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Contents Reading Vocabulary Grammar Let's warm up! page & 7 Interview with» Reasons fer earning « Present simple - affirmative 1 English, the Seca English- enlloeations | negative and interrogative universal ELT: English Present continuous - affirmative, communication international nagative and interrogatve Badge language + Present simple and present page 6 © Like/love/ dislike / hate / don't mind + «ing *Can/can't/could/ couldn't wepage7 cer Atrue story: The + Accidents «Past continuous - affirmative, 2 Inspiring lives Scpoo wero * Reactions negative and interrogatve page 16 ‘* Past simple and past continuous. Wepages2 CLIL & CULTURE: Spanish around the world: The new lingua franca? page 26) i Online article: + Experiences + Present perfect simple - affirmative, 3 Special a eee lifestyles Travelled Man ‘+ Present perfect and past simple cane 8 ‘Just / ever / never + present perfect + Would tke we page is Online + Feelings + Must /mustrit 4 Teentime... magazine ‘Common health ‘Have 10/ don't have to hard time? article problems '* Should / shouldn't poge 38 Emotions and + Zero conditional Health we pages Pronunciation tip” CLIL & CULTURE: Emotions and culture page 4 Selt-aidbeok: Life events - “+ Will/ won't ~ predictions 5 Be lucky Superstitions collocations ‘© Might / might nat - possibility page 50 *Worid events - ‘1 don't) think /hope that collacations Boing to + First conditional wa page 100 Article on a + World problems + Present perfect simple + for/ since 6 How can |help? university beg: No * Taking action * Howiong...7 roo 6 act of kindness, no + Present perfect and past simple ‘matter how small, * Comparative and superiative adverbs is ever wasted “Aesop We page 108 CLIL & CULTURE: Sol arity in Argentina page 7 Pairwork activities page 7 “Integrates pronunciation suggestions Listening & Speaking Writing J shock ina the airport Wete your profile f -un airport announcements + Paragraphs Bo) wetcome a visto + Punctuation full stops, commas and exclamation marks Pronunciation tip* Talk about exciting experie Describe a lifestyle # Ack and answer about your own ‘Type of information xperien * Agpropriate verb forms * Listen to an interview with a doctor Write a report ‘Visit the doctor *Stalistics * Graphs *Listentoa story Write a biography: Tell a story ‘Type of information Chronological order Pronunciation tip* Let’s wrap it up! self-assessment activities - Units 1 & 2 page 27 @ Let's wrap it up! self-assessment activities - Units 3 & 4 page 9 * Listen to a radio programme Imagine and describe your futur ® Predict the fut ‘*Ways to avoid repetition fiona * Describe a school solidarity project Design a brochure for an action Ask fora favour group: Topic sentence # Relevant information Pronunciation tip nj Let’s wrap it up! setf-assessment activities - Units 5 & 6 page? To: Pattick. Peron omation Hello, Patrick. Juia.Lwil Mane can be your host at school and in | Netonay: Canadian your new house too. | wankto. | Tacsrscns Any pe of \ ‘salad or fruit know abit about you before | Fevoure pace at home: My you arrive. | need you to ‘complete the attached form and send itback to me asap: | My mum and dad are going 10 | pick you up at the airport. \ 3 {can't wait to meet you! Feet ga om | Tsoretmes hang oth — "TS pot Lon fom ee \ ae ru and ched a “nave also attached roto fof me and my Farry: \ Seng carsns Wt eae __\ trata caver soe \ eames 2 \ ‘rain is my tng! @ Look at Patrick’s personal information form. Answer. 1. Where is ha from? 6. What does he lke doing? 2. What's his favourite food? 2 7. What is he going to do in the future? es he have a tidy and clean bedroom? 8. Does he have a special talent? 4, Does he like romantic 9. What talent did he discover st year? pat's his favourite sport? 10. Did he take private drawing lessons? Who taught him? @ Now complete a second email that Julia wrote to Patrick with information about her town. Choose the correct option. To: From: ising @gmacom Hello again Patrick, {just went to tell you a bit about where I lve. When yu ‘isting / visit my town, you can? go / went to Wonderful places. You ?should / must vist the parks: they “offer / offers alot of activites to do. There "is / are many cinemas and theatres. Finally, you are §g0 / going to eat something, don't miss tne fish and hips restaurants. They are the best in the world Cheers, Julia Emo: 1: © Go online and find out about what your city has to offer tourists. Use the text in Exercise 2 as a reference and write a similar one to a friend who is going to visit your city soon. P__WORK Tin PAIRS @ a. Imagine you are applying to be an exchange student. Complete the form below. 1, Name. 2. Nationality: 3, Favourite food 4. Favourite space at home 5. Favourite sports: 6. Hobbies: 7. Future projects: 8 Talents: b. Now, ask and answer questions about the form you completed in Exercise 4a. Take turns! A: What is your favourite food? B: My favourite food is pasta, © Acta dialogue between an English host and an Argentinian exchange student. Each one tells the other about his / her country. They talk about food, sports, places to eat, etc. © complete the following chart with information about your city or town. WHERE TO EAT TRADITIONAL, DISHES THEATRES OR SPORTS CINEMAS. MUSEUMS PARKS ouTDooR Music ACTIVITIES. In this book you will find the following features: jp corsa “eso dowithyour Questions or activities involving your personal experience Content and Language Integrated Learning Social-Emotional Learning Bown free OR code Reader App an your mebile to discover aur Socal Emational fsming section, thought and walten for you ONLY! Tracks to master your listening skills 4 English, the universal communication bridge Talk about the role of English in the world Talk about what we can do to improve our English Talk about routines Talk about actions happening now Talk about likes and dislikes Talk about present and past abilities Understand airport announcements Welcome a visitor Write your profile oO _ Look at the pictures. What is the connection between the pictures and English? PRE-READING @ What can you do to improve your English? Tick (V). titles 3 O Wiateh fits with © Listen to audio lessons ieee erent Yaz homework O Gosntine O Trove Plan to improve your English In group: strategi 1u will be creating a plan to impreve your English. You will be making a list of the you use to study English and make progress. Preview ‘ook for tips on how to build your project on p. 11. You will complete the project on p. 18. READING @© Where can you read an interview like this? © Do you find it interesting? Why / Why not? English isan international language, and many of us learn it fr different reasons. Today we interview Lindsay (Crawley, an expert in English teaching, Interviewer: Good motning, Lindsay. We are interested in learning some details about English Lindsay: Go ahead! Interviewer: Why is English so popular all over the world! Lindsay: I wouldn't say it is “popular” I would say it is “useful Interviewer: Really? Why do you say that? Lindsay: Well, no doubt English is the language for international communication. People all over the world speak it, but different people use it for different reasons, Interviewer: Sorry. I don’t quite understand. What do ‘you mean? Lindsay: OK. In countries like the UK, USA and Australia English is the firs language, what we call people’s “mother ‘ongue.” In many other countries, like Nigeria and India, English isthe official language, but people speak other ‘community languages that belong to their original cultures. | In some of these countries, sometimes people are not very comfortable with using English, Also, the non-native English speakers outnumber the native-speakers, Interviewer: Wow! That's amazing! Lindsay: Yes. Millions of people are leaming English to communicate not only with native-speakers, but also with | tive English speakers all over the world. Interviewer: I see... That is why we speak of English as an international language Lindsay: Moreover, we speak of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF). All non-native speakers influence this, new’ English with features oftheir own language. EDUCATION NEWS English, international language November 24th Interviewer: So they are creating a new Tower of Babel! Lindsay: No. [ would say that they are constructing a new: kind of language for communication. These ELF speakers speak more slowly and make a great effort to understand and be understood. They all know that their interlocutors are not exactly fluent in English. Interviewer: So this means nobody is going to learn “good English.” Lindsay: