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:Abnormalities of female reproductive system

Abnormalities of the external genitalia and vaginal

:syphilitic chancer -1
Syphilitic chancer often first appears on the
perianal area as slivery white papules that become
superficial red ulcers. Syphilitic chancers are
painless. They are sexually transmitted and usually
develop at the site of initial contact with the
.infecting organism

:genital warts -2
Genital warts caused by the human papilloma
virus (HPV), are moist, fleshy lesion on the labia
and within the vestibule. They are painless and
.believed to be sexually transmitted
:genital herpes simplex -3
The initial outbreak of herpes may have many
small, painful ulcers with erythematous base.
Recurrent herpes lesions are usually not as

:cystocele -4
A cystocele is a bulging in the anterior vaginal
wall caused by thickening of the pelvic
musculature. As a result, the bladder, covered by
.vaginal mucosa, prolapses into the vagina
:rectocele -5
A rectocele is a bulging in the posterior vaginal
wall caused by weakening of pelvic musculature.
Part of the rectum covered by vaginal mucosa
.protrudes into the vagina

:uterine prolapse -6
Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus
protrudes into the vagina. It is graded according to
how far it protrudes into the vagina. In firs-degree
prolapse, the cervix is seen at the vagina opening;
in second-degree prolapse the uterus bulges
outside of vaginal openings; in third-degree
prolapse, the uterus bulges completely out of the
:Abnormalities of the cervix
:cancer of the cervix -1
A hardened ulcer is usually the first indication of
cervical cancer, but it may not be visible on the
ectocervix, in later stages, the lesion may develop
into large cauliflowerlike growth. A pap smear is
.essential for diagnosis

:cervical polyp-2
A polyp typically develops in the endocervical
canal and may protrude visibly at the cervical os. It
is soft, red and rather fragile. Cervical polyp are
:atrophic vaginitis -1
Atrophic vaginitis occurs after menopause when
estrogen production is low. The discharge
produced may be blood-tinged and is usually
minimal. The vaginal mucosa is typically pale, dry,
and contains areas of abrasion that bleed easily.
Atrophic vaginitis causes itching, burning, dryness
.and painful urination

:bacterial vaginosis -2
The cause of bacterial vaginosis in unknown, but it
is thought to be sexually transmitted. The
discharge in thin and gray-white, has a positive
amine, and coats the vaginal wall and ectocervix.
The labia and vaginal walls appear normal and pH
is greater than 4.5 (5.5-6.0)
:Uterine enlargement
:uterine fibroids (myomas) -1
Uterine fibroid tumors are common and benign.
They are irregular, firm nodules that are
continuous with the uterine surface. They may
occur as one or many and may grow quite large.
The uterus will be irregularly enlarged, firm and

:endometriosis -2
In endometriosis, the uterus is fixed and tender.
Growths of endometrial tissue are usually present
throughout the pelvic area and may be felt as firm,
nodular mass. Pelvic pain and irregular bleeding
.are common
;Adnexal masses
:ovarian cyst -1
Ovarian cyst are benign masses on the ovary,
the are usually smooth, mobile, round,
.compressible and nontender

:ovarian cancer -2
Masses that are cancerous are usually solid,
.irregular, nontender and fixed

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