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Ana Bhide

Midpointe Apartments, Chicago, IL, 60655 |

Professional Summary
 Full Stack Java Developer having 5+ years of experience in analysis, design, implementation, and testing
of Object-Oriented Applications in Client/Server environments using Java /J2EE.
 Experience of working with various Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies based on
Agile, Scrum, Waterfall Model, Iteration and MAVEN tool.
 Experience in developing modern web applications using Angular framework, Node.js, React.js,
Express.js, Vue.Js and Mongo DB.
 Hands on experience in implementing web applications using frameworks like Spring (IOC, DI, AOP,
Spring MVC, Spring Test module and integration with ORM tools like Hibernate.
 Expertise in developing applications in a single page (SPAs) using various JavaScript frameworks like
SAAS, Angular.Js, Backbone.js, Node.js and Express.js.
 Extensive experience in Object Oriented Analysis in developing server-side and front-end framework
using J2EE design patterns. Strong hands-on experience with Angular 2 and Angular 4 and NodeJS.
 Experience in designing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using HTML,
DHTML, XHTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, jQuery, D3.js, JSON and CSS.
 Proficient in design and development of various web and enterprise-level applications using Java /J2EE
technologies Such as Spring, Hibernate, Struts framework, EJB, Servlets 3.x.
 Experience in Core Java concepts such as OOP Concepts, Collections Framework, Exception Handling, I/O
System, Multi-Threading, JDBC.
 Significant exposure to Cloud technologies such as PCF, CICD pipelines, Google Cloud.
 Experience in developing with various open sources frameworks such as Spring (Core, IOC, AOP, Batch,
Security, Boot) Framework, Struts Framework and ORM Tools like Hibernate and I Batis.
 Expertise in the implementation of Core concepts of Java, J2EE Technologies: JSP, Servlets, JSF, JSTL, JMS,
EJB transaction implementation (CMP, BMP, Message-Driven Beans), Struts, Spring, Swing,
Hibernate, Java Beans, JDBC, XML, XSD, XSL, DOM, Web Services, JNDI, Multi-Threading, RMI, Tiles,
JavaScript, AJAX Networking, Exceptions etc.
 Implemented various J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Session, Builder pattern, Factory.
 Experience with Apache Tomcat 9/8.5/8/7 of J2EE standard compatible application servers.
 Experience in working with XML technologies like XML, XSL, XSD, DTD, XSLT and parsing XML with SAX
& DOM parsers.
 Experienced in developing web applications using JAVA, Servlets, JSP, EJB, Portal Applications, Spring,
 Strong experience in Spring Framework modules such as Spring MVC, IOC, AOP, JDBC, JTA, IO, Spring
Boot, Micro services, Spring REST, Spring Eureka, Spring Ribbon, Spring JPA.
 Worked with SOAP based and RESTful Web Services to fetch dynamic content from backend
 Wrote Akka actors and built out the REST endpoints with Akka HTTP for the core analytics reporting
 Working on Angular5, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3 and Typescript. Worked on additional frameworks like
Bootstrap for responsive design.
 Experience in container-based technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, and OpenShift along with the
development of Microservices architecture using Spring Boot.
 Experienced in setting up Amazon EC2 instances, virtual private cloud (VPCs), and security groups, Data
Pipeline, and Lambda. Setting up databases in AWS using RDS, storage using an S3 bucket and
configuring instance backups to S3 bucket, LAMBDA and experienced in building highly scalable java
applications using various architectures.
 Experience with setup and maintenance of WebLogic Server, Apache, Tomcat, LDAP.
 Implemented based on corresponding view components with view components JSP, Html, html5, CSS 3,
 Hands on experience in developing server-side JavaScript frameworks using Node JS (Hapi JS, Express JS)
to build event driven, non-blocking i/o model web application
 Experience in integration tools like Spring Integration, Apache CXF, Apache Kafka and Apache Camel to
integrate the enterprise application technologies with existing JVM environment
 Hands on experience in implementing client-server business applications using MVC, SOA architecture
and Micro Services.
 Experienced in implementing Service-oriented architecture and Web Services using SOAP, RESTFUL.
 Proficient in Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Cloud Services like Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2),
Simple Storage Service(S3), VPC, Amazon Simple DB, ELB, EBS, DynamoDB, RDS, Aurora, Autoscaling,
Amazon Cloud Watch, IAM, CloudFormation, RedShift, Route 53, SNS, SES, SQS, LAMBDA and experienced
in building highly scalable java applications using various architectures.
 Expertise in using IDE's like RAD, IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) and
Eclipse Used Hibernate framework as persistence layer
 Experience with Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections and for
effective sorting mechanisms and new Date Time API.
 Experience in developing and a solid understanding of Service Oriented Architecture and Microservices
 Extensively experienced in designing and developing Packages, Stored Procedures, Functions and
Triggers using PL/SQL.
 Have good working knowledge on AngularJS and experience with Oracle Web Logic, IBM WebSphere
and JBOSS application servers.
 Experience on mongo DB as a back-end database to perform various CRUD operations over the time
 Experienced in maintaining the code base by frequent updates to revision and subversion control using
Git and used Bitbucket as a repository.

