991-1986 An American National Standard IEEE Standard For Logic Circuit Diagrams

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ANSI/IEEE Std 991-1986

An American National Standard IEEE

Standard for Logic Circuit Diagrams

IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 11, Graphic Symbols and Designations

Approved March 21, 1985

IEEE Standards Board

Approved April 25, 1985

American National Standards Institute

© Copyright 1986 by
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017, USA
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

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Acceptance Notice

This non-Government document was adopted on 5 June, 1986, and is approved for use by the DoD. The indicated
industry group has furnished the clearances required by existing regulations. Copies of the document are stocked by
DoD Single Stock Points, US Naval Publications and Forms Center, Philadelphia, PA 19120, for issue to DoD
activities only. Contractors and industry groups must obtain copies directly from IEEE, 345 East 47th Street, New
York, NY 10017.

Title of Document: IEEE Standard for

Logic Circuit Diagrams

Document No: ANSI/IEEE Std 991-1986

Date of Specific Issue Adopted: 27 June, 1986

Releasing Industry Group: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

Custodians: Military Coordination Activity:

Army -- AR Amry -- AR

Navy -- SH Project DRPR-0260

Air Force -- 13

Review Activities:

Army -- AV, MI, AM, CR, ER

Navy -- OS, AS

Air Force -- 11, 15, 17

User Activities:

Army -- AT

Navy -- MC

NOTICE: When reafÞrmation, amendment, revision, or cancellation of this standards is initially proposed, the industry
group responsible for this standard shall inform the military coordinating activity of the proposed change and request

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IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards
Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without
compensation. They are not necessarily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent a
consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE which
have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard.

Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other
ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE
Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change
brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every
IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least once every Þve years for revision or reafÞrmation. When a document is
more than Þve years old, and has not been reafÞrmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, although still of
some value, do not wholly reßect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have
the latest edition of any IEEE Standard.

Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership afÞliation
with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with
appropriate supporting comments.

Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to
speciÞc applications. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate
action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent consensus of all concerned interests, it is
important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason
IEEE and the members of its technical committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests
except in those cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration.

Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:

Secretary, IEEE Standards Board

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New York, NY 10017


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(This Foreword is not a part of ANSI/IEEE Std 991-1986, IEEE Standard for Logic Circuit Diagrams.)

The contributors to this standard represent a broad range of institutions, technologies, and documentation needs. They
include industrial, governmental, and educational organizations, producers and consumers of devices and equipment,
users and nonusers of computer-aided design and drafting, and a range of aesthetic preferences. That a consensus of
such diverse interests could be achieved in producing this standard is indicative of a need for a common practice in this

Work on this standard started in 1972, in an ad-hoc working group on Logic Diagrams, under the preparing group for
Y14.15, Electrical Diagrams. Work was suspended for several years while the International Electrotechnical
Commission, Technical Committee 3 developed Publication 117, Part 7. to which the United States contributed. In
1982 a new subcommittee was formed, operating as part of the IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee for Graphic
Symbols and Designations, SCC 11. It decided to prepare a new draft incorporating:

1) The 1975 draft of the original working group,

2) IEC Publication 113, Part 7. insofar as practical (in the present standard, some parts and illustrations are very
similar to the IEC document; differences and additions result from new developments in symbols for logic
functions and new perceptions of current needs), and
3) Such parts of ANSI Y14.15-1968 (R 1973) as applied to logic circuit diagrams, but with updating to remove
duplication of requirements found in referenced standards and to apply the material explicitly to logic circuit

After ten drafts the present document was completed and submitted to the IEEE Standards Board for approval.

The following persons were on the balloting committee that approved this document for submission to the IEEE
Standards Board:

Standards Coordinating Committee on Graphic Symbols and Designations, SCC 11

R. B. Angus, Jr John Peatman R. M. Stern

J. C. Brown J. W. Seifert L. H. Warren
G. A. Knapp T. R. Smith S. A. Wasserman
C. R. Muller S. V. Soanes

Subcommittee on Logic Circuit Diagrams, SCC 11.10

T. R. Smith, Chair
C. R. Muller, Acting Secretary

R. W. Andrews A. Hendry R. R. Ritter

R. B. Angus, Jr W. R. Holbrook J. P. Russell
John Balog G. A. Knapp R. Sandige
R. R. Barta J. A. Kohlmeier L. E. Schulz
L. Burns J. M. Kreher R. M. Stern
L. A. Ciskowski F. A. Mann R. D. Stuart
L. Davis * D. Martinec M. E. Taylor ¤
P. H. Enslow J. Massaro R. Tobias
C. D. Fisher R. P. Mayer J. Vargo
E. R. Fleming J. F. Morrongiello L. H. Warren
A. C. Gannett E. L. Nesbitt J. Williams
J. J. George V. T. Rhyne à R. J. Yuhas
M. R. Richter
* Liaison AFLC / MM APD
Liaison Y14
à Resigned
¤ Liaison DoD


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At the time this standard was approved on March 21, 1985, the IEEE Standards Board had the following membership:

John E. May, Chair

John P. Riganati, Vice Chair
Sava I. Sherr, Secretary

James H. Beall Daniel L. Goldberg Lawrence V. McCall

Fletcher J. Buckley Kenneth D. Hendrix Frank L. Rose
Rene Castenschiold Irvin N. Howell, Jr Clifford O. Swanson
Edward Chelotti Jack Kinn J. Richard Weger
Edward J. Cohen Joseph L. Koepfinger* W. B. Wilkens
Paul G. Cummings Irving Kolodny Charles J. Wylie
Donald C. Fleckenstein Donald T. Michael*
Jay Forster R. F. Lawrence

*Member emeritus

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1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Purpose....................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

2. Applicable Documents ........................................................................................................................................1

2.1 Industry Standards...................................................................................................................................... 1

2.2 Military Standards...................................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 International Standards .............................................................................................................................. 2

3. Definitions...........................................................................................................................................................3

4. General Requirements.........................................................................................................................................4

4.1 Content ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

4.2 Drawing Size and Format .......................................................................................................................... 4
4.3 Diagram Titles............................................................................................................................................ 5
4.4 Diagram Revisions ..................................................................................................................................... 5
4.5 Lettering ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.6 Lines........................................................................................................................................................... 5
4.7 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................................. 6
4.8 Letter Symbols ........................................................................................................................................... 6
4.9 Layout and Presentation............................................................................................................................. 6

5. Logic Conventions and Polarity Indication ........................................................................................................7

5.1 Relationship Between Logic States and Logic Levels............................................................................... 7

5.2 Single Logic Convention ........................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Direct Polarity Indication........................................................................................................................... 8

6. Symbols for Devices and Functions....................................................................................................................9

6.1 Standard Symbols ...................................................................................................................................... 9

6.2 Size........................................................................................................................................................... 14
6.3 Orientation ............................................................................................................................................... 14
6.4 Application and Identification Information ............................................................................................. 17
6.5 Inputs and Outputs with Multiple Functions............................................................................................ 19
6.6 Abbreviated Representation of Symbols.................................................................................................. 21
6.7 Abutment of Symbols .............................................................................................................................. 23
6.8 Detached Representation of Symbols ...................................................................................................... 23
6.9 Unused Terminals and Elements.............................................................................................................. 24
6.10 Devices Having a Large Number of Terminals ....................................................................................... 24

7. Interconnection of Symbols ..............................................................................................................................25

7.1 General Requirements.............................................................................................................................. 25

7.2 Line Spacing ............................................................................................................................................ 26
7.3 Junctions and Crossovers ......................................................................................................................... 26
7.4 Interrupted Lines ...................................................................................................................................... 27
7.5 Grouping of Lines .................................................................................................................................... 28
7.6 Polarity and Negation Matching .............................................................................................................. 28
7.7 Power Connections .................................................................................................................................. 29


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8. Labeling of Connecting Lines...........................................................................................................................29

8.1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 29

8.2 Names for Logic and Analog Signals ...................................................................................................... 29
8.3 Names for Power and Other Constant-Level Connections ...................................................................... 37
8.4 Locator Information ................................................................................................................................. 37
8.5 Additional Properties and Characterization ............................................................................................. 38

9. Supplementary Information ..............................................................................................................................38

9.1 Reference-Designation Accounting ......................................................................................................... 38

9.2 Diagram Notes ......................................................................................................................................... 38
9.3 Tabular Information ................................................................................................................................. 40
9.4 Waveforms ............................................................................................................................................... 40
9.5 Diagram Simplification and Abbreviation Techniques............................................................................ 42

10. Examples of Logic Diagrams............................................................................................................................49

Annex A Mnemonics for Use in Signal Names (Informative) .....................................................................................60

Annex B Lines and Lettering Ñ Size and Spacing (Informative) ................................................................................72

Annex C Single Orientation of Lettering (Informative) ...............................................................................................82


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An American National Standard

IEEE Standard for Logic Circuit Diagrams

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this standard is to provide standard practices and information for use in the preparation of diagrams
depicting logic functions.

1.2 Scope

This standard provides guidelines for preparation of diagrams depicting logic functions. It includes deÞnitions,
requirements for assignment of logic levels, application of logic symbols, presentation techniques, and labeling
requirements with typical examples. The techniques are presented in the context of electrical/electronic systems, but
also may be applied to nonelectrical systems (for example, pneumatic, hydraulic, or mechanical).

2. Applicable Documents

2.1 Industry Standards

The latest editions of the following industry documents form a part of this standard to the extent speciÞed herein:

American National Standards

ANSI X3.4-1977, American National Standard Code for Information Interchange.1

ANSI X3/TR-1-1983, American National Standard Dictionary for Information Processing.

ANSI Y1.1-1972 (R 1984), American National Standard Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and In Text.

1 ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.

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ANSI Y14.1-1980, American National Standard Drawing Sheet Size and Format.

ANSI Y14.2M-1979, American National Standard Line Conventions and Lettering.

ANSI Y14.15-1966 (R 1973), American National Standard Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (includes
Supplements ANSI Y14.15a-1971 and ANSI Y14.15b-1973 ).

ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984, IEEE Standard Graphic Symbols for Logic Functions.2

ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984, IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms.

ANSI/IEEE Std 194-1977, IEEE Standard Pulse Terms and DeÞnitions.

ANSI/IEEE Std 200-1975, IEEE Standard Reference Designations for Electrical and Electronics Parts and Equipment.

ANSI/IEEE Std 260-1978 (R 1985), IEEE Standard Letter Symbols for Units of Measurement (SI Units, Customary
Inch-Pound Units, and Certain Other Units).

ANSI/IEEE Std 280-1985, IEEE Standard Letter Symbols for Quantities Used in Electrical Science and Electrical

ANSI/IEEE Std 315-1975, Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (Including Reference
Designation Class Designation Letters).

2.2 Military Standards

The latest edition of the following Department of Defense document forms a part of this standard to the extent
speciÞed herein and shall be used for DoD contracts in place of the equivalent Industry Standards listed above:

MIL-STD-12, Military Standard Abbreviations for Use on Drawings, SpeciÞcations, Standards, and in Technical

2.3 International Standards

This standard is compatible (except as noted) with the following publications:

IEC Publication 113 (1971 - 1983), Diagrams, Charts, Tables.4

ISO 31/1-1978, Quantities and Units of Space and Time.5

ISO 646-1983, 7-bit Coded Character Set for Information Processing Interchange.

