and Blumenhull, and a fifth part of the of the advowson of the church of Blumenhull, are held ?f the
manor of Weston under Lu.seyord, with the appurtenances, and of the aforesaid heir of the late Earl of Stafford, by Knight's service, and
advowson of the church of the same manor, and a fifth part.of the are of the annual value of three shillings and fO':l'pence. .And
advowson of the church of Blumellhull by the demission of Sir fourteen acres of land and two acres of meadow, with the appur-
Fulke de PemLruge, Knight, which same Fulke de Pembruge, by a tenances in Weston, the remainder of the said twenty acre~ of land
1 & ~ ·Har!' MS. 5816. and four acres of meadow, and the fifth part of the aforesaid manor

and advowson of the church of the same manor are held of Sir of a man in armour, on his surcoate the arms of Peshale, the Crest

John Arundel, Knigbt, Lord of Arundel, by Knight's service, and upon his helme, lying under his head, being a Bull's head with
are of the annual value of forty-three shillings and fourpence. The roundles on it, and this epitaph-" Hie jacet Adam Pessale miles
said Adam held no other lands or tenements of the said Killg, or of dns de Weston "
anyone else in the aforesaid county, on the day of his death. The j Joan, the wife of Sir William de Birmingham, Knight, the elder
aforesaid Adam died on the Thursday next before the feast of the daughter and coheir of Sir Adam de Peshale, left a Son and heir
Apostles Simon and Jude last past (Oct. 26. 1419); and Joan. wife William, who, by deed dated on Sunday next after the feast of St.
of Sir William Birmyngham, Knight, and Margaret, who had been
the wife of Sir Richard Mutton, Knight, are his daughters and
j Thomas the Martyr, 36 Hen. VI. (Jan. 1.1358), as Sir William
Birmingham, Knight, SOn and heir of the Lady Joan de Bermyng-
heirs. Joan is 28 years of age and ~ore, and Margaret 26 years
and more. 1
Joice, the widow of Adam de Peshale, died in the following year,
I ham, appoints his brother Thomas Berroyngham, his attorney, to
administrate, reseize, recover, and hold all those hnds and
tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with the appurtenances,
namely, on the Monday ne::..-t before the feast of the Assumption of were of the purparty and inheritance of the said Joan, "vithin
the Blessed Vb-gin Mary (Aug. 12, 1420). The inquisition was the manors of Thomenhorn, Ruggeley, and Hondesacre, in the
taken at Stafford on Sept. 6, 1420, and gives the same account of
the manor of Bobyngton as that given ill the former inquisition.
She held no other lands or tenements in the county of
Stafford on the day of her death. Her daughter Margaret
Ii county of Stafford, and which were formerly in the tenure of Adam
de Peshale, to have and to hold, &c. 1
But the manors of Weston, Blymhill and Newton, as well as
that of Bobyngton, appear to have gone wholly to the issue of the
and her husband Sir Richard Mutton had both predeceased i younger daughter, Margaret Mutton or Mytton, who was living as
her,leaviIlg issue a son William, to whom the reversion oelonO'ed. the widow of Sir Richard ~{utton, Knight, on Dec. 20, 1419, but
The said William was eight years of age and more at the dat: of I deceased before August 12, 1420, the date of her mother's death,
the inquisition. The heirs of Joyce were Elizabeth, wife of Thomas 1 leaving William her son and heir. This William Mutton, son and
de Fen-er.s, Esq., Margaret, wife of Hugh Willougby, and Robert, i heir of Sir Richard Mutton, Knight, and Margaret his wife, proved
son of J~lce, late wife of Sir Roger Aston, Knight, the daughters his age, by inquisition taken at Penkridge,14 Feb., 15 Ren. VI.
and cohms of her son Baldwin Frevill; of whom the said Elizabeth (1436-7);~ where it was shown by numerous witnesses that he was
was 26 years of age and more, Margaret :20 and Robert 6. 2 born at Weston under Lusyerd, and baptized in the church of St.
In Dugdale's visitation of Staffordshire, preserved in the College Aufirew thel'e, and was 21 years of age on Innocent's Day last

of Arms, are some notes upon the monuments in Weston church past (28 Dec., 1436).
~/ .. taken on September 22, 1633. Among these he mentions a~ In January, 1436, William Mytton, Esq. presented to the church
alabaster ~avest_o~e in ~he chancel on whi0h is the portraiture of

/ of Blyrnhill as true patron for that turn. 3 In 1440 he occurs as

a woman WIth this mscnption, "Hicjacet jocosa . _ . domina Lord of Bobynton.< He was Sheriif of Staffordshire in 1443, as
de Weston . _ _ cujus anime propitietur Deus." Also an also in 1458 and 14Ii3.'
alabaster tomb on the south side of the chancel, with the portraiture On December 13,1463, aB William Mytton. of Weston-under-
1 Inq. 7 Hen. V. No. 64. I take the fee simple of this fourth portion of the milnor
Lezeyard, Esq., he gives to J aIm Mytton, his eldest sonl and Ann,
of. Westo~ and share of Blymhill, known as the share of Margery who had bccn his wife • the dauO'hter
and co-heir of Thomas Swynerton, of Hylton,
WIfe of NIcholas ~e Whyston, (to a life interest in which Sir Adam de Peshale (1) co. Stafford, Esq., a pasture or field called Le flletez, and other lands
hlld already a chl.lm, .with reversion to hilS son .Adam, as SOD nnd heir of his mother within the lordship of Ruggeley in the county of Sta~ord G; and 1~
after the deat? of NI~holas, ~nd concerning which he h:l.d previously compoUlided
for the .reverslOnary nghts With John Fitz-Edmund Giffard,) to have been finallv 1485 he has a lease. from the Abbot of Lilleshall,of Lizard Grange:
vested m the Peshales by virtue of the fine levied by Sir Fulk d P b (t ••

June 25 1403 If th
.' •
h ' e e em ruoe III
e ot er estates of Su Adam had been made over to his son 1 Harl. MS. 5816. 2 Illq. 15 Hen. VI., No. 69, ~ Lichfield Diocesan Register.
or .disposed of by settlement during his life time, this would account for no notic~ 4 Harl. MS. 5816. G Shaw's Staffordshire and Salt's MS. 6 Bar!. MS., 5816.

bemg taken of them in the inquisition post.mortem, 2 Inq, 8 Hen. V. No. 79. 7 MS. penes Duke of Suthexlanu (ex:. info Rev. R. W. Eyton).


He married Mngaret, the daughter of Thomas Corbet, of Lee, and 1st & 4th, per chevron argent and sable, in chief two martlets
and left issue a Son J ohu, who succeeded him. 1 (or moorcocks ?), 2nd & ;3rd, per pale indented argent and sable
John Mytton, Esq., the son and heir of William, was Sheriff of (for Middlemore). The inquisition, post-rn:J?·tem, taken at Brewood
Staffordshire in the 11th year of Henry YII. (1495, 6). He on May 10, 1500, states that a certain Ann, daughter and one of
married for his first wife, Anne or Agnes, daughter and co-heir of the heirs of Thomas Swynerton, was seized, in demesne as of fee, of
Thomas Swynerton, of Hilton, Esq., Hereditary Seneschal and the manors of Hilton and Esyngton, and of certain messuages, lands,
Bailiff of the King'!l Forest of Cannock, by whom he had a Son and tenements in Hilton, Esyngton, Frodley, Wyggynton, Wirley,
and heir, J aIm, who succeeded him. She had been previously Lichfield, Penkerich, Sardon, and Codsale, in the county of Stafford,
married to Humphrey Swynerton, of Swynerton, Esq., by whom and being so seized she married Humfrey Swynelton, and had
she had a SOll, Humphrey, wh:) succeeded to her inheritance. She issue by him a son Humfrey, nov.r living, and the aforesaid
died on March 27, 1470~; and John Mytton married secondly Humfrey, the father, died, and the said Ann married J aIm :Mitton,
J ane, da~ghteT of Richard Middlemol'e, of Edgbaston, in the COUllt; and had issue a son John, and the said Ann died, after whose
decease the aforesaid John, denoted in the King's brief, held the
of WaTWlck, Esq., and had by her a younger son, Griffith. I think
that this second 'Wife died on July 26, 1475, and that he afterwards aforesaid manors and lands by the law of England. The said John
married another wife of the name of Jane, who survived him. Mitton was also seized, in demesne as of fee, in the same county,
By deed, dated August 7, 1496, John Mytton, Esq., remits to of f01~T pa1'ts of the manor of Weston Hues, in five parts divided,
Richard Mic1dlemore, Esq., Richard H(jgges, and Richard I\1arten, and of five messuages, two hundred acres of land, twenty acres of
all his right, &c., in the manor or lordship of Eo bynton, with the meadow, a hundred acres of pasture, and forty acref? of wood, with
appurtenances, in the county of Stafford.~ He died Februarv 6 or the appurtenances, in Weston Hues, [of the manor of Bobynton
: 7,1500/ and was buried at Weston, in the chancel of which ci1Urch and four messuages/J a hundred acres of land, t'wenty acres of
was formerly a stone with fignres in brass of a man in armour meadow, sixty acres of pasture, with the appurtenances, in Bobyn-
lying between two wives , and bearinO'0 the followino'0 inscril)tion'. ton in the same county, and of the manor of Tomenhome, one
"Here lyeth the body of John Mytton, Esquier,Agnes and Johane, messuage, sixty acres of land, with the appurtenances, in Tomen-
his wyfes, the which John dyed the 7th day 01 February, in the horne in the same county, and of six messuages and four water-
year of our Lo.rd one thousand four hundred nynety and nyne~ ; mills, a hundred acres of pasture, ten acres of meadow, with the
ane\ the aforesald J ohane deceased the 25th day of July, the yere appurtenances, in Hagley and Rugeley in the same county, and of
of or Lord God 1475, on whose souls Jhil have mercy, Amen." one water-mill and twenty shillings of annual rent, with the
At the head of the gravestone, in plates of brass, are two shields appurtenances, in Norton in the same county, [and of the manor
of a~s, bearing. respectively an eagle displayed within a bordure of] Horton, ,yith two messuages, twenty acres of meadow, forty
engraIled (for MItton), and argent a cross fleury, on a canton sable acres of pasture, with the appurtenances, in Horton in the same
a lion's .nead erased crowned (for Peshale); at the foot are two county j and being so seized, the said J aIm during his life time
more shIelds, bearing respectively a cross fieury (for Swynerton), conceded to George, Earl of Shrewsbury, Thomas, his brother,
PJchard Salter, Doctor . . and George . . . . . - the premises
2 . I Vincent's Collections for Staffordshire, in the Heral<ls' College of Arms, p. 394.
InCJ.. 9 &: 10 Edw. IV. ,N? 57. She seems to have had, by her husband John to hold to them and their heirs for the performance of the 'will
l1ytton, an elder son Wllh~m, who alone is mentioned in this lUCJ.uisition, and who and disposition of the said J aIm Mitton, by vu'tue of which feoff-
must have pre-deceased hlS father, without leaving issue. The name of one SOll ment the said Earl, Thomas, Richard, and George were and are
ollly .would have been mentioned, for this would have been sufricient to establish still seized in their demesne as of fee. The annual value of the
the nght of her husband to enjoy a life int~rest in her lands by the courtesy of
England. Her son John must have been born shortly before her decease for he said foul' parts of the manor of Weston, and of the messuage and
~.:lS 30 years ~f age and more on May 10, 1500. ~ HarL MS. 5816. 4 He 'did on
ti Feb. :lccordrng to the inCJ.uisition, and 011 7 Feb. accordiul'J' to the leO'end on the I AshDlole's Collections for Staffordshire, No. 853, vol. 1., colleeted chiefly in

"'t·'jvestone. S This would be according to the old style, oro 1500 acco~din!! to new ] 658 and 1663 in tbe Ashmolean Library at Oxford. ~ The bracketed parts are
s y e. ~
defaced or eate~ away, but are easily supplied by the context.


lands in ,Veston aforesaid, is ten merks, and they are held of church of Tonge-wills that his cousin Joyce Jake shall have the
Thomas, Earl of Arundel, by what service [the jurors are ignorant]; farm of Tomenhorne, during her life, for such money as a part of
and the annual value of the said manor of Bobynton, and of the indentures specifieth, and the residue of his goods not bequeathed
messuages and lands in Bobynton, is twenty meTks, and they aTe he ("fives to his wife Jane, whom he makes his executrix, together
held of " .. ' by knight's service; and the annual value of the witl~ Maister Doctor Salter. He names his good Lord of Shrewsbury
aforesaid manor of Tomenhorne, and the messuage and lauds in overseer of his will, which is wjtnessed by Sir William Smyth,
Tomenhorne, is six pounds, and they are held of the Bishop of priest of the college of Tonge, Sir Thomas Goodeale, parson of
Chester, but by what service the jurors are ignorant; and the Weston, and Sir John Perton his priest. 1
annual value of the said messuag.e, water-ruills, and lands in John Mytton, of Weston, in the county of Stafford, son and heir
Hagley and Rugeley is ten pounds, and they are held of the said of John Mytton, Esq., deceased(?), by deed dated on September 26,
Bishop by the service of keeping Rugeley baillie in the King's 13 Hen. VII. (1497), demised a certain tenement with a croft
Forest of Oannock j and the annual value of the said rent and
waterwmills in Norton is forty shillings, and they are held of the 1 Har!' MS. 5816. In the copy givea in the Hart MS. the will is dated, in
Lord Fer~ers, of Chartley, by what service the jurors are ignorant. Roman numerals, Dec. ~1, 1419, and proved before Philip Agard on Feb. 12, 1429 ;
The aforesaid John held no other manors, lands, or tenements, in bl1t these aTe evidently mis-rcaJings for 1499. From this will it appears that he
demesne as of fee of the King in capite, or of anyone else in the had married a third wife, who survived him. From the fact that John Mitton
demised to Richard Middlemore and others the manor of Bobynton (as has been
said county, on the day of his death. The said J 01111 Mitton died shown allove), in 1496, I shouhl have been disposed to infer th~t th~ daughter of
on the Thursday next after the feast of the Purification of the Richard Middlemore was his then wife, and consequently the third mfe ; but the
Blessed Mary last past (Feb. 6, 1500». John Mitton is his SOn ;J.rms upon his tomb seem to prove tl1:Lt his secon~ :vife, whv died in 1475, and lies
buried by his side, was a }'hJdlt:more. The denllssiOn of 1496 was probably made
and heir, and is of the age of thirty years and more. 1
for the purpose of securing a provision for his ?'ounger son, Gl"i~tb, and a~y other
By his will dated at Weston on December 21, 1499, he bequeaths chil,ll"en hc ma.v have had by his wife Joan Jl.1Iddlemore. Tbe genealogy gIven on
his body to be buried ill the chancel of St. Andrew, of Weston, the present mo~mments iu "\Veston Church, wh~ch was doubtless compi~d b!Lady
gives sundry sums to the churches of St. Andrew, Westall, our Wilbraham the pious restorer of the church, m or about the year 1/00, IS here
rroneous. 'The inscription ;;tates thD.t "John, son and heir ofWiI1iam }:[ytton, of
Lady, of Coventry, St. Chad, of Lichfield, and the church of 0:
;Vestoll, Esq., who married Aim, the heiress of Thomas Swinnerton, Hilton, .Esq.,
Bobynton, wills that his wife shall have the manor of Weston and ll:ld by her one son, John, who married Jone, the .da'Ughter of R~clw.rd Jf~dle.
with the appurtenances, without peacbment of waste for six years: more of EJgl,aston in thc county of "\Varwick, Esq., died about the yw.r 1413; and
to find a priest to sing for his soul in the same church of St. agai~ 011 the next t~lolet, that" John, son ~nd ~I:ir of Jonn :Mytton, of , Vest on,
Esq., who married Eustaoce, daughter of Sir Rlchard Beaumont, of Wedd~sbury,
Andrew for seven years-bequeaths to his son Griffith ten merks in the county of Stafford, Knight, llnd had by he~ on: daugh~er, ~oyC{), dep~rted
of land dlll'ing his life, also ten ruerks in money, six kine, two t ho ).£ February 16 1552." This double generatIon IS also gIven In the pedigree
. IS rlIdb e the Editor _~ '-h'Ire, " an d'
, of "Erdeswick's Survey of St<l.ilOT<..u; a,so by Sh aw
gowns, and two doubletts-bequeaths to William Chatturton 13s. mseey 8hh."1
in his" History of Staffordshire," and Dukes in his '.' History of rops Ire.. am
4d. of land, in such place as is assigned; desires that his servant convinced that this intermediate John Mytton, II'ho IS stated to .have ma\"~led Jone
John Broke, may continue to gather the tents of Bobinton for his Middlemore, is altogether an apocryphal person, :lorI superfl.~ous.lD ~be pedIgree. It
wife a~d his heirs, for which he shall receive 20d. dllring his life, was the first John Mytton (son of William), who made his will m.Dec. 1499 ~nd
and this he shall have whether they wish him to gather the rents w:
died in the following February, that m:ll'rieJ. Joan ~ddlelllore for. hIS. s:~ond fc .
Shaw and Dukes have also fallen into an error in stating that the lllqumtlOll taken
or not-bequea~hs to "\Villiam Fowke, of Brewood, a gown of black after the death of the first John Mytton was taken on May 10, 5 Hen. V~I. !~ \;a5
peake, furred WIth martennes-gives 2s. 6d. to the forming of the ],fa 10 15 Hen. VII., as has been shown above, and there is no su~h lD~ulSlt:on
y 'r 5 H V)) The wordin<r of the inquisition, taken in conJunction WIth
extant 0 en.. <:> • W eh' h
1 Inq. 15 Hen. VII. No. 104. From this inquisition it appears that the mallor the recorded inscription and arms on the original monument m estoD ~l~h'
of Bobynton had reverted to him before his death so that the demission of this
manor to Riebard Middlemore and others, in 1496, ~ill have been merely for some second John Mytton is :11so wrongly given on the present mon~menta F be l~n
affonl conclusiye eyidellCe on ti:e subject. It should be noted that the detth t .e

temporary purpose. The Blymhlll estate is not mentioned. I suppose it to have Weston Church as having taken place on Feb. 16, 1552, whereas~ It was ~n ~n· th;
been aheadymade .over to his lion and heir apparent, John Mitton (11.), who seems 1532, as recorded. in the original monument, or Feb. 17, 133S-, as gIven
to have had some mterest there in Sept. 13 Hen. 'In. (1497). inquisition post_mortem.
• 4


pertaining thereto in Blymhill, together with all pastures, &c. It his father, and an only daughter Joice, who married John Harps-
is so given in the transcript preserved in the Harleiau MS. so often field, of London, gent. The said John Mytton died in February,
quoted j but there must be some error here, either in the datB of 1532-3, and was bUrled at Weston, where there was formerly a
the deed or in the reading of the word" deceased," for it has been monument to his memory, with this inscription on a plate of brass
shown that John Mytton, the father, was stili living at this time. fixed in a marble gravestone in the chancel of the church :-" Of
. , r think it probable, however, that J ohu MyttOll, the son and heir your chari tie pray for the sowles of J aIm Mytton, Esq., and
apparent, was in possession of the Blymhill estate before the death Constance his wife, which John deceased the 16th day of February,
of his father. He succeeded to the whole of his father's estates on Anno Diii 1532°, on whose sowles Jhl1 have mercy. Amen.'H
February 17, 1500, and a few days later-namely, on the Thursday By inquisition taken at vVolverhampton, before Walter
next before the feast of St. Chad, 15 Hen. VII., he witnesses a Wrottesley, Esq., the King's escheator for the county of Stafford,
deed of Eichard N oythall, dated at Weston, as J oha Mitton, Esq' on Oct. 27, 25 Hen. VIII. (1533), it was found that he died seized
In September 1506 he presents to the church of Weston and 2

of the manor of Weston under Luzeord and the advowson of
in the following year 2:3 Hen. VII., he was Sheriff of the cou~ty of Weston church, with the appurtenances, in his demesne as of fee
Stafford, as also in 4 Hen. VII L tail, the manor of Bobynton, the manor of Tamehorn, 5 merks of
In a list of s~andards b.orne in the field in the reign of Henry chief or annual rent in \Vhytington, 200 acres of land, 200 acres
~III., preserved ~ a MS. In the college of arms,o the following is of pasture, 100 acres of meadow and wood in Newton, Blyffeld and
glve~ for John MItton, of Weston under Lyzearde, in the county of Ie Bodde, 2 messuages, 100 acres of land, 100 acres of pasture in
Stafford; A on a wreath, Argent an.d Gules, a bull's head sable, horns, Horton, 1 messuage or manor of Hagley, in Hagley, near Rugeley,
ears and tongue Or, charged on the neck with three annulets of the 1 cottage in Penkerych, all in his demesne as of fee tail; and being
last (remainder }mperfect). Motto," Spes mea in Domino est." so seized, long before his death he enfeoffed Walter Wrottesley,
Arms.-Quarterly, 1 and 4. Per pale Azure and Gules an eaO"le Esq., and others in the premisses, to hold to them and their heirs
displayed with two heads Or, beaked and membered Arge~t j 2 a~d for certain uses and intentions expressed in certain marriage
3. Argent, a cross fiory sable, on a Canton Gules a lion's head indentures made between him John Mytton and one Thomas
erased of the field, ducally crowned Or. Skrymshere; of which the date is [12 June, 22 Hen. VIII., 1530],
By deed dated at Weston huos on June 14.5 Hen. VIII. (1512), and further the said John Mytton was seized of . 100 acres
wl~erem he styles hImself John M::itton, Esq., SOll and heir of John of meadow, 100 acres of pastUl'e, 46s. Sd. rent in Ruggeley,
MItton, Esq., he gives to John Boamount, Roger Jennyngs, rector Whyttington, Tymnor, and Fysherwyke, in the county of Stafford,
of the church of \Vestoll huos, J aIm Broke, and .J ohu Chewe, his in his demesne as of fee tail, and being so seized, before Th.
manors of WestOl~ huos, Bobynton, Thoruenhorne, Haggeley, and Frewyke, Knight, and others, Justices of the King's Bench, at
Horton, and all his other lands and tenements in the counties of Westminster, in the 21st year of the reign of the present King
Stafford and Salop.' And by deed dated at Weston on June 10 (Henry VIII.), he levied a fine of the aforesaid tenements to J ohu
19 Hen. VIII. (1527), he gives all his manor of BObynton to Si; Harpefeld and Joice his wife, daughter of the said John Mytton,
John Gifford, Knight, Walter Wrottesley, Esq., ,John Beaumont, which fine settled the premisses on John and Joice for the longest
and Roger ffowke, gentlemen, to the use of the said John Mitton of their lives, by virtue of which they were seized thereof in their
and. Constance his wife. G demesne as of a free tenement. Weston is held of the Earl of
He married Constance, daughter of Sir Henry Beaumont of Arundell and is of the annual value of 20 merks. Bobynton . .
Wednesb~ry, in the county of Stafford, Knight, who survived lrim, 20 pounds. Tamehorn, 5 merks, rent, &0., in Wbyttington, &0.,
all~ .had Issue a son William, who married Mary, daughter of and le Bolde are held of the Bishop of Coventry and Lychfield.
,Vilham Chetwynd, Esq., but died without issue in the life-time of Tamehorn is of the annual value of 20 merks, the rest 10 pounds.
Two messuages; &0., in Norton are of the annual value of 4 pounds
1 Harl. MS. 5816. ~ Lichfield Diocesan .Re9ister Z Excerpta Histcriw"
BcntleJ', p. 314. 4 & 6 Harl M8. 5816. "". 1 Ashmole's Collections for Staffordshire.


and held of the said Bishop. The one messuage of Ragley and
cottages in Penkrych are of the annual value of six pounds, six
shillings, and eightpence. Ragley is held of the Bishop, the
cottages of George J\1onenx. The 100 acres of meadow, &c., in
Fysherwyke, are held of the Bishop in socage by the service of one
red rose per ann11.1n" and are worth in all their issues 10 pounds.
The said John was seized of no other lands, &c., in the county of ::: r::.-
Stafford. He died February 17, 24 Hen. VIII. (1553). Joice "0

H::trpefield, widow, is his daughter and heir, and is of full age. 1 0-;;'
Joice Harpefield, the daughter ::mu heir of John Mytton, had by ~o

her husband John Harpefield, an elder son Edward Harpefield, who .-11--
'" '
took the name of Mitton, upon whom his grandfather, in 1530, ~~
settled the reversion of all his lands in the counties of Stafford and ~-g
Salop (with the exception of land in Shropshire to the yearly value
of five merks, which he reserved to himself the right to dispose of
as he pleased), in prospect of a marriage to be had between the
said Edward Harpisfeld and Ann, the daughter of Thomas ,~

Skrymsher, of Norbury. ~~-o:i

o ~
By these indentures between John Mitton and Thomas Skrym- :::..c:> ...,

sher, which bear date June 12, 22 Hen. VIII., it is covenanted that ~~: ,,~

the said Edward shall marry the said Ann before the feast of St. :=::: •

Ml.chael next coming; and in the event of either of the. parties :t~8
dying before the consummation of maniage between them, their
next brother or sister, respectively, shall take their place. A
provision is made for the joinlJure of the said Ann Skrymsher or
whichever of Thomas Skrymsher's daughters shall marry the
grandson and heir or heir apparent of the said John lYfitton. The
Hall of Weston and all the lands in West,on shall devolve upon
the said Edward Harpisfeld on the death of John Mitton, and
Thumas Skrymsher is to have the custody of them during the @
minority of the heir. The rest of the (unsettled) lands are to come o

to Edward after the death of Constance, wife of the said John

Mitton. The said John Mitton reserves power to grant to his
daughter Joice an annuity of £10 for t.erm of life; which annuity
was afterwards charged upon lands in Newton and Blyffeld. Z
As the Blymllill estate is not mentioned in either the marriage
settlement or the inquisition post mortem it is possible that it had
already been given to Joice Harpesfeld, or else it came to her on
the deatll of her father by virtue of an old entail, for on February
lInt}. 25 JL'!I. VIII., penes Rev. John 13ruoke, of Ihu,guLoll, co. Salop. ~ Orig1ual,
penes Earl of Bradford.

,;,~ ,-,.


Edward Harpefiold, alias Mitton, of Westoll, Esq., 1532-1670. =Allll, dangllter of 'l'homas Skrymsher, of NOl'bltl'Y. Esq.
1 r 1 I--r----I--I - - \----TT--I
}<~leanol', d.=John:rl'lyttoll,=Uary, d. Richard Waltel'. MIU'Y, wife of Joice, w. Margel'}" Elizabeth. 'I'hos, Mytton, 2ndo-...:Allll,dau.
of EdWflrd \ of Weston, 1 of John Mytton; William. James Nowell of, . . . wife of Katherino. son, of Salop, gent., \ ofRichd,
Brett, of
Keelo, 1st
Esq. ; d, May
20,1615. I
Cotes, of living
Woodcoto 1598.
2nd wife,
of Pelshall. Wescott. 'l'homas
of Seawall.
1598; delHI before Powell.
Jan. 8,1622,
-------1 -------- 1-----1-----1 1--1
Elbr;hth., d. Myt_=Cecilia, dall. of Sir
Jas.Westonof ton of Weston, \ WilIm, Skeffington,
Lic1J11eM,Esq. Esq.; d. Feb. of Fishcrwick, Knt,
liv, Jan,
I' .
Jolll\ lIyt-= .. ,d, of Mary, Oonstance,
tOll, living Steven- wife of w. of 'rhos.
August 16, son, of Dot- Fraucis Phillips.
Judith, w. Edward ayoullger
of. . . Myttoll, son or
Blnckmere of Salop, sons, liv·
mar, settlemt. 19,1638, amI BaH. ; re-mal', to 8, 1622. 1630. hill, in co. Somer· gent., s. ingJan.
1598,liv,1622, Sil'\Vm, Brereton, of Salop. ford. and heir 8, 1622.
d, befol'o Ap, 1Honclfor(l, co. Cest, of Thos.
30,1629, s.p, died Oct. 8, 1649, !iv. Jan.
1_______ ~'J 1
8, 1622.

Sit' Thomas Wilbraham, of Woodhey,=Elizabeth, daughter and sole heir; bol'll
co. Cest., Bal't. ; died August, 1692, Fob, 14, 1631 ; died July 27,1705,
-------T----------- 1
I 1
Sir'l'homas=Elizabeth, Sir Lionel. 'l'ollemaobe, =Gi'ucc, 2nd dau, Ilnd cob. j Richard New-=Mory, 3xd dau. and coho j Cecilia, 4th dUll. ;
Myddleton, eldest dan,; of HclllHugham, en. born March 28, 1656; \lo\'t,211dEnrlof bol'll June 5,1661; mnr. born :Mlty17,1667;
of Chirk, m, Feb, 6, SuIT., 211d Earl of Dy. inaI'. at Westall, Sept, 30, Bradford; ob, at WostOIl, Ap. 20, 1681 j bnl'ied at Weston,
Rut. and 1672, ob. sart; ob, Fob. 172'1. 1680; ob, 1744. JUlla14,1723. ob, Dec. 17, 1737, JIUl. 23, 166B.
BarOllot, v,p,


4,25 Hen. VIII. (1534), Joice Harpeffeld, widow of John Harpe-
field. late of London, gent., daughter and heir of John Mitton, of
Weston Hughwes, co. Stafford, Esq., and in the entail of Adam
Peersall, gives to Constance Mitton, her mother, for term of life, all
her right, title, &c., in the manor of vv~eston, and in her other
manors, lands and tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with
the appurtenances in Eeatheton [Beighterton], lJlym,ehill and
BTynton, co. Stafford, and Bobyngton, co. Stafford and Salop. I
After this I hear no more of Joice Harpefeld; and in April,
1544, Edward Mytton, of Weston under Lyzeard, Esq., appears as
joint patron of Blymhill church, for that turn (which was Coven's
tnrn), with John Lane, of Hyde, John Harcourte, of Ronton, and
James Moreton, of Turnehill, Esquires / and again presents to the
same church in 1549 as sale patron for that turnS (being Pichford's
turn). By indenture dated on March 8, 12 Eliz. (1570), between
Edward 1fytton, alias Harpesfeld) of Weston under Lysyarde, in
the county of Stafford, Esquire, of the one part, and John Mytton
alias Harpesfeld, gent., son and heir apparent of the said Edward,
of the other, whereas the said Edward holds for term of life the
manor or lordship of Weston under Lysyal'de, the reversion of
which belongs to the said John and his heirs in fee tail, as well for
and in consideration of the sum of £146 13s. 4d., already paid by
the said John to Mary Nowell and ,Joyee Wescott, two of the
daughters of the said Edward, and of the sum of £10, likewise paid
to the said Edward and for divers other cOllsiderations, the said
Edward hath by these presents demised to the said John the
mansion house 01' manor place of Weston under Lysyarde, the park)
then commonly called West{)n Park, with all the deer and game in
the said park, and all those lands, meadows, leasows, pastures,
woods, pools, pounds, waters, fishings, and hereditaments, whatso-
~ ever, with the appurtenances, \\hich at any time within the space
I1 of three score years last past have been manured, used, and
occupied to or with the said mansion house, and all those lands,
meadows, leasows, and pastures, with the appurtenances, in Westall,
j now or late in the tenure, farm, or occupation of Thomas Illesley,
or of his assigns, and the Windmill in Weston, and the pasture,
1 commonly called N ethehyche, and one meadow called Black Poole,
in Weston aforesaid, now or late in the tenure of Humfrey
, Blakmere~ (the best chamber in the said mansion or manor house,
~ called the new chamber, with full liberty egress and regress to
5 4

come and go to and from the said chamber at all and every tyme the said John Mytton covenants with the said Edward, &c., that
and tyroes at the will and pleasure of the said Edward, the two he will as well educate, maintain, and find, Richard Mytton, Walter
pits or pounds of water, the one called Stafford Pit and the other Mytton, and William Mytton, sons of the said Edward, with
called the Parsonage Pit, in Westen aforesaid, with free liberty onvenient and necessary meat, drmk, and apparel, books, lodgmg,
egress and regress to and from the same, not only to cleanse and ~nd all other necessaries, meet and convenient for their
scour the same pits or pounds, lmt also to store with fish, and to degree, and will maintain and keep them at school and
tish the same at the will and pleasure of the said. Edward and his learning, until such time as they' sha~ be of such strength,
assigns, A.lways excepted and reserved to the said Edward,) to have ripeness, and aptness, both for age, s~ill, an~ knowledge, ~hat
and to hold to the same John Mytton, his heirs and assigns, in fee they shall be well able to be bestowed. ~ sel'v:ce or apprentIce-
or in fee tail, according to his said former estate thereof, yielding and ship, if the said Richard, Walter, and Wllham will accept. and take
paying to the said Edwm'd for the premisses in the tenure of the their said finding, education, and learnmg In such convelllent place
said Thomas 111881ey, the yearly rellt of £3 3s. after the death of or places as the said J aIm shall appoint or assign, in the counties
the said Thomas Illesley, and where also the said Edward holds of Salop or Stafford, as also, upon hIS own proper costs and charges,
for term of life two partsl of the manor or lordship of Newton, with will bestow and pl'efer the said Richard, Vv"alter, and William unto
the appurtenances in the said county of Stafford, in five paTts to snch sufficient services 01' apprenticeships as shall be meet and
be divided, and divers other lands and tenements in Newton and convenient for their degree. And also the said John covenants
Blyffeld, the reversion of which belongs to the same John Mytton that he will pay to one John Broke, his execu.tors .or assjgus, the
a.nd his heirs in fee tail, the said Edward by these presents hath sum of '£20, which the said Edward hath receIved ill ready money
demised to the said John the said two parts, and the said lands, frOID the said John Broke. Also the said John Mytton covenants
and also the said estate, term, and interest, of the said Edward that be will, within the space of one year next ensuing, make or
therein, and the said Edward covenants that if the yearly rents cause to be made to each of the said Richard Mytton, Walter
arising therefrom shall not amount to the full sum of £10 yearly, Mytton, and William Mytton, and to one Thomas Mytton, another
then the said Edward upon reasonable request made to him will son of the said Edward Mytton, a lawful conveyance and assu-
pay to the said John, his executors, and assigns, so much as will TanCe in an annuity or yearly rent, of :five merks, to be charged on
make up the deficiency. In consideration of which aforesaid the ~anor of Bobyngton, and on other lands of the said Edward
demise the said John 1tIytton covenants with the said Edward and John or either of them, in Bobyngton, Newton, and Blyfi'elde,
Mytton, his executors. administrators, and assigns, that "he the said for term ~f life of the said Richard, Walter, William, and Thomas
John, his executors, or assigns, will as well keep, maintain, and respectively, the said payments to begilL all t~le :first feast of
bring up decently at Weston aforesaid, Margery Mytton, Elizabeth St. Michael or the Annunciation of Our Lady which shall happen
Mytton, and Katherine Mytton, three of the daughters of the next after the decease of the said Edward Mytton. Mo:'eover, the
Edward, with meat and drink, apparel, lodging, and all other ! said John Mytton will not only find the said Edward wmter meat
necessaries, meet and convenient for their degree until such time ! and summer meat, and stable room competent a~d s~:ffiClent for
as they shall severally accomplish the age of twenty-one years or two geldings and two nags in and upon the premlSes In Wes~on
be married, if the said Margery, Elizabeth, and Katherine, will aforesaid, but also will find him sufficient wood and £u~l to malll-
accept such, their said education and finding, as also shall pay to
the said Margery, Elizabeth, and Katherine, the sum of £120 for
1 taiu and keep a fire in the said new challlbe~, and w~ fell the
same wood and fuel and carry it to the saId manslOU house,
and towarde their preferments in marriage-namely, £40 to each or within threescore yards of the same_ .And .fUI~her, the
as soon as she shall reach the age of 21 years or on the day of her said Edward or his assirrns may yearly dUl'lDg hIS life hunt,
marriage, if she shall be married before she reaches that age. Also kin take and carry awa;, or cause to be killed, ~en. and
1 By this it appears that the five parts of the manor of Newton did not become
car;ied away one bucke in summer and one doo III Yi'lll~er,
reunited in the tenure of the heirs of Peshale as the manor of W I:ston did, -within the s~id parl{ called Weston Park, without let, -trouble,

vexatioDI or interruption of the said John Mytton, hi~_ heirs or wherein one William Ratter now dwelleth, and all and singular
assigns. 1 the lands, grounds, meadows, leasows, pastures, nshings, realties,
The said Edward M-ytton had issue, by his wife Ann Skrymsher, court barons, leets, views of frank pledges, franchises, liberties,
five sons: John, Thomas, Richard, vValter, and William; and five privileges, warrens, &c., of him, the said \Valter Giffard, in Bryn-
dau<rhters: J\1ary, Joice, Margery, Elizabeth, and Katherine; of ton and Blvmhill, or either of them, together also with the
wh;m, Mary married James No\vell, of Pelshall~; Joice manied advowson, donation, presentation, right of patronage, and free
... \Vestcott; and Margery married Thomas Huntbache, of disposition of the rectory, church, 01' parsonage of Blymhill afore-
Seawall said.! This portion of the manor and lands, &c., of Blymhill had
I suppose that Edward MyttOll ""vas still living on 17 January, lately been purchased by the said Walter Giffard from Robert
25 Eliz. (1383), when Thomas Huntbache, of Showell, co. Stafford, Hareconrt, of Ranton, and was then described as containing one
and John Mitton, of Weston, co. Stafford, gentlemen, purchase messuage, 100 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow, and 16 acres
hom Edward, Lord Stafford, all that the lordship and manor of of pasture, with the appurtenances, in Blymhill and Bryneton
Blymy-nghill, alias Blymhill, with all the appurtenances, and all and this will have been that third part ct a fourth part of the
and singular the messuages, cottages, lands,. tenements, meadows, manor and advowson which had passed from the Covens to the
pastnres, copyes, enclosures, woods, &c., in Blymhill, Brockhul'st, Wiverstolls and Harecourts of Ranton; so that Mitton now held
and Br~yllton, or elsewhere, in the county of Stafford, belonging to one. undivided fourth part and two-thirds of another fourth part of
the said lordship, or ever taken to be of the inheritance of the the manor and advowson of the church.
said Edward, Lord Stafford, or of his father and mother, Henry, By indenture, bearing date April 21,1598,. John Mytton: of
late Lord Stafford, and the Lady U rSllla, his wife, deceased, or Weston under Lyzeard, Esquyer, in conslderatlOll of a marrlage
of Edward, late Duke of Buckingham, his grandfather (all manner already had and solemnized between Edward Mytton, gent., son
of right of patronage, turn of }lresentment, title and interest of and helr apparent of the said John, and Elizabeth, sister of Symon
,r-· the said Edward Stafford in and to the church of Blymhill afore- Westoll, of the city of Lichfield, Esq., settles the manor of Tamhorne
said, and all manner of rent, right, title, possession, and interest and lauds in Tamhorne, Wigginton, and Elford, in the county of
of the said Edward, Lord Stafford, in and. to one water-mill in Stafford, upon the said Edward and Elizabeth. his wife,. during their
Blymyngbill, alias Blymhill aforesaid, always excepted and reserved lives for the jointure of the said Elizabeth, WIth remaInder to the
to the said Lord Stafford, his heirs and assigns).3 heirs of the body of the said Edward, and in default. to John
This purchase was secured by fine dated on the morrow of the Mytton, another son of the said John Mytton and the helTs of hIS
Purification, 25 Eliz. (1583); and on 1 April, 1583, Thomas Hunt- body, with remainder to Thomas Mytton, of the. town o~ Salop,
bache makes over to J o1m Mitton and his heirs all his right to gentleman, and the heirs rnales of his body, ~ith lIke ~'emamder to
the above manor, &c., purchased from Lord Stafford." I take this

Richard another brother of the said J ohD., Wlth remaInder to the
to have been that fourth part of the manor of Blymhill which right heirs of the said JaM MyttOll. At the same time he settl:s
had formeJly belonged to the Pichfords, and, if so, the Lord the manOl'S of vVeston, Newton, and Babington, and ~~ds III
Stafford's right to any share of the advowson of the church was Weston, Beighterton, Newton, Blyfield, Babington, and ~VbJttingto~,
an imaginary one, for this share of the advowson had long been on himself the said J OM Mytton for life, with remamder to hIS
in the possession of the Mittons and their ancestors, the Peshales
and de Vlestons.
1 son Edward and the heirs of his body, with like remainder as before
On January 6, 33 Eliz. (1591), the same John Mitton, now
I to John, Thomas, and Richard Mytton, and his own right he~s.~
By a subsequent indenture he settles his manor of Blym1?l ~~d
termed of Weston, Esq., purchased from Walter Giffard, of High
Onn, Esq., all that his manor, messuage, or ferme in Blymhill,
! lands in Blymhill, Brockhurst, and Breynton, on himself, for life
with like remainder as before to his sons Edward and John, and
1 Orig. deed pentS Earl of Bradford. :I This James Nowell was a younger brother
of Nowell, of Hilcott. :: & ~ Orig. deeds, penes Earl of Bradford.
1. Orig. :penes Earl of Bradford. ~ Orig. penes Earl of Bradford.
1 ,.',
. I,


", ,

The said Edward Mitton suffered a recovery of his manors of
his brother Thomas Mytton ;. and by a later indenture of April Weston and Babington, and certain lands, &c., in Weston,
20 1615 between the said John Mitton alld Echvarcl his sou and Beighterton, and Bobington, in Michaelmas term, 1621, and in the
heir ap~arent, within about a year of his death, the said John followina year-namely, on January S, 19 Jae. I. (1622), he
Mitton covenants that he the sajd John should stand and be seized TesettlesOthe manor of Weston, and lands in Weston and Beighter-
of the manor of Weston and of all his other manors, lordships, ton on certain trustees, to the use of himself and Elizabeth his
lands, tenements, and hereditaments, together 'with aU the rents, wif~ for term of life, with remainder to the heirs of his body, with
reversions, and services, which he has in the county of Stafford or remamder to his brother John and the heirs of his body, with
elsewhere, to the sole use of the saia Edward 1fitton and his heil"s remainder to Edward Mitton, of Salop, gent., son and heir of
for ever.~ Thomas Mitton, late of Salop aforesaid, deceased, and the heirs
The said J aIm Mytton was t'wice manied, first to Eleanor, 1nale of his body, with remainder to the heirs males of the
daughter of Edward Brett, of Keele and Dimsdale, co. Stallord, Esq., body of the said Thomas Mit~on, ?ent., dece~sed, with remainder
bv whom he had a son and heir Edward, who succeeded him, and, to the ricrht heirs of the sald Edward Mltton party to these
'"; :a.~ I suppose, another son Ralph, who was living in January, 1622, presents j /;:land the manor of Babington and th.€ lands ther~in ~e
t,. , but was for some reason left out in the entail of his father's settles upon the said trustees, to the use of lumsel~ and hIS WIfe
estates; and secondly Mary, daughter of ,Tohn Cotes, of Woodcate, for life and after their to the use of the SaId trustees, and
Esq., by whom he had a son J 01111, and three daughters, Mary, of Joh~ Brett, of Dimsdale, in the county of Stafford,.Esq.,.and
\'life of Francis Somerford; Constance, ·wife of Thomas Phillips; Edward Brett, of Poole, in the said county, gent., and theIr aSSIgns.
and Judith, wife of . Blackmere. John Mytton, the dminO' the natural life of Ralphe Mitton, brother of the said
father, died on May 20, 1616. The inquisition, which was takell Ec1wa~d Mitton party to these presents, to the intent ~hat they
at Stafford, on April S, 1621, states that he held, amongst other shall employ the rents, issues, &0., for the behoof and m~tenance
manors and lands, &c., the manors of Bliminghill, alias Blimhill, of the said HaljOhe Mitton, and alter the death of the sald Ralphe
and one messuage, twenty acres of land, ten acres of meadow and Mitton to the use of the said Ed ward party to these presents, and
twenty acres of pasture, with the appurtenances in Blymhill,
Brockhurst, and Breynton, in the COUllty of Stafford, which he had
j, of the heirs of his body, with Temainder to his brother J aha and
the others as before. The manor of Blymhill and ~ll other t?e
lately purchased from Edward Lord Stafford; he held also three
and a half messuages, seventy acres of land, ten acres of meade,,,",
and twenty acres of pasture, with the appurtenances in Blimhill
I lands and tenements of the said Edward Mytton, m Blymhill,
aforesaid (except the lands and tenemeu_ts, &c., which were lately
pnrchasel! by the late John Mytton IllS father, from the Lord
and Breyuton, to the said messuages and half messuage, respectively, Stafford) are settled by 111m III like manner on h~lllSelf an~ his WIfe,
belongin:..;: and pertaining; and one parcell of meadow called and the heirs of their bodies, with similar remalllder to his brother
Emecroft, in Blymhill aforesaid. The fourth part of the manor of .John Mytton and the others as before. 1 • •
Blymhill, aud the other premisses in Blymhill, Brockhurst, and Edward Mytton's first wife, Elizabeth Weston, dled wlthout
Breynton, were held of the King in capite by knight's service for . t Weston in or before the year 1629 ; and on Apnl 30 of
the 40th part of a knight's fee, and are of the annual value of 20s., lSsue a ,. . Will' Sk tIi t
that year he married Cicely, daughter of Sir lam ~e ng on,
and the rest of the aforesaid manor of Blyminghill, alias Blimhill, of Fisherwick, co. Stafford, Knight and Baronet, by whom he had
and the other premisses in Blymhill, Brockhurst, and Brynton, were an only daughter and heiress, Elizabeth, who was born on 14
held of the King as of his barony of Stafford, by knight's service- February, 1601.'
namely, for the lOth part of a knight's fee, and are of the annual The said Edward Mytton, 0>- Weston, died on 19 February,
value of 40s. Edward Mitton is his son and nearest heir, and he 1638, leaving his daughter little more than SIX years of age. The
was of full age-namely, forty years of age and more at the time
of his father's death. ~ 1 Original deeds, penes Earl of BradfoTd, ~ lnq. 14 Car. L, part I, No. :202.
1 ~ &" Inq. 18 Jac. 1, part I, No. 147.

inquisition states that he held the manor of Blymhill and lands at Hayv,;ood, and also of the manor of Tamhorne, alias Taroynhorne,
Blymhill, BTockhurst, and Bryneton, as befoTe desc1'lbec1.' and of one messuage, 20 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, and of 10
His widow Cicelv was afterwards re-married to Sir William acres of me'adow- in Tamhol'ne and Vilhittington, parcel of the said
Brereton, of Hanford, co. Cest., Knight and Baronet, the cele- manor, and also of 6 acres of meadow in Elford, and of 17 acres
brated general of the Parliamentary army, by "1,yhom she had two or meariow in Wigginton, and also of three ruessuages, 100 acres
daucrhters nameh~ Cicelv, who married Edwanl Brab8.zon, fomth of land,;:; acres of meadow, called })uv'poole, in Wheaten Aston,
Earl of :~V[eath, b~1~ died "'July 12, 1704, without issue, and Mary, all in the county of St::tfford ::tforesaid, which are of the annual
who was living unmarried in 1661. Dame Cicely Brereton died yalue of threescore pounds; and in the county of Salop these
at Chester on Oct. 8, 1649. parcels following, namely, the thiTd part of the ~anor ~f Bobint~n,
B}' deed dated on March 2, 1642-3, the wardship and marriage and of 10 acres of land and 10 acres of pasture, III Bobmton, whICh
",-". of 11rs. Elizabeth 11itton, the daughter and heiress of Edward are of the annual value of thirteen pounds six shillings and eight-
Mitton, late of Vii"eston, Esq., together with one yearly rent or pence; all which premises had been byindentnre of the 2n.dKo:ember
annuity of 20 marks towards the education or bringing up Iflst -oast made over to the said Richard Newdegate and Ius ass1gns by
of the said ward, are made over to (her mother) Dame Cicely the ;aid -Dame Cicely Brereton and Sir Richard Skeffington,-to have
Brereton, wife of Sir \Villiam Brereton, of Hanford, Knight, Sir and to hold the said manors, messuages, lands, tenements, and other
Richard Skeffington, of Hawkesyarcl, in the county of Stafford, the premises, and the said custody: warc1sl~ip, and marriage of the
Knight, NIichael Biddulph, of Elmehurst, and Richard Pyatt, of said Elizabeth Mitton, and the saId anmuty of 20 marks, and ~n
Streethay, in the said county of Stafford, Esquires, by Richard the estate, right, title, &c., of him the said Richard New~egate, ill
Newclegate, of Gray's Inn, co. Middlesex, Esq., as also the as large, ample, and beneficial a manner as he could claIm u~der
third part of the lanas of the said Edward Mitton, namely, the the y~arly rents, covenants, and agreements, :which. are contamed
third part of the manor of vVeston-under-Lyzeard, and of one and expressed in two several grants from ~llS MaJest~. un~o the
messuage, 20 acres of land, 6 acres of meadow, 6 acres of pasture, same Dame Cicely by the name of Cicely :outten and S11' RIChard
and 10 acres of pasture, with the appurtenances, in 'Weston and Skeffington, one hearing date the 10th and the other the 11th
Beighterton, also of the manor of Blyminhill, alias Blymhill, and day of May, 14 Car. 1.'
of 4 messuages, 20 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, alld 20 acres The sRill Elizabeth Mitton, the daughter and heiress of· Edward
of pasture, and the moiety of one messuage, 70 acres of land, 10 Mitton, of 'Veston, Esq., was married, in or about the .year 165F,
acres of meadow, and 20 acres of pasture, 'ivith the appurtenances, to Thomas, son and heir-apparent of Sir Thomas Wllb~aham, of
in Blymhill, Brineton, and Brockhurst, all which are of the annual 'Voodhey, co. Chester, Baronet,.aftenvards Sir Thomas WIl~raham,
value of threescore pounds; and the third part a E the manor of Bart., bv whom she had four daughters, namely: 1. Ehzabeth,
N e\\-'i,on, and one messuage, 20 acres or land, 6 acres of meadow, 6 \\ife of'" Sir Thomas Myddleton 3 , of Chirk Castle, ~night and
acres of pasture, and 10 acres of pasture in Newton, Blythefield, and 1 Baronet by whom she had an ouly child, Thomas, who died young;
2. Grac~, t'orn at Weston on :March 28, and baptize.d on March 30,

, rnq. 14 Car. 1., part 1, No. 202. The total amount of the lands and houses at
Blymhill, as gl '.. ~n in this inquisition, is tb~ same as that given in the earlier
inquisition of 18 Jac. I. (except tl1at in the later inquisition Emecroft meadow is
omitteil), and the L'alae of the fourth part, &c., purchased from Lord Stafford is
I 1656 4 wife of Sir Lionel Tollemache, Lord Huntmgtower, afte.r-
wards' Earl of Dysart; 3. 11ary, born at Weston on June 5 and
eScimated at 20:;., as before; but in this iU(lUisition the Stafford purchase is
de.<;cribed as containing fonr messuages instead of one, and the remaining portion
of the manor, &c., as containing but one messuage instead of 3~, as before;
and this latter portion is now 'Valued at 60s. instead of 40s. In respect of
I l Ori!!inal deed penes Earl of Bradford.

