Podcast Analysis

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JMP 2610 Podcast Analysis – 50 pts

Using iTunes or another podcast aggregator service (podcastalley.com, for instance) download and listen to an
informational podcast of at least 5 minutes in length about a technical or specialized topic (health care, finance,
business, or science). A comedic or visual podcast does not meet this requirement. Note the features of the
podcast that are effective, features that are ineffective, and note the length, intended audience and its value for
that audience.

In a memo to your instructor, briefly describe this podcast, discuss its pros and cons and suggest specific
improvements. Write a Memo, (page 179 in the text) and briefly summarize the podcast; include the following:
 The podcast source and length,
 The intended audience for the podcast,
 The podcast’s value for the audience members, then
 Discuss the podcast’s pros and cons,
 Suggest specific improvements for the podcast.

Podcast Analysis Grading Criteria

  Strong Developing Needs Work Missing

10 Points 7 Points 3 Points 0 Points

The format is
The format is appropriate, The format is not
appropriate for the Inappropriate
Format but requires minor appropriate and requires
audience & purpose. Format.
revision. moderate revision.
Requires no revision.
The technicality of the Either the technicality of Neither the technicality of Analysis lacks
language and the the language OR the detail the language NOR the technical detail and
detail level is level is appropriate for the detail level is appropriate the analysis has
appropriate for the specified audience. for the specified audience. numerous
Analysis specified audience. grammatical,
Usability Analysis has under 5 spelling, punctuation
The analysis has NO grammatical, spelling, Analysis has over 5 or proofreading
grammatical, spelling, punctuation or grammatical, spelling, errors.
punctuation, or proofreading errors. punctuation or proofreading
proofreading errors. errors.
Five instructional
elements (states
Three instructional Less than two
source, length,
Instructional elements are present but Two instructional elements instructional
summary, intended
Elements require some revision in are present. elements are
audience and value)
detail. presents.
are present in
sufficient detail.
Adequate discussion of Inadequate discussion of Discussion of either pros or
Body Element missing.
pros and cons. pros and cons. cons.
Adequately Inadequately summarizes
Does not summarize
summarized podcast; podcast or suggest
Conclusion podcast or suggest Element missing.
suggests improvements (lacking
improvements. details).

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