2 IEEE publications are available from IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854.
3 MIL publications are available from Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
4IEC publications are available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York,
NY 10018, USA. The IEC publications are also available from International Electrotechnical Commission, 3, rue de VarembŽ, Case postale 131,
1211ÑGen•ve 20, Switzerland/Suisse.
5 ISO publications are available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York,
NY 10018, USA. ISO publications are also available from the ISO Office, 1, rue de VarembŽ, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Gen•ve 20, Switzerland/

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3. Definitions

The following deÞnitions are for use with this standard. For other use and for deÞnitions not contained herein, see
ANSI/IEEE Std 100-1984 .6

graphic symbol: A Þgure, mark, or character conventionally used on a diagram, document, or other display to
represent an item or a concept.
logic symbol: A graphic symbol that represents a logic function.
qualifying symbol: A graphic symbol added to another to provide additional information. For a logic element, a
graphic symbol added to the basic outline to designate the overall logic characteristics of the element or the physical
or logic characteristics of an input or output of the element.
negation bar: A line over a signal label that indicates logic inversion of that signal.
element: As used within this standard, a representation of all or part of a function within a single outline, which may,
in turn, be subdivided into smaller elements representing subfunctions of the overall function. Alternatively, the
function so represented.
logic circuit diagram: A circuit diagram that predominantly uses symbols for logic functions to depict the overall
function of a circuit.
basic logic diagram: A logic circuit diagram that depicts, in simple form, the intended function of a circuit. It does
not necessarily contain constructional or engineering information, nor does it represent exactly the Þnal physical
detailed logic diagram: A logic circuit diagram that depicts, in detail, a circuit as actually implemented. It contains
information that can be used for manufacturing or maintenance purposes, but it does not necessarily include
engineering information that is not concerned with logic functions.
logic state: One of two possible abstract states that may be taken on by a logic (binary) variable.
0-state: The logic state represented by the binary number 0 and usually standing for an inactive or false logic
1-state: The logic state represented by the binary number 1 and usually standing for an active or true logic condition.
logic level: Any level within one of two nonoverlapping ranges of values of a physical quantity used to represent the
logic states.
NOTE Ñ A logic variable may be equated to any physical quantity for which two distinct ranges of values can be deÞned. In this
standard, these distinct ranges of values are referred to as logic levels and are denoted H and L.
H is used to denote the logic level with the more positive algebraic value, and L is used to denote the logic level with
the less positive algebraic value.
In the case of systems in which logic states are equated with other physical properties (for example, positive or
negative pulses, presence or absence of a pulse), H and L may be used to represent these properties or may be
replaced by more suitable designations.
high (H) level: A level within the more positive (less negative) of the two ranges of the logic levels chosen to
represent the logic states.
low (L) level: A level within the more negative (less positive) of the two ranges of logic levels chosen to represent
the logic states.
signal state: The logic state corresponding to the truth-value of the statement or expression represented by a signal

6When reference is made to any publication throughout this standard the user should refer to Section 2. for the full title and location of availability.

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logic conventions and polarity indication

positive logic convention: The representation of the external 1-state and the external 0-state by the high (H) and low
(L) levels, respectively.
negative logic convention: The representation of the external 1-state and the external 0-state by the low (L) and high
(H) levels, respectively.
direct polarity indication: The indication of the relationship between the internal logic state and the external logic
level at each input and output of the every logic element directly by means of the presence or absence of the polarity
symbol ( ).

4. General Requirements

4.1 Content

4.1.1 Basic Logic Diagram

This diagram shall show the conceptual principles of a circuit. It shall include as a minimum the required logic
symbols and other necessary functional symbols, together with their signal and major control path connections. Other
information such as waveforms, formulas, and algorithms may be included. Physical location, pin connection, and
assembly level information are usually omitted.

4.1.2 Detailed Logic Diagram

This diagram shall show the information necessary for manufacture, installation, maintenance, and training for a logic
circuit or system. It shall include as a minimum:

1) Graphic symbols for logic functions and other devices (see Section 6.)
2) Connections among symbols (signal, control, and power) (see Section 7.)
3) Reference designations (see
4) Terminal identiÞcation (see
5) Signal-level conventions applicable to the diagram: positive or negative logic, logic states or levels (for
example, H and L) (see Section 5.)
6) Information necessary to trace paths and circuits among sheets of the diagram (see 7.4)

4.1.3 Combined Forms of Circuit Diagrams

Provided that approved standards are followed, diagrams combining logic circuit information with conventional
schematic (mechanical, or electrical) diagram information may be prepared.

4.2 Drawing Size and Format

Drawing sizes and formats used with diagrams shall conform to ANSI Y14.1-1980 . In general, the smallest standard
format compatible with the nature of the diagram should be selected. See also Appendix 11..

4.2.1 Drawing Zones

On logic diagrams with many logic elements, it is often helpful to have a coordinate system to permit referencing
particular areas or zones on the sheet (see ANSI Y14.1-1980). This is especially helpful when many sheets are
required and cross references between sheets are numerous. Signal tracing is expedited if reference can be made from
one point in a diagram to both sheet and zone of another point.

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4.2.2 Supplemental Drawing Number Location

If a diagram is reproduced for an instruction book or similar purposes and the title block is not retained, it may be
desirable to include the original drawing number within the reproduced area. This drawing number (if included)
should be shown close to the lower right edge of the reproduced area in a lettering size comparable to that used for
notes and other detailed reference material.

4.3 Diagram Titles

The title of the diagram should include the name of the circuit or equipment followed by the diagram type. For

4.4 Diagram Revisions

Provision shall be made on all logic circuit diagrams for recording revisions. The record of changes made in each
revision shall be identiÞed7 by either a number, letter or character, and the date of the revision. When it is possible to
make a brief detailed explanation of the revision, this is desirable. When a detailed explanation is not practicable, a
note covering the general nature of the revision should be included. A reference to a change order document may be
shown in lieu of an explanation.

4.5 Lettering

Lettering style, size, spacing, and legibility shall conform to ANSI Y14.2M-1979 .

NOTE Ñ Lettering height and spacing affect symbol size and overall layout of diagrams. See Appendix B for guidelines including
those applying to diagrams that are used both as a part of the engineering drawing set and in technical manuals.

4.5.1 Orientation

All lettering within a diagram shall be readable from no more than two orientations of the diagram, 90° apart.8

4.6 Lines

Line width and quality shall be such that, after reproduction of the diagram at the required size, all lines shall be legible
and without breaks. For detailed recommendations concerning line width, see Appendix B.

Thick lines may be used for general use (including symbols and connecting lines) and for lettering. Thin lines should
be approximately half the width of the thick lines.

If emphasis of special features, such as main or transmission paths, is essential, an extra-thick line, approximately
twice the width of thick lines, may be used to provide the desired contrast.

Line conventions for use on logic circuit diagrams are shown in Fig 1.

7For US Department of Defense applications, the identification shall be an uppercase letter, used in alphabetical sequence, omitting the letters I, O,
Q, S, X, and Z.
8For special IEC requirements, see Appendix 11..

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Figure 1ÑLine Conventions for Diagrams

4.7 Abbreviations

For rules applying to connecting-line labels, see Section 8. Other abbreviations used on diagrams shall conform to
ANSI Y1.1-1972 (R 1984).9 If the term is not included in ANSI Y1.1-1972 (R 1984), an abbreviation given in other
standards recognized as National Standards may be used. If no suitable abbreviation exists, a special abbreviation may
be used, but shall be explained by a note on the diagram.

4.8 Letter Symbols

Letter symbols for units of measurement shall conform to ANSI/IEEE Std 260-1978 (R 1985).

Letter symbols for quantities used in electrical science and electrical engineering shall conform to ANSI/IEEE Std

4.9 Layout and Presentation

4.9.1 Coverage

A logic diagram, which may consist of several sheets, should be prepared for each distinct unit, or assembly of units,
intended to fulÞll a deÞned purpose. It may thus relate to a single unit or to several units that together form a functional
entity. In cases where the logic diagram cannot be shown on a single sheet, the division into separate sheets should be
based on the purpose of the diagram.

4.9.2 Planning

Basic logic diagrams are prepared primarily for design engineers. It is possible, in many cases, for the basic diagram
to be converted to a detailed diagram simply by adding the required labeling. If this can be foreseen, the basic diagram
should initially be laid out with sufÞcient space left both inside and outside of the symbols to accommodate future

9See also 2.2.

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4.9.3 Signal Flow

The principal direction of signal ßow should be from left to right or, alternatively, from top to bottom. Flow direction
may be indicated by the orientation of symbols, logic polarity symbols, or ßow arrowheads, or by a convention of
unidirectional ßow suitably noted. Regardless of the convention used, the signal ßow shall be clearly indicated. The
ßow arrowhead is a small arrowhead superimposed upon data lines or control lines. The ßow arrowhead shall not touch
any part of the symbol.

4.9.4 Layout

The layout shall be such that the main features are prominently shown. The parts should be spaced to provide an even
balance between blank spaces and lines. SufÞcient blank area should be provided in the vicinity of symbols to avoid
crowding of information. Functionally related symbols should be grouped (see 4.9.5) and placed as close to one
another as the requirements of annotation and the avoidance of overcrowding will allow. Large spaces should be
avoided, except that space provision may be made for anticipated circuit additions.

The logic diagram shall use a layout that follows the circuit, signal, or transmission path either from input to output,
source to load, or in the order of functional sequence. Long interconnecting lines between parts of the circuit should
he avoided. Similar basic circuits should be drawn in a similar form (this does not prevent the use of simpliÞed
representation to depict repeated circuits).

Where practical, signal ßow lines should begin and terminate at the outer edge of the sheet. If this is not practical,
references to the terminations may be made by the use of drawing zones.

4.9.5 Grouping of Symbols

If a circuit contains symbols that need to be shown grouped, the grouping may be indicated by means of a boundary
(phantom) line enclosure (see Fig 1). The phantom line enclosure may be omitted if sufÞcient space is provided
between groups. Typical groupings are by function or by physical location (for example, unit assemblies,
subassemblies, printed circuits, integrated circuits, sealed units). Labeled brackets may be used in place of a boundary
line to identify functional groups of symbols if there is sufÞcient space between groups, so that confusion is unlikely
as to which group any symbol belongs. The dashed line used to indicate shielding also implies that the symbols
enclosed by the dashed line are grouped (see Figs 31 and 32).

5. Logic Conventions and Polarity Indication

5.1 Relationship Between Logic States and Logic Levels

When logic symbols are used to represent physical devices, it is necessary to establish the relationship between logic
states and the nominal values (logic levels) of the physical quantities used to represent these states. There are two
methods by which this may be done:

1) The use of the symbol for logic negation and requires the adoption of a single logic convention, either
positive or negative, for the whole diagram (see 5.2)
2) The use of direct polarity indication in which the presence or absence of the logic polarity symbol
indicates the required relationship between logic level and internal logic state at each input and output of
every logic symbol on the diagram (for direct polarity indication, see 5.3).

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5.2 Single Logic Convention

With this method the correspondence between a given external logic state and logic level is the same at all inputs and
outputs on the diagram.

