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 READING School Year 2010 – 2011

4th Grade

1. Look. Read. Color.

toothache backache headache flue hurt backache

flu cut hurt earache sore throat stomachache

hurt stomachache earache flue toothache hurt

2. Look. Read. Match.

1. You should drink lots of water.

2. You should go to the dentist.

3. You should drink some tea.

4. You should take some aspirin.

1. Complete the sentences. Use should or shouldn't.

1. You ________________ eat lots of candies for your toothache.

2. Sara has a broken leg. She ______________ play football.
3. Pedro _______________ stay up late. He goes to school early morning.
4. Lisa ______________drink some tea for her stomachache.
5. I _______________ study for my English Exam.
 WRITING sore throat * headache * cough* broken arm * flu

1. Think. Write.

I _______________.

1. Listen. Write the number

2. Spelling
1. ___ ___ ___ ___
Draw. Color.
I have a stomachache.
2. ___ ___ ___ ___

3. Dictation

1. ___________________.

2. ___________________.

3. ___________________.
I have to _____________________

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