People are not going to study RP, but knowing 4 good Standard English like BBC English or General ‘American is very important in some contexts. It is the language of diplomacy, science, technology, business, intemational competitions and education, There arc ‘contexts in which accuracy shows the academic level of the speakers, Interviewer: What would you advise our students to do. about English? Jndsay: Well .. I'they just want to travel and ‘communicate with people via the intemet, ELF is OK. But if they want to do business or participate in academic events, they must work towards some kind of Standard English Interviewer: How can they improve their fluency? Lindsay: Well... The internet provides many opportunities to listen to speakers of different accents, and to interact with them, They can also watch films or listen to songs, And the ideal isto travel 10 ~ country where English is o the first language, Nowadays R © there are many exchange sd programmes and “Work & “Travel” organisations. Interviewer: Thank you very ‘much for your clear answers, Ms Crawley, Lindsay: You are welcome! ic VOCABULARY © Read the interview and write T Reasons for learning (truel, F (false) or DK (don’tknowl. — English - collocations 1. Everybody loves English oO @ Put the verbs in the correct place. 2. We all need to know English to communicate get surf © chat 3. ELF is the most accurate version of English. ©) 1, get ‘8 good job 4, Travelling isthe best way 2 online with people of to learn English. different nationalities 3. the internet Answer. 1, Where is English the first language? odo e have understand 2. In the countries where English is the official language, do people speak any other a a conversation languages? 5 ‘songs 3, What is English as a Lingua Franca? 6. research on the internet 4, Where is Standard English relevant? Why? e watch travel find © a. Tick () the boxes according to your opinion. 7 to other countries 8. films in English English is... Learning English is... O usetut O iu . O easy O intersting LD Ge O ditficutt O boring @ Talk about why you want to learn L hard Ow O's English. information in English @® b, Listen and match. | want to learn Me too. And | English to ... also want to... Seay Go to CLIL AND CULTURE , page 48. So 1. English is usetut or meeting new people. C) 2. Englshis necessaryto ind agocd ob. OQ 3. English is cool OQ. [@ Doyou think English is going to i 2 2 c. Do you agree with any of the Misappaar? Way. Why oof? opinions? © What can you and your classmates do to improve your English? GRAMMAR Present simple Routines She sometimes reads English magazines. He doesn’t often speak English Do you practise every day? ‘Things that are generally true 380 million paople speak English at hore. English adjectives don’t change, Does English have 2 lot af words? >See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice Book, p.2 @ a. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb. ” — My name is Vinod.1'1/¥@ tal in Kerala in india. |? (speak) Hindi at home and English at school. My dad 2 [speck] Hini, but he inct speak] English. He ® (work! in 2 bank. My mum* {not work! r (study| English and Technology because they® (bel useful for finding a job. At the weekend |? Idesign| simple computer games. My two thelp] me because they " lieve} Technology too, Bt they 2 {not tke! English! sisters ® b. Write questions and answers about Vinod. 1. Where / ive? Where does Vinod live? He lives in India. 2. What language / speak? 3. Where / father / work? 4. What subjects / he / study? 5. What / he / do / weekend? 6. What / sisters / do? © a. Where are the tourists in the Present continuous Actions happening at the moment of speaking She is using the computer now. ‘She isn’t speaking on the phone right now. Are they watching a film? What are you doing? > Soe Grammar Roference I, Extra Practice Book, p.2 pictures? b. Write sentences about the pictures. A. they / write / postcards “They are writing postcards. B. they / not drink / juice ©. he /read / guidebook D, she / take / photo / of / friend E. 1 / not talk / to / chet c, Use the words below and ask questions about the pictures. 1. emails 4. building 2. coffee 5. waiter 3. magazine 1, Are they writing emails? © Read about Paul and Sandy. Circle the correct form of the verb. ee Irland He does dipdan ESL English os | a Second Languagel course. He usually reads | Fis reaing English mapacnes, but eght 1s oe eC AN Hi | isting Cork this afternoon and now, he \ 4 travels {is travelling on a train. Sandy is an English tour guide, She always Stravels/is travelling to historical places with the tourists and they ‘take / are taking lots of photos of monuments and buildings, Now sho Wsits /s visiting St Pauls Cathedral with ‘a group of Italian tourists, Like / love / dislike / hate / don’t mind + -ing Hike /tove watching films in English, | don’t like / distike watching sad films. | | hate watching horror films Idon’t mind watching action fms. 7 >See Grammar Referance J, Extra Practice Book, p. 2 © a. Mishalis learning English. Write sentences about what she likes and doesn't like. 1. do dictations (-] ‘She doesn't like doing dictations. speak English (+] (+) 3. act in sketches (=) 4 doing grammar exercises (-] |] 5, 5. read stories (+] b. With a classmate, ask and answer questions about what you like doing in English. A: Do you like doing dictations? B: | don't mind ther. GRAMMAR Can / can't / could / couldn't | cam talk in English, but |ean’t teach English Last year | could read simple texts, but | couldn’t create rhymes, Can you write a story in English? Yes, lean, Could you introduce yourself in English? Yes, Leould, > See Grammar Reference 1, Extra Practice Book, p. 2 © what can / could Victor do in English? |. Victor can talk about | hobbies. Last year he coulda’t ( talk about hobbies. i Hf talk about hobbies 2. tell ajoke Bask questions 4. read a magazine Ae IS ISIS < [x |< |x |x Bwnite a stoy © Now ask your classmate what he / she can do in English. A: Can you count to a thousand? B: Yes, | can. Aplan to improve your English ¢ Asa class, make alist of strategies you use to study English Tip 4 Use the list to make a survey and find ‘out what you and your friends do most. ¢ Remember to use present simple to express routines. LISTENING Ci cn @ Look at the picture and answer these questions. Where are these people? 2, What are they doing? 3. Where do you think they are going? 4, Have you ever been in a similar place? 5. Do you like travelling by plane? @ Find these things in the picture. 1. a backpack 2, someone holding @ ticket 3. someone holding @ trolley case 4, aman checking in 5. someone looking at the departures board CO OOOO 6. someone holding a hand luggage 2 © ©> Listen to the conversation. Match the questions and answers. 1. Can | have your passport, please? 2. Should | pick up my luggage there? 3. Can you tell me the gate number, please? a. No, Siz Your luggage is checked directly to Mumbai. OQ b Ofcourse. Hereyouare. — @ «Of course. Your boarding gate is number 9 oO @ ©« Listen again and complete the box with the correct information. City of estat \ Reasanol tip \_ secs o SPEAKING © ©© a Listen toa conversation at the airport and answer the questions. 41. Who is Patrick? Find him inthe picture (2. Where is he from? 3. Where is he now? 4, How long was the flight? 5. Why are his bogs heayy? ®” b. Listen again. Who asks the questions? Write NS (Nick Sinclair), MS (Mary Sinclair] or P (Patrick). 1. Excuse me, are you Patrick? 2. How de you do, Mrs Sinclair? 3. How was the journey from Canada? 