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I’m Steve a motor mechanic and this is the story of something strange that happened/was
happened/ had happened to me about five years ago. It was a freezing cold winter. One day I
was receiving/ Received/ had received a call to assist a motorist whose the car had broken
down and was stuck in snow was getting heavier. When I was getting/ got/ had got the phone
call, I was sure I knew where the motorist was. But when I got there, I couldn´t see a car
anywhere. I tried/was trying/ had tried to call my office, but my mobile’s battery dead. I looked
around, the snow had stopped, but it was lying thick on the ground. I got out of the car and
was starting/ started/ had started looking for some sign of the motorist. I looked down and
saw some footprints in the snow. I began following them. They led/ had led/ were leading over
a small bridge and across a park. It was freezing cold. I had followed/ had been
following/followed the footprints for about five minutes when I saw a phone box about one
hundered meters away. I heard a noise.

2- One afternoon, Socrates is Standing (Stand) outside the gates of athenas when he noticed
(notice) a traveler who had stared (stare) at him for a long time. Socrates asked (ask) the man
why he had come (come) to Athena. “I am thinking of moving to Athens” he said. “What is it
like to live here? ”Socrates looked (look)at him. “First, would you tell me what it was like your
home city?” The man replied, “Oh, it was awful. Everyone stabs you in the back and wants to
make money for you”. Frowning, Socrates told (tell) him, “Well, you will find the same thing
here. I suggest you go somewhere else “.

Socrates was standed (stand) there a few hours more when another man approached
(approach) him. This man too just had arrived (just arrive) in Athena and he was considered
(consider) moving to the city. He too asked Socrates, “Can you tell me what it is like to live
here?” Socrates asked “First, would you tell me what it was like in your previous home city?
“Where I come from the people all work together and help each other”, said the man.
“Kindness is everywhere and you are never treated with anything but complete respect”. “Well
replied(reply) Socrates, “you will find in the same thing here, Welcome to Athena.

3- Reported Speech

Mike: What are you doing here liz? I haven’t seen your since June

Liz: I’ve just come back from my holiday in Ireland

Mike Did you enjoy it?

Liz: I love Ireland. And the Irish people were so friendly

Mike: Did you go to the Wicklow Mountains?

Liz: It was my first trip. I can show you some pictures. Are you doing anything tomorrow?

Mike I must arrange a couple of things. But I am free tonight

Liz: You might come to my place. What time shall we meet?

Mike: I’ll be there at eight. Is it all right?

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