Rolling Stock For Metro Railway-2nd Draft 25-1-20 by Devidatta

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Rolling Stock for Metro Railway

2nd Draft 25-1-2020



12.1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................2
12.2 CHOICE OF GAUGE...............................................................................................................2
12.3 ROLLING STOCK CHARACTERISTICS...............................................................................3
12.4 OPTIMUM SIZE OF THE ROLLING STOCK........................................................................8
12.5 COACH DESIGN REQUIREMENTS....................................................................................11
12.6 VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING..........................................................................13
12.7 EMERGENCY EVACUATION SYSTEM.............................................................................15
12.8 DOORS....................................................................................................................................18
12.9 BOGIES....................................................................................................................................21
12.10 BRAKE SYSTEM....................................................................................................................25
12.11 COUPLING ARRANGEMENT..............................................................................................26
12.12 POWER REQUIREMENT :...................................................................................................29
12.13 PROPULSION SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY...........................................................................31
12.14 NOISE......................................................................................................................................32
12.15 PERCENTAGE MOTORISATION........................................................................................34
12.16 INTERIOR AND GANG WAYS.............................................................................................36
12.17 COMMUNICATION.................................................................................................................37
12.18 ENERGY SAVING MEASURES...........................................................................................39
12.20 PASSENGER SAFETY FEATURES....................................................................................41
12.21 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................41

Devidatta- Please mention source of Table

List of tables
Table 12-1: Applicable international standards for passenger carrying rolling stocks........................................4
Table 12-2 Size of coach...................................................................................................................................10
Table 12-3 Carrying Capacity of Metro Rail......................................................................................................11
Table 12-4 Weight of Light Rail Vehicles...........................................................................................................11
Table 12-5 Testing Standards for Coach material.............................................................................................14
Table 12-6 Evacuation Systems........................................................................................................................19

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Table 12-7 doors used in metro rolling stocks..................................................................................................24

Table 12-8 Axle box bearing shall conform to following standards..................................................................27
Table 12-9 Parameters for braking system.......................................................................................................29
Table 12-10 Coupling arrangements................................................................................................................31
Table 12-11 Power requirement......................................................................................................................32
Table 12-12 Noise levels...................................................................................................................................36
Table 12-13 Recommended operating characteristics.....................................................................................39
Table 12-14 Broad features of Rolling Stock.....................................................................................................43

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Necessity of a Metro Railway has been described in detail in previous chapters. Now that the
route has been marked, the station has been identified and the projected traffic flow has been
considered, the decision has to be taken whether to go for broad gauge or standard gauge.

There have been lengthy deliberations on the subject of choice of gauge.

Metro alignments in a city have to pass through heavily built-up areas for optimal passenger
utilisation and this imposes severe restrictions on the selection of curves. As in most of the cities in
India no 'right of way' has been reserved for metro systems, the alignments have to follow the major
arterial roads. These roads may often have sharp curves and right-angle bends. In such a situation
adoption of Standard Gauge is advantageous since it permits adoption of sharper curves compared to
Broad Gauge to minimise property acquisition along the alignments. For Standard Gauge, optimised
state-of-the-art rolling stock designs are available ‘off-the-shelf’. This is not so for Broad Gauge
where new designs for rolling stock have to be specially developed which entails extra time and cost.
Because of the availability of a very large market, constant upgradation of technology takes place for
Standard Gauge coaches. Thus upgraded technology is available on a continued basis in case of
Standard Gauge. This is not so in case of Broad Gauge. For the same capacity gross weight of a
metro coach is lower for Standard Gauge than for Broad Gauge. Standard Gauge rolling
Stock thus results in recurring saving in energy consumption during operation.

It is some time argued that adoption of Broad Gauge for metros would enable inter-running of
metro trains with Indian Railways since the latter uses Broad Gauge. Inter-running is, however,
technically and / or operationally not feasible as the two systems have different:

 Rolling Stock characteristics,

 Signalling Systems,
 Headways,
 Moving dimensions, and
 Loading standards.

Track gauge is not a technical parameter for any metro rail system. It is a planning parameter.
This issue was also examined in January 2000 by the Ministry of Law and Justice who had opined
that the choice of gauge is a matter which lies within the jurisdiction of the metro rail organisation
entrusted with the responsibility of implementing and operating the metro systems. With Standard
Gauge, capital cost will be less by 2 to 4% Most of the metros worldwide are running on standard

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gauge. In India only Delhi metro operates on two gauges (broad and standard). All other metro
systems in India operate on standard gauge.


After a decision for the gauge has been taken, the rolling stock characteristics to be decided. This
is to emphasise here that unless otherwise specified the rolling stock to be taken as for standard
gauge metro railway system.

Basic design philosophy of metro rolling stock:

 Light weight carbody
 Crashworthiness
 Low life cycle cost
 Interchangeable and unit exchange items
 Low energy consumption
 System safety
 Adequate redundancy in the system
 High passenger riding comfort
 Low noise level
 Adherence to operational requirements
 Adequate provision for emergency evacuation
 Effective HVAC system
 Maximisation of carrying capacity of passengers
 Optimised scheduled speed
 Aesthetically pleasing Interior and Exterior
 Flexibility to meet increase in traffic demand
 Anti-telescopic

All over the world the passenger carrying rolling stocks follow a certain standard starting
from gauge to fire safety. These standards are the foundations upon which the design and
proliferation of rolling stocks are done. Below some international standards are provided.

Table 12-1: Applicable international standards for passenger carrying rolling stocks

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Apart from the above mentioned standards, there are also other standards like ISO standards which
are followed during design and testing of a rolling stock before its proliferation. We will deliberate
upon that in due progress of the chapter.

