Continuous Learning Overview

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Continuous Learning Plan

What is continuous learning? In the event of a school closure, this is what

you can expect in continuing your child’s education.

■ Learning engagements encourage children and families to

participate in tasks together
■ Learning connects to current units of inquiry and curriculum.
■ Opportunities and prompts support students to share their
feelings, considering how they can manage concerns they may
experience as a result of the change in their schooling and being
away from their familiar environment.

Responsibilities and Expectations

Student Responsibility

■ Establish daily routines for engaging in the learning experiences

(e.g. 8:30am start).
■ Identify a comfortable, quiet space in your home where you can
work effectively and successfully.
■ Regularly monitor email and Google Classroom to check for
learning tasks and feedback from your teacher.
■ Complete assignments with integrity and academic honesty, doing
your best learning.
■ Meet commitments and due dates.
■ Communicate proactively with your teachers.
Family Responsibility

■ Create opportunities for your child to interact with peers to

maintain connections with their school community.
■ Establish routines and expectations.
■ Monitor communications from your child's teacher.
■ Take an active role in helping your child process their learning.
■ Establish times for quiet and reflection and provide time for your
child to have ownership over their own use of time and activity.
■ Encourage physical activity and/or exercise.
■ Be mindful of your child’s wellbeing; speak to them regularly about
concerns or challenges.
■ Monitor how much time your child is spending online. Screen time
should be monitored at all times.
■ Communicate concerns or questions with the teacher via email.
Teacher Responsibility

■ Upload daily lesson plans to google classroom, school website,

and/or email.
■ Check-in with students regarding social and emotional wellbeing.
■ Plan activities that are easily understood and facilitated by
■ Provide opportunities for students to share their learning, relevant
assessments and reflections.
■ Provide reflection and feedback on the student’s posts.
■ Provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively through
a virtual environment.

■ Make themselves available via email to answer questions about the
activities, as needed from 8:30am to 3pm.
■ Provide activities that include time away from electronic devices.

Daily Routine
Each day on Google Classroom we will provide a lesson plan for the
students to follow by 8:30 a.m. Students need to check this plan
first thing every day. They may complete activities in the order that
suits your schedule. Our goal is that students are able to complete
their checklist each day to facilitate grading and planning.

● Subject
● Objectives/Skills: the standards and skills students are learning
● Student Activities: describes what the student is expected to do
● Checklist: The checklist column is our accountability point. This
is an important piece so that we can monitor work completion
and enter grades on Renweb.

Useful Links
A selection of resources to help parents support their children.​- a great source to connect to

God as a family. Check out the Kids section.

Brainpop​ - an easily accessible popular video for children discussing the

virus and how can you prevent it

CDC: Share Facts not Fear​ - busting some of the myths

COVID-19 Vocabulary Guide​ - with so much specialist terminology being

used, this list can help fluency and aid understanding

Guided Meditation for Children

How to talk to an anxious child about coronavirus

How to support children in times of crisis

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