The symbol for logic negation shall be used as required to deÞne the relationship between the external logic state and
the internal logic state. SpeciÞcally the presence of the logic negation symbol at an input or output signiÞes that the
internal and external states are the complements of one another for that terminal. The absence of the logic negation
symbol signiÞes that the internal and external states are the same for that terminal. The symbol for logic polarity shall
not be used with this method.

The convention in use, either positive logic or negative logic (see 5.2.1 and 5.2.2), shall be clearly stated on the
diagram or in referenced documentation. This statement can include a useful, small waveform diagram with
indications of the logic states and, if necessary, of the nominal value of corresponding physical quantities.

NOTE Ñ Different logic conventions may be used for different parts of the same diagram; for example, on either side of an
interface between contrasting technologies Ñ the convention applying to each part should be clearly shown and the
areas of the diagram to which each applies should be clearly delineated.

5.2.1 Positive Logic Convention

For every logic connection, the more positive value of the physical quantity H-level corresponds to the external 1-state.
The less positive value L-level corresponds to the external 0-state. This may be stated on a diagram thus:

See Fig 31 for an example of a diagram using positive logic.

5.2.2 Negative Logic Convention

For every logic connection, the less positive value of the physical quantity L-level corresponds to the external 1-state.
The more positive value H-level corresponds to the external 0-state. This may be stated on a diagram thus:

5.3 Direct Polarity Indication

With this method the relationship between the internal logic state and the external logic level of each input and output
of every logic element is indicated directly by means of the presence or absence of the logic polarity symbol .
SpeciÞcally, the presence of the polarity symbol at an input or output indicates that the external low level corresponds
to the internal 1-state for that terminal. The absence of the polarity symbol signiÞes that the external high level
corresponds to the internal 1-state for that terminal. No relationship between an external logic state and either an
internal logic state or an external logic level is deÞned by the symbol. A relationship between the external logic level
and a signal state is deÞned only by the signal name (see In this system the symbol for logic negation shall not
be used, except within a symbol outline as permitted by ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 .

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Direct polarity indication has been called mixed logic implying that both positive and negative logic are present on a
diagram using that method. This is misleading since the Þxed relationship between logic levels and external logic
states inherent in a single logic convention does not exist with direct polarity indication. Therefore, the term mixed
logic is deprecated.

For diagrams prepared with direct polarity indication but showing no logic polarity symbols, a statement indicating
that direct polarity is employed shall be placed on the diagram or in referenced documentation.

6. Symbols for Devices and Functions

6.1 Standard Symbols

Graphic symbols shall conform to the following applicable standards: ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 and ANSI/IEEE Std
315-1975 .

If no suitable standard symbol exists, any special symbol used shall be explained by a note on the diagram.

The use of a symbol in the illustrations of this standard does not preclude the use of alternatives permitted by the
graphic symbol standards.

6.1.1 Symbols for Logic Elements

Each logic element should be shown by the symbol that best depicts actually the logic function performed by the
element in the system. Thus, in Fig 31, the same type of hardware element is represented once by the symbol for an OR
element with negated inputs (designated U4D) and elsewhere by the symbol for AND element with negated output
(NAND) (designated U4B and U4C).

6.1.2 Distributed Connections (Dot-AND, Dot-OR)

The connection of certain logic elements to achieve the effect of an AND or an OR operation without the use of
additional logic elements shall be depicted using the symbols shown in ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 .

There are two basic methods for showing the distributed-AND function and two basic methods for showing the
distributed-OR function. In each case, the Þrst method uses one of the usual methods of showing a junction with the
addition of either a qualifying symbol or a surrounding distinctive-shape symbol to denote the logic performed.
Method 2 replaces the junction with a rectangle containing the Ò&Ó or Ò 1Ó qualifying symbol appropriate to the AND
or OR function, respectively. This qualifying symbol is followed by the qualifying symbol indicating that the logic
is performed by a distributed connection instead of by a separate element.

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Method 2 permits the use of qualifying symbols for negated inputs and negated outputs with positive and negative
logic, and for the polarity indicator with direct polarity indication. These are used with the rectangular symbol in the
same manner that they are used if the logic were performed by discrete logic gates with one exception: all the inputs
and the outputs shall show the same qualifying symbol since a distributed connection cannot be inverting.

Method 1 does not lend itself to the use of the input and output qualifying symbols. Therefore, to understand the logic
performed by the distributed connection, it is necessary to consider the types of outputs that are connected together.

L-type open-circuit outputs (for example, n-p-n open collectors) connected together perform either active-high
ANDing or active-low ORing. H-type open-circuit outputs (for example, n-p-n open emitters) connected together
perform either active-high ORing or active-low ANDing. See Fig 2. For deÞnitions of open-circuit outputs, see ANSI/
IEEE Std 91-1984 .

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Figure 2ÑDistributed Connections

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Figure 2ÑDistributed Connections (continued)

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Figure 2 assumes that the same negation symbols or polarity symbols can be appropriately used at the driving outputs
and the driven inputs. This is the recommended practice; however, sometimes it is not possible to follow this practice
at all points in a diagram. The presence or absence of negated output or active-low output qualifying symbols does not
inßuence which type of logic, AND or OR, applies. In Fig 3 the AND and the OR representations are equivalent.

Figure 3ÑDistributed Connections with a Mix of Negated and Unnegated Outputs (Positive Logic

The same principle applies for direct polarity indication. In Fig 4 the AND and the OR representations are equivalent.

Figure 4ÑDistributed Connections with a Mix of Active-High and Active-Low Outputs

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6.2 Size

In most cases, the meaning of a symbol is deÞned by its form and contents. The size and the line thickness do not, as
a rule, affect the meaning of the symbol.

In some cases, it may be desirable to use different sizes of symbols to

1) Emphasize certain aspects, or

2) Facilitate the inclusion of additional information

Logic symbol size should be governed by the space necessary for internal annotations and the length of the side needed
to accommodate input and output lines at an acceptable spacing. In Fig 5 a binary logic AND element symbol is shown
at the left as speciÞed in ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 . The symbol at the right has been increased in size to facilitate the
addition of pin numbers, designations, and other application information.

Figure 5ÑEnlargement of Symbol Outline to Accommodate Application Information

Graphic symbols may be drawn to any proportional size that suits a particular diagram, provided the selection of size
takes into account the anticipated reduction or enlargement. On any printed document, nonlogic symbols should be no
smaller than 0.6 times the size shown in ANSI/IEEE Std 315-1975 . If those symbols are drawn approximately 1.5
times the size shown, the resulting drawings may be reduced as much as 2.5 to 1. Detailed recommendations regarding
the size and proportions of logic symbols may be found in ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 .

6.3 Orientation

Symbols or parts of symbols that lend themselves to being rotated or mirror imaged may also be manipulated for
simpliÞcation of circuit layout, provided

1) Proper orientation of lettering is maintained (see 4.5.1),

2) Signal ßow on the resultant diagram is generally from left to right or top to bottom, and
3) The requirements of ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 and ANSI/IEEE Std 315-1975 are met.

The logic symbols contained in ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 have been designed for the usual case of inputs on the left
and outputs on the right, and this orientation is preferred.

6.3.1 Orientation of Logic Symbol Lettering

In diagrams where two orientations of the lettering are permitted, all lettering inside a logic symbol including alpha-
numeric qualifying symbols should be oriented parallel to the predominant direction of the input and output lines on
the symbol. See Fig 6.10

10For special IEC requirements, see Appendix 11..

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Figure 6ÑLogic Symbol Orientation Examples for Diagrams that Permit Two Orientations of Text

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Figure 6ÑLogic Symbol Orientation Examples for Diagrams that Permit Two Orientations of Text

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6.3.2 Orientation of Qualifying Symbols Derived from Characteristic Curves

If part of a symbol is derived from the characteristic curve of a device, this part of the symbol shall not be rotated.
However, in logic symbols, orientation shall be maintained with respect to the lettering within the symbol. See Fig 7.

Figure 7ÑOrientation of Qualifying Symbols Derived from Characteristic Curves

(See NOTE to Fig 6)

6.4 Application and Identification Information

IdentiÞcation or detailed references within or adjacent to symbols, other than qualifying symbols, indicator symbols,
and control symbols, are referred to as application information (tagging lines). See Fig 8.

6.4.1 Types of Application Information

Depending upon the kind of logic diagram and its hardware implementation: all, none, or any combination of the types
of application information that follow may be needed. Reference Designation

Reference designations uniquely identify symbols on a diagram and shall be in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 200-
1975 and the applicable portion of ANSI/IEEE Std 315-1975. All letters and digits that make up a reference
designation shall be of the same size and on the same line, with no spaces or hyphens between them. Reference
designations are required on detailed logic circuit diagrams.

All symbols representing elements contained within the same physical package (device) shall carry the same basic
reference designation. If a device is represented by several detached symbols (see 6.8), then each symbol should carry
a different alphabetic sufÞx to the reference designation.

The examples in this standard conform to the Unit Numbering Method of ANSI/IEEE Std 200-1975 .

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ANSI/IEEE Std 991-1986 IEEE STANDARD FOR Element Physical Identification (Type Designation, Reference Number, Part Number, Circuit
Diagram Number, etc)

In the case of highly complex function elements, the logic element physical identiÞcation (type designation, type
number) may be provided as part of the symbol function information. Physical Location of Device (In the Assembly) Functional Use (Function of Element in the Particular Circuit) Terminal Identification (Required on Detailed Logic Diagrams)

Terminal identiÞcation or pin numbers shall be shown outside of and adjacent to the symbol. They may be placed
adjacent to the connection line or in a break in the connection line. See Figs 9, 10, and 11 for typical examples. If a
single terminal on the symbol represents a multiplicity of physical device terminals, reference shall be made to
supporting information that provides individual terminal identiÞcation. Other Information (Such as Values, Stylized Waveforms, and Pulse and Timing

6.4.2 Application Information Placement

Care shall be exercised to separate application information from qualifying symbols,indicating symbols, and control
designation symbols. Arrangement and meaning of application information should be consistent on a set of drawings,
and should be explained on the diagram or in supporting documentation.

The sequence of application information and identiÞcation information should remain the same even if all types of
information are not provided; the lines of application information should be compressed, leaving no blank lines. Logic Symbols

The preferred placement of application and identiÞcation information for logic symbols is internal to the symbol. A
suggested arrangement of information is shown in Fig 8 (a), (b), and (c). If the information is shown external to the
logic symbol it shall be placed adjacent to the symbol, and should be in the same sequence as if it were internal to the
symbol. Nonlogic Symbols

Application and identiÞcation information for nonlogic symbols shall be placed adjacent to the symbol with the
reference designation on the Þrst line and the remaining information provided on succeeding lines in the same order as
for logic symbols on the diagram. See Fig 8 (d) for an example.

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Figure 8ÑApplication Information: Typical Examples

6.5 Inputs and Outputs with Multiple Functions

Some logic devices have inputs or outputs that serve more than one function. For example, a terminal may be an input
and an output at different times, or an input may be a clock input and a level-operated control input. Multiple-function
terminals may be depicted in the following ways:

1) The individual functions may be shown as separate inputs or outputs tied together outside the symbol outline.