Indicative Diagram of A Metro Coach

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The required Traffic transport demand forecast is the governing factor for the choice of the Rolling
Stock. In any metro city the forecasted Peak Hour Peak Direction Traffic (PHPDT) precludes use of
Metro Rail Vehicle. The optimum size of the coach depends on the corridor being served. In India,

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mainly two types of rolling stock sizes are being used. These are 2.9m wide coaches and 3.2m wide
coaches. Coaches with 3.2m width have capability to handle more number of passengers in
comparison to the 2.9 m wide coaches. However, use of 3.2m wide coaches will have significant cost
implication in terms of tunnelling or viaduct construction. The land requirement for track alignment
and depot will increase considerably. The minimum required headway as per the traffic projection is
3.5 minutes. Practically achievable headway is 2.5 minutes as practiced in Delhi Metro. Therefore, in
case of increase in traffic beyond the projection, headway can be reduced and the train frequency can
be increased. Hence, there may be no need for 3.2 m wide coaches. Also, because of higher weight
of coaches, the specific energy consumption will increase in case of 3.2 m coaches which will affect
traction energy consumption. 2.9 m wide coaches are standard products of a large number of
manufacturers. On the other hand, 3.2m wide coaches are not the standard products and hence the
procurement of the coaches will be costly and time consuming. Considering the above factors, 2.9m
wide coaches are most of the time recommended.
Table 12-2 Size of coach

In order to maximize passenger carrying capacity, longitudinal seating arrangement shall be

adopted. The whole train shall be vestibule to distribute passengers evenly in all coaches. Criteria for
calculation of standing passengers are 3 persons per square meter of standing floor area in normal
state, 6 persons in crush state of peak hour and 8 persons in dense crush state of peak hour.
Therefore, for the Metro rolling stock with 2.9 m maximum width and longitudinal seat
arrangement, conceptually the crush capacity of 43 seated, 205 standing thus a total of 248
passengers for a Driving motor car, and 50 seated, 220 standing thus a total of 270 for a trailer/motor
car is envisaged. The dense crush capacity has also been envisaged and tabulated. All are as per the
experience of DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation). Rail Metro with 16T axle load is normally
adopted for passenger capacity up-to 45,000 PHPDT.

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Table 12-3 Carrying Capacity of Metro Rail

Weight- The weights of motorcar and trailer cars have been estimated as in Table 8.3, referring to
the experiences in Delhi Metro. The average passenger weight has been taken as 65 kg.
Table 12-4 Weight of Light Rail Vehicles

The axle load @ 6persons/sqm of standing area works out in the range of 14.014T to
14.388T. Heavy rush of passenger, having 8 standees per sq. meter can be experienced occasionally.
It will be advisable to design the coach with sufficient strength so that even with this overload, the
design will not result in over stresses in the coach. Coach and bogie should, therefore, be designed
for 16 T axle load.

Now that basic width and axle load has been fixed, general requirements can be explored.

 The Rolling Stock shall fulfil the conditions as per UIC 512 for smooth operation of track
circuits and treadles.

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 The Rolling Stock shall be safe to operate under all climatic conditions in the operating
environment without damage, and also under all operating conditions.
 The rolling stock should have adequate access and egress doors for dealing with the heaviest
User demand.
 The interiors should be designed to provide a safe and convenient environment for Users and
should minimise harm in case of an Emergency or accident.
 The noise emitted by the Coach on run shall be governed by BS EN ISO 3095:2005 –
‘Railway applications – Acoustics – Measurement of noise emitted by rail-borne vehicle’ or
equivalent standard.
 The Rolling Stock must be able to operate irrespective of weather conditions and the
temperature inside the Train parked in the sun.
 Coaches shall have adequate margin of safety against Derailment and overturning.
 The Train shall be compliant with the operational requirements at a crush load of 8 Users per
square meter with any degree of wheel wear and track conditions within the design criteria,
when operating at traction supply voltages from minimum to maximum working voltages.
 An empty Train shall be capable of assisting a failed Train of similar consist, for all loading
conditions of the failed Train, with a total loss of traction on the failed Train and all brakes
released on the failed Train. The assisting Train shall be capable of starting and running up
the worst grade/curve combination specified for the main line at a minimum speed of 20
kmph, with brakes released on the failed Train, to enable the defective Train to be removed
from service.
 Metro Rolling Stock (RS) shall be compliant to the requirements of Un-attended Train
Operation (UTO), otherwise named as Grade of Automation, GoA4 level.


Coach Body
 Coach body shall be lightweight and corrosion resistant. The body paneling should have
resistance to the tractive and braking effort as well as impact and accidental damage. The
Coach body shall conform to ‘EN 12663:2000 – Railway applications – Structural
requirements of railway vehicle bodies’ or any other standard as applicable to Coaches of
an urban rail transport system Category P-III with increased end sill compression load of
1200 kN.
 The compressive strength of the vehicle, energy absorption abilities and the anti-climbing
features should be essentially made part of the technical specification for metro rolling
 13.2 In general, the parameters under EN 12663 and EN 15227 should to be followed.
 The Coach body may be of austenitic stainless steel or aluminium. Where dissimilar
materials are used, measures shall be provided to mitigate corrosion in the body due to
electrolytic action.
 The outer most ends of the end Coaches shall be provided with automatic couplers with
simultaneous automatic connection of pneumatic pipes and electrical connection and the

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Inter-coach coupler shall be semi-automatic type. All couplers shall have crash
worthiness features.
 Buffers provided between vehicles should resist buffer locking. Buffers and draw gear
systems should resist over riding and relative rotation to keep vehicles upright.
 Anti-climbing devices shall be provided on headstock of all Coaches and shall remain
fully engaged and operational under the action of vertical shear loads (upwards or
downwards) equal to half the crush loaded condition vehicle weight. In the event of a
crash, the resultant damages shall be restricted to couplers and anti-climbing devices.
 The Coach shall have comfortable longitudinal seats of stainless steel /aluminium. The
seats shall be designed to prevent slipping when the Train accelerates and decelerates.
 Flooring material shall be the one that meets or exceeds the skid resistance requirements
of SATRA test TM 144 or equivalent with a coefficient of friction of at least 0.4, and
shall be skid resistant when wet.
 Interior shall have colour design to have maximum visibility. Contrasting colour shall be
used for improved visibility for visually impaired persons.
 For lighting the interior of the Coach, fluorescent lamps or compact fluorescent lamps
shall be used. During night, the illumination shall be not less than 200 lux at the floor of
the Coach and not less than 300 lux at seating positions.
 Electric lighting shall be of similar or equivalent performance to EN 13272:2001 –
‘Railway application – Electrical lighting for Rolling Stock in public transport systems’
as applicable to urban rail transport systems.
 The Coach interior shall have resistance to fire and conform to NFPA-130, 2003 edition
‘Standard for Fixed Guide way – Transit and Passenger Rail Systems’. User.
 Materials selected especially for internal fixtures, fittings, furniture and decorations shall
be the ones which will minimize the risk of fire and the spread and effects of fire.
 Environmental conditions for the equipment on board the Coach shall conform to EN
A static test on the car body as per UIC 566 should be done to validate the design. The crash
worthiness may be evaluated through computer simulations with parameters obtained in actual Tests. Before
each type of Rolling Stock is deployed in actual service, it shall be subjected to oscillation trials, first on 900
m test track and then on actual track Alignment.