\prilt 1651

o .
~ Their marriage settlement bear~ date
~ They were married at Weston Feb. 6, 1672 (,Weston RegJ.ster).
~ '\Y~st;n Rf~ister. "Sir Lionel Tollemache, of HeJroingham, co. S~.ff, Bart., aDd
. d r S tl' J aDd Mrs Grace ,\'\-llbraham were
LOl'd HUllti\wtower Ul the hng om 0 co ,m , :. \' h d' d
t "16~O
the mesSll,tges, I believe the sto.tement in the earlier inquisition to be more n'
married at \Veston upon d ayr0S ep., d d b e h·
o. Su LIOnel To ,emac Ie
correct; since whi<!h time Eilward 1Iitton had acquired auother messuage or half in February, 1727, and Gruce, his wife, iu 1744. They were .succee t' y t eu
messua;e, which I take to be that which he purcllased from one William, son of t'Tundson Lionel third Earl of Dysart (son of Lionel, Lord H~ntmgto\,i'er), wdh'dhh'J
Richard, sou of William Offiey, in Brillcton, ill 162i. o , . \ I L,dy LOUISU who succee e er
two daugh~ers, his eventWJ.l co-heHs, name J; . '.

baptized on June 16, 1661', wife of Richard Newport, Earl of moiety of Blymhill in right of his wife, was made Lonl-Lieutenant
Bradford~; and 4. Cecilia, born on May 17 and baptized May 22, of Shropshire during his father's life time, in 1704, and afterwards
1667, who died young, and was buried at 'YVeston Jannary 23 Lord-Lieutenant and Custos Rotulorum of the county of 1.font-
1608.' (romerv. He died on June 14, 1723. MaT'V,
1:l ~ - Lady
, } Bradford
, his
By indenture of May 20, 1686, Sir Thomas Wilbraham and Dame wife, survived him, and lived many years at "\Veston, where
Elizabeth his wife made a settlement of their estates, by which the she died on the 3rd and ,vas buried uy h1s side on the 1ith
Wilbraham manor of Walsall, and the whole inheritance of Dame of December, 1737. On her death the estatf>.s passed to her
Elizabeth, were settled upon their younger daughter 1\:fary, wife of third; but eldest surviving son, Thomas, who had succeeu.ec1 his
the Honourable Richard N e'\-vport, and the heirs of her body, and brother Henry, in 1734, as fourth Earl of Bradfonl. Thomas, the
the rest of Sir Thomas Wilbraham's estates, in the county of fourth and last Earl of Bradford, of the N ewpol't family, had unfortu-
Chester and elsewhere, were settled upon the elder daughter Grace nately sustained an injury by a fall from his horse in early liie,
and the heirs of her body, with remainder, in either case, on failure which rendered him incompos. The management of his property
of issue, to the surviving sister or her heirs. The estates which was committed by the Crown to Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Baronet
were thus entailed on the N ewports comprised the manors of (who had married his eldest surviving sister), and the Countess of
":.-j Weston-under-Liziard, Bobbington, Blymhill, and Tamenhorne ]\t[ountrath, his younger sister. During his lifetime the estate at
with certain inessuages, lands, and tenements, in Weston, Beighter~ Blymhill was increased by the acquirement of another fourth (the
ton, Bobbington, Blymhill, Brynton, Brockhurst, Tamenhorne, Bromley portion) of the manor and advowson of the church, which
Wigginton, and Elford, the advowson of the church of Weston, was purchased from Mr. Walter Jobber in 1756. The Earl of
and a moiety of that of Blymhill (as also the manor of Newton Bradford died unm.arried on April 18, 1762, when the estates which
and the lands in Newton, Blithfield, Heywood, and Little Onn, if he had inherited from his mother'" descended, according to the
Dame Elizabeth should not have otherwise disposed of them entail, to· his nephew, Sir Henry Bridgeman, Baronet, the son and
before her death) and the manor of Walsall, and advowson of heir of his third sister, Lady Anne eNewport), wife of Sir Orlando
the Vicarage, together with certain lands and tenements in Great Bridgeman, Baronet, and his fourth and youngest sister, Lady
Bloxwich, Little Bloxwich, Harden, Goscot, Shelfield, and Diana, Countess Dowager of Mountrath, the sUl'viving representa-
Caldmore. s tives of the Newport family.
Sir Thomas Wilbraham died in August, 1692, and Dame Eliza~ By indenture bearing date October 29, 1763, soon after the
beth, his wife, on July 27, 1705, aged 74, when her estates at death of Thomas, the last Eal-l of Braclford, the said estates were
Weston, Blymhill, Newton, and elsewhere descended to her equally divided by lot, between the said Diana, Countess Dowager
daughter Mary, then Viscountess Newport, whose It'l1sband, in of 1fountrath, and her nephew Sir Henry Bridgeman, Bart.,
1708, succeeded his father as second Earl of Bradford. Richard, whereby the manor of \Yalsall, together with certain messnages,
second Earl of Bradford, who thus became Lord of Weston and a water mill, farlIlS, lands, and tenements, in vValsall, and in the
J Hamlet or Constablery of Bentley, in the Parish of vVolverhampton,
brother as Co;mtess of Dysart, and married John Manners, Esq., of Grantham and the advowson of the Vicarage of Walsall, the manor of
Grange, co. Lmcoln, by whom she had a. son Lionel, Lord Huntingto\ver, who
Tamhorne, with the messuage, lands, &c., in Tamhorne and Fisher-

assumed the name of TolLemache only, ana whose son, Lionel William John, the
seventh Earl of Dysart, was succeeded in 1878 by his grandson, William John \\-icke, and. in the several parishes of Saint ~chael in Lichfield,
)Ianners, the present.Earl of Dysart. II. The Lady Jane, who inherited Helming- \Vhittington, Elford, and Tamworth, the two fifth parts of thB
ham, and the Cheshrre estates of the Wilbrahams. By her husband John Delap
Halliday, Es'l.., she had an elder son John, ",ho o.ssumed the name 0/Tollemache,
manor of Newton, in the Parish of Blithfield, with messuages,
and was father of th~ present John Tollemache, created Baron Tollemache in 1876,
the owner of Helmmgham, and also of Woodheyand the Wilbraham estates in 1 The reversion of the N ewpol't estates had been left away from. his family by

Cheshire. ~ Weston Regi<Jter. C Ibid. "Mr. Richard Newport, of Eyton, in the'parish Henry, the third Earl of Bradford, ",ho had. suffered.a recovery of ~lS est,ates, and
of Roxeter, co. Salop, Esq., and Mrs. Mary Wilbraham were married 90 A ril " 1681
(at \Veston). 7 Ibid. S Original deed,prnes Earl of Bradford. - p ,
i bequeathed them to his illegitimate son, mth remamder to the saJ.d son smother
and her assigns.

fa.rms, lands, &c., in the said Parish of Blithfield, the manor of William Pooler, late John Fletcher 10 2 6
Bobington,with messuages, farms,lancls,&c.,in Bubington, and certc'1iu William Pooler, late John Offiev .. 51 10 6
mesi3uages, lands, and tenements, in Little Onn, in the Parish Thomas James " 46 9 3
of Church Eyton, fell to Lady Mountrath \ and the manor of
\Vc.ston nnder Liziard, together with the capital meSS113rre Or Total of the supposed yearly value 1
ll:ansion. house called Westo,n Hall, and certain mess~ages, of the Blymhill estate .~J 433 S ::
\vater null, farms, lands, &0., m \Veston, and the advowson of The moiety of the advowsoll of the Rectory of Blymhill, supposed
the Rectory of Weston, the moiety of the llUllor of Blvmhill to be oue hundTed and thirty pounds per annum at six years
to~ether ·with certain,messuages, farms, lands, &0., in lnyml;m anll purchase, is valued at £390 as. ad., and the supposed value of the
B.rlUeton, an,c~ the m01ety, of the advowson of the Rectory or Blym- timber and wood on the said estate in Blymhill Parish is £1,941
lulL fell to 8rr Henry BrIdgeman, as also a sum of £476 14.'3. 9d. Is.4d.
to make up the difference in the value of the shares. Sir Orlando Bridgeman, Baronet, the husband of Lady Ann
In this indenture the Blymhill estate is thus mentioned, namely: Newport, died July 2S, 1764, and Lady Ann, who llecame in her
The moiet}: of the manor of Blymhill, with the 1 £ s. d. issue the eventual sole heiress of the Newports, died on August 19,
rents, l'oyaltles, members, and anpurtena.nces f 1752.
thereof, the yearlyrentswhereof are s~ppusec1 to be 0 1 3 Their son and heir, Sir Henry Bridgeman, Baronet, succeeded,
All those seveml messuages, farms, lands, tene- as we have already stated, to his grandmother, Lady Bradford's
ments, and hereditaments in Bl-nnhill no\v or inheritance at Blymhill, which was reputed to be a moiety of the
hte in the respective occupation~ of tl:e several manor and advowson. To this another fourth portion had been
~ersons, and of the supposed yearly values here- added by the commi.ttees of Thomas, Earl of Bradford, in 1756, and
mafter severally and respectively mentioned in 1766 Sir Henry Bridgeman pU.Tchased from the Dickensons, what
(that is to say)- ' was also descTibed as a fourth part of the manor and advowson (but
'Villiam Taylor which was in reality but a third part of a fourth -part, being t11at
49 10 0
:{,' George Bradburn which the Lanes had inherited from the Hydes); so that the
62 1.5 6
Thomas Spilsbury .. whole of Coven's fourth shal'e, as well as those of Pychford and
51 19 6
William Leeke Bromley, now became vested in Sir Henry Bl'idgeman and his heirs.
24 15 3
\Villiam L'1wrence The remaining fourth portion of the manor and advowson, namely
19 18 3
Thomas ,Vard :';0 9 that of Ipstones or }jrereton, has since been pun:hased by the said
Sarah Meesom Sir HenTY Bridgeman and his representatives; the advowson having
0 6 9
Thomas ,Vhite been purchased by Sir Henry Bridgeman from Mr. 'William Naylor,
2 5 0
Elizabeth Sawyer in 1785, and the manor, partly by the late Earl of Bradford, in
0 2 "0
John Adams 1841, from the trustees of Mr. George John Stubbs, and partly by
Brineton in 30 9
William Oross the present Earl of Bradford, in 1872, from :Mr. George Bradnock
Blymhill Parish
20 2 9
Samuel Alltree Stubbs, so that the whole manor and advowson of the church is
1 4 9
Alice Fletcher 58 14 6 . now in his possession.
Sir Henry Bridgeman, as nearest heir to the former Earls of
1 On the death unmar . il f Cl 1
child. of Dtan C' rl; ,0 lar es. Henry, last Earl of )[ountrath, the only Bradford, was, on August 13, 1794, created Baruu Bradford, of
P"",d h,':"
t" ~unts~ssHo.. ~rouu~rath, 1U 1802, the mOlllOl' of Wa1sall,
by his will, Bradford, in the county of Salop. He died June 5, 1800, having
v ., oosm, lr enl'y Ender b h
and th th . oeman, ut t e mOlnors of Newton BobyuO'ton married Elizabeth, daughter and sale heiress of the Rev. John
e 0 cr estates Whl.:h were II t II ~, ' 0 ,
share of the pictures d f '1 a ot e .0 Lady Mountrath, together with her Simpson, of Stoke, in the county of Derby; by whom he had, with
never 'Passed to h an h~ml ~ plat!', were left by her to different persons and
er son or 1S hell'S. ' other issue; a son Orlando' Bridgeman, who succeeded as 2nd :aaron

I Bradford, and was created Viscount Newport and Ead of Bradford that the premises which Margery, formerly wife of Ralph de Coven~
November 30., 1815. The Earl of Bradford married the Hononr~ held in dower of impedients of the inheritance of Phelippa in the
Rble Lucy Ehzabeth Byng, eldest daughter and co-heir of GeoTrr said to\YllS on the day this concord was made, and which ought,
fOUTth Viscount Torrinr:'ton ... HOIS son
0 > and died September 70, 18"0" oe, after the decease of Margery, to revert to impedients should remain
G:eorge Augustus Fr:derick Henry Bridgeman, 2nd Earl of Bradford' to complainant to hold, together with tIle aforesaid premises, of
dIed Marc~ 23,...1860, and was succeeded by his son Orlando Georg~
Charles Bndgeman, 31'd and present Earl of. Bradford. '
impedients for ever; and for this acknowledgment complainant
gave to impedients 100s.1
. The pr~sel:t ~arl of Bradford was born April 24, 1819. Duriua After this I hear 110 more of Philippa de vVyverston j bnt in 17
IllS fa,ther s lifetIme he represented South Shropshire in Parliameu;
Edw. 1. (1288-9), Henry de Wyvereston gave half a merk to have
from 1842 till 1 ~G5_ He was appointed Vice Chamberlain of an assize;2 and in 19 Edw_ 1. (1290-1), he was first Juror at an
H. M. Household m 1852, and again in 1858-9. He was Lord inquest taken as to tbe extent of the manor of Mere. ~ We have
Ohamberlain from 18GG to 1868, and 11:aster of the Horse from seen that he was oue of the claimants to present a Rector to the
1874 to 1880. church of Blymhill in that or the following year.

By deed without date, Henry de W yfnereston gives to Hamo

Oissor de Blumenhull a place of land in Blumenbull '\yhich Sir
[3rd portion.] H.alph de Covene, Knight, formerly held; to which are ",itnesses
, ,)
.Phelippa, the 3rd .~aughter of Ralph de Coven and 11argery his the Lords Bertram de Burgo and Hugh de Westone, Roger de
Wife, became the wile of Henry de vVyver~ton, who in 1291 is Pichitford., Richard de Pichitford, Robert de Brunton, Roger Bagot
represent:d as having a tillJ'd part of a fourth part of the advowson of the same, Roger de Brunton, &c. G
of Blymhill church. They were already manied on September 99 He occnrs as fomth witness, together with the Lords William
h h "",
(.:..J,. w. en s e ~d her husband, in conjunction with her sisters Bagot and Robert de Knitelegh, 11aster Richard de Teveray de
and their husbanas, laid claim to a share of her grandmother's Cungreve, \Villiam de la More, Robert Noel, and others to a deed
estate at Ashley.' In 4 Edw.1. (1275-6), Henry de Wiverstoll without date of Bertram, son of Bertram de Burgo, to Richard
gIves half a merk to have a writ of ad te1·min1.~m and in 6 Edw
_2 Bagot, of Brenesford, concerning lands, &c., in Brenesford. a
L ~1277-8), Henry de vViverston gives half a ~erk to have at; This is the last I hear of Henry de Wyverston; but in 21
:, ' asslze: and half a merk, to have a writ of ad teT?nim(/I)l. ~ In the Edw. L (1292-3) Roesia, daughter of Henry de Wyvereston,Master
same. yeil.r S. de Roff a~d J\1aster Thomas de Sodington are
J Richard Ie Tailleur aml Pavia, his Vi'ife, gave half a merk to ha"e
appollltecl to take the a.'iSlZe of novel disseisin which Robert de an assize taken before the Justices; and the Sheriff of Staft'ord-
Brulll:pt?n arraigned against Henry de Wyv'reston and others !shire is ordered to take their security.

concermng common of pasture in Blumenhnll and Brunton. ~ On I think that this Henry de Wyverston, who became joint Lord
OctotTer 13, 128:~, a fine was levied at vVestminster bet\veen Ralph of Blymhill in rigbt of his wife~ Philippa, was Lord of Bescot/ in
de _~ e\'ere.ston,. co:uplainant, and Henry de \Vevereston and
1 P.:tl. Fin, 11 Edw. I.,No. 73. 2 Rot. Fin. 17Edw.1., M. 10. 3 Inq. p.m. 19Edw.
PhllIppa I~s WIfe, Impedients, concerning one messuage and two
I.,No. 14. '" See page 294. 5 Huntbache MS., Vol. II. a Ibid. 1 Rot. Fin. 2l Edw. L,
parts 0,£ 60 a~res of land, 4:} acres of me~dow, and .£1 8s. 8el. rent M. 7. S This Bescot is not the Beseot near Walsall, but a small place ne=r.r Gnowl, in
m CO\ ene, Covewode, and Aspelee, wInch impedients acknow~ the hundred ofCnttlestone. In12 Hen. III. (1228), was a final concord between Adalll
~edged. to belong to complainant, by gift of impedients, to hold of de "\Vylbrichton, complainant, and Henry de "\Vyveleston, tenant, of eight acres of wood
with the appurtenances in Besseeot, which Adam quit-claims to Henry (Ped, Fin., 12
impedle~ts for ever, rendering therefor a penny yearly and
Hen. III., No. 42); =r.nd in 6 Edw. I. (1'1.78), in the quinzame of Holy Trinity was a
performmg the accustomed services, and further impedients granted final concord at Westminster, between Henry de WyverestoD, complai.D=r.nt, aDd Hugh,
son of Petronilla de Berseote and Agnes his wife, impedients, concerning one messuage
4, ~:ed.I F~. 56 H~n. ~I1., No. 233. 2 Huntbache, MS~ (Salt's) from Rot. Fin., and a noke of land in Bescott, which impedients acknowledge to belong ~ complainant,
. d w." . 18. _ lbld, 6 Edw. 1., M. 28. '" Ibid, Rot, Pat. 6 Edw I M 1~1 and which they delivered. in .court to complainant for ever, and for this acknowledg-
lU orso. . . . , . -, . • "!lent complainant gave to impctli\llts 26 marl,s (Ped. Fin., 6 Edw. 1., No. 30),

the county of Stafford, and that he and hi, wife Philippa were Rogel' Lewkllor, knight, by whom he had a SOil, John Harcourt,
~u.cceeded b~ thelr son Ralph de W yverston, Lord of Bescot and who inherited Raunton and probably otlier Lewknor estates.
JOlllt Lord or Coven, &c., who OCCUTS as fifth witness, with Ralph
Buschebury, Robert Ie Fleming, Ralph lIe Coven, John fit MarO'erie Montford. By It'i$ secO'!!d u·jfe, Elean(Jr, rZa'l£ghtcT oj Sir i1o.qcr Lcwknor, f!j Batmtoll,
and others, to a deed of 1I1argery, widow of Ralph de Covell, i~ 31 he had an onl!) ~on John, who manied Mar,!Zaret, dallgbier of William Broy. By
his thircl wife, Catherine, widow of Sir Miles Stapleton, he had an on!y son '''miam
Edw. 1. (1302-:3).' (who was of Cornbury Park, co. Oxon). Sir Richard was nJlpointed Sheriff of OX011
Roger, SOll of Ralph de '';'l yverston de Coven, by deed without and Berks, Nov. 14, 5 EJw. IV. (1465) to setve in the following year. He dieu
date, gives to John de Aldenham IOd. of annual rent to be received October 1, 14S7. By his will,' which bears date on Sf.ptember 25, 1486, he mal;:es
bequ~sts for the soule of Edyth, some time his wif, alld for tIle soule of Dome
from Richard, SOll of Richard Ie Bercher de Penc1eforcl, for a certain Katerine, DOW his" wife, when she shall depart out of this world." Be sIJeaks of
messuage in Coven, &c., ;-3c1. from Walter Palt, of Coven, and 4(l. .. Illy sonne William Hal'couIte, my d~ughter Isab~l, .. Alice my !laughter,
from 'Villiam Palmer for a cert.ain moor in Coven, to which are wife to vVilliam Bessillys, 1largal'ette, the daup;hter of EJwaru Harcourt,"
witnesses Ralph, Lord of Coven, J oln c1~ Mollesley, J aIm Marjori whom be wills to be in the ruling of his wife.. . . " and that SYIllonu, and
Richard his brother be likewise" (these two last will Ilave been his grandsons, the
de Coven, Thomas de Brunsfol'd, John, hIS brother, James Ie Collier SOIlS of Chri"topbel' Harcourt); then follows an indenturc~"that his feoff~es make
and others_~ Roger de Wyverston also occurs, by deed withou~ an estate to Katherine his ,vife . . . . and after her decease to 'William his son, and
date, as Lord of Besscote. ~ Henry de vVyverstone was Lord of to tIle heirs male of his body, and for default thereof to Miles Harcourt; the
remainuer to Anne, late wife of Henry ffenrs, Lord Say, and to Alice, wife of
Besscote in 13 ELlw. II., and was father, by Cecilia, his Wife, of William Besiles . to Fane (Jane 1), wife of John Hodeston, Esq., ~omc:time wife
William and Hugh . .j.
of Christopher Harcourt, nnd after her decease to Richard, son of the said Fane
\Villiam de Wyverston, Lord of Besscote, the son of Henry, was Symonu, brother to the said Ritharci." Proved Oct. 25, 2 Hen. VII. (Probntionrs
fa~hel", by Ismania his wife, of William, son of William de Wyver- sub Henrico Septimo in libro Logge in curia PrrerlJg. Cantaar. p. 204). From the
extracts given in "'l'he Harcourt P:ar~rs," there seems to be nornention made in llis
ston, in 2 Ric. II. will of his second wife Eleanor or his son by her. Sir Chri"topher Harcourt, eldest
I am :mable to trace the descent of the Wyverstons auy further; son enu heir-apparent of Sir Richard, who lived at Wytham, was married to Joan,
but theIr share of the manor of Blymhill and advowson of the"nghter and heir of Sir Miles Stapleton. He died :iII 1474, in his fatller's life
tim~, lca"ilJg three sons: 1, Ricl1ard; 2, Simon; and 3, (Miles). Of these sons
church, togethel' \yith Bescot and a share of Coven, afterwards
Rieharu. the eldest, was twice married, but left no issue. By Lis will, Jate(l
came to t~e Rarconrts, of Rannton, and it so came, as I think, by JallualT 23, 1512, be leaves to Ma!-gery, his wife, "his land called Ley tfanue,
the marrIage of a Harcourt, with Eleanor, G the daughter of Sir and after her decease to tlle heirs of [tlleir 1] two bodies comyng, nnu for uefauJt
thereof to my neveu, Edmond Harcourt, the youngest son of my brother Symond,
I ~ ~ HUlltbaclle MS., Vol. II. ~ Huntbache MS. (Salt's), part 11., 1). 128a. and for want of heirs males of his body, to my coseD, Ricbard Harecol1rt, my unkill
~ IbId, 18:1.. In 10 Edw. II., William, Vi~ar of Ofl'eley, and John de Sotibi, make William Hareeourt's youngest SOD, of Cornebury Park." He roentiOllS also his
a grant to T110mas, son of Philip, son of Philip de Nowell, and Alicia, daugllter of father Christopller Harcourt and Lis grandfather Sir Richard Harcourt; 1ut there is
He~:y de '~everston, and their heirs begotten between them, by the concession of TlO DleDtion of the Raunton branch of the Harcourts, who wonld lmve been nearer
Phillp. de. Nowell the elder (Harl MS., 6128). Thi~ Thomas fitz Philip de Nowell lleirs to the testator than the ehiluren of his uncle vYilliam, if John Harcourt of
was of HIlcote, co. Staff., and in the pedigree of the fa.mily, which was a younger Raunton had been, as stated, the sou of Sir Richard, by Lts second wife. Mr.
branch of :he Nowells. of Ellenball, his wife is called Alice, daughter and heir of Nichols (History of Leicestershire, vol. iv, p. 320"') disbelieved in his having had an
Henry de Weverston (Harl. 11S. 6128, and Collins' Peerafl'e). intermediate wife of the name of Eleanor, and supposed the heiress of Raunton to
1; According to Collins (under Earls Harcourt) the husband of Eleanor Lewknor have been the second wife of Lis father Sir Thomas Harcourt, of Staunton, Kuight,
wa~ Sir Richaru Harcourt, 2nd SOll of Sir Thomas Harcourt, of Staunton, co. axon: son of Sir Thomas and Alice de Grey, which Sir Thomas (the younger) was born
Kmglt, and grnnd~on of Sir Thomas Harcourt and ~:1:aud (or Alice), daughter of (according to Nichols) in 1377, and died in 1420. !. pedigree in the Ohetwynd
John Lord Gr~r~ of Rother field. It is so given also in "The Harcourt Papers" (edited MSS. also makes this Sir Thomas de Harecourt, Knight (ret. 40 in 5 Hell. V.) to
by ~dward Wil.ha~ HarcoUl't, of Staunton Harcourt, Esq., and privately printed, have married two wives: 1st, Joan, daughter of Sir Robert Franceys, of Foremark,
p. 13): w~ere .Su Rlchard Harcourt, Knight, the second son of Sir Thomas, by JO:lD by whom he had a son Robert, Knight of the Garter in 1 Edw. V. ; and 2ndly,
FranCIS hiS Wife, grandson of Sir Thomas and the daughter of Lord Grey of Rother- Eleanor,daughter and co-heir of Roger Lewl{))or (or of his wife), by whom}lC ha,1 a son
fi~ld, and younger brother of Sir Robert Harcourt, KG., is stated to have had three John Harcourt, of l~aunton. According to Erdes"lick, it was Sir Bobtrt Harcourt
\'\"lves: ~Y the first wife, Edith, daughter and co-heir of Thomas St. Clere, he had who married Eleanor Lewknor for his second or last wife, and hat! by her" 11is
a son_Chnstopher, whose issue succeeded to Staunton, on failure of the elder line, fourth son, John HDJ."eourt; who, as heir to his mother, inht!rited BauntoD,
and from whom .the extinct Earls Harcourt descended; and a daughter Anne, married )3rid~ford, and WiverstoD, and had lIfilomeese and other lands given him,
first to Henry Flenne!:, Lora. Sare and Sele, and secondly to John, son of Simon de

which his father belike covenanted to give, at his marriage, to the heirs of him
and his wife in consideration of the preferments they were to have by their
mother, his wife. "_(Erdes\vick's Survey of Staffordshire, edition of IS44, p. 135,)
The Manor of Raunton was inherited by the Lewknol's from the family of D'Oyly,
who inherited from the DunstoDs. It did not comr., however, as Erdeswick and
others have asserted, by the marriage of 'Willbm Dunston with Joan daughter and
coheiress of Thomas Noell, for the said Joan had for her only husband Roacr fitz
Eusiace fitz StephCIJ, and her shure of the Noell inheritance was tr:LDsmittedto her
issue by [Jim. 1,Villiam de Dunston or Duston, W110 was Lord of Duston and 'Weekly,
co. Northampton, "as Lord of Baunton by no such mnrri~lge, but as feoffee of
Thoma(Nocll, of whom he also held lands in Shropshire (Eyton's Ant. Shropsh.,
vol. iii, p. 136, and vol. viii, p. 208), and of whom and his successors, the
Hareonrts, he and his successors continued to hold the manor of Raunton and other
landi;. This \Villiam de Dunston died in 1218, leaving a son William, who died
without is~ue in 1231, and three daughters, who became coheirs to their brother,'
Of the~e Isabella, t]le eldest, married Walter de Grey, Lord of RotherneJd, and had
Duston, and two·thirds of her father's estate at Ditton in Kent, fm her share. Rose,
the secOlld, married Sir John D'Oyly, Knight; and Joane, the youngest, married
:Mauger Ie Vavasour, to whom she brought Weekly and a third of Ditton, Rose
D'Oyly had the "hole of the Staffordshire estates for bel' portion, which comprisetl
the manors of Raunton and Wirley, with lands in Norton, :Milnese, and Lougnor,
and eight bovates of land in Lyttchurch, in St. Peter'" P::U'isb, in the suburbs of
Derby. Soon after her accessioll to her estates Sir John D'Oyly settled at Raunton,
and his posterity made it their chief seat for two centuries after (House of D'Oyley,
by W. D'Oyly Bailey, p. 89, 90). Sir John D'OyIy died about 1267, leaving R·ose INDEX.
his wife surviving, who in 6 Rdw. I (1277-S) settled the manor of Raunton on herself
for life with remainder to her son John D'OyIy in fee (Ped. Fin. 6 Edw. I). Ju
8 Edw. 1. she received, jointly with her son John D'Oyly, a release and quitclaim
from Michael de Burgo of all that virgate ofland in Haunton once held by Walter
Noell (Erdeswick, p. 136 note); and died about 11 Edw. 1. (1283). Sir John
D'Oyly, Rut., succeeded to his mother's estates at Raunton and ehewhere, and
dying about 7 Edw. 11., left issue by his mst wife, Joane, (laughter of Sir Robert de
Knightley, of Kuightley, Knight, an elder son of Sir John D'Oyly, Knight, who
was of Stoke, near Oundle, co. Northampton, in right of his wife Alice, daughter
and heiress of John de Stoke, to whom he was married before December, 1299. He
died about 1319, not long after his father, but at 50 years of age. He was succeeded
at Rauuton and Stoke D'Oyly by his eldest son, Six Thomas D'Oyly, Knight, who
had married, before the year 1313, Margaret, a near connection (and probably si'>ter)
of Humphry Hastang, of Na~sington, co. northampton, by whom he had an elder
son John. Sir Thomas died about 1336, and was probably slain in the Scotch wars
in which he which be was serving, Bis son Sir John D'O},ly, Knight, succeeded
to R..'1.unton, and had issue by his wife Margaret, daughter alld in her issue the
heiress:of Si([Tho.::nas Tregoze., Knight, of Goring, in Sussex, a son Sir Thomo.s
D'Oyly, Knight/who succeeded his father about 1363 but died without issue in or
before 1370, and a daughter Joane, who became sole heiress to her brother. Joane
D'Oyly was tv.'ice married, first about 1363 to Sir Thomas Lewknor, Knight, Lord
of Gretworth, co. Northampton, BraJhurst in Sussex, 'and South Mymmes, co.
MitldJesex, who died in 1375, ;:ct. 27, and by whom she had a.n dder SOll li.oger
Lewknor. The heiress of D'Oyly married secondly, ill 1376, John Dering, alias de
Cobeham,~of co. Kent, by whom she had no surviving issue, and died about 1394.
In 1391 she and her husband John de Cobeham demilled the manor of RaU1lron to
her kinsman J ohn~de Knightley for term of his life, to be held by the yearly render
of a rose; with remainder to her issue hy John de Cobe1wm, with remainder to her
own right heirs.

Page 292, line 33, leave out the comma at the end of the line.
" 293, line 1, for heiress read .;oheiress.
the last three full lines are defective; for remembrancer
1"ead remembrance~'s; for 1 read 19; and jor Newp
nad Newport.
" 295, line 14,101' 1250 read 1259.
" 298, note, last line but 10 insert inq. before 4 Edw. III.
last line but one, before Nomina insert the reference
number 6.
" 301, last liue but 5, at the end of the line, instead of full
stop 1"ead comma.
304, note, for Ormerod read Ormerod's.
" 313, line 14,/or 1826 read 1256.
" 326, Lane Pedigree, 2nd portion, line 1, f01" J\iargaret read
Catherine, and in last line but 2, f01' Tho'. Amler "<ad
John A.mler.
" 329, instead of lines 23, 24 read, His Majesty likewise
acknowledged the services of her brother Colonel
John Lane, of Bentley, by settling a pension of £500 '
per annum upon him for life, and further honoured
his memory after his de~th by a grant of augmentation
of &c.
" 334, line 35,/or 1332 read 1339.
" 383, note, line 6,1or 1487 read 1486.
" Page 78, line 17,/& 1680 read 1630.


I suppose this Eleanor to have been the second wife of Sir
Thomas Harcourt, Knight, son of Sir Thomas, and grandson of Sir
William Harcourt, Knights, and ancestor by his iirst wife of the
extinct Earls Harcourt; and I suppose her to have been the
daughter of Sir Roger Lewknor, Knight, the son of J cane D'Oyley
(heiress of Raunton), and the sister of Sir Thomas Lewknor,
who carried on the line. Her son, John Harcourt, will have
inherited Raunton; and probably other Harcourt estates in Staf-
fordshire, by virtue of a fine levied by hcr nephew. Sir Roger
Lewknor, the son 01 Sir Thomas, in 13 Edw. IV. (1473), whereby
he settled the Manor of Raunton on (his cousin) John Harcourt,
John Harcourt, olRaunton, Co. Stafford, Esq., the son 01 Eleanor,
who thus succeeded to Rauuton, Wiverston, and, as I suppose, also
a share of the manor of Blymhill, presented to the church 01
I BlymhiU, in conjunction with others, in 1483.
By virtue of this entail the mana!' of Raunton will have devolved on Sir Roger Lewknor
the son of Jo~ne D'Oyley. This Roger Lewknor, who resided at Bradhuist, Co.
Sussex, married .1brgaret, daughter of Sir John Carew, of )Iolesford, Co. Bucks,
Knight, and died in 1401. Their eldest son, Thomas Lewknor, was then 19 years of
age. They had also a younger soo, John, from whom the Lewknors of Acrise, Co.
Kent, were descended, and I suppose Ele::mor Harcourt to have been the daughter
of the Sir Roger. Sir Thomas Lewknor, the eldest soo, was, in 1403, found heir,
through his grandmother, Joane D'Oyley, to the extensive estates of the Tregoze
family, at Goring, Co. Sussex, and elsewhere in that county, and remo.ed his seat to
Goring. He was thrice married, first to Elizabeth, daughter of Nicholas Carew, of
Beddington, Co. Surrey, by whom he had no issue; seeondJy to Phelippa, yelict of
Sir Richard Rerners, and daughter and eventual heiress of Walter Dalyngrigge, son
of Sir Roger Dalyngrigge, of Bodeham Castle, Co, Sussex, Knight. His last wife,
Catherine, SUl:vived him, and her inquisition p. m. was held in 21 Edw, IV. Sir Thomas
Le\vknor left six sons, between whom his large estates were divided. The eldest son,
Sir Roger .Lewknor, however, succeeded to Stoke D'Oyley and the principal estates, and
died in 1475, leaving six sons and three daughters, of whom Thomas, the eldest son,
succeeded to Stoke D'Oyley. In the meantime the manor of Raunton, :lfter the death
of John de Knigbtley, who held it for life, appears to have been given by Roger
Lewknor (the son of Joane D'Oyley) to his kinsman, Thomas D'Oyley, heir male of
the D'Oyleys, to support his dignity; aod with him and his issue it remained, by
favour of the Lewknors, for seve!'al years, until John D'Oyley, Esq., the son of
Edward and crrandson of the said Thomas D'Oyley, having inherited, througb. his
mother considerable estates in Suffolk and removing to that county, Sir Roger
Lewkn~r (son of SIT Thomas), in whom the reversiou was vested, determined that
after john D'Oyley's death it should return to his own family. Accordingly a fine
was levied of Ra.uuton manor (Ped. Fin" 13 Edw, IV.) whereby it was arranged that
after John D'Oyley's d'eath it should pass to John Harcourt, Esq., a younger son of
the house of Staunton Harcourt, and grandson maternally of (the elder) Sir Roger
Lewknor (Honse of .o'Oyley, p. 100).
~ ~lJ
9' q~

He is said to have married 1fargdret Bracy,' by whom he
had a son, Thomas. The saiel Thomas Harcourt, of Raunton, Es~.,
died Feb. 20th, 1487. He held the Vill of Raunton, the manor of
1filnemeese, and lands, &c., in "Vorseton and Ellnall of Simon
Harcourt, Esq., lands and tenements in Epanhall, Harkedon Hill,
Durslow, and Rccleshall of the Bishop of Covent.ry and Lichfield, ,~
a messuage in Bussecote of Thomas 1,Yilloughby, Lord de Broke,
by the service of fealty and the payment of a rent of 6s., of which I.ill
the annual value is ;308., lands &c., in Horseley, of the Rector of i.,
Eccleshall, lands in Willabrig, of. . Corbet, and divers lands it
and tenements in Co~yn, Blymhall, and Charletan, of .Elen Brigg,~ ~
widow, by fealty and a rent of ld., of which the annual value is I,
408. John Har8court is his son and heir, aged 23 at the date of J
the inquisition, which was taken on October 12th, 1487.' The ,I
said Thomas Harcourt married Isabel, daughter of Hugh Egerton,

i I
of Wrinehill, Eso"., and had by her two sons, namely John, who '1 I

succeeded him at Raunton, and Richard Harcourt, of Church Eaton,
in the County of Stafford, whose son. Walter Harcourt, was of
Tamworth in 1583, where he was buried 8th January, 1598.
Walter Harcourt married Mary, daughter of Humphrey Comber-
ford, by whom he had a son, Edward, buried at Tamworth 4th
September, 1609, where this branch of the family remained in
\ decay a little longer:"
.rohn Harcourt, of Raunton, Esq., the elder son of Thomas. occurs
as one of the joint patrons of Blymhill Church in 1544. 0 He ~

married Ann (or Joan) daughter of Sir Randle Brereton, of Malpas,
Knight, by whom he had Robert, Simon, and several other children.
Robert Harcourt, of Raunton, Esq., the elder son, married a •

daughter of Scryven, of Shropshire, but died without

1 She is called the daughter of William Bracy, of Pembrid~, Co. Hereford, in the

Herald's Visitation, as also in a pedigree given by Nichols in his History of Leicester- , ~

shire (Vol. IV., p. 1025) 'out in a note to Vol. IV., p. 519, * he says: "By a record, 1
given by Chetwynd, (p. 274, of Mich. 28 Hen. VI., Co. Banc. rot. 451,) compared

with Erdeswick (art. Gayton) this Margaret seems to have been the daughter and
coheir of William. Burley, of Bromscroft, Co. Salop, and relict of Bracy." Z I am
unable to account for the tenure of Coven and Blymhill by Elen Brigg, widow,
i in 1487. There is no mention of any mesne lord between the Harcourts and ,
Staffords in the inquisition of 1560. 3 Inq. p.m., 3 Hen. VIL, No. 114.
4 Nichols' Leicestershire, Vol. IV., p. 520." 5 The Rector was admitted on the

presentation of William Stanford, and Thomas Shedulton, clerk, by the concession

of Edwa:rd Mytton, ofWeston_under_Lyziard, John LaDe, of Hyde, John Harecourt,
of Rannton, and James Moreton, of Tu:rnehiU, Esquires, rightful patrons ,for this
:...... tum.
i/,'.:;i _y_O

Arms; glllcfJ, two bars or. PEDIGmm OIt' ILI.HCOUH.'l' OF ILl. UN'l'O:-f, (l'Allf,g 1).

Richanl do Hnl'comt, 127S.'--"?lL11'g;n·et dan. awl coheir of John Hoko of El·(':>by. 'l'hi:> )E'tliJ{I'Cd iol principally blJ.::Cll from Nich'JIs' History of
I Ldcestershire, vol. 1,1" [illl"
John de Hal'('.omt, of Bosworth 12DS, lidng 1.118. =---: I(lcnnol', dan, of Zouch.
Sit· WilJ~aml-IUl'COlll't, Klliaht, 1st hnsbllld ;=JoalJ, sistcl' of
hllsband of JO::l1l 1318 tOhetwyn,[ p. 13[1).
Lrml Or")' of Cu,lnnl', I"cl)]:\ITic(lln 1hlph tl·!
1 ill I:Jiil ; dead 1371 (Ch'Jtw),!H! p. 131). J{.dph de Fcnel'~, !\:Itigllt, wn~."ei/.e\l uf
f'\~!'l'(:I'~, II"hn~'1 willow >:h() lI'a~
l-:Il~l\hqll [oJ' life ill
1377 (Chctll"ynd lip. 130, HOl
- I- - - - - -
1. lUchanlI-Ltl'COlll"t,lioad ~. Silo 'l'holl1!l.s lIal'~ol1l"t, Knight, 1:J7J fl!HI=.\.lict', dan. of Juhn Lo!',! Grey of J:uthadi...!.J.
I3nl. I 1407; S\ll'l'i\'c,l till AI'. 12, IJ17 (Clletl1'. p.135) 1
nearly UD yelll'S after his lllothcr was marricd.
,-------1- 1--·---···----- - - - - I
Eli:nbeth) HilmaI'.
1351, wifo of '1'hos.
Asteley, JIIll. 1371.
Joall, flail. of Sir=Sil' 'J'JlOmas IJar·=EklllOl", (loin. of
Hob~'l-t Fl"IllICi30fFllrC-1 cot.lrt, Knight, Lom .')i!· lingcr Ll3wk-
mnrk, co. Derby, 1107; 1377; a Knight in 1101", KlIight, anti
llich:ll\l JJil!'~ollrt, -.\Ll1';.,;.lro.'l-, dall. 11("
of Lit.llll ,~);\l'(lon; ,Ju!1!l d,) {,\It!'']r'y,
in Ellenhnll ~cttlc.
13, l-1 Hie. lI.;

i . -------- - - -
1st wife.

1417; tlie,l H20.
Lcwknl'l', Kllight:.
-- ,- - -
meut aftcr hii; fOlll'
1!cpl!CII'3, }.ivO, 1.
d. .\[ar iJ, l·JOO
(Ch!'! \\'. J')1. 13i:1,
J. Sir Dobcl'r=-Mn!'g-nnt,dllll Edith, dnl1.=2. SiI'Hicl!nr,1 Hnr-",-"Catlwrinc, 3. JOllll Ilar-=?lfnrgnl'Ot
Hnrcollrt of of ~it· John
Sir William lla1"' -AlllH'.
1 ll11d coheir Of/ COlUt OfWiill:->lll,co'll'Clid of Sir collrt,ofTIauJI_1 Drilcy.
Boswort.ll, Byroll. Sir 'J'hOlUilS ])crk~, nt date of ;'Iil('s Etlple_ tall, co. f:)tnIT. COlllt, Knight j ill
K.G.,1441. St. Clerc; 1st Will Sept. 25,I,rovc(i tall, last will Esq., lil'ing }I;llcnhall settle-
ll\Cn\ aftcr his
wife. Oct. 25, 1486. Sept.5,\J\·ov('(1 Dec. 8, US5.
In·ot.hc!·s Hobcrt Itml
Jill1. 23, 1488; Hiclwl'll 1-130, 1
2nd wifc, (Chetw},llti, 1~9);
le~tallielit Jail. 4,
1-181; Ill'Oyed :'Iray 2,
HD.J j io bG hmied
at Aston juxta Bir-
lllilig-lialH (Dug,lule's
Wnrw; voJ.ii.p 8(1).