4, What have you got in here? ©© Listen and repeat. Wh- questions = How was the journey from Canada? © a. Discuss the meaning of the Words in blue. f i Flight BA345¢ is delayed @ Imagine a British boy is coming to Flight AA5267 is now boarding Buenos Aires to study Spanish. You go to the airport to welcome him. Role play this conversation with a classmate. What would you talk ©* b. Listen and complete the missing information. about? = rad come! Buenos Do DESTINATION. FLIGHTNO. GATE ert Gear ._____ B26 2, QUEBEC 3.STOCKHOLM _______ DELAYED ea Student A: turn to page 72. S. STOCKHOLM Student B: turn to page 74, 19 URITING Write your profile @ Look at Mandy's profile on a social networking site. What can you learn about her? MY PROFILE Mandy Dent Let’ live in peace! © Read Mandy's writing assignment. What new information can you learn about her? My name's Mandy. ive in Madrid but! was Born in Bristol in the United Kingdom. | can speak three languages ~ Spanish, English and some French, Right now I'm taking dance lessons. | really ove F dancing | like singing too, but | don't sing very wel 0 | never sing in public, ways listen to pop music. In my free time, | always list | don't usually read for pleasure because | do a lot of reading for school, | love going out with friends ‘and watching TV. My favourite programme is “Pop idol. nin my PE le {don’t mind doing gym in my. | don’t like playing sports after school. On TV, | love watching the Olympic Games, Professional athletes ‘are my heroes. They can do really amazing things (ETRE ETRE ic © Look at the text in Exercise 2. Find an example for each of the rules in the box, jessons but q ‘© Divide your piece of writing into paragraphs. Write related information in the same paragraph Use a capita etter to start a sentence and 3 full stop or exclamation mark to finish 8 sentence Use commas in enumerations. Use conjunctions land, but, because, 50) t0 join ideas. @ write your profile. Use your own ideas and answer some of the questions below. Write the information for each set of questions ina separate paragraph. What's your name? Where do you tive? Where and when were you born? Basic CELE What languages can you speak? What extracurricular activities ‘are you doing? ‘What things do you like /hate doing? What kind of music /films do you like? What books or magazines do youread? What's your favourite TV programme? Creu What sports do you play? What sports do you ike watching on TV? What is your favourite sports team? ENGUGMMEEEED A plan to improve your English @ Now that you have completed the survey, it's time to analyse the results and draw conclusions! @ ® Make a table to show the results of the survey. Go online to get cool ideas for the design of this table. © ® Action time! Look at the results and get ideas about things you can do to improve your English. Identify what you should work on and take all the necessary advice to get better at it. Share the results with your class and teacher. Explain what you need to improve. @ © Draw an action plan with clear steps. You should have that action plan handy. Take a photo of the plan and save it on your mobile. Go over it every week and check the goals you have already accomplished. express and ask for opinions about the English language in the world. reflect upon my responsibility in the teaching and learning of English talk about habits, routines and things that are usually true. talk about actions happening now. express feelings about doing things communicate with others in airport situations, welcome a visitor. write my profile for an online social networking site. ? Inspiring lives Talk about heroes Talk about accidents Describe reactions Describe what was happening at a moment in the past Tell a story Write a biography 16 PRE-READING @ Match the quotes to the images. 1. © “The power of the Web is in its universality Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect. 2. © “Ifyou only design menus that are essentially junk or fast food, the whole infrastructure supports junk 3. ©) “Idream of an Africa which is in peace with itsett 4. ©) “would lke tobe a terrorist for music education — fo make a complete reform allover the world 5. C) “One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world O F who... 1. C) fount tor womens right te education? BRC Yovee ereacent inecoinin Bee etre aren ternele aaeia? 4. © founded a musical project to unite countries in war conflict? s. © created the World Wide Web and opened it for free? © Tick (what defines a hero in your opinion. Ahero 1. is brave. 5. wants to get money. 9. wants to be famous. 2, fights for a cause. 6. is physically strong 10, sets a good example. 3. is violent 7. is peaceful. 4, takes risks. 8 is generous © © which of the people in the pictures do you identify with the qualities you ticked? Let's make a Prezi presentation of a hero! In groups, you will be preparing a Prezi presentation of your favourite real life hero. Search EW information on websites, magazines and books. You can also ask your family or teacher about it Lock for tips on how to build your project on p. 21. You will complete the project on p. 25. READING The School “Anthony was a shy boy. He sat atthe back of “The hospital was thirty blocks from his house. So «Ao taseroom trying 1 hide his Tong skinny body from Anthony was trained in long distance cycling. the attention of his classmates. They called him “Mr aay povase be was invisible Everytime they Henry couldn tat when he went tothe beach in the had the opportunity, they bullied Anthony. He was summer he didn’t like swimming inthe sea. He could getting used to this “ceremony.” wim 200 metres in a swimming pool, but nothing more than that, Anthony usually spent his summers with “Teachers were worried, but they didn't have enough his grandparents in a house near the river, He loved time to tlk about it. Or was it that they didn’t know fishing and swimming. He usually swam across the hhow to support such a special boy? iver to test is strength against the river flow. That gave him a chance of competing Daring lessons, Anthony answered all the teacher's {questions and he sometimes added some details ‘Nobody voluntered participate in the competition bout certain topics. He was a “nerd” inthe eyes of Everybody was afraid of being bullied if they his classmates. But if he didn’t answer, he was failed. Anthony was THE candidate! considered “silly” What could he do to change things? They say that “opportunities are round the corner.” and so the chance arrived “The day of the triathlon, Anthony was one if the first students to arrive, Much to his surprise, all his classmates were arriving ‘with banners with his name on them. They trusted him! "The schoo! that was ten blocks away from ‘Anthony's invited his elass to take part in a competition, It was a triathlon: a contest on long distance swimming, bicycling and running. The Class had to choose someone for the three sports A difficult challenge “The competition started with a | km swim. ‘Anthony was not first. He was the third to reach the finishing line. He was worried, but his classmates were shouting his name and cheering ‘him on. He got on his bike and arrived first at the finishing line. He was so happy! ‘Alfred, a classmate of Anthony's, had a mountain bike, but instead he played videogames all day Jong. He never eycled more than three or four blocks to go to a friend’s house. Marcos smoked, so he couldn’t manage anything long distance. ‘On the other hand, Anthony usually rode his bike rpecause he was doing voluntary work in the afternoon He was visiting the community hospital once a week {When running, bis long skinny body helped ‘him to be faster than the other students in the competition. He won the cup for his school! ‘Anthony was the hero! No more bullying for him! @ Find in the text adjectives describing Anthony. Do they vary as the story progresses? Why / Why not? 4, Everybody was afraid of being bullied if they failed 5. Anthony won the cup for his school. @ Read again and put the events in ee eee ae ioe order. There is an extra sentence. aweek 7. A school invited Anthony's se 1. Aethonyutaly swam across the ner. Q een a competition 2. Anthony had an opportrity eG 3. Anthony was unimportant in his ctass. ©) : ate teense ie the competition with banners. is ea © Answer. 1. Why did Anthony sit at the back of the classroom? Because he. was shy 2. What did his classmates call him when he answered the questions? 3. What was his teacher's reaction? A, What was Alfred doing all day? 5. What couldn't Marcos do? Why? 6. Why coulén't Henry swim in the contest? 7. Why were Anthony's classmates carrying banners with his name? 8 What did they do when Anthony arrived third in the swimming race? 9. Why could Anthony be the fastest runner? 10. Why was Anthony a hero? © Were Anthony's classmates right in bullying him? Why / Why not? @© Do students bully other students in your school? Who are bullied? What do you think about it? Accidents © anthony visited the hospital where he works as a volunteer. Use the verbs to complete the sentences. 1. He 24 {read books tothe kids. 2. He [push) Mrs Long's wheelchair 3. He [help] Mr Perry with the documentation 4 He [go] to the doctor's with Mrs Thatcher. VOCABULARY @%4 @ Now complete this paragraph about Mrs Thatcher's visit to the doctor. Use the words from the box. * floor © paramedics © check —® leg © ambulance © watk bench —@ heroes Lest Sunday Mrs Thatcher went for a 1 walk to the park. She was walking near the duck’s pond when she slipped on the wet 2 and broke her? Aman who was walking next to her helped her to sit on a ‘ and called 999. After few minutes a arrived and the ‘ took her to the hospital. Yesterday, Anthony took her to the doctor's for a The doctor told her she ‘was getting better. Mrs Thatcher thanked the doctor, Anthony and the man from the park: ‘You are my ® she said Reactions © a. Tick (V/) Mrs Thatcher's positive reactions in the accident. 