Coach Interior- The lighting inside the coach shall be in accordance with BS EN 13272-‘Railway
applications-Electrical lighting for rolling stock in public transport systems’. The emergency lighting
system or luminaries shall be supplied from vehicle battery as well as equipped with its own power

Headlight and side marker lights in driving motor Coach shall conform to BS EN
15153-‘Railway applications-external visible and audible warning devices for train, head, marker
and tail lamps’. The Coach interior shall have resistance to fire and conform to NFPA-130 -
‘Standard for Fixed Guide way - Transit and Passenger Rail Systems'. The Coach interior furnishing
material should have fire retardant properties confirming to European Standards EN 45545.

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The following standards should be adopted for testing of above items in case it is to be tested
as per EN 45545:
Table 12-5 Testing Standards for Coach material


With heavy passenger loading of 6 persons/m 2 for standee area and doors being closed from
consideration of safety and with windows being sealed type to avoid transmission of noise, the air
conditioning of coaches has been considered essential. Each coach shall be provided with two air
conditioning units capable of automatically controlling interior temperature throughout the passenger
area at 23-25C with 65% RH at all times under varying ambient condition up to full load. For
emergency situations such as power failure or AC failure both ventilation provisions supplied from
battery will be made. . Provision shall be made to shut off the fresh air intake and re-circulate the
internal air of the coach, during an emergency condition, such as fire outside the train causing
excessive heat and smoke to be drawn in to the coach.

The air-conditioning in coach, including TOs cab, shall conform to EN 14750-1&2- ‘Railway
applications- Air conditioning for urban and suburban rolling stock’.

TOs cab shall be designed in accordance with BS EN 16186-1-‘Railway applications –

Driver's cab : Visibility, layout, access’, BS EN 16186-2-‘Railway applications –

Driver's cab: Integration of screens, controls and indicators’ and BS EN 16186-3-

Railway applications - Driver's cab Design of displays.

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Air-conditioning in Coaches shall conform to EN 14750 or equivalent and to internationally

accepted standards and practices. In the event of failure of air-conditioning unit/units, harmful
quantities of the refrigerant should not be released inside the compartment and there shall be an
arrangement for forced ventilation of the Coach/Coaches. The air-conditioning system shall provide
a high rate of renewed air, maintenance of constant temperature and take into account, frequent door
opening and high User density. The units shall be compact; roof mounted and of low power

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Practices adopted in various metro systems in India and elsewhere along with the underlying
logic/reasons (at least 3 metros each in USA, Europe, Japan, China and South East Asia to be

Emergency doors are provided for evacuation during emergencies. Two types of evacuation systems
are provide in Metros worldwide:
 Front Evacuation System.
 Side Evacuation system.

For emergency egress, following 3 situations are possible -

 Sliding door concept : This allows train to train & train to track detrainment, in this concept
you have a emergency door which slides sideways & ramp can be deployed to track or a
passage to other train can be provided, it is mainly useful where no side passage is available
 Top opening door concept: In this concept evacuation door opens upwards on hinges & ramp
is deployed to tracks, no train to train detrainment is possible with this.
 No front detrainment door: If infrastructure is provided with side walkways & train has
adequate level of redundancy it is extremely unlikely that train cannot be driven to next
station for evacuation, that is to say it could be interesting not to provide evacuation door at
all on the trains with ATO or with driver

Side Evacuation-

In case of side evacuation a walkway is provided along the track. People get out through normal
doors and move on the walkway which takes them to the nearest station platform. The relative merits
and demerits of this system are as follows:

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1) In case of DC third rail system evacuation is faster as switching off of power to third rail is not
2) Evacuation from the train is faster due to large number of doors.
1) In case of sharp curves,side evacuation is not considered safe as gap between train and walkway
on curve will be very large, which have to be bridged by some plate/footboard.
2) Side evacuation requires side walkway and hence via-duct width is unnecessarily more and
structures are heavy due to extra loading.
3) Walking on raised walkway is not considered safe for children/elderly passengers. Further there
are chances of stampede on walkway.

Front Evacuation system-

In this concept evacuation door opens upwards on hinges & ramp is deployed to tracks. Merits and
demerits of this system are:

1) No need for extra walkway, hence size of the tunnel as well as via-duct reduces hence more
2) Evacuation is from emergency doors provided at the ends and can be better regulated by
motorman and stampede is prevented.
3) Walking is easier for passengers in this system as either they have to walk through the coaches or
on the track.


1) Power block is necessary in case of 750 Volts DC third Rail system, which may take some time
2) Exit from single emergency door may affect the faster evacuation.

The emergency evacuation front doors are set up to prevent the event of an emergency during
vehicle operation, therefore, they are also known as escape doors. Emergency evacuation front doors
can be classified into folding doors and folding doors which are flipped down, China's production of
subway cars generally use the folding door, part of the subway cars in the European use the folding
doors which are flipped down.

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Table 12-6 Evacuation Systems

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Front evacuation system is generally recommended.