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Figure 9ÑMultiple-Function Terminal (Terminal 1) Shown as Separate Lines

This method requires that the terminal identiÞcation (pin number) be positioned on or adjacent to the
combined circuit path. This location of the terminal identiÞcation indicates that the connection is internal to
the device.

2) If all functions require identical polarity and dynamic symbols and if no ambiguity is likely regarding which
labels apply to the input and output functions, then a single terminal may be shown and a solidus (/) used to
separate the labels associated with the separate functions.

Figure 10ÑMultiple-Function Terminal (Terminal 1) Shown as a Single Line

3) To simplify a diagram, a multiple-function terminal may be depicted more than once at the symbol outline
with the terminal identiÞcation repeated, provided the requirements of 7.4 are met.

Figure 11ÑMultiple-Function Terminal (Terminal 1) Repeated on Symbol Outline

If necessary to identify repetitive information, this may be done by placing the repeated terminal identiÞcation in
parentheses or by a special identiÞer explained on the diagram.

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6.6 Abbreviated Representation of Symbols

6.6.1 Identical Inputs and Outputs

A set of identical inputs to or outputs from an element (inputs or outputs having identical functions and labels) may be
shown in abbreviated form by using the symbol nfor multiple conductors and a single input or output line at the
element. This technique cannot be used if terminal identiÞers are required at the symbol.

Figure 12ÑAbbreviated Representation of Identical Inputs and Outputs

6.6.2 Arrays of Identical Elements (See Fig 13.)

An array of identical elements may be indicated in abbreviated form by using the symbol n for multiple
conductors and the notation ÒmXÓ where m is to be replaced by a number indicating the number of elements in the
array. In the case of logic symbols, this notation shall be placed in the position used for the normal general qualifying
symbol. If this position is already occupied by a general qualifying symbol, then ÒmXÓ shall be placed in front of the
general qualifying symbol.

NOTE Ñ Because the elements are identical, the multiple conductors are distributed equally among the elements.

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Figure 13ÑAbbreviated Representations of Arrays of Identical Elements

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6.7 Abutment of Symbols

Logic symbols, whether representing elements in the same or different packages may be abutted according to the rules
of ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 provided that

1) All required application information is shown

2) All connections external to the devices are shown
3) Nonexistent internal connections are not implied. See Fig 14.

Figure 14ÑAbutment of Symbols

6.8 Detached Representation of Symbols

Logic symbols may be shown in detached (disassembled) form provided that connections internal to a device are
clearly indicated. See also

Internal connections, if necessary to depict the logical relationships, shall be shown as solid connecting lines. An
internal connection is implied by

1) The omission of terminal identiÞcations at the outline of the separated symbol portion,
2) Stating IC at the usual terminal identiÞcation location, or
3) Special identiÞers explained on the diagram or in a reference document

Connecting lines depicting internal connections may be interrupted provided the requirements of 7.4 are met.

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Figure 15ÑDetached Representations of Devices

6.9 Unused Terminals and Elements

Terminals or circuit elements that are not used (for example, inputs, outputs, or complete elements in a multiple-
element package) may be shown. If shown, terminal identiÞcation shall be included. If reserved for a speciÞc future
use, the intended use should be indicated.

Any terminal that, if connected, could adversely affect the circuit shall be shown and labeled11 to warn against use.

6.10 Devices Having a Large Number of Terminals

The depiction of complex devices having very large numbers of terminals (for example, hundreds of pins) may be
impractical using techniques applicable to less complex devices. The following possibilities should be considered:

1) Break the main complex device outline into parts. Put each part on a separate sheet of the diagram.
2) Break the main complex device into functional groups and detail each group separately.
3) Show the main complex device as a reentrant (open-jaw) shape. Place external devices connected between the
terminals of the main device in the reentrant space. Other external connections may be shown around the
outside periphery of the main device.

11Presentlypublished conventions are:

ANSI Y1.1-1972 (R 1984) None.
IEC Publication 147-OF NU = not usable.
MIL-STD-12 DNU = do not use.

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4) Group leads and use the Bus or Data Path symbols where practical.
5) Tabulate the full details of multilead paths in a separate table.

7. Interconnection of Symbols

7.1 General Requirements

Lines should be drawn horizontally or vertically except in those isolated cases where oblique lines improve the clarity
of the diagram. After arranging the symbols on the diagram for functional clarity and symmetry, connecting lines
should be drawn with as few bends and crossovers as possible.

If a signal feeds a multiplicity of elements, the use of a single straight line with appropriate indications of T-junctions
aids comprehension of the diagram. See Fig 16.

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Figure 16ÑDiagram Layout

7.2 Line Spacing

Minimum spacing (center-to-center) between parallel connecting lines, shall be approximately twice the lettering
height if there is lettering between the lines. If there is no lettering between the lines the minimum spacing shall be
equal to the general lettering height used on the diagram. See 4.6 and Appendix 11.. The longer parallel lines shall be
arranged in groups, with approximately double spacing between groups. In determining the grouping, the functional
relationship of the lines should be considered.

7.3 Junctions and Crossovers

All junctions of connecting lines should be shown as T-junctions, as shown in Fig 17(a), or Fig 17(b). When layout
considerations prevent the exclusive use of the T-junction methods of Fig 17(a) or (b), multiple junctions may be
shown as in Fig 17(c). Figure 17(d) illustrates the use of both the no-dot T-junction and multiple-junction methods in
an array of lines if spacing or clarity of presentation precludes the exclusive use of the no-dot T-junction method of
Fig 17(a).

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Figure 17ÑJunctions and Crossovers

7.4 Interrupted Lines

Complex diagrams with many crossovers or with many elements in series (see Fig 18) may be simpliÞed by breaking
ßow lines and providing a cross-reference between the interrupted connections. The cross-reference may be by signal
names, common connection symbols, connection tables, or other unambiguous means. If necessary for clarity,
reference to the locations (on the diagram) of the related common connections shall be provided.

Figure 18ÑLayout Techniques (a) Complex Presentation (b) Alternative Presentation

The same techniques shall be used for common connections between sheets of multiple sheet drawings.

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7.5 Grouping of Lines

The recommendations for grouping and omission of lines given in ANSI Y14.15-1966 (R 1973) apply also to lines
representing information ßow and connection lines in logic diagrams. The techniques of highway or cable diagrams,
ANSI Y14.15-1966 (R 1973) , can be used to simplify logic diagrams where groups of similar signals are encountered.
For example, binary coded decimal (BCD) lines 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, and 80 could be combined (see Fig 19), provided
that the individual lines are properly identiÞed at both ends.

Figure 19ÑGrouping of Lines

7.6 Polarity and Negation Matching

The symbols used in an application usually are chosen so that the polarity or negation indication at an input is the same
as that at the source of a signal feeding that input. If this is done, a reader of the diagram can directly apply the internal
logic state of an output as the internal logic states of the inputs fed by that output. In the case of direct polarity
indication, if the form of the signal name is chosen as described in the signal name, excluding the level
indication, directly expresses the meaning of that internal logic state.

However, it is not always possible to choose symbols so that all the inputs and outputs connected by a signal carry the
same polarity or negation indication. If there is a mismatch between the indication at the source of a signal and the
indication at the destination, a reader of the diagram must invert the internal logic state of the source before using it as
the internal logic state of the next input. Because these mismatches are a common source of errors in logic circuit
design, it can be helpful to clearly indicate where such mismatches (and inversions) intentionally exist. If it is desired
to highlight these mismatches, it should be done using a short perpendicular line (the mismatched symbol) across the
connecting line.

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This symbol divides the connection into two segments each of which contains consistent polarity or negation
indicators. If the connecting line is branched, one or more symbols should be used to divide the connection tree into
consistent subtrees.

7.7 Power Connections

Power connections (voltage requirements) to logic devices shall be speciÞed on detailed logic diagrams. Normally
connections to logic device power terminals (for example, VCC, VBB, GND) are not shown graphically but are
speciÞed in a table or a note.

8. Labeling of Connecting Lines

8.1 General

Labeling of connecting lines can greatly promote the understanding of a diagram and facilitate the maintenance of a
logic system, provided that the lines are labeled intelligently and that names are chosen carefully, based on system
functions. Each label should be shown adjacent to the line to which it applies or within a break in that line.

8.2 Names for Logic and Analog Signals

Signal names are used to uniquely identify sets of points that are electrically interconnected without intervening

8.2.1 General Requirements

Signal names should be concise, informative, and unambiguous.

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ANSI/IEEE Std 991-1986 IEEE STANDARD FOR Descriptive Requirements

Signal names should indicate the function performed by the signal or the particular information carried. Every effort
should be made to use mnemonic names (see Appendix A) and standard abbreviations (see ANSI Y1.1-1972 (R 1984)
. The mnemonics and abbreviations used should be explained on the diagram or in supporting documentation. If space
permits, easy-to-understand mnemonics should be used instead of overly short abbreviations. For example, SELDEV1
better conveys the meaning SELECT DEVICE 1 than does SD1. For other examples see Figs 20, 31, and 32.

Signals should be named based on the function they perform rather than on the signals that are used to generate them.
If a signal PRUN is gated with a second signal TP6 to produce a signal that sets a bistable element called RUN, then
its function is obvious if the output signal is named SETRUN. However, if the output signal is named PRUNTP6, then
its function is open to speculation. See Fig 20, Example (a).

NOTE Ñ Mnemonics and abbreviations based on typical usage in the English language cannot all be translated without risk of
confusion. Recommended Characters

Signal names should be composed from standard character sets, excluding lowercase letters. Single embedded spaces
may be used where necessary. To maintain compatibility with computer processing, it is recommended that character
sets be restricted to12

(1) Capital letters A to Z

(2) Digits 0 to 9

(3) Negation characters -~Â

(4) Special characters ! " % & ' () * + , - . / : ; < = >

? ^ Ñ Length

Practical considerations and design automation systems usually place limits on the allowable length of signal names.
Therefore, it is recommended that a maximum length of 24 characters be mutually supported by designers and design-
automation systems. Similar and Equivalent Signals

Identical names shall not be applied to different signals, no matter how similar the functions. A signal name shall be
altered whenever the signal is ampliÞed, inverted, gated with another signal, delayed, chopped, stored, or changed in
any way. This change may take the form of an addition of a suitable sufÞx to the signal name so as to construct a new
signal name. For example see Fig 20, Examples (d) and (f).

If the same signal is generated more than once, is ampliÞed, or is level shifted, then each occurrence or variation of the
basic signal should have the same basic name modiÞed by the addition of a different serial number or letter sufÞx. The
serial number or letter may be concatenated with the basic name or separated from it by a space. For example, if the
signal STOP drives two ampliÞers, the outputs of those ampliÞers may be labeled STOP1 and STOP2. For example,
see Fig 20, Example (f).

12ISO646-1983 , 7-bit Character Set (International Reference Version (except for Â).
ANSI X3.4-1977, 7-bit Character Set (except for - Â).

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Figure 20ÑExamples of Signal Name Allocation

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If a binary logic signal is simply inverted, then the inverted signal should have the same basic name as the uninverted
signal, modiÞed by the addition (or deletion) of negation bars (or other negation indication). On diagrams using direct
polarity indication, the indicated signal level (see may be changed instead. If a signal is inverted more than
once, serial numbers or letters should be used to distinguish different inverted or uninverted versions of a signal.

