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A Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree
Bachelor of Civil Engineering

Kedar Nath Dahal (06-113)
Mandeep Pokhrel (06-116)
Nawaraj Tripathee (06-119)
Ramesh Chandra Ghimire (06-128)
Uttam Bhurtel (06-173)

Er. Bharat Raj Pandey
(Chief Engineer,BPC)

Department of Civil Engineering

Changunarayan, Bhaktapur, Nepal

November 2

Tadi Hydropower Project is a Run-Off-River type hydropower plant located in Nuwakot district.
The source of the scheme is Tadi Khola which is a perennial river with the flow of 4.41m 3/s in
the month of April. The study included geo-hydrological investigation (desk level), hydraulic
and structural design of civil components and design of electromechanical components. All these
let to the technical feasibility study of the scheme.

The analysis was based on the secondary data obtained from DPR of BPC. Hydrological analysis
was performed by using empirical methods. Design of various components of the plant was
carried out using established methods recommended for the design of different components of
Small Hydropower Plant in Nepal. Structural Design was carried out using Working Stress
Method following class notes.

The design of the Plant was based on gross head of 74.12m and design discharge of 7.2m 3/s. The
install capacity of the Plant was found to be 4.14MW and will be able to generate 32.572GW-hr.
of energy annually.

Due to the scope of the study, there are some limitations in the report. If we were allowed to
work as professionals and there were no time limitations, we could present the report in more
detailed form.

List of abbreviations

ADB Asian Development Bank

A. Alliance Power
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
BKPC Bhotekoshi Power Company
BPC Butwal Power Company
CPC Communist Party of China
DHM Department of Hydrology and Meteorology
DPR Detailed Project Report
DWRC District Water Resource Committee
ELC Electrical Load Controller
ESAP Energy Sector Assistance Program
FDC Flow Duration curve
FOS Factor Of Safety
FY Fiscal Year
GHP Gandaki Hydro Power
GWh Gega Watt Hour
HDPE High Density Polythene
HFL High Flood Level
HPL Himal Power Limited
Hydest Hydrological Estimation
ICOLD International Commission On Large Dams
INPS Integrated National Power System
IRR Internal rate of Return
IPP Investment Promotion Program
ITDG Intermediate Technology Development group
JBIC Japanese Bank for International Cooperation
KN Kilo Newton
KNm Kilo Newton meter
KV Kilo Volt
kVA Kilo Volt Ampere
KW Kilo Watt
Lps Liter per second
MCT Main Central Thrust
MHSP Medium Hydropower Study Project
MIP Mid Irrigation project
MVA Mega Volt Ampere
MW Mega Watt
MWI Monsoon Wetness Index
NEA Nepal Electricity Authority
NHPC National Hydro Power Company
NGO Non - governmental organization
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
PF Power Factor

PCC Plain Cement Concrete
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete
RPM Revolution per Minute
SH Small Hydropower
SHP Small Hydropower Plant
TWL Tail Water Level
UNDP United Nation Development Program
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VDC Village Development Committee
WECS Water and Energy Commission Secretariat

List of Acronyms
A Area
Ast Area of steel in tension zone
Asc Area of steel in compression zone
a Wave velocity in m/sec
B Width
C Sediment concentration of the coming flow in kg/m3
C’ Compressive stress in concrete
C0 Coefficient of the velocity of the specified orifice
Cw Weir Coefficient
d Diameter of the penstock
e Distance between the total vertical forces and the centroid
E Young’s Modulus
f Frictional Factor
g Acceleration due to gravity in m/s2
Ka Coefficient of active earth pressure
h Depth
hf Frictional Head Loss
hflush Flushing head
hgross Gross head
Hsurge Surge head
Kbend Bent loss coefficient
Kcontraction Contraction loss coefficien
Kentrance Entrance loss coefficient
Kt Loss coefficient for Trashrack
Kvalve Valve loss coefficient
Lb Length of basin
Linlet Length of inlet zone of the settling basin in m
Lspillway Length of the Spillway
Lwweir Length of the Weir
n Roughness coefficient
N Side slope for the canal
P Wetted perimeter of the canal
Pmax Maximum stress
Pmin Minimum stress
Pgross Gross power in watt
Pnet Net power in watt
Q Flow rate of water in m3/sec
Qdesign Design flow in m3/sec
Qo Flow through the orifice
Qseepage Seepage loss for the canal
Qspillway discharge through the spillway
Qwf Worst flood in m3/sec
R Hydraulic radius of the canal
S Longitudinal slope adopted for the canal