Skills & Abilities

 Languages Core Java, J2EE, JSP, JavaScript
 Frameworks AngularJS, NodeJS, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Django, Flask, Akka
 Databases MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL, MongoDB, PL/SQL.
 Web Technologies AJAX, Django, Angular JS, Node.js, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, HTML, XML, CSS,
XSLT, Bootstrap

 Web Services SOAP, RESTful
 Web servers Apache Tomcat, WebSphere, Jboss
 IDES/Tools Eclipse, Sublime Text, Spyder, Emacs, NetBeans, Visual Studio, XCode
 Cloud Platforms Azure, Amazon web services (S3, S3 Glacier, RDS, Lambda)
 OS Windows, Linux, Unix

 Interacted with the stake-holders and gather requirements and business artifacts based on Agile SCRUM
 Developed web pages by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
 Designed and developed the front-end using HTML, UNIX, JAVA Script, JSP, CSS and JSF with Tag libraries.
 Designed and added new functionality extended existing application using J2EE, XML, Ajax, Servlets, JSP.
 Designed and developed software applications using Java, Multithreading, Servlet, AngularJS,
Bootstrap 3, JSP, JSTL, HTML, JavaScript, Groovy, Grails, EJB, JMS, XML, XSL, JSF, Ajax, jQuery,
Adobe Flex 3, GWT, ADF etc.
 Wrote multithreaded programs to measure system performance
 Built a custom cross-platform architecture using JAVA, Spring Core/MVC, and Hibernate.
 Developed and published web-services using WSDL, SOAP and XML, JAX-B based on top-down and
bottom-up approaches.
 Hands on Expertise in working with JavaScript prototype JS and various MVC JavaScript frameworks
AngularJS, Node.JS
 Worked on integration of Node.js and MongoDB using Mongo.js and created a persistent layer using
 Experimented with Java 8 lambda, JavaScript engine.
 Used mongo DB as a back-end database to perform various CRUD operations over the time.
 Coordinated Unit Testing by JUnit, Easy Mock, Integration and User Acceptance Testing and developed
test cases for bean components.
 Used Subversion for maintaining the component and for release and version management. And JIRA for
defect tracking.
 Deployed application in virtual server - Amazon Web Services for maintaining Volumes, Creating
Snapshots and Security Groups in AWS.
 Integrated GIT into JENKINS to automate the code check-out process using Active MQ as a JMS client to
exchange messages with web services.
 Worked on UI for Layered Security and S&L modules and hands on experience with Spark streaming to
receive real time data using Kafka.
 Implemented Router Module of Angular 5 to make the whole project a Single Page Application and add
routers according to the requirements.
 Used Scala for coding the components in Play and Akka
 Implemented real-time patient prescription history verification system using C, Oracle PL/SQL on VMS