12.8 DOORS

Doors are one of the most important components for easy entrain/ egress of commuters.
 Each Coach shall have minimum of 8 electrically powered, exterior sliding bi parting doors, 4
on each body side, conforming to EN 14752. The number and width of doors shall enable
short stopping dwell times. The doors shall be vibration free and insulated against heat and
sound transmission. The doors shall be sealed against draughts and water. Any ingressed
water shall drain rapidly without affecting surrounding equipment or systems. The doors shall
be as light and rigid as possible.

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 The doors shall have correct side door enabling provision which detects if the Train is
correctly located in the platform halting position and thereafter allows door actuation on the
platform side of the Train.
 The door mechanism shall have safety provision whereby the Train cannot start unless all
doors have been closed and electrically locked.
 The strength of the sliding doors shall be as per EN 14752 and the doors shall be able to resist
the loads without deformation or damage.
 The doors shall have following additional safety features:
(i) Obstacle detection and preventing the Train from starting in case of obstruction;
(ii) Internal and external release;
(iii) Door closing warning by audible and flashing light indication;
(iv) Visual door open indication;
(v) Monitoring from the driver’s cab; and
(vi) Door status indication on TO’(Train Operator)s VDU(Video Display Unit).

Provision shall be made for Users to open Train doors to permit evacuation from a stopped Train
in an Emergency.

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The various type of doors used in metro rolling stocks are delineated below.

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Table 12-7 doors used in metro rolling stocks

Because the structure of electronic-controlled pneumatic door is complex and the air quality
of its air source must be higher. Particularly important is that electronic-controlled pneumatic door
cannot achieve the functions that can be easily achieved in electronic-controlled electronic door.
Therefore, almost all of metro and light rail projects are using electronic controlled electric door so
far. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of various doors, it is easy to find that the plug
doors are better than built-in door and plug-in door in terms of sealing, noise and aesthetics. So more
advanced international metro transit vehicles use the electronic-controlled electric plug door.


Bolster less lightweight fabricated bogies with rubber springs are now universally adopted in metro
cars. These bogies require less maintenance and overhaul interval is also of the order of 4,20,000 km.
Use of air spring at secondary stage is considered with a view to keep the floor level of the cars
constant irrespective of passenger loading unlike those with coil spring. Perturbation from the track
are also dampened inside the car body on account of the secondary air spring along with suitable
Vertical Hydraulic Damper .The primary suspension system improve the curve running performance
by reducing lateral forces through application of conical rubber spring. A smooth curving
performance with better ride index is being ensured by provision of above type of bogies.

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The Bogies shall be of proven design and shall provide the required riding comfort. The
suspension shall give a low transmissibility of vibration to the Bogie and the car body and shall
minimize impact, vibration and noise. Suspension characteristics shall be selected so as to avoid

Wheels shall be of similar performance as to BS EN 13262:2003 – ‘Railway applications –

wheel sets and bogies – wheels – Product requirements or equivalent. Wheel sets shall be of similar
performance as EN 13260: 2003 – Railway applications – Wheel set and bogies – wheel sets –
Product requirements’ or equivalent standard.

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The structural design of the Bogie frame shall conform to BS EN 13749: 2005 –‘Railway
applications – method of specifying structural requirements of bogie frame’ or equivalent standard.

The Bogies of powered Coaches (Driving Motor and Motor Coaches) shall be of similar performance
as BS EN 13104:2001 – ‘Railway applications – Wheel sets and bogies – Powered axle design
method’ or UIC 615-4 Motive Power Units – Bogie and running gear – Bogie frame structural
strength test’.

The Bogies of non-powered Coaches (Trailer Coaches) shall be of similar performance as BS

EN 13103:2001 – ‘railway applications – wheel sets and bogies – non-powered axle design method’
or UIC 515-4 ‘Passenger rolling stock – Trailer bogies – Running gear – bogie frame structural
strength test’.

The Sperling Ride Index (RI) of the Coach under all loading conditions, when travelling
throughout the range of operating speeds and cant deficiencies prevailing in normal passenger
service for the service life of all suspension components shall not exceed 2.75 in both vertical and
horizontal directions in inflated condition and 3.0 in deflated condition. The ride quality of the Coach
shall conform to EN 2631-Part 4.

The RI calculations shall be done as per para 2.1 of ORE Report C 116 using FFT method
(Fast Fourier Transform method) and UK 513 E-Guidelines for evaluating passenger comfort in
relation to vibration in railway vehicles.

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The dimensions and properties of the wheel set shall be suitable for the operating duties
required by the track circuits.

The diameter of the wheel shall conform to track stress calculations. The axle load and wheel
diameter shall be such that the resultant shear stress induced in the rail head does not exceed the
permissible limits.

The profile of the wheel shall be so designed as to minimize flange contact and for minimum
wear of wheel and rail with a view to having long interval between wheel re-profiling.

Wheel sets shall be in accordance with BS5892-6, BS EN 13103 and BS EN 13104 and shall
be designed to have an infinite fatigue life.

The Bogie shall be compatible with the track. The Bogie should be capable of safe operation
keeping the damping values positive, at all permitted combinations of track condition, vehicle speed,
equivalent conicity, co-efficient of friction, operating conditions, maintenance condition, and
loading. The suspension system should prevent excessive forces transmitted by wheels leading to
track damage/derailment and/or unloading of wheels leading to risk of derailment. The axle yaw
stiffness and the rotational resistance of the complete Bogie shall be such that lateral flange forces
generated when negotiating the track Alignments shall not cause excessive rail wear and flange wear,
but shall be sufficient to obviate Bogie and wheel set hunting.
Table 12-8 Axle box bearing shall conform to following standards

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Braking system is an important part of the rolling stock, directly connected to the operational safety
and transport efficiency. The differences between the braking systems influence transport efficiency,
maintenance and fault handling. From the rolling stock point of view, on one hand, braking safety
immediately affects the transport safety. On the other hand, the adaptability, interoperability and
good interchangeability for maintenance can all improve the coupling efficiency of the train and
reduce troubleshooting time, which leads to the improvement of the efficiency.