8.2.2 Binary Logic Signals

Binary logic signals are signals having only two states, represented by two nonoverlapping ranges of physical values
for the signal. These two ranges are called levels. Signal State

For binary logic signals, the signal name should include an abbreviation of a statement or expression that is either true
or false. For example, the name ALARM is an abbreviation of the statement ALARM IS ACTIVE. A signal name shall
not contain an inherent contradiction. The name ON/OFF consists of two parts, and when one part is true the other is
false. Such a signal name is ambiguous and might seem to imply a statement that is always true.

The truth value obtained from evaluating the statement or expression represented by the signal name is called the
signal state.

The true value of a statement represented by the signal name corresponds to the 1-state of the signal. The false value
of a statement represented by the signal name corresponds to the 0-state of the signal. For example, the signal name
ALARM means that ALARM IS ACTIVE is true when the signal is in its 1-state and false when the signal is in its 0-
state. See Table 1, rows 1 and 2.

Table 1ÑRelationships Among States and Signal Names (Single Logic Convention)
Relationship Defined by
Presence or Absence of
Negation Symbol

Signal State
System (Truth- External Internal Logic
Row Input (or Output) Condition Value) Logic State State

alarm true=1 1 1
no alarm false=0 0 0

alarm true=1 1 0
no alarm false=0 0 1

alarm false=0 0 0
no alarm true=1 1 1

alarm false=0 0 1
no alarm true=1 1 0

1ÑThe signal state being true always corresponds to the external logic state being 1.
2ÑThe signal state being false always corresponds to the external logic state being 0.

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Signal names that embody an inherent negative, such as NORUN, are difÞcult to understand. It requires some mental
somersaults to say whether the corresponding statement NORUN IS ACTIVE is true or false. If possible, such signal
names should be made inherently true. For example, STOP or HALT could be substituted for NORUN.

However, sometimes an action should take place when a certain statement, or expression, is not true. The preferred
method of indicating negation of a signal name is to place a negation bar over the portion of the name representing the
expression to be negated. For example, RUN corresponds to the statement RUN IS NOT ACTIVE. Note that the signal
name includes the negation bar. The signal name RUN means that RUN IS NOT ACTIVE is true when the signal is in
its 1-state and false when the signal is in its 0-state. This further implies that RUN IS ACTIVE is true when the signal
RUN is in its 0-state and false when the signal RUN is in its 1-state. See Table 1, rows 3 and 4.

If an in-line notation for negation is required, then the negation bar may be replaced by a preceding mathematical
symbol for logic negation Â
13 or a different notation explained on the diagram or in supporting documentation, for
example Â
RUN. If confusion is likely regarding which portion of the signal name is negated, that portion of the
signal name to be negated shall be enclosed in parentheses with the negation symbol placed immediately following the
opening parenthesis, subject to the following rule:

The in-line negation symbol applies to the string to the right of the symbol up to the Þrst occurrence of

1) An unmatched closing parenthesis,

2) A solidus that is itself not enclosed within a matching set of parentheses to the right of the negation symbol,
3) The end of the string.

For example

The tilde (~) may be substituted for the symbol for logic negation on computer systems not having the logic negation
symbol Â
as part of their character sets. Arithmetic and Logical Expressions

The plus sign (+) denotes algebraic addition and the minus sign (-) denotes algebraic subtraction; for example, AR+1
may be the mnemonic for ADDRESS REGISTER PLUS 1.

In signal names the plus sign (+) should be used to denote the OR function only if no confusion with algebraic addition
is likely. If the content does not clarify the distinction, an often used solution is to substitute the words OR or PLUS as
appropriate in one or both of the cases.

13ISO 31/1-1978 , Symbol 11-2.3.

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A logic AND function may be denoted by a dot (á), an asterisk (*), or, if no confusion is likely, by normal juxtaposition.
For example, ENAáBLE may be the mnemonic for ENABLE A ANDed with BLOCK E; PQ may mean P ANDed with
Q. See also

Parentheses may be used to clarify expressions. For example, (ENA)BLE is another way to indicate the mnemonic for
ENABLE A ANDed with BLOCK E. Bus Signals and Other Grouped Signals

Bit and byte labeling within a bus or other set of grouped signals should include a numeric sufÞx to the bus or group
name. For buses or groups with an inherent weighting of the signals within, the numeric sufÞxes should represent the
actual weights of the signals, all of which are consistently expressed either as decimal numbers or as exponents of the
powers of 2. The numeric sufÞx may be enclosed in angle brackets.14 For example, the 32 lines of an intermediate
register may be labeled IRBUS<1> to IRBUS<2147483648>, or IRBUS<00> to IRBUS<31>. A seven line BCD
intermediate register should be labeled IRBUS<1>, IRBUS<2>, IRBUS<4>, IRBUS<8>, IRBUS<10>, IRBUS<20>,

Connecting lines representing entire buses, rather than individual signals within them may be labeled as follows:

IRBUS<0:31> º IRBUS<0>, IRBUS<1>, ..., IRBUS<31>

IRBUS<1,2,4,8,10,20,40> º IRBUS<1>, IRBUS<2>, IRBUS<4>, ..., IRBUS<40>

If any other convention is used, and the meaning is not obvious, it shall be explained on the diagram or in supporting

For clarity, weighting of individual bits of a bus shall be indicated either in the symbol elements or with the connecting
lines. IEC Publication 113-7 (1971-1983) states that connecting lines for buses should be ordered proceeding from
least signiÞcant to most signiÞcant, from top to bottom, or from left to right. This is the normal result of using logic
symbols for weighted arrays having a common control block on the top or left of the symbol. Clock Signals

In signal names for clocks, it is often helpful to include important characteristics such as period (or frequency) and
phase. For example, if the basic clock period is 25 ns, the mnemonic might be CP25N. Clocks derived from the basic
clock might then be termed CP50N, CP100N, and so on.

The timing pulses from CP50N might be designated as indicated in Fig 21. Signal Level

In detailed logic diagrams employing a single logic convention (positive or negative logic), the relationship between
the external logic states of the signals and the corresponding logic levels is Þxed. For example, if the positive logic
convention is in force, the 1-state of a signal (the true state of the signal name) always corresponds to the H-level. For
the negative logic convention, the 1-state always corresponds to the L-level.

14 Angle brackets can be formed from the less than (<) and greater than (>) characters.

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Figure 21ÑClock and Timing Pulses

In detailed logic diagrams employing direct polarity indication, the logic symbols do not imply any external logic
state, only logic levels. Therefore, each logic signal name should include an indication of which logic level
corresponds to the 1-state (true state) of the signal. The preferred method for doing this is to place an indication of that
logic level (for example, H or L) within parentheses at the end of the signal name.


ALARM(H) means ALARM IS ACTIVE is true when the logic level of the signal is high and is false when the logic
level is low.

ALARM (H) means ALARM IS NOT ACTIVE is true when the logic level is high and is false when the logic level is
low. This further implies that ALARM IS ACTIVE is true when the logic level of the signal is low and false when the
logic level is high. See Table 2 for all combinations.

STOP(L) means STOP IS ACTIVE is true when the logic level of the signal is low and is false when the logic level is

A signal whose true state corresponds with a high level may be referred to as a true-when-high signal.

A signal whose true state corresponds with a low level may be referred to as a true-when-low signal.

If all signal names on a diagram are true when high, the logic level indications may be omitted from the names.

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Table 2ÑRelationships Among States, Levels, and Signal Names (Direct Polarity Indication)
Relationship Defined by
Presence or Absence of
Negation Symbol

Signal State
System (Truth- External Internal Logic
Row Input (or Output) Condition Value) Logic State State

alarm true=1 H 1
no alarm false=0 L 0

alarm true=1 L 1
no alarm false=0 H 0

alarm true=1 L 0
no alarm false=0 H 1

alarm true=1 H 0
no alarm false=0 L 1

alarm false=0 L 0
no alarm true=1 H 1

alarm false=0 H 0
no alarm true=1 L 1

alarm false=0 H 1
no alarm true=1 L 0

alarm false=0 L 1
no alarm true=1 H 0

1 Ñ The signal state being true corresponds to the external logic level being that level speciÞed in the signal
2 Ñ The signal state being false corresponds to the logic level being the opposite of the level speciÞed in the
signal name.

A signal name that can be derived by applying both logic negation and level inversion to an existing signal name is
equivalent to the existing signal name and therefore shall not be used to identify a different signal. For example:




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To reduce the amount of mental translation necessary in interpreting a logic diagram, usually the signal name is
constructed so that its level indication agrees with the polarity indication at the source of the signal.

Signal names on connections with mismatched polarity indications (see 7.6) should be consistent with the polarity
indications on the portion of the connecting line where the signal name is shown.

8.2.3 Analog Signals

Analog signals have a continuous range of possible physical values. Names for analog signals should convey the
variable or function represented by the signal.

8.3 Names for Power and Other Constant-Level Connections

Constant-level connections, such as power supply connections, should be named according to the value of the physical
quantity they carry. This can be either a numerical value with a unit of measure or a commonly understood
abbreviation that implies a nominal numerical value and may also imply a tolerance to other additional properties. For
example, a ground connection may be named 0.0 V or GND. A TTL supply voltage connection may be named +5.2 V
or VCC. All of the rules of 8.2 through also apply to constant-level connections.

8.4 Locator Information

Locator information is information in addition to the connection names that aids in locating the connections, or other
information about the connections in the documentation or on the device itself. This may include documentation cross-
references and physical-access information. Conventions used for locator information should be explained on the
diagram or in supporting documentation.

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8.4.1 Cross-Reference Information

Labels may include additional information that assists in locating other places on the diagram where a signal or
connection is represented, including sources, destinations, and drawing coordinates. They may also include
information used to identify a signal or connection in other documents, including computer-processed or computer-
generated documents.

8.4.2 Physical Access Information

Labels and symbols may be associated with a signal or connection for the purpose of explaining how and where the
signal or connection may be accessed on the Þnished device (for example, test points).

8.5 Additional Properties and Characterization

Additional information that clariÞes the operation, appearance, maintenance, or adjustment of a signal or constant-
level connection may also be included (see also Section 9.).

9. Supplementary Information

9.1 Reference-Designation Accounting

If the class-code, sequential-numbering, reference designation system is used and items are eliminated as a result of a
revision, remaining items need not be renumbered. For circuits showing many items, a table may be used to show
which numbers are not used and the highest numerical reference designations, as shown in Fig 22. This table may
include any or all types of items and shall be located conveniently near notes or other tabular information.

Figure 22ÑTypical Table Indicating Omitted and Highest Numerical Reference Designations

9.2 Diagram Notes

Notes may be used on diagrams to

1) Consolidate repetitious information

2) Explain abbreviations
3) Specify standards and conventions upon which the diagram is based
4) Specify supporting documentation
5) Otherwise augment the circuit diagram

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These notes may be consolidated in one location or placed near their point of application.

9.2.1 General Notes

General notes usually apply to the entire drawing and are grouped together. They often include or may be preceded by

9.2.2 Local Notes

A local note is one that is placed near to and is clearly associated with a speciÞc diagram detail.