I_I -I
Jotn Har..-:o::='\'I\\le, dati. 0['
J. Norris
Chnstophcl' ~,",JO:Ul. tbn. au,l ro-
Barcol\l't, d. 111eil' of Si,' :'Ilik~
Willialll lIal"'-
eomt of COl'll-1
Thumn!! c-=Isrd)el, (lan. of
i-Iarconrt, 1 Hugh EI-{crton,
v. p. St:lpleton; relUar. lml"y Park, co. of Halln- of Wrillehill,
.TOIlll l:Iolle.~tolle, tOil, E~q., 11':8f1'
{JXOIl. 1
Esq. (lied F"b.
! I-----T----I 1--- . 1---------
Sir Hoberb =AllIlC, dan.
Harcourt,Kt. lof
Esq. of tho Limerick.
Sir 8imon IIar- Mile~ Hat'-
court, of Stlllll- comb!' 1111-
tOll, J{nt. j from manicll,
I [.l1,<~onl't
.John ILIl'-"-,,lc>an (01" .\\\\\)
court, or tlatl,~ht. of Sil'
!taunton, Handle BrOfe.
Wehunl llnr-,--o
COli I' t, u f
Church 1':a1oll
.(bn. of
. Bradocko
bOlly to K.
Heury VII.,
thecxtinct Earls
liJl~·3. 15.Jt I
E'f\' ,15:311, tOIl,ofMnlp[\R,
co. Stall". 2nd I

1- 1------1---- -------- ---
Robert Simon Hnr.=D:\sil, dall. of
. I
Rlchanl AlltllOny
I i I I . ,--I
John HIlI'- William -'"----')[!lI'I!aI'et \I' i J (~ \Yalter - - '[ary l'homns
comt died HalwHlrt of eomt, (ct. 34'1 Ricllrtrd Cave, lJarcolll't Jbl'Ctllll't, IIarcD;:I'l'., 1 til~,ghLa\Hl uf. . Grit)'. IfaI'C<ltl!'t 1(lan. of l-Ia\"col\r~
S.p.lll. Rannton, Jan. 1560, of Piekwl'll. 31'1\ ~Ol\ ; .fIh <;Oll. of \\ In· hCIr of .... hlQelln, lI"ife of Tam- HlIIuph_ d.s.p.
Illanie,l d,.UII, co. L(Jtwieh of of... Brough_
Esq., lUlU': 2n,\ SOil, lIll'\
. dati. of heir in blood
.. SC!'yven, to his brothel'
I CO'" I \\'j,,,h,,,,l. tOll,
... wif(l of ..
I roy COIll_
hut d. Juno Robert. Howley. t!WIO.JIlU. fonl.
20, 1558, 8, 1[,98.
s.p.1. I
--I T liT f I I ---1
Michael LuMol'tl, =Eliz~beth, remnnietl
of Ansley; d. 34 to Clement TJ,l'(Jk-
Eliz. (15DI); bnl'. morton, living 1605.
lliclianl HaI'Cr>l}l't,=
01' Wincham. I
Ell Will'll Harcolll't.

n.t 'Vithcrley, Co.

r~eicestel'. Istllllsb.
George LuJfonl, of Amley, son Jolm Harcourt, of
Ilnd llCir, bapt. 1583. 'Vincham.

~~~~i'!.':'!a~~~?~~~:~"",:~~:~""~.k-;!«;tm~_'~~-_-_"_':~-",,~J"'"'ii~_~--"'A"~~~= __ ~ ___"",~~::::::"_-"_-=:~'-'-""", >l':'-_":-!:'O' ._,;c:!' ~~;"""*''c;~:;1:=:

, II,
, !
:. ::
legitimate issue. At the inquisition taken after his death, which
was held 2nd January, 2 Eliz. (1560), it was found that a certain
John HarecQurt, Esq., father of the Robert HaTecoUIt named in I
th~ Queen's writ, was seized (inter aliis) of and in the manors of
Bessecote, 11ilne, and Ronton, in the Oounty of Stafford, as also
of certain lands and tenements in Blymghyll, in the same County,
whicb last were beld of the Lord Stafford by fealty and a rent of
ls. per ann'wn, and were of the annual value of thirteen shillings
Ii i
and fourpence. Robert was the son and heir male of the said John
Harecourt. The said Robert died at Fawesley, in the County of
Northampton, 20tb June, 5 Phil. and Mary (1558). Simon, son of
the aforesaid John Harecourt, is brother and nearest heir of Robert,
and is now thirty-fouT years of age and more.1. The said Robert
died, as has been stated without lawful issue, but he had "everal
illegitimate children to whom he bequeathed his estates, including
those at Blymhill, and Coven.
His will was disputed by his brother, Simon Haltcourt, but un-
"Successfully, as appears by the following record of proceedings in
chancery, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, between George Vyes,
plaintiff, and Cassandra Cook, executrix of the will of Robert Har-
court, defendant, for performance of agreement:-"Premisses, Robert "
Harcourt being seized of the manors of Ronton and Freeford, and ~

; i
of lands, tenemeuts, and hereditaments in Ronton, Ecclesal, Crox-
ton, EInall, Blymhill, Coven, Whittington, Freforde, Morlall,Longdon,
and Stretehaye, in the County of Stafford, and in the City of ~. ,

Lichfield, and of other lands, &c., in the County of Warwick,

devised the same by his will, or most part thereof, to the defendant
for her life, with remainder to her children, illegitimately born and
begotten between them, upon which Simon Harcourt, wishing to
overthrow the said will, prosecuted divers long and tedious suits
against her; when she applied to the plaintiff to undertake her·
defence and get the ~ill established, promising him a lease of part
of the said estates. The plaintiff established the said will, and the
defendant refuses to perform her agreement." 2
It is stated in a ChetWYI\d MS., written in 1680 and now in the
Salt Library at Stafford, as some excuse for this licentious life and
shameful alienation of the family estates, that Robert Harcourt
married his wife only in obedience to his father's commands and
with great aversion, being before engaged, both by his promise
1. Inq. p.m. 2 Eliz. L ps., No. 132. !l Proceedings in Chancery, temp. Q. Eliz.,
Vol IlL, p. 199.
i '-



and affections, to Cassandra Cook. The controversy concerning the

inheritance c:f his estates was carried on for many years, and
finally determined by the award and aruitrement of John Grey, of
Enville, and Robert Harcourt, of Ronton Abbey, Esquires, by
which it was settled that all the tenements of which the said
Robert died seized in Grendon, Dordp.ll, \Vhittingtou, and vVaverton
in the county of vVarwick (which, t?gether with the manor of
Freeforcl :md certain messuages and tenements in Lichfield, and
in Serle and Lullington, in the counties of Derby and Leicester,
came to the Harcourts tbrough Margaret Bracy), should go to
Michael Ludford, of Wetherley, co. Leicester, Esg'., and Elizabeth
his wife (the daughter and heiress of Simon Harcourt) and their
heirs, and all the lands in Staffordshire, which included Reunton,
Seighford, Milnmeese, Bessecote, Blymhill, and Coven, should
descend to John Harcourt and his heirs male lawfully begotten,
and for want of such issue to his younger brothers successively
in like manner.
John Harcourt, who was the eldest son of Robert Harcourt by
Cassandra Cook, accordingly succeeded to these estates. He was of
Raunton in 1583, and was then married to Margaret, daughter of
Anthony Gibson, of Ridgeley, Co. Stafford, by whom he had a son,
Humphrey, then 16 years of age, and three daughters. 1
By indenture, made 20th December, 29 Eliz. (IS86), between
John Harecourt, of Ronton Hall, Co. Stafford, Es'!'., of one part and
, ,: if Walter Giffard, of High On, Co. Stafford, ES'lr., of the other part,
the said John Harecourt sells to the said Walter Giffard all that
his manor, messuage, or farm at Blymhill, in the aforesaid County,
wherein one William Rutter-now dwelleth, and all and singular the
lands, grounds, meadows, leasowes, pastures, fishings, realties, court
barons, leets, views of frank pledges, franchises, liberties, privileges
and warrens, and all issues, &c., whatsoever of him the said John
. Harecourt in Bryneton and .Blymhill, or in either of them , too-ether
wich the advowson, donation, presentation, right of patronage and
", "1 free disposition of the ~ectory,_ church or parsonage of Blymhill
:'; ;;;, aforesaid. 2 To secure this purchase a fine was levied in the Queen's
Court at Westminster, in the octave of St. Hillary, 29 Eliz. (1587),
bet.ween Walter. Gi~c.trd,. Esqr.,.plaintifi', and John HarecQurt, Esqr.,
and Margaret his wlfe, and Robert Harecourt, gent., deforciants,
concerning one messuage, 100 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow
"1 Vinoe~t's Collections for Staffordshire at the Heralds' College. Z Bradford
and 16 acres of pasture, with the appurtenances in Blymhill and
Bryneton ana the advowson of the Church of Blymhill; whence
was plea of conv8ntion. 1
I,.Valter Giffard, of High OllU, Esqr., who ,vas thus for a short
time in possession of ~he Harcourt's share of Blymhill, was,
doubtless, the eldest son and heir apparent of John Giffard, of
Chillington, co. Stafford, Esql'., who died at' an advanced age in
1612, when Chillington and the other family estates descended to
the said 'Valter. This Walter Giffard died in 1632, leaving by his
wife Philippa, the daughter and co-heiress of Edward White, of
South Warnborough, co. Rants., an elder son, Peter Giffard, ,Esqr"
from whom Walter Giffard, Esq'., the present Squire 01 Chilling-
ton, is descended.
In the meantime, namely, on January 6th, 33 Eliz. (1591),Walter
Giffard, of High On, Esq'., sells to John Mitton, 01 Weston,
ESqT., all that his manor, messuage, or ferme in Blymhill wherein
William Rutter now dwelleth, with the advowson of the church,
&c. (as before), excepting only one grant of the next advowson of
the said patronage, heretofore made by the said Walter and others,
and the chiel rents and services due to the chiel Lords 01 the lee.'
From this time forward the Harcourt-Wyverston portion of the
manor and advowson of the church will have passed with the Park
or De vVeston portion, so that when the Pendeford or Hyde portion
was alterwards purchased from the Dickensons, in 1766, by the
heirs of the said John Mytton, either the whole or five sixths 01
Coven's share became reunited in the tenUTe of the Earl of Bradford.
It is not improbable, however, from the fact that Moreton had
apparently a joint share with Harcourt in presenting to the church
of Blymhill in 1485, and again in 1544, that the Wyverston share
may have been at one time divided into two.
By indentures, dated on Wednesday, the least 01 St. Michael, 30
Henry VI. (Sept. 29th, 1451), Robert Pakenham, Esq'., and Mar-
garet his wile, 01 Shropham, in the County of Norfolk, conceded
"~ i >-: and to larm demised to Geoffrey Midilton, of Chatirlee, in the
i", ..
,-; _.' County of Stafford, yeoman, one ,manor called W yverston and
another manor called Bescote, with all the lands and tenements,
fields, meadows, pastures, woods, rents and services, and all other
commodities and appurtenances to the aforesaid manors belonging,
in the said County of Stafford, excepting. the aqvowson of the
church of Blomenhull, courts, reliefs, heriots, homages, escheats,
1 & II Bradford Evidences.
'" II

I ;i
, (I'
J l

trees, and underwood there to the aforesaid Robert and Mar t
reserv:d, saVe so much of the timber grov;ing within the -- wo;;r~f moiety from her sister, Anne Dobbes, to whom she sold her moiety
the ~alrl manor of Bescote as shall be reasonably sufficient for '1 of Garboldesham. In 1529, John Sturges, senior, of Cranworth,
rep;lrs of the houses: enclosures, mills, and tene~ents of tIle afo~~~ and Elizabeth, his wife, levied a fine of the manor of's,
S'l1. manors, reservmg to the saIne Hobert and J\iarO'al'et their otherwise called Breton's, to Humfrey Wingfield, in trust; and in
aSSIgns and servants, a free ingress and egress to and fro~ th 15:33, Sturges had licence to alien it to Nicholas Sywhat and his
trees and undenvood th rr • e heirs. 1 Anne, the other daughter of Henry Packenham, married
tIl· on ere ;::,ro'W'lng, to cut down and carry away at
ellI Wlffi' .save so much of the said undenvood as shall be reason- John Dobbes or Dowbes, of Garboldesham, Esqr., who was Lord of
a b y su Clent for the f ., Pakenham's manor in Garboldesham in 1526. He left all only
fl. . . . . . . 0 the aforesaIQ Geoffrey daughter, Anne, married to Sir \Villiam Barwick, whu was knighted
or t 1e presenbed term; to have and to hold to the said Geoffrey'
f Or a term of ten years t by King James, May .30th, 1604, and they sold Pakenham's manor
,. < ,a an anuuaI rent of ten marks The
t enant lS bound to do t h , · in 1607.'
. e I epalis at IlIS . O\V11 expense. 1 .
Whether these daughters of Henry Pakenham, or either of them,
ThlS Robert Pakenham, of Shropham, Esq., \vas the son of Hem
inherited any interest in Blymhill, or whether the Staif01·dshire
~e Packenharn,. who inherited Shropham from his mother Ague: 1nanors bequeathed to JY1argaret Pakenham by her husband, in
sT'hster anddHcohell' of Henry Ie Breton, Lord of Shropharn in 1367: 1463, were alienated by their father or their grandmother, Margaret,
e Sal. " enrv de Pakenh am d'Ie d·m 14" . Robert bis son
40 les,vlDo·
and helr then "0 . f' .' 0
I am unable to say; but it is not improbable that Pakenham's
. 1463' d ,) ye~ls 0 age.-. The saId Robert Pakenham died interest in Blymhill wa.s that which was in possession of the
1~ . ,an was buned, accordmg to his will, in the chapel of St
Moretons in 1485. These Moretons, who seem to have shared with
~~the~lUe, at the east end of the north isle of St. Peter's Church i~ the Harcourts a fractional right to present to the church in Coven's
rOhP 'haml; he gave Ius horse to the priest for his mortuary' to turn, were represented by a James Moreton in 1485, and by James
th e 19 atar3s 4d·tore . th I h '
St A.ndrew's'· . J paIr e c lUre 6s. Sd.; and to repair Moreton, of Turnehill, Esq'., in 1544.
foik' to Heur 3s.. 4d.; he gave the manor of Shropham (Co. Nor- I believe them to have been the same with the Moretons, of More-
tl) f y bis son, and gave to Margaret his wife for her life ton and Wilbrighton, in the County of Stafford, who were, descended,
u~~nm~no\o ;.arboldesham (Co. Norfolk, which had been settled as I suppose,from that Hemming de Moreton who held Moreton under
m y ~s c~usm, Henry Pakenham, who had also assicrned William Fitzalanin 1166,' Of this family, John de Moretollwas Lord
t~ .Mar~aret; li~ Interest therein), with all his manors in Staff01'd- of Moreton in 9 Edw. II. (1315-16),' and his son Edmund acquired
s. 'w~~ e:1' ere 200 marks to be paid out of Pakenbam's manor the forfeited estate of Archibald Douglas in Wilbrighton, which
~~~ebr::ePd :om)h
l' r
to s
hiuldaftughter Margery, and would have a trental
IS so a er hIS death 3 H'
was conceded to him by the King in 4 Edw. Ill.' This Edmund
died seized in 149' f th . lS son, Henry Pakenham, de Moreton died in 1341. The writ of diem clausit extremum was
the Count; of N orl~~ an: o~~:::s Off Sh;oPham and Honyng, in issued on the 26th of October in that year, and the inquisition
Honyna North Walsh' W d ree enements and lands in was held at Wylbrytton on 6th November following (Adam de
b' am, orste Crostweyth d W'tt II d Moreton being the foreman of the jury). It was found that he
Drake'S, Wale's and Lo b' H' I . , an lon, ca e
of whom Elizab'eth marrr: ~ sJ. hneS eft two da~ghters, his coheirs, held in demesne as of fee One messuage, half a virgate of land, a
ne 0 turcres semor a d I . . certain wood, and one vivary at v\i'"ylbrytton, of the Kiug in capite,
herited one moiety of the manor of Sh ~ h' , n lavmg In-
rap am, purchased the other by the service of 20s. a year, to be rendered to the King's
1 Stafford MS. (Cartulary) penes Lord B Q
Exchequer by the hand of the Sheriff of Staffordshire; the aforesaid
V.0l L, p. 456. =Ibid. au.tograph pMl,t$ B;~:~fi.e~d Blomeneld's History of Norfolk, tenements were worth nothing a year beyond the service aforesaid,
his manor, called Ladies' manor in Rockland T f ' He~ry Pakenhaw had settled
been the wife of Sir Ralph Bi".ot, Knight Sh 0 ts, OIl. hl8 wife Elizabeth, who had 1 Blomefield's Norfolk:, Vol. I., p. 456. 2 Ibid. p. 256. 3 See Collections fur
M' h ~ . e took to her thlrd h
anrung, to w om, by her.will, dated in 1463 she 1 ., nsband, Thomas Staffordshire, Vol. 1., p. 214. ~ Erdeswick, p. 175; Returns of the lords of
m~ors and lands in·G:reat Elingham and Attleburgh. eft Ladies manor wit~ all her townships, &c., for military service, ordered in the Parliament at Lincoln, 9 Edw.
II. (Harl. MSS., 2195, 4219). 5 Pe~OTee inter Hadfield's MSS.


because the said tenements wp,re not wont to pay mOte than 16s. by
Flaxyards, co. Chester, a son, Thomas J\10reton, Esqr., who app:ars
the year until the said Edmund took them at 4s. a year more, and
as chief Lord of Wilbrighton 20th March, 1559, when Elmor
there are no profits there, and the said land is uncultivated and in Basset, widow, late wife of William Basset, and formerly wife of
common, and the buildings are ruinous. The same Edmund held John Cotes, Esqr., was found to have held certain lands and tene-
also one messuage and half a virgate of land, v.ith the appurten- ments of him there, of the value of 8s. a year.1. Thomas 1foreton?
ances in vVoodcote, of Master Henry de Percy, by the service of
Esqr., died 10th June, 1582. He held nve messuages in 1I1oreton
40d. a year, the messuage being worth 12d., and the half viTo-ate of
of Sir Rowland Heyward, Knight, as of his manor of Clun for the
land worth 40d. and no more, because the land is poor and ~andy. fourtl1 part of a knight's fee, one capital messuaie, two other mes-
John de :Nloreton i~· his son and heir, and he was 26 years of age suaues
<:::> , and two cottaaes
1:> in Wilbrio-hton,
1:> of the Baron of Stafford,
at the Kativity of St. John the Baptist last past (June 24th);' which one messuage in Caton, of Thomas Knightley, Esqr., one me5suage
John .did homage for his lands in Wilbrighton in the same year. ~ and !!la. of rent in Blimkill and. Brinton, of the Baron of Stafford,
The next of the same family I meet with is James de Moreton, two messuages and 272. of rent in Apeton, of Thomas Knightley,
who, according to a pedigree in a Hadfield MS., was Lord of and divers messuages in Church Eyton and Wood Eyton, of the
J\foreton and v\rilbrignton, and the inquisition after whose death Baron of Stafford, by knight's service; he held, also, divers
was taken iu 1 Hen. V. (1413-14)." He left a son and heir, but I messuages, &c., in Whithall, and . . . . in Co. Salop, of the
have not discovered his name nor that of his immediate successors. Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, by knight's service.':! Adam, his
I suppose that the James Moreton who presented .to Blym- son and heir, was then 28 years of age.
hill in 1485, was the then representative of the Moretons of The said Adam Moreton, gent., died 3rd :March, 1614-15, seized
l\.1oreton and Wilbrighton.
of 11oreton manor, five messuages, 590 acres of land, &c., in IvIoreton
Another James Moreton seems to have been the chief of the of the Lord of Clun, and five messuages, three cottages, and 1,200
family, 28th October, 1527,when John Cotes was found by iuquisition acres of land in WilbTighton, of the Baron of Stafford, by knight's
to have held certain lands and rents of him in liVilbrighton, which service. Edward :More.ton, gent., son of Matthew :i\1ol'eton, gent.,
weTe valued at 40s.~ This last James Moreton, whom Ltake to son of Thomas, second son of 1Iatthew Moreton, Esqr., great grand-
have been the James Moreton, of Turnehill, Esq., who presented father of the said Adam, was found to be his cousin and heir, aged
to Blymhill as one of the joiut patrons in 1544, was the eldest son 62.:1
and heir of J\1atthew Moreton, of Moreton and Wilbrighton, Esqr., Thomas Moreton, the grandfather of this Ecl:\vard, who W::J.S found
(who was living in 1504), by his wife Isabel, dauahter of Robert heir to his cousin Adam, was of Engleton. He died in 1558, having
Knightley, of Engleton. James J\r[oreton died befo~e 1566 leavinO"
married Margery, daughter of. . . . Shepherd, of Oakley, Co.
by his wife Jane, daughter of . . . . Doone (or Done), ~f Stafford, by whom he had, with an elder son J obu, who died without
l Inq., 15 Edw. III., No. 16. ~ 3 & oj, Pedigree in a Hadfield's MS. f> Abbrev. issue during his father's lifetime, a son and heir, J\1atthew Moreton,
I~q., 19 ~en. YIII., No. 114 (Salt's MSS). In 1559 it was found that of Engleton, gent., who married _,vice, da~ghter and heir of Tho~as
Rl.chard Wil~raham, Esq., died seized (inter aliis) of lands, rents, &c., in Wil.
bnghton, WhICh he held of Francis Moreton. (Abb. Jnq., p.m., 1 EEz., No. 176.) Dickens, by whom he had a son, Edward. Matthew Moreton, (lIed
He was prob.ably no y?unger son of Matthew Moreton, of Moreton and Wilbrighton. 10th August, 1582, leaving Edward, his son and heir, then 30.years
~~r. Parkes, I~ a pedIgree of the :11oretons, which he gives in his Historv of Brewood of age. He held of the Queen in capite divers lands and pastures
g,Lv es a secone. son of that name. He probably died s. p. which would account fo;
l110IDas 11oretoD., there called tlird SOD. beinO" called second "on ,·n 1t . ..
1. Cal. Inq., p.m., 1 Eliz., No. 180 (Salt's 118S.). ~ Abbrev. Iaq., p.m., 24 Eliz.
. h' h . '>:>" a a er Inqulsl'
tlOD., '!' 1C wll~ be quoted hereafter. G Parkes' History of Brewood. I am inclined (Salt's MSS.) Ii is obse!"vable that Wilbrighton IS here found to be held ~f t~e
to thmk that It was by this. marriage that the .Moretons acquired the property at Baron of Stafford, whereas it was origmally held by the }.:oretons. of the ~mg tn
E~gleton, and n01; .by a mamage with an EngletoD. as conjectured by Shaw and capite. The tenure of lands in Blymhill and Brineton IS, I thmk, suffiCIent to
otners; for they dId ~o: hold. the manor of EngletoD., and part of their lands in identifiy this family with the Moretons who formerly presented to the church.
Engleton were called I"l..lllghtley's lands. This property went to Thomas, a younger :r. Abb. Inq., 12 Jae. (Salt's MSS). Parkes assi~ t?~dam Moreton, a daughter
son of Matthew E~gleton and lsa.bel Knightley, Whose grandson eventually sncceeded Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Littleton, but the mqulSluon proves that he had no
to the representation of the family.
legitimate surviving issue at the time of his death. "Parkes' History of Brewood..
• •


called the fields, the moor, &c., which had formerly belonged to the
monastery of the Black NUllS; he held also divers lands, &e., in
Brewood, in socage, and one messuage, &c., called Buckingham's
land in Engleton by knight's service and 2d. rent, of the Bishop of
Coventry and Lichfield, as of his manor of Brewood; Due me:::;suage,
&c., called Knightley's lands and two other messuages called
Gough's lands in Engletell, Somerford, and Bre\vood; one messuage
called Gough's lands in Horsebrook of Hoger Fouke, gent., as of his
manor of Engleton j ODe messuage, &c., called Gough's lands in
Engletan, of Geor. Somerford, gent., at a rent of 98. 4d.; Little-
more meadow and one selion of land ill ,Vater Eyton, of John
Aston, Esgr., as of his manor of Water Eyton; three messuages
and Swane lane meadow in Aston, Bedenhall, Dunstoll, and Penk-
ridge, of the BaTon of Stafford by knight's service, and two-thirds
of the herbage and pannage in Ogley hay, of the Earl of
Warwick. l His son, Edward 11oreton, who was found heir to his
cousin Adam, as above stated, died in 1680. By his wife, Margery
Brown,of Careswell (who died in 1633), he had an elder son, Matthew
Moreton, of Eng-Ieton, 11oreton, and Wilbrighton, who died in 1669,
leaving a son, Edward Moreton, of 11oreton and Engleton, Esqr.,
who married Elizabeth, daughter of .Robert Ducie, of Little Aston
and Shenstone, and granddaughter and eventual heiress of Sir
Robert Dueie, Bart., banker to King Charles I. and Lord Mayor
of London in 16BO. Their son, Matthew Dueie Moreton, EsC['., of
IYIoreton, Englecon, and Tortworth, Sheriff of Staffordshire in 1705,
was created Lord Ducie, Baron of Moreton, 00. Stafford, in 1720.
By his wife, Arabella, daughter and coheir of Sir Thomas Prestwich,
Bart., he had three sons, Matthew Ducie Moreton, Rowland Lewis,
and Charles, and two daughters, Elizabeth and Penelope. Matthew
Ducie Moreton, second and last Lord Ducie of that creation, and his
brother Rowland both died unmarried. Charles, the third brother
left an only daughter, Anne, married to Mark lJyer, Esqr. Elizabeth,
the eldest sister, married, first, Ri~ard Syms, Esqr.) of Blackheath,
by whom she had no issue, and secondly, Francis Reynolds, Esqr., of
Strangways, by whom she had, with other issue, two sons, Thomas
and Francis, successively Lords Ducie, of Tortworth, a title which
was created in 1763 in the person of their uncle, Matthew Ducie
J\foreton, second and last Lord Ducie, of Moreton, with special re-
mainder to his said nephews, Thomas and Francis Reynolds. Thomas
(Reynolds ),seeond Lord Dueie,of Tortworth, died s.p. in 1785,and his
1 .Abb. Inq.l 24 Eliz. (Salt's MSS).
Arms (fl9 b·'lTJJO hy the gnrl of Ducie): nrg-. II PlmlGmm Olr MOHE'fON.
chovron gules betweon threo sqnnre blleklo.q !I!\ble.

Hemming do 1\Iomtoll, held J\[orctOll in tho P,lrisll of Gnosall, Co. Stafford, tllldc(Wiliialll~fitr, AInu ill 1160 .
. "l"!',!" - ::OP,f\,nml
llIiellacl de Moreton amI James de }.foreton hold half a kllighl's feo in .Moretoll of Joll;l fitz'AIa~;; c. 1240-2.

~ohn do .Moreton~~::~_~roret~ll' \) Ed. ~1. (1315-G). T

EdmlluddoJ\[ol'ctoll, who ncqnil'clI tho forfeitcd esiat(l of Archibald Douglf19 in WHbrightoll,=/
4 l~dw. Ill. (1330); ob. 1341.

JOl!:-:-;l~:.otoll:'~o~a:~leir, aged 26 i:~----' .

James do Momton,. of Moreton IIll{I Wilbrightoll; ob. 1413-14.

r--- --------------
. . , • , flOll and heir, 1413·14.

James Moreton, of Moretott aud Wilbrighton, presented to Blymhill Church in 1486,

AfattllClV Mordol1, of Moreton and WilbrightoD. EEq., =--/'.Isabel, daught(lr und heir of Robert ICllightley, of gngl,.toll,
living 1504 ; ob. illite 1530, iu tho P<\rish of Bl'ewooa, Co. Stnfiord.

= '="'*"; :::tnl!IlIfi1'. """,",_ ..

<'I!I","~.'L,,,",, ~·.-~_~.~ _ _ '~""L='=_~_ ..~ .______ _ -4-,,-,--

_ _ i 1
James :Moreton of Turnchi11. =1 Jallo, dati. of. . .. 2. Fl'anri~ 3''l'hOllln:'li\f(lreton'=-I·~targ~r.\', dall. of . . , . Sheppard, .J. John MO],elton,
Esq., in 1527, ItlH\ IIftrTwards DOlW, of 1<'lax.yant Moreton, of Eltg:lctOll, Db. of Okoley, Co. Stafford. 11 pl'ic~t.
of Moreton and Wilbrighton, lind of Utkingtoll, 2nd !lOll. 1558.
ob. Allie 1560. Co. eest.
r-- --------- --------I-----T-------------, -----------[ r r I
110111118 J\fOl't·toll,=Mnry, dan. of JollllMorctoll, lliehanl uatth(:\\'J\f()l.ctOll'=-I-AhCt>, dill. of 1. ElL>:),. 2. Joyce, 3. Alice, 4. J0.1l10,
Esq.,ofAIol"ctOH GriffiuHintotl, elde~t ~on; l\rm'eton, of Englelon, '1'ho~.Dick('ns, beth, l11Arric,1 mUl'ictl Illanic!!
Ilwl Wilbrightoa of Hintoll, Co. ob. v. p. and of Eng-le. gent. : ali. 1582. of Mf'orchall, lHal'l'ioll 'l'homas Gcorge .Tohn
in 1550; ob. 10 Salop. B.p, tOil, living alHl E,lith hi.q 'l'h(j~. nO\l'l~y, P;\t~OIlS, Homo,
JUIlO, 1582. in 15S3. wife, drill. au,\ Stapi(l- of of S.llll- ofStoko,
heir of 'l'ho~. (all, of IIyck. bomo, Co,
1--- 1 111 CorhYll, of Syt. Icy. Co. War. \Y[(r\riek
dam Moreton, gcm ... ,SOli amI 1. Alice, wife 2. Isabell, wife of ,Tohu 3. },bry ~loorchall,Co. woo.1. wick.
heir, of Morl'ton and 'ViI- of William Egginton, of Roblll·s- 4. Const.:ll1co Staff. j heir to
brigllton, ugCll 28 iu Hi82 j Dickells. tOil, in Co. SInO'. 5. Mnl'f{l"dt hm' mothel·.
ob. 3 March, 1614·15.

Ed,Crd :Morcto:-~f Englcton, gl'llt., Ilgcll ~o il; 1!<~2; llcir tOe"'I-'1farglll'Y Bl,.,wn, of Carcswell, ob. 1033,
hi~ consill, AIlllm J\[oreton, of Moreton j oh. IG3).
r------------- -I 1 --- - -1- --------1- - - - - - 1
, Matthew Morotoll, of Eng-lt"'=1 Saral1 },fa1·till, 2. John ,Moreton. 3. 'rhollla~ 'Morcton. 1. Elir.ah"th, Wjfll 2. h~llI'l, wifo 3. ~brgarrt, wife of
ton Ilnd Wilbriglitoll, }';sqr., ob.1672. of 'L'ho~. Morl'_ ofHllllll'lll't~Y IbJ:,h AII.1crtl'Y,
ob. 166!>. tQll, of Sheriff lIm·is, of mack IL1U.

--.~ .. -.-.~.- _. _ ....-..,. <"-.'-'""'''~_._._." .. ~.·_~·_'._.<_.·A_~ __ .. ___ ___

~~ ~~ ~.

~'''''~~.' ~"-.t<-"": •. ~"'tt;~~uJ!~_5;~.'ffii.,->"$~!~... "'::::.~::r'~:t:':=..~::.:""...~:~~~=~~~~=~w""¥~:.:m.w..i~i,1~{1~~%~



Ed)l1'd Moreton, of Engle-toll, =1 Elizabeth, ,lan. of Robert Ducic, of Little ,Aston and Shrllstonc, Rsqr. (Sherin' of Sbff mI· MrU'y, wifo of JOllll
J~sqr.; born in 1634, ob. shire in 1(i53), lind lwir to ]Hlt' Illlell', SiL' William DIldo, of'l'orlworth, Bart. (created \\'allhonso, of
1687. ViSCOl\nt DOWIIC, son of Sir Ilobm·t Durie, Bart.. LOI'llllayor of London in IGJOj. lI~thOltOIl j b.

MattllCw Durio Moreton, ESfJ.t., of Ellglctoll, :Morcton, and Tortworlh ;=-"I-AI"lldll, dall, awl coheir of Sir 'l'homus PfO.~tll'ieh, n~rt.,
created Baroll Ducic, of Moreton; ab. 1735. ab. 1750.
I 1 - - --'1- - 1 _
Rich~l'll 8.1'1119, =Eliz.lhcth, cldcst'",Fl'Illlcis Il('.vn(.}.l~J
1. Matthow Ducio Moreton, 2nd
Bnr~n Ducio; created Baron
DUCIC, of ']'ortworth, 1763,
2. HowlandLcwill
1I[01'0tou, ab.
3. Chal'les=,
MorClon'1 E~(lr.,ornhc:;.
(hIlRhlcr. I J<:,-ql'., of SII'Hug-
wn\~, 211d IllIS'
Penelope, lZlfllT1CU
Thomus StonIlon,
with spceinll'emaindcl' to his
neplH\ws Tholnns and l!'rancis
TIeynolds; ob.I7iOnnmanied
I h:md.
I halil!. .

"---'------~I- -
I 1 1
Alliw, dnnghtor uud heir; married 'l'ho~. IleYllo\,b.2nd Frilllri.~n"ynol,Js, °" :\ral~'1 (hu, Mary, mnr. Arabellu
:Ml\rk Dye!', Esqr. Lonl Dlicio, of TO! t- 31',\ Lonl Ducie; (,f'l', PIlI' to Tho Ponelopo,
wortll j asguiliellthe OSSlllllCl\ tho \'i~,g~lll·., I.e~11,E~qr. IlIlilTit'tl
llamo of i\!orllloll,
IIftrl' tho death
his lmc\e ; marrie,l
llama of More- 1 ofShcl'ton
ton; mal'. 2ndl)"
8(\r.lh, wi'low (If
1st wiffl.
I of WYlIe-
ham, son
/Lud hcirof
John Bot·
g"llr. joh,
Mnrgl\l'l·t, (11111. of Hobert ChillI, Charles 180G.
Sir John Ibmsdcn, E_ql'" of Ostc]'. Legh, Esqr.
RHt" hut di"r\~. p. ley, IIlla don. ()f of Alliinf-(.
11 Sept., li85. Panl ,Jodl'ell, ton, ou,
gS(I\·. ; ob.1808. 1818.

ThOJ~\as Ur.ynolds Moreton,1th Lonl Dllcio, of 'l'ortworth, cfOllted Earl of Ducic :m,l Daron :\!ordo:l, of'l'ort\\'orth, ill 1837, WllOSIl
grandsoll, Henry John Ucynohls. Morc.ton, is tho 3n\ILiIl\ p\'C.~rllt E.trl of Dl1ril',

-. .. - ,,~~ '_'.' ...~~, ..... ~.-,~ •. "",.'''' ..... 0"' .... '__ "._,,,,,,,, __ "" .--.•. '~.""" .. ~,', __'~~._"'"
r""""""""~~'=""".T.'''-.' '~""-="r~""'''"~''''"'~~-'''''''''''''~'N~,,,"''',,-,,~.,_ . .._ . __ '"'''...... ''-'~..>h .....','.
"'~. ~~==_."""'~\~~·lJ;."''''"'''!'9-~,~"f'~~_,,~~:''~:=-''''-~;~-<;:.-.,'' '<' ..-"'-...".'....-~?!"~7·'·"--'::::;-::,-:::..;::;,"''''-;'''i~~'f-t;,~~~~~~'~~:l~1tti
·, _ ~. - :.;_,-;,:•.::-1-

Arms llrel'ious]y to ] 768, nrg. Oil a

chevroll Az., 3 creseub, or. PImIGREm OF 1I0DGli:l'1'S, 01" SHu·rEND.
COllllnnnicated by tJ\e Rev. John Hodgson
l".~.A,. Viear of Killver.
'l'homas l-Iodgetts, of Cor bins J-Iall,=Joyce
Jc~sql\i(lr, 14 02.

,--- 'l'homins.
John Hodgetts, of ShllWlld, 11]
Par. of Killgswinfol'd =
, - ._-------
. 1
JOhllI-~Odg~~~I~l~ (~. o~_~V~~liilm Wyl'ioy, of Haml.ilvolth. William -,-,-,~"
5 drs_
John Hodgotts, of Shutondf!![al"Y ,
,~---------- -
'l'homas Hodgetts= Dorothy
Jolm Hodgetts, of ShlltellJ, =Mary, d. or WillLtm Haw-
Hving 1609. I
worth, bllrie(I 1607.
S a 1l1l1cl,
Willialll, 1 dr.
-,1 dr.
1------------- ------- '- --------- -.. - - ,-~In
John Ilodg~tts,
dicrl 1630.
ofShutend,=Uarg .
I (I. of Hev. Wch. Pastoll, Hector of King-
swi!dol'd and Prob. of Liehiohl, d. 1675.
Benjamin, 3 dr.'}.

Johu Ho<igetts, 01 Shulcnd, b.

d. 1652 1015, =/ Elizth. d. of Humph. Grcswoltl, , ---_._, -"

,----- -------------
ofYar,ltc)" d. 1090.
-------- . 1623. I
NichoL'l.s, b..= I!:li7. th. 3 drs.

fohn Hodgctt.~,of Ashwoofl Ihid~e=/lIanllah, (\. of Goo. Dague, of Brct. i \- --- . 'I
and aftcr ..... lu\\sofShtttendi b.1650. toll, PM_ of KingMinfd., d. 171:1. 1 cir. J o In 2 drs.

.. .~
, - - - - - - - - --------1 ,-, r
1. Jolm HOllgllttS=1 Uary, dan. of 2. George Hallillth l',\tilmce, wlkof It.iolll\'\1 'l'hc()tL~.;ia, b.
3. R~v. 'l'ho~. I-IoJgetts,=AllllC, d. of SaolUel
of Shntc'nd, John Bl',Il11ett, l':liznuelh Keeling, b. IG35, \lUI', 16SD, wife of 1.1. 1079, rl. l740, Smith, citizen or
Esq., b. 1617, b.1673, (1.I761. ~[aI'Y at l';lltingha'll, ;Bd HoI'. William Rector of Kingswin_ London.
d. 1723. SoptClnbJL', 1710. !Io"koth. fvrJ. & Vicar of Prees.
I -
John llOd-=----I-ullry' (\.
~ I
11ilI)IHtll, wifa J:U;{l, wirc 'rho'i.
Ilu,Jg.\tt~, 0: -- n,na,
Allno,l\iod Margarot,d. Elizabeth,=, Rev. Sam1.
getts, of nncleoh. wirll at' Hev. 01' Jel\:nniah ofllobcl't Ashwu<}IL r~O\lgil, ltVillg 20 !llay, 13 April, died 16 Nott, of
Shutenu, of \\'lll. \VlIt. Fox, A,hhmbl'ooke, 1I0lloy- in tho l'.Il'l~h of 11~dJ. 176G, s.p. 1735,8.p. Allgllst, \\'Ol"ccstor
Esq., h. lknlly;
1607, d.11692.
Vicar of
bmthel' of
Dcrm AthlCI\-
bumI'. KiLlgswinrol'll,
gonL., d. ~ p.
1771. !
1741. I iii. 1729, ,\. lJl"ooko. :l7th !lIaroh,

C- - \ -- - -
JOIlIlHOdgett~,ol"'E1i.?;'lbeth_ d. & h.
}.['IJ'gtll"ct, Willialllllo 19ctt~, --,C.llhl·linc,
-- - I
Hcw. JOS'lt'li-'--I"::\br y , "'
------__ ~L
I , I
of H,)\bc,ICh ;\1,,1 (\. of Hcv. ~ho]\\lls Nott, SitlnUCI-=,. .Tohn Nott
of SilutclHl alltl 01 Willialll Foley, (\iell s. p. Jlolll'ybol"llo, horn of Stratford- Nolt, of I-lotwells;
jllra 1(.'CQris of ot l'l'(~stll"ooJ,C0. 1753. Uompton, E~ 1., J lIhn At- View of Pal- 1723_ on.Avon,Snr_ died Bristol,M.D.
l)re~twoOd,J':Rq.1 8Ial1'unl,- EH\l"., bunl 17:!9. w(1oll, Vic. tinghal\\.
! geoll. Will 1802.
! 1802.
b. 1735, d. HoD.
-- - .... ---,
HOIl. J<:dward Folr,y, h. 17-17 ,-"'-,J':lil'.,\ 1bria Foley
, -, -- I
\Villialll, John lIO(lg.~tts'~I-Eli;\.Ibdh Ho-
,~----- -

01· Andr..;w
ltcv. Georgo l''re(\crick Cil!w'lotto
m:u·. ht, La<l)' .\.llllC Coven-I lIo(IWtts, oLlly I\. s.p. (\rUothl'1"sh~y, lleybonHl,b.
11,)', (Ian. orucol"!--,:o William, I chil'L.; lll,wrichl '1'JlOlIlpsull. (d. 23. ES1l., h. 17li9, 1773, (lilal
Nott, lil'illg 1BH.
Earl of Co\'clltl'y,frmn wholll
110 was divorcell i d. 13113.
17DO ; 2lJ11 wife. (lic(llSOO. 1340. j
I ,
1. Ed.~·lln\ 'l'h()]\IMl Foley, of Stoke 2 ,Tolin llo,lgettl; IIodgetts Folp.y, or-I Chrlllottc, danglttOl' HChlj'lluclrCi Jll, /-l';UIlHlL 'l'heollosia,
l~t\ith, Co. HCl' ..Jo!·ll, l~sllr., hom 1'ICit\\ood, E~llr., \\ho nsgu\llcIl of Jobn Cbge, of :ES(J" b. 1702 i only child, bol'll
1791, JllfW. Emily UI".\haln,
the 1,amIJ of IIodg<'tts herOlo that 1 It°ci alo Lodge, d. 1877. 1 1800, livillgl831.
uie11184G, s.p. of Folc}', dletl 1861, horn liB7 J':sql
-- - - - 1------------
1l0d~el1:; F{llcy,'~11011.J;(\\e1<'mllcr~AlllHJ, dallghter
Heurv John \\'('.lllW<lI·til TIllV. John IIodgson 1<'.8 A./ h.=Emily, dan. Mill coho orR.. S.
b. iS28, IIOW (1881) of l'r(~:;twu,-,,\, 1~~11r. of Richanl, Lonl Vivian, d. 18~8, ViCIH' of Kinvcl' nlHl M. Sewell, E~q! I\nd wHlow
1860. ltnrl\l DNIIl, 1381. of Amblosc HiCkle)', Esq.


----.,-- ---.- --._-, .-,- ~

~ "'--". ~-~--." --.'.'~'-~~'.

----'-~-' ....... ~N ___ .~ ___ ._~-= _____~ . . ~._,~,~___..........,~,...,.,
,I' ~:,


brother Francis succeeded as third lord. His son, ThoID:'lS, fOUl'th I
lord, was created Earl of Ducie and Baron Moreton, of TortwOlth, a
title now held by his grandson, Renry ,John Reynolds Moreton,
third Earl of Ducie.
It is d"oubtful whether this branch of the Moretons succeeded to
the lands in Blymhil1, nor am I able to trace the Moreton interest
therein beyond the time of Adam Moreton, who clied in Hi15.
There was an estate in Blymhill and Brineton which may
possibly have been the same with that which was formerly held by
the Moretons, but which r am unable to trace back further than
1754, when Thomas Hodgetts, gent., occurs as a landed proprietor
in Brineton. He was probably the purchaser of this estate.
By will, dated 1st February, 1763, Thomas Rodgetts, of Ash-
wood Lodge, Co. Stafford, gent., bequeaths all those his messuages
or tenements, farms, lands, and premises, situated in the parish of
BlymhiU, with all the rights :1ud appurtenances thereto belonging,
to his nephew Thomas N ott, and the heirs male of his body, and for
lack of such issue to his nephew Samuel Nott, and the heirs male
of his body, 'with remainder' to his nephew, John Nott, and the heirs
male of his body, with remainder to the heirs female of the bodies of
hi.s said three nephews respectively, and for default to MaTiaKettleby,
his wife's daughter, and her heirs and assigns for ever. He
mentions his wife Maria Hodgetts, his sister EJizabeth, wife of
S"UTIuel Nott, clerke, and his brothers [-in-law], Johu Keelinge, and
Samuel N ott; and he gives a sum of
£5 to be distributed among
the Foor of Stitchley and BlymhilL'
l Bradford Evidences. Thi$ Thomas Hodgetts was tbe son of the Rev. Thomas
Hodgetts, Rectur of Swiuforu Regis by hi.s wife Anne, danghter of Samnel Smith,
citizen of London, as appears by his father's monument in the Church of King's Swin-
ford, Co. Stafford, which is thus described by Mr. Shaw, in his History of Stafford-
shire (Vol. II , p. 232) :-" On the south side of the wall of the chancel (plain neat
white marble),-To the memory of H.ev. Thomas HOJgbttS, liLA., Rector of this
Parish 33 years; :1.n exemplary pattern of aU good works; sober, just, holy, tem- r
perate, whose many amiable and Christian virtues wen deserve :1 more distinct
enumeration, did not his singular modesty and humility seem absolutely to forbid it.
In cOllsciousneSSOl a well-spent life, in sure and certain hope of a blessed resurrection, l
he departed hence February 16th, 1740-41, in. the 62ud year of his age. He was the
younger son of John Hodgetts, gent., of Shuttend, and m3.nied A.nne, daughter of
Samuel Smith, citizen of London; by whom he had issue, Anne, Margarett,
Elizabeth, and Thomas. Margarett died. unmarried, A.pril17th, 1735 ; Thomas died
without issue, March 27th., 1765; Anne died. without issue, May 20th., 1766; and
. Elizabeth died August 16th, 1771. She married Rev. Samuel Nott, of Wurcester, by
whom she had issue, Thomas, Samuel, and John. In testimony of her dutiful affec-
tion and esteem for the best of fa.thers, this monument was erected by her express
order and direction."

In 1771, Thomas Nott, of Stratford-upon-Avon, Co. Warwick,

surgeon and apothecary, was in possession of this estate; and by
In 1284, the daughter O~:~h:e~a~;\;:~rh~:~~~f~r~~;~ob!~;
moiety of the Manor was d d· 1')91 the third turn to present
his will. dated lIth February, 1802, he gave his lands in BlymhiU herson· to whom waS awar e ,m .., , h· t h e
and Brineton to his brother John N ott, of Holwells, Bristol, Doctor I R
t of the Church of Blymhill I suppose 1m. 0 av
to t 1e ec ory ., ' cr de P chford who sat as a Juror on
of Physic, and his assigns, with remainder to his nephew, George been the same WIt~ ~~e Rooer Y 12561. His grandmother's
Frederick N ott, the son of his brother Samuel, deceased. He the vVenlock InqmsItIOn of JanuarY'ld be ~ufficient to account for
mentions his niece, Oharlotte Nott, and makes his brother, John cot
interest at Broseley and Arlet .wou And althoucrh his mother's
Nott, and his nephew, the Rev. George Frederick Nott, his his summons to serve on sue 1 a Jury. o~nO'er son there
executors. This estate Wfl.S sold by George Frederick N ott, about
the year 1841, to the Earl of Bradford.
share of Broseley seems tOt~:;~~:s~:~er:~t
h:: Irles~ot
and West
is some reaSOR to suppose d his descendants.
Bradley devolved upon her .elderf~~~t~witness to a deed without
. PICHFORD'S SHARE. Roger de pychford occurs a~ O'h de Weston, Knight, jointly
It has been .hown that au the death of John Bagot, about the da~~ o~.Be~~~:tded:ui'~i:~I:;: ~~o John
Giffard, of Chilynton,
year 1223-4, one-fourth part of the Manor of Blymhill came to the W1. 1r II'" hide Moreton Walter de Moreton, Thomas de
Pichfords, and of this share Richard de Pichford was lord in 1255. Kmghts, _:.LlC ae ... ''2

Whether he was the husband or the son of the coheiress of John Engleton, anV:~:~::;~m;l!~:~'d de Pichitford are third and
Bagot I cannot say with certainty; but, supposing her to have been Roger .de IC a deed without date of Henry de Wyfnereston
the third daughter,' it is more likely that the Richard de Pichford fourth WltdnesBsels to 11Ull J' ointly with Sir Bertram de Burgo, Sir
of 1255 was the husband than the son of the Blymhill coheiress. toHamo e umen , d d d
Hunh de Weston, Robert de Brunton, Roger Bagot e ea em an
o .,
See VoL I., pp. 294, 295. Pichford is named fourth in 1255, but in 1291 Roger
Rooer de Brunton. . 9 Ed II (1308 9)
de Pichford has the third turn awarded to him to present to the church, from which o er d P' chford will have been dead m.... w.. -,
I infer that he represented the third daughter and coheir. By deed, without date, RogR Se . Y urne 1 W de Gloucester, and Milo de Rodeberwe are
Johanna, relict of Richard de Picbforde, in her lawful widowhood and free power, when . plg , . . .. h· ch John son of
gives for the hen.1th of her soul and that of the aforesaid Richard, her late husband,
. ted to .j-ake an assize of novel dtSse~z~n w 1 ,
appom 0 . t TI" h r d son of Roaer de
in free and perpetual alms, to the Abbot and Convent of Byldw:ts, the whole Eichard de Brunton, arraIgns agallls ..r:-~lC a , . . t::>nh Ie
land of Caldenhyll, with a certain parcel beyand Mesbrooke, towards Caldenhyll, by Picheford and others, concerning tenements III Dllme a
the field . . . . Abbot and Convent of Buildwas; to wbich are witnesses
William de Yppestane and Ralph de Conwaye (Stafford MS., Cartulary f. 152, (Blumenhale.)' M t th V- <tin
" abrigged from Lane at Blymell.") If this were the wi.dow of the fust Richard de On the Sunday next before the feast of S~. argar: e lTo '
Pichford of Blymhill and coheiress of John Bagot, we shall thus get the names of all
the four Blymhill coheiresses (see Vol. L, p. 293), and in that case Elizabeth will
have been the wife of William de Ipstones. In 1292-3, Richard, son of Richard de .
7 Ed II (July 15th 1313), Richard de PlCheford glves to. John
lord I ~tones, all his part of the land which he has III the
fPt·h said John in Birtheneshales In Blumenhull, together
Pychejord, gives half a merk to have a writ of "recordari" (22 Edw. L, m. 17 Salt's ·vIvary 0 e . d 2
·MS.), and as this occurs in Staffordshire it is probable that he was of the Blymhill with the third part which his mother had ill ower.
family-a younger son, perhaps, or grandson, of the .first Richard de Pychford, of Richard de Picheford occurs in 8 Ed w. II. as first J uror ~~ an
Blymhill. In speaking of Coven's share it has been llhewn that Geoffrey de Pic7iford . . ·tion ad q'l~od damnum at Penkrrdge i~ ill 9 E~w. . as
was joint lord of Broseley, Co. Salop, in 1262, where he seems to have bought up mqUls1 d d f Thomas de la Hyde in Blymhill;' III 11 Edw.
all or most of the Coven share of that Manor. As he is the only member of the Wltnesstoa ee 0 ' d d tN t·~ as
family we meet with at Broseley it is not improbable that he may have inherited a d d f John Bacrot of Breynton, ate a ewpor J
share of it from Margery, the wife of Jobn Bagot, and though he was afterwards a II. to a ee dO eds of the ~me John Bagot in the 12th and 13th of
person of considerable importance, as Scelleschal of all the forests of Salop, in 1271, also to othe~ e. a , d. 14 Ed. II. he is one of the Jurors at
,and Constable of Windsor Castle in 1283, he may, perhaps, have been a younger the same reIgn 1 an ill
brother of Roger de, of Blymhill, wbo was joint lord of that vill in 1284. ---(---t-d-in-J,.-nc-of Shropshire, VoL II., p. 28
Geoffrey de Pycheford died about 1299 (Eyton's Ant. of Shropshire, Vol II., p. 1. Assize Roll memb. 12 rec~ 1 a;I qu~ ; t
4: Edw II m. 16 in dorso (Salt's
31),.and was succeeded at Broseley by ,his son Richard, who sol~ all his land there in note.) 2 & :l Hnntb:l.Che M~S' VA
MSS.). 116 & 1 HuntbaC'he
i Ii
., o. •
s& ~ OrigiDal deeds,
p<:M3 Earl of Bradford.
November, 1312.