Braking should be provided on all Coaches and must be continuous and automatic throughout the
Train. Continuous automatic brakes should inhibit traction power when applied. The brake system
shall comprise the following types of brakes:

The brake system shall consist of –

(i) An electro-pneumatic (EP) service friction brake

(ii) A fail safe, pneumatic friction emergency brake
(iii) A spring applied air-release parking brake
(iv) An electric regenerative service brake
(v) Provision of smooth and continuous blending of EP and regenerative braking

For the service brake, the electro dynamic brake is preferred, the use of pneumatic brake being
limited to the lower speed range when the electro dynamic brake effort is insufficient. There shall be
smooth blending of electro-pneumatic brakes and regenerative brakes.

The brake system shall provide for automatic wheel slip slide protection.

The parking brake shall be automatic and shall be designed to hold a fully loaded Train (10
Users per sq m) on the steepest gradient of the Rail System in the worst anticipated wind condition at
that location, for an unlimited time.

If a door opens when a Train is in motion, Emergency Brake shall be applied to bring the Train
to a standstill.

The regenerative braking will be the main brake power of the train and will regain the maximum
possible energy and pump it back to the system and thus fully utilize the advantage of 3 phase
technology. The regenerative braking should have air supplement control to bear the load of trailer
car. In addition, speed sensors mounted on each axle, control the braking force of the axles with anti
skid valves, prompting re-adhesion in case of a skid .The brake actuator shall operate either a tread
brake or a wheel disc brake, preferably a wheel disc brake.

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Braking system must be smooth enough so that the jerk rate will not go beyond 0.75m/s3.
Table 12-9 Parameters for braking system

If required the brake shall be provided with WSP in all braking modes in all cars. Slide
detection shall be on par axle basis with correction on upper bogie basis. The wheel slide unit shall
be approved by UIC and is to meet corresponding requirement specially UIC 541-05. The complete
brake system shall be of similar performance as EN 13452-1:2003 – ‘Railway application – Braking
– Mass transit brake system performance requirements’ or equivalent standard.


Type of Couplers- There are different types of coupler head designs available, usually the types are
determined by existing fleet or rescue locomotives etc. for new metrosystem usually the couplers are
from Schafenberg family of couplers. These are of following types:

 Automatic Mechanical, Pneumatic and Electrical coupler

 Automatic mechanical and pneumatic coupling and Jumper cables for electrical connection.
 Semi-Permanent coupler. Electrical coupling is through jumper cables between cars.

Suppliers for Indian Metros and costs-

Suppliers are:
Voith Turbo, Germany RS1,RS3 and BMRCL Dellner, Sweden RS2 Faiveley Chennai Metro
Dellner and Voith have set up subsidiary units in India for local manufacturing. Voith couplers are of

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Scharfenberg (Schaku) type. The Dellner and Faiveley couplers are also of similar type. Faiveley is
also manufacturing couplers in India.
The design of the couplers depends on the type of coupler head, amount of energy absorption
required, coupling range, etc.

Cost Aspects
 Semi Permanent Rs 2.5 to Rs 3.0 Lakh
 Automatic mechanical & pneumatic coupler Rs 10 Lakhs
 Automatic mechanical, electrical & pneumatic coupler Rs 20 Lakhs.

Functional Requirement of couplers-

The coupling arrangement is dependent on operating needs:

1. Full automatic front coupler with electrical & pneumatic head : These couplers are required where
quick connect / disconnect is required, for example EMU trains for which one regularly couples &
decouples the train to form different train configurations. On Indian Metros configuration is very
rarely changed. Most of the metros run in fixed formation i.e. 3 car,6 car . Hence is not required
for Indian Metros and in such cases even semi permanent couplers can be provided between two
basic units.
2. Between coaches which are not expected to be decoupled often, semi permanent coupler are
preferred design.
3. Two rakes need to be coupled in the rescue mode, here time is a consideration, hence automatic
mechanical and pneumatic coupling at the two end of the rakes are recommended.

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4. Besides the load key criterion for couplers is their recoverable stroke capability, and usually for
metro train of fixed train configuration it should not exceed 10 km/h, that is to say coupler should
not be requested to absorb collision energy in excess of 10 km/h.
Table 12-10 Coupling arrangements

Recommendations for Coupling Arrangement:

1. For two ends of the train: Automatic Couplers without electric head. Electric coupling shall be
through jumper cables. Two rakes need to be coupled in the rescue mode, here time is a
consideration, hence automatic mechanical and pneumatic coupling at the two end of the rakes are
2. Between two basic units: In case frequent interchanging of basic units or changes in car
formations are required, Automatic Mechanical, Pneumatic and Electrical coupler may be
provided. DMRC is providing these Automatic couplers between basic units. As these couplers
are most expensive (Approximately 4 times the cost of semi-permanent coupler). Hence usage
should be only need based.

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Typical power requirements projected below taking into account the Ahmadabad Metro project.
Table 12-11 Power requirement

It would be necessary for the trains to have rather higher acceleration and deceleration,
considering the short distance between stations along the line. To estimate the tractive force required
by the three-car train, the following preconditions were assumed in consideration of riding comfort
and adhesion.
Acceleration : 1.0 m/s2
Deceleration 1.1 m/s2 (Normal brake)
More than 1.3 m/s2 (Emergency brake)

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Necessary power for a train of about 164 T in gross weight to accelerate in 1.0 m/s 2 , at schedule
speed of 35 km/h, on a level and straight track would be about 1,520 kW. Since the track on a
viaduct could possibly be constructed on a level and the traction motors could be operated with
overload for a short time, 8 traction motors (66% powering/motorization) with about 190 kW
installed on a three-car train would be enough, even if the equivalent gradients on a curved section of
track are considered. It was also assessed that failure of one motor car in a train running on a 4%
grade having a R-120 curvature will still be giving sufficient acceleration to the train to clear the

Computer Simulation Results

A computer simulation run of the designed Train composition (in crush loading condition) under the
specified voltage and wheel conditions with the use of a Train schedule software programme shall be
conducted and simulation results with the following details shall be provided:
i. inter-station running time for each corridor, each way;
ii. actual schedule speed with the specified dwell time at each Station; and
iii. percentage coasting achieved in terms of time and distance, if any;
iv. Emergency Braking Distance.
In addition, a complete computer generated master chart showing Trains possible to be run on each
corridor with the prescribed headway shall be generated. The Concessionaire shall hand over to the
IE a copy of the software package employed by him and any hardware/software too required for the

