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A Demonstration Lesson Plan in World Literature

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

- Identify the specific key plot events in The Odyssey
- Create analyzation of the characters
- Value the character traits that are associated in the story

II. Subject Matter

“The Odyssey”
Reference: World Literature (The Literary Masterpieces of the World), PP. 39-42
Materials: Visual aids, laptop, power point presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
Good morning class. Good morning ma’am.

2. Classroom Management
Kindly pick up the pieces of trash (Students pick up the pieces of paper and
under your chairs and check your arrange their chairs.)

You may now take your seat. Thank you ma’am.

3. Checking of attendance
Ms. Secretary, may I know who is No one is absent today ma’am.
absent today?

Very good. I’m glad to hear that.

4. Vocabulary Drill

Before we start with our lesson, let us

first have a vocabulary drill.

Please check under your arm chairs for

pieces of papers.
Those pieces of papers have words that
we are unlocking today.

To those students who have papers please

come in front.
The mechanics for our game is using a
dart pin, aim for your desired vocabulary

5. Recall
Let us have a short recap about what
we have learned last meeting. What was Our topic is about the story Iliad.
our topic yesterday?

Very Good. Let us see if you all

remember the story well.

Who is the hero in Iliad? Achilles in the main hero in Iliad.

What is the story all about?

What is the main theme of Iliad? Love, friendship and honor are the main
6. Motivation themes in Iliad.
Before we start with our lesson, I would Ma’am loyalty is the ability of a person to
like to ask, what does loyalty mean to stay true or faithful whatever the
you? circumstances may be.

Yes, very good.

If two people were in a committed It means that they agree to stick together
relationship and agreed to remain loyal to whether they are experiencing good or
each other, what does it mean? bad situations. They try to protect their

Very good.

Okay class we will be having a short (The students will go and gather in front
activity. for the activity)

Please stand and fall in line. I will be

giving you situations and scenarios and
you have to go to the line where your
answer corresponds with. Your answers
would either be a YES, NO, or MAYBE.

The first situation:

1. I know what it’s like to be away from (The students will fall in line to their
someone I care about. respective answers)
2. It’s hard to be away from someone you
care about for an extended period of time.
3. If I had to be away from the person I
cared most about for a month, (this could
be a boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend)
without any contact (no email, no phone
calls, no letters) I would remain loyal to
4. If I had to be away from the person I
care about most for 10 years, I would
remain loyal to them.

Okay class, thank for participating. You

may now take your seat.

Processing activity:
 What did you notice about
yourself during this activity?
Most of us have answered No to the last
 By then end of this activity most last series of situations.
of you were standing much more in the
“no” area, why do you think someone Being loyal to someone is hard especially
wouldn’t remain loyal to someone else if you have been separated for a long
after being separated for ten years? time. People who are engage in a
romantic relationship finds it hard to stay
true and faithful to the other person
maybe because of the lack of
Okay, excellent. What else can you add?

In a romantic relationship, it is very

important that they both have assurance
about their relationship. If they have
problems, they should talk about it.How
can their relationship prosper if they lack
the basic component in being in a
Very good. Thank you for your answers. relationship which is communication.

 The story we are going to explore

today is about a King and Queen who
were separated for twenty years and the
way their loyalty was tested.

A. Lesson Proper

Do you have any idea what our topic will

be today? Ma’am, our topic will be about The
(Present pictures and characters that
would symbolize the journey of

Yes, very good.

Are you familiar with the story?
Who is the main character in the story? Yes ma’am.
The main character in the story is

(Play the power point presentation with

the story of the journey of Odysseus)

Please read the first route of the long

journey of Odysseus.

In the Island of Cicones, after leaving

Troy, they stop to raid this island for
supplies. The Cicones attack on
…...second route, please read. horseback, and Odysseus lost 72 of his
Odysseus sends his men out to search for
….…third food, and has to recover them when they
eat the Lotus Flower.

Here, Odysseus and his men find a

Cyclops’ cave, lured by his cheese and
wine. The cyclops, Polyphemus, traps
them inside the cave. Odysseus and his
….….fourth men blind the cyclops, and then sneak out
under his heard of sheep.

Aeolus, the god of the winds, gives

Odysseus all the bad winds, so he can
safely sail home. Odysseus’ men go
….….fifth against his orders and open the bag, and
all of the winds escape.

The Laestrygonians, a race of cannibals,

eat the Greeks. Only the men on
…...sixth Odysseus’ ship and himself survive.

Circe turns Odysseus’ men to swine, but

Odysseus is protected from her magic
with the help of Hermes, who gave him a
magical herb called Moly. Odysseus ends
up staying there for what seems like a
short time, but ended up being a couple
….…seventh of years. Before Odysseus departs, Circe
finally tells him that he needs to find the
blind prophet Teiresias in the

…..eighth Odysseus consults the prophet Teiresias

to ask how he can get home, and finds his
mother there, who has committed suicide
in depression.