Stafford where his name follows those of Robert Ie Champion and Gyfford, John de Weston, ,J Ohll de Swynnerton, Knights, Roger de
John de Morton and precedes those of John de Whyston R b t Quyoteshay, .John de Brunton, Henry de Ie Rob'., Henry son of
e Ula· tes
hayand others, I .,oer
William de W olaston, and others. 1
The next Pychford deed that I meet with, in point of chrono- In the octaves of St. Martin, 5 Edw. III. (Nov. 18th, 1331), was
lO~lC~1 order, IS on~ ~ated at .Blumenhull, on the day of Holy a final concord at Westminster, between Roger, son of Roger de
Tnmty (June 14) 1021, by whICh Thomas, son of Richard [read Pvcheford de Blumenhull and Alianor his wife, complainants, and
Roger] de Pycheford concedes and quit claims to Rorrer son of William de Chilynton, chaplain, deforciant, concerning one mes-
~oger _de Pycheford, for himself and his heirs for e;er,' all his suage, 2 carucates of land, 12 acres of meadow, 12 acres of wood,
rIght In all the lands and tenements which the said Roaer his and £4 lOs. rent in Blumenhull, whereof was plea of convention:
(grantor's) father, had or could have by reversion of d~w~r in Roger acknowledged the said premises to belong to deforciant as of
Blumenhull, in the county of Stafford, with the advowson of the the gift of Rogel', and for this acknowledgment deforciant granted
church there, Pycheford, Adelscote (Arlescot), and West Bradelev, to complainants the said premises to hold to complainants of the
In the county of Salop, to which are witnesses Ralph de Buttel~r, chief lord of the fee by the services appertaining, and if Roger die
John de Weston, John de I pstones, Knights, Adam de Morton, without lleirs the said premises after decease of complainants shall
WIlliam de Wolseleye, Robert de Quyoteshay, and others' This remain: to Roger, son of John dePycheford ~ de Blumenhullandhis
deed, which I take to be a quitclaim from Thomas, son of Rogel' heirs; in default to Roger, son of Richard de Ovyoteshay, junr.,
de Pychford, to Roger his elder brother, of all his riaht to and his heirs; in default to Robel't, son of Peter de J oneston, and
any sl:are o! his .father's lands, is especially interesting ~s pre- his heirs; in default to Roger, son of William de Ie Burgh, and his
sumptlve eVIdence that the Pychfords of Blymhill, who appear to heirs; and if the said Roger, son of William, die without heirs the
have mhented a share of the Burwardesley estates at Arlescot and said premises shall remain to the right heirs of Roger, son of Roger. 3
West Bradeley (near Wenlock), were related to the Pychfords of In the octaves of St. Hilary, 7 Eclw: III. (.Jan. 20, 1334), was a
Pychford and Albnghton, and still retained an interest in the final concord at York, between i,Villiam de J oneston and Beatrice
paternal estate at Pychford. his wife, by John de Wyverston, attorney for Beatrice, complainants,
I suppose the Richard de Pychford, who occurs from 2 to 14, and Robert de ,Joneston, deforciant, concerning Oile messauge, one
Rdw. II., to have been succeeded at Blymhill by his brother Roger, carucate of land, eight acres of meadow, four acres of wood, and
who, by deed wlthout date, gIves to William, son of Richard de 12s. Gd. rent in Blemenhull, and concerning the advowson of
Chylynton, chaplain, all his messuage and all his lands and tene~ the church of the same town, whereof was plea of convention;
ments, rents an~ servi~es, with all their appurtenances, which he William acknowledged the said premises and advowson to belong
has, ~r had by nght of mheritance in Blurnenhull after the decease to deforciant as of the gift of William, and for this acknowledg-
of RIChard de Pycheford, late his brother, together with the fourth ment deforciant granted to complainants the said premises and
p~rt of the ad:rowson of the c~urch of the said vill, and together advowson to hold to complainants and their heirs of the chief all fealtIes, homages, rehefs, wardships, marriages, escheats, lords of the fee by the services appertaining, aod if complainants
SUlts of cou~t: of all his t~nements of" Blumenhull, and, moreover, die without heirs of their body, the said premises and advowson
all commodItIes and profits, and the services of the afore::;aid shall remain to the right heirs of the said William. '"
te~ants. a~d of ~heir tenants whatsoever, to have and to hold to the I am unable to show the connection between Pycheford and
~ald WIlliam, hIS heirs and assigns for ever of t,he chief lord of that l Stafford MS., Cartulary. 2 John de Picheford was wounded by J aml::s de
fee by the accustomed services; to which are witnesses John Stafford in or about the year 1324, during the notorious quarrel between Thomas de
Drarupton and William de Ipstoncs concerning the church of Eyton (church Eaton),
1 Inq. ad quod damn~m 1~ Ed. II., No. 137. Z Stafford MSS., CartUlary f. 512b in which most of the neighbouring knights and gentry were engaged on one side
penes Lord Bagot. . .. th, ~
It IS eVIdent that there is some error ,....... . t 0 f t h·e
oJ.anscnp or the other. John de Picheford W:lS engaged on the Ipstones side. He died at
b d
a ove eed m the Stafford MS., from which I have taken it for th t· h Stafford six da.ys afterwards. 3 Ped. Fin. 5 Edw. III. 4, Ped. Fin. 7 Edw. III.,
-, to -"h· If . . ,egranorlst ere
m""-le CI2..I.L lIDSe -son ofB~rd, and ifterwards to speak of Roger as his father. No. wanting.

J Qllestell; but if this last transaction was a bona fide one and this
the Pichfurd share of the advowson, it must have reverted shortly
afterwards to the Pichfords, for in 13 Edw. III. (1339) Roger de
Pichford gives to Sir John de Weston; Knight, a certain croft, and
the said Roger de Pichford's share of the advowson of the church
of BlemenhulP I take the vendor to have been the same Roger
de Pichford before mentioned. But in 23 Edw. III. (1349), I find
Hoger, son ('/ John de Pichford, as second witness, after Sir John
de Weston, to an Ipstones deed in Blymhill,' after which, from
1350 to 1377 inclusive, Roger de Pichford occurs as a frequent
witness to deeds in Blymhill and Weston. a ii-,
In 7 Ric. II. (1383.4) Roger Pichford is first juror at an inquest

ad quod damnurntaken at Weston;4 and at the inquest post mortem I: -- I

of Sir John Buttetourt, Knight, taken at Stafford, April 12, 1386, g '" "
he is 7th juror. s The generations of the Pichfords were unusually .", .,;
long ones, but I account for this by the supposition that the
younger sons, who eventually succeeded to the estates, will not
• 00
have married so early as an h~ir app~rent would have done. ,;
This last Roger died in 1397. The inquest, whdch was taken at

Staffurd, on Thursday next after the Nativity of John the Baptist,
5 Hen. IV. June 26, 1404), stated that Roger de Pycheford held
o '0" - - -
" '".'

0 ~

no lands or tenements in the county of Stafford of the late Ring
Richard II. ?:n capite, either in demesne or in service, at the time
of his death, but he held in demesne as of fee conjointly with
"e "=
Hawise his wife, who was still living, a fourth part of the manor
of Blymhill, with the appurtenances, in the county of Stafford, of



Edmund, the brother and heir of William, late Earl of Stafford,
who was under age and mthe custody of the said King Richard,
, :§:§
.'0 E

by Knight's service, which said fourth part of the manor is of the


" "~~
annual value of £4. He held no other lands 01' tenements of the 00 :-;:::.
~s ]-
said Earl or of anyone else on the day of hds death. The said
Roger died on the Monday next before the feast of the Purification ~S
£ ~


1 Huntbacbe MS., Vol. II. It is sti:l.ted in Loxdale's MS. in the Salt Library that I iO:;:; 0
in 12 Edw. III. Roger Pichford grants his share of .the -manor and turn in the
0 "" 0 11
au.vowson to John de "Weston, Rnt., which ever since has passed with the manor
of Weston through the Pcshalls, Mittons, Harpsfelds, and Wilbrahams, an9. is now
'" .,

the Earl of Bradford's; but the writer is mistaken about Pichford's of the ~
manor, which is unquestionably the same as that which was bought long after~ards
by John Mitton, of Weston, from the Lord Stafford. 2 & 2 Huntbache MS., VoL II.
In 36 Edw. III., 1362, there was a Roger de Pychford, who states a.t the proving of
the age of AJice,. daughter of John de Bromley, at Blymhill, that his father Richard
was buried at Eccleshall in 1347 (Inq. 36 Edw. III., N9. 138, pt. 1). -I; Inq. 7 Ric. IL,
No. 92. L Inq. p.m. 9 Ric. II., No.4..


of St. Mary, 20 Ric. II. (January 29, 1397.) William is his son
and heir, and 30 years of age and more. The aforesaid Hawise
has occupied the said lands and tenements since the said Roger's

death, and received the profit; thereof.!'

It would seem that the cro\v"'ll was not sat.isfied with this verdict,
for nearly two years afterwards the King's precept was issued to
William Stokeley, the King's escheator for the county of Stafford,.
to hold another inquest. The jury, which sat at Penkridge, on the
Thursday after the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist, 7 Hen. IV.
(Oct. 22nd, 1405), corroborated the former verdict as to the holding
of the I.ands, and found that Roger de Pycheford had been enfeoffed
conjointly with Hawise his wife, who is yet surviving, by the gift
and feoffment of William Huwet, vicar of the church of Shirefliales,
and Roger de Aston, parson of the church of Weston-up.der-Leseyerd,
b·y the name of " al}. the lands and tenements, rents, services, and
reversions, with all their appurtenances in Blymenhull and
I Bruynton," to hold to the said Roger and Hawise and the heir~ of
their bodies begotten between them. The said Roger died on the

Monday next after the feast of the Purification of St. Mary, 20
Ric. II. (Feb. 5th, 1397). The fourth part of the said manor. was
nQ\Y valued at laOs.; the age of the heir was still given as 30 and
I more, and the -widow Hawise was still in possession. 2
By deed, dated at Blymhill, on the Monday next after the feast

of the Blessed Mary, 5 Hen. IV. (Aug. 12th, 1404), William, son
of Roger de Pycheford, gives to Richard Balle, parson of the church
of Blumhull, William Lee, William Buuton, Thomas Horde, and
Richard Bronde, all his lands, tenements, rents, and services, with
I their appurtenanl!es, which he has in the lordship of Blumhnll, and
. which were formerly those of ::R.oger de Pychford his father, to have
and to hold to them, their heirs and assigns for ever of the chief
lords of the fee by the accustomed services; to which are witnesses
Adam de Peshale, Robert ffraunceys, Knights, James de Morton,-
Michael de Morton, Thomas Welaston, John Stanley, junior, and
William Pycheford occurs as witness to a deed of Adam de
::{ Peshale, in Weston, in 7 Hen. IV. (1405-6), after which I meet
with his name no more, and.1 think that he must have died Soon

1 Iu8o. 5 Hen. IV., No. 16. 2 lug.. 7 Hen. IV., No. 12. It will be observed that

there is a discrepancy between this and the former inquisition, as: to the date
of Roger Pichford's death. The earlier one is more likely to be correct. ~ St:l.fford
MS., Cartulary, f. 151.

afterwards, leaving an only danghter, Isabella, who became the wife 4' of Stafford, concede to William Homfreyston, of Homfreyston, all the
of William de Walton, of "Walton Grange. lands and tenements, rents and services, with all their appurten-
By deed, dated at Blynienhull on the Friday next after the feast ances which they haye within the lordship of Blymmhill, together
of St. Leonard, 3 Hen. V. (Nov. 8th;' 1413), William Lee, William ".-ith the advo\yson of the church of the same vill, which same lands
Ballton and Richard Brande (the surviving trustees) conceded to and tenements, rents and sen"ices, with all their appurtenances,
William de \Valtan, of ,Valton Grange, and Isabella, his wife, all together with the advowson of the aforesaid church, they lately had
their lands, tenements, rents, and services ".vhich they had of the of the nift and feoffment of the aforesaill \Villiam Humfrereston, to
gift and feoffment of William Pychford, father of the said Isabella, have a~d to holel to the said \Villiam Homireycstoll, for the term
within the lordship of Blymenhull, together ,yith the advowson of of his life, of the chief lords of that fee by the accustomed ser\'iccs,
the church of the same viU, to have and to hold to the said William and after the decease of the Slid "\Villiam Homfreye~ton they \vill
and habella, and their heirs lawfully begotten between them, of that all the said lands and tenements, rents and services, with their
the chief lords of that fee by the accustomed services, and if it appurtenances, together \vith the advo\"\son of the aforesaid chur~h,
should happen that the said William and Isabella should die with- shall remain to the Lord Humfrey, Earl of Stafford, his heirs anu
out heirs lawfully begotten between them, then all the said lands, . assigns for ever, to be held of the chief lords of that fee by the aC-
&c., should remain to the right heirs of the said Isab~lla for ever.' customed services; to which are witnesses Richard Lone, Richard
Isabella appears to have died without issue, when the lands passed Selman, Robert Swynnerton, Thomas de "Valton, Simon Gedynton,
to her aunt, the daughter o! Roger de Pychford and sister of and others. 1
William. This lady married \Villiam Humfreston, of Humfreston, By a memorandum, in the same 11:8., \ye are informed that the
but died without surviving issue, having previously given birth to manor, lanus, :;lnd tenements in Blymhill, ,,,hich had formerly
her first child who died shortly afterwards. Her husband,William belonned
to \ViUi:lm Humfreston, came to the same Humfrey, then
Humfreston, claimed to hold her lands by the courtesy of England Dul:e of Buckingham, after the deathofthe said"\Viliiam Humfreston,
(I suppose for term of life), but his claim was opposed by one which occurred all the Vigil of the Conception of the Blessed1iary,
\:Villiam Smyth, who laid claim to the inheritance as cousin and ;"15 Hen. VI. (Dec. 7th, 1456), as fully appears by a '\niting of the
heir of the said Roger Pychford. The lands were thereupon taken time of the said Duke.
into the hands of Humfrey, Earl of Stafford, as chief lord of the fee, Before going on to speak of the Staffords, \yho thus became

who seems to have settled the controversy by making over the dis- de fa.cto lords of one-fourth of the manor of Blymhill, I will say
puted bnds to vVilliam Humfreston for life, with remainder to the \vhat little more I have to say of the heirs, or asserted heirs, of tbe
Earl himself ancl his heirs. Pichfords. It appears that many years afterwards the heir of the
So, at leflst, I gather from a deed, which is preserved among the .said \VilJiam Smyth pe(;itioned the then Lord Stafford to n.cknow-
Stafford MSS.' By this deed, which is dated at Blymhill, OIl the Mon- ledo-e
his ri<rht
to the above-mentioned lands, with resJ:.lect to ,yl1ich
day next after the feast of St. George the Martyr, 12 Hen. VI. (April there is the following memorandum in the Stafford MS. ~ :-" The
26th, 1434), William Mondon, Humfrey Cotes, and Thomas Barbour, tytle of Thomas Shelley, \vhich he doth pretend to serten lands in
Bylme and Brynton, in the Countie of Stafford, now in the posses-
1 S~;l.fford US., Cartulary f, 152. It is remarkable that the ~dvov;son of the sion of the Lord Stafford: ffirst the sayd Thomas sayth .that oil
church should have been inserted into this grant, thongh it was not included
in the feoffment of \Villi.:lm Pychford to the above trustees. The Pychford share of Roger Pycheford was seased of the said lands in ffee and had issue
the adyowson had been sold by Roger de Pychford, in 1339, to Sir John de "\Veston, a d9ughter, which doughter waS maryed to Oil Will Humfreyson,
knigbt, and bis heirs, with whom it has ever since remained; but the insertion of which doughter, upon the birthe of her furst chyld, dyed and the
this clause will probably have given rise to the dispute which arose abont the
patronage in 1424. This dispute was eventually settled in favour of the heir of
child also. After whose deth her seyd husband clarned to hold
De 'Weston, but the advowson continued to be inserted in the deeds by which this the lands by the courtesie of Englortd; and Of11Villill. Smytb, grett
e0Taunfas to the seid Thomns,
_ _ _ _ _clamecl to h8.V8 the sayd lands us
property passed to HUmfl'eston and Stafford, though I do not find that any "actual _ ~._~~

claim was ever afterwards made to a right of presentation to the church. ~ Cartulary,
fQ. 1$0, 1 Stn.fford MS., Cartulary, fo. 150. 2 Cartulary, f. 152.


l 89
cosyn and heir to the seyd Roger Pycheford; upon which varyans
Holderness." He was created Duke of Buckingham :23 Hen. VI.,
Duke Humfrey, the Duke of Buck' bevn N lord '.nd M' to b tl 1
l ' " ~ . 0 1 1 1444, and ill 25 Hen. VI., being so nearly allied to the throne, he
t 18 seyd parties for to erase th.e sayc1 varyans betwyxt his sayd
had precedence given to him of all Dukes, excepting those of the
s~rvants seased the sayd lands III to hys owne hands; and before
blood. royal. He married Ann, uaughter of Ralph Neville, first
hIS grace had mayd <111 order therein the sayel Duke Was slavn at
Earl of Westmorland, and ,,'as slain on July 10th, 1460, fighting
the Battel of NOlthampton, syns the which tvme the savel D' aj.'
· Ilave kept the same."
. h ell'S ~ J ~S for King Henry VI., at the battle of Northampton, where he was
buried in the :110nastery of the Grey Friers.l
Tn the following memorandum, which is taken from the same His Son Humfrev, Earl of Stafford, K.G., was slain at .the battle
source, the claimant is called «Stedman."
of St. Albans, 22nd :May, 1455, fighting for King Henry VI., in the
"The esseot (smt) of Stedman's Byll.
lifetime of his fathE:.r. He married Lady Ivfargaret Beaufort,
Willm. Chilyngtou, preyst, seased &c. & gave the same to Roaer dau()'hter and coheir of Edmund, Duke of Somerset, by whom he
Pycheford & Elynor hy8 wyf, & to the heirs of their ij bodysb_ left a son, Henry, successor to his grandfather.
then to Roger Pychford, the yonger, and to the heyrs of hys bod~e. Henry de Stafford, K.G., second Duke of Buckingham, being
Roger Pycheford and Elynor died without issue. left a minar, was, together with his brother Humfrey, committed by
Roger Pychford, the yonger, Kin" Ed ward IV. to the custody of Ann, Duchess of Exeter, the
Kin~'so sister, who had five hundred marks a year assigned to her
Willffi. Humfreson= J~se John Smyth =
for their maintenance.
This noblemari was little heard of during the remainder of King
11-------1 Edward IV.'s reign; but being a supporter of the pretensions of
Wylm. Smyth, brought a suit"agenst Humfreson. P~charcl III. and f:,"1'eatly instrumental in elevating him to the
throne, he was by that Prince made a Knight of the Garter and
Raf. Smyth Constable of England, besides being promised possession of the
great inheritance of the Bohuns, Earls of Hereford, to which ~e
asserted a right. Soon after this, however, whether through
disappointment at the breach of this promise or from some other
more conscientious motive, he entered into a conspiracy to place
Md. that Stedman sayth that Willm. Smyth brouNht a suit

the Earl of Richmond upon the throne and to unite the houses of
a'genst Willni Humfreson, which Smyth & Humfres;n put the York and Lancaster by the marriage of tha~ Earl with the eldest
matter ynto Duke Humfrey's hands, which Duke seysed the sayd dau"hter
o of the late KinN0 Edward IV. For this purpose he took
lands ynto hys owne hanels, and so helel hytt & no otherwyse as he up arms, but being unsupported by the Courtenays and his other
associates, he found himself alone, and h<1ving raised his standar~
. This Humfreyde Stafford, Duke of Buckingham, who thus be. 1
at bis C..,tle of Brecknock, on the 18th of October; 1483, he im-
ca~e one of the Jomt demesne lords of Blymhill, was the son and
hell' of Edmund, Earl of Stafford, who was killed at the battle of
mediately advanced towards Worcester, but at Weobley his progr-ess
\'las arrested by unusual fl.oods, and h~ was kept so long at this
Shrewsbury (July 21st, 1403) on the Lancastrian side, by his wife, place that his Welsh followers, disc:ouraged by the tidings of the
Lady Ann Plantagenet, only surviving daughter and heir of Thomas
1 Erdeswiek, p. 148. At the inquisitions taken after the deaths of Hugh, Thomas
of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester. He was made Count of the Pro- and Edmund Earls of Stafford in 10 Ric. 11., 16 Ric.IL, and 4 Hen. IV. respectively,
vmcc of Perc~e in France in 8 Hen. V., and "is described as a person no mention ~ made of lauds held in derne.,ne in Blymhill or Brineton but only such
,.:", of ¥reat magmficence.· .In. an indenture of 22 Hen. VI. he is styled as were held under them by the tenants in fee. At t~at which was ta.keD, however,
"the right mighty prince Humfry, Earl of Buckin;bam Here after the death of Humfrey, Duke of Buckingham, in 38, 39 Hen. yr., it is stated
ford, Stafford, Northampton, and Perche, Lord of Br~ckno'ck and
that he held a "fourth part of the manor of Blymhill," besides the two knight's fees
in Blymhill and Brineton, which WaIe held of him by the heixs of John &got


King's preparations and ap}Jl'oac:h, lli::;Lantleu amI ;etnrlled to their

native mountains. The Duke left Weobley in disguise, a fugitive,
and was concealed for a few days in the neighbourhood of Wem, in
Shropshire, by R<1.1ph I3anastre, Esqr.,of Lacon,a former retainer of his
familY,l but he was discovered and an8sted by Sir Thoma!::) 1{ytton,
the Sheriff of Shropshire, a staunch adherent of the house of York,
who carried him to Shre\ysbury, from whence he was sent to Salis-
bury, \vhere he was beheaded in the Market place on Nov. :?nd of
that year,~ without any arraignment or legal trial, and attainted
by Act of Parliament.
His wife was Lady Katherine vVidvile, daughter of Richard, Earl
Rivers, whose sister was Queen to King Edward IV. His younger
son, Henry de Stafford, was created Earl of Wiltshire in 1509, but
died without issue in 1523; and the elder son, Edward de Stafford,
was, in 1 Henry VII., restored to all his father's honours and
estates, and thus became third Duke of Buckingham. This Duke
served the King against the Cornish men, who rebelled in favour of
Perkin Warbeck; and in the 24th of Henry VILobtained several
grants of lands and manors. He was also made Knight of the
Garter and Lord High Constable of England. In 2 Hen. VIII, he
had license to impark a thousand acres of land at his lordship of
Thornbury, in Gloucestershire, and was then in high favour with
the King. But some years afterwards, having offended Cardinal
vVolsey, he was brought to au untimely end through his instru-
mentality. It is said that the offence given by the Duke to the
Cardinal arose in the following manner ;-The Duke liad been
holding a basin for the King on sOllie lJublic occasion, and so soon as
his Majesty had washed his fingers, Wolsey dipped his ,ha!lds in the
water. This was a liberty which appeared to the Duke so deroga-
tory to his own rank and dignity that he flung the contents of the
ewer into the Cal'dinal's shoes; 'who, being highly incensed,
threatened to stick upon the Duke's skirts. This menace was
met by the latter appearing at Court, soon aftenvul'ds, richly dressed
but without any skirts, and when the ICing demanded the cause of
so strange a fashion, he replied that it was intended to prevent the
OW'dinal's design. The Duke, however, was doomed to fall through
domestic treason; fur, having disch~rged one Knevet, his steward,
for oppressing his tenantry, the former steward became an instru-
ment in Wolsey's hands for eff~cting the object he had at heart.
1 He is saiu. by some to been betrayed by Banastre, but there is noioundation

for this statement. ~ Wright'S History of Ludlow, p. 322.

· .. ,..«;..--~

Arm.'!: Or, !l
ch~vron gules.

Edmund do Stafl'ord, 5th l~fl.\'l of Stafford, 1(,G. ; slain at the hattIe of ShreW~blll'Y'=1 [,n.ilr Ann PlantngrHlct, daughter or 'l'hol\la~ of 'Vooilsto"k,
1403. Dltko of G10ltCBstCI'.
1--··· ..... --.-- ------.-..-.------.--. ---.-. ---- -1-- 1
Hllluphrey do Stafford, 6th Kid of Starford, Cl'c~to(l Duke Of=1 L:u1y Ann Nevill, (btt. of 11:11p1l, PhilippJ., Ann, lllar. 1st t'1 J<;,\IIl!\lHt MarUm"/,,
Buckingham, K.G. ; slnin at lhe battle of Norlh:l1nptoll, 1st J~:lrl of Westmoreland. d. 'young. Kid of Mal'r.h; Ilnd, Ztl,lly, to ,Juhu
IOtit July, 1460. Holland, Kll'l of HtUlting,loll.
r ----- I I I I -- ---- ------ -I
Humphroy, R:ul of Sbfrol"t, SO'I=I·Margarot. daughter Sil' Henry Sw.ffont, .John .'Hnfl'ol'tl, Anne, mar.l~t .Tollle, lin\'. bt to (:.'lllicrilhl,
lind hoir ~ppare\lt; slain at the lind colwil' of lll~U"rd, llhl'J.{u·ot, CI'NltiJdgll"lof tn,\nbroyao Willhm,ViscilHnt IlUlITi\~,llo
hatt.lo or St, AUHlns, 2211d !lIllY.
1455, v.p. of Somerset.I
Ellmllllll, Duke COlllltc5sofRich.
11l01l\1. 1I1othm' of
King' Hell I')' VIr.
II'ho,~e oul"
ehill 11;11\\,,\1"(\
\rl,.!·o; allll,
2nrUy, to ~il'
ilo:lllillont; anll, John T.t!.
2rHlly, to Sil' bot, l~ Irl
WilJi.lm Kncvct.. of 81Jl'e1l'~'
dillll.,. p. IHlfl, lL'un, hur,')'.
1--.. - - --,.- ... - -.. --- - - - . ..... . . -1
I onr.\', SIICCCEldo(1 liS gl·,t11dfathol' It~ sccOJHI Duke or BUCkillghltlll'·=-I-cat.herin,,, danghlC1' of R;chnr,.l Willi-iiI, "umphrey tic Starful"d,
IC.G., bolHladod 2nd Novembcll', 1483. J~ar1 Illl'e!'.'!,
1-· .-------.--.----- . - - - - - - - . - - .
Ed\\'[trd do Stafi'orti! rostOl'cti t:l his f:lt!IOl"'S honOt1.I·.Q=1 I.J'ldy A!innol"e Peri:Y, HOlln), StafT',)\'(1, crcated
, ,
and cstll.tos ItS thll"d Dul{(J 01 BllcklUgham, ~CG,; lian. of Henry, garl Ell'i of Wiltshire, glizabcth, lilaI'. to AIl1l11,111:1I.1st to Silo WaIteI'
bcllea(ied 17 .May, 1521, awl artcrwal·tls att.tllltf'd. of .'l'"orthnmborLm,1. lIi')(l l5n, .~. p, H'lbcrt Ratclifl~l, Herbert [{llt., 1\11\1, 211,l1y,
_.- ._.- _. --- -_. Lord Fitzwalt[ll", to Georgc, 1,;1. or fIlltltingdoll
Honry Stafford, only child, Ci'e~tc(l LOl'd St.''ord, ill 1541,
runlo of hi~ body, and l'CiltOlwl in blood, llio(t 1562. to him JI'ld the heil·~:.c"I~ur.~\lia, (Ianghter of Sil' Richard Pail'. K.G., by Mal'gal'l't, Conntes!;
of .~di~hul')', daughter awl hoirlJlI,~ of Geol'go, DukIJ of Clarence.

____._.. _ _ _ _ _ _ ~. ______.___ ,.._1_~ , , I
Rtl.lV~l"d Stafforll, second Baron Stnffor,t; sold t11O=1 Mary, da\lghtor Hir,h:I1'll Stllfl'orll=1 ~rar.\', dati, of John Waltol" Dorothy, mal', I';lizaueth,
osta.tco I1t BlymhiU j dietl 1603, of E,\warJ, C"rh\Jt, IlIHllIistcr tl. s.l', to SirWi11iam 111, to Sir
KU't of Derhy. of Goorgn Corbel, Slalrorll, of Willinm
of Cowlosmol'e, (1l"lfLoll, Kilt. Nedll,of
twar Loe, in tlw CheLsey,
Cuullt.y of Ralo\!. !Cnt.
,-----~ .. ~--- .. -...-----. -1n I
E(lwill'il Stnffor(l, Thir(l=1 Isabel, dan. of Ur~llla, mal'. to W,lHcl' UO;{Ilt' Slan'ol'd, UUi'll :It Milpaq ahout 1572, ,;'U:'l\ wltQ m,uTio,l It join('ll', hau II.
B:U'Oll; ob. 1625. ']'ho. Forster, El'.t('swick, j';o;'II', who nllsllcc'\~if\lll.Y d.timeti thll B:U'OIl,I', >1)11 who waq!1 cllbhlcl" living at
offl'ongt~, OQ, Dorothy, IIIH. to crl'ak(l in 15J7; ,!i(~,t lUlll\'\l', about 1610, :\CW[)UI·t, Co. Salop, ill 1631.
Salop. Gel'vlJis.orCha,lq,tcl(,

Eitw~~-~~~-!'\l, S~;\-:l~'~oil' npp!H·IJUt., hom ill 1600; IIbl v. "''IAuuc, Illmght(H' of .Jamo.~ WilforJ, gS'll"., of N el\'nh~lI\ Hall, Un. l';s!;ox.
------... ... _-,
Hel~ry St'lffor(l, Sllce,>ode,l hi~ gr,tllltfdhor f\~ fOllrth [I,1]\)1\ SLllr),',1 ~IH'r, wife of William HOlVard, K. n., yOl\ngo\' SOil of Thoma,;, Klfl of Arult·
of that Cl"c:ttioll ; diett 11337, illj. (d. II. p. ~ld, which William and :-''.\' I IOI\'<l\"tl Wlll"il Cl'(};tt>'d Bal'o11 ana l1uouess of
StanoI'd in 164.0; froll\ whom tho prosent Baron Staffo!"l} is ~lcsc(11ll1(l(1.

_··_· __·_ ·.
_~._~o .= "'~f' -> ;""-',j.""""~~""""""'''';;'';''''-'''''~~O/~'';:''''''_''='#>''''f',",~i'''f-;- ~,_"""*" """""""''''!.:.!:"i:!
Knevet declared that the Duke had contemplated the assassination of
of the King in order that he might ascend the throne as next heir, if
his :M~ajesty should die without issue j and upon this frivolous infor-
mation he was anaigr..ed at Westminster before Thomas, Duke of
Norfolk, who sat as Lord High Steward of England for the occasion.
Buckingham pleaded his own cause, and sustained the character of
an able and accomplished advocate, but to no purpose. He was
pronoun'ced guilty and sentenced to death; in pursuance of which
sentence he was beheaded on Tower Hill on May 17th, 1521, and
afterwards attainted by Act of Parliament, when all his titles and
.j estates were forfeited to the crown. It is said that when the
Emperor Charles V. heard of his execution, he exclaimed, "a
butcher's dog 'has killed the finest buck in England." By his wife,
Lady Eleanor Percy, daughter ot Henry, fourth Earl of N orth-
umberland., the Duke had issue an only son, Henry Stafford, who
married Ursula, daughter of Sir Richard Pole, K.G., by },1argaret
Plantagenet, Countess of Salisbury, daughter and heir of George,
Duke of Clarence, brother to King Edward IV.
By letters patent, dated 20th Dec. 14 Hen. VIIl, 1522, the King
restored to Henry de Staftord a SID all portion of his father's
lands, namely, Norton in the Moors, Tillington, Eyton, Church
Eaton, Wood Eaton, Darlaston, Dodington, Packington, Blymhill,
the manor and baronial Castle of Stafford, and all the lands ill
Forehridge, Darlaston, Holdich, Newcastle, Bradwell, Bbutall,
Barlaston, Tattenshall, Bradley, Dunston, Copenhall, Cookslaud,
Burston, and Rical'scote; to be held by him and Ursula his wife
and the heirs of their two bodies, all knight's fees excepted (so that
the chief seigneury of Blymhill was hencefol·th vested in the crown).
In the first year of Edw. VI. (1547), he was made Baron Stafford,
and by Act of Parliament in that ye-ar it was enacted II that the
said Henry, Lord Stafford, and the heirs male of his body coming,
IDay be taken and reputed as Lord Stafford with a seat and voice
in Parliament as a Baron; a~d further that t4e said Henry be
Testored in blood as son and heir of :Edward, late Duke of Buck-
ingham," &0. 1 This Henry, LOrd Stafford, wr,s a man of learning
and accomplishments, and was the compiler of the greater portion
of the Stafford MSS., from which we have frequently quoted. He
died in 1562, leaving an elder son, Edward, and other children.
Edward, second Lord Stafford of this creation, succeeded to the
limited estates of his father, but lost or squandered all his
:I: Nicholas's Synopsis of. the Peerage.


patri:nony, wiGh the exception of Stafford and Forebridcr
malT,led Mary, dauryhter of Edward Eo.! f D b "e.. He It bas been stated that the Pichford fourth part of tbe Manor of
160" B l' h" , I a er y and dIed in Blymhill, together with the lands belonging to it, 'were valued at
u.. y um t at fourth part of the manor of Bl·r:rhill 'th
lands lU lllymhill Brockhurst dB' . J , WI the £4 in 1404 and at £5 in 1405, whereas that fourth part which was
. '1 . ' , au l'lIleton whICh were 1'e t d
to Inm 1.s parcel of his father's estates, Were ~old in January sl~~e9 purchased from Lord Stafford by John Mytton in 1583 was only
as las :~n state,d on a previous page, to John .11vttan of We~' u, valued at 20s., and held for a 40ch part of a knight's fee. I
under Llzmrd, WIth whose 11eirs thev sf 11 . "', ton suppose, therefore, that the Pichfords had parted with the greater
Th . 'I I . " 1 remam. part of their lands before their fourth part of the manor came into
e rurw ler llstOry of the Staffords is . d _
Lord Stafford, was succeeded in the title absa h' one.! Th,s Edward, the hands of the Duke of Buckingham. This might account for
whos ' d H Y IS on y son Edward some oE the smaller estates which were afterwards held in Blymhill
. e gl'an son, enry the fourth lord d' d d '. '
when th B ' , Ie un er arye m 1637· or Brineton, and which had no share of the manor or advQ\yson
, e -m'ony, beinO' limited to the he" l f H a. ,
Baron Stafford in 1547 devolv d R 11'S met e 0 enry, created attached to them. It is possible that some part of the PichfoI'd
youuO'er son of tll .'d H e ~pon :t,oger, son and heir of Richard, lands were held by the family of Jonestone, who seem to have
Rich:rd had die: Sal endry, iirst Baron Stafford.' His father, had an interest at BlYD?-hill in 1333 (though this may have been
.' poor, an Roger, the undoubted 1 '
tatlve of the princely Dukes of B k' rrl rna e replesen- only as trustees), and who ·appear to have been in some way con-
English Ro 0.1 fami .. uc . l!lo lam and descendant of the nected with the Pichfords. It' is not unlikely that the Skrymsher
befriended ~y one o~y;hde~r~~d by hIS fathe~'s great relations but estate was a portion of that which had been formerly held by the
his mother was d e all let.s of S~1tOpSlllre, from Wllic1l family Pichfords. ,
escen d ee, aId claIm to the Baron But h' Of these Skrymshers, who had many estates in this part of Staf-
poverty overcame every effort to obtain hi '0'1 .Y·. IS
eventually submitted t th y' . S Tl;:, It. HIS clmm Was fordshire, l~rc1eswick says that most or all of their lands were
TIorrer Stafford havi 0 e 'l..lTIg, who decided "that the said purchased in the time' of King Henry VIII. by Thomas Skrimshire,
St~if 1 ' ng no part of the inheritance of the said. Lord a protollotary of the Common Pleas, which Thomas had issue John
ore, nor any other lands or means who t "
resiO"nation of all cla- d' 1 a soever, should make a and Thomas. To Thomas he gave his towns in Staffordshire and
'"=' Ims an tIt e to the said B f S .Ci' d lands in Herefordshire, W orcestershire, and Shropshire, to the value
his Majesty to dispos f h . aronyo taHor for
order the said Harre a S~S fD e ~llould ~ee ~t. In obedience to which of a convenient gentleman's living .;1 and John, the eldest son, had
the 7th December "1~~'9 ~'dor , by hIS deed enrolled, bearing date Norbury, Mere, Aqua!ate, and other lands, of which those of
the said Barony of St .Jffi' ; g~8.nt and surrender unto his Majesty Blymhill probably formed a part. I find that this John Skrimsher,
or Es'l'., in 12 Eliz. (1569-70) died seized of Mere, Aqualate,
Lord Stafford Arte a h h' an the honour, name. and dignity of
. r w IC S1..UTeIlder the Kiner b t t d t d Norbury, and, amollgst other estates, of two messuages, with the
12th Sept. 1640, created Sir Willian: "' y pa en ae
appurtenances in Brynton, In the parish of Blymhill, and one
Stafford, his wile, the sister and sale Howard, K.G., and Mary
(who died in l697) B d ' heIr of Henry, fourth Baron messnage, with the appurtenances in Blymhill aforesaid. John
tue heirs male o~ the- arbond~n Baro?ess Stafford, with remainder to Skrimsher, junior, his eldest SOll, had died without issue before the
IT 0 les, on faIlure of will h t th h' inqllisition was held, and a certain Thomas Skrimsher, brother of
their bodies with Sll h I ' c 0 e elrs of
brot er H' c p ace Or precedence as was held by h John the younger, is the nearest heir. ~ The wife of John
enry; Lord Stafford.1 a '. er
'. Mary, his wife, the riGhtful hei~ nd from th,S Su William and Skriinsher, the father, was Dorothy, daughter of Sir John Talbot
Lord Stafford is desc:nded. of the anCIent barony, the present of Grafton, Knight,3 by whom he had, besides the elder son
John, who is not mentioned in the Herald's pedigree, the above-
Roger Stafford, the last heir male of tb
rendered his title to the crown d' d e S~ffords, who thus sur- named Thomas, who succeeded him at Aqualate, Blymhill, &c.,
a sister Jane who'became the ~;e ufnmarned .about 164.D,le.aving 1 Erdeswick's Stafl:. "pp. 172·3. Among these Staffordshire tenemep.ts was John·
, vv.u.e 0 a man ill 1umbI . ston Ho.ll, in the parish of Eccleshall, which may possibly have been acquired with
stances at New'"Port in Shropshire. e ClTcum- other lands from the J onestones of Blymhill ; but this is a mere surmise unsup-
1 Burke's Donnant anu. Extinct PO;:frag<'. portecl by any evidence whatever. Z Jnq., 14 Eliz., No. 138. a Glover's Visitation
of Staft, ao. 1583 CHarl. MSS., 6128).

. . ' the W vlferstan MS.,
James, '\-vho had Xoruury, \yith the Purk and High Offiey, and From l~el~pl;t:g~e~n~l"\~~~;l~lary, the last wife of 1'.'

Richard. 1 in the SnIt Librar) as ta or , <Thter of Thomas :Fowke, of

TllOmas Skrimsher, of Aqualate, Esqr., the son of J ohu, died in Walter Skritnshire, or Orslo w , was a dau~C'?,1 I >. t n -J8th Dec
or about 38 Eliz. (1595-6). The inquisition states that he held,
, -'h
Bre,Yooli, E.s~" ~ e ,\as ap
1614, and bamel there, 18th A~nl, 169 ,.
- b t"- ed at . lurc t £oa a -
? He seems to have had
.·f vho was buried
among other lanus, two messuages, with the appurtenances, in
Brinetoll, in the parish of Blymhill, and one messuage with the no issue by her; Lnt uy 1LU':;~I~~t, Ins. fO~~:l:i:H ):J~g,ree, stated to
appurtenances in Blymhill aforesaid. He had settled these estates at Church Eaton 10th Dec., llJJ.), hHe IS, 1
·1 ten, Marv anlla 1, a
S'1.1'ah as before
' ,
upon himself for life, without impeachment of waste, and after his have llad t 1lTee daug, 1 ., •. , .' '1' h E' t 1 on 15th
. I 1 }I was baptlzed at C Hue a 01
death to the use of Marth:l his wife for term of life ·in recompence mentioned,o W lOIn ary _ . ';:"9 and Silrah :is saiu is
of jointure, then to the use of John Skrimsher, his third son and S t 1653 and Hannah on "tit Apnl, 15". " . ] ' . l' d
elJ·' J 1661 The pedi(l"ree IS Tat leI' lUvO \·e
have been born on 16th n n e , ' . d to 'V'{alter
his heirs, with remainder to James Skrimsher, his second son, with ' . l' 1 t'-, t Hannah was marne
remainder to his own right heirs. He had settled property at but it seemS to he llnp lel E 11a 1Stl Oct 1678. "\Valter SkI'im-
Graynhonger and £fenton, in like manner upon James his second Jennings, Hectvr of Chur:h at , ] 1Eoto~; on 15th JulY, 1702.
. h f t] ,-as bunec.l. at Ch ure 1 <0. , ' .

sou, with remainder to John his third, and Thomas his eldest, sons slure, tea ler, ;<; b' ther of \Valter ,vus of
Sk ' .] ire the youn<Ter IO '
in successiOll.~ The said ThomaR Skrimsher, senior (son of John), Richard -nlll::; 1 , " <?" d' h' 40th veal' at
. tl County of .:sta.ftord, au III IS "
married, :first, Alice daughter of James Starkey, of Darley, co. Cest., Brocton Grange'.,.~ll. l~ . 1663 ~ He married Elizabeth, daughter
by whom he had his elder sons, Sir Th.omas Skrimsher, of Aqualate, the date of the v lSltatlOn m dl··~ C Stafford by whom he had, at
Knight, and James, who died unmarried. He married, secondly, of Francis Comb,:~f~rd,.of Bra_ e), °Wa1ter 'then in the second
Martha daughter of Brian Fowler, of St. Thomas's Abbey, near the time of the \- ISltatlOll, tl" °dsod : llis infancv) and John. H.e
. (who probab y Ie 111 • ' . 1
Stafford, by whom he had his third son, John Skrimsher, of Orslow, year 0 f 1us age F .. s the sallie I supp'ose, ,vlt 1
afterwards had another son, ranC1S, ,
wbo inheTited the estate at Blymhill and Brineton, and a fourth .. . 01 . 'll'j'e , clerk of 1708.
son, Brian, to whom his father gave lands in Whitmore, but who hallc1s ~ mms 1 .' J. II (1688) between
By indenture tripartite of 1~, Nov., -±. a~~nt' of· the' first part,
died unmarried.::
John Skrimsher, of Orslow, gent., who also succeeded to the Walter Skrilllsher, of Orslo]w, C~ S;:;~~~~:d 0 Es~;., and John Coates,
Edwin Sknm~her, of Aqua ate, o. d' t and John Skrim-
property at Graynhonger, was in the 70th year of his age, April 6, Salop Esqr of the secon par,
1663. He married Jane, daughter of vValter Littleton, of Bednall, of Woo d co tt, Co. , "f R' 1_ -d Sl-rirusher of Forton, Co.
d heir apparent a leilal ~, f
co. Stafford,younger brother to "old Sir Edward Littlbton, of Pillaton s1ler, son an ] b tl . the said Vi alter SkriIllsher, 0
ff d t nd on y ro ler to .d
Hall, co. Stafford, Knight," by whom he had two sons and two" Sta o~ , gen ., all " d \Vr Iter for the love that he bears to the sal
daughters, namely, Walter, Richard, Jane, and Elianor, of whom ~~~l~~l~!dP:::\~iS\~:l said'tJoh~'s ~r~ferment
in the h W;~:'o:~:iV~~
Jane, the eldest daughter, was married to Thomas Broadhurst, of enable him to settle a competent Jomture upon su:. . to
Lillesha.ll, co. Salop, and EUanor to Francis Pigot, younger brother e said John shall lawfully espouse, l:pes
of Thomas Pigot, of Chetwyna, co. Salop, Esqr. as 1Ie th h' ~ essua(l"es or teue-
Skrirnsher and J aIm Coates all those IS I~~ ~or tll; use of the 04,
Walter Skrimsher, of Orslow, gent., the elder son, was returned as ments in Orslow, with the appul'tenances, ,
being in his 48th year, April 6, 1663, the date of the last Herald's said John Skrimshire.
Visitation. He married, for his first wife, Margaret, daughter of -- .. -T-h-,-,-,m-,-o':-::S:-h-:i-m-,l:-,':-:re, of Brocton Grange, under
Muchell, of Somerford, co. Stafford, by whom he had, at 1 Ant. Fowke, of Gnnston. • d' t d in DU"da.le's Visitation of 6

the-time of the said Visitation, three daughters, (1), Mary, then in which title the Skrimsh~res of Orslow dar: h es:.:al~on l"ampa~lt or within a bl;ordu~e
April, 1563, are there gl~en as ~~:e:: thrcte !oths or flies. :> Mr. Harwood, in h1S
her 10th year, (2), Hannah, and (3), Sarah, whose ages are not ; 2nd and 3ni, a. cheHon be that l{ichard Skrimiiher (the youDger
given in the Visitation pedigree. _ __ . . Ed·.k (p 171 note) says _,
---'0_'---_ edltlOll of r esWlC . '. ' F rton. in 1704, had issue John, of Or&oW,
brother of Walter), whfOF"rt bun~~:d pO'?US Earl of Bra.dford.
1..Ibid. . and Erdeswick's Staffordshire. ~ lnq. 3S Eliz., No.. 87. ~ Dugdale's a.nd RiJ;h,a:rd, Rector 0 '0 on.
Visitation of Staffordshire, a.t the College of .Arm1\..

