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uys’® He was despised. Hande PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED EA Norma &@. 4006 CRETE BP. SANCTUARY. | Angels ever bright and fair. Handel. 34 | Ave Marla, But the Lord is mindful Mendelssohn. 3. | Ave Maria, Gast thy burden onthe Lord, Mendelsohn. 3 | Ave Verum, Tro, Charity. 70 and Chorus Rossii, 5 | Cujus Animam. Come Holy Spi Warren. 4 | Memorare. (F) (¢ ) Consider the ties. Toplit. 4 | O Salutaris. (0) (¢ V2) God of Israel. Ming, 24 | 0 Salutaris. (©) (4 V) God of the fatherless. Weber. 6 | Pro peccatis. Bass Solo Guide me, 0 thou great Jehovah, Emerick. 34 | Quis est home. (2 Sofr.) Guide me, O thou great Jehovah, Emerson. 4 | Quid retribuam, Salve Maria. I know that my Redeemer liveth. Handel. 33 Salve Maria. Jesus, Saviour of my soul, (Ar-bp Wot) Abt. 3 | Tantum Ergo. (F) Grand (¢ /) Lambillott. O Holy Virgin, Gordigian. 34 | Tantum Ergo. (6) (5 V2) O Rest in the Lord. Mendelsohn, 3 | Tantum Ergo. Duet end Chorus. Pity, O Saviour, Stadela, 5 | Veni Creator Spiritus, Protect us thro the coming night. Curshmenn. 4 Too late, too Mise Lindsey. 3 ‘ove to tell the story, Fischer. 3 "Op on Gounod. Schubert. Kreutzer. Rosin Lambilotte. Lembillott, Lambillote. Rossin Re Lambillote Mercadante, Rizzo. Lambillotte. Ros Handel. wRwororarwerouuan SALVE MARIA. Wxeutsn Woxps ny Mo bok Mrstare De S.MERCADANTE. Legato. om 5 Dd. Andante Retigioso, @ 4 ai gra ~~ ale 3 Ne fi osiewor and tow == ing, the Lord ts Tenor the Lord Know the Lord Is. with a se ec thse 1 boone And thon art Mlessod,thow art + ta, ebe- ne ven = tre tw Gn all omen, thy. he frat >= to del ven-t bless - > ed is he thy con pls fervore, tee = = ty holy = 7 za. pre-en perno = i pre = xa permof pec -ea-to - ris pre- Ra a~ ah in thy pee wy Plead for us sin - ners, ah grant us thy fa - vor and des ae * nell -radel-la no stramor = = te pre - = ga be thou earn receive ourtast ex pl-riug sigh, Hear us Primo tempo, z Phi piano, Pie na gra. cious ze eee cee —— per no. = per noi pre = Ah hear in thy mer = plead nelle == bet sto = sin = pee for per for slant = wees, Ah rinforzaty, caste - = = a us sin =~ ners, thy mer == 6 sore a tempo, del Ia nostra mor > ist ex “pl = = ring stehs Ah fas a toh et noi pre us sin = prega tes =~ thy mer ~ - ey nel’ =~ he thow nese QP a tempo. py delta nostra mor wear ont Fast ex = ph == meng, trattenuto © yp sa pregaa-des- so ¢ nell o- ra del -In nostra mor - te Inthy mer -ey ah plead for us sin ners, and be nea Za Trattenuto ot eat PP reat.

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