Vehicle Dynamic Simulation: The Dynamic Characteristic of Vehicle should be made according to
EN 14363 and Dynamic Analysis, to evaluate the running behaviour of the cars with the proposed
bogie design, shall be carried out by means of theoretical calculations applying multi-body
simulation techniques. The following parameters, at a minimum, shall be evaluated/analyzed.
i. Vehicle model
ii. Natural frequency of the suspension

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iii. Stability/safety of the bogie

iv. Wheel/Track offloading
v. Bogie rotational resistance
vi. Wheel wear index at the tread and flange
vii. Lateral force and derailment quotient (Y/Q)
viii. Ride index lateral and vertical
ix. Acceleration values of car body and bogie frame
x. Criteria for assessment of riding behaviour of vehicle

Vehicle Dynamic Simulation may be conducted on one of the following vehicle dynamic analysis


In the field of Electric Rolling Stock, DC series traction motors have been widely used due to its
ideal characteristics and good controllability for traction applications. These motors were adopted
because of its high starting tractive effort and simple speed regulation by connecting them in series
and series paralled and sequentially short-circuiting the starting resistors on DCEMU/Metro systems
and the tap changer contacts in case of ACEMUS. But these required intensive maintenance because
of commutators and electro-mechanical contactors, resistors etc. With the advent of solid state
devices like thyristors/GTOS (Gate Turn off), in power circuits and micro processor based control
electronics, the propulsion technology has undergone a significant improvement. Thyristor chopper
controls on DC traction system were adopted leading to elimination of starting resistors contactors,
camshaft controller, tap changer etc. This enabled provision of step less controls resulting in better
riding qualities, reduced energy consumption, easy adoption of electrical re-generative braking etc,
but the traction motor continued to be direct current series motor.

The idea of adopting a simple three phase induction motor for traction remained more or less
like a concept and almost in development stage till seventies. But brush less 3 phase induction
motors have now replaced the D C series motors in traction applications. The induction motor, for
the same power output, is smaller and lighter in weight and ideally suited for rail based Mass Rapid
Transit applications. The motor tractive effort and speed is regulated by ‘Variable Voltage and
Variable frequency’ control and can be programmed to suit the track profile and operating
requirements. Another advantage of 3 phase a.c. drive and VVVF control is that regenerative braking
can be introduced by lowering the frequency and the voltage to reverse the power flow and to allow
braking to very low speed. The regenerative braking is rather essential in tunnel alignment
otherwise heat generated by friction brakes will increase the heat load inside the tunnel and the air-
conditioning plant size will go up. For Ahmedabad Mass Rapid Transit System, three phase AC
traction drive that are self ventilated, highly reliable, robust construction and back up by slip/slid
control have been recommended for adoption.

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The AC Catenary voltage is stepped down through a transformer and converted to DC

voltage through converter and supply voltage to DC link which feeds Inverter operated with Pulse
Width Modulation (PWM) control technology and using insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT).
Thus three phase variable voltage variable frequency output drives the traction motors for
propulsion. Recently advanced IGBT has been developed for inverter units. The advanced IGBT
contains an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) and gate drive circuit and protection. The
advanced IGBT incorporates its own over current protection, short circuit protection, over
temperature protection and low power supply detection. The IGBT has internal protection from over
current, short circuit, over temperature and low control voltage.

The inverter unit uses optical fibre cable to connect the control unit to the gate interface. This
optical fiber cable transmits the gate signals to drive the advanced IGBT via the gate interface. This
optical fibre cable provides electrical isolation between the advanced IGBT and the control unit and
is impervious to electrical interference. These are recommended for adoption in Trains of MRTS.

12.14 NOISE

The trains will pass through heavily populated urban area .The noise and vibration for a metro
railway become an important criteria from public acceptance view point. The source of noise are (i)
rail-wheel interaction (ii) noise generated from equipment like Blower, Compressor, air conditioner,
door, Inverter etc. (iii) traction motor in running train. For elimination and reduction of noise
following feature are incorporated: -

 Provision of anti drumming floor and noise absorption material.

 Low speed compressor, blower and air conditioner.
 Mounting of under frame equipments on anti-vibration pad
 Smooth and gradual control of door.
 Provision of GRP baffle on the via-duct for elimination of noise transmission.
 Provision of sound absorbing material in the supply duct and return grill of air conditioner.
 Sealing design to reduce the aspiration of noise through the gap in the sliding doors and
piping holes.
 The lower vibration level has been achieved by provision of bolster less type bogies having
secondary air spring.

The following noise standards shall be followed:

Stationary Trains
(a) Noise level inside the car and cab- The noise level inside the car and the cab shall not exceed 68
dB (A) with all Auxiliary Equipment operating at its greatest noise out put. The noise level shall
be measured in the car along the center line between 1200 mm and 1600 mm above the floor and

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at a distance over 600 mm from the end of the car. The measurement shall be done as per ISO

(b) Noise level outside the Train - The noise level outside the Train shall not exceed 68 dB (A) with
all Auxiliary Equipment operating. The noise level shall be measured at a point 7.5 m from the
Train centerline at a point between 1200 mm and 1500 mm above the rail level. The measurement
shall be done as per ISO 3095.

Moving Trains
(a) Noise level inside the car and cab- The noise level when running at the scheduled maximum
speed shall not exceed 72 dB (A). The noise level shall be measured in the car along the center
line between 1200 mm and 1600 mm above the floor and at a distance over 600 mm from the end
of the car. The measurement shall be done as per ISO 3381.

(b) Noise level outside the Train- The noise level when it is moving at the scheduled maximum
speed shall not exceed 85 dB (A) with all auxiliary systems operating.
Table 12-12 Noise levels

Standards ISO 3095 for external noise and ISO 3381 for internal noise should be followed.
Door Operation Noise produced by simultaneous operation of all saloon doors on one side of the car

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shall not exceed 75dBA during the sliding operation and 78 dBA for the locking/unlocking,
measured on the fast meter scale.