I imagine that J 011U Skrimsher married his first wife about this
time, and had by her three sons, Charles, born ill 1698, James and
. Thomas, and four daughters, Jane, Elizabeth, Susan, and Ann,l every
one of whom must have died before 23rd January, 172·2.
He seems to have lived at Stafford at Oile time, and afterwards to
have moved to Shrewsbury, where he acted as eler}.;: oftIle peace for
the County of Salop.'
In 1707, as John Skrimsher, of Shrewsbury, gent., he suffered a
. recovery of his estate at Orslow,3 and on 2nd Dec., 1709, a settle-
ment \vas made in consequence of a marriage then to be had
between the same John Skrimsher and Elizabeth, only daughter of
John Fawnes, of Orslow Hall, Esqr.'. A deed of Jan. 23rd, 1722,
made after the death of the said Elizabeth, late wife of J oh11
Skrimsher, recites the intent of the above-mentioned marriage ... :c:
settlement, whereby, amongst other things, it was provided that if
the said John Skrimsher, should die without issue male by his said
wife, and should leave one or more daughters by her, trustees should
raise £1,500 out of the settled estates for the said daughter or
daughters j the remainder is with his brother Francis Skrimsher
and his heirs male, and power of revocation is reserved. The said
JolIn Skrimsher had at this time only one son and two daughters
living, namely, John, Jane, ant? Mary, all by his said wife Elizabeth.
It is IlOW provided that in case his son John should die without issue
male, and either of his two daughters or their issue should then be
living, truste8s shall raise £1,500 for them, and in case he and his
son should both die without issue male, they should raise another
£1,000 for· his daughters; the remainder to the said Francis
Skrimsher for life, with l"emainder to Richard Skrimshire, eldest
son of Francis, and his heirs male of the body, with like remainder
to the second and other sons of the said P.lchard, with remainder to
the right heirs of the said John Skrimsher. ~
On June 11th, 1737, the said John Skrimsher, now describing
himself as of the town of Shrewsbury, gent., makes his will. He ... :
1 Pedigree in one of the Hadfield ~lSS. in the Salt Library. The latter portion of
this pedigree appears to have been added to that given in Dugdale's Staffordshire
Visitation of 1664. He is descriued as John, son of Richard Skrimsher, of Brocton,
and was then apparently of Stafford; and though he is here erroneously said to have
died 2nd Feb., 1721, <lged 60 (which would have been near about his age at that
time), I have no reason to doubt the rest of the facts recorded, and I have ad-
ditional reasons for believing that he had another wife before he married Elizabeth
Fownes. ~ MS. Pedigree formerly in the pOMiession of the late Mr. Joseph Morris,
of Shrewsbury. a Deed ptne.! Earl of Bradford. 4. & ~ Deeds pt'MS Earl of Bradford.
'T~:-': '~ ~,-' ;,' _.<_i:,-,._. __~,~~·-~'·

Arms: 1st find 4th gules, a lion l'alllllant or

withill a bordure I'nil'; 21l(1 and 3l'11 n chevron PEDIGUEE OF SKHIilLSHUR O\~ ORSLOW .
. , between 3 Jlloths or flie.~ ..

Thomas Skrim~he1', protonotary or the Common PIons temp. Hen. VIII.

John Skrimshrr, of Ar(lllliatlllln(i Norbnry, E~q., son and heir. ob 1'2 Ji:liz.=Dol'othydanghter of Sir
seized of t\\'o ll10,snages with tho nppmtollllnees in Brineton alld olle John 'J'albor, of ClraftJlJ,
messuage with the appurtenances ill Blymhill . Knt.
I 'l'holllHSkrilllShel',ofJohJl-
stolle I-mil ill the parish of
.- - - - - 1 ~~~- - --r- --- 1
1 •
John SlmmslH'l', Alico,tlnu.ofJamcs= rhomasSlnilllShel'jof Aqun-=Jfartha j daughter of Briall J;11l1e'$ SkrilllsllCl', of N orblll'j' RiclHI1'll
son ami heir ob. Starkey,of Darley, jlato, Esq., son and lwil' II~oWJerj o~ St. 'l'!lom;\S' Ahb?y, awl High OH1tly, Esrj. l')itl'illlsil!'I'
12-14 Eliz. s.p. co. Cost. 1st wile, nfterthedenth(lfhi~hrother ncnrStafiord, Esq. 2udwlft>,
, John, ob. 37 EHz.
I-·····------~I .. ~- I -~-~ ---.---- ------. · - - - - 1
Sir 'fhomllS SkrimsllCl', James Skrimshel' of John ,Skdmsher, of Orslow, co. Staff. =Jr.1W, daughter of Walter Littleton of Bri.11l Skri1l1sher,.J tit
of Arlllfilate, co. Stan: GraVllHhanger, 2url gent. 3rt! SOil, who also h.1.d hi8i Belin'lll, eo. t-Hall'. yoallg'Jr. brothel' of SOli (liell ulllllal·l'il~d.
Knight; Il CjllO Skrim· 8011; ob. s.p, faUter's lands at Blymhillj W/. 70 Sir Ellw,ml LHt.teion j of J'lllnlim, co. '
shol' of Aqua/ate. an, 6 April, 1663. I Stan: Kni;,:hf.
r--·· -- - - - - · · - - - - - - · · - 1 - - - · -
L W~dtel' Skl'imsllOl', of =
01'810\\', gellt..SOJl.~nd heir; /)
(et. 43, 13 April, 1663
Uargarr.t, dnu. of.,
.HudlCll of ~l)mel'fOl'a, co. llrocton Grange, co, Staff,
Stn(f. 1st wlfll; buried ut gent., (Ct. 40, 6th Api'll,
RiehM'll Skrinmher, of ~"'" lWZ;lbeth, dan. of I. J:llW, wifo of 'l'homas
Franei~ Cu:nb~l'­ Bro ullJllt'.~t of LilIes-
ford, of Bndlt,.y, hall, ClJ. 1),1101'.
2. Elianor,
wif,! of FJ'atleL~
Pi"ot YOl1tl"er
(married 2nulv Mary, IJall. Ohurch K\ton 10Dce.1663-. 1663; die,i 20t \ Augu'lt, co. SLaW
bl'gth~!l' of C>
] 704, naml 85; bl1l'ierl at
of 'l'homas FOlI'kc, E8q.)
hurif'J at Church Eaton
Oct, 1702,
181 Forlon." I '1'1108. Pigoi,
of Chctwynd.


- 1
I 1 .. , , ,=2. John Skrimshel'j =Elizll.\;etil,
Franci., f,krill)-= ~\[al'y, dan. of Hobert
nat" wife of
1. Mary,
hl'lllt. 15
llapt. 5th
bol'l1 lG
1. WllltH'
1st wife ofOr,,>low,gcnt.,who d. of John
.~uccccdclllllsoto t110 Fowncs, of
I sIHlr,clerk, not Curbdt, of Allbright
lll!'IlVl. in Visit·. Hn~~".y, 00, Salop ,gsfj.,
• . . Onion
110t monti!. ill
Vis. of 1663.
Sep.lOS3 Alll-.165f1, .Tuno, {Ct, 2, Oth
pl'ollerty lit Brine-I Or"lolV, of1603;indlld. marricil [l~ Fortoll, 28
eet,10, () 1661. Apr., 1063. ton lind Blylnhill; ES'll·.,2ntl clltothol:eet- !lIay, 1703; buried'24
April, Probably Clcrk of the Peace wife; ab. oryofForto1l7 Jnly,li'2t
died young
1663. fOl: S,110p; .1Ilarrietl, 11710. Oct.~ It>fl7, hU'
tlunllr, DlaW\ .. , at l'urtoll, 19
~i lob, 1737. Sep., 1727. 1
Charles Jano
hne, bnp~, nt Eliz!h. Anne
I 11 r
Marr, wife 1. Hiellal'tl
1 - - ' - T - - T - - · · I - - 1 ·--1
2. Waltcr, 3 Chalics, 4,Flanc!s, [i.Uoht Eltzlh.
Skrim. lWzth. s110t bapt. at ollly snt viVlllg Saint Julian's bap. at ob. info of UlChaHI SklllllS1lf'l bap 1705, bnpl !ZClj v, baptI7.etl baptized hap. 6
sho1', b, S\1S:\1l SMut Chad's, sand h" bnpt. Salop, Sep, 5, Saiut 1IIu\'tha, COl bet, of b'pt 11lh bnlH'l ,It and hm.ed 16 Aug, 8 July, D<'.c.,
HHl8. Ann Slll'c\\'sblU'Y, fI at 81. Chad's, 1710, wife of Ch(uls, ou, inL Shrcwsbnr.Y May,lN!. I.'orton21 0, '1ILlY, 1711. 1717, 1706;
James May,1712;ob. April ]0, 1715; Rich. Davies, Ap.23, Esq.,1743, JnneI71·J 170g. blll\l.
Thomas 1710. admitted and efSlncwshury 1713 ; mid 17G5. Nov.
sworn Bnrgess or Dr. of Physic; inf. ou. 21st,
ShrcwshuryFeb. by w1\Olll S\)I;l 1727.
l~t, 1737 j of hallaU al1 f(htel'
Shl.l'tlepoul, Co. Jane Davies,
Salop, ES'1Uil'o, livillg in 1765

_> . . . ~_. _ _ _ _ " _ . , _ , __ ,

\ \.
_--'-._=--_~'''''''''''~-_-_"''~'_:~': 7.~::;:"=.:::__:::::.__:'::::';:::::;~=~.- ~::-:::-.~ --=-~-- -.":,-"~~:,,,,,-- -. ;'~::;.:::":;-;':':


charges the estates mentioned in the marriage settlement (i.e. the
messuages, &c., in Orslow) with £1,000 for his two daughters, leaves
his freehold messuages and lands in Gravenhanger and in the
. township of Onneley, in the Counties of Stafford and Salop, and his
messuage, lands and tenements in Brockhurst, in the parish of
Blymhill (which last mentioned messnage, &c., are leased to Joseph
Parrack for a term of 99 years, determinable on the death of the
survivor of the said Joseph Parrack and his wife, at a rent of £20),
in trust for 200 years,-:.1s to the messuage"s, lands, and tenements in
Onneley and Gravenhanger, after the determination of the said
term, to his son John Skrirosher and his heirs, and as t.o the mes-
suage lands and tenements in J3rockhurst, after the determination
of the said term to bis two daughters, Jane and Mary and their
heirs; and, whereas, before his marriage with Diana his now wife,

by deed of 20th November, 1722, in consequence of £300 had and
received by him from the said Diana, he demised to heT all his
': 'J
"freehold lands in Onnely and Gravenhanger for 99 years, if she
should so lang live, to secure for her the sum of £30 during her life,
and the lands in Brockhurst are placed in trust for further security
of the said annuity. His trustees are, further to payout of Onnely
and Gravenhanger an annuity of £20 per annum to his sister Mary
Onion for life. Subject to these charges the profits arising from
Onnely and Gravenhanger are to go to his son John Skrimsher, and
. 'I

those from Brockhurst to his daughters Jane and Mary. He gives
his interest in the house in which he now lives at Shrewsbury to
his wife for her life with remainder to his son, John Skrymsher.l.
The said John Skrimsher, of Orslow and Salop, gent., clerk of the
peacefoT the County of Salop, died in 1737, in the 76th year of his
age,' and was buried at St. Chad's Church, Shrewsbury. His wife,
Elizabeth Fownes, who is described in a Shrewsbury pedigree as
his second wife,' died in 1716, in the 31st year of her age, and was
buried at St. Chad's. His last wife, Diana, survived him, but he
appears to have left no children except by his wife Elizabeth
Fownes. Of these, the survivors in 1737 were John SkrymEher, of
Startlepool, and two daughters, J"ane, wife of Richard Davies, of
Shrewsbury, Doctor of Physic, and Mary, afterwards married to
Riuhard Corbet, of Shrewsbury, Esqr.

~ Deeq. pinus Earl of Bradford. :: Pedigree in the MS. of the late Mr. Joseph
Morris, of Shrewsbury. 'l'here" is il slight discrepancy ·oetween the age of Mr. John
Skrimsher as here given and that to be gathered from Dugdale'S Visitation. '1fT.
Joseph Morris's MS. as before.

98 ,
If the messuages and lands at Brineto

Eaton Were still in his son's posses' n'l1Bl} mhlll, and Church whether this was part of that which had been inherited from
Orslow estate in 1743 they will pSlObnbalt It e date of the sale 01 Thomas S1:rymsher, of Aqualate, the protonotary, or whether it
,. ~ ro a v 'ave been t"1 d
mill an earlier settlement. . . en al e upon had been a later purchase from the Blakemores I am unable to
On January 25th, 1739 within tw . _ . determine. This portion has also since been purchased by the Earl
John SkrYIDsher, mOl't(rag~s his land: )te~rs l of Ius father's death, of Bradford from the executors of the late ::\1r. Matthew Parkes, to
for £1)160 / and On 6;t. 24th 11-41 a rs~ow to one Baskerville whom it came in the following manner :-Having been previously
Startlepool, he further mortrra~es (tl ' 88 John Skrymsher, gent., of purchased from Walter Skrymsher, it ,bs sold in 1695 by Thomas
ville for £1,500. ~ " . Ie same estate to Robert Baskel'-
Walter, 01 Blymhill, clerk (Hector of Blymhill from 1668 to 1706),
:r On
October -0 n d, 1"1'-or....0 , J 0 IIn Sk-rymsher of St tl to William Taylor, of the Ivetsey, in the parish 01 Blymhill, yeo-
as'gam mortgages his Orslow estate t~ robe~" 13 k a1 ,e]l)001, gent., man, lor £490, William Taylor (of hetse. Farm), whose will was
eptember 28th 09th lr, '3 b " as erVl l e; au. d on

Robert Baskerville 01 SI'

.J ohn Skrymsher, of Stm"tlepool Co Salo
7 > r llluenture

,u: v
q d' .
np:lltlte between
p, Esq " of the first part
dated .JanUin)', 1699, died seizeu of this est8..te, leaving 11:aTY, his wife,
who w,:ts afterwards married to John Yeomans, of Weston Jones,
Co. Stafford, and the following issue, namely, William (who SllC-
SIlrewsbury Doctor,neWsDury a-Cllt }l' 1 d D ' '
of Ph' d J' 0 " tIC lar aYles, of ceeded him), Francis, John, Samuel, and Sarah.
of Shre,ysb~l"v (Tent of tl ySlC an~ aue his wife, and John Olivers, \Villiam Taylor, jnnior, who married Elizabeth, daughter ot
bury, widow ' (to ,b "
whom 1£ D . '
te seCOna part Ellen W' fi Id f S
mg e ,0 hre»s- Edward Barbour, of Ellerton, Co, Salop, Esg'., by deed of Sept.,
. , ... rs. aYleS's portion of +'-00 1 d
aSSIgned), and Mary Skrymshe f th _0 la been 17J4, conveys the above estate in trust to Samuel Taylor, of Dudley,
third part and OI'la" ndo P, 'd r, 0 e same place, spinster, of the Co, Wigol'll, gent., and EdIVaI'd Barbour, of Blymhill, Esq'" (eldest
, JTl geman of Bl d II C
01 the lourth part, Skrymsher and ;th' ~I we, 0, Salop, Esq'., brother of the said Elizabeth Barbour), to ~he use of the said
Bridgeman the Orslow est t . e~s Se to the saId Orlando vVilliam Tavlor for life, \vith remainder to the said Elizabeth
., ,, a e, conslstlila- of a 't I
. :,; eaII ed Orslow Farm then' th ° capl a messuao-e Barbour for \ife, with remainder to their children, and in default to
th ' ill e tenure of Humpl W bb .0
e lands thereto belono-ino- al 1 1rey e ,wIth his own right heirs.
or late in the tenure at Ri~h~r~o ;~: leT messuage and land, now On 8th August,1746, the Rev d. John Dickenson, (who held a
and sinn-ular houses bnds d 5, carpenter, together with all mortgage on the estate), the said vVilliam Taylor, the elder, and
mea ows &c of the 'd J h S
s1leT in Orslow for the sum of £3 "0":
0 "
sm 0 n _ krYID- \V"illiam Taylor, the younger (son and heir apparent of the said
'f d ' to hold a'"v a peppercorn rent ~
1 emunded. By the deed 01 ,00 I'. \Villiam Taylor, the elder), sold their interest therein to Thomas
.... . enro ment 111 the C tiC]
Iv IS descdbed as all that m " onr 0 lancelT Perkes, of High Onn, gent., his heirs and assigns for ever. By in-
the farm and premises tha~,~rt oIbrelPut~d m.anor of Orslow, with denture of 24th, 25th September, 175-:1:, Thomas Perkes conveyed
H umphrey vVebb and Rich '<1 Po e k
OnO'lO°- 111 tl
° _0' .
le possessIOll of the said lands to Robert Crocket in trust to the use of the said
p' h a1 er es &e .And F b r- "
lIe ard Corbet of Shrewsbury i th' C .

on e. Ith, l74t. Thomas Perkes for life, with remainder to Mary, his wife, daughter
:Mary his wife, ~ne of th~ dan~'hnt e f °r unty o~ Salop, Esqr., and of Robert Croc}.;:et, of Little Gnn, in lieu of dower, with remainder
SIlrews bUly aforesaid deceased oer" r I o
0 ,ohn Sh
l.. yms
h I
er, ate of to the heirs of the body of the said Thomas and Mary, with further
. · . " e ease to rlando B - d E
tell' lllterest in the said estate." n geman, ; sgr., remainder to the heirs and assigns of the said Thomas Perkes for
The Skrymsber estate in Blvmhill and Br' _ ever.
property 01 the Earl of Bradlo;'d b t r meton IS also now the On 18th January, 1803, the estate was in possession of Nlatthew
at what time it Came into 'posses~io n 1 athm ulna~le to show how 01' Parkes, of High Onn, in the 'parish of Church Eaton, gent., eldest
. Ih no eamlly A- 11 and only surviving son and heir of Thomas Parkes, late of the same
tlon 0 t e Skrymsher property in Bl h'll . ~ sma por-
f th h
em, ad been sold by"VVa1te Sk ym 1 and Brockhu' t
IS, or one place, deceased, by 11m-y, his wife, the daughter of . . . Emery,
" • r, rymsher before 1695, but likewise deceased, which said Thumas Parkes was the eldest Son
l & 2 Deeds at Weston. 'I & .. D •• d, t W t '
· a. eSon.Th k and heir of Humphrey Parkes, formerly of the same place, gent.,
was onIy relinquished in Englan~ in 1751. e rec OIling by the old style

1 deceased, by Mary, his wife, the daughter 01 , Sansom,


likewise deceased. The Blymhill portion of the estate then con- ;;;
sisted of two messuages, three gardens, fifteen acres of bnd, ten
acres of meadow and fifteen acres of pasture and common of pasture "'0 00

for all cattle, and common of Turbary, with the appurtenances in .g"
the parish of Blymhill. In J an.1819, Matthew Parkes (who was also' g


possessed of a moiety of the site of the manor of Little Onn, and of .:: 1
other property in that township) made his will, in which he ap-
pointed his ,,,-ife, Anne, his brother-in-law, Edward Collins Wright, -Ec
;!; a !
of Pitsford, Co. Northampton, clerk, and Walter Wright, of

13adenhall Farm, Co. Staffard, gent., his executors, his son, Thomas § .g :3
IVright Parkes, being then a minor. The said will was proved on ~ '"e~':::-
April 2nd, 1822, and the Blymhill property was sold in 1828 to the "' .56
rlarl of Bradford. "~ t

:::: ~

It has been shown that Phelippa, the daughter and coheir of

John Bagot and Margery his wife, was,described as being 30 years
of age and more/ in 1259, at the inquisition taken after the death
of her mother, and as having then been for ten years and more in
possession of three quarters of her mother's third part of the manor
of Ashley, co. Stafford. She does not appear to have inherited any
'"o '0

portion of her mother's shareof Broseley. I take Philippa to have

;;0 ~

been the youngest of the four daughters and coheirs. She was
already married in the year 1255, when her husband Geoffrey de ~ .§

Bromley occurs as joint Lord of Blymhill in her right. The early .3

history of the Bromley family has been inaccurately given by
Erdeswick, Collins ·and ,others, who seem to have derived their.

early information from the' Herald's visitations, and the whole ~~ §

pedigree requires further investigation. I think that· Geoff.rey de i-0 "~
Bromley was not, as usually stated, the son of Walter de Bromley,
but more probably the son of that Sir Benedict de Bromley, who"

~ I
with Geoffrey his son, occurs as witness to a deed of Philip de ~ I
Burwardesley (or Broseley) i.Ja Ashley.' Geoffrey de Bromley "

~ I,,I
lThe age was very frequently understated at the inquisitions wheu the heir was of
full age; so that the assertion as to the age of Phelippa de Bromley must be received ~
with caution. 2 Ant. of Shropshire, "Vol. II., p. 15. The early pedigrees of the
Bromleys almost invariably give Geoffrey de Bromley as the son and heir of au '"


imaginery Walter de Bromley, Lord of Bromley, and 'a 3rd part of Ashley and
~ ~ I
and Broseley, by his wife Ali.ce, daughter and coheir of Wariu de Burwardesley,
L,rd of Broseley and Ashley" B'ut this Alice de Burwardsley was the wife of John :~ o~
de Eyton and'not of Walter de Bromley; and that Brd part of Ashley which was 0_ I 2
5 -~
afterwards held by the Bromleys came to them as heirs of Margery Bagot, the sister .0
~ i.

was in possession of laud in Woningtone in 51 Henry 111.1

The inquisition post mOj·tem was taken at Stafford on the Wed-
llesd~y next after the feast of St. John ante portam 1 Edw.
I. (May 10, 1273). Among other lands he held of the King
in capite the 3n1 part of the vill of Asseleg 'With the appur-
. tenances for the oth part of a scuto at the time when a scuto was
current, where he had in demesne half a virgate of land of the
annual value of lOs. He held of the Bishop of Chester the vill of
, •• 1 Bromleye in soccage for an annual rent of lOs., payable at 4 terms
of the year; and the yin of Wonintone of Robert de Knicbtelegge
in soccage at an annual rent of lOs.; he held also the 4th part of a.
knight's fee in Blumenhulle of the Baron of Stafford by the
service of a fourth part of a knight's fee, where he had in
demesne two virgates of land of the annual value of 20s.,
and he had also in the same vill one plot at the annual
value of 12d., and for pasture every year at Christmas 20 hens
worth ~Od., and he had there the 4th part of a mill worth
annually 28., and of pleas and perquisites 2& Total 28s. and Sd.
(sic). He died on the Monday next after the close of Easter
(April 17), 1373.. Robert was his son and heir and 39 years
of age. ~
On 1 July, 1277, at the muster before the Constable and Earl
Marshall at vVarcester, Robert de Bromley, se1'viens, acknowledge!f
the service of half a knight's fee in Esel (Ashley) to be performed
by himself in expeditions against'Lewellin, Prince of Wales. ~ In
the year 1282 there were two expeditions into vVales, in the first
oE which Robert de Bromlegh and John de Eyton acknowledge the
service of one serviens, to be performed by J ahn de Eytan, with
aketan (coat of mail~) hanbergioll, bacinet and lance, with one
horse; and in the 2nd, Robert de Bromlegh acknowledged the
service of one third of [half 1] a knight's fee in Asseleye to be
performed by himself in the expedition against the Welsh;-
muster at Rhuddlan 2 August, 1282,01, In 1284 Robert de Bromley
occurs as joint Lord of BlYDlh~ll j and in 1291 he has the right
of Alice, which Margery gave the great~r portion of her Srd part to her daughter
Phelippa de Bromley, and the remainder was subsequently bought up by her
1 lug.. ad quotl uamnum,!ll lIen. III. (Salt's MSS.) ~ lng.. 1 Edw. 1. No.7.
~ Pll.rliament:J.ry writs. .. Ibid. at the same time John de Eyton acknowlcuged the
ser\'iec of It. third part of half 0. knight's fce for the thiru. 1mt of the inhc!it.3.nce
whi.;h haJ. b.;on th:J.t of Philip de Burghcworusleye in Asscleye, and docs ::;crvice
for himself.

II ':! ;

'I awarded to him of presenting to the 4th turu of the church thereof, ( THE MANOR AND PARISH OF BLYMHILL. 103

I, He died in 1 Edw, II. The writ of diem clausit extremum Was

dated at Langley 2 December, 1 Edw, II, (1307), and the inquisition
Bromley he occurs as witness to a deed concerning certain
tenements in Wonynton;l and in 19 Edw. II., he appears as Lord
'I was held on 22 December. He held the 3rd part of the manor of of a 3rd part of Assheley, the other two parts whereof were held by
'I Asscheley in capite by the service of one-sixth of a knight's fee Walter de Beysin,' This John son of Robert de Bromley died III
and finding one armed horseman and one horse caparisoned fGr 6 Edw. III., leaving a son and heir, Joh~ de Bromley, and a
eight cbys in the King's army as often So ever as there shall be War younger son ."obert
1:L. The writ of diem
• . •clausl,t extrem'nm was
h dated
ill Wales, and paying to the Lord Fulk Fitzwarin half a mark every u 1 00 6 Eclw. III. and the inqulSltlOn was held at As ley on
year at the feast of St. MichaeL He held also the hamlet of .LUarC:1"" " Id f h k' . a/Mote
April 1 of the same year, 1332. He he 0 t e -mg t:crC:J:'v
Wenintone of Robert de Kerettele (Kniteley), &c" &c" and the t' lands and tenements in Ashley and W olfotebnlee e (no
hamlet of Bromleye of the Bishop of Chester, ' John the son of cer a:n.IS made
mentlOn f the
o manor
, or of any buildings, but. only h off
Robert de Bromley is son and next heir of the said Robert and was rents); and he held the hamlet of Bromley of the BlS op 0
of the age of 27 at the feast of Ascension la:st past. ~ No mention Cl t Neither W onitone or Blymhlll are mentlOned, John hIS
is made in the inquisition of the manor of Blymhill, which may, so~e:~~heir was 27 at the feast of St, Peter ad vincula (August 1)
perhaps, have been settled during ~is life time. Nor is there any
last past.' Hilla' his 'f· 'th
mention of it in any of the subsequent inquisitions taken after the The eldest son, John, Lord of Bromley, and rIa WI. e, :n-
death of his heirs; so that I should have inferred that he had parted John, their son, occur in a deed of 16. Edw. III., but not, ID
with l1is interest therein if it were not for the:incidental mention nection with Blymhill.4. He occurs agaIn as first Wltness. WIth John,
of John de Bromley as a land Owner in Blymhill more than forty son of Sir John de Weston, and others, to a d;ed of S,r John .de
years later. W t K ' rrht ill 19 Ed w, III.' and m 2" Edw, III" he ID-
es on, llle , ' . . d d f Phili
In 2 Edward II.,shortly after the death of his father, we have cidentally occurs as a landowner in B~ymhlll, III a ee 0 p,
John de Bromley and Roger his brother occurring in connection son 0 f m'II'
~'V 1 lam (Ie Ipstones, wherem the ::)arantor conceded da
with certain tenements in vVonytone in Hales. ~ In 4 Edw. II., messuage In
' Blymhill which lav between the land of John e
~ J h d W't J h &
1310, he is one of the seTvientes performing military service for the Bromley and that of John, son of the Lord. 0 n e es on. a n
Abbot of Evesham: muster at Tweedmouth 19 September.' In 9 d E mlev died in the same year, namely, on the Monday next
Edw, II" Thomas de Beysyn, John de Bromley and Thomas de
e ro
after •
the feast of the Assumption 01 the Blesse d M ary, ~,j
9" Ed
Eyton are certified as Lords of the vill of Assheleye, co. Stafford.~ III (August 17, l34g n), leaving HIllana, Ius WIdow, SU~\TlV~ng. ~e
In 10 Edw, II, John, Lord of Bromley, remits to Thomas de hel;l the third part of the manor of Aschleye of the Kmg ~n cap~te
Beysin, Knight, all the Tight which he has by the diruission of (but no messuages or lands in demesne). Here there are five acres
Thomas son of John de Eyton in the manor of Asseleg. e In 13 of meadow, which used to be worth 5s., but now t~ey axe not w~rth
Edw, n, John de Bromley OCCUrs as 7th and last witness to a deed
elated at Burwardesley, whereby Thomas son of John de Eyton
m= tl= 9, .
6d " , on account of. the pestllence;
a year '0 there 15 a
several pasture worth annually 2s., and there 'used to be 3 s. a year
releases to Walter de Beysill the 3rd part of the manor of of rent of assize, and now the~e are only lOs., on acc?:mt of the
Ascheley,' In the following year as John son _of Robert de same pest 1'lence . There are now no pleas'and " perqUlsltes dthere.
He held also the manor of Bromley (WhICh was sImilarly epre-
1 Among the tenants holding under Robert de Bromley in Bromley is one free ciated by the pestilence); he held also a rent of 10', at Wonyngton,
;::::~ !~b,~~ '~~, of ,S:~~h'; ~~~~oI'f'Ro~:~ ~~~t':~:f't: 1,~~n: ;~:. ~,n;~l b the service of 5s. a year, of Robert Knyghtl~ye.. ~~ere IS n.o
2 m. 2 in dorsa (Salt's MSS.) .J. We learn from the Liber Niger that the Abbot paid y t'lOn 0 f Elymhill or Brockhurst . in the InqUlsltlOn. His
all the expenses of his knights and servientes. Hence the service of the rel~oi.ous
houses was much sought after. They were called the stipendiary knights of the P t 14 .Edw. II. m. 5 in dorsn (SnIt's MSS.) ~ Huntbache MS. vol. II. ' Inq.
~ S~lt's HU~,tbache
mODastel'ies (see Thierry's Norman Conquest. ex info Hon. G. Wrottesley). S Parlia. Edw. III. (quoted from Hadfield's MS., inter MSS.) 4 & 6
~S .• Vol. II. C This was the year of the ter:lble pestIlence, known as the
mentary Wl'its. 0 & 7 Huntbacb.e MS., VoL II. Black
death," by which immense numbers were earned off.

dau?hter ~lic~ is his nearest heir; and she was of the 0'
I yeal (I think It should be two and a 1 If age of a half- I, daughter of the said John de Bromlcy, is nearest heir of the said
I Ascension last past' (so th t hi a years) at the feast of the
him). a s son John must have predeceased John de Bromley, and 24 years of age and more.].
If the lands at Blymhill were still in possession of the family
. A subsequent inquisition was held in . at this time, which is probable from the fact that Alice had proved
vutue of the K"' . the followm rr year by
mg S WrIt dated J ul ')O?.i' ::;, , her age tl~ere about ten years previously, they must have been
directed to J olm de Sw;nnerton es~'1- ; - - f Edw. III. (1350), entailed and settled by John de Bromley before his death.
StaiLBord, to enquire Whether Hil!ari~ Wh~ ~:rbee~ t:: .~ounftJY IOf
The following recitation of a deed, which is taken from a Book
de romley, deceased, held an .. WI e 0 0 In of Shropshire Pedigrees at Weston, gives the fullest i.'1formation
husband at the time of his d ~h la~~s conJomtly with her I have met with concerning the heirs of John de Bromley: "JolIn
held conjointly with her dec::sed h e Jury found that she Frodsham espousa Ales fille et heire a John de Bromley, enfeff q:
the hamlet of Brockhurst . . nsband the mOIety of Thomas, Person de Frankton, en fee de 1a manoir de Winningt~n
Lord Stafford, by the serv;c~:r'~~, COUnty of Stafford, .of Ralph, qil person ces donne a John fitz Richard de Frodesham a terme
of the hamlet is a certo;n ill . a ,year, ill whICh saId mOIety
de sa vie, Ie remainder a Thomas ntz Robert de Bromley et
• eSSUa(T8 w bleh .th tl
18 worth 35, 4.1 . and th . '=" , WI e garden thereto Margaret sa femme en Ie tayle, Ie remainder aux droichts heires
~-,i C . 405. a yea~, 'and' there ar:refi~~ aacertain dovecote w,hich is worth Ales Bromley j,dis femme a John Frodsham, et Ie dit Thomas
; ~ i-' 10'. a year, and divers plots f cres of meadow wInch are worth Bromleyet 1-1argaret avoit yssue William qui avoit issue John et
acres, which are worth 68 8d pasture In severalty, containing ten Mal'garet, et [John] mourut sans yssue, Margaret espousa William
held one mess. uarye and hal·f . a year. . The same John and Hillaria . lie..,1<,ll qui avoit issue John (Joan) q espousa Johannem Bromley
o a VIrO'ate m Pode Th
the manor of Bromley, and 26'. b of r . mor. e~ also held militem qui avoit issue Morfe, :Margaret elj Isabell."
no mention of the heir W I ent 1~ ~onynton. There IS Alice, the daughter and heiress of J aIm de Bromley, proved her
Bromleys had retained 'an . e earll. from thl~ ll.lquisitioll that ~he age at Blymhill ou November 1, 36 Edw. III. (1362) .• The maudate
B rockhurst is a portion of InBIerest ill Blymhill
mhill) th rr
t this .
up a . tune (for
which was directed to Philip de Lutteley, the King's escheator for
j of thIS mallor in any of the rh . ' . ~u?h no mentIon IS made the county of Stafford, ordering him to take the proof, was dated
lived upwards of 20 years Oft er :~qUIsltlOns .. The said Hillaria at Westminster, on 17 October, 36 Edw. III.' It states tbat John
after her death Was dated Au:u:~ 10 ~6 ~he wrIt of d. c. e. issued de Froddesham, who has married Alice, daughter and heir of J olm
"TIt specifies tbat she held in do er 'f A~ward III. (1372). The
::1' , de Bromley, deceased, who held of the King in capite, declares the
I John de Bromley The'-
. _t:v a
InqUlsI Ion was 1 Id
'ce, daughter of the said
said Alice to be of full age, and petitions that the la:p.ds and tene-
I Same month; and the jury found that Ie on t e 20th of the ments which are of the inheritance of the same Alice, and in the
messuages and twenty acre f I d ~he so held III dower two wardship of Humfrey de Swynnerton by the King's commission,
'(' Assheley, of the value" of 13~ ~a a~, :th the appurtenances, In may be given up to her, and the King desires that the same Alice
knight's service. It is stat~d th~ s~ she held of the King by should prove her age before the said escheator. At this inquisition
lands or tenements at the d f h e held m dower no other Roger de Pychford, the first witness, who was tben of the age
died July 6th 1379 !\l. a~ er death. The saId Hillaria of 50 and upwards, states that .Alice was born at Bromley, co.
, ~. - lOe, e of John de ffroddesham, and Stafford, on 31 Octoher, 21 Edw. III. (1347j, and baptized in the
church of Eccleshale, which is tbe parish church of Bromley;
]. Inq. ~3 Edw. III., part 1 No 2' 'Th d Stephen de Bromley and Alice de Stodley carried the aforesaid Alice
th t th ,- . -- e ovecote . h
a ere were manorial rights attached to th • or plgeon. onse, proves
excl1ange between John de Beysin . ese
f h lands. In 1353 there was an from the holy font; and she was of the age of fifteen years. on 21
d I ,p:LrsOnotechnrchfAhl
e Au, eley, parson of the chu"ch of H.
·a ~
l O S S e eye and James
awar. yn whe th Ie
October last past; and this he knows because on the same day on
a ore;sal James de Audtlev to the church of A h l ' _ n e l.111g Presente>d the which the said Alice was baptized P~chard his father was buried
f th I d . - ss e.eve III 1-he T"' , .'
(Pa.t. 27 Edw. III. part 3 m. 10) :I
, .
e an and helX of Johll do. Bro 1 y d
e , , E"a
- , ,~
J.l.lllg s gift by reason
, being in the Kin ....'s hand .
w. (1st Nrs.) No. 93. t>
in the same church of Eccleshale.
1 Inq. 46 Edw. III (lst·Nrs.) No. 4. z Inq. 36 Edw. lII., No. 138, pt. 1.
i I',I


This proof of age being taken at Blymhill is the last intimation I .>

I have of ::tny connection of the Bromley family with Blymhill or
Brockhllrst. Their manorial residence was doubtless at Brock-hurst,
where they ure recorded to IJ:J,Yc had a pigeon-house, a privilege
confined to the lord of the 111ilnor.
From the before given s.tatement in French we illay assume that
Alice, wife of John Fl'oddesham, died \vithout issue, and that her o

cousin Thomas, son of Robert de Bromley, becrlmc"11er heir.
Thomas Bromley died in 1419, seized of a third of the manor
·of Ashley, and a third of the advowson or the church there, as
also the manors of Bromley and Wonynton; but thel'e is no
mention of Blymhill. John Bromley is his cousin (i.e., near
relation) and heir, namely, sou of vVilliam, son of the aforesaid
Thomas, and he is fourteen years of ag8 and more. I Margaret,
the wido\v of' Thomas, seems to have likemse died seized of "Z.
Bromley and W onYllton and a third part of AShley.' J olln
Bromley, the grandson and heir of Thomas Bromley, proved his
age in 4 Hen. VI.;3 and in 7 Hen. VI. he died seized of a third
part of AShley, &c. He died without issue, and his sister Margaret,
wife of William Hextall, was his next heir.' i'-'
~ ,

William Hextall, the husband of Margaret, was lord of Millwich ~

and of Hextall, a township in the parish of Seighford, and living '; II-I
in 10 and 22 Hen. VI.' '§ '0 . ",
According to Erdeswick and Huntbache he had issue by the said ,,-
O~ I

Margaret a SOll Humfrey,who died without issue, and two daughters, ~
~ -...; 'I

Joan, who was married to Sir John de Bromley, of Badington, and ",-

r,1argaret, who was married to Richard Petit. 11argatet had, by
her husband, Richard Petit, a son, J ohI! Petit, who had issue -"~ 'I
E .
Richard and Jolm, of Whom, Richard had an only daughter and
heir, who was married to Richard Bowyer, and John Petit had "B~.. I

issue Thomas -I>etit, of Hextall, who had issue Thomas, living in

1596,' from whence came the Petits of Little Aston Hall. Sir
Jolin de Bromley, of Badington, Rnight7 (who was also LOl'd of

lInq. 7 Hen,. V., No.9. :! Inq. 1 Henry VI.,. No. 6:1. ~ Inq. 4 HeD. vr., o ,
No. 54. .. Inq. 7 Hen. YI., No. 2. ~ In an inqUisition of knight's fees, taken at

Stafford, in 10 Hen. VI. (1431·2), William HextaU, of Hextall, gent., is recorded jg

as holding one~third of Ashley for the third part of a knight's fee (Shaw's Stafford- ",,,,
shire). ~ Erdeswick's Ant. of Staff., p. 51. Huntbache MS., Vol. II. -"~
E .
., Chetwynd MS. in Salt's Library, under the title of "Ashley." This Sir John 8:::-
Bromley, of Badington, Co. Cest., Knight, was descended from Richard de Bromley, ".
younger son of that Geoffrey de Bromley, who married the Coheiress of Ashley and -.,:: 0

Blymhill, and brother of Robert de Bromley, of Bromley, Ashley, and BlymhilL In

•• 0._"
- - ---'---,--', - - -~-:...'~:. - --.-,.-~--=---,


l'EDIGUl,;g (n' BRO~[LEY rfABI,B II),

William lIcxtall (sou of 1Iugh (Ic II.), Lord of },lilwich nlhl J[extnll,o==), daughter ,If William, nnd sister and heil'css of John de
living in 22 Hen, VI" IH3·,1. I.
J\l'ollllc)" ~f lIl'omley and Af>lllcy, Co'.. Stn,tron1.
I · . . . . . -·-··---···_··1-· - .
HiI' John Bromley, Knight, of l1lHlingt,oll, CG, Ct\~t, son of 'William, sou=Jallc, dnn. &. coheir
ef Sir John Bromle.y, desc('ndecl. from Richnni, .son of G<,olrrt~y. do \ or William lIextn~1
Droml~y, who Ilu.rned the ('ohOll'e.;9 of John Ihgot, of Dlymlllil j an,t ~Iar~,lI'et llld
Hiehunl Pelit:::--::\Inrgal"ilt, dan, &.
coheir of Will.
IIumphn,y Hex.
tal.l, son nUll
hell'; ab, ~.l'.
Inq. p.m. 1 Hen. VII. wife.
1-- ... ..-... _.. -.-
1 1
Sir 'Yilli.un ~Hllnlcy, of Hooton, '=<\Iarglwct, (hu. Sir ",VIlt..xec<t.=\ Elillheth, Sir ,Ill. ] 1.1r['11I', = :'o[al'gcl''y, Juhn Pelit=
Rnt,., wllo rcmarl"ic<t l1ud left \ !1l1\1 coheir ll.ltn,hnt.,of ll,\ll.,~ of Ittlsh~dl, \ {lUll. & son 11\l{\ \
male i.%lH\ ht wil"'). CJ",lval~h. coheir. Kilt. colwh'. heir,
I---~~~---· ·_····-1 ·--·---1 1--1
1 .
}lctel' (ler.ll\l, co." )Ial'g.ll"ct, Sir llohert ~ red_o-
·. nOl,rl"tJhrpnr'''''I''
,ThOS.llOOl'lI,O\'C'DorothY, ,VIII. Lcigh=Jo~li7.flbcLh, RiChal"d=1 .TOhn=-I-·
SOil {liul hl·ir (I. k h. of

appt, of :3il' hcrUlothcr ingtoll,
Thos. Gcr.H"tI, snperstcs
hlllll, of Sh:tv·
SalOP, Knt.!
II of ]ltHhflll,
of llriltg-
dan. &,
(btl. amI Pelit.

of11ryn, KIlt-. 1 11cl\l'y ob.1556.

oh. v.p.lHU., VIT.
1-- -- j----.
1 .- I 1 .. I 1--- I 1 - -1 -
Sir 'fholl\.1S Ckl",ml, :=.-- ;'.[(1.l'gnret,
of Bryn, Kllight, II ,lau. of
Tho·~. .:l'foJC\Ul:tlll,
=--=AlIll, It.Ut. D01\)tliy, onl.\'ll..~ Fl",uwi9, dal1. &, h. Hy, Leigh,=. .
I ofSirJohll h., mar. l:~, Sit· 11.UtlTiolt '1'h,o. mOl> SOI.l am\ I . , Ii. &, h, Thos, Petlt=.
mar, Riehu. of Hrx-
Lor<l of Bromley
and Ashln', Db.
15 lIell. ,TIII.
I Sir 1<:t1m.
I 'l'albot, Df Anthony h.lIlg;;.
ton, and 2n<Jly,
.~il' mch. E,<:er_
F~rmo\', hSf\l".!
but ob. s.p.
I Dowyc1". talL

tall, Kt.; ob. s. p.