1. She stayed calm. 2. She started to panic. 3, She shouted for help, 4. She started to cry. 5. She was very brave. OOOCO0O0O 6. She reacted quichly. b. Rewrite Mrs Thatcher's story using the expressions in Exercise 8a. GRAMMAR Past continuous Study and complete the table. Affirmative Pena Cima eed Iwas helping my mum at | wasn't myded Was he calling 999? Why: he calling? home. athome, They were girl, Theyweren't helping hey asking for What were they saying? anyone, help? > See Grammer Reference 2, Extra Practice Book, 6. @ Look at the pictures of Pablo's story on the left and complete the paragraph. Use the past continuous. When Argentina and Germany played in the | 2014 World Cup final, my friends and | ‘were watching [watch] the match at hore and my brother Luciano? (watch) the match at the stadium. My dad 2 [cook] a barbecue and my sister § Ipaint] her face with the colours of the Argentinian flag. Messi, Higuain and Mascherano! (playl very well that day. The team was very worried, but Mascherano talked to them and H H cheered them up. Unfortunately we lost, but they are still heroes to us. Their confidence was inspiring to us all @ write questions to match the answers. 1. Who were. watching the match at home? Pablo and his friends. At the stadium, 3 Abarbecue. Pablo's sister. Messi, Higuain and Mascherano. Past simple and past continuous Study the box, GRAMMAR ‘To say what was happening when something else happened, use: past continuous + when + simple past | was riding my bicycle when | fell To describe two actions that happened simultaneously in the past, use: past continuous + while + past continuous | was riding my bicycle while she was walking her dog, > See Grammar Reference I, Extra Practice 800k, p. 6 6 Complete the paragraph with the verbs in the box. © were giving © were collecting © invited © had © arrived ¢ were looking Last week | invited, to help in the kid's hospital. Mike and | some friends toys from the community while Laura and Raymond ? for some clothes. This morning in the hospital wet the toys to the kids when the doctors # and helped us to serve the food Wee a wonderful day. © complete the text with the past simple or past continuous. In December Tilly’ fle {fiy| with. her family to Thailand. On 26" December the family? [gol to the beach, While they [play) on the beach, Tilly* look} at the water, She ® (seel a lot of bubbles and * understand] what ” (happen She? (tell) her mother Her mother and the hotel manager (shout! to all the people and they " (run) to a sate place. @ Circle the best option. 1 Lair aot fe aioe acter her mobile phone fell was falling in the water. 2. She tried /was tring ta catch it when she slipped / was slipping on the wood. 3. Two girls heard / were hearing someone calling for help while they cycled / were cyeting near the park 4, Laura called /was calling for help while she tried /was trying to stand up. 5. One girl called / was calling 999 while the other helped / was helping Laura. 6. An ambulance arrived / was arriving while they sat /were sitting Laura down on a bench. Prezi presentation of a hero # Choose a real life hero and look for images that represent his / her life. Tip ‘© Choose a sang that might represent what she/he does. Take notes about him or her. You can use the past continuous tense to describe what this person was deing when the photos were taken, LISTENING Listen to a story @ Look at the pictures. What do all these pictures have in common? © ©© Listen to Teresa. Put the pictures in order. © © © Listen again. Fill in the gaps with the correct verb. 1. How i the photography club field trip yesterday? 21 to portray everyday heroes. 3, | got this photo of a father who his son how to ride a bike. 4, You definitely everyday life heroes! a lotof @ ©” Now listen to Jack and Tzu-Lee. True or false? |. The photography club didn't go to the park. 2. Teresa decided to climb a tree 3, Teresa stayed calm 4, Jack climbed up the tree 5. Jack tried to calm her down 6. Then they started to climb down, 7. Jack was sitting on a branch when it broke, CO OOO00O 8 Jack fell and broke his arm. © ©® Listen again. Correct the false sentences in Exercise 4. © ©® Listen one more time. Who says each sentence? 1. What happened to you? Teu- Lee 2. | don't believe it 3. You're kidding! 4, No, honestly, it's true 5. But she hates climbing! 6. Yes, | know. 7. Help, help! I'm going to fall! 8. What a hero you are! @ Explain in your own words what happened to Teresa in the park. You can use some of these phrases: Se _— When suddenly ... When she ... “Jack was .. SPEAKING YJ Tell a story ee Expressing surprise © Listen and repeat. What happened to you? don't batieve itt You're kidding! SID GES © a. Practise with a classmate. : What happened to you? B: | fell off a camel fou're kidding! B: No, honestly, it's true b. Use these ideas and make up a similar conversation with your classmate. You fell off a horse, You broke yaur nose while skipping You burnt your hand while making some tea, A dog bit your ear, © 2. You did something brave. Tell your classmate about it. Use these questions to help you. @ Where were you? © Who were you with? «© What were you doing? ‘© What happened? ‘© What did you do? b. Imagine you are a news reporter. Tell the rest of the class what your classmate did. Go to PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES. S Student A: turn to page 72, Student B: turn to page 74. URITING Write a biography @ Read this biography. Jessica Watson is the youngest person to sail solo around the world. She was born in Queenstand, Australia, on May 18 1993. She started sailing when she was eight years old and she lived on a cruiser for five years with her family — her parents, one brother and two sisters. On October 18" 2009, she set sail from Sydney, Australia, on her pink ten-metre yacht, Ella's Pink Lady. She sailed the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. She was at sea for seven months and returned to Sydney on May 15" 2010, three days before her 17 birthday. When she was sailing around the world, Jessica encountered difficult weather conditions and faced severe storms with waves that were ten metres high. She wrote a book about her experience named True Spirit and on January 25" 2011, she was named Young Australian of the Year. In an interview, she said: I'm an ordinary girl who believed in my dream. You don't have to be someone special to achieve something amazing.” © Answer. 1. What did Jessica Watson do? 2, Would you Like to read her book? Explain. 3. Read her quote again. Do you agree? soc US Sci Look at the text again. Complete the chart with notes. (imac on (tao Piiieeee A biography + Give information about Where and when the person was born. “What the person achieved. ¥ The person's life before and after his / her achievement Write the information in chronological order, Include an interesting quote, i you know one, @ Follow these steps to write a short biography. a. Choose a person you admire b. To organise your ideas, copy the chart in Exercise 3 and complete it wth notes. «Use the chart as a guide to write the person's biography, ENDIOREREEEE Prezi presentation of a hero @ Now that you have the necessary information about your hero, you and your group are ready to create the presentation. @© © Label the images and choose a title for your presentation. Include arrows, colours and different fonts to make the presentation clear and vivid. © ® Go online to find extra pictures in case you want to add some to the presentation. Include the song you chose in the presentation. Ask your — teacher for help if necessary. @ Prepare a speech. The presentation should have key words. Use them to remember what you have to talk about. Divide the presentation in parts so that every member of the group has their share of time to talk. © Don't forget to bring your computer or tablet! Make sure that everybody can have a look at it. talk about heroes. reflect upon what makes a person become a hero. reflect upon bullying and how to fight against it talk about accidents describe reactio describe how an action was interrupted in the past tell a story. write a biography. prepare a Prezi presentation of a hero B emi AND CULTURE Spanish around the world: The new lingua franca? @ Do you know in which countries Spanish is an official language? Did you know that Spanish is spoken in Africa and Asia? Did you know that Spanish is the second most popular language in the world? Let's learn a bit more about this exciting language! important language for people in the UK to learn, In fact, Spanish is the most widely taught language in British secondary scheols. In the US, Spanish is the second most used language. About 45 million people speak Spanish as a first or second language. and there are ‘around six million Spanish language students in the United States, Spanish is the official language in 21 countries and in some dependent territories, In 2014, around 442 million people spoke this language. Spanish is the second most popular language after English and the second by number of speakers after Mandarin. With those statistics, Spanish can be considered as the new lingua franca, But, what made Spanish so popular? Why do millions of people want to learn the language of Cervantes and Cortazar? @ Reread the text and discuss. 