Vibrations- Ground-borne vibrations caused by the dynamic impact forces generated in the wheel
rail interaction propagate in the soil and excite the foundation walls and air borne noise caused by
low frequency emissions can excite building structural components (walls etc) above ground. The
key factors of the vehicle / track system which determine ground vibration are related to the track
design and the maintenance of wheel and rail:
 Design of the track, more precisely the properties of the track mass/spring/damping system
consisting of rail, pads, sleeper, ballast, slab, embankment.
 Impact excitation from track discontinuities like switches & crossings and insulation joints
 Wheel / rail surface quality, roughness incl. corrugation, out-of-roundness dents, flats

Intensity of ground based noise and vibrations, are primarily dependent on track structure, soil
conditions and distance of such buildings from the railway track. It has to be ensured that these
vibration levels do not exceed the safety limits as prescribed in ISO 14835 for which specific
measures may need to be adopted while designing the track structure.

Passengers are also subjected to the vibrations for which norms have been prescribed by ISO
2631. As per DMRC these norms be specified for rolling stock as the rolling stock has no control
over ground vibrations emitting from Metro operations. Vibrations to be measured as per ISO 2631,
weighted acceleration should be less than 0.315 m/s2.


The Percentage Motorisation for different car units is dependent on Acceleration/ Deceleration/ Jerk
Rate and Power to weight ratio. The various cases are discussed here.

3 Car unit- For a basic 3 -car train there is no alternative but to have 66% motorization so as to
ensure that failure of one motor car does not result in immobilization of train in the section.

4 Car unit/8 Car trains- In case of 4-car/ 8 car trains, only 50% and 75% motorisation is possible.
DMRC, who have sufficient experience with 50%, recommends 75% motorization both for 4 car and
8 car trains. 75% motorisation in 4 car rakes would require three different type of cars. It is thus
desirable to go in for 75% motorisation in case of 8 car rakes and 50% for 4 car rakes.

6 Car/9 Car trains -In case of 6 car/ 9car, 66% motorization is a better option on account of
following considerations:

 Even with loss of one power car the operational performance is satisfactory, hence motor
coach control can be adopted instead of bogie control.

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 Smaller Traction Motor

 Higher level of acceleration and declaration is possible, subject to adhesion limits.
 Higher regeneration level is achieved resulting in lower application of friction braking and
consequently less wear of pad /disc.
 Energy efficiency is better
 Chances of slip/slide even under the worst conditions are reduced due to utilization of lower
adhesion factor compared to the permissible values.

 Number of motor coaches will go up which will also result in increase in cost, and increase in
tare weight. There will however be some reduction on account of bogie control in cost of
propulsion equipment
 Number of pantographs in 25 KV AC systems will go up. This can however be reduced by
having one common transformer and single panto for a 3 car basic unit. This will reduce
redundancy as two motor coaches will be out in case of failures of traction transformer, hence
can be permitted with only 6 car rake having two basic units of 3 car each.
 The initial & maintenance cost of propulsion for 66% motorization will be higher, however
there will be savings towards energy cost. World wide 66% motoring is accepted as the most

A basic comparison of % motorization.

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Table 12-13 Recommended operating characteristics


The passenger capacity of a car is maximized in a Metro System by providing longitudinal seats for
seating and utilizing the remaining space for standing passenger. Therefore all the equipments are
mounted on the under frame for maximum space utilization .The layout of interior panel is blended
in such a way that they provide structural integrity to avoid distortion or damage and last the same as
the expected life of the train. The gangways are designed to give a wider comfortable standing space
during peak hours along with easy and faster passenger movement especially in case of emergency. The
gangway width shall cover the inside width of the Coach, leaving leg space for a sitting User on longitudinal
seats. The gangways shall be completely weather proof, draught proof and vandalism proof.

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Typical Gangways -

Cab Layout-
The modern stylish driver panel shall be FRP moulded which give maximum comfort and easy
accessibility of different monitoring equipment to the driver along with clear visibility. An
emergency door for easy detainment of the passenger(Front evacuation) on the track has been
provided at the center of the front side of the each cabin, which has a easy operation with one handle
type master controller.

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The driving cab of the cars are provided with continuous communication with base Operational
Control Center and station control for easy monitoring of the individual train in all sections at all the
time. Public Address and Passenger Information Display System is provided in the car so that
passengers are continuously advised of the next stoppage station, final destination station,
interchange station, emergency situations if any, and other messages. The rolling stock is provided
with Talk Back Units inside the cars, which permit conversation between passengers and the drivers
in case of any emergency. The Coach shall have two-way communication between Users and the TO(train
operator) in an Emergency. Emergency buttons and talk back phones shall be located near all the doors and

The communication system includes Passenger Information System, Public Address System,
Passenger Alarm and Surveillance Cameras.

Train Data Recorder- Train Data Recorders (TDR) shall be fitted at each driving end of the Train. The
purpose of the TDR is to continuously gather vital operational data so that the information is available in the
event of an accident. It should be enclosed in a sealed and tamper resistant case.The TDR shall have the
memory to store the records of at least 15 days. The data recorded should be capable of indefinite retention.

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All data should be date and time stamped. The TDR shall be capable of withstanding a max
temperature of +55°C.

Train Data Recorder (TDR) equipment and its installation shall conform to BS EN 60529 and
shall meet the crash protection requirements of RGS GM/RT/2472.

TDR shall be fitted at each driving end of the Train to record at least the following
parameters :

(i) Speed of Train;

(ii) Location of Train;
(iii) Direction of travel;
(iv) Power controller position;
(v) Brake controller position and brake equipment response;
(vi) The driver's safety operator position;
(vii) Status of line power; and
(viii) Status of head lights, marker lights & flasher light.

The TDR shall generally have the memory to store the records of at least 15 days. The data
recorded should be capable of indefinite retention. All data should be date and time stamped.

