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Model Review Procedure

Re Revised Checked Revision

Date Approved by
v by by Description
1.0 PURPOSE....................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 SCOPE............................................................................................................................................ 3
3.0 DEFINITIONS.................................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Project Engineer.......................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Piping Lead / Piping Area Lead.................................................................................................... 4
4.0 PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 General........................................................................................................................................ 5
4.2 Phase Objectives......................................................................................................................... 5
4.3 Pre-Work Objectives.................................................................................................................... 5
4.4 Milestone Model Review Objectives:........................................................................................... 6
4.3 Description of Stages................................................................................................................... 7
4.4 Model Review Execution Process & Responsibilities...................................................................7
4.5 Model Lockdown.......................................................................................................................... 8
5.0 APPENDICIES................................................................................................................................ 8
Model Review Matrix Table.................................................................................................................... 8
Model Readiness Checklist (Study)........................................................................................................ 8
Model Readiness Checklist (30%).......................................................................................................... 8
Model Readiness Checklist (60%).......................................................................................................... 8
Model Readiness Checklist (90%).......................................................................................................... 8
Model Review Log Form......................................................................................................................... 8
Model Review Covenants....................................................................................................................... 8
Acceptable Reasons for Model Review Changes...................................................................................8

The purpose of this procedure is to establish responsibilities, timing, review

techniques, documentation requirements, methods of implementation of findings and
guidelines related to formal model reviews conducted using 3D electronic modelling


This procedure applies to formal model reviews at the Study, 30%, 60% & 90% stages
of design completion. It is not intended to control normal daily, weekly or other regular
reviews which support design work.


The following definitions are applicable to the Model Review Matrix:

Technical Term Explanation

Modelled Means built in the model but not checked for stress,
interferences, or other discipline spacing requirements
Designed Means stress is complete and the item is modelled and
considered frozen
Checked Means designed, modelled, clash checked and
considered final product
Code 1 Manufacturing may proceed without changes.
Submit Certified Drawing
Code 2 Correct & resubmit. Manufacturing may proceed subject
to incorporating comments.
Code 4 Information / record purposes only. Certified As-Built.

3.1 Project Engineer

 Ensure that the reviews and pre-review clash checks are entered into the
project schedule.
 Have a working knowledge of PEM 4206 and its attachments.
 Manage the Model Reviews.
 Ensure that the Discipline Leads design process meets the requirements
for the review as defined in Model Review Matrix. (See Appendices, 4206A)
 Ensure that the design process meets the requirements for the review as
defined in the Model Review Matrix. (See Appendices, 4206A)
 Prepare, schedule and chair the Model Review Readiness Checklist
meetings and ensure exceptions are clearly identified with the closeout date
 Prepare and issue an agenda for the review.
 Notify and ensure that the appropriate client, third parties and IMV
personnel will be in attendance.
 Arrange a meeting room for the review ½ hour before scheduled start to
ensure that model and projector are operating smoothly.
 Take minutes of the model review meeting.
 Ensure the reviews proceed in an expedited manner.
 Coordination of the resolution of action items.
 Proper filing of all documents.
 Issue the model review minutes of meeting.
 Issue a call to meeting to closeout action items prior to the next
scheduled review.
NOTE: All readiness and model reviews will proceed in 30% and 60%, once the
models are available for review. There should be minimal delays in progressing
reviews. Project Engineers are to ensure the reviews proceed in an expedited