9.2.3 Referenced (Indexed) Notes

Referenced notes are usually grouped together with the general notes. However, referenced notes apply to one or more
of the diagram details and are referred to by local notes that state, for example, ÒSEE NOTE 15Ó. Referenced notes
should be used if

1) The note invokes or references another document,

2) The identical note applies at several locations on the diagram, or
3) The note is lengthy and placing it at the point of application reduces clarity or tends to crowd other

9.2.4 Examples

The following examples are typical of the kinds of information that should be considered when preparing NOTES.

a) FOR ASSEMBLY, SEE (drawing number).

b) FOR WIRING INFORMATION, SEE (document number).
c) FOR TEST SPECIFICATION, SEE (document number).
(tolerance) %, (power rating) W.
MINUS (tolerance) %, (voltage rating) V.
MINUS (tolerance) %.
k) (State convention) DENOTES LOWERCASE LETTERS.
WITH (show all of the reference designations that apply to the subassemblies or assemblies within which the
item is located including the highest level required to designate the item uniquely).
o) ABBREVIATIONS CONFORM TO (state document).
r) (Starting reference designation) THROUGH (last reference designation in the series) ARE IDENTICAL

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9.3 Tabular Information

A logic diagram may be supplemented by other information such as:

1) Truth tables or function tables

2) Tables containing information on components and packaged elements used to implement functions
3) Tables providing information on signal source, destination, etc

9.4 Waveforms

9.4.1 Use

Waveforms shall be shown where required for testing, adjustment of the circuit, or clariÞcation of the circuit function.
Waveforms may be required to show the waveshape or the timing relation of the wavetrain.

Waveforms or their stylized representation should be oriented as they appear on an oscilloscope or other device
normally used to view a waveform.

9.4.2 Stylized Waveforms

Unless otherwise required for the application, waveforms may be shown in a stylized manner; for example, an
approximation of the actual waveshape, with sharp corners and omitting signiÞcant trailing edges or spikes (see
Fig 23).

Narrow pulses may be represented by a single line if representation of the pulse duration is not essential.

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Figure 23ÑStylized Waveforms

Waveforms may be shown adjacent to a line or, if not confusing, may use the signal line as the x-axis, as shown in
Fig 24.

Figure 24ÑTypical Waveforms for Signal Lines

9.4.3 Simplified Waveform Notations

The time of occurrence of a pulse, or the beginning and ending times of a pulse train, or of a level may be indicated in
a simpliÞed manner as shown in Fig 25.

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Figure 25ÑSimplified Waveform Notations

9.5 Diagram Simplification and Abbreviation Techniques

Diagram simpliÞcation and abbreviation techniques may be used, for example, to reduce preparation effort, increase
amount of information shown per diagram sheet, or reduce clutter by eliminating repetitive details. In general, any
abbreviation method may be used that does not impair understanding of the diagram and that maintains the continuity
of signals within the diagram. If simpliÞcation or abbreviation techniques are employed, they should be explained on
the diagram or in supporting documentation unless they are self-explanatory.

The following paragraphs provide typical examples of some simpliÞcation and abbreviation techniques.

9.5.1 Repeated Symbol Simplification

If a logic symbol for a speciÞc device is shown two or more times on a diagram, the fully delineated symbol need be
shown only once. The repeated appearances may be represented by a simpliÞed symbol.

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The simpliÞed symbol shall be a rectangle and contain all relevant application and identiÞcation information. It shall
also include an appropriate reference to the fully delineated symbol. A rectangular box shall be added outside, at the
upper-left corner of the fully delineated symbol, to contain a unique reference identiÞcation. The same reference
identiÞcation shall be shown in a rectangular box located at the inside, at the upper-left corner of each corresponding
simpliÞed symbol. If on a single sheet only one fully delineated symbol is used for a speciÞc device, the device type
is sufÞcient reference for repeated appearances of that device on that sheet. If more than one sheet of a multisheet
diagram is involved, a sheet cross-reference to the fully delineated symbol shall be shown in the lower-left corner of
the repeated pattern enclosure.

Individual inputs and outputs of the simpliÞed symbols shall include appropriate references to the corresponding
inputs and outputs on the fully delineated symbol. If there are no terminal identiÞers (for example, in a basic logic
diagram) or other corresponding internal labels, the arrangement of inputs and outputs in the simpliÞed symbol must
be the same as in the fully delineated symbol (the arrangement provides the cross reference). Otherwise, the individual
inputs and outputs must have appropriate cross-references provided.

If there are identical terminal identiÞers on both symbols, the terminal identiÞers, not their arrangement, provide the
cross-reference. However, it is recommended that the terminal arrangement still be the same. See Fig 26.

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Figure 26ÑRepeated Symbol Simplification

9.5.2 Repeated Circuit Patterns

If a portion of circuitry is used repeatedly in the same diagram, only one complete delineation is necessary. All
additional applications may be shown in simpliÞed form. Both theoriginal pattern and the repeated-patterns shall be
enclosed in solid single-line boxes. The repeated-pattern enclosures shall be drawn only as large as required since
circuit detail is omitted. If more than one sheet of a multisheet diagram is involved, a sheet cross-reference to the fully
delineated pattern shall be shown in the lower-left corner of the repeated-pattern enclosure. Connections to repeated
circuit patterns shall be arranged in the same order and direction as shown on the fully delineated circuit pattern.
Otherwise, the connections shall include appropriate references to the corresponding connections of the fully
delineated circuit pattern.

A unique identiÞcation shall be assigned to each different circuit pattern. The same circuit pattern identiÞcation shall
be assigned to all like patterns in a diagram. The identiÞcation shall be shown in a rectangle located at the upper-left
corner of both the fully delineated and the repeated patterns.

Any differences within the repeated pattern from the original in designations, values, or wiring shall be clearly
indicated in the succeeding repeated-pattern enclosures. A hierarchy of repeated patterns may be used if needed, for
example, repeated patterns within repeated patterns. See Fig 27 for an example of repeated patterns.

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Figure 27ÑTypical Diagram Sheet with Repeated Circuit Pattern

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Figure 27ÑTypical Diagram Sheet with Repeated Circuit Pattern (continued)

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9.5.3 Connection Paired with Ground

If signal connections are paired with a ground connection and full delineation of the paired connections may result in
a cluttered diagram, a simpliÞed, single line representation may be used as shown in Fig 28. The letters PG indicate
that the connection or connection segment is paired with ground. The ground connection termination pin number is
shown in brackets [].

1 Ñ Terminal numbers shown in square brackets [] are ground pair termination pins.
2 Ñ The letters PG indicate connections that are paired with ground.

Figure 28ÑSingle Line Representation of Connections that are Paired with Ground

9.5.4 Circuit Layout Condensation

Many different techniques may be used to condense or reduce complex circuit representation. For example, a series of
similar connections may be shown in tabular form. In Fig 29, an example of one method, symbols for printed wiring
board (PWB) assemblies CP FB235, CP FA1110, and CP FA1111 are shown once, but represent Þve groups of these
PWB symbols and their interconnections with a single PWB (CP FA1134) symbol. In this Þgure, the four symbols
supported by the table and notes represent connections among sixteen symbols.

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Figure 29ÑExample of Circuit Layout Condensation

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Figure 29ÑExample of Circuit Layout Condensation (continued)

10. Examples of Logic Diagrams

Figures 30, 31, and 32 illustrate the application of the principles given in this standard. To facilitate comparison
between the different types of logic diagrams, the same part of a circuit, that is, a timing-pulse generator, is shown in
each of the Þgures. An explanation of the signal names used in these Þgures would normally appear in supporting
documentation. In the examples, the power-supply connections to the logic elements have been omitted.

In Fig 30, symbols for logic functions are used to show the conditions that start and stop the oscillator. This basic logic
diagram shows the conceptual principles of the circuit rather than the actual implementation. Also, the actual logic
levels available and produced for each signal may be different from those shown. A block symbol is used for the
frequency divider (changer).

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Figure 31 is an example of a detailed logic diagram using the positive-logic convention. This convention, which is
stated in a note on the diagram, establishes the relationship between logic levels and external logic states so that the
logic function and the physical function are represented by the diagram. Note that several of the logic symbols of Fig
30 (for example, the single shot) have been replaced by symbols or devices and associated connections that represent
the actual implementation.

Figure 32 is an alternative example of a detailed logic diagram using direct polarity indication. The exact logic levels
are stated in a note on the diagram.

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Figure 30ÑBasic Logic Diagram for a Timing-Pulse Generator

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Figure 31ÑDetailed Logic DiagramÑUsing the Positive Logic Convention

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Figure 31ÑDetailed Logic Diagram Ñ Using the Positive Logic Convention (continued)

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Figure 32ÑDetailed Logic Diagram Ñ Using Direct Polarity Indication

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Figure 32ÑDetailed Logic Diagram Ñ Using Direct Polarity Indication (continued)

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Figure 33ÑOne Sheet of a Typical Circuit Diagram (Direct Polarity Indication)

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Figure 33ÑOne Sheet of a Typical Circuit Diagram (Direct Polarity Indication) (continued)

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Figure 34ÑOne Sheet of a Typical Circuit Diagram (Positive Logic Convention)

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Figure 34ÑOne Sheet of a Typical Circuit Diagram (Positive Logic Convention) (continued)

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Annex A Mnemonics for Use in Signal Names


Table A-1 is an effort to encourage uniformity in signal names. This table necessarily cannot be exhaustive, but
suggests mnemonics for some of the more common terms used to construct signal names. If necessary, other meanings
may be assigned to the mnemonics listed and other mnemonics may be assigned to the descriptions, if no ambiguity

No set of rules can avoid the necessity for the designer to exercise good judgment and for the user to know how to
interpret the signiÞcance of signal names.

The examples given in the following table represent typical usage in the English language. They cannot all be
translated into other languages without risk of confusion.