1. Why is Spanish so important in the UX? 2. In how many countries is Spanish the official language? 3. Why is Spanish considered as a new lingua franca? © Do you want to know more? Let's play this trivia quiz! 1. In which of these African countries is Spanish an official language? a. Namibia b. Equatorial Guinea Nigeria There is an Asian country where many peaple have Spanish names and surnames. Which one? a.China b.Singapore «Philippines Which of these countries contains the largest population of Spanish speakers? a.Argentina b.Mexico «Colombia One ofthese Latin American writers won a Nobel Prize in Literature. Who was it? a. Gabriela Mistral b, Julio Cortézar « Isabel Allende Which will be the largest Spanish-speaking country inthe wortd by 2050 1a, The United States b. Venezuela © Spain @ ‘ou can go online to find out about these and other Spanish facts. @ In which countries is Spanish an official language? List at least ten countries, Cee SRN GY Vea @ Read the text and complete with words and expressions from the box. because discovered helped pluritingual —« was born © communicates @ don'iusually « isworking _—e started # was attending © could speak «rst language didn'tspeak «studied «were 0 admire people, but Aramis an exception. She?________in Misiones. Her parents? Paraguayan, so her * was Guarani. When she 5 school, she * Spanish well. Her teacher? her because she ® both Spanish and Guarani. While she? secondary school, she " English" itwas compulsory, She ne her love for languages and now she" asa. secretary. She © ___ in five languages. © Correct the following information. 1. The writer admires a lot of people. 4. Arami doesn’t really like languages. 2. Arami is from Paraguay. 5. She was working when she studied English. 3. Spanish was her first language. © Ask questions about the text and answer them. 4. Why / writer / admire / Arami? 4. Why / Arami/ study English? Where / Arami/ born? 5. How many languages / Arami / speak? 3. Why / Arami/ speak Guarani? 6 Read the text and complete with words and expressions from the box. © and her © quickly « teacher ‘» were singing ocy @ invited @ started to panic © When © happily « kids’ songs «stayed © was calling while ‘Anne is a reception ' There are 20 kids in? classroom. Last Friday, a fire * at the front door of the school. The kids started * and they started to® all at the same time! Anne _ calm and reacted 1 While the headmistress *______for help, she *... the kids to hold their hands ® walk to the playground. " the firemen arrived, Anne and her kids "= and playing ® The firemen suffocated the fire they were listening to the 1s 150 e Special lifestyles Talk about lifestyles Describe different kinds of experiences Talk about experiences and feelings ‘Ask and answer about your own life experiences Describe a lifestyle PRE-READING © © Match the pictures to the descriptions below. (Cum (Cotherouninside Ciaeeey Cyatucnnce! The pictures show places where people can live, work and relax. What can people do in each of these places? oe © Use the adjectives below to say what life is like in these places. ssful boring interesting exciting relaxing © quiet hard © tiring © fun simple @ © Are any of these places similar to the place where you live? Where would you like to live? Why? Let's create a presentation about special people in your area! In groups, you will be preparing a Pecha Kucha presentation about people in your community Preview ‘who you consider special. You can choose people at school, in your family, in your town. Look for tips on how to build your project on p. 33. You will complete the project on p. 37, READING "THE. TRAVELLER, Saturday, April 16,2016 By Semin Sarantopoulow ‘ccording to the Guinness Book of Records, Babis Bizas, a 61-year-old Greek man, is the first person who has set foot in each of the world’s 195 countries. He has visited both the ‘North and the South Pole. “There is a Greek starting point ‘and return,” Babis says, “but T ean only last in Athens a few days, just the time I need to organise the next escapade.” He has just arrived back from his adventure in Antarctica, where he experienced extreme living conditions with temperatures of minus 36 degrees Celsius, which included using thermal sleeping bags and walking on 3,000 metres of accumulated ice. “In terms of tourist attractions you've seen itall in four hours, The rest is, ‘about emotion, history and human achievement.” says Bizas “1 find conventional holidays terribly boring, I need action. need to contact the local people and experience their daily routines. 26 @ Read the newspaper article and answer the questions. NTERNATIONAL THE W@RLD'S MOST TRAVELLED MAN eS Bizas got his first passport at during the country’s civil war and the age of 2, when he travelled to Nicaragua during the ise to power Bulgaria, Romania and Istanbul. _of the Sandinistas, and has been Then, it was Scandinavia. While studying political science at Panteion University in Athens, among the first travellers to visit Vietnam after the war in 1977. He's been arrested in Libya, taken he took off on a six-month for an Israeli spy. journey with only 250 dollars New Yorkis his He travelled by road to Turkey, favourite destination, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and but he has met the Bangladesh, and worked as a happiest people on an deckhand on a merchant marine A rican istand: a Ser “They are content with very litle This is why I follow the 1-2-3 He ha made many sacrifices. mantra, travelling only with He has slept under a bridge and atthe bare essentials: one pair train stations. He has spent a week of shoes, two pairs of trousers eating biscuits. He has stowed and underwear, three shirts. ‘ayway on trains. Bizas says, “When I first started ‘What started out as ahobby soon travelling, atthe age of 22, I just tumed into a profession, His travel wanted to goon 30 trips in my experience and fluency in five lifetime, When I exceeded 80 trips. languages gave him the opportunity 1 thought 200 were necessary: Now to guide tourists in search of that I've been on over 1,000 trips, I adventure, He has made many bold can’t imagine myself stopping this travel choices, but tourists have adventure, The more you travel, the followed him without hesitation. more you discover” Bizas has visited El Salvador 1 1, Why doesn't Bizas like conventional holidays? 2. 2. Has he made any sacrifices during his trips? 3 Give examples. 3. Where has he been in prison? 4. How many trips has he made so far? 4 5. 6 % e aI GEO @ True or false? Bizas is from Greece. He stays in Athens for many weeks before starting any new trip. In Antarctica he didn’t steep in beds He can speak more than five languages. He made his frst trip when he was 20 Bizas thinks he has travelled ‘enough and wants te stop. He also earns money travelling COO OOOO @ He travels only with essentials. © What's your opinion about Bizas' lifestyle? @ Have you ever had any special travel experience? If so, describe it. Experiences © Reread the text and match the words in bold to their meaning. 1. usual /travitional; Conventional 2. goto /visit a place 3. daring: 4, left suddenty 5. doubt 6. stay: 7. sailor: 8 has hidden to travel for free: © Match the halves. tothe beach /to the 2 spend desert b. into a profession / into | | | a career 3. turn 4. guide = & aweek/amonth d. tourists / visitors 5. visit fe. a country/ city 6. 90 funder a bridge /ona bench @ a. Tick (“1 the kind of experiences Bizas has had. Justify. camaing (©)! etaniic =O 2 scary/ 2etiring oO frightening CQ) acool oe 3. exciting O sretexing =O whorig: i tocstreertl 5. terrible Out Oo VOCABULARY b. Classify the adjectives in Exercise 7a in + (positive) and ~ {negativel. amazing c. How can you describe the following experiences? Use the adjectives from the table in Exercise 7b. #3 day on the beach: relaxing + day in the countryside an evening out with friends # along trip: © acamping holiday: #awalk in the mountains: © a visit to a museum: © Choose the correct option. 