Energy Consumption – Basic energy requirement is described below 3 coach trains can be converted
to 6 coach trains by procuring additional trailer coaches and motor coaches compatible with the
existing one in communication protocol and dimensions and other performance requirements.
Rolling Stock shall be capable of unattented train operation (UTO).

The ultimate (design) power requirement for this corridor will be conceptualized considering
following norms, directives/guidelines,

 Train operation with 6 car rakes with carrying capacity of 1576 passengers
(standing @ 6 passengers/ m²)
 Specific energy consumption of rolling stock – 70 KWh / 1000 GTKM
 Regeneration @ 30%
 At grade/ Elev. station load – initially 200kW, ultimate design 300 kW
 Underground station load – initially 1000 kW, ultimate design 1500kW
 Transmission losses @ 5%
 Voltage and current harmonics with in utilities statutory limit

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Table 12-14 Broad features of Rolling Stock


Energy charges of any metro system constitute a substantial portion of its operation & maintenance
(O & M) costs. Therefore, it is imperative to incorporate energy saving measures in the system
design itself. The auxiliary power consumption of metros is generally more than the traction energy
consumed by train movement during initial years of operation. Subsequently, traction power
consumption increases with increase in train frequency/composition in order to cater more traffic.
The proposed system of Kochi Metro includes the following energy saving features:

(i) Modern rolling stock with 3-phase VVVF drive and lightweight stainless steel coaches has
been proposed, which has the benefits of low specific energy consumption and almost unity
power factor.
(ii) Rolling stock has regeneration features and it is expected that 30% of total traction energy will
be regenerated and fed back to 25kV ac OHE to be consumed by nearby trains.
(iii) Effective utilization of natural light is proposed. In addition, the lighting system of the stations
will be provided with different circuits (33%, 66% & 100%) and the relevant circuits can be
switched on based on the requirements (day or night, operation or maintenance hours etc).
(iv) Machine-room less type lifts with gearless drive has been proposed with 3-phase VVVF drive.
These lifts are highly energy efficient.
(v) The proposed heavy-duty public services escalators will be provided with 3-phase VVVF
drive, which is energy efficient & improves the power factor. Further, the escalators will be
provided with infrared sensors to automatically reduce the speed (to idling speed) when not
being used by passengers.

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(vi) The latest state of art and energy efficient electrical equipment (e.g. transformers, motors, light
fittings etc) have been incorporated in the system design.
(vii) Efficient energy management is possible with proposed modern SCADA system by way of
maximum demand (MD) and power factorcontrol.

Auxiliary Power Supply-

(a) All Trains shall be equipped with a stand-by battery power source consisting of Nickel cadmium
cells having a nominal voltage of 110V. The battery shall be rated and tested as per IEC 60623 and
IEC 60993. It should supply Emergency load with the battery charged to 80% of its full capacity, for
at least 60 minutes in case of failure of power supply from battery charger and the voltage level at
any device shall not fall below 77V DC. Non essential load shall be shed after 30 seconds of failure
of battery charge supply.
(b) Standby batteries shall be protected against undemanded discharge and over charge.
(c) Emergency loads shall include, but not limited to:
(i) Emergency lighting;
(ii) all exterior lights;
(iii) ventilation fans but not air conditioners;
(iv) communication systems including public address, emergency alarm, surveillance system and
Train radio;
(v) propulsion and brake controls;
(vi) door controls;
(vii) electric horn;
(viii) cab console indicators, lighting and interlocking; and
(ix) ATP Train-borne equipment.



Rolling stock shall comply with following or equivalent Standards:

(a) Electromagnetic Compatibility:
(i) EN 50121-1:2000 – Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility – Part 1 – General;
(ii) EN 50121-1:2000 – Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility – Part 2 – Emission of
the whole railway system to the whole world;
(iii) EN 50121-3-1:2000 – Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility – Part 3-1 – Rolling
stock – Train and complete vehicle; and
(iv) EN 50121-3-2:2000 – Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility – Part 3-2 – Rolling
stock – Apparatus.
(b) Environmental Conditions:
EN 50125-1:1999 – Railway applications – Environmental Conditions for equipment – Part 1:
Equipment on board Rolling Stock.

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(i) ATP
The rolling stock is provided with Continuous Automatic Train Protection to ensure absolute safety
in the train operation. It is an accepted fact that 60-70% of the accidents take place on account of
human error. Adoption of this system reduces the possibility of human error.
(ii) Fire
The rolling stock is provided with fire retarding materials having low fire load, low heat release rate,
low smoke and toxicity inside the cars. The electric cables used are also normally low smoke zero
halogen type which ensures passenger safety in case of fire. BS 6853/EN 45545 (after March’2016):
Code of Practice for Fire Performance of Materials Used in Rolling Stock Vehicles. The Coach
interior shall have resistance to fire and conform to NFPA-130 - ‘Standard for Fixed Guideway -
Transit and Passenger Rail Systems'. The Coach interior furnishing material should have fire
retardant properties confirming to European Standards EN 45545. All materials used for construction
of metro car shall comply with International standards EN 45545 for fire & smoke.

(iii) Emergency door-

The rolling stock is provided with emergency doors at both ends of the cab to ensure well directed
evacuation of passengers in case of any emergency including fire in the train,

(iv) Crash worthiness features-

The rolling stock is provided with inter car couplers having crashworthiness feature which reduces
the severity of injury to the passengers in case of accidents. A static test on the car body as per EN
12663, Category P-II should be done to validate the design and crash worthiness of the vehicle body
shall be in accordance to EN 15227- ‘Railway application- Crashworthiness requirement of the
railway vehicle body’.


1-DPR of Ahmedabad metro
through Public Private Partnership, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
4-DPR of Nagpur Metro

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5-CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED-Comprehensive Detailed Project Report for Chennai Metro
6-DPR of KOCHI Metro
9-Standardisation activities concerning the interoperability of the trans-European conventional rail
10-Public Private Partnership in Urban Rail Systems Manual of Specifications and Standards-
published by Ministry of Railways
published by Ministry of Urban Development
13-Standardisation/Indigenisation of Rolling Stock for LRT Metro Systems in India-L.NARSIM
14-DPR of Vijaywada metro rail project

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