 Involved in responsive web design and supported for multiple platforms, desktop, tablet and mobile.
Designed CSS for different components on the single page application with CSS Background, positioning,
text, border, margin, padding, and table.
 Used Apache Kafka (Message Queues) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information
between multiple business applications. Involved in developing an automation tool, in Java and Scala on
Akka Framework
 Worked with RabbitMQ and AMQP Java 8 APIs for Queues to build the application as SOA platform
 Worked on CI/CD pipeline for our Application in AWS cloud environment and built customized docker
files to pipeline various instances in the application.
 Work with Oracle database and used Hibernate (ORM). Created POJO/Data Objects in mid-tier
 Provided database support and ORM integration for PostgreSQL /PostGIS database.
 Built a RESTful API to save and retrieve geolocations using a remote server in JAVA using Spring,
MongoDB, Apache CXF, and JAX-RS.
 Installed and configured WebSphere Process Server /client on AIX in SOA Based Environment.
Installed necessary fix packs, created and managed MQ objects including queue managers, remote/local
 Collaborated with team members and developed a SPA based on Angular 5 and Java Spring Boot
 Creating Groovy Scripts to add necessary business logic and run batch queries on Mongo db.
 Extensively used Kubernetes and docker to enable faster and consistent deployments


 Interacted with the business users, analysts and understanding the requirements.
 Worked on spring boot and JDK (Java 8).
 Used JIRA for bug tracking, issue tracking and project management.
 Developed Graphical User Interfaces using HTML and JSP's for user interaction.
 Created dynamic pages using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and JavaScript for client-side validation.
 Developed Controller classes using Spring MVC Framework.
 Implemented JAXB marshalling and un-marshalling xml and json types.
 Used Maven build tool for required dependencies and to build the Java application.
 Implemented single portal application using Spring MVC, Angular JS, REST services and JSON.
 Possess good experience in working with AGILE SCRUM methodology and sound working knowledge
with AGILE project management tool Rally.
 Utilized agile process to streamline development process with iterative development and that includes
daily scrum with team.
 Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Jenkins and GitHub.
 Performed Different Kinds of Testing Like End-to-End, Smoke, GUI, and Regression Test by Automation
and Manually.
 Configured Jenkins and manifest file for RESTful services and deployed them to PCF cloud using Jenkins.
 Implemented ORM frameworks like Hibernate and JPA frameworks for accessing and performing
CRUD operations in Oracle DB.
 Involved in creating MongoDB collections and documents to perform CRUD operations.

 We are migrating Mule based applications to spring boot and deploying them to PCF.
 For the transport/messaging systems we are replacing IBM MQ with Apache Kafka.
 Using Eclipse and IntelliJ as a development tool.
 Built NoSQL schemas and maintaining sessions by MongoDB.
 Using Oracle database for SQL, PL/SQL scripts, stored procedures, functions and triggers.
 Performing Unit testing of modules using JUnit.
 Used React JS in components like JSX, creating React components, Virtual.
 Implemented AJAX to request JSON data through third party REST APIs to acquire data from the server
and display it in sorted order.
 Used ReactJS to build the UI components, developed filters to display different dimension of data and
font size modifiers.
 Developed PL/SQL queries, Triggers and Stored Procedures to check the integrity of the data and
actively involved in tuning SQL queries.
 Used Subversion for maintaining the component and for release and version management.
 Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Jenkins and GitHub.
 Developing RESTful services using JAX-RS and Spring Boot.
 Used Apache Kafka in cluster as messaging system between the APIs and Microservices.
 Used GIT for version control and code sharing across the team.
 Developed Controller classes using SpringMVC Framework.
 Implemented JAXB marshalling and un-marshalling xml and json types.
 Used Maven build tool for required dependencies and to build the Java application.
 Used JIRA for bug tracking, issue tracking and project management.
 Developed Graphical User Interfaces using HTML and JSP's for user interaction.
 Created dynamic pages using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, and JavaScript for client-side validation.
 Used Apache Kafka in cluster as messaging system between the APIs and Microservices.
 Created XSLTs for transforming xml documents to other formats.
 Implemented Authinator, an internal ESI framework (which leverages OAuth1.0) for making service.
 Integrated Spring & Hibernate frameworks to develop end to end application.
 Configured Jenkins and manifest file for RESTful services and deployed them to PCF cloud using Jenkins.
 Implemented ORM frameworks like Hibernate and JPA frameworks for accessing and performing CRUD.
 Created and configured Grafana dashboards for displaying metrics and for monitoring purposes.
 Used IDE Eclipse and IntelliJ for development and debugging the source code.
 Wrote test cases in JUnit for unit testing of classes.
 Configured Jenkins and manifest file for RESTful services and deployed them to PCF cloud using

Project: Microsoft Cloud Infrastructure and Operation (MCIO)