1-·-- 1----
1 .
Sir Tho~. Gcral'll, =JllllC, dan,
Knt., of Bl'YIl'1
E~q\'., Sheriff of Shrol?~hil'o,
6, 28, and 37 EUr..
lt0bcrt NC,Jull:l.m, of Shaving ton, =I"ranccs, dal1. of Sir
liAlwaru Aston, of
'l'ixali, Knt.
Ellwu,l LNg-h, son nnd hcir,
of Rnshall, in 1697,

Sir 'l'lto~,
Gor.\I',1, ~llt.,
who soM Eir nlbcrt Ncc{lhflm, Viscount RHlnot·oy,
Bromley flnt! Ashley ill 1664·. 1625,ob, 1627,

-~="" ='7
BTOmley in right of his wife and living in 22 Hen. VI. and 20
Edw. IV., but dead before 1 Hen. VIi), had issue by Joan his wife,
the daughter and co-heiress of William He.'{tall, three daughters
and coheirs, namely, 1.1:ai-gery (or Morfe), who 'Was the first wife
of Sir William Stanley, of Hooton, Knight, by whom she had an
only daughter and heiress, :1iargaret, wife of Peter Gerard, sou and
heir apparent of Sir -Thomas Gerard, of Kingsley and Bryn, co;
Lancaster, Knigbt; :Nfargaret, wife. of Sir John Harpur, of Hushall,
co. Stafford, Knight; and Elizabeth (or Isabel), wife of Sir William
Needham, between whom their lands were divided.
the family pedigrees Richard de Bromley is usually given as the eldest SOD, and
called Lord of Bromley, n.nd Robert, of Ashley, as the younger; but it is evident
from the inctuisitions above givep. that Robert was chief Lord of Bromley under the
Bishop of Chester and eldest son of Geoffrey as he also was of Phelippa Bagot his wife.
Richard de Bromley is said to have married Margery, the daughter and heiress of
of John de JInoctOll or Knutton, and had issue Ranulph de Bromley, of Knutton,
who, in a deed of 21 Edw. I., is called son of Richard (Collins' Peerage, art. Mont-
ford); John de Bromley, the son or grandson of Ranulph, had issue William de
Bromley, living in 35 Edw. III. (1361), who. married Annabella, dauforhter of
Ma.tthew, and sister and coheir of William Chetleton, in whose right he became
possessed of Badington, in Cheshire (Ormerod, Vol. IIr., p_ 195). William and
Annabella had issue Richard, of Badington, who by Ann his wife, daughter of
William Praers, was father of the celebrated Sir John Bromley, Knight, ofBadin::,o1:on.
This Sir John Bromley was one of the soldiers distinguished in the French expedi-
tion of King Henry V., and occurs -first in Holinshed's Chronicle, in 1415, at the
battle of Corbie in Picardy, where Sir Hugh Stafford, Lord Bourchier, commander of
the right wing for the King under his st:mtlard of Guienne, was defeated and the
standard bea.t down by the French and carried away; "whereat one John Bromley,
of Bromley in. Staffordshire, Esquire, a neere kinsman unto the Lord Bourghcbier,
wa3 even streight so pearsed at hart as he could not eonteine him, but by and by ran

eagerlie upon the French, and with his souldiers, in whom wrath and teene had already
inflamed furie and desire of revenge, did so fiercelie set upon them that they were
not only beaten backe but ::uso forced to a"Qandon the place. At this push the
capteine, cutting through .the thickest, stra!e down the champion that bare the
standard, and so gloriou\l1y recovered it againe ; and after, during the :fight (whereat
maine of the French lost theix lives) couragiouslie over his shoulders advanced it him-
selfe. The rest that fled awaie our people pursued in chasing and Slaughter unto
Corbie very gatE:s. So in vietorie, honoUT, and great joy, with our sroall loss
(in comparison) thanks unto God's Majestie, the cheifteine brought his hos.t into his
campe and order againe." In l-eward of this service, which opened the way for the
pnssage of the Some and the battle of Agincourt, Lord Bonrchier granted to John
Bromley ior life an annuity of £40, leviable on all his manors, by deed dated at
Madeley, March 10th, 4 Hen. V., 1417 (Holinshed, Vol. III., p. 17, as quoted in
Ormerod's Cheshire, Vol. III., p. 194.) On the Ring's retum to' France, in July
1418, John !>romley had " co~duct o'~ charge af~re him," and by royal letters paten~
dated at Baleu."\:, on 13th April follo,vrng, the Ring granted to him the hospital of
Malay Bacon and all the forfeited Norman estates of Alan de Beaumont, to be held
by rendering to the King and his heirs yearly the belt of a coate of mail at his castle
of Baieu.'t. The King further" did in the most wort'bie wise that to that order
108 . TUB jlA~OH ,\~D l'U'ISII

1570; and William Leigh and his -wife Elizaheth had issue Henry,

8irJohnlh'rpur ~Ull) :Jf'l',riJ.l' t I l .

oro lY, married fi~'st to Sir A

daughters, Dorothv and ~El'~ b b" 1 :[ll Issue a son Hoben and t
D t1 lZ0 cr,l Robe t 1 .
~ ~.r ett an only daughter wo
\ who had issue Edward Leigh, of Rushall in 1597.'
Sir Robert Needham, the son of Sir William Needham and n
Elizabeth Bromley, had, with oth~r lands, the manor of Badingto ,
C:loucestcr, Knight, ane1 secondl~~
; l~lJlgston,
of Misterden, co:
I~lllght, but died without is", 0 8.1' I,lChard Egerton, of Ridley which passed to his descendants, the Earls of Kilmorey,'
Peter Gerard, the husband of Margaret Stanley, died in the life·
coheIrs; of whom Doroth sue, when her aunts became he;
time of his father, in 1492, leaving Margaret his wife surviving,
Horde's Park ncar Brl'a! "ats mamed to Thomas HODI'd of
enor l who was found to be one of the coheirs-of Sir John Bromley, Their
-vl laIn Lelah' son 0' S'b R 1,<and "I'lza b 8th Was married
'l"ll' ..L:J
' , t
D h ;::, , j.. lr \.orrer L 121"0·1 f - ' 0 son, Sir Thomas Gerard, of Bryn and 'Kingsley, Knight, succeeded
arot y had au onl" d" '-1 to 0
1,0 Wellmgton Knjerht'
Th oJ?las Fermar, of Surnert
J" au" 1 er Fra
0::> C'
1 'b '
nees, W 10 was married 'to
to Bromley and Ashley and other Staffordshire estates of the
on, 0, Oxon but d' d 't! ' Bromleys, which were sold by his grandson, Sir Thomas Gerard, of
belong,th dub lum k ' h , I e WI lOut Issue in Bryn, Knight, and his son, William Gerard Esqr" by deed bear·
Castle of Da
(fbi,:f,ont, and sones,bal and gr,"; CO"'ta~l' lnm oapta',no-gew,u of th,
mg t of wn:rfare in :Beld anu m d
ing date 22nd February, 6 Eliz_ 1504, to his kinsman, Gilbert
John Broml . p. 97.)
1, Ro", ,",d';;
On 12th August folioWlO"" 6
~~p~n-g'n",u of DampfNllto ';;wa~on,
hi' good 'ml", t: b a>oh"';h"o, be ""ntod'to hie
Ross€ville Ie Rosse and
e of
(1418), "limg h'm"lf
of Boo"
Gerard, Esqr" then Queen's Attorney, and afterwards knighted and
made Master of the Rolls.'
leeumg out of h:e m,n,m m ngl,nd and ag,m" the F"nohan ,to' Aud,l,y, f" I cannot find that the manor oi Blymhill ever passed to any of
of th, ",d W,lter
,hedl i, "m k
(Co;~ o;'B;onoloy , 'nd all od", h" land,";
n ""ge)_ The deed ( h-<ill
rent o.f £20
unngtu, hie
these coheirs, nor can I trace it in the Bromley family beyond the
witn",,, T';; ab10 ("Y' O,",,,od) from th, '1 pW ~ " gmn ,t length by Holln-
b U time of John de Bromley and Hillaria his wife, or their daughter
a ""riffin ~ e seal was the old coat of Bxomle ) en. aut £"~al and the D:1meS of the Alice de Frodesham in the tinle of King Edward III.
,4nd';d o£'::::;; ,:~e ""t , dem,-lwn ,,,,;:~~a;:n! an ,"",cooheon ,h"god "th Their share of this manor was afterwards in possession of the
him in laudable r: h a hOll passant gardant, ';:>an °auO' a Clown and supp~rting a Swynnerto , of Isewall, or Usewall, in the parish of Eccl ,
aou. blooJle Sklrmisn;;.e~~bl~~~~ict~; 11~shyal1ant
recovene ;f~~~t:~:~~ ~!~~h ~lvcn
and my conjecture is that it came to them by the gift of the
who m'ght hay, b , 0 nam" of tho' t e , "'1'0 same Alice de Frodesham, I find that, in 1349, the King granted
county COUTt of Ch"ntexPbected
es ex elnO' tow have
witnessed a d"'''d''
... " a
nt"B"'di preclsely those
a nc'ton Hall th to Humphrey de Swynnerton the custody of all the lands in the
c osely connecte..l Wlth;h e Sister
comrades' 1t one exception oia La c h
.0' county of Che t) n as He <>walnor (who or wase
County of Stafford which belonged to John de Bromle, deceased,
"wbu, -:;b':'~o' ;h~m h" ho~p"ality lmd ,,:e:';l;;~tlo~~ of Cheshi" and h"
who held of the King in capite; to hold until the heir of the said
RI"",do 10 'myn milite, Joh,nno d m "noh ",tl,; "h",
datum ,pu~'~:ill, ;ohann, de Eg,rton, RI'haro:leH;lI~nd, Guliolmo de B""toll, John be of full age, together with the matliage of the said heir ;
,tatemen' of Ho:,,~~~t(~ &: (OrmeNd, VoL III_, p~"~";) Th~ma
10 C"u et ,lli,; rendering therefor £8 yearly by equal portions, and paying £30 for
Bromley in StaffordshIre
and on ') d h
(~r~:.en ~y
Ormerod. and Collins) that
wnw" th, famil d
ding the
"m 'Y w" of
the said marriage; dated at Westminster, 24th September, 23 Edw,
.AxChIv ~ an. Ltc statement of CollIns (who Y UD oubtedly derIved theIr n:1me IIL;' and bya charter, dated atWestminBter, 6th March,26 Edw, III.

th'::);tt~;!b:::' ~:~t/o Allf;l:;'W:~::~::: ::,~t,tlon

A . UTI ondoD, and Vis. de Salo ' quotes fi:om Pat. 6 Hen. V. lllt r i1352), which recites the above-mentioned charter, and states that
;,alt" de at the COllOg':f the said Humphrey has prayed the King that he should be dis·
"''' hleld under the Lor~: ::~i:yy ~~ srhoIDld substItUte Brom~a;t:~~~s~~~m~~_t charged from.a portion of the payment of the said annual sum,
of this SIt John B est~te that could be called a nlanor tWB et er this branch of the
rom eys had any ,0 much doubt h h ' (;j.L alleging that he believes that he has not had possession of all the
th, B"nol, ,b Nm 'y became po"""d of thi' and a Muley until th, ""andaan estate of the said John, because Billaria, the widow of the same
4th, 1419 (; H;nm;-nag, mth Jo"" Hmall, Suo J:~!er S"jf"d,h"e "tat" of John, was conjointly enfeofted with him [the said John] of the
that he held d' .), and was burieu at Acton'~ Ch--l.: Bromley died September greater part of the lands which he held at the time of his death'
James Lord In Andemesne
1 h bas 0 f fee, the manors . .of. ,. Bad ~ Th'emqulsttlOnstates
b; ,
manor of Cholmst;negand y mihtary servrce, val. 40 :er~: and ~romhaJl from
the King, therefore, having been certified of the facts of the case
,t,nwood, Monb Co
daughter of S,,John ::
n::ffthe m"'" of Alv"ton, ",d land, :::' held oleo th,
"nd Oh""h Oop,nhalL B h A],tanton, W 01-
the return of certain inquisitions, grants that the said Humphrey
1. Erueswick's Staffordshire, p. 405 . . ~ Ormerod's pheshire. Vol

B"':;'~Y' o~f ~,:on, m~ ,~~, ""7~ ~g,'Y'

III., p. 194.
<urnvo', William Knight, h' had :I ChetVl"JUd MS. inthe Salt Libraxy. "Rot. Fin. 23 Edw. III., m. 22.

who marned Joan Hextall.' a ngton, Esq., was father of Su Jo WBromley, om the
shall only pay for the custody of the I d . .
annually;' &c. an S In questIon four marks and whose names in succession (as given by Erdeswick) agree with
On 31st May, 44 Edw. III. (13"0) H the three known generations of those seated at Isewall. This family
and HillaTia, his 'wil'e <rive ')0 t II ' . umph:ey de Swynnerton is thus spoken of by Erdeswick: a The first of these Swinnertons of
. I ,;}1,0 - S. 0 12\8 a Vv'Tlt "d .
In t 18 Oounty of Starn d A 1 - _.
Z ,e conventwne" Eccleshall was Humphry Swinne:rton, who had ills advancement
Edw. III (13~1?) H hor . nc "gam, on 26th January 46 from his brother, Sir Robert Sv,'1nnerton, of Swinnerton, Knight;
. ~,ump rey de S . . . .'
give half a mark for 't ,,"'1 llnerton and, Hlllaria, his wife, for I have seen a deed importing as much, the copy whereof I have
Stafford. 3 a wn de compote" lU' the County of
here presented to your view: Robed-us d'nns de Swinne1'ton Unifrido
. On 16th November of the same . , de Su;innerton, fratri meD, et kC1'cdibus de c011JOre suo, 11~aneria mea de
lssued to the Escheator of the Count year, the Kmgs mandate is Desc1'C et Badenhall in Ecdeshall et Hulcote do, et pro dejectu hcre-
King has ascertained by the' " y of Stafford, recltmg that the dum, m,iki et lwredibns meis reve1·tant; Testibus Thoma de Halghton,
that Hillaria, who w;s the wtf~q:::~~: that he caused to be taken, J ac. de Pype, Jo. de Hasting, rnilitib'u.,s, Joh' e de Witt more, Rob. de
On the day of her death afte th de Bromley, held lJl dower, Dutton, Rich. de Bromley, Will. de Ojfley, B3 Edw. IIL'"
her husband of the inh' 't r efdecease of the said John, formerly This Humphrey Was probably tbe Humphrey de Swynnerton
J Ghn, two mes<::uacres erl ance 0 .Alice daught f th f
and t t ' e1' a e a oresaid who had the guardianship of Alice, the daughter and heir of John
ances in Assh~leyb which wen Yh alcdres of land, with the appurten- de Bromley, and to whom I have supposed that she made over her
k . h ' .' are 0 en of the K' b
~mg t s service.; and that th _ . mg ~n captte y
('f' •
f. .d share of the Manor of Blymhill. "This Humfry I take it (con-
of full age; the Escheator is et~ ::~SaJ. AlIce her next heir and tinues Erdeswick) had issue Robert, who had issue Thomas, who
ham, husband of the sad ". e the fealty of John de Frodes- had issue Humphry, who had issue John, who lived in King Henry
. 1 and after taki . f .
relief, he is to give seizin, to th~ said J ng .secunty Or hIS the Seventh's time. John had issue Humphry, that died without
messuages, land, and tenements w. o~n and ~ce, of the said issue, and Robert, who had issue Edward, who had issue Hugh,
hands On the death of the said Hilhi ch ~ ere taken mto the King's father of John, now both living, A.D. 1600."~
M . l ana. Ise\vall was in the possession of the Swynnertons as early as 25
y conjecture is that Hillaria th 'd
afterwRrds became the wife of Ii ~WI ow of John de Bromley, Edw. III., when Thomas de Swinnerton mentions (( fjuadraginta
the wardship of her dauahter A~mp ;ey de Swynnerton, to whom solidos de redditu ?nco de Uselwall." .And in 3 Hen. V., Richard
King, and that, when Ali~e came
mother and Humphrey de S
ad been commltted by the
to possessIon, she enfeoffed her
Sugenhall and John Hume, chaplains, release to Joan, who had
been the wife of Robert de S\yinnerton, of Usesuale, the lands which
and the heirs of their two 7o:erton, her presumed step-father, they had of the gift of Thomas Wotton, in EccleshaII and Hakedon
Blymhill. es, ill her manor and lands at for the life of Joan, daughter of the said Robert, and on failure of
In Leland's unpublished notes of Staft: d h' .. issue to Thomas, son of Robert, and -on failure of issue to Henry,
the time of Kiner Henry VIII/; h .or s lIe famllies, written in son of Robert., and on failure of issue to the right heirs of Robert"~
hard by Ecclestaul Castle ,;10 e mhienhllhons " Swinerton, of Isehaul John Swynnerton, whom I suppose to have been the great grand-
b h , o w c e adds "h . ' son of Robert, was lord of a fourth part of BIymhill; and on May
. rot er of SWinerton, of Swinerton." I d e e IS a younger
that we are to take this literally as a I. 0 ~ot suppose, however, . 28th, 1499 (14 Henry VII.), Sir William Swynnerton, chaplain,
Leland's time. The Swynnertons f I pp Y{fg to the Swynnerton of was admitted to the Rectory of Blymhill, On the presentation of
John Swynne;ri;on, Esq'., patron for that turn. •

with a family who branched fro';' °th sew". ,were probably identical
e BenlOr line at an earlier date> This John Swynnerton was succeeded by his son Robert, who, in
:l Rot. Fin. 26 Edw. III. memb 17 'Rot F'lD. 44 Ed I 4 Edw. VI. (1550), appointed his attorney to receive from Roger
F" • .. . Swinshead full and peaceable seisin of a fourth part of the manor
m., 46 ~dw. IlL, m. 32. .f. Rot. Fin. 46 E!dw· w. II., m. II. ~ Rot.
Topographica. et Gene.aJ.ogica, Vol. III., p. 342. L~l~~" me.mb. 12. 1\ Collectanea of BlymhiII, and of a fourth part of the advowson of the church,
about 1538, and occupied him several years. _The s Itinerary was commenced

Henry VIII. about 1545. . . results were presented to King 1 & ~ Erdeswick's Ant. Staff. p. 112. ~ Ibid. p. 113. "Lichfield Diocesan

and of all the lands and tenements, which the aforesaid Roger had
of his gift and feoffment, to the said Hobert Swynnerton and
Elizabeth his wife.' I suppose that he had no issue by Elizabeth,
his first wife, for the mother of his heir was Lucie, daughter of .
Richarel Littleton, Esq'.. of Pillaton Hall,' co. Stafford, who sur-
vived him, and afterwards became the wife of Nicholas Bradburne.
In 1554, the said Lucie, being then the wife of Nicholas Braelburne,
claimed and exercised the right of presentation to the church of
Blymhill for that turn, which she had by reason of the elower or
jointure conceeled to her by her late husband, Robert Swynnerton.'
This fourth part of the manor and advowson of the church 01
Blymhill was sold by his son, Edward Swynnerton, in 1583. -~
By indenture, bearing date 24th March, 25 Elizabeth (1583), ~~
.:::: .....
between Edward Swynnerton, of Isewall, in the County of Stafford,
gent., son and heir of Robert Swynnerton, deceased, of the one
t "''"

part, and Thomas Jobber, of Orselowe, in the Connty of Stafford, '"" .;:: -
" "
yeoman, of the other part, the said Edward Swynnerton sells to the
said Thomas Jobber all his part and portion of and in the
\,, '."
manor of Blymhill, with the appurtenances (except a certain
messuage, with the appurtenances, in Brackehurst, then inhabited II 'ct:;"
by one William Blakemore, and all those houses and lands, &c., ,I z
now or late in the occupation of the said William Blackemeyre, z,..
being of the yearly value of 53s. 4d., over all charges and reprizes),
and, further, the said Edward Swynnerton sells to the said Thomas ''"."
Jobber all that messuage, with lands, meadows, &c., thereto belong-
ing, in Blymhill, now or late in the tenure of one William James;
and also one other messuage or tenement, with alliands, meadows, ""
&c., thereto belonging, in Brynton, now or late in the tenure of one "p
'Hugh Bourder; also one parcel of ground in Dryuton aforesaid, ~
whereupon late stood a water-:q:till, with one -meadow there, called
le myll mead owe; and also all ttat parcel of ground called Hall Hill,
lying within a farm called Evith Heyes in the parish of· Blymhill ;
and also one other parcel of ground in Blymhill aforesaid, in the
I o·
0 ~
end of a close or pasture, commonly called Bullockes Yarde, nOw or
late in the tenure of one Thomas Jobber, ofBlymhill; and also one \ '~" 0

§ , "">.
other parcel of ground in Brynton, commonly calJed Ie Rempe
lande, now or late in the tenure of one Richard Offiey, of Brynton;

and also all that the part or purpartie of the said Edward Swynner- 0 <r.

ton, of-and in a pasture or parcel of ground in Brinton, commonly I

""t:' \ ~

called Cowstie ffoxalls, wit~ the aEPurtenances; and also one chief I~-~ -;"-
Huntbache MS., Vol. II. Burke's Commoners. Lich£eld Diocesan Register.
'1 II ;I

Arms; Vert, n fQSS ormiue.

Humphrey Jobber of Aston, co, Salop=

1-'-- This pedigree is principally tllken from the Shropghirc
'1'homas Jobber= Visitatioll, held at Bridgenmth, 3 Sept., Hl64; tIle tWIJ
first gelwl'ntiolls al'e taken flum an earlier Visitation, and
I tho last genel'atioll from t.ho IIbstmct to Mr, Walt~I'
I J oLber's titlo to the BJymhiIJ ostatc,
'l'holll llS Jobber, of Aston, co, Salop; died
dallghter of John Greene,

lCatliol'ille, wife I
,. - ' - --,-·---------1-- of Rich. Oflley
Margaret, wife

of \\'m, \Vc.~tn!l
John Jobb,,·, Th"n", Jobb,,', Hiol",nI Jobb,,', or A"", ,=M"y, dan .",Ioo.h of W,lt" L,ttloton, yo,,,,",, ,"n
bapt, 4, June, died nlillwrded bapt. at Shifnal, 3 Oct., of BIt Edward LlttletOll, of Plllatoll, Kilt, by AlICe,
Elil1lueth, lI'iJ'o of
1684; dlod 1576; di,d 1650 d,n, and oo.hoi,' of John Onmbo.-IonI, ""d "" of Rich. Haywood
nnm,,,,i,d Rid""d Onmbm'I,,',I, R''''go>' of Ihtf"I,I 01","

iler, of
m & of
I d,m'-I~E;i~rb:;~'-~'-;;~,"d', JL'~-4, ML
of Fulk wife of John wife of Clif.
0 .... ",1"",'; DIdo, of ton Stono,
3, y, wifo 5, Coellio, 6, a.-ll,"on, 2,
of Edw, Bow· wife
,",n,onoofth, Willi"n
of wife of Wal. Jobbel', of
to>' S'O<'Y , Aoton
I 3 Edw.. d Jobbo>,
dau. of of the Woollhonse, I I
Rlohd, in 1'"" of Shle",I, 4. Well. 6, John

Inner widow of Shel'iff Hales Ministor of gentlemen Allen, of of Little o 'rrussoll, JobhOl',
I Walshe married Beatrice, d. ilUlll. ,JObber,
'1'1" Thorn" 00, S,lop Nody" co. '''hm,qu",oc 8",0I<ton, n,Io, co, co, St,n; of dan, of HowI,nd living
don, n,,'koI,y,
; ret, E'q,
Oxon '<ait,,,
to K co, S,Iop St,tlo"d",' wI, 46,
Oh,d" II, Balnp S'pt 1664
31 Stock. Frith,of'l'horncs,
ton, on, co, St,ff,
ill 1664

.... ..~

JohlJ(lr,=Sar.\h, dan, of 8il' William
1. Mary
2. ElilmllCth
3. ,Lllle
1. Wehard
2. W,lIter
3, Fl'al\eili 1. ,Mnry
2. Eli;nuf'th
3. Ann
13, 3 soPt"1 Childp" LL,D" Kinlet, of Jobhcl', Joubcr Jouher
4 i born nt co., ,"blop; balli 26 Oct., ret. 8, 3
luess, 10th Hlli3; mal'ricll 31 JIlIlIl'lI'Y, 8,'pt.,
y,IO!)1; h,lP 1670·80; die,125 February, 16tH.
WorUe-l,l; 11694-(,
d 1700

IHalll .I(1h~';'I" Thomas Jobher~=Elil.lheth, dan, .Tohn Johbi!l', Atlll, wif'l of ::hr,lh, ha})t, 111;11)', bapt, at Kinlet, Luey Anna, Waller Joh'ler, of
)t. lit Kinlet, g'q., Inpt. n~ ufSirJohnAsh bapt. at Kin· .1ohnkldm· at Kinlet., 11 13 liLly, IuD::!; I1l1lnlll" living HUlIl. AstOll, Orslow, &
Jan" 1(3 ).1 ; 1 Kiull,t,2,'iAplil, U;ll't, , Illanicll let, 2-1 ..\ng, hrook, 1712; April, IUS7 ; 17;31; Wiril of ,]oBeph 1(·10; (Joh, Blylllhill, Esq, ,
ric(l tlJerr, :l 1083; elil'II 29 cl:rc.172Ujll:cd 1689, livin" living: 1;·10; li'li11g: U11111, EltOll, 1735; Jiving ill ill blood to "i756; cousin lind
LJ., 108:) .Mar., 1733, s. p. 20 Od. 1733, in 1731; die'J coh, i,l bloo,} 1].10 j coh, 1HO; coheir in bluod hot' broHH'1' deyisoe of Thoa,
6, p. beforeMa\'ch, to her hro, in bbo·[ to to her bl'othcl'1'holllll.s 'rhOJuas Jouber, Esq.
1733,8,1), Thomas hoI' bro,Thos.

or yeady rent of 18td., with the appurtenances, issuing out o'f
certain lands of the said Thomas Jobber, of Orselowe, in J31ymhill;
and a1so one other chief Or yearly rent of 14d. and seven hennes,
with the appurtenances, issuing out of certain lands and tenements
in Marston, in the· said County of Stafford, now' or late in the
tenures of John Broke, Esq1'., William Adams and others; and also
all such parts or portions of the advowson and patronage of the
Rectory and Church of Blymhill aforesaid, as were of the inherit-
ance of the said Robert SWynnerton, and all other the lands,
tenements, &0., whatsoever of the said Edward Swynnerton in
Blymhill, Brynton, and Marston, which some time were of the
inheritance of John Swynnerton, Esq'., deceased, grandfather ofthe
the said Edward (except before excepted) together with all reversions,
remainders, &c. 1 Lucie Bradburne was living at the time of the
sale. Hugh Bourder and Margaret, his wife, had a lease frbm
Robert Swynnerton of the messuage, &0., at Brynton for term of
life of the said Hugh and Margaret, or the longest liver of them.
And Nicolas Bradburne and Lucye, his wife, and Edward
ton had made a lease to Humphrey James, father of the said
William James, of the messuage, &c., at ~lymhill, now in the
occupation of the said William James, for term of years.
Edward Swynnerton, gent., probably the same person, was buried
at Eccleshall, December lOth, 1598.'
A pedigree of this family (without dates) in Vincent's Stafford-
shire: Visitations, at the Herald's College, which begins with John
Swinerton, of Eccleshall, the father of Robert, gives as the wife of
Robert a daughter of Edward (it should be Richard) Littleton, by
whom he had Edward, who was twice married, :first to Fra.ncis,
daughter of Samson Erdeswick, of Sandon, and, secondly, to Ann,
daughter of. . . MOlTis. By this last he had a son, 1i:dward, and I
by the first marriage a son, Hugh, who married Joan, daughter of
. . . Sutton, Lord Dudley; and had issue, John, Thomas, and I .
Maria, wife of James Skrymshere, of Norbury.' The arms of this ;
fa:m.ily are given as Argent, a cross fl.eury sable, with a bend gules.
l. Original deed penes Earl of Bradford. !! Eccleshall Parochial Register. S In
the Eccleshall ParochW Register, the following names oeC111" among the christen_
ings :-Februil.l"Y 2nd, 1.574, Thomas Swynnerton; February 24th, 1575, William
Swynnerton; October 6th, 1577, :Ma,1'ye S,vynoerton; December 21st, 1578,
Elizabeth.S\vynnerton; November 2nd, 1579, Walter Swynnerton; April 23rd, 1580,
Rohcl't Swynnerton; March 2nd, 1586, Swynnerton; and December 22nd, 1589.
Edwaruus Swynnerton. Among the weddings: June 16th, 1574, Thollias Cottrill
and Susanna Swynnerton; AprillOth j ~586, Henry Borne and Fraunces Swynnerton ;
The family seems to have fallen into d .
writer of the Chetwynd 1I1S. "a's; "T~cay after this time. The Thomas Berkeley, of Eudness, Esq:r., he had a son, Thomas, ana
house called Iselwall which wa / I . ere is in ECcleshan an three or. more daughters, of whom Mary, Elizabeth, and Jane were
of the Swinertons de~cended f. s a~ y the seat of a younger branch born before 3rd September, 1664.'
his brothel> Sir Robert d S .lom umphrey SwinertoD to whom Thomas Jobber, the son, was 13 years of age in 1664. He
) \. e iv-merton f S ' - ' ,
Edw. III, gave the manors of Bader:h~U :ll1erton, Knig~t, in 23 married Sarah, daughter of Sir William Childe, L.L.D., of Kinlet,
near to Eccleshall and formerly' I . nd de la DeSIre (Iyina Co. Salop,z and died in 1700, leaving an elder surviving son,
d escen dants remained her . De aDo-lnn" to the H t ' )
::;, ::;, as mgs , whose0 Thomas, who succeeded him, a younger son, John, who died with-
age, when Edward
t .
PErosperoulS condition till the last
, sq'., so d most of h' .
out issue before 1733, and four daughters, Ann,' Sarah, Mary, and
pa nmony, leavina little besid h' h IS anClent Lucy Anna, of whom Sarah and Lucy Anna died unmarried or
posterity, who ha;e since also e:OI;'th~:se (at Iselwall) to his without issue; Ann was married to John Addenbrook, and Mary
bemg now the owner of it" l " . Boswell, gent., to Joseph Elton.
Mr. Thomas Jobber, th~ purchaser of the h' . Thomas Jobber, of Aston, Esq., the eldest surviving son, married
SWynnerton estate at Blymhi]] h d b c ief porhon of the Elizabeth, youngest daugbter of Sir John Ash, Baronet, but died
Middle Temple about the year '15"60 ~~n adillltted a student of the without issue in 1733, leaving his four sisters surviving, but he
Orslow, yeoman, in 1583 I su ' t as he is descnbed as of bequeathed his estates, subject to his own debts and other charges,
Bar. His rather, Thomas'Jobbe~P:~ he was n:ver called to the to his cousin, Walter Jobber, whom I take to have been the
near Shiffna~ and he is himself d' .~ ~ed ill 1080, was of Aston, descendant of the testator's great-uncle, Walter Jobber (of Acton
died in 1614 havina married C elscn e as of Aston in 1598. He Trussell, co. Stafford, in 1664, and then married to Mary, daughter
of Hauahton' Co S:lop E b y, daughter of Richard Moreton of Richard Walshe, of Stockton, co. Worcester, by whom he had three
.0 ,. ,sq'., y whom he had 'th t h ' '
son, Ric~ard Jobber, who succeeded him ,WI 0 er Issue, a sons, RIchard, then in the 8th year of his age, Walter, and Francis,
Mr. Richard Jobber of Aston di d" . and three daugbters, Mary, Elizabeth, and Anne.)'
daughter of Walter Littleton ' ~ ill 1650 . . His wife was Mary, Mr. Walter Jobber, the devisee of the last Mr. Thomas Jobber,
of Pillatoll, Co. Stafford Kni~l:;nber ~on of SIr Edward Littleton, sold to tbe committees of the Earl Bradford, in 1756, all that his
John Cumberford third s e f
~.~~ce, dallghter and coheir of share of the manor of Blymhill, and all that his sbare of the
Hatfield Chase. By her h:~a~ fiv:cs ard Cumberlord, Ranger of advowson of the church, and all that capital messuage called
Richard, and John a d ' , d h ons, Thomas, Walter, Ed ward ~ Vincent's Visitation of Shropshire, taken September 3rd, 1664, at Bridgenorth
, n SIX aUn ters mas'" f h ' and preserved in the Herald's College, London. This is my authority for Mr.
He was succeeded by his eld to t 'Th 0 W om were married.

the Inner Temple, London, in ;~3;~n~n omas Jobb~r, who was of Jobber's age and the birth of his four children, but not for that of his wife, for in
the Visitation pedigree his wife and the mother of his children is stated to been
1664, being then in the 48th / h' d of Aston ill September, daughter and coheir of John Madocks,'of Wolverhampton, Councillor at Law.
to Blymhill Church as Th ye~ ~ is age. In 1668 he presented My authority for the wife whom I have assigned to him as the mother of his children
turn. By his wife Jane d om~t a fber, gent., true patron for that is a MS. book of pedigrees, formerly in the possession of the late 11r. Joseph Morris,
and . _ ' . ,aug er 0 Fulk Crumpton and widow of of Shrewsbury, and now the property of Mr. Peele, of . Shrewsbury, which is also
..April 11th, 1609, James Skrymshere f S taken, apparently, from a nearly cotemporary source, and which is accnrate in other
ton, the daughter of Hugh Swvnnerton ;f; Ihr~sburye, gent., and Marye Swinner_ respects. My reasons for giving the preference to this reading are the statements in
January 24th, 1573 Ma S ' cc es all, gent. ..And among the b ial the latter pedigree that his son, Thomas, was born at Eudness, and the quarter-
July 14th, 157~, William i:ynn:~~:e~t~; ilMg'Yh 2:,nd, 1574, Robert Swynn:to: ~ ings given on his shield of arms, on the tombstone of his said son's wife, in Shiffnal
to William S ' pr t, 1:>79 ..AnnS""",,, ' Church, where Jobber and Littleton only are given quarterly, and the arms of
wynnerton ; March 21st 1581 Er1 b th ' ...............erton, the wyeffe
1:85, William Swynnerton; Decemb:r22nd {5 8'6' Fe Swynnerton; December 21st Madocks are not quartered. I,think it probable, therefore, that Jane Madocks was
1087, ..Ann Swy nnert on; December 10th 1598" Ed Swynn,"" a second wife, and not the mother of his children.
B on; "':lay 19th '
2 She died in the 31st year of her age and was buried in Shiffnal church, where
3r~, ~~02, Jane Swynnerton, the wyeffe'of H~gheWS~' ~erton, gent.; :md March
. etwynd MS., p. 163, under Eccleshall. I am' ne on, of Eccleshall, gent. there is. a. monument to her memory, with a shield of arms, bearing, Quarterly,
Swmnerton (chaplain in Bengal) and his brother n inf0r:n~d that the Revd. Ch3.rles 1st and !th Vert, a fess ermine, for Jobber; 2nd Ilnd 3rd Argent, a cheVl'on between
descended from the Swyn.nertons of EccleshalL ' o~ re5ldiDg at Rome, claim to be three scalops sable, for Littleton; impaling Childe. :I Vincent's Visitations Of
116 THE MA...'l\"OR li...J..'{D P.o\..RISII OF BLYMHILL.

Brineton Hall, and all those fields, &c., containing by estimation

260 acres (except two pieces of land, one called Nethergates, the
other Old Sich, containing about five acrcs1 ), also all that messuage, 'f
&c., at Bishopswood, in the parish of Blyrnhill, and also all those '.
pieces of land situated at the Bent, in the Parish of Blymhill.
Another portion of the Jobber estate in the parish of Blymhill,
which had been leased in 1730 to Thomas Bradburne,'" of Bilbrooke, l-
yeoman, for 99 years, determinable on three lives, namely, the same •
Thomas and his two sons, Dennis and George, was purchased in the
same year by William Yates, of lJonington, gent., eldest son of
John Yates, of Shackerley, gent., subject to the above lease; and
in December, 1774, Margaret Bradburne, widow of the above
Dennis Bradburne, and George Bradburne sold the remainder of the
. lease to Mrs. Mary Yates, widow of the aforesaid Mr.William Yates,
who came to reside at Blymhill with her younger son, Francis.
The said Mr. Francis Yates afterwards married Ann, daughter of
Mr. William Wyley, of High Onn, and died in 1807, leaving two
sons, of whQm Joseph, the younger, died unmarried in 1825, aged 34.
Francis Yates, of Blymhill, gent., the elder son, married Hannah,
daughter of Mr. Thomas lcke, of Sheriff Hales, and died on 24th
April, 1860, having had by his said wife) besides a 'younger son,
,Joseph, who died in 1846, aged 15, an only surviving son Francis
William Yates, no,v of the Wood, Donington, co. Salop, Esq., and au
only .daughter, Annie Elizabeth (wife of Mr. William Henry
Stubbs) to whom the Blymhill property was left by her father.
That portion of the Swynnerton estate which was excepted from
the sale to Mr. Thomas Jobber in 1583, and which was at that
time described as a messuage with the appurtenances in Bra6ke-
hurst (Brockhurst) then inhabit~d by William Blakemore, and all
those houses, lands, &c., now or late in the occupation of the said
William Blackentey1'6, being of the yearly value of 53s. 4d. over all
charges and reprizes, appears to have been already sold to the
Blakemores,' for by indenture of 22nd March, 5 Eliz. (1563),
J. These were purchased by Dennis Bradburne,of Blymhill, yeoman, who was church-

warden of Blymhill in 1769. Z Thomas Bradbnrne was buried at Blymhill, 10 April,

1741, and his son, George Bradburne, hte of Brocliliur.;:t, died 17 Sept., 1782, aged
70. ~ I find the Blakemores settled in the neighbourhood, and aprarently of some
consideration, ru; early a~ the year 1500, when John Blakamer and Thomas Blakemer
occur as ,vitnesses, ill company with John MittOD, E::iq., to a deed of Richard Northali'
to Sir William Turuer and Richard T=er, of lands in Weston, dated at Weston on
Thursday next before the feast of Baint Chad, 15 Ben. VII., (Weston deeds in Harl.
MS., 5816); and in 1552·3 is a. feoffment from Thomas Cecil and John Bell to John
Blakemore, of lands in Beighterton, dated 10th Feb., 7 Edw. VI. (Weston Evidences).
THE MA...:.~OR Al,{D PA:ttrSH OF BtYMH!LL. 117
Edward Swinnerton, of Isewall, Co. Stafford, gent., son and heir of
Robert Swynnerton, sells to William Blakemeyre, of Brockhurst,
Co. Stafford, yeoman, all that messuage, or tenement in Brockhurst,
in the parish of Blymhill, wherein the said William Blakemeyre
now dwells, together with all the houses, buildings, lands and tene-
ments, meadows, pastures, feedings, woods, underwoods, waters,
fishings, and hereditaments belonging thereto, 1::iituate in Brocks-
hurst and Blymhill, or either of them, then or hte in the tenure of
William Blakemeyre, except the life interest which his (the
vendor's) nwther, Lucy Bradbume, widow, formerly the. wife of
Robert Swynnerton, has therein.l. To complete this purchase was
a final concord at Westminster on the quinzaine of Easter, 5 Eliz.
(1563), between William Blakemeyre, complainant, and Edward
Swynnertoll, deforciant, of one messuage, one toft, one garden, one
orchard, 100 acres of land, 50 acres of meadow, 200 aCres of pasture,
40 acres of wood, 20 acres of moor, 20 acres of marsh, and 100 acres
of brushwood and heather (jampnorum et bruerum) with the ap-
purtenances in Brockhurst and Blymhill, whereof was plea of con-
vention; Edward Swynnerton acknowledges the right of William
Blakemeyre to the said premises as that which he has by the gift
of the said Edward.'
By deed of 28th May, 23 Eliz. (1581), William Blakemeyre, of
Brockhurst, yeoman (who may have been the purchaser/ but was
mare likely to have been the son of the purchaser in 1563), conveys
to certain trustees all thateapital messuage,called the farm of Brock- J
hurst, with the appurtenances, and all houses, edifices, buildings,
&c., whatsoever to the said capital messnage belollooing, late the
inheritance of Edward ,swynnerton, gent.) in the p~sh of Blymhill,
and all those messuages, lands, &c., now or late of the inheritance
, of the said William Blakemeyre, in the said parish of Blymhill and
elsewhere in the said County of Stafford, to the following intents

and purposes i-that is to say, as to one moiety to the use and
! 1 f, behoof of the said William Blakemeyre for term of life, without
,I impeachment of waste, and after his decease to the use of his
i younger son, J ow Blakemeyre and the heirs of his body, with re-
mainder to Thomas Blakemeyre, another of his sons, and the heirs
I l. &; ~ Weston Evidences, i.e. deeds penes Earl of Bradford. 8 Wi.llia.m Blackmeyre,

I the probable purchaser of Brockh.urst Fa.rm. was buried at. Blymhlll. 20th December.
1566. It is probable that the William Bl9.kemeyre, of Brockburst, wbo settled the
estate in 1581, wa.s the same with William Blackm.yre who was buried a.t Blymhill
on 31st January,1609. I find also that Ellyn, wife of William Bl.ackmeyre, was
buried on Srd March, 1589 (l:S1ymhill Parish Register)
llN TP" \
.1"• • L\.XO!: .\):lJ p\T'r"I' OF 1
• ".-.j, '~LY.\IHILL.

of IllS body, Wit]l l·CIlln.indcr to H"mf THE MANOR AND PARISH OF BLTIfHiLL. 119
son~, "tud the heirs of hi- 1, '1, c~ 1 rcy Bhkemeyre, another of his
;:, uQU\ WIt 1 "em'111d N five selions lye at the Downgate, two selions state upon Parson's
meyre, ,1110thc!' of lus SOn ~ m 'l'tl I - L~ 1 er to --. icholas Blake-
to +} 1 :;j,< 1t 18 lcP'sofhisb' '1 fiatt, two selions lye at the Downe pitt, and two selions, residue
v 18 Ilg It heirs of the said \\\l l ,'- l • ~- GUy WIt lremaindel'
of the said fourteen selions, lye at the High Oke, one parcell
othm moiety to the use and beho;:"L: BLkemeyre; and as to the
of ground containing one sehon in the tenure of oue William
for life, wIth remainder t tl r or the s.:lld \Vilham Blakemevre
lG Grove, one parcell of medowe called Chapplelorth medow, four
of his youncrer sons an~ tl uhse .of Humfrey Blakemeyre ;n8
r '1 ,"=' , le elrs of h 'd ' parcells or doles of medow called the Little Dole, the Pive
emmnc 8y Successively to 1 - tl . IS 00 y, '1;Ylth similar Dole, the Russey Dole, and Baldrudyng Dole, lying in a medow
, :vI'tl1 remainder to the l'i I llsat h .
as, omus, and J 01n
DJy Indenture of ] 8 :March g 1 .l errs of the sa'd ,",i'll ' called Long Medow, the moiety of the fourth part of a field called
0)7 . _1 _yY 1 lam Blakemeyre 1 Rye Cornell, the capital messuage, with the edifices adjoining to the
and Hllmfrey Blahlll
' d '
a' ~ , Eliz, (loSo),
ey,e, escnbed res 'I
the brothers John
same, standing within the Matt, and all the ground within the said
tlHI sons of vVilliam Blak " pectlve yas the second and
th ' f emeyre wlth th l' Matt, conteyning in breadth 24 yards, lying on the east side of the
eu ather made part"t' f h ' e ac nce and consent of said messuage (one bay of bousing lately erected near and at the
1 ' h' 1 lOn 0 t ese land
IV llC were to descend to tl s lllto two equal parts- west side of the said messuage, with all the ground within the saiel
this paltitlOn there was allo;:~ after the death of their father. By Matt, containing in breadth 23 yards, lying on the west side of the
one close of land or past ~o John Blakemeyre and his heirs said messuage, only excepted) one bay of the barn at the east end
crofts of land Or pastu;;e C~~l~~d the Duffehouse Lesowe, two thereof, with one stable adjoining to the same, and one cart house,
called the Hempe Yerd the Llttle Carros one croft standing at the east end of the same, with one parcel of one other
G tt L e, one close of land '
re ane, one d,tto called tl 0 or pasture called the bay of the same barn, containing 4 feet at the west end of the same
P,tt Lesowe, one ditto called t~: ~e Lesowe, one ditto called the bay, with all the ground on the backside of the said barn and cart

furlong, that moiety Or One half

Bromley Hav that li th
Penfurlong, One ditto called th Nee Ruddyng, one ditto called
eWe Heys, adjoining to Pen-
0 one close of land Or pasture called
house as far as the said barn and cart house extend, all that house
or shower called the oxe house that is fixed to the south side of
the said barn. with one little entry into the same barn, and free
i b " e next to Henbury S t h '
all( ounded, that moiety or half of U c e as It IS meared egresse and regresse for the said J ohil, his heirs and assigns, to and
called Henbery Sutche that lieth next ~ne close of land Or pasture ITom all the said houses and editicp.s to him allotted as is aforesaid,
ndg.::s of arable land lying in a fi~ld 0 Bramley Hay, 3 seliolls or as well for th~ repairing of the same as to do all other necessaries,
tending in lenath from th f called the Over Lees B..""{- with the moiety of the ground and soil of the said Mott, now
ecroteende t W '
selions of ditto with the
d un 0 atlinge strete 6 covered with water, with liberty to store the one half of the same
1" ' me owe oaround t h '
ylllg m a pasture called B ' h Sat e end of the same Mott with fish, also to fish the same half with the same Humfrey
d ales urst fou d i t t . J
graun ,at the ende of the <::a I _' r a wlth medowe and his heirs every fourth year at the furdest (2 stalls rowmes or
pltt in a field called Grett B" me, ylng together at the end of the places to sett or tye the oxen in the west end of the said oxhouse
h oresh urst fa d'
~ otyng up to Watling strete, nine ditto lU~ a 1tto In th~ same field only excepted),
neld called the N er (near 2) L h ymb together lU a certain The other moiety, which was allotted to Humphrey Blakemeyre
ees, tree lyi t '
ea11e d t h e Parson's Croft One d'tt h ' ng ogether In a croft and his heirs, consisted of one close of land or pasture called the
goer, Ourteen ditto WIth the , l O S otmo- do t Sh
Wn 0 allowsforth
0 Wood Lessowe, one ditto called the Nether Lessowe, one ditto
field called Wiggesflld whereof ~tPurtena?ces lying in· a certain called the Launde Lessowe, one ditto called the Heys, two little
1 ' r e e selions lye B
. Weston Evideuces It would 1.. ,upon lye fiatt, closes or parcells of ground, called the New Heys, lying together
c1 d - seem t.u.a.t b this
ex U ed, of whom I can learn -nothing u I Y Th settlement his eldest son was next to the Heys, one ditto called the Briche, one ditto called
brot~e:s John and Humphrey were prefe;reduw: ' omas Blakemeyre, to whom his Wynnowswick croft, one selion of arable land lying in Wyn-
;s!ill::r:: Blac~.ey:re and Anne Keelinge w;re lJl~:~:~~~D.. !
find, however, that
t -' .as Wi.llia.m was the name usually given t yrnhill on Brd December
nowswick fild, one close or parcell called the Su'ta.s (SWYllnerton's 1)
his may, perhaps, have been the elder brother of J~e eldest son of this family: croft, one ditto called the further Cornell Croft, that half of
~d Humphrey. Bromley Hay that lieth next Yvett's hay, the one end Or half of one

close or parcell of land called Henbery Suche that lieth next to

Weston copye, One medowe called the Gra1lllge medowe, One parcell
or dole of medowe called the Grett Dole, lying in a llledow called
th0 LOllg medo\y, S8\·en selions together in the said field called
Gl'ett JJoreshurst shoting up to "'iV"atlillg strete, seVen ditto of
arable, in a field called the Oyerlees, whereof four selions lye next
to the hurst gate, and three selions lye over the Overforlong,
adjoining to the hurst hedge, two ditto in a field called the
Nether Lees, three ditto ill a croft called Parson's Croft, adjoining
to the hedge thereof eastwards, fifteen selious of arable land,
with the appurtenances in \~Tiggesfield, whereof four shate do'WJl
Upon the chappelforth gael; one selion shoteth upon Parson's
furlong; two upon High Oak furlong, t\VO Oll long furlong, and
six upon a furlong called Buntyug, the moiety of the fourth
part of the Rye Comell, with the appurtenances, aile bay of
housyng, lately erected near and at the west side of the said capital
messuage within the Mott, with all the grol1nds within the said
Mott, containing in breadth 33 yards, on the west side of the said
messuage, and three bays of the said barne, not before allotted to
the said John Blakemeyre, with the ground on the back side of the
said barne, as far as the same three bays do extend in length, with
free egresse, &c., and the like liberty to store and fish the Matt as
was allotted to his brother John.'
On 20th April, 1613, Humfrey Blakemore, of Brockhurst, yeoman,
and John Blakemore, his son, sell to Thomas Jones, of Evetts
Heyes, or Ovett's Heyes, for £74, a pasture 01· meadow, divided
into two parts, called Bromley Hay and Bromley Hay Bank, in
Blymhill, lying between the land of Peter Giffard, Esq'., On the east
called N ume Moore, the land of the said Thomas Jones on the west
called Wood Meadow, the land of the said Thomas on the north
and the land of William Blakemore on the .south, called Bromley
Hay and Bromley Hay Bank.'
This portion will have probably passed to Edward Mitton, of
Weston, :&'1.r., between the years 1625 and 1630, when he purchased
Ivett's Reyes from Thomas Jones.
I am unable to trace the remainder of Humphrey Blakemore's
share any fl1rther. 3
1. & It Weston Evidences. Each of the brothers had a portioll of Bromley Hay
and Bromley Hay Bank, so that the portion sold to JOll e3 by Humphrey Blakemore
was bounded on one side by the other portion: of this field, then in the possession of
his nephew William Blakemore.
• I find fu. the Blyrahill par. Register, that Humphrey Blackmeyre and Hall,
John Blakemore, the elder coparcene" who inherited the capital
messuage, died about 1613; and on 16th February, 1614, King
James I. grants to John Hale the wardship and marriage of
William Blakemore, son and heir of John Blakemore, gent. By
inquisition, taken at Newcastle-nnder-Line, 6th January, 11
James I. (1614), William Blakemore was found to be 20 years,
5 months, and 6 days old. He held one messuage, with the
appUltenances, called Brockhurst, in Blymhill, which were held
of the King, as of his Barony of Stafford, by the twentieth part of
a knight's fee, of which the value was 3s. 4d. per annum " but on
1st February, 8 James 1. (1611), the said John Blakemore had
leased the premises for 18 years, at £1 6s. 4d. per annurn, except
tbe third part thereof, during the life of his wife, Elizabeth, who
was still living at the time of the inquisition. 1
By indenture of 18 May. 13 Car. (1637), between William
Blakemore the elder, of Brockhurst, yeoman, of the first part,
William Blakemore the younger, son and. heir apparent of the said
William Blakemore the elder, and Mary, the now wife of the
said William Blakemore the younger, of the second part, and
Richard Clowes, of Great Dawley;Co. Salop,gent., and Andrew Blake-
wey, of Little Wenlock, Co. Salop, gent., father of the said Mary, of
tl18 third pal't, the said William Blakemore, in consideration of a
marriage, already bad and solemnized between the said William
Blakemore the younger and the said Mary, and of£210which the said
y'i,Tilliam Blakemore the elder has received as her marriage portion,
and providing for her jointure, grants to the said Richard Clowes
and Andrew Blakewey and their heirs the capital messuage, called
the Farm of Brockhurst, and all houses, lands, &c., thereto belong-
ing, heretofore the inheritance of Oile Edward 8winnerton, gent.,
deceased; and also all those messuages and lands, now the inherit-
ance of the said William Blakemore the elder, in the parish of
Blymhill, or elsewhere in the County of Stafford-to hold in trust-
as to one moiety, to the use and behoof of the said William Blake-
more the elder, for term of life, if the said William Blakemore the
elder remain unmarried, and from and after his decease or [re]
man-iage, to the said Wil~am Blakemore the younger and the heirs
of his body by the said Mary his wife, and for default of such issue
to the said Mary for life, and after her decease to the right heirs of
the said William Blakemore the younger for ever; and, as to the
the daughter of Johu Hall, were married on 25th July, 1585; and their daua-hter,
:11argery, was baptized there on 2nd May, 1591. 1 Weston Evidences. 1:1
THE MANOR ,,~ ...
o . of the same date, between William
other moiety, to the use and behoof of the said William Blakemore said Trustees,l By Indenture, t and Simon Potts, of Ronton,
o of the one paT, . h 0h
the younger and Mary his now wife for term of life of the longest Blakemore, yeoman, d Richard Lake of W oolaston, m t e parlS
liver of them, and after their decease to the heirs of their two Co, Stafford, yeoman, an f the other part, the saId
f B radelev, 00, Stafford, yeo.roan , _a f a maniaae already
bodies, and for default of such issue to the right heirs of the said a ., 'conslderatlOll 0 0 'f
vVilliam Blakemore the younger for ever-P1'oviso, that if the said ,Villiam Blakemore,. In lina Blakemore, his now:Wl e,
William Blakemore the elder shaU marry, the said William Blake- solemnized between hIm and A~P~ower oives to tbe said SlID?ll
for her jointure in recompense 0, / f th~ capital messuage, WIth
more the younger, his heirs and executors, shall pay to ,\;Y~illiam the
Potts and p.ichard Lake the ?no,,! y a 0d W,olliam Blakemore noW
elder, or his assigns, the sum of £14 per annnm during the life of o hich tle sal 0 fth
the said William Blakemore the eldero' the appurtenances, III W tOCl"ether with the mOIety 0 e
dwelleth, called Broc~hurst. ~::~' als~ all those and every pa-rt and
In 1673, the said William Blakemore (III.) being now in pos-
buildings, &c" belongmg to It, of land, &c" noW in the tenure
parcel of all those closes or parc~~
session, and married to a second wife, resettles his estates.
ianes or assignees or under-
By indenture, of 7th July 25 Caro II. (1673), between William
of the said William Blakemo~\ ~~mas~~ said William Blakemore, 0
Blakemore (now described as the elder), of Brockhurst, yeoman, of
tenants to the use and beh~o 0 s~ to the use and behoof ~f .the
one part, and Richard Jennings, of Muckleton, Co. Salop, yeoman, for term of life, and after h,s dec~\ body by the said WIlham
and Benjamin Blakemore, of Wem, in Coo Salop, tanner, brother of 0d Appolina and the heIrs 0 :er
the said William Blakemore, of the other part, for love of his son sal . fd r-
Blakemore in satisfaction 0 0 o;;eWillo III (170 0), William Blake-
and heir apparent, William Blakemore, and for the settling of lands By indentare of 25th April n sou and heir apparent of
and tenements, hereafter mentioned, upon the said William Blake- f B 'ockhurst yeoma , , nd
mOTe the younger, 0 I of Brockhurst aforesald, yeoma~,a .
m.ore the younger and his heirs, and also for raising portions for William Blakemore the elde~li Blakemore the younger, BenJamm
the younger children of the said William Blakemore the elder, the
Susanna, wife of the'n saId \"~h am, 1 of TODae 00, Salop. yeoma~,
said William Blakemore the elder gives to the said Richard 'n the pans 1 0 ' , d M >c Ius
Blakemore, of Meesl ,1 0 Salop cordwainer, an aT}
Jennings and Benjamin Blakemore and their heirs the moiety of nobert Woodhouse, of wem;ht~~s of the said William Blakemore
the capital messuage, called the Farm of Brockhurst, wherein the
said William Blakemore the elder now dwelleth, together with the
moiety of all houses, edifices, buildings, barnes, stables, orchards,
:e 'fe who is one of the dauo

W erom, Wl
'dow of the one part, a
f Newtown in the pansh of
~lc1er, and Susanno. Newton~d °John Blake~lOre, of Brockhul'st
'd "'lolliam Blakemore tIle
0 f the sal "
aforesaid, yeoman'j :ldestw~~e on the other part, the fo~:nerthSee sa~~
gardens and backsides to the said capital messuage belonging, and
also all those, and, every part and parcel of those, his closes or olina lIS no " (Ye wherel n
parcels of land, &c" hereafter mentioned in BrocIthurst, called the elder, by A p , II that cap'tal messuao' I n d the
the said John Blakemore a w dwelleth, common y ca e .
Dovehouse Leasow, the Pitt Leasow, the New Heys, Penfurlong, lakemore the elder no dOli s &c to the said cap,tal
and Penfnrlong meadow, the BanId ridding meadow, the Banld Willi am B dallhuseselce, " ftl<:
Farm of BrockhUl'st, nn all 'd every paTt and parcell 0 1O... ~
ridding dole, the Rushey meadow, Wigsfield land, the Bosus . 0- and also a an the two ne"
meSSuage.b el onglIlo' h leasow, pitt leaso w , odd' 0-
(Boreshurst 1) land, and the Overlees land-all now in the tenure called dove ouse adow the bald !l lilt>
CI oseS, &0. ' f ulon{T me , t
of the said William Blakemore the elder, to have and to hold to the la es penfurlong, and pen l th~ mOll nt the overlees, the grea
use and behoof of the said William Blakemore the elder for term of Y d' w tbe bauld ridding dole, d t! t';o little casses, the lay
life, and after his decease to William Blakemore the younger and mea 0 , I tely d,V,de, ole th dove-
0,ltO two parts a I the lane gIttSS, e
his heirs and assigns for ever. William ~lakemore the younger to cases 1 aso the near ces, d th 10nO'
riddincr, the gate le :" dow the pike meadow, an e f th~
pay (when he attains the age of 22 years) to his brother Benjamin omeadow, the pItt roea , 'tre noW in the tenure 0
alid his sister Mary £:50 a piece j and the said William Blakemore , ~:~ow dole, all which sa~ l~~~~ ~~; ~ssigns or under-tenants.
the elder covenants fpr himself and Appolina his wife, and any Sal0d '''illioam
n' Blakemore t e - , _
., ____ 0
other claiming an interest therein, to convey the premises to the 1 & ~ WestOll EvillC!1CC5,
1 Weston ~vidences.