3.2 Piping Lead / Piping Area Lead

Ensure that all model “drivers” are fully trained in the operation of “Navisworks”
 Ensure Phase 1 (Pre-Work) is defined as the interdisciplinary review prior
to the formal review is carried out.
 Post copies of the Model Review Covenants and Acceptable Reasons for
Model Review Changes in the meeting room prior to the start.
 Mark up a copy of all the P&IDs associated with the review, to reflect all
current changes on the process Master Stick File.
 Coordinate the assembly for the layout and presentation of the 3D review
 Place pfd’s of related equipment vendor drawings, Plot Plans, P&IDs etc.
into the model review folder for ease of access during the review.
 Distribute laser pointers, hard colour copies of the P&IDs, Module Key
Plan if applicable and Plot Plan at the meeting.
 Provide a “service colour chart” to all model review attendees.
 During the review the above P&IDs will be yellowed off as a record of
what has been reviewed commented on or accepted. (Note: Previously
reviewed areas, items or lines that have had no changes, will not be reviewed
 Operate or appoint a designate to operate the machine during the review.
 Capture all comments / action items on the “model Review Log” ensuring
item numbers / screen shots are cross-referenced and that the originator of
the comment is clearly identified and actions delegated.
 Ensure that the model files are filed for future reference after each review.
 Piping Area Lead to maintain the Model Record Book containing copies of
the review minutes, applicable clash reports, model review log. P&IDs used in
the review and screen shots of all completed clients comments.


4.1 General
The review of three dimensional electronic models assists in communicating design
progress to all stakeholders to provide input to the design and to voice their
acceptance of design at strategic stages of the project. Comments arising from these
reviews assist in coordination of design activities across disciplines.

4.2 Phase Objectives

There are two key phases to model reviews, each with specific objectives.

Phase one is the Pre-Work (Internal), the purpose of the pre-work is to be ready and
is defined as the Interdisciplinary review of the model and information to ensure the
design and model are of good standing and quality prior to presentation to the client.

Phase two is the Milestone Model Reviews (Client) with client representation, it is
not to be used to flush out interdisciplinary design issues or detailed design
components the sole purpose is to ensure the design and model meets the client’s

4.3 Pre-Work Objectives

 Ensure the information within the model meets the criteria matrix.
 Ensure the model is ready for the review with the client.
 The design team is to internally review the model against other key
documents for accuracy and most up-to-date representation of design.

4.3.1 Pre-Work Model Set-up

Prior to the scheduled milestone review (duration is dependant on the size of area
being reviewed) multidiscipline interference checks will be run to ensure that the
required models are properly loaded and running. To control the multidiscipline
participation the clash runs are to be entered into the project schedule.

For reviews post 30% resolved comments will be reviewed to confirm all items have
been closed out, this will be a PowerPoint format showing screen shots before and
after with test identifying the comment and the originator, the resolution with the date it
was accepted and by whom.
All models for review will be set up ½ hour prior to review and shall have the following
capabilities available.

 Viewpoints will be setup to avoid unnecessary travel thru the model.

 Where applicable models for review will show maintenance vehicles
and/or trucking models for reference.
 Reserved volume for maintenance, access and egress, opaque and
included in the clash check.
 Selection Trees turned on.
 If no underground facilities or lines are to be reviewed the piling models
will be turned off.
 Clearances under pipe bridges and racks identified.
 Field Fit Welds (FFW) identified. (Construction input required).
 All adjacent models not for review will be shown “greyed out” allowing a
visual to ensure connectivity is accurate and consistent.
 All model review comments will be captured using the Navisworks
“redline tool – tagging”. At the completion of the model review a “tagged
viewpoints report” from the Navisworks file that will provide a screen capture
of each comment. The Piping Area Lead will file this report in the appropriate
project directory and email it to all disciplines for appropriate action.
During this review the piping area lead will markup one set of P&IDs for a line-by-line
review, this line-by-line review will focus primarily on instrumentation to confirm the
instrument locations and types for example, clear drop out for high mounted flow
meters etc., straight length requirements and type e.g. flow meter / vortex meter etc.
These P&IDs will become the basis of the milestone review with a reverse markup i.e.
lines not to be covered in the review ill be highlighted in Orange, exceptions to the
review will be recorded on the model review readiness checklists.

It is imperative that all comments from this review together with “clash” clearing is
completed by all disciplines before the official review, failure to achieve this will require
that the late discipline lists the items as a comment on the model review readiness

NOTE: On completion of the internal review and all comments have been incorporated
and accepted by the stakeholders the models will have a lockdown security put in
place by EAS. These models will be used in the milestone review. The models will
have the filename that corresponds to the milestone review (30%, 60% & 90%) and
the dates of the review.

