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Eos, Vol. 83, No.

5 0 , 1 0 December 2 0 0 2

10 DECEMBER 2002

general warming of the permafrost in Alaska's

Permafrost Temperature Records: Arctic region of 2 to 4°C over the last century.
In the Arctic, projected warming during the
Indicators of Climate Change 21st century may ultimately result in the dis­
appearance of the warmer and thinner
permafrost in the southernmost zones. Recent
studies revealed active permafrost degradation
PAGES 589,593-594 permafrost with less attenuation. As a result, in Alaska, Canada, Russia, Mongolia, and China
the "signal-to-noise" ratio increases rapidly [Anisimov et al., 2001 ]. Indeed, the 1995 report
Permafrost has received much attention with depth, and the ground acts as a natural of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
recently because surface temperatures are ris­ low-pass filter of the climatic signal.This Change predicted the disappearance of most
ing in most permafrost areas of the Earth, makes temperature-depth profiles in of the ice-rich permafrost in the present dis­
bringing permafrost to the edge of widespread permafrost useful for studying past tempera­ continuous zone over a century-long time
thawing and degradation.The thawing of per­ ture changes at the ground surface. span [IPCC, 1995].These changes will lead to
mafrost that already occurs at the southern Arthur Lachenbruch's investigations at the considerable impacts on the landscape and
limits of the permafrost zone can generate U.S. Geological Survey were among the first in ecosystems, and also to social and economic
dramatic changes in ecosystems and in infra­ North America to develop and apply a method impacts.
structure performance. In this article, we to evaluate climate change based on analytical Erosion or subsidence of ice-rich landscapes,
describe an emerging system for comprehen­ interpretation of permafrost temperature pro­ alterations to hydrologic processes, and the
sive monitoring of permafrost temperatures, a files. Using deep permafrost temperature pro­ release of carbon dioxide (CO^ and methane
system which is needed for timely detection files obtained in the 1960s through the 1980s (CH ) to the atmosphere may occur.The sta­

of worldwide changes in permafrost stability, at numerous locations in northern Alaska, bility of buildings, other structures, pipelines,
and for predictions of negative consequences Lachenbruch and Marshall [1986] showed a and communication links will be threatened.
of permafrost degradation.
Permafrost is rock, sediment, or any other Candidate Boreholes for Permafrost Thermal Monitoring
Earth material with a temperature that remains
below 0°C for two or more years. Permafrost
zones occupy up to 24% of the exposed land
area of the Northern Hemisphere (Figure 1)
[Zhang et al., 2000]. Permafrost ranges from
very cold (temperatures of -10°C and lower)
and very thick (more than 500 m and as
much as 1400 m) in the Arctic, to warm
(within 1 or 2° of the melting point) and thin
(several meters or less in thickness) in the
Permafrost can be classified into two zones:
continuous permafrost and discontinuous
permafrost. In the continuous zone, permafrost
occupies the entire area (except beneath
large rivers and deep lakes). In the discontinu­
ous zone, including the sporadic zone,
anywhere from 10% to 90% of the surface is
underlain by permafrost.The formation and
degradation of permafrost create unique
landscape features. Of particular concern is
subsidence upon thawing of permafrost in
response to climatic warming or surface
The permafrost temperature regime (at
depths of 10 to 200 m) is a sensitive indicator
of the decade-to-century climatic variability
and long-term changes in the surface energy
balance. This is because the range of inter-
annual temperature variations ("noise") M a p compiled b y S.L. Smith, Geological Survey of C a n a d a , March, 2001

decreases significantly with depth, while

decadal and longer time-scale variations (the Fig. 1. Permafrost distribution in the Northern Hemisphere and location of candidate boreholes for
"signal") penetrate to greater depths into Permafrost Thermal Monitoring System. Original color image appears at the back of this volume.
Eos, Vol. 8 3 , No. 5 0 , 1 0 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 2

The Third IPCC report, Climate Change 2001:

Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, generally
supports the previous report with an important
clarification that degradation of permafrost is
a slow process [Anisimov et al., 2001 ]. If recent
trends continue, it will take several centuries
to millennia for permafrost in the present dis­
continuous zone to disappear completely in
the areas where it is actively warming and
thawing. However, negative consequences of
this degradation will be pronounced from the
very beginning, because the highest ice con­
tent in permafrost usually is found in the
upper few tens of meters.
All these observed and predicted changes
in permafrost stress the necessity to monitor
its dynamics (particularly its temperature) for
timely assessment and predictions of the pos­
sible negative impacts of permafrost degrada­
tion on ecosystems and infrastructure.The
effects of human-induced disturbances (e.g.,
disturbances to land areas that are covered by
permafrost that have been disturbed through
building construction, laying of oil and gas Fig. 2. Comparisons (a) between permafrost temperature profiles measured at the same location
pipelines, farming, roads and runway by Max Brewer on 9 October 1950 (solid square symbols), and by our research group on 9 October
construction) will also be enhanced with cli­ 2001 (open circles); and (b) between those measured on 14 April 1952 (solid square symbols)

mate warming.This will require remediation and calculated for the same date (open circles) temperature profiles at the Special 2 site.
of existing structures, and necessitate the con­
sideration of climate change in the design of
future developments, such as roads, pipelines, Table 1. Recent Trends in Permafrost Temperatures Measured at Different Locations.
and runways.
Establishment of Permafrost Country Region temperature Reference
Observatory at Barrow trends
Changes in air temperature generally Trans-Alaska pipeline +0.6to+1.5°C Osterkamp and
precede changes in permafrost temperature. USA route (20 m), 1983-2000 Romanovsky, 1999;
However, because of the effects of the Romanovsky and
intervening snow cover, vegetation, and physi­ Osterkamp, 2001
cal properties of soils within the layer above
Barrow Permafrost +1°C UAF Geophysical
the permafrost where seasonal thawing-freez-
ing occurs (an area called the active layer), Observatory (15 m), Institute ongoing
somewhat different temperature changes are 1950-2001 research
generated at the permafrost table.The East Siberia (1.6-3.2 m), +0.03°C/year UAF Geophysical
common postulation that permafrost tempera­ 1960-1992 Institute ongoing
tures are a reasonably good indicator of research
climate change has thus been recently ques­
North of West Siberia +0.3 to +0.7°C Pavlov, 1994
tioned. Our recent study shows that
permafrost temperatures reflect changes in air (10 m), 1980-1990
temperatures over a long time scale (decadal Russia European North of
and longer) much better than inter-annual air Russia, continuous +1.6 to +2.8°C Pavlov, 1994
temperature variations. permafrost zone (6 m),
Long-term permafrost temperature records 1973-1992
are needed to better understand the relation­ European North of
ship between air and permafrost temperatures.
Russia, discontinuous upto+1.2°C Oberman and
This need is one of the reasons for re-activat­
ing sites where high-quality permafrost tem­ permafrost zone (6 m), Mazhitova, 2001
perature records were obtained decades ago. 1970-1995
One such ideal place is Barrow, Alaska. During Alert, Nunavut (15 m), +0.15°C/year Geological Survey of
the past year, a permafrost observatory was 1995-2000 Canada ongoing
established at Barrow (for details, see research
Canada Northern Mackenzie +0.1°C/year Geological Survey of
html) under the auspices of the International
Arctic Research Center (IARC).The observato­ basin, NWT (28 m), Canada ongoing
ry was established to compare present 1990-2000 research
permafrost temperatures with those obtained Central Mackenzie basin, +0.03°C/year Geological Survey of
during the 1950s and early 1960s by Max NWT (15 m), 1985-2000 Canada ongoing
Brewer [1958].Those measurements were of research
very high quality, with a precision of generally
0.01 °C. Northern Quebec (10 m), -0.1°C/year Allard et a l , 1995
late 1980s-mid 1990s
Eos,Vol. 8 3 , No. 5 0 , 1 0 December 2 0 0 2
Comparison of permafrost temperature pro­
files obtained at the same location by Brewer
on 9 October 1950 (personal communication,
2001) and by the UAF Geophysics research
group on 9 October 2001 shows that at the 15-
m depth (which is slightly above the depth of
annual temperature variations), the permafrost
temperature is now warmer by more than 1°C
(Figure 2a).
This noticeable, but still moderate, increase
over such a long period is consistent with our
previous analysis of long-term permafrost
temperature variations at Barrow for the period
1924-1997.That investigation was based on
application of our high-resolution numerical _14 1 i i i i i i | i i i i , i a i
model using the Barrow National Weather 1930 1940 1950 I960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Service climate data, and employing a T I M E (years)
"permafrost temperature reanalysis"
[Romanovsky et al., 1997; Osterkamp and Fig. 3. Calculated mean annual temperatures in the active layer (at the depth of 8 cm) and near-
Romanovsky, 1999; Romanovsky and surface permafrost (between 0.5 and 15 m) using a model calibrated for the Barrow site and the
Osterkamp,200\].In this modeling method, data from the Barrow meteorological station. Original color image appears at the back of this
variations in the air temperature and snow volume.
cover thickness and properties are the driving
forces of the permafrost temperature dynam­ assures the reconstructed mean annual tem­ by the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC).
ics. The model is calibrated for a specific site perature variations shown in Figure 3. An overview of the principal programs and
using measured permafrost and active layer As an example, Figure 3 shows that the ther­ some major findings are summarized here
