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MONROE, Lorlyn Joy


Individual Output: Reflective Analysis on “Coco”


As children, we all wanted to grow up. As we grew up, we got scared of growing old. With
adulthood comes the fear of all the responsibilities, the physiologic changes, and the deterioration of
pretty much everything else. We are terrified of turning wrinkled and losing most of our skills which we
witness from the elderly we interact with. What we tend to forget is that aging is a normal part of human
development. It is a stage where we tend to depend more on our loved ones due to reduced physical
capacity which in turn should strengthen the relationship between the elderly and the rest of the family

Everyone has perhaps added the movie “Coco” to their list of all-time favorites. This is explained
by the fact that the animation film is suitable for all ages, it tackles important issues such as family
relationships and pursuing dreams, and it added just the right amount of music to captivate its audience.


To explain my analysis, I used the Gibbs’ Reflective Model. Rodrigo (2016) described the Gibbs’
Reflective Model as systematic and follows a specific number of steps in order to be successful.


Using systematic questions from the Gibbs’ Reflective Model, I was able to come up with my
reflective analysis of the movie. I listed down important events that happened, the emotions I felt,
realizations I came up with, and the results are:

Description. Coco was a beautiful blend of exploring family traditions, strong family ties, and
how music was interwoven to their stories. The movie also captured the interactions and roles of
differently-aged family members. We follow a school-aged Miguel, as he sets out to follow his dream and
discover the importance of family. We also witness the different traits and characteristics of his family
members, as they perform different roles appropriate to their age and developmental stage.

Feelings. The movie was able to hit several nerves as I find myself crying alongside Miguel,
cheering on for mama Coco to remember her ‘papa’, and being happy when mama Imelda, Hector, and
mama Coco were reunited once again. I was taken back to my childhood days when my grandmother took
part in raising me and shaping the way our family works, just like how Miguel’s abuelita maintained and
protected her family. The most emotional parts for me were scenes wherein mama Coco’s memory was
MONROE, Lorlyn Joy

shown to be deteriorating. Simply put, I was in an emotional roller coaster the whole time I was watching
the film.

Evaluation. Watching the movie was an enjoyable experience. It felt good to be able to identify
distinct characteristics of characters in different development stages. For instance, mama Coco who is in
late adulthood, appears to have wrinkled and pigmented skin as a result of aging. Another good thing
about the movie is how it portrayed the value of family relationships. The family plays an important role
in the development of an individual regardless of age.

Analysis. One thing I recall is that during the first half of the film, Hector was shown to be
forcefully forgotten by the Rivera family. All the family members seemed to be fine with it, except mama
Coco who even at her old age, retained her most precious memories of her ‘papa.’ This just goes to show
that even if the rest of the world holds no memories of us, those who love us will keep us alive in their
hearts for as long as they’re living.

Conclusion. I believe that I have acquired adequate life lessons from the movie. Not much can be
done differently, aside from listing down each detail and dissecting every piece of information which
could provide me with a more in-depth analysis of other aspects of the movie. For this analysis, I only
focused on the family relationships the Rivera family had, and the developmental traits and characteristics
that some of the family members exhibited.

Action plan. Knowing that the movie gives so much emphasis on the value of family
relationships, I’d like to watch the movie with my own family. It would give us a chance to reevaluate our
own roles, obligations, and responsibilities to the family. It would also help us understand some normal
physiological and psychological developments that people experience as they age and would allow us to
provide more efficient care to the elderly in our household.


In relation to the results, some parts of the movie can be analyzed further by using concepts in
Human Development to explain the occurrence of such phenomena. For instance, we witness several
characters undergoing their own developmental stages and not just Miguel who seems to be school-aged.
This goes to show one of Paul B. Balte’s seven key principles of a life-span which states that
development is a lifelong process. Young or old, everyone experiences developmental changes.

As people in late adulthood lose some of their neural connections, they tend to have feeble
memory. In the movie, this was exhibited by mama Coco when she calls Miguel by a different name, or
when she asks her own daughter “Who are you?” Her daughter was sad after hearing that, as was I who
MONROE, Lorlyn Joy

have a grandmother at home who doesn’t remember who I am. Although normal considering their old
age, loved ones can’t help but feel sad when moments like these happen.

On another note, we witness Miguel’s abuelita who seems to be in between middle and late
adulthood. She is in the psychosocial stage of Generativity vs. Stagnation where individuals strive to
nurture things that will outlast them. She works hard to preserve their family traditions and make sure that
no member of her family is going to turn into a musician. Because she feels the need for generativity, she
does her best to contribute to her perceived betterment of the family.

The movie also portrays how old people tend to cling onto the things they love or make them
happy. Mama Coco remembers her ‘papa’ really well and how Chicharron requests Hector to play his
favorite song before he fades away. Mama Coco even retains most of her memories after the song
Remember Me was sang to her which entails that some of her memories were interwoven with music
because music was a big part of her childhood. Therefore, it is important to give the elderly a chance to
do things that they used to do before in order to regain a sense of their identity.


In conclusion, here are some points of realizations I acquired from the movie. For one, I was
reminded of the importance of family in the development of each individual. Adequate love and support
could help a person transition well in the different stages of human development. I also realized the
importance of being there for our elderly. Most of the time, we disregard them and think that they can
handle themselves when in fact, they are at the stage of their lives where they need more assistance and
care from their loved ones.

As a future nurse, my takeaway from the movie is to always be sensitive to the developmental
stage that my patient is currently in. Knowing such would help me plan a more accurate healthcare
service that best suits the developmental changes that the patient is undergoing. I would also encourage
the family to relieve feelings of loneliness during such challenging times. If the family is not present, I
would try my very best to fill their position because everyone deserves to feel loved and cared for,
regardless pf their age.


Rodrigo (2016). Gibbs Nursing Model on Reflection. Retrieved from

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