REPORTED SPEECH Statements (English and Spanish)

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(Estilo indirecto : frases enunciativas)

Direct vs. Indirect Speech

1.Look at different ways of expressing the same idea. Mira las diferentes maneras de
expresar la misma idea

1Donald Trump said “My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars”
2Donald Trump said that his father had given him a small loan of a million dollars.
3 Donald Trump said “ The beauty of me is that I´m very rich”
4Donald Trump said that the beauty of him was that he was very rich.
5Donald Trump told his wife “ I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke”
6Donald Trump told his wife that he had never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke”

Which ones of the sentences above are written on direct speech? Which one are written
on indirect speech?
¿Qué frases de arriba son en estilo directo? ¿Qué frases son en estilo indirecto?

2.Now choose the right option or complete. Elige la respuesta correcta o completa.

1.Indirect speech is used to repeat what someone has previously said, but using /not
using the exact same words. Although using the essential information.
El estilo indirecto se usa para repetir lo que ha dicho antes con anterioridad pero
usando/no usando exactamente las mismas palabras. Aunque si usando la información

2 Direct speech is used to repeat what someone has previously said using /not using the
exact same words. Because the exact same words are important/unimportant.
El estilo directo se usa para repetir lo que ha dicho antes con anterioridad pero usando/no
usando exactamente las mismas palabras. Porque las palabras exactas son importantes./no
son importantes.

3 In indirect speech we use verbs like say, tell, announce, comment , etc… in the p…….
s………. tense to introduce the comment .We don’t use the quotation marks or the
comma.We can use or omit that.
En estilo indirecto usamos verbos como decir/contar/anunciar, comentar, etc.. en el tiempo
p________ s__________para introducer un comentario. No usamos comillas o coma.
Podemos usar u omitir that.

4We use say when there there isn´t an indirect object. Example: He said he was tired.
Usamos say cuando no hay objecto indirecto.
We use tell when there is an indirect object- He told me that he was tired
Usamos tell cuando hay objeto indirecto

Tense changes
3. Now look at the following sentences changed from Direct to Indirect Speech and
complete the rules with a time tense.
Ahora mira a las siguientes frases que cambia de estilo directo a estilo indirecto y
completa las reglas con un tiempo verbal.

She said, “I want a piece of cake”  She said that she wanted a piece of cake
Present simple changes to ______________________
El presente simple cambia a _________________

He said “I’m writing a letter”  He said that he was writing a letter.

Present continuous changes to ______________________________

He said “My father gave me 1 million dollars”  He said his father had given him 1
million dollars.
Past simple changes to ________________________________

My mum told me “You weren’t doing your homework yesterday.”  My mum told me
that I had not been doing my homework the day before.
Past continuous changes to ___________________________

He said “ I have never seen a thin person drinking diet Coke.  He said that he had
never seen a thin person drinking diet Coke ._______________________
Present perfect changes to_____________________________

She told me “ We have been playing football all summer”  She told me they had
been playing football all summer”________________________
Present perfect continuous changes to __________________________

They told me “Marcos had never been on a plane before”  They told me Marcos
had never been on a plane before.
Past perfect changes to__________________________

I said, “They can help us”  I said that they could help us.
Can changes to_____________________

The girl said, “I must study”  The girl said that she had to study.
Must changes to_____________________________

She said “ I have to write my composition tonight.”  She said that she had to
write her composition that night
Have to changes to_________________________________

She said,” I would like an ice-cream” She said that she would like an ice-cream.
Would ______change.

Tom said “Mary will be busy”.  Tom said that Mary would be busy
Future Will changes to _________________________
Other changes
4. Now look at other expression which also change in reported speech and complete the
Ahora mira estas otras expresiones, que también cambian en estilo indirecto y completa
la tabla.

She said “I’m going to buy this house tomorrow”

She said that she was going to buy that house the following day/the day after/the next
Bill said “We played football here yesterday”
Bill said that they had played football there the day before/the previous day.”
She said, “ I must call Bill now”  She said that she had to call Bill then.
She said, “ I will call come back next year”  She said that she would come back the
following year.

Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Tonight That night
A month ago The previous month, the month before
Next week/month/year /The week after

Pronouns and possessive adjectives change according to the meaning of the sentence.
Mary said, “I am finishing my homework”
She said that ______ was finishing______ homework

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