Table A-1ÑSignal NamesÑAlphabetically by Mnemonic

Mnemonic Meaning

ACC Accept

ACC Accumulator

ACK Acknowledge

ACT Activate

ADD Adder

ADR Address

ALI Alarm Inhibit

ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit

ASYNC Asynchronous

BCD Binary-Coded Decimal

BCTR Bit Counter

BG Borrow Generate

BI Borrow Input


BLK Block

BO Borrow Output

BP Borrow Propagate

BUF Buffer, Buffered



BYT Byte

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Mnemonic Meaning

CRY Carry

CE Chip Enable

CHK Check

CI Carry Input

CK Clock

CLK Clock

CLR Clear

CMD Command

CNT Count

CNTL Control

CO Carry Output

COL Column

COMP Compare

CORR Corrected

CP Carry Propagate, Compare

CPU Central Processing Unit

CRC Cycle Redundancy Check

CS Chip Select

CTR Counter

CYC Cycle

D Data

DEC Decimal

DEV Device

DIS Disable

DISK Disk, Disc

DLY Delay

DMA Direct Memory Access

DRAM Dynamic Ram

DRV Driver

DWN Down

EN Enable


EOF End of File

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Mnemonic Meaning

EOL End of Line

End of Tape, End of


ERS Erase

ERR Error

EXOR Exclusive OR

EXT External

FF Flip-Flop

FIFO First In - First Out

FLD Field

FLT Fault

FNC Function

G Gate

GEN Generate

GND Ground

HEX Hexadecimal

HLD Holding

HORZ Horizontal

ID Identification

IN In, Input

INH Inhibit

INT Internal, Interrupt

INTFC Interface

INTRPT Interrupt

I/O Input/Output

IRQ Interrupt Request

KYBD Keyboard

LCH Latch, Latched

LD Load

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Mnemonic Meaning

LFT Left

LOC Location

Longitudinal Redundancy

LSB Least Significant Bit

LSBYT Least Significant Byte

LT Light

MAR Memory Address Register

MEM Memory

MOT Motor

MPX Multiplex

MSB Most Significant Bit

MSBYT Most Significant Byte

MSK Mask

STR Master

MTR Motor

MULT Multiply, Multiplier

NACK Negative Acknowledge

NEG Negative

NC Normally Closed

NO Normally Open

OCT Octal



OUT Out, Output

OVFL Overflow

PAR Parity

PC Program Counter


PE Parity Error

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Mnemonic Meaning

POS Positive

PROS Process, Processor

PRGM Program

PU Pull-Up

PWR Power

RAM Random Access Memory

RCVR Receiver

RD Read

RDY Ready

REG Register

REJ Reject

REQ Request

RES Reset

RFSH Refresh

ROM Read Only Memory


RST Restart

RT Right

RTN Return

RTZ Return to Zero

SEL Select


SFT Shift

SIM Simulation

SLV Slave

SPLY Supply

SRQ Service Request


STAT Status

STDBY Standby

STK Stack


STRB Strobe

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Mnemonic Meaning

SW Switch

SYNC Synchronization

SYS System

TERM Terminate, Terminal

TG Toggle

TRIG Trigger

TST Test


UTIL Utility

VERT Vertical

VID Video

VIRT Virtual

VLD Valid

WR Write

WRD Word

XCVR Transceiver

Transmission, Transmit

XMTR Transmitter

XOR Exclusive OR

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Table A-2ÑSignal NamesÑAlphabetically by Meaning

Term Meaning Mnemonic

Accept ACC

Accumulator ACC

Acknowledge ACK

Activate ACT

Adder ADD

Address ADR

Alarm Inhibit ALI

Arithmetic Logic Unit ALU

Asynchronous ASYNC

Binary BIN

Binary-Coded Decimal BCD


Bit Counter BCTR

Block BLK

Borrow Generate BG

Borrow Input BI

Borrow Output BO

Borrow Propagate BP

Buffer BUF

Buffered BUF



Byte BYT

Carry CRY

Carry Generate CG

Carry Input CI

Carry Output CO

Carry Propagate CP

Central Processing Unit CPU

Check CHK

Chip Enable CE

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Term Meaning Mnemonic

Chip Select CS

Clear CLR

Clock CLK, CK

Column COL

Command CMD

Compare COMP, CP

Control CNTL

Corrected CORR

Count CNT

Counter CTR

Cycle CYC

Cycle Redundancy Check CRC

Data D

Decimal DEC

Delay DLY

Device DEV

Direct Memory Access DMA

Disable DIS



Down DWN

Driver DRV

Dynamic Ram DRAM

Enable EN


End of File EOF

End of Line EOL

End of Tape EOT

End of Transmission EOT

Erase ERS

Error ERR

Exclusive OR EXOR

External EXT

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Term Meaning Mnemonic

Fault FLT

Field FLD

First In - First Out FIFO

Flip-Flop FF

Function FNC

Gate G

Generate GEN

Ground GND

Hexadecimal HEX

Holding HLD

Horizontal HORZ

Identification ID


Inhibit INH

Input IN

Input/Output I/O

Interface INTFC

Internal INT

Interrupt INTRPT

Interrupt Request IRQ

Keyboard KYBD

Latch LCH

Latched LCH

Least Significant Bit LSB

Least Significant Byte LSBYT

Left LFT

Light LT

Load LD

Location LOC

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Term Meaning Mnemonic

Longitudinal Redundancy

Mask MSK

Master STR

Memory MEM

Memory Address Register MAR

Most Significant Bit MSB

Most Significant Byte MSBYT

Motor MOT, MTR

Multiplex MPX

Multiply MULT

Multiplier MULT

Negative NEG

Negative Acknowledge NACK

Normally Closed NC

Normally Open NO

Octal OCT




Output OUT

Overflow OVFL

Parity PAR

Parity Error PE

Positive POS

Power PWR



Program PRGM

Program Counter PC

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Term Meaning Mnemonic


Pull-Up PU

Random Access Memory RAM

Read RD

Read Only Memory ROM

Ready RDY

Receiver RCVR

Refresh RFSH

Register REG

Reject REJ

Request REQ

Reset RES

Restart RST

Return RTN

Return to Zero RTZ

Right RT


Select SEL

Service Request SRQ


Shift SFT

Simulation SIM

Slave SLV

Stack STK

Standby STDBY


Status STAT


Strobe STRB

Supply SPLY
Switch SW

Synchronization SYNC

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Term Meaning Mnemonic

System SYS

Terminal TERM

Terminate TERM

Test TST

Toggle TG

Transceiver XCVR

Transmission XMIT

Transmit XMT

Transmitter XMTR

Trigger TRIG


Utility UTIL

Valid VLD

Vertical VERT

Video VID

Virtual VIRT

Word WRD

Write WR

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Annex B Lines and Lettering Ñ Size and Spacing


B.1 Introduction

The legibility of a diagram depends heavily on the quality and dimensions of the lines and lettering. Lettering and line
size, and spacing on an original document must take into account the various media to be used throughout the
document generation and distribution process, the processes and equipment employed during reproduction, and the
degree of enlargement or reduction at various stages in the life of the document. ANSI Y14.2M-1979 provides much
guidance on the proper selection of line and lettering dimensions, appropriate for many traditional document
production processes. However, with the continual improvement of reproduction equipment, the increasing use of
nonpaper media such as microÞlm, and the advent of electronically generated or distributed documents, or a
combination of these traditional methods of specifying acceptable documentation quality may be inappropriate or
difÞcult to apply. For example, in a CAD system, the dimensional units used may be convertible to any arbitrary real
unit if and when a hardcopy document is produced. For documents normally presented on a video screen, or directly
output to microÞlm, the appropriate units of measurement might bepixels, rather than inches or millimeters.
Nevertheless, certain fundamental dimensional relationships hold true for judging the potential legibility of a
document regardless of the units of measure or documentation medium.

This Appendix sets forth a set of general guidelines, consistent with traditional practice, that can be used to determine
approximate line and lettering size and spacing requirements appropriate to a wide range of document production and
distribution processes.

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Table B-1ÑBasic Dimensional Relationships

Final size ratio (Final dimensions as a fraction of (Rc) As required
original dimensions)

Minimum line thickness on the final document (Tlf) As required*

Minimum separation between line edges on the (Tsf) As required

final document (usually 2 á Tlf)

Line thickness (Tl) Tlf / Rc

Separation between line edges (Ts) Tsf / Rc

Spacing between parallel lines (centerline to (Sl) Tl + Ts


Lettering height (top centerline to bottom (Hc)


Using uppercase characters only 2 á Sl

Using upper and lowercase characters 3 á Sl

Lettering thickness (top-edge to bottom-edge (Tc) Hc + Tl

lettering height)

Connection line spacing (centerline to centerline)

Without lettering between Sl (usually = Hc)

With lettering between Hc + (2 á Sl)
With lettering and negation bar between Hc + (3 á Sl)

Vertical letter spacing (bottom of one character to

the bottom of the one above)

Without negation bar Hc + Sl

With negation bar Hc + (2 á Sl)
*The minimum usable line thickness on any printed document is usually 0.008 in. If other constraints
apply, the corresponding minimum line thickness should be substituted.

Figure B-1ÑMinimum Spacing Between Parallel Lines

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Figure B-2ÑLettering Size

Figure B-3ÑSpacing for Lines Surrounding Lettering

B.2 Basic Dimensional Relations

For a given set of drawing production and reproduction processes, the thickness of lines and the space between them
must be large enough to prevent line breakage and Þll-in on the Þnal copy. Because lettering is also composed of lines
and spaces, the minimum lettering size is dictated by these same two requirements. It should be noted that because
lowercase letters are smaller than uppercase letters, but require the same number of lines to resolve, the minimum size
of an uppercase letter is larger on a diagram that includes lowercase letters than on a diagram that includes only
uppercase letters.

The relationships as shown in Table B-1 may be used to derive the recommended minimum dimensions on an original
document that will be subject to reproduction or proportional reduction. Figures B-1 through B-3 show how these
relationships were derived.

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Values greater than the minimum are usually chosen to produce convenient values on the original document for line
thickness, line spacing, and lettering size. If the drawing technique uses templates or other means that produce letters
with a speciÞed outer dimension, then Tc is chosen to match the available sizes. If the drawing technique requires the
speciÞcation of the lettering height when an inÞnitely thin line is used, such as in many CAD systems, then Hc is
chosen to be a convenient value.

Table B-2ÑMinimum Dimensions

Using Uppercase Characters Only

Maximum reduction ratio (1/Rc) 1.000 1.250 2.000 2.500

Line thickness (Tl) 0.008 0.010 0.016 0.020

Lettering height (Hc) 0.048 0.060 0.096 0.120

Lettering thickness (Tc) 0.056 0.070 0.112 0.140

Minimum line spacing (C/L to C/L) (Sl) 0.024 0.030 0.048 0.060

Connection line spacing (C/L to C/L)

No lettering between
0.024 0.030 0.048 0.060
With lettering between
0.096 0.120 0.192 0.240
With lettering and negation bar
0.120 0.150 0.240 0.300

Vertical lettering spacing

Without negation bar 0.072 0.090 0.144 0.180

With negation bar 0.096 0.120 0.192 0.240

Using Uppercase and Lowercase Characters and Special Symbols

Maximum reduction ratio(1/Rc) 1.000 1.250 2.000 2.500

Line thickness(Tl) 0.008 0.010 0.016 0.020

Lettering height (Hc) 0.072 0.090 0.144 0.180

Lettering thickness(Tc) 0.080 0.100 0.160 0.200

Minimum Line spacing (C/L to C/L) (Sl) 0.024 0.030 0.048 0.060

Connection line spacing (C/L to C/L)

No lettering between
0.024 0.030 0.048 0.060
With lettering between
0.120 0.150 0.240 0.300
With lettering and negation bar
0.144 0.180 0.288 0.360

Vertical lettering spacing

Without negation bar 0.096 0.120 0.192 0.240

With negation bar 0.120 0.150 0.240 0.300

EXAMPLES: The dimensions in Tables B-2, B-3, and B-4, which were derived using the formulae in Table B-1, show
the dimensions to be used on original documents subject to reduction by the given ratios to produce printed documents.
Other sets of dimensions may be derived from the formulae or by multiplying the Þrst column by the ultimate
reduction ratio desired. The dimensions are given in inches.