On May 1st, 1706, William Blakemore, of Brockhurst, Co,

Stafford, yeoman. and Apolina his wife, John Blakemore, of Brock-
hurst, yeoman, eldest son of the said William, by Apolina his wife,
Mary, wife of the said J aIm Blakemore, Samuel Blakemore, of
Brvckhurst aforesaid, yeoman, and Andrew Blakemore, of Brock~
hurst aforesaid, yeoman, other sons of ~he said William Blakemore,
by Apolina. his wife, mortgage their interest in Brockhurst to John
Blakemore, of Blymhill, yeoman.'
On 23rd January, 1707, }'raunces raddey, of Byterton, in the
parish of Weston-under-Liziard, widow, and William Hipwood, of ri
Bishopswood, yeoman, son and heir of William Hipwood the elder,-
late 01 Bishopswood, deceased, release to John Blakemore, of 't.::11--,
Blymhill, gent., all those four closes of land, meadow and pasture, ;:;
hereafter mentioned, namely, two closes, called the coppyes or
Hanbury Sitch, containing 10 acres, a close, called Bromley hay .
bank, containing 4 acres, and a meadow, called Bromley hay
meadow, of 6 acres, all in Brockhurst.' And by indenture, of
November 1st and 2nd, 1708, William Blal:::emore, gent., and
J aIm, his eldest son by his wife Apolina, release to John Blakemore,
of Blymhill, the four closes above mentioned, and to Maximilian
Stephens the messuage or tenement called Brockhurst Farm, and
all the rest of the lands which belonged to the said William
Blakemore and John his son, or either of them.:l
In 1708, Maximilian Stephen declares that the above purchase
in his name was made on behalf of John Skrymsher his heirs and
This John Skrymsher, who held other lands in Blymhill and
Brineton, and of whom we have already spoken under Pychford's
share,6 died in 1737, leaving a son, John Skl'ymsher, and two
daughters, to which last he beque~thed his estate at Brockhurst,
subject to certain charges. c Of these daughter:::, Jane, the eldest,
was married to Richard Davies, of Shrewsbury, Doctor of Physick,
and Mary, the younger daughter, was afterwards married to Richard
Corbet, of Shrewsbury, Esqr,
By indenture, of 20th October, 1746, this estate, which is des-
cribed as containing one messuage, 40 acres of land, 15 acres of
meadow, 50 acres of pasture and common of pasture of all manner
of cattle, and co=on of turbary, with the appurtenances, was
1. & ~ Weston Evidences. These :fields had been purchased, in or about 1678, from
William Blakemore by the Hipwoods and Mrs. Frances Paddy. s & Ibid. & See

pp. 95.97. C Original Deed at Weston.

conveyed to Thomas Hunt and Robert More, Esquires, as trustees,
to the use, as to one moiety, of the said Richard Davies and Jane
his wife for life, and then to be sold to raise portions for their
children, if any; and as to the other moiety, to the use of the said
Richard Corbet and Mary his wife. Both of these moieties were
afterwards purchased by Sir Henry Bridgeman, Baronet, on 27th
and 28th June, 1765, the one from Jane Davies, widow of Richard
Davies, deceased, J~ne Davies, spins~er, Thomas Runt~ Esqro, and
Robert More, Es'l.'., and the other from Richard Corbett, and Mary
his wife.
As to the other part of Blakemore's lands, consisting of the
coppies called Hanbury Sitches and Bromley Hay bank and a
meadow called Bromley Hay meadow, which were released, in 1708,
by William Blakemore Bnd John, his son, to John Blakemore, of
Blymhill, gent., the same John Blakemore, the purchaser (who was
afterwards described as of SheriffHales,gent.),died about 1717,seizOO
of this and another estate in Blymhill, which descended to his three
daughters and coheirs, namely, Mary, wife of Thomas Bn!!, Ann,
wife of William Langley, and Catherine Blakemore, spinster.
In 1721, Thomas Bull and Mary his wife, mortgaged their third
part, in three e'l.ual parts to be divided, of and in all those foul'
messuages, situated in the parish of Blymhill, in the several tenures
of Valentine Viccars,' James Hill, William Beech, and John Lowe,
and of and in all and singular houses, outhouses, gardens, orchards,
lands~ &0., to the said messuages belonging, and also of and in those
four closes in the parish of Blymhill which the said John Blake-
more had purchased from William Blakemore, yeoman, and
Fraunces Paddy, widow (the mortgagee), which were known as the
Coppice Leasows or Henbury Sitch.
In 1730, William Langley and Ann his wife, mortgage their third
part to Humphrey Pitt; and in 1753 the said third part was made
over to Humphrey Pitt by Thomas Medlicot, late of MedIicot, Co.
Salop, but then of Haymarket, in the~arishof Westminster, gent.,
:t Valentine Vickan W8.'I buried at Blymhlll, 20thM.atch, 1746-7, and his wife, Mrs.

Anne Vickars. 20th Mu'ch, 1779, a.ged 97. Theil: son, Val~til:J.e Vickers, W:l.ll
ba.ptized 14th Februa.ry, 172.5. The familyafterwa:rds removed to the 'Parish of War-
field, Co. Salop, but l'etalned until lately a. small f:reehold tenement in the parish of
Blymhill, the ttadle of their fa:mily. In the church at Worfield is a monument to
the memory of "V alanrine Vickers, la.te of Cranmere, in the pati!lh of Worfield, who
died 1ith. November, 1814, aged 52, and of Sns:a.nna his wife, who died 31st December,
1839, aged 78. His sons wen Valentine Vickers, Esq" of EU1!rton Grange, Co. Star.
ford, snd the Venerable William 'Vickers, late Archdeacon of Salop {in tile Djoceoo of
Hereford), who died 10th !1ay, 1851.
and Catherine his wife, and J\1argaret Langley, late of Bridgenol'th,
but then of Golding, Co. Salop, spinster; ivhich Catherine and
::\f::Lrgn.ret were the only surviving daughters and heirs of William
Langley and Ann his ,,,ife.
Catherine Blakemore left her tllird paTt to her nephew, Blake-
mOre Dull, son of Thomas awl 1fary Bull, who is described in
17:~8 as of Ivetsea Bank, in the parish of LapIer, gent., and who
left or gave it to his mother, Mary BulL
The said :Mary Bull left her two-thirds (subject to the mortgages
thereon) to her daughter, Catherine, wife of the Rev d. Edmund
Taylor, clerk, of Worcester, which Edmund and Catherine Taylor
sold their interest in this estate to Robert Crockett, of Little Onn,
gent., in 1754; and ill the same year, the said Hobert Crockett pur-
chased the other thi"d part from Humphrey Pitt.
The lands thus purchased were described, in the purchase from
Taylor, as two-thirds of two me::;sua.ges, two barns, two gardens,
two orchards, thirty acres of land, ten acres of meadow, and twenty
acres of pasture, together with commOll of Turbary, in Brockhurst;
and in the purchase from Pitt as one-third of all those two mes-
suages, cottages, or tenements, with all buildings, lands, meadows,
and pastures thereto belonging, situated at Brockhurst, late in the
tenure of Vo.lentine·Vickars, William Beech, and James Hill, but
now in the tenllI'e of Samuel T<:I.ylor and vYilliam Farnell, or their
undel' tenants, which the said Humphrey Pitt, amongst other lands,
had lately brought from Thomas MedIi cot and Catherine his wife,
and 1fargaret Langley, spinster, and all other freehold messuages,
&c., in the parish of BIymhiII, or elsewhere in the County of Staf-
fCl'd, which he purchased from the said Thomas Mecllicot and
Catherine his wife and Margare.t Langley.
By deed of November, 24-25th, 1762, Robert Crockett settled
this property upon his daughter Margaret, on her marriage with
William Lythall, of Little Onn, gent., as J.:.!art of her marriage
portion. The said William Lythall, by his will, dated 28th October,
1769, and proved 27th October, 1772, bequeathed his estates at
Blymhill (amongst others) to Henry Crockett, of Shushons, Co.
Stafford, gent., and Thomas Embry, to raise money for the portions
of his daughters, Ann, Mary, and SaTah, with remainderto his own
right heirs.
Of these daughters, Ann died unmarried in 1780 and MaI'Y in
1795. Sarah married Thomas Paddy, of Drayton, near Shiffnal,
gent., bat died without issue in 1811; and their only brother,
~#f~M~~~~~~i¥~~;~~~~~i~'YC~fL':~~~2~:;:c~;:~~ c. ·.~~.;.,;;:':::. i.;·,c;,~::','~?"',:'."~·..• ":#,~ ,," "'-c,,"'· ,""'-"-',_.;- ~.,,,,,,,


Arms: Ai-g. 3 Cornish chonghs ppr. 2 & 1;

1o[ollo: CI'OI\'O not cl'ok(J llot. PEDlGHgE OF OHOCKEl'l" OF Lr'l'l'LI~ ONN.
COlllmll1lir~t(:(1 II)' [lill
HUI', R P. Crockett..
C"ckot~ of ll,mlcm, i" the poe, ef St'k'TEi"'hcth . ,.,1. ; wilt P""Nt 0 Ap";l, 1600.

Nich,)lllg Cl'ockcit, eletest son
Robcl't Crol:kctt, ullller
'---. ._--- .. ..__
John Crochtt, of the parish of Stoh, '3nt son
;=/ H!l..rl:, . . . . . : .
.. . . _ - - _ ..
Iltld heir. "go 1608. UlHhlr age lOGS; 1111l" 11 Ja:ll\~I'J'1 1683. hnug 1{)3j-lG~5. Elizaldh ("~ t ~\j"rill"
Robert Croakett Nicholas Croc-
bnl,t. 13 Aprii,
kBtt bar~. 7
I"eb., 1635.
J osJlua Croc_
kett bart.
Thomus CI'oekelt, of Ec·=Eliznbcth, ...
, ·-----------'-'T'
Henry Crockett, bart. 1 Apl'il,=l\I:try, (bu. of Eliz_Lhl:llt, lJ.lpt 27 Dc!', WH.
22 Ma1ult,
~1 ~S ~fay,
clcshaJl, Co. Stafford, reI. ; hill'. ot 165[, j of Wheaton Aston,. Littletoll, ?lLtr:.(.n'!lt, bal't t)ej!L 1(1,! r.
1639. bnpt. at Stoke 12Mareh, Eccleflhal123 gOIlt.; d. 4 April, 17:10; 1m!'. d. f)·'IIt. 1703 J'Yl1ifl, April, 1(11.'1.
d~lI'jze3 kin.~mnll
1643; bnl·. at Ecolcshall Jllly, I71·J, nt Church Eltrlll; will dnte,1 (or 172,;) i LuI'. l\l:lrj', hap!. 17 HI;,!.
5 April, 1703. 17JO, to his nlVhluchECitoll
I , Hobert, SOil of nco. Crockrlt.
Oeorgll Crockett, of ECclPSh'111,=/ Elizabeth, sister of R111}h r.Ia!'Y, wife of James , ,---'- -..I--T----~-
bnpt. thore 2nd Dor., 1633; Hn(ldel'ton i ilInrried 2-1th . . of Kettley, Sal'ah, b:lpt. 13 July,
d. l~t bby, b\1\~ Rt E,.lclcs- Aligllst, 1703, (lied 23th Co. Salop. 10i8; lllflrrid 23th Krttht·l"inr, bapt. I-:lizllwth, Ann, 11. ),Olll1/i,
bali 'til Unj', 1762, oged 68./ May, btl!". 30 Afay, 1738, Apr., 1725, to 'l'ho'. 27 D,·c., 1670; L.lpt. lJ IJilL al Ecr.l~.i- M:ln;hll" h.'t)lt. 12
nt Eccleshall. Uey[cml, of Horsloy hUl". aL l~cclc.~_ M:II"Ch, I'Jllt Fcum:'l"Y. FdJ., lli7!), ,li!'ll
ha1l2i October, 167u. W78. llllllnrric.l; bill".
Hall, Co. l:H:t!fonL 1703. at ECl"!e,~hl1l! 1 D

Elizlheth, hll[lt:.
9 Nov. 1712 j ~ 14th NOI'., ],lllrhnll, of 1.1ore.
&"\''Rh, bapt. Mary, d. of 'Vill.=Robert Crockctt, of""",Alluc,llrmofRev.
LitHo OUll, Oo.StaO:, '. . Cuugrcvr.,
Geol'go Crockott,
,""--,--.-~- ..f-----~,
Kov., 1737.

m~r.30 Nov., 1714; mar. tOll Say Hall, in gent. , bapt. at Ecclc3- ofLittloChatll'ell Anne, iJnpt. El~anor, h~pt. ]\flny, b:\pt. 20 Lydia, 1):lpl.
2m! SOil, b:lpt.
17:HJ, Rich. John Hill, pr.orWhitchnnh ha1l2ht Fob., 1708; Co. StaIYurll, dielL Oth Sep. 1710; filh Nov., 11:\h,'.171S, lIl11',:h, 1719, 23 Man.:h,
illt,!fJMi[, of ofMarstflll, Co.SalOI1; d. 21 somotimeofShusholl9 S.}l. Dec., 1775; bUI·. at Eecll'ls_ 171(1; hilI'. l'llI". 21 S,lp., wifo of Thos. 1721, wHo
Sei;!I:foI'J, Co. Co.StaJi"ord. April 1749, ageo.l. Co. StaIY., HighO _ blu'. at Cllllrch hall 2Hh In Iy, 27tll 3,:p., 172::1, lit ED· Gno~al!,oflIi11 of WilliaUl
on 1I29,at Ec- cleshall. Hidware, Co. Nicholls, of
Stafford. 43. 1st \VifG. stable; d. 15thJnu(', R.\ton. 2no.l. wifp 1711.
1776;agl'l(i69, bur. at elcsh~dl. Storr., d. 8.p. Stil"ehloy.
Chul"I:h T~ Iton. 1752.

_~ ... __ ~._<~~ •...-_C<."""--'-...... """"......,...~." ... _~~~ ... ,~~.-..~~ .... ~_'" ~""_._~'" ...'"':.,.............-...........,,,~ ...~ ••.,,"'-"""""",, w,,*"" w'j' {.

Sllf~ll' mar. ht Richard. nagllf\1\,

. , , .
1IIa:>~arct, mar. William Lythall,
Het y Crockett, or LittlO=1 Mary, (1. of Ricllal'l COlser, Ehzlbeth, !nar. Goorgo Hay- JlIary, (\Ier\ UIl_
ofSoighf')I"l\, 00. ~talr. ; 2udly, On]), Esqr., only SOli and ofS}lel"in'Halos~rf\nol', Co. ward, of Cl'essagc, Co. Salop; maL·.{l)16JuIlB, or Chatw'oll, Co. Stafford, for.
Thom Ii Cottp.rill, OrO,linCston, IlOir; J.P. fOI Co. StntTorJ; Stafford; dic,l 21st J1mc, btll'. 12th July, 17ii3, nt 1752, ret. 20; tl1Cl"ly of Moreton Say, Co. SalOl);
Co. Saloll, ROllt., d. O..:t. 1813; d. H Oct., 1796, aged 51; 1829, mt. 82; bnriOlI at Chlll'ch Eaton, mt. 50. bur. at Church diet\22 Dec., 1813, rot. 72; bur.
bur. at Leightou. burirt\ at ClllHeh Eaton. CIHU'ch l!:!lton. Eatoll. at Clmrch Eaton.
- ....
,,, 1 , , , 1 ,
Henry Oroc-=Sarall,ohl. Johll:t.lurhall=Frllllces, d. &; George ]labCl't Crockett, =Maria Wright, George 'l'hos. Croc. Uary, ell\. Cnthcrillo, Eliza- Ellz!both,
kelt, of Little d. & eoh. Crockett, or eoh.ofJoSCl'h Jolm clerk, 2nu 1;0ll; d.ofAbialhal· Crockett, kett, of d.,wireof 2nd (lau. , beth, d.ullmnr.
01l~, Elqr., of Jose\)h StnffO\',I, and Molyncux, of Wi!\i:lm Rector of Hawkes, of of Chat- Birming- JJiellt.Col. wife of d. in 27 Mar.,
SOli lind h~h'; Molyneux a!'tc\"\\'anisof WillenhaH; all diml stonc,Co. J,eices- Dwllf'.y; dicd well, Co. ham; d. Chal"l(l.'J Wlll.Grcall herin- 18G5jl.lllr.
J. r.; High o!"WiHou- Johnaol)Hnll dim\ atToIJg, infanta ter; d.20Mar., lOJI\!,'f,1812.j Stnft'ord j there, 10 Orrcll, of fl\licy at Nail-
Sl\erilf or CO. Ilal1. C<.l. Co. Stalfur<l, County Salop 1852, rot. 80; bUl'.atOhmch d,l Jun., May,18S0 R1del.vIYe, Sfandish stone.
Stalf.,ao. . f:.t,llf., m. 3rdSOil;d.16 1848; bur. at hur. at Clunch [i;aton. 1856, rot.
d.1 ,\p ,1833; 1793; d. Jan}'. 1810; OluuchEnton mt.4.7. died 17th RectalY,
Eaton. 75; btll'_ Feb., Co. Lane.
bllT, ntCiluL'(:h 30 Mnl'., bnf.atChurc\t lit Nail- 1827.
Eaton. 179,1, ret. Eaton,ret.65. died 2Dth
~ _ _~. stOllo. Dec.1829
25; bur. ---I
atChu\"ch Riclmrd Crockett, of Shnshiolls,
EalOit. seo ncxt page. Wm. Crockett, oEExetcr,
sec noxt page.

I ,
1. John Molyneux C[oc-= M:arin, dati.
, I-I , - - , - - - _.._ - - ---I- - - ' - '-,
Fnnnr' only Henry Crockctt
Frcd~rick"""I-Uary AUIl, Rob~l't Pl"incop=EHzabcth. 'I'helllnsCrockett, Francis
ehih . horn 3 kett, c\()lk, s. & hr.; of Cnptain E,I wl\nlCrockott, Hobert Henry
Crockett (\!lllghtor Crockl'ltt,clork; daughter borh 1814, mar. Mary, Crockett, lion
hit., 1711.J, d. 0.8 Oct.,ISO'1 i Yimll" WntqOll, of diel\ an itlfnllt. of Richnrd Vicar of Ec- of 'l'hos. JaM, datt. of (lied & heir appt.,
160:h Avril of ofWithurllwick; mnr. Ihrton_ Charlos Ellwl\\"{\
1st, 0., dall. (,r Hov. Ilnuor_ Crockett, clO,tOll, Co. Brierley, •. 'l'lIylor, young born 8 :May,
tllosa\ll1l yoar, Crockett, dioL\ of SimI!_ Ln)lc,utcr; In. of Bow. butlJasl\oissuo.
bur.atC\tul"ch ••. Coo,,~r, Reet.of Needwood. IB27 j burialll\t 1804: ; d. lUl'
hiollS. 24th Augnst, den, Co. mar., bUl·. at
Eaton. Ycovil, Donct, who 2nd wife. Eecleshnll. 1848. Cest. ChUl"chlr.aton
die.} 1818, B.p.
, . ,, - - - - . ,0 ' , -----;1"1 , ,"'--1'1 , -,
Joll11 Molyneux Maria Francis Rhznbcth Frcnorir,k Croekett ; Ohnr10s, (lead Irrancis Robert C\"o~kot, Mary, born 19
Crllcket·t. Charlolto J~~sie "Mary II. 1872. before 1881. Lfl\lTr\ born 12 Feb., Dec. 1849.

:~T.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~:.~~7:'''''''{~,?:;~~'f'~:~I:.~7. "-~.,:"'-;~-:~~~:~~~~jj!~,~!2r.;~~~~;~~:;_~",;;",;~~'t~r~_?~r-.f:'~~~~~!~ .
__ '~-::":-:';:. ,"i;:c~. ''0:';'''''" . - -:.;-~ -r .'..._:" ~" .. ' .~., ..~:".; ..
"" _.,
. __ , _" ___ -~, -- ".-'--" z_o. ;. __
-~.:;,-~--\- '" __ ~;~ "~"'~-~-,~ ''';--~:;-'''''_';:'~"~c:~_:~~_~~_;-~-_,_~=o .::e;""-,,,._,, '__

. ~-- .. -------~-~, "...,-, ~- .~"""""-"",",,-,-,-,-~"-,,,,,-,...~...,.,,.,,,,,,,,,....., ,.......","",.,......".,.,........,..,...."..,. ,/,,0l!J..~~

Ricbard Ilnd Mllry Crockett; died 18 Murch, 18135, ret, 88;

buried Ilt Norwood.
ltieharu. Croel{ett, of Shushions blunor, bom 3 May, 1777, son of=Bl'i(lgctt, d:ltl. 0.11(1 twit of llichlm\ Singleton, of I'oll!ton, Co. I,(\llc. i
InarrioJ 1310; diC(117,8r p., 18,12, rot. 60.

I I" I [--"--T-----I---I
eldest son; b.\ Allinson (of
18 Unr.,1813. Whitehaven)
Crockett, died 0
Aug., 1862, ill
I,=lIHss C,\thcl'ino Riclul.\"dSinglcton=Mis9 Francer. Geo\'gcLythllll=Elizabeth
Vnnghton (of
Cl'o~kett; b. Wllt:lOll,
11th July, widow
Mllry Ann, Helen Uar;.:nrct,
hom 13th
Ap., 1816 j
b01'1l 24.Jall.,
1819, dt~l\ 13
E,lward Charles Crockett, born
1823; ill the IIrmy, Civil Com-
missionor, Resident Mllgis-
Oauada. Salop). 1817. (ute AI- lJl!\lTiet\ Jan., 1872. ISZ0. tl'atc, all!1 Collcct. of Customs,
H!l~on), hel'consin, at . . . Day, Oil the Const of
o[White_ l"l'llderiek Africa, where he died, Utll
havcn. Cl'oekott. necember, 1874.
I 1
Row1nnt\ l-IeUl'y"-"'Mi.~s Heltlll Hodgkinstlll
Florence. Amlio.
Vnuj:l;hton, born (of Retfol'1i, ill tho
15 July, IS4.5. COllllty of Notts.)

Willialll Crockett, of l~xetor (son of Richard Rnd Mary crockctl),=\ I~Hzn, da\lghter nnt\ hPir of Jolnl D,\wl', of Exeter,
Mayor of Exoter, 1823; died 1st February, 1856, rut. 61. died 9th Augmt, 1852.

I - '-1--
IIllrbcrt Fro(\ol'illk Orockett, Mllry
eh'rk, born Deeelllbcr, 1827 i glizll
Rector of Upton I,ovei, Fmnees
Wilts (lSSl). William Jolin
Arthur Henry
Illl of whom dic!\s.p.

~~"':$":~:~'~~~_~;:..-+3~~~n:'!:/_-;~!_:;; ~-:i;"""':"'~'~;'~~~'~_""~IjI,~~!._i_~".~_y~~_:~:~__~~~~~~~~~~~~'tf1~~~~,~~~:;',~~:ft:,~~~-,;~~:~~~
," I"/,
,I: ,
I Robert Crockett Lythall, of Chatwell, Co. Stafford, gent., by his
will, dated 14th August, 1798, and proved 30th November, of the
same yeal', left this and his other estates in the County of Stafford
to his mother, Margaret Lythall-
Mrs. Margaret Lythall, by her will, dated 26th April, 1813, left
divers sums to her nephews and nieces, &c., and all that freehold
messuage or tenement, farm, lands, &c., in BrockhuI,st, in the tenure
of John "'Whittingham and Thomas Jones, to Henry Crockett, elder
son of her brother, Henry Crockett, deceased.
This property was· sold by Henry Crockett, 5th and 6th July,
1820, to George Prynold, of Sutton, in the parish of Drayton-in-
Hales; and by Prynold to the Earl of Bradford, about the. year


Besides the estates already mentioned, there were several other

: i:
I small freehold estates in the parish of Blymhill, the origin of which
I am unable to trace.
It has been incidentally mentioned in a pl'evious page~ that

,. f . Jonas Asley, of Wood Eaton, Co; Stafford, gent, and Thomas James,
" :,;
r of Market Drayton, Co. Salop, gent., were freeholders in the town-
ship of Brineton in 1682, together with Sir Thomas Wilbraham,
[ Baronet, Thoro as Lane, of Bentley, Thomas Jobber, of Aston, and
John Levett, Esquires, and Walter Skrimsher, of Orslow, gent.
It is probable tbat a whole or part of Asley's estate in Brineton
I was that which was dealt with in 1760 by Walter Astley, gentle-
man, and William Astley, cleTk, and which was, apparently,
conveyed by the latter, in 1767, to Robert, Thomas, and William
Higgs, yeomen. From them it passed soon afterwards by purchase
to the Meddins's and James's, and was sold, in 1821, by Mary,
the widow and devisee of the late Joseph James, to the Dickensons,
who sold it, in 1838, to the Earl of Bradford.
I should also conjecture that a whole or part of the estate of
Thomas James, in 1682, was that which was afterw'ards known as .i
the Burnt Withies aod new Ditch. This estate, in 1754, was in
possession of Thoma:s James~ of the High Hall, in the pal1sh of
BlymhiU, yeoman, eldest son and beir of Francis James, late of
Brineton, in the pal'ish of Blyrnhill, deceased i tIle said Thomas
1 Weston Evidences. ~ VoL I., :page 30S. ,,

.James had then a »ife, Elizabeth, and two brothers, Walter and
John .Tame" liYing. The land of the Earl of Bradford lay on the
north siLle of the said two closes, and the land of Thomas Hodgetts,
gent., on the SO"!.lth side thereof. The said Thomas James made a
will to dispose of his persollalty in 1800, which was proved in 1803,
but he died intestate as to his real estate. In 1802, Francis James,
of Brilleton, eldest sou and heir of Thomas James, late of High
Hall, by Elizabeth his wife, was about to marry Ruth BOulton j and
on Novembel' 9th, 1818, Francis James disposes of the property to
William Bradburn for £860. This little estate was purchased by
the Earl of Bradford, in 1827, from William Bradburn for £1,050.
There was another farm in Brinton which Was at one time in
the possession of a family of the name of Aston. In 1706, on the
marriage of Jane, daughter of Edward Aston, of Sheriff Hales, and
Hannah his Wife, with Henry Greswold, this property was settled

upon the said Jane Aston, and so came to the Greswolds.' The
said Henry Greswold, Esqr., who afterwards succeeded his brother
at Solihull, left issue by her an only daughter, Anne, who was pos-
sessed of this property in 1754, and afterwards died unmarried,
When the Brineton estate passed, with the other Greswold estates,
to her cousin, Henry Greswold Lewis, Esq'., of Malvern Hall, Co..
: .. WarWiCk, beillg the Son of David LeWis, Esqr., by Mary Greswold,
the daughter and eventual hei?-'ess of the Rev. Marshall Greswold,
youngel' brother of that HemJ Greswold who married J allE~ Aston.
Mr. Henry Greswold Lewis, who married Chal'Iotte, daughter of
! ~
Henry Lord Bradford, died without issue in 1829, when Malvern 1
Hall devolved upon Edmund Mesey Wigley, Esgr., the descendant 1
of his great-great_Aunt, Anne, daughter of Humphrey Greswold, 1
Esqr., of Greet, Co. Worcester; but the estate at Brineton had been 1
previously sold by Henry Greswold Lewis, Esgr., in 1776.'
One part of this estate was purchased by Richard Wilson, Esgr.,
who disposed of it in the follOwing year to Mr. John Smith, from j
Whose mortgagee, Mr. John Mountford, it was bought by the late
Earl of Bradford in 1838. Another portion of it was purchased by
Mr. Thomas Ward, who held it in 1785. This was left by Mr.
.John Ward, of Heath Hill, Sheriff Hales (who I suppose to have
been the son of Mr. Thomas Ward), to his wife Martha for her
life (who was in possession in 1820), and afterwards to James, ,j
sOn. of Leonard Ward, of Haughton, Farmer, with remainder to ~
his two sons and the heirs of their bodies, in default to John
1 & 2 We.ston Evidences.
__ -_--,c
'':''"'';-~;~~~''"_- ... """"_""e
:_~--= ;-~_-,.._ ~~

,-: ~" '-_ ...

Arms: Arg. 1\ less gules bCltWCClll two

greyhounds current sable. Pk'DLGIHm or,' GHESWOLD, OIt MALVEIl:'f HALL.

HUlUphrey Gre~\vold,
IGsqr., of Gl"l:ot, Co. Worcester; will dated in=1 Elizabeth, daughter 1\1111 eollCir of
1659, proved ill 1660. GrocH, 0 •. Worcester,
1~IlJke IlIJI1I'IW, nr Plll'shill
1 - - - . · · · · - · · · T --....-.----.-.... _. ___
1. Humphroy Greswold, Esqr" of GI'Cllt,
born in 1622; married, 1st, Lettice,
daughter of John Staunton, l!:sqr.,
of Longbridgll, and, 2 ndly, Eliza·
beth, d:lI1ghtor and coheir of
Edul1llld Smith, gcnt., of Mnpls
Rectol of SolihulJ,
Co -Warwick, 1'1I~.
llendalY of Ripon nnd
PlCcelltor of Lichfiold,
died III 1700,
2, Hcv Henry Glcswold, =1 Ann", da1\t,'htm' of Rev ,':laulltr.l
Marshall, of Wecdonbeck,
Co, NOlthrlJl1l'tull

Wm.1I1,d.:epeael', 1- 1 Mal \'

2 gll;>,!]I,
HOII!')' P.a 1m,·!", of flll oH
1';JHi, (:,]. W:lI'wi"k

I : I I I I
.\l11H', lli"tl ill

Borow Grccn; but died s. p. in Esrp , 01 Pen. mal ncd 3..'\:iI·tll,1 1. 1',,\JIl(')'
1671. I sham,Oounty 'I'homas
:!. llllJli'l' l':dlJl"]'
WOl"ce~lcr. I Dolc)' a. 1IIIIlli,hn,yl'nlnwl"
1. HlImplu'oy 2.
Hlllll'y Gres\\'old, =1 Jane, daughtcrof
I .. I r
J gll(l.
.1. .frlllles Pulme]'
ri. ,){).~Hph l',dllH'l"
G, 1l~1I.illl1lil1 1'111mClI'.
Esqr., of Soli· Edward Aston, 3, Rev, 1I1arshflll=-I-Mflt"tha. J'Ol1l1ger E(lWIII',1 WigJey, M.n.,
Esqr.,died GreslI'old. dnt1"ht(~1" nllll
in 1712.
hull, married in
1706. !
coltoil·. of Ullesthol"l'l', Cb,
ABul', pldr,sl
dan. awl
ill 17:31.

,~~~-, ... "

\ I
\-_.- 1- \ I I I
Martha, R~V'-He1ll'YWigleY"\-MarY, only
Ann Greswold, dsughter
and heir i died uu·
Esqr., of Uah'ern
Han, Co. Warwick,
2. M:arshallGrcswold,
}<~S(ll'" of Malvern
Hall, aftcrt\Hldeath
3. J oim
of Soli·
Lewis d. in
I 1757.
died un·
of Pellshilm; lord dfill. & heir
of the Manor or \ of Hcnry
die(l unmarricd in of Ids brothel'; (lied hull, died Une~tho1"p(1, dierI \. Ludlam,
in 1749. S.l). in 14 .hn., 1801. Esqr., of

\------- I1760. Leicester,

Henry Greswold=Holl. Cllarlotte
Anna }.larin,
Magdalonn, Elizabeth,
1---·--_· i
1, 1<~dnl\\lldWigleY'=-I-Al\nn Maria, 2. Hem'yWiglcy, R~qr., other
s\lcceeucd to Mal vern issue
Lewis, Esqr., of Bri(lRell)flll, In., in 1778, lYHl.J'fied, in died Ull' Esqr., BafJ"istol'at dan. of Charles
'Malvern Hall; da\l.ofI-l(mry, toWi\bl'aham 1791,toLioll' married. Law, M.P, for Wat\{insMey· HaH, 01\ the (leath of
died in 1820, Lord Bm(l. 5th Earl of el, 4th Earl VVorccstel',{\llUcd \ ~ey, ESQ1'" of hi!'!. nephew, and a~·
H.p. ford; d.1802. Dysart, but of Dysal-t, tho llalUO of Mey. Shakclli\\trd. slimed the namll IIn(t
diCld s. p, \lI1t d. s.p. sey ih IHltiition. arms of Gro!m'ol(l.
1·-· - .-.- .- .. ---1
Lient. Col. l~(hllnlld Ml'y80)' Wi~ley, of
Ann1a ~{a~i:,- :;~~~:t~l~--~-:.~I~:;~augll t~-"--- Mary Charlott!', dau. and
ShuIwnimrst, \'1'110 succceded to Malvern nmI colleir, marriod and colleir, manieil_ eoheir, mnrricd Chnrles
Halt all the death of Henry Greswolcl ,101111 Michael Sevornc, Rev. Archer Clive. Wickst"tl, Esql"., of Ht·t.
Lewis, Bsqr., and nssumed the 111l11l0 E!';{}r., now livinp; ley lIall, Co. Stafford;
alld IInl1S of GI'eswold i died unmarried (1881 ). died 19 Nov., 187ft.
in 1832.

"0:. ;-,-'

Ward, another son of Leonard Ward, and his sons, and in default to
all and every of the grandchildren of the said Leonard Ward and
their heirs and assigns. Martha, the widow of J oh11 Ward, died
in 1837. John Ward (the son of Leonard) died in 1854, leaving
two sons only sUl'Viving, namely, Thomas Ward and John Ward,
of whom Thomas died a bachelor in 1868.
In the meantime the estate passed to James Ward (the son of
Leonard), who, as James Ward of Brook House, Gnosall, Co. Stafford,
gent., by his will, dated 2nd October, 1869, be'lueathed all his per-
sonalty to his only daughter, Fanny Masefield, the wife of Robert
Masefield j but, at his death, the estate descended, aqcording to the
entail, to his nephew. the above mentioned John Ward, who sold it
to the Earl of Bradford in 1877.
The Ivetsey Farm was another freehold estate which appears to
, ? have been early severed from the demesne lands of the lords of the
.,:: ,
manor. It was written in different deeds as Evethayes, Ivettshay,
Ovettshay, and Uvetshay, and may, perhaps, have been formerly
held by a family who bore wbat I suppose to be the local name.
Robert de Quyoteshay (Ovyoteshay ') occurs, as witness to a Pich-
ford deed, in 1327, and Richard de Ovyoteshay, junior, also in
connection with the PichfOIds, in 133!.
I ima"oine that it passed from this family to the Wollastons, and
from the Wollastons to the Welies '5, by the marriage of Alice,
daughter and heir of Richard Aston, of Rorecross and Ashmore-
brook, 00. Stafford, to John Welles or Wellys, of Little Heywood,
Co. Stafford, in the time of Henry VI.
Of the origin of this family, Mr. Shaw, in speaking of the parish
of Yoxall, Co. Stafford, gives the following account1.:-" At a very
early period a family who took their name from the place had their
habitation here; the first of which name I have met with is Hugh
de Jokesal (temp. Hen. I), who had two roods of land in the Hay
of Abbot's J3romley." This family subsequently removing from
Yoxall to Lichfield, and residing there, near a well in Bacon Street,
took the name of Atteweil, afterwards softened into WeUys or
Welles, and had a grant of lands in Lichfield from William White
(11 Hen. IV.)
On the marriage of John, the son of Thomas Welles, of Little
Heywood and Lichfield, with Alice Aston, the heiress of Horecross,
he settled at the fine old house there, which continued in the pos~
session of the family for many years.
1. Shaw's Staffordshlre, VoL I., p. 99.

They Were succeeded by their son, Thomas '\\""elles, who in the

aid g.ranted to the King, --1 Hen. VII., for the lordship of New-
borough nnLl Horecross, for tenements, goods and cllattels, paid for
his tenement (at Horecross 1) 3s. and 4lL, and for the task of Hore-
c,·oss, lou. And in 1 .. Hen. VII., the said Thomas Welles paid for
his eight m:lnors in the County of Stafford 13s. and 4d., and for a
croft at Horecross, called Whitepole yard, with the pool there,
6s. and Sd, also for a pasture called the Parke, containing divers
parcels of land inclosed with a pale newly made, and called St.
Marie yard, barn croft, the great croft, the greate St. 11arie croft,
&c., 33s. and 4d., as appears by an old MS. in the possession of
Thomas Astle, ESqT.l
The said Thomas Welles was buried in the church of Yoxall,
Where there is a small brass plate in the north aisle, with the
following legend:_
"Teg-it sub lap ide corpus Thome atg; J ohanne
Credo qd. redemptor meus vivit et in ultimo die
De terra sunecsimus et in Carna mea videbo
Deum ,alvatorem meUill. Qui obut 29 die Juln, 1509."
Pray for the soull of Thomas Wellis and J ohane, his wife,
one of the daughters of Wm. Bonyngton, of Barowcote,
and the said Thomas was SOn and heir of John Wellis,
of Lichfield, otherwise called John Atwell, Cosyn and
heire unto J obn Aston, of Langdon, and son and heire
unto Alice, wyfe of the said John Wells, daughter
and heire nnto Richard Aston, of Ashmorebrok, cosen
and heire unto Thomas Davy, of Tuttbury, Cosen and
heire unto Robert Melburn, sumtyme lord of Horecross,
and also ye said Alice was cosyn and· heire unto John
Wollaston, of Oviatlishey (Oviattishey 1), on whose
soul Jesu have mercy.2
John Wellys, son of the last-mentioned Thomas, and grandson
of John Wellys and Alice Aston, died 4th May, 20 Henry VIII.
(1529), seized of the manor o~ capital messuage of Horecross, and
490 acres of land, &c., held of the King as of the honour of Tutbury,
1 Shaw's Staffordshire, VoL I., p. 103. 2 Ibid. p. 100. Below this monument is
another brass plate, with some rude veTSes, &c. And three coa.ts alike, one at each.
corner, the fourth being torn off, viz. :-Quar1;eTly, 1st, gu. on a f'esse sable a mullet
pierced argo three lozenges in chief; 2nd, six annulets bar ways; 3rd, sable, a
stag's head cabossed or (for Wells); 4th, a chevron between six. bezants or plates
(Shaw's Staff., l.t 100).
, .; ~. >

Arllls: Aston 01 AsIllllOl'cbl'Ook ; gil.

on a. fess sable a mullet picl'ced
argo 3 10zp.llgcs in chief. Weltes j PIWIGREI!; OF ASTON AXD WI~LLg5 Oli' HORECROSS. Takon from Shall":! 8tn!1onhhir(>,
sable a buck's head cabo.~scd, or. YoL I., II. 105,

Sir Roger Aston, of Ijittlo Heywood, Co, Stafford, Knigllt. =

John Astoll=
I - -J
Hobert AstonT

Adam Aston, of Ashmorebl'ook,
Co. StaffordTArmitrude, dnlJghter and llcir of I-ICll1'Y Drwil's.
Uichard Astoll,
00, Stafford. of AsJllllOl'llbrooke and IIorecl'oss "'~. TholllM Wcl1c.~, or Allwcll, of Lich~cJ,],
'I 11 IT. IV. -·~Ckely, sj~lr.r 111H1 hcil' of

Ali/co, daughter nnd heir, 5 Houry VI.
----_ _
rJOJ~~~~~~'~f HOl'ccroSS, jure 1I,)'oil's. I ,Johl1 A~I()lI, of Lotlgtlon.

Hobert Sprot=Agn(ls TllOIllIIS Wcllas, of Horccros.~ anti Lichficld, ,J gl\W. IV. antl1S HOll. VII. =JOI1.II, dan. of Willillm BOllinglon,
r-'-'I-- I --- - - - - -_____ L
Humphrey, John Welles, of Horecl'oss, d. 4, ThIllY, 20 lIon. VIII., lJeizeu,=Ann, ,I. nlH\ coho o( J ohn 1'it~hel'bert, I _
3 daughters. of Horotlross and a. messuage fliul210 acres at EYCtlHtytls'l of Norbury, Co, Derby. Isabd, Wife of .Tohn SrtPPOl'tOll,
lord of tIll) Manor of BoylsLon
18 Hon. VII.

................. ~~~ ...........~._ _~ ......... ~ _....... '_'7'" ~,",-",",----.~_,

Ricl~ard Wells=M:al'Y, dauglltel' Cat~~rine, wiftl

L Hurn~hr6Y Well6s, of Ilorecross, Sheriff of Stnffordshiro=,
1 Eliz.; d. 9 Sept" 7 Eliz, , soized ora messuage lIud tone- \
I Cotlks, of SnHsbmy.
of John of John St.
Andrcl\\', of Gotham.
ments in BlymhHl and Uvetshay.
I Welles, son Dorothy,
Robert . I
dau. =HumvllreyWells,=Cat I lonlle,{
- I au. Vhher 1. Margaret,wifo 2. Elizabeth. 3, Mary, wife 4. DOl'othy,wifeof
of llal'tholo- of John Ricllal'd Duff16ld,
and heir, of ofRalphOko- \ of l-lol'Ceross, \ ofJamesWes- Welles, mew Orouell, Chetwynd of Oxford.
Horoeross,1690, over, of Oke- 1583: eous. and tOIl, of Lich_ 2udson
d. 8.1'. over,lstwife. heir of Rober~. field, 2nd wife of Co, Duby.

