Moneda Cósmica

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Unlike conventional money, cosmic currency provides material wealth and also leads to spiritual

All people have the same opportunities to acquire it, and when used advantageously, can help
raise the poor and needy and end humankind´s exploitation of fellow human beings.

This transcendental currency is backed by cosmic laws. It retains its value throughout the universe
because it has a commercial structure in the higher sense of the word. Supreme law decrees that
nothing is free, since everything is bought, sold or exchanged. The expectation of getting
something for free is humankind´s fanciful and self-serving invention, and has no place in the real

The use of cosmic currency would enable the end of both material and spiritual poverty in their
deepest sense.

What type of currency is this? It is neither paper nor metal but instead represents highly coherent
units of immortal energy, created and accumulated by the development of a higher consciousness.
When resonating with cosmic Nature, these units enable the exchange of goods, a fact this work
will confirm.

It is important to be clear that this is not another permissive self-help book that irresponsibly
invites the reader to wish for whatever he or she desires, demanding in some way that the
universe obediently respond to a range of random request, expecting that such request be
granted regardless of the requestor’s merit.

Cosmic currency refers to a concrete material process through which a person can transcend the
modest three-dimensional world. It involves raising one´s cognitive performance to higher
dimensions where one can eventually reach human excellence.

It is first wise to relinquish any attempts to obtain one´s desires in an arbitrary way, that is, when
there is a lack of real merit and without thorough evaluation.

There are basically two types of desire. The first is arbitrary and is not valid. It lacks natural
legitimacy because it has no merit before Nature and is the result of passions or fickle whims.

The second type is backed by the wisdom of higher consciousness. It only considers goods
equivalent in value to what is can fairly exchange.

It should be noted that higher consciousness is not innate. It only exist in a latent state. This means
it must be developed according to the basic guidelines set out in my books. It is important to
recognize that lacking the wisdom to choose genuinely beneficial desires in the deepest sense can
impair or harm one´s life. This outcome can be avoided by developing a multi-dimensional
consciousness of a higher, more fully developed vision. The ultimate goal of a cosmic currency is to
achieve human excellence through technical spirituality which is actually based on sciences.

Darío Salas Sommer


Life appears as the ordered, regulated behavior of matter, not based exclusively on its tendency to
pass from order to disorder, but also on maintaining the existing order. Its most striking feature is
that is ascends against the flow of time. Life is a paradoxical contradiction to the Second Law of
Thermodynamics, which states that everything is, has been, or will be declining towards
equilibrium and death. Life, however, evolves towards greater complexity and is characterized by
an omnipresent improbability. These ideas were support by Erwin Schrodinger – Austrian physics
and father of quantum mechanics- in his book, What is Life?

Life is an implicit order that maintains and regulates physical processes. The mechanics of this
order can only be understood through the action of higher dimensions, beyond physical reality
which appears to be composed of three dimensions.

As life and Nature are inseparable, it is necessary to ask one-self what Nature is. The dictionary
defines Nature as: The existing system of things; the universe of matter, energy, time and space;
the physical world; all of creation. To interact with Nature, it is necessary to respect her laws and
principles. Scientifically speaking, a person’s life is maintained by the exchanges of massless virtual
particles. This means one´s daily reality based on the interaction between earthly and celestial
Nature. The same occurs within material bodies where the flesh represent one part and the spirit
the other. However, the spark of the whole remains in a state of hibernation within a person´s
physical body without the third force, which can only be generated by human beings when they
process their day to day experiences of life on earth at a higher level.

Of course a prerequisite for this is the mental development of a higher consciousness that can only
be explained by employing the following definition: It is the sum of perceptions made in a state of
heightened awareness, i.e. studying, living, felling and thinking every day in an enhanced state of
understanding and once processed in a state of higher consciousness, the higher a person’s
evolutionary level will be, because of the energy produced in the process.

What type of force can this be? It can only compared to the role of the philosopher´s stone in
ancient alchemy, albeit, in this case, it is applied to genuine spiritual development which is the
only way that individuals can evolve within the universe.

What then is true evolution? It is spiritual growth in the literal sense of material expansion as an
energy field similar to universal quintessence. If people succeed in growing or expanding their
spirits, they will be spiritual, and in this wat, evolve. Herein resides the purpose of a person´s
material existence. Human excellence, in the evolutionary sense, certainly benefits the universal
intelligence called God, and in some wat offers that universal intelligence something it lacks.

Might God need large quantities of spiritual quintessence to increase universal order as part of the
process of maintaining the precarious balance between order and chaos? If you will permit a small
indulgence, I like to think that the Supreme Creator may being vulnerable, to get the blood
flowing faster in his old cosmic veins, to feel rejuvenated and satisfied in order to be able to evolve
in a complete reality that is both spiritual and material. This refers to energy as matter and mater
as energy. My personal concept of the Supreme Creator is of a dynamically evolving, not static
Moving from universal to material reality, one will find oneself subject to the effects of the
inexorable law of entropy, which is a manifestation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Following in the steps of his predecessors, Lazare and Sadi Carnot, the German physicist Rudolf
Clausius wrote in 1865 about his observations that different energy levels in a closed
thermodynamic system always tend towards a state of stasis. He used the Greek word entropy to
name this physical tendency. If a hot poker is a removed from a fire it begins to cool, while heating
the surrounding air. After a while, both the poker and the air reach the same and therefore can no
longer be used.