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Table B-3ÑDimensions with Convenient Units for Lettering Heights (Hc)*

Using Uppercase Characters Only

Maximum reduction ratio (1/Rc) 1.000 1.250 2.000 2.500

Line thickness (Tl) 0.008 0.010 0.016 0.020

Lettering height (Hc) 0.050 0.063 0.100 0.125

Lettering thickness (Tc) 0.058 0.073 0.116 0.145

Connection line spacing (C/L to C/L)

No lettering between
0.050 0.063 0.100 0.125
With lettering between
0.100 0.125 0.200 0.250
With lettering and negation bar
0.125 0.156 0.250 0.313

Vertical lettering spacing

Without negation bar 0.075 0.094 0.150 0.188

With negation bar 0.100 0.125 0.200 0.250

Using Uppercase and Lowercase Characters and Special Symbols

Maximum reduction ratio (1/Rc) 1.000 1.250 2.000 2.500

Line thickness (Tl) 0.008 0.010 0.016 0.020

Lettering height (Hc) 0.075 0.094 0.150 0.188

Lettering thickness (Tc) 0.083 0.104 0.166 0.208

Connection line spacing (C/L to C/L)

No lettering between
0.075 0.094 0.150 0.188
With lettering between
0.150 0.188 0.300 0.375
With lettering and negation bar
0.150 0.188 0.300 0.375

Vertical lettering spacing

Without negation bar 0.100 0.125 0.200 0.250

With negation bar 0.150 0.188 0.300 0.375

*These requirements were derived, using the formulae in Table B-1 to produce
convenient dimensions for line spacing and center-line lettering height (hc).

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Table B-4ÑDimensions with Convenient Units for Lettering Thickness (Tc)*

Using Uppercase Characters Only

Maximum reduction ratio (1/Rc) 1.000 1.250 2.000 2.500

Line thickness (Tl) 0.008 0.010 0.016 0.020

Lettering height (Hc) 0.055 0.068 0.109 0.136

Lettering thickness (Tc) 0.063 0.078 0.125 0.156

Connection line spacing (C/L to C/L)

No lettering between 0.063 0.078 0.125 0.156

With lettering between 0.125 0.156 0.250 0.313
With lettering and negation bar 0.125 0.156 0.250 0.313

Vertical lettering spacing

with/without negation bar 0.125 0.156 0.250 0.313

Using Uppercase and Lowercase Characters and Special Symbols

Maximum reduction ratio (1/Rc) 1.000 1.250 2.000 2.500

Line thickness (Tl) 0.008 0.009 0.015 0.019

Lettering height (Hc) 0.068 0.084 0.135 0.169

Lettering thickness (Tc) 0.075 0.094 0.150 0.188

Connection line spacing (C/L to C/L)

No lettering between
0.075 0.094 0.150 0.188
With lettering between
0.150 0.188 0.300 0.375
With lettering and negation bar
0.150 0.188 0.300 0.375

Vertical lettering spacing

with/without negation bar 0.150 0.188 0.300 0.375

*These requirements were derived, using the formulae in Table B-1 to produce convenient
dimensions for line spacing and lettering thickness (Tc).

B.3 Planning Documents for Multiple Use

Diagrams are often needed for use in the engineering drawing set and in associated technical manuals or handbooks.
For this dual role, it is advantageous to prepare a single diagram that meets the requirements of both disciplines. This
eliminates the need to redraw engineering-prepared diagrams to meet technical manual requirements. Engineering-
prepared diagrams may then be reduced or scaled to the size required for the manual.

When this is done, certain parts of the original diagram, such as drawing border and title block, may be excluded or
replaced on the Þnal document. The area of the original diagram that is to be reproduced and the area it occupies on the
Þnal document are called the image areas of the respective documents. The potentially usable image areas of the two
documents may be not only of different sizes, but of different shapes or aspect ratios. It is usually necessary to limit the
portion of the usable drawing area actually used on either the original, the Þnal, or both, depending on the principal
purpose(s) of the diagram.

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Table B-5ÑDetermining Image Areas and Reduction Ratios

Usable dimensions of the final document

Width (larger dimension) (Fw) (according to format)

Height (smaller dimension) (Fh) (according to format)

Usable dimensions of the original document

Width (larger dimension) (Ow) (according to format)

Height (smaller dimension) (Oh) (according to format)

Width ratio (Rw) Fw / Ow

Height ratio (Rh) Fh / Oh

Final size ratio (final dimension as a fraction of

the corresponding original dimension)

To use the entire final area

Larger of Rw or Rh
To use the entire original area
Smaller of Rw or Rh
To make optimum use of both areas
SQRT[(Fw á Fh) / (Ow á Oh]
Given a final and original character
Tcf / Tc

Image area to use on the original document

Width (Iow) Smaller of (Fw / Rc) or Ow

Height (Ioh) Smaller of (Fh / Rc) or Oh

Image area resulting on the final document

Width (Ifw) Iow á Rc

Height (Ifh) Ioh á Rc

Minimum line thickness

On the final document (Tlf) As required

On the original document (Tl) Tlf / Rc

* This table, which includes some of the most common choices made, may be applied to
determine the appropriate dimensions on an original document intended for dual use.
Other minimum dimensions are derived using the basic relationships described in B2.

B.3.1 Determining Image Areas and Reduction Ratios

Table B-5 which includes some of the most common choices made, may be applied to determine the appropriate
dimensions on an original document intended for dual use.

Other minimum dimensions are derived using the basic relationships described in B2.

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Figure B-4ÑImage Area On an Original Document

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Table B-6ÑMultiple-Use Examples Showing Original Lettering Thickness (Tc) (Inches)

Original Final

Line Line Letter Final Size Line Line Letter

Usable Area Image Area Thickness Space Thickness Ratio Usable Area Image Area Thickness Space Thickness
(Oh) (Ow) (Ioh) (Iow) (Tl) (Sl) (Tc) (Rc ) (Fh) (Ffw) (Ift) (Ifw) (Tlf) (Slf) (Tcf)

B 9.25 15.95 9.25 15.95 0.018 0.054 0.125 0.560 7.00 9.00 5.18 8.93 0.010 0.030 0.070

C 14.50 20.00 14.50 20.00 0.022 0.067 0.156 0.448 7.00 9.00 6.50 8.96 0.010 0.030 0.070

14.50 20.00 0.018 0.054 0.125 0.560 9.00 15.25 8.12 11.20 0.010 0.030 0.070

D 20.00 31.00 20.00 28.13 0.031 0.094 0.219 0.320 7.00 9.00 6.40 9.00 0.010 0.030 0.070

20.00 31.00 0.022 0.067 0.156 0.448 9.00 15.25 8.96 13.89 0.010 0.030 0.070

16.07 31.00 0.018 0.054 0.125 0.560 9.00 36.00 9.00 17.36 0.010 0.030 0.070

F 26.00 38.00 26.00 36.16 0.040 0.121 0.281 0.249 7.00 9.00 6.47 9.00 0.010 0.030 0.070

24.11 38.00 0.027 0.081 0.188 0.373 9.00 15.25 9.00 14.19 0.010 0.030 0.070

16.07 38.00 0.018 0.054 0.125 0.560 9.00 36.00 9.00 21.28 0.010 0.030 0.070

E 31.00 42.00 31.00 40.18 0.045 0.134 0.313 0.224 7.00 9.00 6.94 9.00 0.010 0.030 0.070

28.13 42.00 0.031 0.094 0.219 0.320 9.00 15.25 9.00 13.44 0.010 0.030 0.070

16.07 42.00 0.018 0.054 0.125 0.560 9.00 36.00 9.00 23.52 0.010 0.030 0.070

Table B-7ÑMultiple-Use Examples Showing Original Lettering Thickness (Tc)

Original Final

Line Line Letter Final Line Line Letter

Usable Area Image Area Thickness Space Thickness Size Ratio Usable Area Image Area Thickness Space Thickness
(Oh) (Ow) (Ioh) (Iow) (Tl) (Sl) (Tc) (Rc ) (Fh) (Ffw) (Ift) (Ifw) (Tlf) (Slf) (Tcf)

B 9.25 15.95 9.25 14.91 0.016 0.050 0.100 0.603 7.00 9.00 5.58 9.00 0.010 0.030 0.070

C 14.50 20.00 14.50 20.00 0.025 0.075 0.150 0.400 7.00 9.00 5.80 8.00 0.010 0.030 0.070

14.50 20.00 0.016 0.050 0.100 0.603 9.00 15.25 8.75 12.07 0.010 0.030 0.070

D 20.00 31.00 20.00 29.96 0.033 0.100 0.200 0.300 7.00 9.00 6.01 9.00 0.010 0.030 0.070

20.00 31.00 0.025 0.075 0.150 0.400 9.00 15.25 8.00 12.40 0.010 0.030 0.070

14.91 31.00 0.016 0.050 0.100 0.603 9.00 36.00 9.00 18.71 0.010 0.030 0.070

F 26.00 38.00 26.00 37.41 0.041 0.125 0.250 0.241 7.00 9.00 6.25 9.00 0.010 0.030 0.070

22.50 38.00 0.025 0.075 0.150 0.400 9.00 15.25 9.00 15.20 0.010 0.030 0.070

14.91 38.00 0.016 0.050 0.100 0.603 9.00 36.00 9.00 22.93 0.010 0.030 0.070

E 31.00 42.00 29.10 37.41 0.041 0.125 0.250 0.241 7.00 9.00 7.00 9.00 0.010 0.030 0.070

29.96 42.00 0.033 0.100 0.200 0.300 9.00 15.25 9.00 12.62 0.010 0.030 0.070

14.91 42.00 0.016 0.050 0.100 0.603 9.00 36.00 9.00 25.34 0.010 0.030 0.070

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B.3.2 Examples

The data in Tables B-6 and B-7 demonstrate the application of the methods of this Appendix to derive the sizes and
spacings necessary on various sizes of original diagrams so as to produce technical document pages of various sizes.
In these examples the Þnal lettering is to be 0.070 inches in total height. In Tables B-6 and B-7 only uppercase lettering
is used, and the image areas have been chosen to permit the best use of the overall usable areas both on the original
diagram and on the Þnal document. Units have been chosen differently in the two examples so as to make them more
convenient for the method used in the production of the original. In Table B-6, the units were chosen to produce
lettering thickness Tc in conventional inch-fractions, as would be suitable for many hand-drawn diagrams. In Table B-
7, the units were chosen to produce convenient decimal values for lettering height Hc, as they might be if preparing a
diagram on a CAD system.

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Annex C Single Orientation of Lettering



IEC Publication 113, Part 7. (1981) permits only one orientation of text. Change in this requirement is under


Because the symbology of ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984 is based on the concept that inputs are predominantly on the left
and outputs are on the right, many problems can occur when trying to use horizontal text with vertical signal ßow. The
following requirements address some of these problems (see also Fig B-5).

1) The symbol for an output with special ampliÞcation shall not be used. The general qualifying symbol for an
element with special ampliÞcation may be used. For example:

The qualifying symbol must not appear adjacent to the output line, where it could be confused with the 3-
state output symbol.
2) In arrays with successive groups of elements, it will usually be necessary to show the details within the
outlines at both ends of the groups. For example:

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3) General qualifying symbols shall not appear adjacent to an input or output line. This will usually force the
general qualifying symbol out of the normally preferred top center location. For example:


Example of Application Information Placement.

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ANSI/IEEE Std 991-1986

Figure C-1ÑLogic Symbol Orientation Examples for Diagrams that Permit

Only One Orientation of Text
(See NOTE to Fig 6)

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