I . \
John WeHaB, Bon alid heir, a!. 25, 1683=, Robert Welltls, 2nd son.
r l - - -i
Thoa. (01' John) OasseY'tll1A.ry, daughter aud lUll!'.
Mary, '.. =Robort Howard, born 1652 or 3, son of Sir Robert Howard, K.U., and gralld-=I Winifreu, daughter and heir.
2nd wife SOil of Thos. Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk; buriet\ at Yoxnll, 1 Sep., 16\)9.

I" I I
Robert HOlYllrd; buried o.t=\ Maty AllU, {t of Johu Wolfe, of St. Maty, d. llUm., hur. (l.t Wiuifred, eVeJltilal hoir i 1st wife of Potet Giffard, of Black
YOXIl.\l, '2 Jan., 1706. Giles' in tho Ilelds, Co. Middlesox. Yoxo.ll, '2 blo.r., 1703. Ladies, ChiUingtoll, 00. Stafford, EBtlf" died s.p. 1734..
Robert Howatd, buri<H\ at Yox1I11, 24 Mareh, 1703, S.p,

.>-_.• <:-'
, ''''e;; -

and of one messuage and 210 acres of laud, &0., at Evethayes, held
of the Baron of Stafford in socage. Humfrey was his sou and heir,
aged 26~; which Humfrey was Sheriff of Staffordshire in 1 Elizabeth,
and died 9th Sept., 7 Elizabeth (1565), seized of the manor and
divers messuages at HorecrosS, held of the King in socage; a mes-
suage, &c., at Clifton Campvill, held of Christopher Heveningbam,
Esqr., as of his manor of Clifton Campvill; a messuage, &c., at
Shenstone, held of the Lord of the manor j (the manor of) Langdon,
and C8l"tain cotta;es and tenement..s at Langdon, Bradwood and
El:ro.1urst; cottages, &c., at Chorley, held of the Lord Paget as of
the manor of Farwell j a messuage and tenements at Hansacre, held
of Francis Agard, as of his manor of Hansacre; a messuage and
tenements at Little Heywood, held bySir William Greisley, Knight,
as of his manor of Moreton; 26 acres of land at Bishton, held of
the Lord Paget as of his manor of Heywood; a messuage and tene-
ments at N ewburrow, held of Bromley Paget (1) j a messuage, &0.,
at Hampstall, held of Sir Thomas Fitzherbert, Knight, as of his
manor of Hampstall; a tenement, with the appurtenances, at Mear, ~ .
held of John Coyney, Esq'., as of his manor of Weston Coyney; a
toft at Pipe Ridware, held of the heirs of George Vernon, Esqr.; a
messuage and tenements at Blyrnkill and Uvetshay, .held of Ursula
Baroness Stafford as of her manor of Blymhill; a tenement, &0., at
Tutbury, held of the honour of Tutbury in socage; a tenement at
Wheaton Aston, held of the heirs of Sir Robert Brook, Knight;-
in all 20 roessuages, 6t burgages, 14 cottages, 1 toft, 440 acres of
land, 140 acres of meadow, 350 acres of past"Lrre, and 40 acres of
wood. Robert Wellys was his son and heir, aged 40 years.'
In Yoxall Church, under the two arches that divide the middle
aisle and north aisle, is a handsome alabaster altar tomb, with the
effigies of a man and woman, in the long :flowing dresses of the
times j and round the margin this inscription :-(( Here under this
tombe lyeth the bodies of Humfrey Welleys, of Horecross, Esquier,
and Marye, his wyfe, daughter of William Chatwine, of Ingestre,
Esquier, which Humfrey yelded his sowle to God from this present
lyfe, the IXth day of September, in the yeare of our Lord God
Mo. Do. LXV. And the said Marye dyed the 11th of July, in the
year of our Lord God Mo. Do. LXXXIIII," under which are cut
the arms and quarte~ings. t!-
His son, Robert Welles, Es'l.'" made a feofment, in 24 Elizabeth,
whereby be settled his estates on himself for life, with remainder
Cl. Inq. p.m. interSalt~s 1:I:S8.. ,~ Ibid. ~ Sha.w's staffordshire, VoL L, p. 100.

to Humfrey Welles, his cousin and next heir, and afterwards died
without issue. t

several years earlIer),

Rob t de Brunton RoO'er Bagot de eadem, and

er the last th~ee witnesses after Sir
Eager de Bru~ton aSppeHar :~ de Weston, Roger and Richard de

The last named Humphrey(living at Horecross in 1583) was sou of Bertram de Burgo, lr Uo
Richard, younger brother of the abo\re Humphrey, and by Dorothy Pitchitford.' W t . teO in the Octaves of St. John the
his first wife, daughter of Ralph Okeover, of Okeover, Esq., he had \ By finalo co~cor~ a~J ul"' ~'~~o~i, between Roger Careles, com:
issue John Welles, his son and heir,eet. 25 in 158:3, whose daughter, Baptlst, 3, Edw.. . d Y 'f Eo er Eagot de Emmon, defendant,
Mary, carried the manor of Horecross in marriage to Thomas plainant, ~nd R~char , so;:~ f01~ acres or meadow, and, three
Ca.ssey; by whom she ha.d a daughter, Winifred, who married ~oncerning three_ messua;:,~, nd' IsI~I, whereof was plea of
Hobert Howard, Esqr., son or Sir P~obert Howard, Knight of the virgates of land In Bruntone add the said premises to belong
Bath, younger son of Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, to whom she convention, defendant acknowl~ _ge t f the chief lords ·of the fee
was first wife. And Mr. Howard, in l1e1' right, was sometime lord to c.omplain~nt to hol~ _to_ c~mp ~m: ~his acknowledgment com-
of the mallor of Horecross. He died in August, 1699.~ In Plot's by the serVlCe appertalTIJ?o, an ks Z • •

Staffordshire, their arms are thus given :-" Gules, a bend between plainant gave to ~efe~dant ten mar _ ted to take an assize of novel
six cross-crosslets E.tched arg_ with the Duke of Norfolk's augmen- In 2 Edw. 11_ JUstIces are ~ppomd d B n·ton arraiO'ns against
.' _ h of Rukar e ru , _0.
tation on the bend; on a scutcheon of pretence, az_ a chevron or, dissetstn, which Jon, son rcing tenements ill Dilmenhale
between three birds' heads erased arg." He left issue Winifred, his Roger de'Picbeford and others cance
daughter and heir, who was the first wife of Peter Giffard, of .(Blymhill).' . e grants to John, ron of Bielw.rd
Chillington, Esqr_, and she having no issue, the manor of Horecross In 9 Edw. II., Thomas de la Hyd 0;r, k for term of life, two
de Blimenkull, . and .Hervey, ~ro~ 11 ~dw. n, as also in 1:
passed, about 1734, to the Earl of Bristol and Lord Griffin, of Bray-
brook, as her heirs at law, who sold it to Mr. Webb.' Whether places of land III Blimenhull. t of John Bagot, of Erey-nton.
I vetsey had been previously sold or not I have not ascertained. It and 13 Edw. II., there are deeds ext~rim tons' and prohably those
is now the property of the Earl of Bradford. I take these Bagots, Bruntons, or huliPalSO' to have been early
Of the earlier undertenants in Blymhill or Brineton we have who bore the name of de Blumenbut I do ~ot meet with them
John Bagot, of Brunton, William Warde, of Brunton, and Richa1-d cadets of the Bagots of Bl~,b Bl hill; it is therefore a
time in connectlon Wlt ~ freeholders of later
Bagot, of the same vill, occurring as witnesses to a deed of the aft er this hlch of the vanoUS
younger daughters of John Bagot, of Blymhill, which must have matter of' conjecture to w.
passed, as I think, between 1240 and 1255_.j, times their lands passed- s 4 Edw. IL, m. 16 in dorso
2 Salt's MS Pa.t. hich were
In 1259 Giles de Erdinton was ordered to take an assize of 1 Huntba.che MS., Vol. II. V L 1L ~ Ongina.l deeds at WestoD, W
novel disseizin, which Robert de Brimpton [Brineton] arraigned 'I ... Huntbache MS., 0
(Salt's MSl:l. Rev R B. Eyton. e were Lords of
against Robert de Cove'n, concerD:illg the common of pasture in given ~o the _wri:~!~d:::e that a family whoo ~ore t~:c:et: held under the
/I It 15 a cuno~ Church Eaton and rs ow, . which they held of
BrimptDn; tested by the King at Westminster, 20th May, 43 Hen.
III. (1259).'
- the adjacent ;~ :! also of Longford, .m ShrOP~~de Brunpton , Brunton,
Barons of Sta 0 .' The were mdiscriDlJ.D.8 te1 y ~ e ton in Berkshire, which
In the same year the same Justice was ordered to take an assize the Ki~g tn. _ca~'they t~ok their name froDl ~~~re not for the fact that
. of novel disseizin, which Thomas de Onne arraigned against Robert and Bl'lllton, th MortiDlet8 of Wigmore. If sd manor which was held
they held UIlde~ e -n Berkshue '\Va.'" a Dome ay that the Lords of Chmeh
de Brunthon concerning the common of pasture in Blamenhull; Brlmpton or Bnn;:: \n 1086 I show.d have ass~ed Brinetonjuzta Blymhill,
tested by the King at Westminster, 16th July, 1259.' by Ralph de Yo had derived their name and o~gi~~~re which they held under
In a deed without date, of Henry de Wyfvereston to Hamo ds i Eaton and Orslow _ own naJ;l8 to the manor lU ton and Orslow by the
and that the~ve .:e~::e Lords of Longford! ;h;ch !~ghter of Ramo, Lord of
BlumenhvJl (which must have passed before 1305, and probably Mortimer. ey de Brinton or Brimpton mt _
marriage of :Robert _ hich was deceas~d UL
;i65 leaving two Js,nghten: Eva
'II to .Robert de Brinton,
1 Shaw's Staffordshire, VoL I_. p_ 104. 2 Records of Ashtead and its Howard
possessors, by the Rev. Francis Edward Paget. 3 Shaw's Staffordshire, Vol L, p. 104. 5"
LOll"';ord, Co. Salop, ':ma, by King Ren:ry •
Eva was grven lD.
... See Vol. 1_, p. 293. 5 Pat_ 43 Hen. IlL, m. 10~ dorsa. 0. Ilnd.. m. 6 dorao~ a.nd .Agnes.
\ PI
I· .

t BI hill from a very early date.' It
One other small freehold estate in the townsliip of Brineton
has yet to be mentioned, which I omitted when speaking of the
There· was a Ohurch'. i
ttached to the collegiate Ohurch of
appears to have been ongma y ~ b the canons as a Chapel of Ease
others, namely, that known as Wyndford Mill, with about 29 Gnosall and was probably serve . Y hich must have been made
, h h. But by a conventIOn, w d th
acreS of land attached to it. This, at the early part of this century, to that 0 urc . 12 h tury between the canons an e
was in the possession of a family of the name of Wheeler, of towards the close of the t cen ' part and William, son
G weshall on t h e one , - . ht f
Lond'on, who also -owned some detached pieces of land in the Church 0 f no '. h the advowson and ng 0
adjoining townships. The above mill- and land,s were purchased, of John :Baggot, on the ot er, Blymbill was made over to
.' n to the Church 0 f . d t kinu
about the year 1850 from the Wheelers, by Thomas Boultbee, PresentatlO Bacrrrot an
d his he~"s for ever they un er a 0

Esq., of Great Chatwell, and are now (subject to certain ex~ the said Willi am 00 • fr u '
. h said Church of mn-hill ,
changes which were subsequently made with the late Earl of to payor cause t 0 be pald' om t.e f Gnoweshall one mark 0 f
, h .d Ohurch and canons 0 d
Bradford) in possession of his daughter, Miss Boultbee, of Great annually to t e- s~ 1 instalments at Easter an
Ohatwell . il r to be pald by half-year y . William Bagbt, of
s ve, h· h convention are Witnesses
Michaelmas,' to W Ie _ hili ]3aO'ot and others.2
who had the greater part of her fathtr's lands by the express direction and gift of the
said King; and hence in the Feodary of 1165 he acknowledges himself to hold one
Holeden, Roger Baygt, P P hill ;;, the Deanery of Lappeley
Knight's fee, of old feoffment. "which," says he, addressing the King, "thou gavest In 1291, the Church of Blym Staff: d and Diocese of Ooventry
me. with a certain gentJ,ewoman (l1be-rd muliere) named Eva, ·who is heir thereof, by and Tressel, Archdeaconry of So or,
the service of one knight, my service being to be performed at thy charges." (Liber: and Lichfield was valued at £S. .t' 'T~arum anno 1341. The .
Niger, t, pp. 140, 148, as quoted in Ant. Shropshire, VIII.. p. 103.) Robert de · th I gutS, tOnes "'v,. ,
Brienton, with consent of his wife Eva, gave the Church of Eaton to Polesworth It is not name d ill e n " . William de swynnerton,
Nunnery (Warwickshire). This he is expressed to have done as heir of Edelina __ but Valor Ecclesiasticus, of 1534-5, ~v:nse (ie., Rectory Rousey,
Mr. Eyton believes that his wife Eva was the heiress of Church Eaton, and that she
derived it from her father Hamo, who may have derived from some Edelint;... It ap-
I k -as parson there. He has
£ s. d.
W fr
pears that Robert de Brinton gave the Church of Longford to Shrewsbury Abbey. worth - .... SOO
His gift is the last and perhaps the most important of those enumerated in Henry IL's And in tithes of gram, about 0 6 0
confirmation of July, 1155. As the King had then been only a few months on the
throne, it is hereby proved that Robert de Brinton's marriage and inyestiture in oblations, about . 40 0
Longford must belong to that interval. He seems to have subseCluently quarrelled Easter offerings, about
with the monks of ShrewsblJ.ry, leaving it to his wife to make her peace with them " Hemp :flax, and other small tithes 10 0
at a later date; and he died in or before tne year 1185. Robert de Brinton, of J)
" ab , out...
46 8
Chnrch Eaton, left issue, by Eva his wife, at least two sons, Adam and John; but W 001 and lambs, about
Eva long survived her first husband, al;l.d was afterwards married to Walter de Wite·
field- Among the muniments at Longford is the transcript of a. deed, whereby King " 14 2 8
John, in the first year of his reign, grants and confirms to Eva., niece of John, son of Total
Gripp, and her heirs, the manor of Longford, --with the right of free warren, &c., as it - - - - - - - : .--:-:e been buUt abom 1350; but
had been held in the time of Henry" our grandfather" [great grandfather by hern
uncle John, son of Gripp, and ;Eva's ancestors under" King Henry, our grandfather
[great grandfather~) and King Henry, our father." This gives us the name of King wh en e
l. The old~r part of the
th Church was
e S
• tinO' Church appears to h.
~ 1858.9, and. a. new nort• "'d

blch purJ?ose it was ne
to ta ke 0
.1 u. north chancel
:ro.a:-few yards of the
. the wall, portions of t e
aisle were add.e~ or~cel there were 'found, built up.;.: me old tombstones with
Henry 1.'s origi.nal feoffee in the manor of Longford, .whose sister and heiress would
seem to have been either the wife, or more probably the mother, of Ramo the father
of Eva. (Compare Eyton's Antiq. of Shropshire. VXIl., p. 103.) In 1215, Eva had
north wall of : ; -c of:.n earlier church, together:h
mullions of WID om .th their faces downwa.rds, w e arh
s: now laid in. tht: chancel
"1 part of the last
laced there Wl b1 renovation in t e ·ear y
beeu succeeded by her son, Adam de Brinton. For a further account of this family crosses, P h derwent considera e . d' th aisle will have been
-" . The Churc un, f the nave an sou_ . .
see the Antiquities..of Shropshire. This note was originally written. under the im· . uoo r . t1 Gothic windows 0 • d, hi h have n.ow agaln gtven
pression that the -Lords of Chnxch Eaton and the under tenants in. fee at Brineton century, when e dh ad d windows of the peno w c h building
juxta Blymhill were of the s~me family. I hav.e since been obliged to relinquish re.placed by bil~rg.e : c t :e ~ keeping with theN'~ldeTr ~~01'tip'o~:ib~ e .. VoL IIi., p.
place to Got c ar 152 3 pope le. ",",,". ."
thai belief. but have thought it better to let the note remain. 2 stafford :M:SS. cs.r:tularr, p . . .
102. •
h theriaht bad fallen by lapse ·of time.'
and Lichfield, to w om d b . wl·ll have been presented by
. d B leve's pre ecessor
• From these he has to pay fox synodals every Ramo e rom, . 1 91 nd the lapsed turn will bave been
third year to the Bishop . . . . 2 0 Wilr de Ipstones III 9" ,a C
And to Nicholas Hethe, Archdeacon of Staf- the :::nd or that of th~ rep~es;'~!~e~ ~~~~J:r~!e ad:~~~d
ford, for procurations . 10 2 In August, 1349, St~p len (e r 'death of' Sir Hamo, late
And so there remains, nett , 1310 6 the Churcb of Blymhlll, vacafn~l by th~e Weston Lord· of Weston
Rector on the presentatlOn a lomas <>' •
, 1 t on for that tuTU.-
under Lusyerd, t 18 true pa ~. rd P" chford turn, -which had been
Herbert, Chaplain of Blumenli (Blymhill) occurs as witness to a
This will have been the t. 1 °l
b 1 Sir Jolin de Weston in 1339.
pttrchased from Roger de Plchlfokr Y ted will have been the ..
deed of Hamo de Weston, which must have passed before 1229.' n 1 the c er presen ,
Stephen de ..Drom ey, d Weston the patron. He seems t.o
Thomas, Chaplain of Blemenhul, occurs in 1254, as holding hall maternal uncle of Thomas eWeston for that of Blymhill. ThlS
a virgate of land in VV"eston subtus Brewode. ~ He occurs also in have reslo'ned the Rectory of
1267 and 1279; and Master Thomas de Blumenhull is witness Rector w~ still living ,in 1373. S· J hn de'Stretton who had
twithwas ir 0 ' ...
to a deed of Hugh, Lord of Weston, which is placed by Mr. Eyton The next Rector I mee ,. Ch ch of Blumenhull on 10th
· 1£ from ms ur
between 1279 and 1283.' licence to absent hImse. S d next after the feast of St.
In 1291, the Benefice was void by the death of Walter de Lega, 'UQ1lst 1387.' He died on un ay -
399.j,· .
the late rector, when a dispute arose as to the right of presentation, Lucia (December. 14th), ~
..I;l. 0 '
bard Balle, Presbyter, was adnntted
On 30th December, 1,99, I~ . h Church of Blymhill,yacant
which was thus determined, namely, that Ipstones should have the
first turn, Hyde and others the second, Pichford the third, and· and canonically instituted to t 1e p;rt
Rector on the presentation
Bromley the fourth! by the death of John de StrettoJ~\iz\\h lat~ wife of Sir John de
The clerk presented at this time will probably have been of that noble woman, Dame f t~: t~ But on the following
Roger, who as Roger, parson of the ChUl'ch of Blumenhul, occurs as Ipstones, Knight, true patron or a. d thOe TT~.,..,.'S mandate, dated
party to a final cO.ncord made at Westminster, in the quinzaine of day December '1 3 st, t1e Bishop
. receIve A.J..llo
dml.-t the said Richard Balle
, . b·dd· a him to a
Easter, 13 Edw. II. (1320), concerning the manor of Staundon, in 26th December, for I IDo • endiua in the King's Court,
the County of Staffold, and advowson of the Church of Staundon, until the determination of a hSUl~, . P plaintiff, and Elizabeth, late
between Vivian, son of Robert de Staundon, complainant, and the· between William de Perton, iD~;h~:~d Richard Balle, deIendants.·
said ,Roger, deforciant, whereby the said manor and advowson are wife of Sir John de I pstones, . d
t mined in favour of the de-
settled on the complainant for life, with remainder, first, to John, This suit appears to have been e er arson of the Church of
h d Balle occurs as p h
son of complainant,.and Margaret, his wife; secondly, to Henry de fendants, for illc ar . .il therefore have been on the deat
Kersewalle and Anne, his wife; thirdly, to John Godart and
d t
1llumhull in ·1404; an ' ; : d Balle ~h.t h
Katherine; his wife;' foUrthly, to William de Stuyche and Roesia, or resignation of the same 0 c;~am Perton, Chaplain,. was ad-
his wife, and if William and Roesia should die without issue male On 8th November, ~41, 'f S· Adam de Pesale, Knight, true
the'said manor and. advowson shall revert to deforciant. 6 rutted on the presentatIon o. It .

On iij kalend. J unii, 1333, Sir Hamo de Bromleye was collated patron for that turn.' Church had lapsed, after the death of
to the vacant Church of Blymbill, by Roger, Bishop oJ- Coventry On 28th March, 1424, the . .
. . . L.b 2 P 154. ~ Ibid., p. 183. 3 Lichti.eld
. R ster 1 ,. ~ lb·d
l Chetwynd MS., inUr Weston MSS. '2 Rot. Hundred. : Ant. of Shropshire, . :r Lich:field Dioeesan egI , .. ibid. Lib., 7 &; 8, p. 50. . 1. ,
. ~ ... -O~,"ster Lib. Q, p. 123. &8 -0 This will have been Coven 5 tnrD.
Vol. II., p. 86.
.. See Vol. I., p. 294. This is the first time I meet with the title of Rector in 'cori-
D loces ....... .....,0-· • L'b 7
8 Lich:fi.eld Diocesan RegiSter 1 . byp. I . ti
a(l"reement with the other representa yes
nection with the Church of Blymhlll. The earlie~t record of an institution to the S' Adam ma.y preseDted, perhaps, 0, . .
U ''--¥e or by their default.
Benefice recorded in the Diocesan Register, is in 1333.• of Coveus Su<w- , •
6 Ped. Fin',13 Edw. II., No. 14. .
. all late Rector, "on '"the present~tion of'Robert
S'r HuO"h Hext , on
William Perton, late Rector, and· fresh disputes had arisen as to the" 1 0 "t on for this turn. . d
Swyna.rton, true pa. r . s swynarton .Chaplam, was a -
right of presentation. 1 The right f9r this' turn should have fallen On 5th October, 1471, Su· Thoma (R b ,') de Badenhall, late
to the infant heir of Sir Adam de Peshale (II,), but it seems to , th d ath of Thomas 0 er ' , ht·
mitted after e e. . Ranul h Brereton, Klllg .-
have b~en disputed by the heirs of the· Pichfords. There is no Rector, on the presentatlO~ o~ S~illiam1ranyett was instituted to
record of the institution of any other Rector till 27th July, 1428, = On'8th December, 148b, S,r f Th s Swyn'ton, late Rector,
when Sir William Ivett, Presbyter, was admitted as Rector of the Rectory, vacant by the death 0 t°';illiam Mytton, Richard
Blymmehull, on the presentation of Robert Swyn'ton, " domicelli," . f John Harcour , 3
on the presentatIOn. a atrons for that turn.
but no mention is made in the RegiSter of the cause of the vacancy_ ~ Lawne, and James Moreton, tru~ P J h Moreton Presbyter, was
In 1430, Sir William Ivett, of Blumenhull, and John Brystowe,
of ffenny Drayton, have .'permission to exchange benefices.. In
On 28th January, 1486, S,r b 0 tl:e ,oluntary resignation of
. admitted to the Church,;a~tant o~ the prese::ltation of William
pursuance of which the said William Ivett was admitted to the W'lliam Hanyett, late ec or, ....
parish Church of ifenny Drayton, in the Diocese of Lincoln, on 6th 1 . t on for that turn. .
October, 1430; and on the same day John de Brystowe was ad- Mytton, Esq" true pa r 'W'!liam Swynnerton, Chaplam, w~s
On 28th May, 1499, SIT Bl\nhill vaca';t by the death of Slf
mitted to the parish Church of Blumhull, vacant by the free
resignation of William Ivett, late Rector, on the presentation of
admitted to the ,Church of R Y t ~n the presentation of John
Chaplam late ec or,
Da~e Elizabeth Ipstones, true patron for that.tUIn.~ This timely John Moreton, . ' f r that turn. ~ .
Swynnerto n , Esq" true patron 0 Chaplain, was admitted to
exchange on the part of Ivett, suggests a doubt that he was not a 30th AUQ"Ust, 1538, John pova, , f S' William Swynnerton,
satisfied with his title to the benefice, which he left to his successor n O t by the death a IT . 'ty
to defend under the nomination of a fresh patron. At. all events the said Church, vacan VIII by'reason of the nunon
. f Kin" Henry', t Kni"ht
.t.henew Rector was not long left in' quiet possession; and on 14th on the presentatlon 0 0 .
eu f Sir Ranulph Brere on, 0'
of Ranulph Brereton, son and hd 0 d the rightful patron for that
February, 1431,2 (1.0 Renry VI.), the King's brief is issued to the , th Kin<r's war , an .
Bishop of Coventry and Lich:field, stating that he had recovered, in deceased, belllg e o .d
his Court (of J nstice), the presentation to the Church of Blymehull, tUm.' . a Harry was admitted to the sal.
in the name of William Mitton, son and heir of Margaret, late Wife all 9th April, 1544, Mr., J o~S' P John pova, late Rector, on the
Church vacant by the death 0 ~ E and Thomas Shedulton,
of Sir Richard Mitton, Knight, who is under age and in th~ King's
resentation of William Stamfor , bSq~tue of the first and next
custody, against Elizabeth, who had been the wife of Sir John
Ipstones, Knight, and John Bristowe, clerk, by default, and requir- blerk, rightful patrons for that t~~w~d Mytton, of Weston under
ing him to institute and induct 'to the said Church such fit person' adv-owso n , ~onceded t? them bYohn Haxeeourte, of Ronton, and
d J obn Lane, of Hyde, J . 'crhtful patrons for that
,,!' " as he, the said King, should present.... And, accordinglY, on 19th Lyz ., f Turnehill, Esqurres, no .
March of the same year (1331,2), Rugh Rextall, clerk, was admitted James Moreton, 0
· Parva in the
and instituted on the presentation of King Henry VI. ~ turn.' " de Prebendary of P 'pa , d
Mr, John ap Harry was ma eld on 16th February, 1546,7 ; an
The disputes with respect to the I'ights of patronage seem to
have been hereby terminated; for after this time the true order of Diocese of Coventry
was also Archdeacon 0
an: i;'"~.m~ton at the time of hl8 death 1ll
presentation was adhered to.
On 10th April, 1442, Robert Badenhall, Presbyter, was admitted 9• was admitted upon the
154 . '1549, Ralph Cockys, Clerk,
to the parish Church of B1ymmehull, vacant by the resignation 'of On . . . lb·d
~ Ibid. Lib. 12, p. 46. ~ l.~ p.
. . esan Register, Lib.·9, p. 69. ~ Ibid. Lib. 13, p, 210. : Llcb·
1 Ibid. Lib. 9, p. 50. II Ibid .. p. 56. Domiallus or Domnicell~s; a. diminutive c
1 Llchfi.eld DlOD . esm Register Lib. 12, p. 55. . tel S Le Neve's Fastl EccL
of D01'1I-inus, s~metimes applied to youths of gentle birth who were in the Ring's 53. ... Lichfield l~C. '1 Licnfteld Diocesan RegIS .
Court. Usually, however. the title is given to any youth of knightly family not yet field Diocesan :&eglStel'-
knighted. (Eyton's Ant.Shropshire.,VoL vlli.. p. 1. note.) a Lichfie1d Diocesan AngL
Register, Lib. 9, p. 59. ..A;" Ibid•.
1 hill was buried 13th May, 1606.'
death of Mr. John ap Harry, late. Reqtor, on the presentation of Masefen, parson ~f. ~~~pp~intm~Dt of a successor, for Ollymh18:
William Polte, of Little Onn, rightful patron for that turn, by virtue No time was los III ocina entry occurs in the Bl
May, of the sa~e year;, the foll J a~es, Mr. of Arts,.. . : of
of the first and next advoy.rson, conceded to him and others by
. parochial Reglster:- Th~mi:S the Countey of Stafford~ wthm ye
Edward Mytt9n,. of Weston under Lyzd., Esq., the true and un-
the Rectorye of Blymhy ,L. hfield did publikly in the tyme of
doubted patron for that turn. 1 This Rector succeeded .1fr. John ap
Dioses ot Coventrye and . lees of'reliCTion agreed uppOD
Harry also as Prebendary of Pipa Parva, to which he was admitted
divine prayer read t~e ArtICl both pr~vinces for the whole clergt
on lOth January, 1551,2.' of
Archbushopes and B1Shoppes L dii.. the yeare of 0'. Lord God
On 16th December, 1552, Mr. Henry Pendyltoll was admitted on in the convocation, holden at on. lUf the Churche of England;
the death of Ralph Oocks, late Rector, on the presentation of Geoffrey 1562; accordinge to the computa~~':n°Ohamberlyne, William Mas,
Edmundson, of Salley, gentleman, patron for that turn, by virtue witnesses, William B~~mteF~d twenty-six others, amongst whom
of a grant to him and others of the first and .next advowson by fen the elder, Richar _ .u, ffrauncisJ~es, senior, John Congr~v~,
Edward Swynnerton, Es.qr., true and undoubted patron for that are William Masfen, Juruo~> _ and ffrauncis Harley, clar e.
turn.' On 15th June, 1584, Henry Pendilton, S.T.P., was admitted senior, ffrauncis James, JU;~~hill was married at Eccleshall,
to the Prebend of U fton ex parte decani, in "the Diocese of Coventry Thomas James, Parson of J 1607 to Judith Steventon,
and Lichfield, which he seems to have held till 1557 ;' but his title by 'the Bishop's 4.cence,. on Octo ersame' place' on September 18th~
to the Rectory of Blymhill does not appear to have been valid; for of Eccleshall;3 and ?-ga1n at the Lowe PaT<lOn of Water Upto~.
on 19th November, 1554, Thomas Durne, clerk, was admitted on 1623, to Mary, daughter of Roge~ decea~ed ye first of October,
the death of the last incumbent, on the presentation of Nicholas "Thomas James, Rector of B l y , . ~
Bradburne, gent., and Lucie Bradburne, his wife, who had the right 1649:" John Nic);:ins became Rector,
of presentation for that turn by reason of the dower or jointure On the death of Thomas James
conceded to her by her late husband, Robert Swynnerton.' It • ""digree of" the
• ". >•.-: hich I derive the fo 11oWlllg r¥ hilL
:.~ .J would seem from this that the right of Edward S'Wjnnerton to the , Blymbill ParOchial Register; fdro: f~m Ralph ::Masefen, the Redol' of Blym .
. bably descen e r
. previous nomination. which he had made nearly two years before,
had been successfully challenged by his father's widow, so that the
},{asfeus, who were pro
William Masfen, maI. at
Oct. 20th, I;73.
Bljmhill,:::::Margaret Wryght•

last incumbent whose death is alluded to will have been Rall'h
Cocks. M,,~;;;~J~~~:;~'~~~~~~~:~i~~,'~~! ~ri E~f J'h~~~
:M fen tened Apr t ~arish of Stone, ~ Masfell, Cbri.std.
I:."· On 31st May, 1555, Ralph Ma.sefen, Ohaplain, was admitted "'!.td ' 1575; describedhi~ au of Willia.m Oct." christd.. AJln15,
ch n· . . of s . f W ul 157 6. 1581
to Blymhill Ohurch, vacant by the death of Thomas Durne, Jan. 17. the .time f the Hakyn,o o· July 3, •
.3. marrIage a.'J o . ton husbandman, 15"9
late Rector, on the presentation of Ralph Brereton, of Malpas, 15 7:0;' ~.,..;~h of BlymhiU, ' . d at Blym~. I •
p.,...... n of marne th
Co. Cest., Esqr., true patron of the said Church.~ RaJphe husb~:n.dma1!-' sph0 hill, Aug. 19 I
William Mas .en, 1599. .
of the same parish. . tnm will have beeD John Mitton,
. h :Register. The patrons forthls d the devisee of Walter Giffard,
'" Blyrobill pan.s as Lane of Bentley, Estlr .! an 6 Blymhill Parish Register,
1 Lichfield Diocesan Register. :1 Le Neve's Fast. Eccl Angl 3 Lichfield Th om . h B.e", ..ter
of W esto ,n E,qr " ' _ " PQTIS
3 & "Ecdesha.u 0-' it which there are f our
Diocesan Register. ... Le Neve's Fasti Ecd. Angl.
of High Onn, E~r. larly kept until the year 1643, ~ ;~54 of which the above
6Lichfield Diocesan Register.
~ Lichfield Diocesan Register. The Register Book of baptisms, burials, and This Register 1S re,gu, the years 1648, 1649, 1653, a.n Ta;lor and Blakemore·
marriages for. the Parish of Blymhill commences in 3 Eliz., 1561. Ralph Masefen
must have been Rector at that ti~De, but I on1y meet with hiS name u;, in
!';upplelllentary entries l~er to the families of'tuIn
. The others re trOllS for t 1S
will been the
f th
is one.. el 6 The rightjuZ patron ~r pa. h :boftton daughter and heiress 0 e

t \h
the year 1600, when it is stated. in the Register that ifraunces Greene, a servant mayd v
respecti y. _ .....,'Ii"n8 of :Mistress Elizabet h r' they were allowed to present,
unto Ralph Masfen, parson of Blymhi1l., was marned May 26th, The first clergyman
whose name t)CClll"S officially in the Parish Register is :f'frann.cis Harley, curate, who guardia~ ~-:; of Weston, ES9- ., but ~lO:.a times 1 am unable to say.
late :Ed: . -ttnent was made In. these ro
writes hi:'!! name atthe bottoDl" of every page, together with' those of the chmch- or hoW the appom
wardens, from the year 1583 (26 Eliz.) to the year 1607w
. b J un Heaton of the parish of St.
aud held the Rectory till the end of 1667,' or more probably 1668, death'of John Dicke"t:0n, M;dd~esex crent.,, and John Fowler, of
Judging from the date of the appointment of his successor. Andrew's, HolboI'n, o.. Stafford 'cre~t, true and undoubted
On 6th November, 1668 (20 Car, II.), Thomas Walter, Clerk and . Burton~~pou-~rent, ~o. the dimissi'on of Sir Henry Bl'idg~~an,
Bachelor of Arts, is presented to the Rectory of Blimhill, vacant by patrons. '(ThIS was Y d ' . t the pre'entment by Wilham
the death of John Nickiu, late Rector" by Thomas Jobber, gent:, Bart.). A caveat was eutere ag~~~~ wn ~ ;:, The Revd. _Samuel
Buckeridge, . but afte15'~~TdS d :as ~~ried May 20th, 1823, aged.
true and undoubted patron for this turn. 2 He was collated to the
prebend of Dassett Parva, in the Diocese of Coventry and Lichfield Dickenson died May 1 tu, all
on 21st November, 1671, which· he held until 1697.' "Thomas 90. h 1I ble and Reverend Henry
Walter, Rect. of Blymhill was buried August Y' 26th, 1706."<· On 12th June, 1823, t e on;~: the Rectory of BlymhiU,
On 14th October, 1706, Thomas Pinches, Clerk, Bachelor of Arts,
was admitted to the Rectory of Blymhill, vacant by the death of
Thomas Walter" late Rector, on the presentation of Mary Levett,
Edmund Bridgeman was
vacant by the death of t~~ .
Bridgeman, Earl of Bra or.
t: .
S uel Dickenson, by Orlando
~m resianed on .5th October,
e 0

widow, patron (as it is said) for this turn. ~ He was inducted October 1836. R 'd Thomas Picrot was instituted
ue ev 'Auaustus Frederick Henry
. 22nd, 1706, by the Rev d. Samuel Collier, Vicar of Sheriff Hales, On lOth November, 183 6, tG
" Mr. Thomas Pinches Rectr., WRS buried January ye 6th, 173~·."c . '\.. entation 0 f eorge 0 "1840 .
on tue pres ill d 6 He died on 25th January, ,
On 5th January, 17;)7 (173i), the Revd. John Dickenson, B.A., Bridgeman, ~arl of Bra or. , olton Ie Moors, in Lancashire.?
was presented to the Rectory and Parish Church of Blymhill, vacant and was bUrled at Deane, ne~ B d. John Horatio Dickenson" was
by the death of Thomas Pinches, by Samuel Dickenson, of Newport, On 5th March, 1840, the eVd Earl of Bradford. The
A- F H Bn creman, f
in the County of Salop, gentleman, true and undoubted patron for, presented by George ...._ June 1853. The acceptance 0
this turn only.' Mr. John Dickenson, Rector of Blymhill, died Revd. J. R. Dickenson'r~s~ne~ 1~ ted June 10th of that year.~
October 9th, and was buried at Blymhill, October 12th, 1776." the resignation by the BIS op IS; urable and Reverend George
On 9th January, 1777, Samuel Dickenson; Clerk, Bachelor of . 'Ou '12th November, 1853, the onO ted by the said G. A- F. R.
- dB' dO'eman was presen d d
Laws, was ,presented to the Rectory of BlymhiU, vacant by the Thomas Orlan 0 n O M BridO'eman waS collate an
Bridgeman, .Eatl of Lan~ashire; on 17th October,
instituted to the Rectory of d '\ishOP of Chester, whereby the
l. MS; loose sheet inter Salt's MSS. The ~lymhill Parish Re.,rrister, Book No.2, 1864 by John Graham,. LOT
begins with 6th April, lS'54, in which one of- the earliest entries (apparently in the
same handwriting as the su-pplementary entries in Register No.1, with the exception Rect~ry of Blymhill b;,came ;:=!ble William Clive, lite Arch-
of that recording the death of Mr. Thomas Ja.mes) is the baptism of "John, the sonne' On lOth May, 186o, the instituted" on the presentation of
of John Nickins and Mary his wife," October 12th, ,1654. Later entries, record the ·deacon of MontgomerY'Bw.a; an Earl of Bradford, and 15 now
bllptj,sm of Nicholas, son of the said John and Mary Nickins, on July 5th. 1659, and Orlando George Charles. rl gem ,
Anne, their daughter, on September 25th"1662. After the year 1662, the minister
and churchwardens again begin to sign their names at the end of each year's entries, (1881) Rector of Blymhill
when the name of John Nickins, Parson, occurs till the end of1665. The entries are . -~'-~'--~'~"~"'~t~m-'-n-"-:-).- 3 Blymhill RegiSter and
regularly COl1tinued up to March,'166f, when there is a gap till May, 1668, a.t the end 1. & Z llchfreld Di.oc~ ReglSter (? ter (presentments). ~ Original deed of
of which occurs the signature of "Tho: Walter, Rectr." 2 Lichfield Diocesan t "Lichfield DlOcesan RegLS • The Ronble and Revd-. Henry E·
monumen . . h£.eld Di cesao. RegIStry· . ts)
Register. :I- Le Neve's Fasti Eccl Angl. .. Blymhill Parish Register. Mrs. Ele:mor resi ation at the L1C 0 - 6 LiC!hfield Diocesan Register (presentmen, .
Walter, widow, was buried at BlymhillNovember 11th, 1725; and the following Bri~eman died 15th Nov.! 1872. R "d. Thomas Pigot Wag the representat:V~
children of Thomas and EliaI!.or Walter were baptized there, namely. Thomas, October 7, l!' 0 in! Revd. Edward PlgOt. The be ch of the Pigots of Chetwynd), WhlCh
22rd, 1688; Joseph, June 26th, 1690; and Edward;February 23rd, 169~. Mr. f ~ ~ots of PeploW, Co. Salop (a. ra~<>, son the Revd. Edward Pigot, Rector
Joseph Walter was, buried at the same place, April 26th, 1718. 6 Lichfield ~ '1; is no~ represeo.ted by his eldest su;n but the' estate at Peplow has passed into
Diocesan Register, Lib. 20, p. 77. B Blymhill Parochial Register. Mrs. Grisell ~mWl hlttiDgton in the ~unty of r:anea.s erR . ter l. 0 Ez inj. Yenb1e. AIchdea.cOll
o '8 & 9 LiChfteld -Dlocesa.n epa •
Pinches was buried April 2nd, 1715; and John Bate, of the parish of Wood Coate, o.ther hands.
and Margaret Pinches were married August 12th, 1125, at Blymhill ~ Lichfield Clive.
Diocesan Register (presentments). 8 Blymh.ill Register• .snd monument in Blymhm
. ber's Wbeelpin Yard, and three Butts of
COpy OF BLYMHILL TERRIER, 1735, EXTRACTED FROM THE REGISTER East.-Wlth Mr. Job. , k d t from the Parsonage Land.
John Cartwrlght s, sta e ou
'th Shutt's or Mr. Hodgett's, Dawford Leasow.
OF BLYMHILL 2,922 ACRES). West.-W 1 d d
The three Butts, one Acre, boun e -
'th William Taylor's Cross Gate Laasowe. ,
BLYM.RILL RECTORY, }A true and perfect Terrier or survey of all S. -W 1 , Mr Jobber s Crossfield
IN THE and singular ye Parsonage House of Blim· N.&W.-With Thomas Bradburns or .
hill, in ye Oountyof Stafford, together with Lands; and'
COUNTY OF STAFFORD. ye Barn, Buildings, Orchards, Gardens, E.-With the Common Road. . Priest Hill, ten Acres'
Lands,Meadows,Pastures,Tithes,Customs, The Mill Pool, three Acres. The cres and an half. The
and other profitts belonging to ye Rectory The Hallowell LeasoW, fivl A nd an half. These
of Dlimhill aforesaid, taken and surveyed Priest Hill Corner, one ere a
h dare bounded- .
by us, whose names are hereunto sub· lye toget eI, an M H dO'ett's Hallowell' Leasowe, and
scribed, September ye third, one thousand S-With Shutt's or 1 r. 0 o.
seven hundred thirty-five. . y' Rye Cornell Lands. d's or Lord Bradford's
IMPS. We affirm the Parsonage House to contain three Bays of N.-With Brynton Lands and War
straight Building, thatched, with a Cellar, a lodging Marsh Croft. d d Blimhill Meadows.
Room over it, and a little Buttery added 'to the North W -With :Mr. Moreton'S Mea ow an
side thereof. E:-With the Marsh ·Common. dbalf bounded-
The Barn to contame four ;Bays of old crook Building, with The Rye Flatt, six Acres an an ,
a Cow House at Y' North. end, the Stables and Cart S. & E.-With the ~ommon~a;~~dford's Rye Flatt, and .
House one Bay and an half. . W.-With Croft s, or Lor d little Lane that leads thither
IT. We affirm that there are neither Stocks, Implements, nor ·th Brynton Lands, an a. .
N.-W 1 . seven Acres, bounded-
Tenements belonging to the Parsonage or Rectory. The Down Gate Flatts, df d' Riah Oak Leasow, and·
. W d' or Lord :Bra or s 0 /
IT. We affirm that the several Closes, Inclosures, and Pastures,
. S._WIth ar S diord's seven Butts.
hereafter named, are Parcells of and do belong to Lawrence's or Lord Bra df dis Down Gate Leaso w.
Y' Glebe Lands of the Rectory of Blimhill aforesaid, and . W r 'y'LordBra or
N._Wlth ar' s or L d Bradford's· Coale Leasow.
"are called by the several names hereafter expressed, E-With Ward's?r Y' or .
and are by Estimation asfolloweth, Vid: the Fold Yard, '_With the Co=on Lane. _
the Stack Yard, the Green Court, the Well Court, the W. The Crabtree Flatt, five Acres, bounded
Gardens, the Orchard (all adjoining to the House and
S._With y' Long Meadow· df ord's two Crabtree Flatts.
Barn), containe three parts of an Acre. , Lrdra B d
N.&W._With War~s or 0 (Tett'sBuntingsandLongMea ow.
The Stew Croft, one Acre and quarter. The two pease E._With Shutt s or Mr. Hod~ a to the South End of the Crab-
Crofts, twelve Acres. The Church Hill, six Acres. The Dole one Acre, adJolDlD.o
Church Hill Meadow, one Acre. These lie together, , Flatt above lllentioned.
tree, b ded-
adjoining to the Kitchen "Garden, Orchard, and Church· Motty Meadow, four Acres, oun
yard, and all are bounded- . h Marson Motty Meadow.
South.-With Dawford Brook and Weston Parish. N._Wlt G eat Motty Meadow.
N orth.-With Shutt's or" Mr. Hodgett's Lane, ye Ohurch Yard,
S.E.&W.-With Brynton llr. !l.cres and an half, bounded-
The Rye Corne ,SIX ...
Town Street, and two Crofts. one y6 -Lord Bradford's. ·th Weston Parish.
Y' other :Mr. Jobber's Land. S.-W 1

N.&W.-With the Common Lane and John Cartwright's Gardens. The . t0 '1t , by all Y' Parishioners,
• Church, and all Ie1a.tmg
R-With Lawrence's or y' Lord Bradford's Churchfield or Y' Rector only excepted. .
Brook I.easows. fi scats erected in y. Chancell, by y' con-
There are ve ' . y' year of QUT Lord one
Lastly, we affirm one Butt, shutting along by ye Hedge of • of Y' Rector, m . dd
senli dred and nineteen; one mten e
ye above mentioned RYE: Cornell (ye Cart way or Common thousand seve~ hL~ Bradford, another for the use of
R"oad lying on ye other side), and four Butts of equal for v e use of y a y f Mr Adams of
~ . th' d for ye use o . ,
length and two shorter, lying to ye .Mill Poole North, Mrs. Manulllg, a ~r consideration of bis Dole in
and shutting to the Road Eastward, to John Cartwright's . Great Chat~ell~ ~~:out for ye benefit of ye Rector,
Lands South and West, to containe two Acres and a the Pease Crof d fifth seats belong to y' Rector.
quarter. and ye fourth an the Church Yard 'belongs to ye
We, . whose names are subscribed, do in like manner affirm The Fence about. h t lies up to Y' Orchard,
that no Land, within the Parish of Blimhil~ is exempt Parishioners, excepting;; d which the Rector
Court Yard,' and Stac ar , .
from Tythe, and that all Tythes are due in Kind to
the Rector thereof, except as follow,- makes. Clerk's Wages:--=-- .
1st, Hay-For which some tenements pay a penny, some two- . .' h h ld Farms pay for every.
pence, and so on to. twa shillings, but none above, All the panshlOners eWe:
ate Easter, and ye Cottages.
Plow Land fourp n a bouse for Eggs.
as may appear by Y' Easter Roll Book, which shows
every man's Custom. twopence b~sides one h~:'!. for making a grave,
F all marnages, one s o ' . hillinO'
2nd, Milk-In lieu of which every man pays a penny at Easter. or shilling;
one . f tollinG ye Bell, one s
or::> . o·

for every milking cow he keeps.

3rd, Calves~ For every tenth of which ODe shilling and eight pence Exd.,
for so"me Farms, and others, for every calf an half- JOHN WARD, (Churchwardens.
4th, Colts-For every of which is paid at Easter twopence. ,/
5th, Bees-For every Hive of which taken down or stall killed
is paid at Easter one penny; and
Lastly,-Summer Wood for Dairies, for which every Master of
a family pays a penny, called Smoke Penny.
N o'te likewise, that every Communicant, or that is of
. age to Communicate, pays at Easter tW9pence for
his offerings. And every Parishioner pays for every
'Corpse that is interred in the 'Churchyard, sixpence;
in the Church, three shillings and fourpence; in ye
Chancell, six srullings and eightpence. For the
Churching of a woman, fourpence. For every
Marriage, on Banns, two shillings and sixpence.
and upon License, five s11illings.
The ehancell·is maintained· and kept in repair solely
by ye Rector.

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