1. Bizas finds conventional holidays a. boring b, relaxing 2, Planning a long trip to many countries can bea bit & stressful by relaxing 3. Learning about different cultures is a. terrible b, amazing Travelling abroad sounds a. boring b. cool 5, Meeting new people is a. frightening b. exciting 6, Sleeping at crowded train stations can be a. scary Go to CLIL AND CULTURE , page 48. SoS b. tiring GRAMMAR Study the tables. ar ad We've thave] been to Italy. He’s has) changed school three times. OO SUG Wee haven't [have not] been to aly. He hasn't has not} changed school three times. > See Grammar Reference 3, Extra Practice book, p, 10 © whichis the past participle of these regular verbs? tile Ud cheng 2. climb: 7. travel: 3. play 8. visit 4, work, 9. appear 5. study © complete the table. Use a dictionary if necessary. as ied EG Infinitive Peay Present perfect simple - have / has + past participle © a. What has Frank done / not done ud Have you been to Italy? Yes, we have, / No, we haven't Has he changed school three times? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't Where have you been? How many times has he changed school? in his life? Look at the pictures below and write sentences. 1. be / Australia 4, live / igloo He has been to Australia 2. ride / camel 5. not be/ Egypt 3. see/polarbears 6, not get married b. Write about things that you have / haven't done in your life. Present perfect and past simple Study the box. He's seen that film. He saw it yesterday, Have you seen this film? Yes, have. When did you see it? | saw it yesterday. > See Grammar Reference 3, Extra Practice bock, p10 @ Read the conversation between Frank anda friend. Circle the correct option. dangerous spart? Yes, Ihave / di. A: What have you done/ did you do? Ihave done / did rafting. It°has been / was great! A: ‘Have you been / Were you frightened? Br Yes, |7have/was. But it thas been / was very exciting. And how about you? “Have ‘you ever done / Did you ever do rafting? As No, never. But I'd like to do it one day! Just + present perfect Study the box. Ive Just seen Dan. | saw Dan a few minutes ago > See Grammar Reference 3, Extra Practice book, p. 10 © write sentences with just. Frank | fas, Just arrived (arrive) from the Sahara, He? Iphone) his mom. They agree] to eet outside together ina new restaurant that ¢ {open in town GRAMMAR Ever / never + present perfect Study the box. Have you ever been to Brazil? She has never run a marathon, > See Grammar Relerence 3, Extra Practice book, p. 10 © Make sentences with ever or never using the phrases in the box. 1. sleep in a tent Have you ever slept in a tent? Yes, | have. / No, (ve never slept in a tent. 2. climb a high mountain 3. take off on a long journey 4, travel to another country by plane 5. ride a camel Would like Study the box. Use would like ta talk about what you want to do Id like to ride a quad bike Would you like to do a bungee jump? Use would tke for invitations, Would you like to come with us? > See Grammar Reference 3, Extra Practice book. p. 10 pS GS @ Look at the pictures in Exercise 3. Ask your classmate what he or she would / wouldn't like to do. A: Would you like to visit Australia? &: Of course! In groups, choose some special people in your area, List the relevant things that they have or have not done. (e.g. Marta has never been late to school] Organise the list in categories. LISTENING Talk about exciting experiences Look at the picture and discuss the following questions: 1, Do you know any of these pl 2. Have you visited the U. 5.2 3, What other places do you know in the U. .? © © © Listen to Cristina talking to her Mum. Put the images in order. © © © Listen again. True or false? 1. Cristina has visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona, 2. She hasn't been to Yellowstone, 3. California is big state. 4. She couldn't visit the Golden Gate bridge 5, The most exciting attractions have been the casinos and the amusement parks. 6. She will be visiting Washington, DC on her way to New England O © ©" Listen again. Correct the sentences that are false. © © © Listen toa conversation between two teenagers, Kira and Matt. Write Kira or Matt to complete the sentences. 1 couldn't stop laughing, 2 sent a video to his / her friends. 3. says he / she would like to do it again, 4 was at the theme park with his / her brother. © © © Listen again. Choose the correct answer. 11, Matt thinks the roller coaster was, a. frightening b. exciting 2. Kira has never been to a. athemepark —b. Orlando in Florida 3. The roller coaster is floors high a. sixteen b. seventeen 4. Matt's brother during the roller coaster ride a. screamed b. laughed 5. You choose the music you want to listen to during the ride a. can b. cant 6. You watch a video during the ride a. can b. can't SPEAKING 7, Matt for his video a. paid b. didn’t pay 8. He thinks his video was a. terrible b. funny Kira walked on a water ball last a. summer b. month 10, When she was in the ball, she all the time. a. screamed b. laughed ’ e ut you Se @ a. Use the words in the box to complete the conversation. There is a word you will not need. A: Have you! been to an. amusement park? B: Yes, 1? AS was that? Bi About a year‘ Az Did you enjoy it? B: Yes, b. Practice the conversation in Exercise 7a. using the phrases below. 0 to an amusement park ride on a roller coaster walk on a water ball see a geyser eet) Student A: turn to page 73. Student B: turn to page 75. UJRITING Describe a lifestyle To describe a person's lifestyle use: @ the present simple to describe his / her everyday life « the present perfect to describe things he / she has done. «the present perfect + just to describe things he / she has dane very recently ‘© would lke for the person's dreams or ambitions @ Read the text about Dr. Richard Castle's lifestyle. Richard Castles adoctor buthe also earnsa living working as a musician and as a chef. He loves Latin music and food. Richard has lived in many countries where he has worked in small rural hospitals. He has helped many people and he has cooked in community soup kitchens. Richard has just arrived. back from Central America where he worked for a charity organisation. On tis last day of work he took part in a free concert with local bands. Richard is 40 now and he Would like to travel to Africa in the near future. He says: "There is still alot of work to do there.” © which aspects of Dr, Richard Castle's life are in the text? Tick {VJ them below. 1. job © © 2. family O 6 tikes Oo 3. house © 2. dream oO 4. recent activities Q) © circle examples of the present simple in the text about Dr. Richard Castle. Underline examples of the present perfect. @ Use the notes below and the model text in Exercise 1 to write a short description of Ben’s lifestyle. Job: Professional guitarist ina band. Not House: Smal iximclycone Recent actviee: bight amotrbe Mace Likes Tavling Went Meecco and pain listen Family Not marie Gen le iter cae Ae Dream: Give a é © a. Now imagine you are one of the following people: ‘¢ 8 famous actor or singer a famous explorer a famous athlete or sportsperson b. Write a short description of your lifestyle in 80 words. Use your imagination! J famous. Not much money, but likes his job, live concert far thousands of fans, SNOWMENEEEED Presentation about special people in your area Go online and find a picture for each special person that you chose. You are not far from finishing your task! @ Be sure to have a slide show presentation program, such as PowerPoint, already installed on your computer. Since you will describe 20 people, your presentation should have 20 slides. © @ There are some rules for a Pecha Kucha presentation that you have to know: You can’t spend more than 20 seconds describing a slide. And you have to create 20 slides. Be short and concise! Straight to the point! Use simple sentences. You can use Slide 1 for a collage with all the people you will talk about. Doesn't that sound cool! @© once you have all your pics in slides, rehearse what you will say and that's it. You can OUR SPECIAL PEOPLE Mr Luis sells everything record yourself to check the Eiiows time. And after that ... You | everything! are ready! He has never | Be voor ate to work All the © Don't forget to bring your neighbourhood computer or tablet! Make sure that everybody can have a look at it. trust him, talk about lifestyles. understand and respect different lifestyle choices. describe different kinds of experiences. reflect upon how experiences impact our lives. express intention. understand the difference between an event and an experience. infer meaning from context. make a Pecha Kucha presentation to speak about people Iconsider special. G Teen time ... hard time? Talk about teen problems Describe how you feel Talk about health problems Talk about what you have to do Give advice Describe the results of actions Listen to an interview with a doctor Visit the doctor Write a report PRE-READING = Look at the pictures. What do they have in common? = How do the people in the pictures feel? oO © © Give the collage a title. 