s Seepage loss coefficient for the canal material
Sdensity Desity of sediment in kg/m3
SF Safety factor
Sload Sediment load n the settling basin
Su Ultimate tensile strength
t Penstock wall thickness in mm
T Sediment empting frequency in second
Tc Valve closure time in seconds
Teffictive Effective wall thickness of the penstock in mm
Vp Fall velocity of the particle
Vsediment Volume of sediment in the basin in m
α Coefficient of linear expansion
σcbc Permissible stress in concrete
σst Permissible stress in steel
Ф Friction angle for linear expansion
ŋ Overall system efficiency
ρ Density of water in kg/m
γsoil Unit weight of soil
γw Unit weight of water


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Department of Civil Engineering, Nepal
Engineering College, for providing us an opportunity to conduct project on “Detailed Hydraulic
and Structural Design of Small Hydropower Plant; Tadi Khola, Nuwakot”

Likewise, our heartfelt gratitude goes to our supervisor, Er. Bharat Raj Pandey for his valuable
suggestions and proper guidance during the project period and also we would like to express our
sincere gratitude to Prof. Dr. Hari Krishna Shrestha.

We would also like to thank Asst. Prof. Rupak Bastola, Asst. Prof. Sujan Shrestha, Jr. Prof.
Ajaya Khadka, Jr. Prof. Bindu Khanal for their help and suggestions regarding the Project.

We are indebted to the Butwal Power Company (BPC) and the staffs for providing helping hands
and favourable working environment during the project work.

Help and advices given by all the individuals and institutions which directly and indirectly
helped us for carrying out the project work and preparing the report, are highly acknowledged.

Salient Features of Tadi Hydropower Project

Project Location and Accessibility:

Development region Central
District/Zone Nuwakot/ Bagmati
VDC Thaprek
Nearest town/Comm. centre Trishuli Bazaar

Name of the Khola Tadi Khola
Catchment area 247 km2
Design discharge 7.2 m3/s
Design flood (Q100) 613 m3/s

Project General Description:

Type of scheme Run-Off-River
Installed capacity 4.14 MW
Natural head available 74.12 m
Net head available 68.95 m
Type of weir Ogee shaped
Size of weir (L×B×H) (126×35×4.5) m
Weir crest level 798.5 m.
River bed level 794 m (U/S)
790.4 m (D/S)
Undersluice crest level 796.5 m

Intake type Side intake
Intake opening (B×H) 3× (2.4×1.5) m.
Intake sill level 796.5 m.

Gravel Trap:
Size (21×7.5×3.5) m
Flushing type Continuous
Size of flushing canal (0.5×0.28) m

Approach Canal:
Material RCC
Length 36.9 m
Top width 4.8 m
Bottom width 2.4 m
Height 1.5 m (with freeboard)

Length 10 m
Height 0.626 m

Settling basin:
Size (L×B×H) (86.1 ×7.1 ×4) m.
Number of bays 2 nos.
Flushing type Periodic
Frequency 8 Hrs.
Size of Orifice (1.2×1.2) m

Size (L×B× H) (13 ×14.4×5.6) m

Height 0.588 m.

Type of material Steel
Length 2238.73 m.
Diameter 1.90 m.
Thickness 14 mm.

