Coloquio Poster2 - Ingles

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de Estudios sobre Juegos de Rol
Coloquio Internacional
de Estudios sobre Juegos de Rol
El papel del rol para el fomento de la cultura y la lectura

The Role-Playing Games Researcher Network (RIJR for i) All the final papers must include, the following sections for a
its Spanish acronym) and the Universidad Autónoma de possible publication in the order given below:
Baja California, Mexicali campus, invite everyone to i. Introduction (concise, posing the objectives of the
participate in the 5th International Colloquium of research),
Role-Playing Game Studies; which will take place on the ii. Theoretical or methodological approximation (brief,
12th and 13th of November, 2020 in the Universidad exposing the theoretical assumptions that guide the
Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali campus, research, the methods, and categories of analysis).
according to the following guidelines: iii. Results (a detailed explanation of the main findings and
an exposition of the reach and limits of the investigation).
The acceptation process and the paper presentation will be iv. Conclusions (brief, with final considerations).
as follows:
j) Style norms, citation and references shall be in accordance
a) Students, professionals, academics of all areas, people with with those stipulated in the APA publications style manual, in
practical experience or studies in role-playing games, as well a Word file (97 or later versions), with an extension between 15
as general public interested in the topic can participate. and 20 pages (without considering bibliography and annexes)
in a format with 12 points Arial font and 1.5 line spacing. (click
b) If the proposal is accepted, the participation will consist of here to download the template).
a 20 minutes presentation, and a paper with an extension
between 15 and 20 pages in an adequate format for its k) The oral presentation should emphasize on the items
possible publication (described below). Both contributions described in section i), and have a maximum duration of 20
must correspond to the registered proposal. min., accompanied by a short question session.
c) The proposals must be registered at the online address l) Research and work from a team could lead to more than one contribution. However, it is not possible to split it without
To finish the registration of the proposal it is necessary to answering what is indicated in previous sections.
register in the webpage of the RIJR as a researcher in the
section “Join us” o in the address: m) When a communication is signed by several researchers it will appear in the documents of the Colloquium in the order of
The organizing committee will be in charge of submitting the authorship proposed in both the presentation and article.
proposals to the evaluation committee.
n) Only those participants whose proposals have been
d) The proposals must be registered with the following accepted, have presented in the Colloquium and have sent
information: their full articles before the deadline will receive a constancy
I. Title of the presentation. of participation.
II. Author(s).
III. University, institution or group of affiliation, per author. o) Only one proposal as a first author will be accepted per
IV. Email, per author. participant, although the same person can sign as a second or
V. Phone. third author in a maximum of three proposals.
VI. Cellphone.
VII. Country. p) The abstract of the presentations that will be held in the 5th
VIII. State. International Colloquium of Role-Playing Game Studies will be
IX. Abstract, between 300 and 500 words. sent via e-mail to all the participants and announced publicly
X. Line of research (See section h). in the final program.
XI. Key words, between 3 and 5.
q) More information about the Colloquium can be accessed
e) The evaluation of the proposals, both for the presentation via the web page Additionally,
and possible publication, will be performed by recognized either an e-mail can be sent to the mail addresses
PhD’s in the academic field and knowledge of role-playing and, or
games in a double-blind format. by means of social networks; which in turn can be consulted at
f) The receipt of the proposal for presentation and article
does not imply its acceptance. Important Dates:
- Launch of the announcement: January 9th, 2020.
g) The organizing committee will notify the candidates of the - Abstract mailing deadline: April 13th, 2020 at 23:59 hr.
evaluation during the corresponding dates via e-mail. UTC/GTM -6 (Mexico City time).
- Evaluation mailing: Between May 15th and 17th, 2020.
h) The proposals must clarify the research line according to - Paper mailing deadline: October 12th, 2020 at 23:59 hr.
the following list: UTC/GTM -6 (Mexico City time).
1. Literature and Narrative. - Oral presentation: November 12th and 13th, 2020 in
2. Pedagogy and Didactics. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexicali campus.
3. Gender Studies.
4. Cultural Management and Creation of Audiences.
5. Psychology and Communication.
6. Art and Philosophy.
7. Role-Playing Games’ History in Mexico and in the world.
8. Sociology and Anthropology.
9. Content Design and Development.
10. General topics.
11. To propose a new line.

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