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Progress test 5

Name: __________________

1 – Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verb in brackets.

1. She was crying (cry) when I got home.

2. Thirty people ________________ (travelling) on the bus when it left London.
3. They ________________ (leave) when I arrived at the party.
4. My dad ________________ (cook) dinner when I got home.
5. I ________________ (not/listen) when my teacher told me that important information.
6. What ________________ you ________________ (do) last night?


2 – Complete the sentences with which or who.

1. That’s the boy who lives next door to me.

2. I love films __________ have a happy ending.
3. This summer I’m visiting a museum __________ is in London.
4. They’re the students __________ always get good marks.
5. Swimming is a sport __________ is very good for you.
6. I don’t like shops __________ have unfriendly shop assistants.


3 – Complete the sentences with was or were.

1. We were laughing when we were watching the film – it was very funny.
2. I __________ studying for hours last night – I’m very tired today!
3. What __________ you doing yesterday afternoon?
4. I __________ feeling well yesterday, but I don’t feel well today.
5. __________ you at home last night?
6. She __________ wearing a beautiful red dress at the party last night.


4 – Choose the correct option for each sentence.

I shop/was shopping yesterday when I was meeting/met my friend, Alice. She wore/was wearing
beautiful red shoes so I asked/was asking her where she was buying/bought them. She was
saying/said that she bought them from the market.

5 – Match the sentence beginnings (1–6) with the correct endings (A–F).

1. This school was built at the beginning E A – April 1973.

2. I was born on ____ B – 15 December 2000.
3. Teachers were very strict many years ____ C – thirteenth century.
4. The party started at ____ D – ago.
5. Pablo Picasso died in ____ E – of the twentieth century.
6. Life was hard in the ____ F – 8 p.m.


6 – Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1. There aren’t many cars in our town. It’s very light/quiet.

2. I love summer when the mornings are so sunny and light/safe.
3. It’s very dangerous/safe to cross the road without looking.
4. I’ve washed the dishes and the windows – the house is very clean/dirty now!
5. I don’t like going to discos – the music is so quiet/loud and I can’t hear my friends speak.
6. Don’t drink the water from that river – it’s clean/dirty.


7 – Complete the sentences with these words.

ancient battle castles dangerous dark dirty famous history queens quiet treasure

1. Julie found some treasure in her garden – some money and a very old necklace!
2. There are lots of very old _____________ in Scotland which you can visit.
3. Sally is a very _____________ girl who doesn’t speak very much.
4. Everyone knows him – he’s _____________ !
5. Stonehenge was built five thousand years ago – it is an _____________ place.
6. In the sixteenth century people often wore _____________ clothes because they did not
have much hot water.
7. I love learning about kings and _____________ in history lessons!
8. Henry the eighth was a very _____________ man.
9. The old house was very _____________ because the windows were small.
10. I like learning about _____________ at school – it’s very interesting.
11. There was a very big _____________ here, three hundred years ago. A lot of men died.


8 – Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. museum / the / go past.

Go past the museum.

2. on your right / building / it’s / the first.
3. the theatre / how to / get to / me / can you tell / please?
4. bridge / the / go over.
5. where/ is / park / please / the / me / can you tell?
6. straight / on / go.


9 – Ben is on holiday in Edinburgh and he is looking for a museum. Put the conversation in the
correct order.

Ben: 1) E

Man: Yes, of course.

Ben: 2) ____

Man: Well, yes, there’s the National Museum.

Ben: 3) ____

Man: There are lots of very interesting things. There’s some treasure from Egypt!

Ben: 4) ____

Man: No, it isn’t. Not very.

Ben: 5) ____

Man: Yes, of course. Go straight on and it’s on your right.

Ben: 6) ____

A What can you see there?

B Thanks very much!

C Is there a museum near here?

D That sounds great! Can you tell me where it is please?

E Excuse me, can you help me please?

F Wow! Is it far?

Reading RADILI!!!

Treasure in the garden

1 Marco is fifteen years old. He lives in an old house which is near a castle. Last Saturday Marco
was hanging out with his friend when something amazing happened.

2 Marco and his friend were helping his dad in the garden. Marco was digging when he found
some treasure: a necklace! It was very old and dirty and didn’t look very interesting, but it is
worth hundreds of pounds.

3 Marco’s mum has a friend who is a history teacher. This teacher thinks that the treasure
came from the castle which is near Marco’s house. The castle was built in the twelfth
century. A hundred years ago a very famous queen lived in the castle. The necklace which
Marco found was probably this queen’s!

4 Marco doesn’t know why the necklace was in his garden. Did the queen want to put her
necklace somewhere safe? Did a queen from another country want this necklace? Marco
doesn’t know. ‘It’s a mystery from history!’ he says.

10 – Read the text. Match the headings (a–d) with the paragraphs (1–4).

a Why was the necklace in Marco’s garden? ____

b Treasure! ____

c A usual Saturday ____

d A famous queen ____


11 – Read the text again. Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.

1 something old and interesting which is worth a lot of money treasure

2 a person everyone knows ____________

3 spending time with ____________

4 something interesting which you don’t understand ____________

5 not dangerous ____________

6 something you wear around your neck ____________

7 not clean ____________

8 she lives with a king ____________

9 not new ____________

10 an old place where kings and queens live ____________

11 a subject at school that is about the past ____________

12 – Read the text again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 Marco lives in a house which is near a castle. T

2 Marco was playing football when he found the treasure. ____
3 The treasure was very clean. ____
4 Marco found a necklace. ____
5 The castle was built a hundred years ago. ____
6 The queen was very famous. ____
7 Marco knows why the necklace was in his garden. ____


13 – Read Peter’s story and complete the sentences (1–6) with the time expressions (a–f).

Peter’s story

1) Last Sunday, I went on a trip with my friend, Alex. We wanted to visit an old castle which is near
my house. 2) ____________ the weather was warm and sunny.

The castle was very dark, but it was interesting. We looked around and we took photos.

3) ____________ we ate lunch and we talked. When we were looking in the castle gardens we found
some very old and dirty money! 4) ____________ we found an old necklace! Then we went home.

5) ____________ we took the money and the necklace to our history teacher. She said they were
very old – maybe from the eighteenth century! 6) __________ we gave the money and the necklace
to the museum.

a In the end

b A few minutes later

c The next day

d Last Sunday

e That morning

f Then


14 – Read the story again and answer these questions.

1 When did it happen? Last Sunday

2 Who was he with? ________________

3 Where was he? ________________

4 What was the weather like? ________________

5 What happened? ________________

6 What happened in the end? ________________


15 – Now write your own story. Write 25–35 words. Use these questions to help you.

 When did the story happen?

 Who is the story about?
 Where does the story take place?
 What was the weather like?
 What happened?
 What happened in the end?


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