4.4 Milestone Model Review Objectives:

Have client participation and input
Verify the current design state of the model with the client in order to
address the minimum requirements of safety, operability, maintainability,
constructability, accessability, and functionality.
For model reviews to be effective and efficient, it is encouraged that each
discipline be represented. Generally one representative will suffice.
The review will start off with a walk through of all access / egress ways
starting at grade and progressing to higher elevations. It is important to
inform the client that the reserved volumes will be protected and included
in all interference clash checks, upon completion of the walk down the
reserved volumes may be switched off.
The next step is a line by line review mainly to focus on location of valves
and smaller pieces of equipment for operation and maintenance. Any
comments will have the item number from the Model Review Log added
to the review P&ID’s for resolution later.
It should also be noted that acceptable layout and design should also be
recorded as such.
4.1 Description of Stages
For a 3D design, it is typical to review the models at the Study, 30%, 60% and 90%
completion stages. Each of the reviews requires specific tasks / progress to be
completed prior to the review so that the outcome / objectives can be achieved. These
are outlined in the Model Review Matrix Table. Please also refer to the Matrix Table for
additional component details relating to each stage (Study, 30%, 60%, and 90%).

For model reviews (over a 3 to 6 week span), a Readiness Checklist is completed first.
Then an internal team review is completed in order to determine the status of the
model and the items which need to be addressed; then a client review occurs. The
time frame is flexible and needs to be established at each model stage. The pre-work
associated with model reviews is outlined in the Model Review Matrix Table.

The Study Model Review (IFR model) is done with the Study Model. At this point, the
high level information is frozen (equipment location, building location, escape routes,
etc). The basis of this model is IFR P&ID’s. This is the best stage to resolve key design
parameters / philosophies for the purpose of minimizing the impacts at later stages. It
is important to involve Civil Design and Stress Design early in this stage, as the design
criteria they require may impact future design. Reviews at the study stage will be
grouped by area.

The 30% Model Review (IFA Model) requires the IFD P&IDs and preliminary vendor
drawings for all major equipment. Operations and construction presence is required at
30% reviews. Reviews at the 30% stage will be completed by work package as they
are ready.

The 60% Model Review (IFD Model) is a progression of the design. Operations and
construction presence is recommended, but can be defaulted based on progress of
the model. It may be advisable at this stage to split reviews with the Design team
(home office) and Operations / Construction (field) and it is the responsibility of the
Project Engineer to address this scheduling, if deemed necessary. Reviews at the
60% stage will be completed by work package as they are ready.

The 90% Model Review (IFC Model) is a final review of the design before piping,
structural and electrical drawing packages are issued. All vendor data must be firm
and P&ID’s must be IFC. Client participation for these reviews is not necessary. The
attached table provides a detailed breakdown of the objectives, outcomes and inputs
into each model review.

4.2 Model Review Execution Process & Responsibilities

The requirements for the Model Review are covered in the Model Review Matrix Table
(4206A). The Matrix Table outlines specific requirements to effectively and efficiently
complete a Model Review at each stage.

The Interdisciplinary Review (internal) is a process which requires a full design review.

The Client Review is a process which requires a review on safety, operability,

constructability, accessibility and maintainability. All of these items are also covered
during the Internal Review.

The key roles required for a model review meeting are:

 Project Engineer - minutes of meeting (scribe), review notes and timer

 Piping Area Lead – facilitator and works model (or assigns designate)

Model Review notes will be captured using the redline tagging tool within Navisworks.
There is an excel format in place that will be utilized, distributed and filed for further
follow-up. Sign off will be required by the Project Engineer.

4.3 Model Lockdown

Once a model reaches 90% model review and is checked, a lockdown security will be
put in place by EAS. This lockdown will only allow change access through an approval
process with the Project Engineer / Manager as noted below. There will be read
access in place for the Piping team.

If Piping or Civil requires change / edit access, a request will be made to the Piping
Area Lead. In turn, the Piping Area Lead will request approval from the Project
Engineer / Manager.


Model Review Matrix Table

Study Model Readiness Checklist

Model Readiness Checklist (30%)

Model Readiness Checklist (60%)

Model Readiness Checklist (90%)

Model Review Log Form

Model Review Covenants

Acceptable Reasons for Model Review Changes

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