Diameter 1.343 m.
Thickness 6 mm.

Power house:
Type Sub-Surface
Machine Hall(L×B×H) (21.2×12.8×22.3) m.
Equipment Room(L×B×H) (6.4×5×22.3) m.
Transformer Room(L×B×H) (6.4×5×22.3) m.

Type Francis
Number of turbine 2 nos.
Turbine speed 750 rpm
Diameter of Runner 0.675 m

Tail Race Canal:

Size (2.5×1.5) m
Type 3 phase synchronous, 6 KV

Transmission Line:
Length 8.5 km

Transmission Voltage 33 KV


List of abbreviations............................................................................................................ii
List of Acronyms................................................................................................................iv
Salient Features of Tadi Hydropower Project....................................................................vii
1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND........................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Reasons for focusing on Hydropower Projects....................................................1
1.1.2 History of Hydropower Development.................................................................1
1.1.3 Hydropower development in Nepal.....................................................................2
1.1.4 Hydropower potential of Nepal...........................................................................4
1.1.5 Justification for Small Hydropower Project........................................................5
1.2 OBJECTIVE...............................................................................................................6
1.3 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS...................................................................................6
2 LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................7
2.1 POWER SITUATION IN NEPAL.............................................................................7
2.2 DOMESTIC POWER DEMAND AND SUPPLY.....................................................8
2.3 LOAD FORECAST....................................................................................................8
2.4 ENERGY CONSUMPTION PATTERN OF NEPAL.............................................10
2.6 POWER DISTRIBUTION PLAN............................................................................11
2.8 COMPONENTS OF HYDROPOWER PLANTS....................................................14
2.8.1 WEIR AND UNDERSLUICE...........................................................................14
2.8.2 INTAKE STRUCTURE....................................................................................20
2.8.3 GRAVEL TRAP................................................................................................22
2.8.4 SETTLING BASIN...........................................................................................23

2.8.5 HEADRACE CANAL.......................................................................................24
2.8.6 FOREBAY.........................................................................................................26
2.8.7 PENSTOCK.......................................................................................................27
2.8.8 ANCHOR BLOCK AND SLIDE BLOCKS.....................................................29
2.8.9 POWER HOUSE...............................................................................................31
2.8.10 TAILRACE......................................................................................................32
2.8.11 ELECTRO MECHANICAL UNITS...............................................................32
2.8.12 TRANSMISSION LINE..................................................................................36
3 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT.......................................................................................38
3.1. LOCATION OF PROJECT SITE...........................................................................38
3.2 ACCESSIBILITY.....................................................................................................38
3.3 TOPOGRAPHY AND PHYSIOGRAPHY..............................................................38
3.4 CLIMATE................................................................................................................38
3.5 AVAILABILITY OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL..........................................38
3.6 HYDROLOGY OF SITE.........................................................................................39
3.6.1 Collection of Hydrological data.........................................................................39
3.6.2 Precipitation.......................................................................................................39
3.6.3 Discharge and Water Level................................................................................40
3.6.4 Peak discharge calculation:................................................................................41
3.6.5 Frequency analysis.............................................................................................41
3.6.6 Establishment of design discharge for power calculation.................................43
3.6.7 Flow Duration Curve.........................................................................................45
3.7 SUSPENDED MATTER AND BED LOAD...........................................................47
3.7.1 General...............................................................................................................47
3.7.2 Morphological influence upon solid matter transport........................................48
3.7.3 Measurement of amounts of suspended matter and bed load............................48
3.7.4 Geological Study of the project Area................................................................49
3.7.5 Conclusion.........................................................................................................51
4 DESIGN OF HYDROPOWER COMPONENTS...........................................................52
4.1 HYDRAULIC DESIGN...........................................................................................52
4.1.1 Intake.................................................................................................................52