temperatures (usually several years of mal conditions near the permafrost table in and results presented in Table 1.
available data are used), and data from the Barrow, which is about 35 to 40 cm deep at Permafrost temperatures for most Russian
closest meteorological station for the same this site, varied considerably during the entire boreholes were measured only once or several
time interval.The calibrated model can then period of analysis, with the temperatures times during short time intervals in the 1970s,
be applied to the entire period of meteorolog­ being very similar during the 1940s and 1990s 1980s, or 1990s. Fortunately many of these sites
ical records at this station, producing a time (except for unprecedented warm extremes of are still accessible for repeat measurements.
series of permafrost temperature changes.The 1998 and 1999).The calculated permafrost At least three groups of Russian sites (central
same calibrated model can be applied for temperature at 15 m during the entire year of and southern Yakutia, northern West Siberia,
predictions of the future permafrost dynamics 1996 was very similar (within 0.1°C) to the and the European Russian North) have been
when some future climate change scenario is permafrost temperature measured in 1953 at monitored for a longer period of time. In
used as input data. the same depth. It implies that the observed northern West Siberia (Yamal Peninsula),
The historical permafrost data provide a 1°C difference at 15 meters in permafrost tem­ there is a group of nine, 10-m boreholes where
unique opportunity to independently test our peratures between 1950 and 2001 (Figure 2a) temperatures were measured since 1979. A
model and modeling results.This particular is the result of very recent warming during the comprehensive network was also established
numerical model for the Barrow permafrost late 1990s. Much colder permafrost tempera­ in the European Russian North, involving
temperature regime was developed in 1997. tures at the permafrost table (up to 2 to 3°C more than 40 boreholes with temperature
The model was calibrated using data from colder) were typical for Barrow during the measurements taken for the last 20 to 30 years
shallow (down to 1 m) soil temperatures 1970s. [Oberman and Mazhitova, 2001 ].
obtained by Ken Hinkel [Hinkel et al., 2001] at There are another half dozen investigations
a Barrow site with surface conditions similar to Permafrost Temperature Monitoring in Russia where permafrost temperatures
the Brewer site. No data from the Brewer sites in a limited number of boreholes have been
Network and Observed Changes
were used for the calibration.The daily air measured during the last two to three decades.
temperatures and snow cover thickness dur­ In 1997, the Global Climate Observing System Existing and new boreholes are also available
ing the entire period of measurements (GCOS) and the Global Terrestrial for monitoring in China, Mongolia, and Kaza­
(1924-2001) at the Barrow meteorological sta­ Observation System (GTOS) identified the khstan. In Europe, the EU project on Perma­
tion were used as input data for this calibrat­ active layer and permafrost thermal state as frost and Climate in Europe (PACE) recently
ed model. As a result, a time series of daily two key cryospheric variables for monitoring completed the installation of 100-m cables in
ground temperatures for the depths between in permafrost regions [WMO, 1997].In 1999, eight boreholes, from the Sierra Nevada in the
0 and 200 m were obtained.To compare cal­ the Global Terrestrial Network for Permafrost south, to Svalbard in the north. Permafrost
culated temperatures with measured data, we (GTN-P) was established under the GCOS/ Monitoring Switzerland (PERMOS) has a net­
used the time interval between September GTOS with the assistance of the International work of 12 boreholes.
1951 and October 1952, when weekly meas­ Permafrost Association (IPA). Overviews of the In Alaska, at least three groups of boreholes
urements were available. GTN-P program, its goals and establishment, have been monitored. First, permafrost
The results of this comparison were much activities, progress, and planned future steps temperatures in deep boreholes on the North
better than expected. For the entire period, are given in Burgess et al. [2000]. Slope have been measured periodically by
which covers more than one year, the differ­ Some 370 boreholes from 16 countries (Fig­ USGS personnel since the 1950s [Lachenbruch
ences between calculated and measured per­ ure 1) have been identified as candidate sites and Marshall, 1986] .Second, weekly to monthly
mafrost temperatures were typically smaller for inclusion in the GTN-P borehole thermal permafrost temperature measurements at sev­
than 0.3°C in the depth interval between 2 monitoring system.The majority of the bore­ eral locations at the Barrow Permafrost Obser­
and 18 m.They practically never exceeded 1°C holes are between 10 and 125 m deep, and vatory and its vicinity and within the discon­
in the upper two meters of soil and permafrost. are in the Northern Hemisphere. The inventory tinuous permafrost zone were performed in
Figure 2b shows a very good match between of candidate boreholes, site meta-data, and the 1950s and 1960s [Brewer, 1958].The depths
permafrost temperatures predicted using our background material on the GTN-P are avail­ of these boreholes vary from 10-15 m to more
model and the temperature profile measured able on the GTN-P Web site (http://sts.gsc. than 100 m.Third,a very comprehensive system
by Brewer on 14 April 1952.This agreement, which is hosted of permafrost observatories was established in
Eos, Vol. 8 3 , No. 5 0 , 1 0 December 2 0 0 2
the late 1970s and early 1980s by the Geophys­ politicians, and other decision-makers in Brown, J., K. M. Hinkel, and F E . Nelson,The Circum-
ical Institute, University of Alaska-Fairbanks northern countries and mountain regions, and polar Active Layer (CALM) program: research
along the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and at other to the general public.This network will also designs and initial results,Polar Geography,