MCIO is the engine that powers Microsoft's cloud services. The team is responsible for designing, building
and operating the unified global datacenters; managing the demand, planning and capacity utilization of

infrastructure. The Order Management System (MSPOD) is responsible to manage demands and process
orders. It is designed and developed in such a way that interacts with many micro services to accomplish its

 Involved in all phases of SDLC implementation, including analysis, design, development, integration,
and testing of application modules.
 Integrated Spring & Hibernate frameworks to develop end to end application.
 Worked with SOAP based and RESTful Web Services to fetch dynamic content from backend
 Consolidated to a single-page application for a streamlined user experience via Angular and AJAX.
 Implemented transaction management, high level authentication and authorization, logging and
Exception Handling using Spring Security and AOP.
 Implemented REST web services using jersey with the enabled OAUTH and development of Spring Boot
application with microservices.
 Used Jenkins pipelines to drive all microservices builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to
Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes
 Created and developed the internal Angular framework applications projects. Unit testing with jasmine
and developed Angular services to retrieve JSON data from the RESTful web Services and displayed the
response in User interface pages.
 Designing and developing RESTful API and Services to interact within the Micro Services and with the
front end. Using Spring MVC and Spring rest. Security is provided by tokens and Spring security.
 Implemented Microservices architecture using Spring Boot for making application smaller and
 Hands-on experience in Azure Cloud Services (PaaS & IaaS), Storage, Web Apps, Active Directory,
Application Insights, and Logic Apps.
 Write RESTful microservices with Spring Boot.
 Experience in Microsoft Azure Cloud Computing development and support.
 Involved in designing mockups for the angular component development.
 Utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, test
 Tested a complicated star detection algorithm inside a Docker container and made the program easy to
deploy and friendly with cloud computing technologies.
 Integrated Jersey with Jackson to serialize Java Object to JSON and reserialize JSON to Java Object.
 Performed unit and functional testing using Junit and Mockito mocking framework.
 Handled CORS issues in integrating various APIs with the app from different API vendors.
 Extensively used jQuery in implementing various GUI components in application portal.
 Developed presentation tier using JSF components and used Spring Web Flow controlled page
 System built using Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. Implemented the application using the
concrete principles laid down by several design patterns such as Factory, Singleton, Data Access Object,
and Service Locator.
 Used the Jenkins tool for build and deployment that is CI/CD.
 Developed integration modules for disparate clients using Apache Camel.
 Developed Camel routes using Scala DSL and developed custom message converters.

 Integrated configured Camel with ActiveMQ to use it as bus.
 Expertise in Apache Camel message implementations and their integrations with the systems
 Developing Micro Services leveraging in an Azure cloud environment.
 To convert the Entire event flow as a SOA based architecture used Apache Camel as a queues and BUS.
 Design roles and groups for users and resources using Azure Identity Access Management (IAM) and
managed network security using Security Groups and IAM.
 Worked with NO SQL Databases (MongoDB) to access data in the database at different Levels.
 Used GIT repository for software configuration management and version control.
 Managing Product development / implementation using Azure cloud infrastructure.


 In this project Interacted with business clients about the requirements.
 Documented all the requirement specifications and designs.
 Responsible for developing of GUI/user interfaces using jQuery, CSS & HTML.
 Presentation tier was developed using JSP, JSTL, Java Script, and HTML.
 Designed and developed java Restful web services with JAX-RS on GET/PUT operations.
 Rapid prototyping of design concepts. Implemented Spring Dependency Injection mechanism.
 Used Ajax, JSON to send request to the server to check the functionality of the websites.
 Worked on RESTful Web Services with JSON for building business layer APIs.
 Responsible for writing the Hibernate mapping document for the Web Application module.
 Developed hibernate DAO Access & Classes using Spring JDBC Template.
 Performed unit testing using JUnit and performance and volume testing.
 Involved in Bug fixing, Maintenance of the old modules that are already in production.
 Involved in the up gradation of Web sphere and SQL Servers.
 Used SVN as version control system.
 Responsible for code merging and code review to release branches.
 Involved in providing knowledge transfer regarding to the application to the users.
 Involved in Code Reviews of other modules, documents, test cases.
 Wrote UNIX Shell scripts and used UNIX environment to deploy the application.


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