4.1.2 Diversion Weir...................................................................................................55
4.1.3 Design Gravel Trap............................................................................................63
4.1.4 Approach Channel (Gravel trap to Settling Basin)............................................67
4.1.5 Settling Basin.....................................................................................................69
4.1.6 Design of Forebay..............................................................................................75
4.1.7 Design of Penstock............................................................................................78
4.1.8 Design of Anchor Block....................................................................................81
4.1.9 Design of Bifurcation.........................................................................................85
4.1.10 Turbine.............................................................................................................86
4.1.11 Design of Powerhouse.....................................................................................91
4.1.12 Design of Tailrace Canal.................................................................................93
4.1.13 Design of Transmission Line...........................................................................95
4.2 STRUCTURAL DESIGN........................................................................................96
4.2.1 Diversion Weir...................................................................................................96
4.2.2 Settling Basin...................................................................................................100
5 RESULTS AND FINDINGS........................................................................................164
6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION............................................................168
REFERENCES / BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................169

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 Load Forecast.................................................Error: Reference source not found

Figure 3.1 Mean Monthly Flows by different methods...Error: Reference source not found
Figure 3.2 Flow Duration Curve.....................................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.1 Graph of Cost vs Diameter for Optimization of PenstockError: Reference source not
Figure 4.2 Longitudinal Section of Weir.........................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.3 Pressure Diagram of Weir..............................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.4 Loading for case 1..........................................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.5 Bending Moment Diagram for case 1............Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.6 Loading for case 2..........................................Error: Reference source not found

Figure 4.7 Bending Moment Diagram for case 2............Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.8 Loading for case 3..........................................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.9 Bending Moment Diagram for case 3............Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.10 Loading for case 4........................................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.11 Bending Moment Diagram for case 4..........Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.12 Loading for case 5........................................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.13 Bending Moment Diagram for case 5..........Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.14 Loading for case 6........................................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.15 Bending Moment Diagram for case 6..........Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.16 Loading for case 7........................................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.17 Bending Moment Diagram for case 7..........Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.18 Loading for case 8........................................Error: Reference source not found
Figure 4.19 Bending Moment Diagram for case 8..........Error: Reference source not found

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Major Hydropower Plants....................................................................................3

Table 1.2 Small Hydropower Plants....................................................................................4
Table 1.3 Planned & Proposed Hydropower Plants.............................................................4
Table 1.4 Hydropower Potential of Nepal (in million KW)................................................5
Table 2.1 Load forecast for INPS........................................................................................9
Table 3.1 Estimation of peak flow at proposed intake by different methods....................42
Table 3.2 Calculation of mean monthly flows by different methods................................44
Table 3.3 Flow Duration Curve.........................................................................................45
Table 3.4 Annual Energy Calculation................................................................................47
Table 3.5 Average Sediment Loads at station 447 (ton/km2).............................................48
Table 4.1Weir Upstream Profile........................................................................................58
Table 4.2 Weir Downstream Profile..................................................................................58
Table 4.3 Calculation for Optimization of Penstock..........................................................80
Table 4.4 Calculation of elevant forces..............................................................................83
Table 4.5 Calculation of bend loss.....................................................................................87
Table 4.6 Calculation of weight of weir.............................................................................96

Table 4.7 Calculation of stability of weir...........................................................................98
Table 4.8 Calculation of Stiffness Distribution Factor....................................................112
Table 4.9 Moment distribution for case 1........................................................................113
Table 4.10 Moment distribution for case 2......................................................................118
Table 4.11 Moment distribution for case 3......................................................................124
Table 4.12 Moment distribution for case 4......................................................................129
Table 4.13 Moment distribution for case 5......................................................................135
Table 4.14 Moment distribution for case 6......................................................................141
Table 4.15 Moment distribution for case 7......................................................................147
Table 4.16 Moment distribution for case 8......................................................................153
Table 4.17 Bending Moment and axial forces in wall CF...............................................157
Table 4.18 Bending Moment and axial forces in slab CD...............................................160


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