locations in Alaska [Osterkamp and Romanovsky, play the role of an "early warning system" of the 24,163-258,2000.
negative consequences of climate change in Burgess, M. M., et al., Global Terrestrial Network For
1999; Romanovsky and Osterkamp, 2001 ].
Permafrost (GTNet-P): permafrost monitoring con­
Depths of these boreholes are typically 60 to the permafrost regions, and will support and
tributing to global climate observations, Current
80 m and the frequency of measurements is facilitate the development and implementation
Research 2000 E-14,8 pp., Geological Survey of
usually annual. As a result of this effort, unin­ of adaptation measures to reduce these
Canada, Ottawa, 2 0 0 0 (online; http//www.nrcan.
terrupted permafrost temperature records 20 impacts.
years long have been obtained along the Hinkel, K. M., et al., Patterns of soil temperature and
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme Acknowledgments moisture in the active layer and upper permafrost
Alaskan transect, which spans the entire at Barrow, Alaska: 1 9 9 3 - 1 9 9 9 , Global and Planetary
permafrost zone in Alaska. Funding for this research was provided by Change, 29,293-309,2001.
the U.S. NSF Office of Polar Programs (grants Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
The Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) is OPP-9721347,OPP-9732126,and OPP-9870635), Climate Change 1995. Impacts, Adaptations and
responsible for coordinating and implement­ under the auspices of the National Science Mitigation of Climate Change: Scientific-Technical
ing the framework and infrastructure for a Foundation, the International Arctic Research Analysis Contributions of Working Group II to the
national permafrost monitoring network. Center, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, and by S e c o n d Assessment Report of the IPCC, ed. by R.T.
About 75 thermal monitoring sites are operated the Geological Survey of Canada and the Gov­ Watson et al.,WMO-UNEF?Geneva, Cambridge Uni­
by government and university scientists. GSC ernment of Canada's Action Plan 2000 and versity Press, 876 pp., 1996.
maintains a network of more than 20 boreholes Climate Change Action Fund. We are grateful L a c h e n b r u c h , A . H . a n d B.V Marshall, Changing cli­
(generally up to 20 m deep) established since to M.C. Brewer for sharing his Barrow sites mate: geothermal evidence from permafrost in the
the mid-1980s in the Mackenzie Valley and and data acquired under the auspices of the Alaskan Arctic, Science, 234,689-696,1986.
Delta, some of which are operated in collabo­ U.S. Geological Survey, and the logistical sup­ Oberman, N. G. and G. G. Mazhitova, Permafrost
ration with Environment Canada; and Agricul­ port of the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium dynamics in the north-east of European Russia at
ture Canada, and a network of High Arctic (BASC) in establishing the Barrow Observatory the end of the 20th century Norwegian Journal of
observatories.The Universite Laval network of Geography, 5 5 , 2 4 1 - 2 4 4 , 2 0 0 1 .
30 boreholes, up to 20 m deep, was established Osterkamp, T. E., and V E. Romanovsky Evidence
for warming and thawing of discontinuous
between 1979 and 1994 in northern Quebec. Authors
permafrost in Alaska, Permafrost and Periglacial
Cooling of about 0.1°C/year of permafrost at
depths of 10 m was observed here from the VRomanovsky, Geophysical Institute, University Processes, 10,17-37,1999.
of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA; M Burgess and Pavlov, A.V, Current changes of climate and
late-1980s to the mid-1990s [Allard et al, permafrost in the Arctic and sub-Arctic of Russia,
1995]. Since 1996, however, a warming trend S. Smith, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa;
Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 5 , 1 0 1 - 1 1 0 ,
has been observed [Brown et al, 2000]. Other K. Yoshikawa, Water and Environmental
monitoring sites are located in the Yukon Research Center, University of Alaska, Fairbanks,
Romanovsky,V E.,T. E. Osterkamp, and N. Duxbury,An
Territory, Nunavut, and the Cordillera. USA; and 1 Brown, International Permafrost evaluation of three numerical models used in sim­
Association ulations of the active layer and permafrost temper­
Conclusions ature regimes, Cold Regions Science and
Technology, 26,195-203,1997.
A comprehensive international permafrost Romanovsky V E., and T. E. Osterkamp, Permafrost:
temperature monitoring system is emerging changes and impacts in Permafrost Response on
with a foundation that will enable it to Allard, M., B.Wang, and J.A. Pilon,Recent cooling E c o n o m i c Development, Environmental Security
successfully address the numerous climate along the southern shore of Hudson Strait Quebec, and Natural Resources, edited by R. Paepe and V
change issues in the high-latitude and alpine Canada, d o c u m e n t e d from permafrost tempera­ Melnikov, pp. 2 9 7 - 3 1 5 , Kluwer Academic Publishers,
permafrost regions.The data obtained as a ture measurements, Arctic and Alpine Research, 27, Dordrecht,The Netherlands, 2001.
result of these efforts will be disseminated to Zhang,T, et al., Further statistics on the distribu­
Anisimov, 0 . , et al., Polar Regions (Arctic and Antarc­
the scientific community through the GTN-P tion of permafrost and ground ice in the
tic), in Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation and
These data will serve not only for direct detec­ Northern Hemisphere, Polar Geography, 24,
Vulnerability the Contribution of Working Group II
tion and tracking of climatic changes, but will 126-131,2000.
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
also be used as ground truth information for Third Assessment Review, pp. 8 0 1 - 8 4 1 , Cambridge
verification of GCM outputs.This coordinated University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2001.
endeavor will provide crucial information not B r e w e r , M . C , S o m e results of geothermal investiga­
only for scientists studying various aspects of tions of permafrost in northern Alaska, Eos, Trans.
the cryopshere, but also to the stakeholders, AGU39,19-26,1958.