Entropy is the highest law governing the cosmos. It is a demonstration of the lack of energy´s
availability to do work within a closed system. This means that increased entropy is accompanied
by a decrease in available energy. It also shows a system´s disorder. The greater the entropy, the
greater is the disorder. It is also linked to the concept of probability. The higher the entropy of
something, the more likely it is to occur. Life is the greatest improbability of all, and therefore it
has the lowest entropy.

The spiritual plane is not governed by the laws of entropy. The spirit is of a higher, more subtle
dimension, which I call quintessence. Approaching the spiritual plane does not depend on feelings,
faith, beliefs or paranormal visions but on the quantity and quality of energy that can be
synthesized to attempt the journey towards human excellence.

The starting point for approaching or reaching the spiritual plane lies in the material world, where
everything tends towards disorder. This includes the physical body which gradually deteriorates
under entropy´s influence until it ceases to exist.

Energy always moves from a more highly concentrated state to a less concentrated one, as shown
in the classic example of two rooms connected by a door. The first room is heated, while the
second is not. Upon opening the door, the temperature of both rooms tends to equalize as the
energy flows from the warm side to the cool. The total energy content of the universe remains
constant while total entropy continually increases. This means that it is impossible to destroy or
create energy in a world where available energy is going to run out and where the entopic process
involves aging and the death of the physical body. This does not occur with the energy emanating
from the same physical body since it is transformed.

Schrodinger questioned what the characteristic feature of life is, and when one might way that a
piece of matter is alive. His response was that life´s characteristic feature has to do with when it is
doing something, whether by moving or exchanging material with the environment. The
permanent state in which no observable events occur is called the state of thermodynamic stasis
or maximum entropy.

Living organisms maintain their dynamics and avoid the state of equilibrium by eating, drinking,
breathing, and specially by absorbing sunlight, which is available through the vegetable kingdom.
Obviously, a person´s body ages and dies at some point, regardless of the amount of energy

There are, nevertheless, ways of slowing down the decline towards thermodynamic equilibrium
(i.e. death), and that is by achieving a harmonious relationship between the body and the psyche,
optimizing the homeostatic process that enables and unstable equilibrium to be reached.
This is how a person can live a longer or a shorter, quality life, how to transform a greater amount
of available energy into order, harmony, and mental, emotional and psychological coherence. It is
important to face the fact that the available energy is barely enough to keep our bodies alive and,
therefore, the only way to evolve towards higher levels of perfection lies in the sublimation of
dense energy in order to move it to a more subtle level.

True spirituality, therefore, is not an abstract philosophical or religious belief, instead it is a

celestial journey which requires fuel of extraordinary subtlety. This concept will be discussed
further on.

Returning to the concept of cosmic currency, one might imagine oneself right now as being in a
state of material and spiritual deprivation, possibly experiencing the resentment commonly felt in
such a situation.

Hopefully the reader will star to understand through the course of this work how he or she can
access a higher level that transcends traditional concepts such as those of capitalism or Marx´s
theory man´s exploitation of man.

What is the world´s current monetary and economic situation?

It seems evident that worshiping the golden calf as condemned by Moses in the book of Exodus
from the Old Testament gold standard has neither ceased nor diminished despite the abolition of
the gold standard as monetary backing. On the contrary, the virulence of the insatiable appetite
for wealth has reached every corner of the world, thanks to a large increase in superfluous basic
needs. Satisfying those needs involves a relentless struggle for money, whose abundance in the
form of wealth remains inextricably linked to gold as a symbol.

Wealth equals gold in the minds of many, although for practice purposes this may just be
symbolic, having become merely paper money that lacks intrinsic value.

The emergence of capitalism and marketing has created superfluous needs. These advents have
considerably increased the desire to accumulate wealth and have resulted in the unrestrained
worship of a type of modern virtual golden calf, although without a Moses to prohibit it.
Unfortunately, the mythical power of money and gold has completely alienated mankind.

It would seem that some sort of mental virus has caused a behavioral change of such magnitude as
to put mankind at the service of money instead of the other way round. Perhaps the world has
arrived at this change in values because of the excessive exaltation of material wealth that
abounds, which is viewed as the ultimate goal in the quest for power, respect, and social relevance
since those without an abundance of money are viewed as third class citizens.

This ambition that in so many cultures has turned monetary capital into the most important goal
as ended up completely alienating the minds of the people. It convinces hem that no other wealth
is a s valuable as gold, and that it can only by obtained by spending long, exhausting days of
relentless, competitive works, usually ending only in diminished health, old age, or death.

While some less fortunate dream of being taken care of by paternalistic state, their troubled souls
often turn to crime to satisfy such ambitions. When driven by need, many people might want to
borrow money. This further aggravates the situation always remains unpaid. Instead, it is renewed
or replaced indefinitely, often locking the debtor into a difficult to avoid credit and the resultant
stress that accompanies it.

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