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Nature of study

The main problem at hand for this study- how people identify fake news on social media. The main
purpose of study is how youth contextualize fake news on social media, looking for the way youth
differentiate fake and real news on social media, knowing the sources through which one can clarify the
news. It is the purpose of study to know the impact of fake new on society and politics. It is therefor,
appropriate to carry out a qualitative methodological approach.

Qualitative Sami structure interviews and focus group discussion (FGD) are the empirical base of study,
which focus on perception of youth toward fake news on social media. Fifteen interview have been made
with social media users. The purpose of sami structure interview is to explain the views of active social
media user toward fake news.

Tools For Data Collection

Tools for data collection “refer to the device used to collect data, such as paper questionnaire or computer
assisted interview system” (Bureau, U.S Census, 2010)

According to Development Co-operation Directorate tool of data collection can be identify as:
Methodology used to identify information sources and collect information during an evaluation. Example
are informal and formal surveys, direct and participatory observation, interviews, focus group, expert
opinion, case studies, and literature research (DCD, 2002).\

While using Qualitative research methodology and need for indept understanding and investigation of
research topic sami-stucture interview was used. So keeping in view the complexity of the topic sami
structure interview were conducted. In order to explore more information from respondent Open Ended
question were asked. Open ended question were asked to understand various aspect of topic.

The aim was to analyze their experience and their perception toward fake news. Data for the proposed
research were from the following major source.

sami-structure interview

sami-structure interview were the core tool used to collect data for this study. The interview respondent
cosen from social media users whose views are considered relevant and important in question on impact
of fake news on social media users. From these interview, the aim is to find answer to our research
question about youth perception and contextualization of that fake news.
The goal of interview is to fine core perception of youth to identify real or fake news on social media,
like; Facebook, twitter, anagram, watsapp etc. in order to have a better record of interviews, the
researcher use mobile phone recorder with informed consent of respondent to record the voice of the
member properly and type them later on.

Sampling Methods

As the topic for investigation was very much sensitive and complex hence the selection of respondent was
difficult phase in the research in term of convenience and willingness to participate in the interview.
Keeping in view the topic and objective of research we use sampling technique. We started our data
collection with convenience sampling technique as considered appropriate for the initial phase of the data
collection. Convinience sampling is viewed easy and appropriate by researcher, helped to identify the
perception of youth, who could cooperate to provide data for the research. The criteria for selection of
interviewee is depend upon aveliabilty convenience as well as willingness for interview.


Due to limited time period, its difficult for researcher to interview more respondents. Thus totally fifteen
interviews were conducted from social media users, 10 male were selected for interview. While 5 female
were interviewed. The reason behind only five female were was that it was problematic for researcher to
make appointment with proportional to those of male. Female social media users as compared to men
were not easily accessible. Beside this our research sampling technique was convenience sampling so it
was difficult for researcher to convince women as compare to male.


The universe of the study were university of Peshawar. The respondent belong to different department of
university of Peshawar. Most of interviews were conducted in university campus. Because it were easy
for researcher to access respondent.

Data analysis

In qualitative researches, qualitative data analysis is a very important phase that requires the organization
and managing the collected data carefully (Gary & carland, 2000). Since this research was purely
qualitative, the data was analyzed thematically. Initially, as interview were recorded on mobile phone
recorder, the record were then transcribed into texts and typed wholly. Secondly, with the use of
Ms.word, all the data divided into themes and fited into tables. Finally the data was catogries thematically
based on commonalites and differences found in the word of respondent ( Neuman, 2014). In this way the
view of respondents were initially debated and then synthesized under heading of various themes.
Time framework

No. Tasks Started date End date Duration

1 Proposal writing and acceptance 1/15/2020 1/25/2020 10 days
2 Literature review 2/01/2020 3/15/2020 45 days
3 methodology 3/20/2020 3/30/2020 10 days
4 Data collection 4/05/2020 4/15/2020 12 days
5 Data analysis 4/30/2020 4/30/2020 15 days
6 Report writing 5/01/2020 5/15/2020 15 days

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