0 6 = What do you do when you are happy / sad / angry? é qhobler, YOU Sho, Ss e s % » eI S § p gz s — e x % iS 9 = %, RS Ks oy % S&S Ay ae | paint myself because | am the subject that | know best Let's create a poetic presentation! In pairs, you will be creating a shape poem, a chant, an acrostic poem, a song or a rap to Preview | express feelings Look for tips on how to build your project on p. 43. You will complete the project on p. 47. READING Q._ http://www Friday, April 8, 2016 Emotions and Health By Sarah Brown 7hrs so COMED Have you ever heard of people having cold feet? Has anyone asked for your support because they were heart broken? These familiar expressions’ show that we often experience emotions directiy in our bodies. When we are about to meet the person we love, ‘our heart pounds with excitement and we feel like we are flying. However, ur hands sweat and tremble when we are anxious before an exam. Stress and problems are a normal part of life. Also, some external factors can disrupt our emotional health, Both “good” and “bad” changes in our lives can be just as stressful ink, fee! and act. It lets us know when something is not right. It sends us messages through physical signs. Ina study performed in Finland people reported that happiness and. love sparked activity across almost the entire body. On the other hand, depression dampened feeling in the arms, legs and head Danger and fear triggered strong sensations in the chest area, and ‘anger was one of the few emotions that activated the arms. The results of the study have shown that emotions are not necessarily culturally bounded. They? affect people in the Eastern countries much in the same way as people in the Westem countries. Researchers suggest we should recognise our emotions and understand why we experience them, and they" offer some tips. ‘& Express your feelings in appropriate ways. Let your loved ones know when something is wrong, but look for advice and support from someone who is not dretly involved in the situaton, © Live a balanced life. Try to focus on the positive things in your lfe when you deal with negative feelings. Always make time for things you enjoy and leave aside things that hurt you. © Develop resilience. Cope with stress in a healthy way. Accept change while keeping a positive view of yourself °F Calm your mind. Try to relax by mecitating, exercising, stretching or breathing deeply. “Take care of yourse'f. Nothing is more important than your wellbeing, Have healthy meals, get enough sleep and exercise, Avoid overeating and don't abuse drugs or alcohol ‘And remember you can always find help if you look fori. @ Read the text and find what the words in bold refer to: 1. These familiar expressions: 2. They: 3. They; @ Find words or expressions in the text meaning 1. help: Support 2, beat strongly 3, alter normal functioning: 4, started suddenly and energetically: 5. reduced extinguished 6. activated: 7. belonging to a particular cutture: manage: © Read again and match. Ityou are we feel it in anxious, a our chest. 2. Mtwe are b. your hands afraid, tremble, 3. Wedevelop —e._ifyouare resilince angry or 4, Tell your Mapipbeed Loved ones 4. ifsomething 5. Cur body pa sends fe. ifwe accept messages change in a positive way. ie Ey ig What makes you angry / happy / afraid / sad / anxious? © Do you usually share your worries with someone? Who is the person that understands you the most? VOCABULARY Feelings @© Use these words to complete the sentences. © stressed © relaxed ® angry tired © apset © worried © down 1. Ityou are feeling UPS!t you are sad 2. Hfyou are you think. something bad can happen. 3. Hfyouare «You want to rest 4, you feel «you cannot relax. 5. Ifyou feel «you are calm 6. Ifyou are «you want to shout. 7, Ityou are . you are unhappy. Word stress @* Listen and repeat. stressed [one syllable) relaxed two syllables) @ ©* Which words from Exercise 6 have two syllables? Which syllable is stressed? Listen and check. Common health problems © Match the words to the pictures. QOa cod @ Oa headache © Oa teothache OO acough @O a2 sore throat OOarash BaD BD ko GRAMMAR Obligation and prohibition — @ Complete the dialogue with these must / have to verbs. Study the box. (store mustn't @ don'thaveto —«-hasto © rosin © doesn't have to I'm very tired, I must get more sleep. Irs late. She has to go now. Ive just sent him an email. You don't have to : 1. As The dentist says 1! _M™USINT eat so phone him. He's got a temperature. You mustn't wake inany sweets. [2 stop him ui i completely, but |® limit them, > See Grammar Reference 4, Extra Practice Beok,p. 14 B: | think your dentist is right. You eat too many sweets! @ Look at the grammar box again. 2. Az |s your brother training for the marathon? Complete the rules. a a B:Yes. He run every day. He 1, We use or for 5 run a long way but he obligation . mesa 2. We use for no obligation ee free hie © write sentences about healthy living. You must do some exercise but e Choose the correct option. you don't have to run 10 km a day 1. Today | am tired. Gave fBY don't have to rest 2 My friends anay with ne. Hesastaveto |W J don’t have to be more patient. do some exercise be absescive have to / must mustn't smoke at fruit and 3. Our teacher told me | don’t have to / have to don't have to vegetables talk to him. | don't knaw what to say. eae 4, | am tired because | am anxious about a a doy test. Mum says | must / mustn't study if get enough sleep something is not clear. | don't have to/ eat too much fried food ‘mustn't be on the phone all day. : bea supermodel 5. I mustn't / don't have to ignore school Ps eat spinach responsibilities! is ee GRAMMAR Advice - should / shouldn‘t Zero conditional Study the box. IF go to bed late, | feel tired Ifthe doesn’t have breakfast, he feels hungry. | don't get good grades if| don’t study. You should take it easy. You shouldn't worry. Should she do mare exercise? What should we eat? >See Grammar Reference é, Extra Practice Book, p. >Suummurferunea BuaPaamsors 1 @ Look at the examples in the grammar box again. Answer. @ Give advice using the words in 1s How many clauses are therein content the box. sentences - one or two? 2. What tense do we use in the if clause? 3, What tense do we use in the result clause? 4, Can the result clause come first in the sentence? 5. When do we use a comma? gotothe doctor's © smoke # goto bed late © drink some hot tea © getnewglasses © goout 1. Ive gota rash and my temperature’s 39°. @) Write sentences using the zero You should go to the doctor's conditional. 2, I've gota terrible cough 1. if /he /get enough sleep /he / feel well 3. I've got a headache and my eyes hurt. 4, I'm always tired and | get angry quickly 5. I've got a bad cold 6. I'm very cold If he gets enough sleep, he feels well 2. if teenagers /be / responsible / parents / not have to / tell them what to do 3. if / students / not study / they / not learn © complete the sentences with your ‘4, teenagers / work hard / if / their teacher / motivate / therm en 5. if /wey/ have / problems with our friends / 1, When we are at the dentist, we must ‘we / not concentrate / on our work be quiet 6. she / listen / to music / if/ she / want/ to relax 2. If lam stressed I should © complete the sentences with your 3, When | feel relaxed, | don’t have to own ideas. 4. lFI'm feeling down, | call my best friend 4, When friend has a problem, you should 2, Fl don't sleep enough, 3, lF Ihave a problem, 5, When you have a cold, you shouldn't 4. IF get good grades, A poetic presentation Brainstorm and write ideas for your poetic presentation, Tip Choose the feelings you want to talk about and let your imagination run wild You can use the content of this grammar section to help you. LISTENING Listen to an interview with a doctor @© Look at the pictures and answer. 