Lightning detection has been performed

New Receiver Network Advances routinely by the scientific community since
Long-range Lightning Monitoring the late 1940s.The first lighting studies were
launched mainly to investigate the propagation
of electromagnetic waves excited by lightning
PAGES 589,594-595 receiver design at long-range frequencies.The
receivers are situated in six remote locations strokes.Today, lightning research is focused
around Europe, selected for their low rates of primarily on continuous long-range thunder­
An experimental long-range lightning detec­ manmade electric noise. The sites are near storm monitoring, ozone/NO atmospheric x

tion system (ZEUS) based on a network of six Birmingham, United Kingdom; Roskilde, Den­ concentration, air aviation safety, and—most
very low-frequency (VLF) receivers is being mark; Iasi, Romania; Larnaka, Cyprus; Mt. Etna, recently—weather prediction. Ground-based
implemented and operated by the National Italy; and Evora, Portugal. Deployment of the lightning location retrieval is currently based
Observatory of Athens and the University of ZEUS receivers was completed on 15 June 2001. on two distinct approaches: detection based
Connecticut.The system hardware takes Since then, lightning activities have been on the direction-finding method, which
advantage of the latest computing technology monitored with great detail and accuracy involves the relationship between the electric
signal processing algorithms, geographic posi­ throughout Europe and its surrounding waters, and the magnetic field orientation of the
tioning systems (GPS), and communications and with lesser accuracy along the U.S. east propagating electromagnetic wave [Grandt,
networking to improve the state-of-the-art in coast and in west Asia and central Africa. 1992]; and the arrival time difference (ATD)
Eos, Vol. 8 3 , No. 5 0 , 1 0 D e c e m b e r 2 0 0 2

Candidate Boreholes for Permafrost Thermal Monitoring

M a p compiled b y S.L. Smith, Geological Survey of Canada, March, 2 0 0 1

Fig. 1. Permafrost distribution in the Northern Hemisphere and location of candidate boreholes
for Permafrost Thermal Monitoring System.

- 1 4 I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I i I I
1930 1940 1 9 5 0 1960 1 9 7 0 1980 1990 2000

T I M E (years)
Fig. 3. Calculated mean annual temperatures in the active layer (at the depth of 8 cm) and near-
surface permafrost (between 0.5 and 15 m) using a model calibrated for the Barrow site and the
data from the Barrow meteorological station.

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