Odysseus and his men will pass here, an

island with women singing their luring
…..ninth songs, trying to reel in sailors. So they do
not hear, Odysseus fills his men’s ears
with beeswax, and he has them tie him to
the mast.

Odysseus chooses to sail for Scylla, a six-

headed sea serpent, rather than the
Charybdis, a giant whirlpool. He did this
because he knew that if he went to
…...tenth Charybdis, the whole ship would be
destroyed. However, if he went towards
Scylla, six men would die. A sacrifice the
brave Odysseus decided to make.

They stop here, and Odysseus falls asleep

praying to Athena. While sleeping, his
men once again go against his orders and
eat Helios’ cattle. This outrages the god
….…eleventh and he threatens never to rise again. As a
punishment, Zeus throws a bolt of
lightning at the ship, and turns it to
splinters. Only Odysseus survives.

Odysseus finds this island after drifting in

the sea. It is an island of women, with a
nymph named Calypso, with whom
Odysseus has a seven-year affair with.
…..twelfth After seven years, Hermes convinces
Calypso to let Odysseus build a new ship
so he could sail home.

The Phaecians accept Odysseus, and he

….…thirteenth explains hid ten- year journey to them
during a feast. They happily give him a
ride home on one of their magical ships.

Odysseus finally arrives home, and sees

his son, Telemachus, for the first time in
15 years. He and Telemachus kill all of
the suitors, and Odysseus takes his place
as king, once again, alongside his wife

Do you have any questions? None ma’am.

B. Application

If you have no questions let us have a

game. We will be having a Quiz Bee.
I need you to form 3 groups with 3
members each.

The mechanics of the game. I will be

giving a set of questions. The first group
who can answer three questions correctly
will be declared as the winner.

To those group who wants to answer the

question, you will have to race in front
and get the bottle.

You can go in front after I said ready, set,


Are you ready? Yes ma’am.

1. How many men did Odysseus lost in (72 men)

Cicones Island?

2. What is the name of the cyclops who (Polyphemus)

traps Odysseus and his men inside the

3. Who is the god of wind that gave (Aeolus)

Odysseus a bag of bad winds so he could
sail home?

4. These are a race of cannibals that eat (Laestrygonians)

the Greeks.

5. Circe turned Odysseus men into what (Swine)

kind of animal?

6. It is a six headed serpent. (Schylla)

7. How many years did Odysseus and (7 years)

Calypso had an affair?

8. It is the giant whirlpool. (Charybdis)

9. In the underworld, who did Odysseus (Teiresias)

consult to be able to go home?

10. It is also known as Calypso’s Island. (Ogygia)

Okay class, the winner is group _______.

Let us give them a round of applause.

C. Generalization The long journey of Odysseus symbolizes

and reminds us that sometimes we have
Again, how will you describe the journey to fight for the things we value the most.
of Odysseus? Like in the case of Odysseus, he fought
and persevered throughout his long
What does the long journey symbolizes? journey for the sake of his family.

Yes, correct. Very good.

What have you learned from the different I have learned a lot of things form the
characters in the story? characters in the story.

What have you learned about Penelope? Penelope is the wife of Odysseus and
even though she was left behind without
any assurance that Odysseus will be back
again, she remained loyal to him.

How about Calypso? I have learned from Calypso that even

though she had an affair with Odysseus,
she still chooses the right path and it is to
let go of the person she loves.

D. Valuing

As we go back and recall the story, I Heroes should be a natural leader.

wanted to ask everyone of you, what
makes a great hero? What qualities
should you possess in order to be a hero?

Yes, correct.Very good.

What else?

What do they all have in common? Defeats monsters and bad guys.

Yes. Good. Any other answers? Fights battles and usually wins at the end
of the story.

Does a hero have to be always strong? No ma’am. Most heroes have their
weaknesses like Achilles who was killed
because he was shot by an arrow in his

Do you think having these weaknesses No ma’am. Having weakness is not a sign
can make you a less of a hero? of defeat. It signifies that as a person, we
all have weaknesses that could make us
vulnerable in certain situations, but it is
up to us how we can cope up with these
weaknesses and move forward.


IV. Evaluation

Give important details in the story. You

can write the things that you have
learned. Using 140 characters, pin small
strips of paper to the twitter board in
V. Assignment:

Create a travel brochure featuring some of the locations and characters Odysseus had
encountered. Use a white printer paper and fold it into thirds, brochure style. Each
location and creature required a trivia or test question about it on the back of the

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Are there any questions? None sir.

Are you sure? Yes sir.

If that is so, would you please arrange the

chairs and clean our classroom before
you leave.

Let us call it a day. Good bye and thank you teacher. See you
Good bye class. tomorrow.

Prepared by:

Jenny Lynn O. dela Rosa

Student Teacher

Checked by:

Maureen Fernandez

Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


Nilo C. Balangon

TEP Program Coordinator

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