The Subject of This Report Concerns The Space Planning of Various Casinos in The 21st Century and How They Have Changed Over Tim Eto Terms With The Pursuant Terminology That T

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The subject of this report concerns the space planning of various casinos in the 21 st century and

how they have changed over tim eto terms with the pursuant terminology that the casino
industry uses which the general public, even frequent patrons, may be unaware of in order to
understand how such terms incorporate themselves into reality. What is the house? What is a
whale/high roller? What is the cage? Where is the pit? What is the player’s club? We shall
discuss this at a further point. Let us continue.
A casinos purpose begs no explanation. It is a facility built solely for the purpose of
gaining a profit through gambling operations. Of course, casinos nowadays are often more than
just a casino. In a bid to broaden their consumer base, many casinos have expanded their
palette to attract newcomers who may not be too big on the idea of gambling or slot machines.
Those aspects become just one element of total package. Many casinos no longer package
themselves individually as gambling establishments but rather sell themselves as a resort that
can accommodate and meet the entertainments demands of a wide spectrum of consumers
with theatres, pools, spas, wellness centers, and even amusement rides being incorporated.

Some new Vegas resorts have omitted gambling entirely1.


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