1 Why is Frank t the doctor's? 2, What do you think the interview is about? @ + Listen toa conversation between Frank and his doctor. What's Frank's problem? Tick (V/) the correct option. |. He has a skin allergy. . He has a headache. He sneezes and sniffs. . He has red eyes, OCOCC0S yeep es 5. He has had a fever, © ©® Listen again and choose the correct option. |. Frank aa) doesn’t have to take pills. He should / shouldn't take the pill when going to sleep. The dog must / mustn't go into his bedroom |. He should / shouldn't hoover his house. 5. He should / shouldn't wash his clothes and bed sheets on a regular basis. SPEAKING Visit the doctor © ©» Listen to Part 2. True or false? 11.1804 of teenagers in Britain have allergies oO 2. Today people are not clean enough. a: Mweiclaan cur heme, blll bactara, (©) 4. In poor countries people have fewer allergies © 5. If you don’t wash very much, you have more allergies 6. The doctor cays people don't have to be clean. 7. The doctor says people mustn’t iW a Oo be obsessed about cleanliness. © answer. 1. Do you or does a member of your family have any allergies? What are they? 2. What symptoms do you / they have? 3. Do you know of any unusual allergies? @ Role play a conversation at the doctor's. Use the expressions in the box. @ + a. Nowlisten to another conversation. Which pictures Doctor describe causes of allergies? Which * Have you got a ones describe reactions to allergies? * Where does it hurt? © Take this medicine. 1. Causes OOOO ‘© Take some aspirin. 2, Reactions: C) OQ O © Goto bed / to hospital / home, Patient ©= b, Listen again. Answer. * | feel awful © I don't feet very well. 1. Ifyou have an allergy, what does your body # I've gota attack? ° My hurts. 2. The pictures show three reactions to allergies. What other reactions does the doctor talk about? Go to PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES. Student A: turn to page 73 Student B: turn to page 75. UJRITING Write a report To report statistics we can use: + general terms: all of them, most of them, some, a few, nobody + percentages: 20% (twenty percent) + fractions: @ half, @ quarter, a third, 3 fifth + exact numbers: 12 people + approximations: about, around, over, more than, less than @ Match the expressions to the percentages. 1. nobody a. 45% 2, about two thirds b, 20% 3. afew © 80% 4, less than halt d. 0% 5. a fifth e i% 6. the majority f 67% 7. over halt 54% © We asked 20 teenagers eight questions about their daily routine. Discuss the results shown in the graph. 1. Do you getup before 8.00 am? 2. Do you always have breakiast? 3, Do you feel sleepy during the first class? 4, Do you eat something during the morning? 5. Do you eat a cooked lunch? 6. Do you eat fruit or vegetables every day? 7. Do you usually do some exercise? 8 Do you go to bed after midnight? 2 Number of students Te ae ¢ 4 ors Question number © Choose the correct option to complete the report. Look at the graph in Exercise 2. We asked 20 teenagers eight questions about their daily routine. These are the results: 'All/ Some / Most of them get up before 8,00 am. Over half /Under half/ About a quarter have breakfast every dey. About °40% / 40% / 80% feel sleepy during their first class, ‘Nine / Seven / Twelve people eat something during the morning. Exactly 950% /40% / 60% eat a cooked lunch. ‘Less than/ About / Over @ quarter eat fruit or vegetables every day. “About / Under / Over half usually do some exercise during the day and finally, ‘a few/ most /all of them go to bed after midnight. © write a report describing the results of the survey below about teenage health. 1‘ a 3 4 5. 6. Number of students Do you ever feel stressed? Do you have a healthy diet? ‘Do you feel tired when you get up in the morning? Do you often get a cold or a cough? Do you suffer from an allergy? Do you ever get a headache? 1 —_ sSREEESEESEE ee ce ee Question number We asked 20 teenagers six questions about their health. These are the results: END ONER@UEGIS A poetic presentation 0 Now that you have the ideas and feelings that you want to express, decide what you will be creating: a shape poem, a chant, an acrostic poem, a song or a rap. © ® Go online to find rhyming words. They will help you to get inspired and creative! Then, memorise your lines and practise with your classmate! You can ask him or her to record your performance. © Ifyou select a song or a rap, don't forget to bring your phone, tablet or laptop with speakers. © © Recite your composition to the rest of the class. talk about teen problems. describe how | feel. reflect upon the importance of sharing feelings. talk about health problems. give advice. express obligation and prohibition. reflect upon the results of our actions. infer meaning from context write a report based on statistics. write a short poem or song expressing my feelings. 47. Have you ever visited another country? Have you noticed that people can express their emotions in a way different to you? Do you think that’s normal? MA People from every country and culture express their emations in different ways. Emotions are thoughts that can appear spontaneously. You would think, for example, that if someone is sad in China, he or she should act the same way as a British person does. The truth is that different cultures understand and express feelings differently. How a teenager from Argentina reacts to feelings will affect how another teenager from India reads them, This is something to take into account when you travel to another country or when you are in ‘a multicultural context. In big cities like New York, London or Sao Paulo, people from many cultures work, study and commute together. Understanding each person’s emotions is not an easy task, but ‘we should be tolerant enough to accept everyone as @ human being Here you have some tips you should take into account when travelling or Living in another country Remember that other people, places and things should not change how you feel. The only person ‘who should change the way you feel is you. Body language is not the same everywhere. A gesture that is considered friendly in your country can be offensive in the country you are visiting or living in. Check this with a local friend. You must avoid talking about religion, race and in some cases sports. In some countries, these can be sensitive topics You should have in mind that every person has emotions. Nobody is an iron wall. A person will always have feelings no matter his or her appearance. Now that you know a bit more about emotions and culture, can you make a list of the ways people in your country express their emotions? Imagine you are planning to visit a country soon. Go online and read about its culture and people. Answer. 1. Where and when are you travelling? 2. Who are you going with? 3. What tips do you have to take into account? What are the people like? ‘A, What do you know about the country's culture? Ce ESAS Vea OD @ Read the text and complete with words and expressions from the box. © countries ‘¢ has done have ever # has never stopped # onthe beach # receptionist @ started © was © were celebrating © went Jeff Carter is one of the most interesting people |! lot of countries all over the world, And, since he isn't wealthy, he * different jobs to earn his living. He* 4 moving, His first experience ® met. He has been toa many _. travelling when he was 20 years old and Disneyland. He got a job as.a travel guide for teenagers, and accompanied girls who * 7 their 15th birthday. That was really fun. Then, he ” most wonderful holidays there. He worked as a lifeguard * travelled to many European * waiter in Madrid, and even a ® © Correct the following information. 1. Jeff Carter is a boring person 2. He has never left his country. 3, His first experience was a job as a chef in Paris, © Ask questions about the text. 1, Who / Jeff Carter? 2. What / he / done to earn his living? 3. Where / his first experience? @ Choose the correct option. Dear Fred, to Brazil. He spent the He has also For instance, he has been a chef in Paris, a ina hotel in Rome! | would like to be like him. mo 4, If he doesn’t have any money, he calls his father. 5, The writer would like to work in a hotel. 4 What / he / do in Brazil? 5. Which / countries / he / visit? ‘Tomorrow is Bridget's farewell party. She 'has fo / doesn't have to go back to Germany at the end of this month. You ‘mustn't /don't have to come, but it would be great to have you with us. You ‘shouldn't / ‘mustn't tell her anything because itis a surprise. You ‘should / must come to the party. It willbe fun. You Smustn’t/ don’t have to pay for the meal. My mum is cooking for us! Maria 10 © Find in the text above examples of: 41. Obligation: 2. Prohibition 5 4, Suggestion: Intention 3. No necessity

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